George Or John.. Republican Or Democrat

MODERATO Hopi (Utente disabilitato) N° messaggi: 60 - Iscritto da: 06/8/2003
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68 Commenti
1 di 68 - 08/3/2004 16:19
intercasta N° messaggi: 5 - Iscritto da: 21/7/2003
Kelly all the way.
MODERATO Hopi (Utente disabilitato) N° messaggi: 60 - Iscritto da: 06/8/2003
3 di 68 - 10/3/2004 18:29
clem (premium) N° messaggi: 244 - Iscritto da: 02/12/1999
No way Kerry.... its Bush's to lose.
4 di 68 - 10/3/2004 19:43
Hooya N° messaggi: 2 - Iscritto da: 04/9/2002
Would someone like to give me a quick explanation of the basic difference between Democrat and Republican??
MODERATO Hopi (Utente disabilitato) N° messaggi: 60 - Iscritto da: 06/8/2003
MODERATO Hopi (Utente disabilitato) N° messaggi: 60 - Iscritto da: 06/8/2003
7 di 68 - 11/3/2004 00:19
BigJacko N° messaggi: 7 - Iscritto da: 05/2/2002
I always thought it was more like:

Democrats = Liberals - moderate centralism

Republicans = Conservatives - right of center (note US spelling of centre ;0) )

AFAIK, there is no equivalent of the Labour party - at least, not 'Old Labour'.

But politics is not my thing, and I'm really only here out of curiousity to see what our American cousins have to say on the matter, so feel free to correct me if am I wrong.
8 di 68 - 11/3/2004 10:37
Hooya N° messaggi: 2 - Iscritto da: 04/9/2002
I think left, middle and centre have all merged in the UK; is it the same in the States these days. I would expect the US to be more definite about where the boundaries are??

:-) Hopi
9 di 68 - 12/3/2004 01:38
Snowmann N° messaggi: 5 - Iscritto da: 30/5/2001
The poor and disadvantaged in US basically dont vote , which skews US politics to the right .

The Republicans are to the right of the Conservatives .

The Democrats are a centre party in our terms .

The interesting thing is that Kerry is about as far left as it gets in mainstream US politics , which has the Republicans very worried should he win and is seen as the reason why he probably cant win .

Some of his voting with regard to issues like the CIA , when you consider what followed , aredecidedly `unhelpful` .

The other big issue is finance , where Bush is being rewarded for helping `big money` interests by recieving huge campaign contributions , which you have to think gives him a potentially vital advantage .

10 di 68 - 12/3/2004 14:19
intercastb N° messaggi: 8 - Iscritto da: 21/7/2003
We should seek to have an input in who is going to be the next predident of the US, because we are talking about the leader of the world in effect.

Kerry will Win the Presidency--you can get good odds as well at the moment.

Have you noticed he looks like Lincoln as well. He has that lean 'hang dog' hollowed out face--it'll have deep resonances with the US voters--not the ones who say they vote--but the handful of those who really make the difference.

Get off your fat asses and VOTE--or you may as well live in the old Iraq--because that's the way political systems go eventually, without a functioning democracy.
MODERATO Hopi (Utente disabilitato) N° messaggi: 60 - Iscritto da: 06/8/2003
MODERATO Hopi (Utente disabilitato) N° messaggi: 60 - Iscritto da: 06/8/2003
MODERATO Hopi (Utente disabilitato) N° messaggi: 60 - Iscritto da: 06/8/2003
14 di 68 - 15/3/2004 17:50
miel N° messaggi: 2 - Iscritto da: 21/7/2003
Well since Bush should not be President based on a majority vote, hopefully he will be beaten. Republicans are definately better for the rich, union bashers, and many people think their votes don't count which is why Bush is the President today.
15 di 68 - 15/3/2004 19:58
deadalus N° messaggi: 26 - Iscritto da: 04/3/2004
Bush will be wetting himself over what happened to the former Spanish Prime Minister--namely the chop from the electorate.
MODERATO Hopi (Utente disabilitato) N° messaggi: 60 - Iscritto da: 06/8/2003
MODERATO Hopi (Utente disabilitato) N° messaggi: 60 - Iscritto da: 06/8/2003
18 di 68 - 17/3/2004 18:25
hulk hogan N° messaggi: 37 - Iscritto da: 04/3/2004
I don't know about wetting himself---but for the first time Bush might be looking for a horse to ride away on...
19 di 68 - 18/3/2004 19:41
billy-bob N° messaggi: 71 - Iscritto da: 04/3/2004
what about the arab-american vote, Bush wont get that. he won't get the irish vote either. he wont get the black vote. he might get the hispanic vote, he'll probably get the Italian and some of the asian vote, but he don't get my vote.

so who's left,red neck hicks and other southerners.

the whitehouse is GW's alamo
MODERATO Hopi (Utente disabilitato) N° messaggi: 60 - Iscritto da: 06/8/2003
68 Commenti

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