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Crossys Coin (CRYS)

Non elencato

Crossys Coin Base

Stato Attvo
Tipo di Attività: Token
Descrizione: Crossys, which means combining cross and blockchain system that continue to connect between protocols, is in the way of the blockchain market that has been growing to date, various (various) blockchain protocols, this As a blockchain platform that connects them, it integrates the protocol of the fragmented blockchain through the independently developed Combine Chain and facilitates scalability. By doing so, I would like to lead the development of the blockchain market in the future.

Crossys Coin Tecnici

Sorgente Codice:
Estraibile: No
Tipo di Lavoro: -
Piattaforma: Ethereum
Pre Minaggio: Sconosciuto
Data della Creazione: 23 Febbraio 2023
Rifornimento Massimo: CRYS

Crossys Coin Social

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