Final Results
for the year ended 30 April 2024
The Board of DXS International plc (“the
Company” or “DXSP”), the AQSE Growth Market quoted healthcare
information and digital clinical decision support systems provider,
is pleased to announce its audited Final Results for the year ended
30 April 2024.
Financial highlights:
- Revenue decreased
by 2.4% to £3,308,359 (2023: £3,391,219).
- Core recurring
revenue model remains resilient.
- Agreed a 13.09%
price increase on recurring revenue from the NHS effective November
- Available cash at
the period end was £90,012 plus unutilised debtor drawdowns of
£379,605 (2023 £371,978) .
Change to Amortisation and Impairment creates headline
The loss for the year is £4,738,686 (2023: Profit of £225,191).
The loss is a result of a combination of increased amortisation of
£1,020,916 and impairment of £4,378,114. This loss should be viewed
in the following context.
The Company has invested in, and completed, several innovative
solutions specifically designed for use by the NHS. It is
well-known that the NHS has undergone a decade and more of extreme
austerity that led to a decline in both new investment and health
service delivery. NHS budget constraints in health technology
investment coupled with the disruption caused by Covid
significantly slowed the adoption of new innovative technology
solutions. It is against this background that, after discussions
with our auditors, the Directors have decided that commencement of
sales revenue from these products cannot be accurately predicted
and accordingly has written off, as "impairment”, the development
cost of these products.
However, the Directors remain confident that due to the fast
growing awareness in the NHS about the power of digital technology
to unlock productivity and improve patient outcomes, these
solutions will, in future, become revenue producing.
Operational highlights:
Despite not meeting the financial growth targets
we set for the past year the company has made significant progress
in building a firm technology and operations foundation to fully
exploit what the Directors believe to be fast maturing
opportunities in the NHS. All indications are the new government,
together with the NHS’s high-level acknowledgement that digital
health solutions and services are now essential for the system’s
survival, will drive rapid adoption of innovative solutions. During
the past period, we have dedicated significant effort to building
robust state-of-art solutions specifically designed to address
urgent NHS digital health unmet needs. Our operational highlights
include the following:
- The completion of
our cloud-based core Aios platform together with certified
Interface integrations with England’s main primary care clinical
systems and importantly, with NHS England’s electronic referrals
system (ERS).
- Our new SMART
Referral Cloud solution - several years in development - has now
completed user acceptance testing and is being launched to existing
customers. The solution streamlines the referral process between
primary and secondary care and is designed to help resolve the
known patient referral backlog and extend appeal and usability to
attract new customers.
- We also achieved
accreditation on the Crown Procurements G-Cloud 14 Framework, which
provides existing and new customers with a second framework to
procure our SMART Referral solution.
- ExpertCare, our new
hypertension medicine review solution, is 11 months into an
18-month-long Innovate UK-funded evaluation. Initial project
results show that the solution is highly effective in reducing
blood pressure in the evaluation patient cohort, and we expect a
positive clinical and economic evaluation outcome.
- As announced yesterday we have managed
to secure our first commercial Expercare orderto conduct
hypertensionreviews for a Primary Care Network (PCN)consisting of 7
GP practices
- Management share options expired and
will be replaced with a suitable replacement scheme in due
The NHS is under significant pressure to
overcome the current healthcare delivery crisis. In the recent
past, DXS has focused its efforts on solutions that meaningfully
address current NHS pressure points like the backlog in hospital
referrals and the enormous human and financial cost of the rising
incidents of cardiovascular disease.
The company’s recently released SMART Referrals
Solution is set to make an impact on speeding up referrals from
primary to secondary care by improving the administrative and
clinical referral workflow. Early real-world evaluations show the
solution slashes referral rejections and reduces patient waiting
times. This offering has recently been made even more compelling
for our customers due to a recently completed integration with the
NHS Electronic Referral System (ERS). This feature now allows
primary care clinicians to select specific services with shorter
waiting times and is a powerful benefit for patients awaiting
urgent treatment.
DXS has also made significant progress in
advancing its ExpertCare Hypertension Medicines review solution
towards full-blown commercialisation. The solution strongly aligns
with the NHS’ stated objective of reducing the incidence of
cardiovascular disease related events such as heart attack and
stroke. Uncontrolled blood pressure is a known driver of
cardiovascular disease and NHS England’s objectives for 2024/25
includes increasing the percentage of patients with hypertension
treated according to NICE guidance to 80% by March 2025. ExpertCare
is well-positioned to help the NHS meet this objective.
David Immelman, Chief Executive of DXS, commented:
“Both management and staff at DXS are facing our
market with increased confidence. The company has spent several
years primarily inwardly focused on developing, testing and
certifying its SMART digital platform and products. Concurrently,
it has progressed with developing a body of evidence to support the
effectiveness of its solutions. The evidence gathering (in the form
of real-world evaluations overseen by reputable NHS-funded Health
Innovation Networks) is designed to underpin its soon-to-be
ramped-up marketing and sales initiatives.
We are hopeful that the new government’s
emerging strategy around strengthening primary care with a renewed
focus on increased digitisation and disease prevention will come to
fruition. Our solutions are now well-positioned to benefit from
this direction of travel.
We recognise that to unlock true company value
we need to dramatically increase our sales revenue and
profitability. I wish to assure our shareholders that we remain
singularly focused on this objective and to return value to
stakeholders and our shareholders.”
The Directors of DXS International plc accept
responsibility for this announcement. This announcement contains
information which, prior to its disclosure, was inside information
as stipulated under Regulation 11 of the Market Abuse (Amendment)
(EU Exit) Regulations 2019/310 (as amended).
Contacts :
DXS International plc
01252 719800 |
AQSE Corporate
Broker and Corporate Advisor
Hybridan LLP
Claire Louise Noyce |
020 3764 2341 |
Notes to Editors
About DXS:
DXS International presents up to date treatment
guidelines and recommendations, from Clinical Commissioning Groups
and other trusted NHS sources, to doctors, nurses and pharmacists
in their workflow and during the patient consultation. This
effective clinical decision support ultimately translates to
improved healthcare outcomes delivered more cost effectively and
which should significantly contribute towards the NHS achieving its
projected efficiency savings.
The following information is extracted from the
DXS International plc audited accounts for the year ended 30 April
The Board announces its results for the year
ending 30 April 2024.
For the year ending 30 April 2024, the turnover
decreased by 2.4% to £3,308,359 (2023: £3,391,219).
The loss for the year is £4,738,686 (2023:
Profit of £225,191). The loss is a result of a combination of
increased amortisation of £1,020,916 and impairment of £4,378,114.
This Loss should be viewed in the following context.
The Company has invested in, and completed,
several innovative solutions specifically designed for use by the
NHS. It is well-known that the NHS has undergone a decade and more
of extreme austerity that has led to a decline in both new
investment and health service delivery. NHS budget constraints in
health technology investment coupled with the disruption caused by
Covid significantly slowed the adoption of new innovative
technology solutions. It is against this background that the
Directors have decided that commencement of sales revenue from
these products cannot be accurately predicted and accordingly has
written off, as impairment, the development cost of these products.
However, the Directors remain positive that due to the growing
awareness in the NHS about the power of digital technology to
unlock productivity and improve patient outcomes, these solutions
will ultimately become revenue producing in the near future.
There is huge pressure on the NHS to overcome
the current crisis in health care delivery. In the recent past, DXS
has focused its efforts on solutions that meaningfully address
current NHS pressure points like the backlog in hospital referrals
and the enormous human and financial cost of the rising incidents
of cardiovascular disease.
The company’s recently released Smart Referrals
Solution is set to make an impact on speeding up referrals from
primary to secondary care by improving the administrative and
clinical referral workflow. Early real world evaluations show the
solution slashes referral rejections and reduces patient waiting
times. This offering has become even more compelling for our
customers due to our recently completed integration with the NHS
Electronic Referral System (ERS). This feature now allows primary
care clinicians to select specific services with shorter waiting
times and is a powerful benefit for patients awaiting urgent
Our SMART Referral Solution is built on a modern
cloud-based technology stack that is currently being rolled-out as
a replacement for our legacy Point-of-Care solution. This next
generation solution will form the basis for our expansion into a
wider NHS customer base and places us in a strong position to meet
the requirements of the soon to be finalised NHS Digital Services
for Integrated Care Framework (DSIC). The forthcoming Framework is
like the now expired GPIT Futures Framework that enabled our
primary care end-user customers to acquire our solution through
central NHS funding.
DXS has also made significant progress in
advancing its ExpertCare Hypertension Medicines optimisation
solution towards full-blown commercialisation. The solution
strongly aligns with the NHS’ stated objective of reducing the
incidence of cardiovascular disease related events such as heart
attack and stroke. Uncontrolled blood pressure is a known driver of
cardiovascular disease and NHS England’s objectives for 2024/25
includes increasing the percentage of patients with hypertension
treated according to NICE guidance to 80% by March 2025. Our
innovative rules based AI hypertension digital solution is
currently close to completing a 12-month Innovate UK funded
real-world evaluation. The evaluations’ interim results are highly
encouraging and show strong evidence that ExpertCare could be
highly effective in helping the NHS meet its blood pressure control
targets. As a direct result of this evidence we have secured our
first commercial order with additional prospects in our sales
We are positive that the NHS austerity tide is
beginning to turn and that soon new funding – especially in the
realm of technology and AI - will become more readily available.
Our view is reinforced by a recent statement by Amanda Pritchard
the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of NHS England who in a recent
statement said: “Despite the challenges we face, there are real
reasons for optimism. We are already putting in place the building
blocks for a better future. The £3.4 billon investment of capital
in data and technology – from 2025/26 onwards – announced in the
Spring Budget will allow us to rollout technology and digital
services to improve access, waiting times and outcomes”.
As we have previously stated, we are of the
conviction, supported by evidence and enthusiastic clinician
support, that our revenue will grow as adoption of our solutions
gain momentum.
We remain committed to growing the revenue and profitability for
our shareholders and thank you for your continued support.
Bob Sutcliffe
The directors present their annual report and
the audited financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2024.
The Chairman’s statement which is included in this report includes
a review of the achievements of the Company, the trading
performance, financial position, and trading prospects.
The directors for the year were:
- Bob Sutcliffe –
- David Immelman –
- Steven Bauer –
The group's principal activities during the
period were the development and distribution of clinical decision
support to General Practitioners, Nurses, and Retail Pharmacies in
the United Kingdom. The commercial side included the licensing of
DXS to various ICBs (Integrated Care Boards) and the sale of
e-detailing opportunities to the Pharmaceutical Industry.
The group continues to invest in research and development both
locally and internationally and during this financial year has
invested £992,828 into R&D for the introduction, continuation,
and completion of new DXS solutions. These are targeted at
providing clinicians with solutions to improve referring and the
therapeutic management of long-term conditions. These products are
aligned with the NHS strategy of Digital First and Empowering the
Wider Workforce.
During the period we have repaid £457,451 on bank and
third-party loans.
The Directors believe that there is no material
risk arising in respect of interest rates on loans, credit, and
The Directors do not recommend a dividend.
The directors are responsible for preparing the
annual report and financial statements for each financial year. The
directors have elected to prepare the financial statements in
accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting
Practice (United Kingdom Accounting Standards and applicable law).
Under company law the directors must not approve the financial
statements unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair
view of the state of affairs of the Group and Company and of the
profit or loss of the Group for that period. In preparing these
financial statements, the directors are required to:
- Select suitable
accounting policies and apply them consistently.
- Make judgments and
accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent.
- State whether UK
accounting principles have been followed subject to any material
departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements
- Prepare the
financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is
inappropriate to presume that the Group and Company will continue
in the business.
The directors are responsible for keeping
adequate accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain
the Company's transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at
any time the financial position of the Company and enable them to
ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies Act
2006. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the
Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention
and detection of fraud and other irregularities.
The directors have taken all the necessary steps
that they ought to have taken as directors in order to make
themselves aware of all relevant audit information and to establish
that the Company's auditors are aware of that information.
As far as the directors are aware, there is no
relevant audit information of which the Company’s auditor is
Approved by the board and signed on its behalf
D A Immelman
29 October 2024
Section 172 of the Companies Act requires that a
director of the Company is managing in the best interests of all
stakeholders – Customers, Employees and Shareholders.
In the spirit of above, the Directors of DXS
International plc, strive to maintain a reputation for high but
fair standards in the best interest of its stakeholders.
Our primary focus is on our customers and here
we regard our relationships and channels of communications of
paramount importance. We operate in a sensitive environment,
healthcare, and as such ensure that we meet all the standards
required by our customers, such as Information Governance and
Clinical Safety. In addition, we comply with ISO standards which
assures an overarching good governance approach to all
The Board is focused on delivering value for
Shareholders underpinned by motivated Employees delivering above
average delivery of solutions and service to Customers. In
achieving the foregoing, the Company focuses on continued
innovation via a policy of research and development funded through
organic investment plus capital raises, as agreed at shareholder
meetings, noting it raised external equity financing in the year to
April 2024, as set out in Note 18 in the Financial Statements.
In our communication to Shareholders the Board
is clear in terms of its short, medium, and long-term strategy and
maintains an open-door approach to Shareholders seeking additional
clarity on any issue. The Board releases notices on a regular basis
informing Shareholders of developments in areas of business
progress, non-confidential strategic decisions, and any change to
company policy. Risks and opportunities are set out in this
strategic review.
The Group is small and while clear management
structures are in place all employees, if required, have direct
access to the Executive Directors on a daily basis and, if
necessary, to the Chairman. The group retains HR services to ensure
the fair and equitable treatment of employees. The Company promotes
a policy of promoting from within supported by training and
mentorship. We encourage diverse thinking and recognise strengths
and contribution to the business.
The Group loss for the year is £4,738,686 (2023:
Profit of £225,191). The loss is a result of a combination of
increased amortisation of £1,020,916 and impairment of £4,378,114.
Refer to the Chairman’s statement for an explanation of why the
directors took the decision for this impairment.
As an accredited NHS solutions provider, DXS has
well-established business continuity and disaster recovery
protocols in place.
We have continued the development of our new
Aios cloud-based system and are in the process of piloting this new
version. In addition, we completed our IM1 integration for EMIS
which has now been NHS accredited and an Innovate UK grant funded
trial for our ExpertCare hypertension solution is underway.
Although the NHS remains notoriously slow in
adopting new technology, our sustained efforts are seeing gained
awareness of our new SMART referral and Hypertension solution which
we believe will begin generating revenue in the new financial
Our strategy remains aligned with both the new
NHS Long Term Plan and opportunities abroad.
The principal risk to the Company in the UK is
that the NHS dramatically changes its plans or cuts its budgets.
This seems unlikely, particularly with the current NHS’ stated
objective for clinicians to operate using digital technologies with
which our new Aios and ExpertCare solutions are aligned.
Failure to achieve predicted quantities of DXS
contracts, and slower development of additional revenue streams may
result in revenues growing more slowly than anticipated. These may
be mitigated due to the launch of market ready new products as the
current situation normalises plus the first ExpertCare commercial
Our plans for expansion outside of the UK
mitigate this risk. Here we continue with our research and
development plans to take our new Expert Hypertension solution into
international markets where improved management of Hypertension and
other long-term conditions are a top priority.
APRIL 2024
Revenue was marginally down with market
expectations, decreasing by 2.4%. The group showed a loss of
(£4,738,686). The loss is a result of a combination of increased
amortisation of £1,020,916 and impairment of £4,378,114. Refer to
the Chairman’s statement for an explanation of why the directors
took the decision for this impairment.
- Group Revenue of
£3,308,359 (2023: £3,391,219) has decreased by 2.4%. Definition:
Total Group sales including distribution of clinical decision
support to General Practitioners and the licensing of DXS to CCGs
and healthcare publishers. Group Revenue includes the sale of
medicine education slots to the pharmaceutical industry.
- Underlying Group
loss after Tax was (£4,738,686). This was as a result of a
combination of increased amortisation of £1,020,916 and impairment
of £4,378,114. The rationale is explained under Analysis
- Depreciation and
amortisation of deferred Research and Development expenditure and
Goodwill in 2024 was £1,020,916 and in 2023 was £704,091.
- Earnings Per Share
2024 (0.7p), 2023 0.5p. Definition: Earnings per share is the
underlying profit divided by the weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue.
- ROE 2024 (103%)
2023 5%. Definition: Return on Equity (ROE) is the ratio of net
profit of a company to its shareholders funds. It measures the
profitability of a company by expressing its net profit as a
percentage of its shareholders funds which include share capital,
share premium, provision for costs of share option awards and
retained earnings. This drop in the ratio is mainly due to the
one-off impairment charge, which rationale is explained in the
Chairman’s report.
We are committed to establish, maintain, and
continually improve an Integrated Management System (IMS) that
conforms to relevant ISO requirements.
To achieve this objective, we commit to:
- continual
improvement in our performance and services to our
- Identify, assess,
reduce, and eliminate hazards and risks pertaining to our
- Set risk-based
objectives and targets to meet applicable statutory, business,
information security and service level obligations.
- Comply with
mutually agreed quality and service level requirements of our
- Develop our people
and provide sufficient resources to meet our objectives and
We communicate the IMS Policy to all personnel
working for or on behalf of DXS to ensure that they are made aware
of their individual IMS obligations.
Approved by the board and signed on its behalf
D Immelman
29 October 2024
Year ended 30 April 2024
Continuing Operations |
Continuing Operations |
£ |
£ |
Turnover |
3,308,359 |
3,391,219 |
Cost of
Sales |
(428,212) |
(466,722)) |
_________ |
_________ |
Gross Profit |
2,880,147 |
2,924,497 |
Grant income |
136,570 |
- |
Costs |
92,494,510) |
(2,261,897) |
Depreciation and
Amortisation and impairment |
(1,020,916) |
(705,253) |
Depreciation and amortisation |
(1,020,916) |
(705,253) |
Impairment |
(4,378,114) |
- |
_________ |
_________ |
5,399,030 |
(705,253) |
_________ |
_________ |
Loss |
(4,876,823) |
(42,653) |
income |
15 |
5 |
_________ |
_________ |
(4,876,808) |
(42,648) |
payable and similar expenses |
(74,842) |
(55,058) |
_________ |
_________ |
Loss on ordinary
activities before taxation |
(4,951,650) |
(97,706)) |
Tax on loss on
ordinary activities |
222,964 |
322,897 |
_________ |
_________ |
(Loss) /
Profit for the year |
(4,738,686 |
225,191 |
========= |
========= |
per share |
(7.4p) |
0.5p |
(7.4p) |
0.5p |
========= |
========= |
Statement of Other Comprehensive Income
Year ended 30 April 2024
£ |
£ |
(Loss) / Profit
for the year |
(4,738,686) |
225,191 |
comprehensive income |
- |
- |
on components of other comprehensive income |
- |
- |
_________ |
_________ |
Total comprehensive income for the year |
(4,738,686) |
225,191 |
========= |
========= |
Statement of Financial Position
Year ended 30 April 2024
Group 2024 |
Group 2023 |
Company 2024 |
Company 2023 |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
Assets |
Assets |
1,455,000 |
5,860,210 |
- |
- |
Tangible Assets |
1,038 |
1,122 |
- |
- |
Investments |
- |
507,954 |
3,486,478 |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
1,456,038 |
5,861,332 |
507,954 |
3,486,478 |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
assets |
Debtors: amounts
falling due within one year |
1,115,272 |
791,321 |
196,024 |
18,393 |
Cash at bank and in
hand |
90,012 |
371,977 |
4,094 |
200,929 |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
1,205,284 |
1,163,299 |
200,118 |
219,322 |
Creditors: amounts
falling due within one year |
(811,205) |
(865,475) |
(161,124) |
(239,518) |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Net current
assets |
394,079 |
297,823 |
38,994 |
(20,196) |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Total assets less
current liabilities |
1,850,117 |
6,159,155 |
546,948 |
3,466,282 |
Creditors: |
Amounts falling due
after more than one year |
(345,455) |
(720,446) |
(99,562) |
(470,042) |
income |
(1,057,276) |
(848,876) |
- |
- |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
447,385 |
4,589,833 |
447,386 |
2,996,240 |
========= |
========= |
========= |
========= |
Capital and
reserves |
Called up share
capital |
211,273 |
159,246 |
211,273 |
159,246 |
Share Premium |
3,213,395 |
2,671,321 |
3,213,395 |
2,671,321 |
Share option
reserve |
11,589 |
21,382 |
11,589 |
21,382 |
earnings |
(2,988,871) |
1,737,884 |
(2,988,871) |
144,291 |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
funds |
447,386 |
4,589,833 |
447,386 |
2,996,240 |
========= |
========= |
========= |
========= |
As permitted by Section 408 of the Companies Act 2006, the
Income Statement of the parent company is not presented as part of
these financial statements. The Company made a profit of £2,325
(2022 - £2,395) for the year.
The financial statements were approved and
authorized for issue by the Board on 29 October 2024.
Signed on behalf of the Board of directors
D Immelman
Director |
R Sutcliffe
Director |
Company Registration number
: 06311313
Year ended 30 April 2024
2024 |
£ |
£ |
Cash flow from
operating activities |
323,384 |
549,803 |
paid |
(74,842) |
(55,058) |
Income |
15 |
5 |
R&D tax
credit received |
326,564 |
323,897 |
_________ |
_________ |
Net cash flow
from operating activities |
575,121 |
818,647 |
_________ |
_________ |
Cash flow from
investing activities |
- |
- |
Payments to
acquire intangible fixed assets |
(992,828) |
(1,380,617) |
Receipts /
(Payments) to acquire tangible fixed assets |
(908) |
361 |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Activities |
- |
Share issue
proceeds |
630,628 |
- |
Share Issue
costs |
(36,527) |
Repayment of
long term loans |
(457,451) |
(268,792) |
Advance of
long term loans |
- |
750,000 |
_________ |
_________ |
136,650 |
481,208 |
_________ |
_________ |
Net (decrease)
in cash and cash equivalents |
(281,965) |
(80,401) |
Cash and Cash
equivalents at 1 May 2021 |
371,977 |
452,378 |
_________ |
_________ |
Cash and Cash
equivalents at 30 April 2022 |
90,012 |
371,977 |
========= |
========= |
Cash and Cash
equivalents consists of: |
Cash at bank
and in hand |
90,012 |
371,977 |
========= |
========= |
Net Debt
Reconciliation |
Current Debt |
Non Current Debt |
Cash |
Total |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
At 30 April
2022 |
(293,132) |
(331,330) |
452,379 |
(172,083) |
Cash Flow |
(20,354) |
- |
(80,401) |
(100,755) |
Non cash flow |
- |
(389,116) |
- |
(389,116) |
________ |
________ |
________ |
________ |
At 30 April
2023 |
(313,486) |
(720,446) |
371,978 |
(661,954) |
Non – cash
flow |
- |
374,991 |
- |
374,991 |
Cash Flow |
26,857 |
- |
(281,966) |
(255,109) |
_________ |
_________ |
________ |
_________ |
At 30 April
2024 |
(286,629) |
(345,455) |
90,012 |
(542,072) |
========= |
========= |
========= |
========= |
Year ended 30 April 2023
1 Summary
of significant accounting policies
(a) General information and basis
of preparation.
DXS International PLC is a public company
limited by shares incorporated in England and Wales. The address of
the registered office is given in the company information on Page 4
of these financial statements.
The group's principal activities during the year
were the development and distribution of clinical decision support
to General Practitioners, Nurses and Retail Pharmacies in the
United Kingdom and South Africa. The commercial side includes the
licensing of DXS products to various ICBs, the sale of e-detailing
opportunities to the pharmaceutical industry, the UK Primary Care
sector and the licencing of DXS technology to healthcare
The financial statements have been prepared in
accordance with applicable accounting standards including Financial
Reporting Standard 102, the Financial Reporting Standard applicable
in the UK and Republic of Ireland (FRS 102) and the Companies Act
2006. The financial statements have been prepared on a going
concern basis under the historical cost convention. The financial
statements are prepared in sterling which is the functional
currency of the company.
In the opinion of the Directors the group has
sufficient funding to continue as a going concern for at least
twelve months from the date of approval of the financial
statements. Details supporting opinion are set out in Note 1(m)
The significant accounting policies applied in
the preparation of these financial statements are set out below.
These policies have been consistently applied to all years
presented unless otherwise stated.
(b) Intangible
Intangible assets acquired separately from a
business are capitalised at cost.
Research and development expenditure, other than
specific identifiable development expenditure, is written off
against profits in the year in which it is incurred.
Identifiable development expenditure is
capitalised to the extent that the technical, commercial and
financial feasibility can be demonstrated. Developed products are
for use within the NHS and other medical institutions within both
the UK and internationally. The Group is already a supplier of
services to the NHS.
Goodwill arising on business combinations is
capitalised, classed as an asset on the balance sheet and amortised
over its useful life. The period originally chosen for writing off
the current goodwill was 20 years because the directors believed
that this was the period of time for the benefit to be received.
The Directors reviewed the anticipated future life of the goodwill
during 2020. It was considered that the anticipated future life of
the goodwill would not exceed 3 years from 1 May 2020. Accordingly
the Net Book Value of the goodwill at 30 April 2020 was amortised
over 3 years.
Intangible assets are amortised over a straight
line basis over their useful lives. The useful lives of intangible
assets are as follows:
Intangible type |
Useful life |
Reasons |
Development expenditure |
5 years from the date that the specific product is completed and
available for distribution. |
Period of time for benefit to be received. |
Provision is made for any impairment if the
recoverable amount of the asset is less than its carrying amount,
based on Directors judgement of the future revenue to be derived
from each product.
The company has completed a number of projects
specifically for use by the NHS. Due to NHS Budget restraints, the
often unavailability of senior NHS staff numbers with the authority
to make decisions, the continuing changing structure of the NHS,
the directors have decided that commencement of sales revenue from
these products cannot be accurately predicted and accordingly have
written off as impairment the net book value of these products.
However, with the potential restructuring of the NHS, the Directors
believe that these products will be revenue producing in the
(c) Tangible fixed assets
The company capitalises items purchased as
Tangible Fixed Assets which have a cost in excess of £550.
Tangible fixed assets are stated at cost less
accumulated depreciation.
Depreciation is provided on all tangible fixed
assets at rates calculated to write off the cost , less estimated
residual value, of each asset on a systematic basis over its
expected useful life as follows:
Plant and
equipment 3-4 years
straight line
(d) Debtors and
creditors receivable/ payable within one year
Debtors and creditors with no stated interest
rate and receivable or payable within one year are recorded at
transaction price. Any losses arising from impairment are
recognised in the profit and loss account in other administration
(e) Loans and
Loans and borrowings are initially recognised at
the transaction price including transaction costs. Subsequently
they are measured at amortised cost using an effective interest
rate method. If an arrangement constitutes a finance transaction it
is measured at present value.
(f) Grants
Government Grants, including non - monetary
grants, shall not be recognised until there is reasonable assurance
that :
(a) the entity will comply with the conditions attached to them;
(b) the grants will be received.
An entity shall recognise grants either based on the performance
model or the accrual model. In the current year, the Grant has been
accounted for on the accrual basis over the period in which the
Group recognised the related costs for which the grant is intended
to compensate.
(g) Tax
Current tax represents the amount of tax payable
or receivable in respect of the taxable profit for the current or
past reporting periods. It is measured at the amount expected to be
paid or recovered using the tax rates and laws that have been
enacted or substantively enacted by the reporting date.
(h) Turnover and other income
Turnover is measured at the fair value of the
consideration received or receivable net of VAT and trade
discounts. The policy adopted for the recognition of turnover is as
Sale of services and products
Turnover is from the sale of products and
services to the pharmaceutical industry and the UK Primary Care
sector and is recognised over the term of service contract and is
apportioned on a time basis representing the delivery of the
(i) Foreign currency
Foreign currency transactions are initially
recognised by applying to the foreign currency amount the exchange
rate between the functional currency and the foreign currency at
the date of the transaction.
Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in a
foreign currency at the balance sheet date are translated using the
closing rate.
Foreign exchange gains or losses are recognised
in the Income Statement.
(j) Employee benefits
When employees have rendered service to the
company, short term employee benefits to which the employees are
entitled are recognised at the undiscounted amount expected to be
paid in exchange for that service.
The company operates a defined contribution plan
for the benefit of its employees. Contributions are expensed as
they become payable.
(k) Leases
Rentals payable under operating leases are
charged to the income statement on a straight line basis over the
period of the lease.
(l) Share option policy
The company recognised as an expense, the fair
value of share options granted over their vesting period. The fair
value is calculated by applying an option pricing model.
(m) Key judgements and Key
accounting estimates
The Key judgements or Key Accounting estimates
with a material effect on the carrying value of assets and
liabilities are set out below -.
Going concern
In regards to the going concern of the group,
the directors have considered cash flow forecasts for the period to
April 2026 which included a price increase. To date only a portion
of this increase has been received with the remaining increase
expected in the first quarter of 2025. Should this price increase
be delayed as mitigation there are the new SMART Referral pipeline
sales that are not included in the current cashflow. In addition to
the SMART Referral sales are new potential Expertcare solution
sales which are expected to be revenue generating from late 2024.
The first Expertcare contract with a third party has been signed
and will start generating income during December 2024. Also
included are costs which, if forecasted sales are slower than
anticipated, can be reduced accordingly.
Given the market potential for the new products,
supported by trial results, the directors consider it appropriate
to adopt the going concern basis of accounting and are satisfied
that there is no material uncertainty.
Research and Development Tax credit
The Research and Development tax credit received
from HMRC is not a government grant but a recognition of the costs
incurred in respect of the company's research and development and
is received through an adjustment to the taxable income of the
As per the NHS mandate requiring NHS accredited
suppliers to continue a process of innovation, the Group has
invested heavily into developing new innovative solutions to meet
the NHS unmet needs. However, while there is no doubt as to the
potential benefits will realise for the NHS, the slow pace at which
the NHS has been, and continues to operate is frustrating. This
lethargic pace has come about for a number of reasons, such as the
post COVID restructuring, delays in funding renewals and more
recently the GP Collective Actions which are adversely affecting
times to market.
The directors have decided that commencement of
sales revenue from these products cannot be accurately predicted
and accordingly have written off as impairment a large portion of
the cost of these products. The Directors emphatically believe that
these products will be revenue producing in future years and
evidence of this, although slow, exists.
(n) Reduced disclosure
DXS International PLC meets the definition of a
qualifying entity under FRS 102 paragraph 1.12(b) and has therefore
taken advantage of the disclosure exemption in relation to the
parent cash flow statement.
Grafico Azioni DXS (AQSE:DXSP)
Da Feb 2025 a Mar 2025
Grafico Azioni DXS (AQSE:DXSP)
Da Mar 2024 a Mar 2025