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Engold Mines Ltd (PK)

Engold Mines Ltd (PK) (GWRRF)

Chiuso 21 Marzo 9:00PM

Discussioni in tempo reale e idee di trading: Fai trading con fiducia con la nostra potente piattaforma.

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GWRRF Finances

ombowstring ombowstring 7 minuti fa
Yeah, good song. I generally wasn't into soft music.
jeunke22 jeunke22 7 minuti fa
Let me add, it would seem to me that junior mining projects which are so well advanced and permitted would be an attractive acquisition target by large mining companies wanting to strengthen and diversify their foothold in the US.
SkeBallLarry SkeBallLarry 10 minuti fa
Kennedy Center contractor fired after posting bizarre naked >

monologue bashing president’s takeover: ‘F–k Donald Trump’ >
SkeBallLarry SkeBallLarry 10 minuti fa
Kennedy Center contractor fired after posting bizarre naked >

monologue bashing president’s takeover: ‘F–k Donald Trump’ >
SkeBallLarry SkeBallLarry 11 minuti fa
Kennedy Center contractor fired after posting bizarre naked >

monologue bashing president’s takeover: ‘F–k Donald Trump’ >
SkeBallLarry SkeBallLarry 12 minuti fa
Kennedy Center contractor fired after posting bizarre naked >

monologue bashing president’s takeover: ‘F–k Donald Trump’ >
SkeBallLarry SkeBallLarry 13 minuti fa
Kennedy Center contractor fired after posting bizarre naked >

monologue bashing president’s takeover: ‘F–k Donald Trump’ >
Polymer Paul Polymer Paul 20 minuti fa
Is this your earlier excuse for being a red day.... AGAIN!!! Lmao.
EmpressPhoenix38 EmpressPhoenix38 20 minuti fa
fghrty @2desire @ihub_tutorial-4-unl
Seminole Red Seminole Red 25 minuti fa
Joie Chittwood,,,,,,A blast from the past......

1956 Chevrolet Auto Thrill Show: Joie Chitwood's Stunts
gregcod gregcod 30 minuti fa
Yes,Iris Jancik has been giving a loaded hand to play with.She will succeed in getting the tech back into production..was once before...Now the tech is proven/ battle tested by all those contaminants from the US Mag brines..Shes IBATs top gun besides Burba..Burba must be pleased with her so far..Let
silattore silattore 32 minuti fa
Enjoying all the TDS and EDS. Keep it coming!😘
prototype_101 prototype_101 34 minuti fa
As of yearend 2024 Retail shares remain steady at 108 million, Shorts increased, and the low volume, high frequency manipulation game has been put into super high intensity mode with 3/20/25 trading being a prime example, they step on it 8% with first 50k shares traded,, then they "lock" the Bid/Ask
AAsuited AAsuited 39 minuti fa
New update on OTC markets with Rhonda Keaveney "as CEO"

Offices changed to Scottsdale AZ

Not a fan of Small Cap Compliance as Rhonda has many crappy pinks with an occasional Good Otc

Sure miss Lazar. It was hard to go wrong with him

jeunke22 jeunke22 43 minuti fa
If war time US presidential powers are not able to pull of Niocorp’s financing. than we might as well start learning Chinese or Russian and live ‘forever peaceful in a very orderly socialist world’.
Joe Kaplan Joe Kaplan 46 minuti fa
To repeat, This message board is about Northern Dynasty NAK and aspects that effect the stock price of NAK, including prices of related critical minerals, and mining articles. Wake Up.

Get that in your HEADS .
NwboLong_1979 NwboLong_1979 52 minuti fa
Anyone and everyone.... answer one simple question. There is clearly a cancer vaccine arms race going on. I get not all cancer vaccines are created equal but still the words 'cancer vaccine' will mean the same in the political/medical establishment world. Why would MHRA decide to make DCVAX the firs
sunspotter sunspotter 1 ora fa
“ .sorry but physical pain is really smacking me today”

Sorry to hear that. Hope it ameliorates soon.
D-man4 D-man4 1 ora fa
So is Mount V the major effin announcement? Or is there more?
Frankestin Frankestin 1 ora fa
The Company expects that its cash resources at December 31, 2024, and the gross proceeds of approximately $30.4 million raised from sales under its at-the-market facility in the first quarter of 2025, will be sufficient to fund its planned operations into the first quarter of 2026.
Krombacher Krombacher 1 ora fa
SSC, you’ve been wrong about a lot over the years, and this is no different.

For the record, my SEC filing confirms I own 400 million shares, purchased at an average of $0.0004. That’s roughly $160,000—not the number you keep repeating.

But I get it. When facts don’t wo
GoonOfWallSt GoonOfWallSt 1 ora fa
When will this junk pos scam be delisted and revoked?

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