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Usinas Siderurgicas Minas Gerais Sa Usiminas

Usinas Siderurgicas Minas Gerais Sa Usiminas (USIM5M)

( 0,00% )
Aggiornato: 12:00:05

Discussioni in tempo reale e idee di trading: Fai trading con fiducia con la nostra potente piattaforma.

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threewheeler threewheeler 1 minuto fa
FITY looking great now easy mover the higher we go .0021s about to go buy bye
Debunkinator Debunkinator 1 minuto fa
Probably went to the shitter--lol
Zorax Zorax 2 minuti fa
*knock at your door at 3am*... "You are under arrest for illegally bypassing this administration's tariff laws. We are confiscating those 13 pairs of wranglers too. Please do not resist."
TightCoil TightCoil 2 minuti fa
Fannie Mae - All The Way
Houston to Fannie Astronauts

wagner wagner 2 minuti fa
SimpleSold shares........ 
This is what was no buy and hold,
Belgium friends told me to do so, voila I did..... 
Watching the show
ChannelTrader ChannelTrader 2 minuti fa
Steve Bannon live ...
dennisdave dennisdave 2 minuti fa
agreed. However, I dont believe the back and forward questions are based on MHRA having doubts because that would trigger another RFI. I really believe its wrapping things /details up. Also, my contacts insist on any day max April.
ProfitChaser ProfitChaser 2 minuti fa
Thanks. Still holding some shares here. Looking better.
MKE Whale MKE Whale 2 minuti fa
Indeed. They corrected the spelling error I emailed them about months ago last night as well. 😁
InfiniteExplorer96 InfiniteExplorer96 2 minuti fa
MMs are inn charge
sissyjane1 sissyjane1 2 minuti fa
one could only wish ....if someone was at home???
papaphilip papaphilip 2 minuti fa
Samsung doesn't need a good reason for an appeal. Whatever reason might work, they will use. They don't care about truth, or resolution, or winning at this point. They only care to delay, and if they can get it appealed for any reason (like the new judge wasn't fully aware of the case and thus wa
delerious1 delerious1 2 minuti fa
I don't see any arguments for RONN here...all I see is attacks on shareholders
BeachBum BeachBum 2 minuti fa
Yup, there our GTSM bid .002. If MM’s are short, we’re in for a ride.
longago longago 3 minuti fa
It seems that the jsi deal was closed last quarter. What happened is they were still negotiating the agreement on the use of those assets. Why the agreement wasn't part of the deal is an oddity they may explain in the narrative for this Q.
TMaga TMaga 3 minuti fa
Humble posts his old fake news and tries to drown out the truth by posting multiple BS posts. Shameful.
Unfortunately he will get away with it unless Trump eliminates the SEC and lets Patel send in the FBI to take down these crooks.
Holman should be in jail
Trooperstocks Trooperstocks 3 minuti fa
$COEP Coeptis CEO Dave Mehalick emphasized the groundbreaking nature of the newly announced venture, adding, “By combining our expertise with Arketyp Valu’s blockchain-powered offerings, we are setting the foundation for a decentralized, interconnected digital ecosystem that will redefine how busine
threewheeler threewheeler 3 minuti fa
oh the sky is falling, please u sound like a broken record, yes we all want updates but ur trading style is not indicative of every trader
BigBadWolf BigBadWolf 3 minuti fa
left the box @ 10:42;52 now to see for how after then retail moved on down
BullNBear52 BullNBear52 3 minuti fa
We have an Aldi's here and get weekly flyers in the newspaper. I've never been and my wife rarely. I wish we had a TJ's here since the nearest one is 30 minutes away. My wife goes there and I'll give her a list.
jacklanvo99 jacklanvo99 3 minuti fa
Good News , F2 Great Again 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊
sissyjane1 sissyjane1 3 minuti fa
one could only wish ......10k
Trooperstocks Trooperstocks 4 minuti fa
$COEP Coeptis CEO Dave Mehalick emphasized the groundbreaking nature of the newly announced venture, adding, “By combining our expertise with Arketyp Valu’s blockchain-powered offerings, we are setting the foundation for a decentralized, interconnected digital ecosystem that will redefine how busine