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Foresight Ventures VCT Plc

Foresight Ventures VCT Plc (TV1)

( 0,00% )
Aggiornato: 01:00:00

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RuudSaltis RuudSaltis 33 secondi fa
Do you see the complete idiocy if the trades! So many trades of 1 (one) share!!! I think the four digit prices we see are codes 1,0389 must be specific shorter and 1,0101 an other and 1,0211 aswell etc!
Milesblue42 Milesblue42 38 secondi fa
Now it's Ancient History aka Idiotic arguments

But what about the Tobique? 🤡 Exactly what about the much hyped Tobique Nation Eleventy Billion dollar deal?

Now that Ronn has played investors like a fiddle, blame everyone, anyone and anything except the Compan
B_B! B_B! 42 secondi fa
Hydrogen, included in Trump's 'all-of-the-above' energy policy, will support Plug stock in the coming days.
strippa strippa 45 secondi fa
This is the guy looks like -
uber darthium uber darthium 53 secondi fa
How is that Turdvc Columns valuation coming along for SPZI ?
helpx helpx 1 minuto fa
Alex need to deliver
bwmgftw bwmgftw 2 minuti fa
1.33million shares traded.
High .04
Low .0075 [Weekly]
$4.99 this is a tight one ~Rig
PonderosaPack PonderosaPack 2 minuti fa
I hope you are correct. Would love to see this happen. Do you have any info that supports IonQ with ground Control on Q47? I would love to see IonQ on it - but know it's all top secret stuff... so how would anyone know it's IONQ used with the A47? don't get me wrong - I want this to be true
delerious1 delerious1 2 minuti fa
Do you need me to tell you when to buy and sell, too?
Debunkinator Debunkinator 3 minuti fa
This news should spread like wildfire over the weekend, should have a good start to the first of the week. 😎💰️
TradingCharts TradingCharts 3 minuti fa
Tesla supplier Piedmont Lithium has officially obtained a North Carolina state mining permit after posting a $1 million reclamation bond to develop an open-pit mine that would become one of the largest US sources of the key battery metal
DaJester DaJester 3 minuti fa
No, Rick is correct. The Charter Act establishes the GSEs as private companies. That would need to be changed if there is either GSE were to go away, or for a merger to some new company. Changing the Charter Act (law), would require Congress. FHFA as Conservator cannot rewrite the law.
longago longago 3 minuti fa
News this morning from a major developer that on the 7 projects they are working on many subcontractors are building in 20-25% price increases on components to reflect tariffs.

RJDG is basically a construction company so they should provide full disclosure on the next Q about how much
Slojab Slojab 3 minuti fa
It's been going down for months.
uber darthium uber darthium 3 minuti fa
VGTL is a NEWBauer Diprima SCAM

They never get current and if they ever do, they don’t stay current for very long

Moneysign5 Moneysign5 3 minuti fa
Ask is pretty thin so those shares might be drying up
Babubd Babubd 4 minuti fa
ZHUD will be rolling! It may create 100 baggers in the coming months.. IMO!
gshores gshores 4 minuti fa

just awesome,
Dr Speculator Ninja Dr Speculator Ninja 4 minuti fa
Sub-12-cent bridges! 🤣 The Pipe-dream Plumber's Daily Prognostication! What a steal! Are you offering a 'buy one, get a dozen free' deal if the price hits .12 cents? Or perhaps a 'frequent bridge buyer' loyalty program? I'm picturing "Henry's Pipe-Dream Punch Cards": 'Buy 10 bridges, get a f
Slojab Slojab 4 minuti fa
The typical holding period for restricted stock is one year. But this being the OTC, you can't count on that 100%. Sometimes, it's just 6 months.
georgejjl georgejjl 4 minuti fa
Yes, April 5, 2025 is the date of Dr. Grimmer's presentation at the 2025 AD/PD conference concerning the results of the Anavex blarcamesine OLE study for the Phase 2b/3 Alzheimer's trial.

I confused the European dating format versus the US dating format.

Good luck and G
Jimmy Joe Jimmy Joe 4 minuti fa
Again, this company isn't worth anything!

Then why are you here fung~? Keep howling at the moon dude. Hysterical~!

JFBroderick JFBroderick 4 minuti fa
It's also a Friday which certainly doesn't help anything. My guess is that we close green, and potentially, those who are wishing the day away (to get to the weekend) will press the “buy” button on Monday. 😇
peanutz peanutz 4 minuti fa
They will run out of ammo with volume like this . 400 + million so far ! Volume then price:-)