Annual Financial Report Announcement 
Advance UK Trust plc 
Year ended 31 August 2009 
At 31 August 2009 our net asset  value was 156.6 pence per share  and 
our shares traded at  a price of 137.0  pence, equivalent to a  12.5% 
discount to net asset value. 
The revenue return per ordinary share was 2.3 pence and the Directors 
recommend a maintained dividend of 2.4 pence per share. 
As we reported at the interim stage, we recovered just over GBP1m  from 
HMRC in respect of VAT paid on management fees since 2001 and  simple 
interest thereon. We  believe we should  be entitled to  VAT paid  in 
earlier years  and to  compound interest  and therefore  have, for  a 
modest fixed payment, joined  with PricewaterhouseCoopers in a  class 
action against HMRC that will attempt to recover a further sum. 
We are reporting a 12.4% fall in  the net asset value over the  year, 
marginally behind the 12.1% fall  in the FTSE All-Share Index.  While 
we are  not happy  to record  any decline  in the  asset value,  this 
represents a remarkable recovery in our fortunes over the second half 
of the year and  I am pleased  to tell you that  the asset value  has 
since moved higher outpacing the index. 
Over the year the Manager has worked on a number of corporate actions 
alongside some  of our  major  institutional shareholders.  This  has 
always been a core part of our strategy, it means we punch well above 
our weight and  we add value  for our investors  far beyond just  the 
delivery of increases in our share price. Advance UK is happy to take 
the lead in tackling wide discounts and corporate governance disputes 
on behalf of shareholders. A glut of new issues in previous years and 
volatile markets are creating plenty of new investment  opportunities 
for Advance UK. 
Your Board  felt  that  our  share  repurchases  were  hampering  the 
Manager's ability  to  make  potentially  rewarding  investments  and 
therefore, after buying  back 533,000  shares in  September 2008,  we 
suspended our  share repurchase  programme. Inevitably  our  discount 
widened as a result  but, as improved  performance has come  through, 
our discount has narrowed and we expect that process to continue. 
The Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 16 December 2009 
at 12:00 noon on the third  floor of 145-157 St. John Street,  London 
EC1V 4RU. One item  of business is  our triennial continuation  vote. 
The Board  is strongly  of  the opinion  that market  conditions  are 
ideally suited to our remit and, with the underlying discount of  the 
companies in our  portfolio against their  market values standing  at 
23%,  there   are  good   reasons  to   anticipate  positive   future 
performance. The directors therefore recommend that shareholders vote 
in favour of  the continuation as  they propose to  do in respect  of 
their own holdings. 
The Board is conscious of  the impact the share repurchase  programme 
has had on the liquidity of our shares and recognises the  importance 
of increasing the size of the Company.  In line with  this objective, 
subject  to   the  passing   of  the   continuation   resolution, the 
directors will put forward, early  in the New  Year, proposals for  a 
bonus issue of subscription shares. 
Philip Rowen 
10 November 2009 
Shareholders    may    contact     the    Chairman    directly     on 
We write  this report  a few  weeks  after the  end of  the  relevant 
accounting period.  When  we  wrote last  year's  Annual  Report  the 
economic and market turmoil associated with the credit crunch had yet 
to peak. Lehman's collapse  jolted the market in  the first month  of 
our accounting year and that was  reflected in our report but it  was 
probably the Madoff scandal, which broke around the time of our  AGM, 
that finally caused  capitulation in the  closed-end fund market.  By 
the  end  of  December  panicking  sellers  were  selling  shares  at 
unrealistic prices. 
The Advance UK Board had concluded  in September 2008 that our  share 
repurchases were damaging  our ability  to manage  the portfolio  and 
suspended our buy-back programme. We  were in the fortunate  position 
therefore to  have some  cash  to take  advantage of  the  distressed 
selling.  This was augmented by us utilising GBP1million of our banking 
facility to produce a moderate element of gearing which at the end of 
this period was invested in Mid 250 iShares. Since the year end these 
have been sold  at a  profit and  the borrowing  repaid.  Though  our 
relative performance had not yet started to improve at the half year, 
we were very confident  about the latent value  in the portfolio  and 
this was already manifesting itself by the time we wrote the  interim 
report. The second half  of our accounting year  was the best  period 
the fund has ever  had with plenty of  corporate activity to keep  us 
busy and a substantial rebound in our asset value. 
Given the dramatic backdrop, the  actual performance numbers for  the 
year are surprisingly unexciting. The  net asset value fell by  12.4% 
while the FTSE All-Share Index fell by 12.1%. The FTSE 350 investment 
companies index was 15.6% lower. The contribution from discount moves 
was a significant negative in  the first half but  for the year as  a 
whole this added  c1% to  our performance. VAT  recovery added  about 
another 1%. Asset value moves were negative overall with stocks  with 
high leverage and/or illiquid assets amongst the biggest fallers. The 
most significant positive  and negative  contributors to  performance 
Positive contributions to performance: 
Spazio                      +1.4% 
Marwyn                      +1.0% 
Dexion Absolute             +0.9% 
Directors' Dealing (Eaglet) +0.8% 
Summit Germany              +0.7% 
Negative contributions to performance: 
Ingenious Media Active Capital    -3.2% 
Henderson Private Equity          -2.2% 
Equity Partnership Capital shares -1.5% 
T2 Income Fund                    -1.3% 
Princess Private Equity           -1.1% 
Four of the  top performing  companies were either  new purchases  or 
existing holdings we had  increased significantly when things  seemed 
to be falling apart in December. Of the major negative  contributors, 
we have reduced or sold out of some positions and have high hopes  of 
recovering some or all of our money in others - they are all  covered 
Global           6% 
UK Growth        14% 
UK Income        2% 
UK Smaller       8% 
Europe           9% 
North America    3% 
Japan            6% 
Life Sciences    3% 
Technology       3% 
Property         4% 
Private Equity   16% 
Hedge Funds      11% 
Emerging Markets 4% 
Other            5% 
Cash             6% 
Total            100% 
The major changes  to the split  of the portfolio  over the year  are 
shown below: 
Global           0% 
UK Growth        -5% 
UK Income        -1% 
UK Smaller       -1% 
Europe           -5% 
North America    1% 
Japan            3% 
Life Sciences    3% 
Technology       -1% 
Property         1% 
Private Equity   -9% 
Hedge Funds      11% 
Emerging Markets 4% 
Other            -6% 
Cash             5% 
Private Equity: 
This remains the  largest segment  on the pie  chart but  it is  much 
reduced over the past year. Private Equity funds have been attracting 
negative headlines as leveraged buy-out funds struggle with the  lack 
of available credit  and many  funds of  funds, that  had made  legal 
commitments to invest  in new  issues, found  they did  not have  the 
resources to  make good  those commitments.  Henderson (formerly  New 
Star) Private Equity and  Princess Private Equity  were the only  two 
holdings in our  portfolio exposed  to the  leveraged buyout  market. 
Henderson Private Equity  has stated that  it does not  have an  over 
commitment  problem.  However  it  is  one  of  the  smallest  quoted 
investors in this area and, at the end of our accounting year, it was 
on one of the widest discounts. We have told them they should seek  a 
merger partner. We quite liked Princess until, for reasons that  were 
never explained to  us, its independent  directors resigned en  masse 
and the  former  investment  manager became  Chairman.  We  sold  our 
shares; as cheap as they may be,  we do not think the stock has  high 
enough corporate governance standards to  merit a listing in  London. 
The vast bulk of  our private equity investments  are in venture  and 
development capital  funds. Ingenious  Media  Active Capital  had  to 
write down its asset value quite aggressively during the year but  is 
still sitting on a  substantial cash pile. We  had hoped to  persuade 
them to return this  to shareholders but  the investment manager  has 
been building his stake and this reduces the attraction of the stock. 
Ingenious' share price dived unaccountably  at our year end but  this 
has bounced since  and we  have substantially  reduced our  position. 
Eurovestech's portfolio had a  good year and  we are optimistic  that 
this will be better reflected in its share price in the future. 
UK Growth 
The star here was Marwyn. Its valuation reached ridiculous levels  in 
January and we  bought a large  block of shares  on an 85%  discount. 
They succeeded  in selling  their largest  investment and  they  have 
restructured the company to help re-rate their shares. We have  taken 
some profits but believe  there is still  substantial upside in  this 
stock. We tried to get the  Board of Strategic Equity to address  its 
discount and liquidity problems but they  dug their heels in and  hid 
behind the large  stake owned  by the investment  manager. They  even 
succeeded in forcing through a deal that compromised the continuation 
vote they  have pencilled  in for  2010.  We want  to sort  out  this 
situation for the  benefit of their  independent shareholders but  we 
are worried their portfolio has bounced  too far and, since our  year 
end, have reduced our exposure for the time being. Equity Partnership 
is a  split  capital company.  We  bought  capital shares  at  a  big 
discount some  time  ago. The  asset  value has  been  disappointing, 
hardly participating  in  the  summer rally.  The  company  is  being 
managed now with a  view to repaying the  zeros and income shares  in 
Hedge Funds 
The funds of hedge funds did  not feature in the portfolio last  year 
but  disappointing  NAV  performance,  Madoff  and  other   scandals, 
breakdowns  in  currency  hedging  and  the  realisation  that  their 
portfolios could  be quite  illiquid caused  discounts to  widen.  We 
talked to all  the major shareholders  and many of  the managers.  We 
believe that funds that  set out to  deliver absolute returns  cannot 
ignore discount volatility and many disillusioned shareholders  will, 
if they can,  switch to investing  in open-ended funds.  Quite a  few 
funds made it into our portfolio. Over the year we traded in, out and 
back into Dexion Absolute. We  bought into Gottex Market Neutral  and 
sold just before its  continuation vote -  the manager bought  enough 
shares to force through the  continuation vote and allowed the  price 
to collapse afterwards - which we regarded as questionable. We bought 
Bramdean Alternatives and helped replace the Board, which we felt was 
overly supportive of the investment manager. The new Board is  taking 
its time but we hope it will soon announce plans to narrow Bramdean's 
discount and provide an exit for those who want it. 
UK Smaller 
We worked  with the  independent shareholders  of Directors'  Dealing 
Trust, which  used to  be  called Eaglet,  to  improve the  terms  of 
proposals for a cash exit from the company. They held one tender last 
year and  more are  planned. Framlington  Innovative did  not have  a 
great year as  it lagged rising  markets over the  summer. This is  a 
reflection of the fund manager's  natural cautiousness and a  similar 
story played out for a number of well respected fund managers. If, as 
we suspect, it  turns out  that markets  have rallied  too fast,  the 
stock should prove relatively resilient. 
SR Europe  was the  best  performing European  trust over  the  year. 
Henderson Eurotrust also did well and we sold out of our position  at 
a narrow discount. The euro's  appreciation relative to sterling  has 
benefited our net asset value. 
The Japanese smaller company trusts did well over the year; Melchior, 
in particular, which had a terrible 2008, achieved a good asset value 
return and narrowed its  discount. We are  now more comfortable  with 
its size but can still see some merit in mergers between the  various 
Japanese small cap. funds. Japan remains unloved by investors and  we 
have taken advantage of this, adding to our weighting over the year. 
Develica's net  asset  value  declined again.  We  were  particularly 
disappointed when their  Board handed the  investment manager 10%  of 
the company in exchange  for a modest fee  reduction. It has  ensured 
its survival for now by renegotiating its banking facilities but  the 
shares are  little more  than a  warrant on  German property  prices. 
Speymill Deutsche has fared  better and its shares  have been one  of 
the stars  of the  summer but  it needs  to reduce  vacancies in  its 
portfolio if it is to thrive and reinstate its dividend, we have sold 
our shares since  the year  end. We made  decent profits  on two  new 
holdings Spazio, a fund of Italian property, and Summit Germany, when 
both companies  were at  the receiving  end of  a bid.  We more  than 
doubled our money on  Spazio and made c70%  on our holding in  Summit 
Germany though both, in our opinion,  were sold at prices well  below 
true value. In the case of Spazio  we were able to buy shares in  the 
bidder, Terra Catalyst,  at a discount  and hope to  make more  money 
from this investment. 
Emerging Markets 
Our  one  emerging  market  holding  at  the  year  end  was   Vision 
Opportunity China, a fund investing in Chinese companies whose shares 
trade on US exchanges. This is proving  to be an early winner in  the 
new accounting year. A number of other funds are being considered for 
the portfolio. As  with any investment,  we will factor  in the  risk 
from adverse moves in  asset values as well  as the potential  upside 
from discount narrowing. 
T2 Income  Fund holds  a  portfolio of  mostly senior  secured  loans 
financed by a  Collateralised Loan Obligation  ("CLO"). Caught up  by 
the collapse of credit last autumn, the asset value dived as  holders 
of loans sold  at distressed  prices and  the company  was forced  to 
suspend its dividend. Our net asset  value was impacted as a  result. 
Now though we think this fund may  prove a winner. In March we  added 
to our  holding at  just 3  pence  per share.  We worked  with  other 
shareholders to change the Chairman,  replace the broker and  improve 
understanding  of  the  fund.  Recently  money  has  been  raised  to 
safeguard the future of the  Company. Dividend payments have  resumed 
and, by the end of the period,  the shares were 27.5 pence - still  a 
very large discount to asset value. 
The future 
Central banks have  pumped enormous amounts  of liquidity into  their 
sagging economies but with mixed  results. Many emerging markets  are 
showing signs of  life but  in the  developed world  the recovery  is 
patchy at best. Markets have bounced a long way off the lows of March 
and we would not be surprised if they paused for breath here. 
We have  been  selling  into  recent  strength  and  redeploying  the 
proceeds into new holdings on wide discounts. There is no shortage of 
investment opportunities. We also have a number of investments  where 
the battle to  convince them  to release value  for shareholders  has 
already been won and where we  can reasonably expect to receive  cash 
for our holding  in excess of  current market values.  This gives  us 
some confidence  that  our  recent  run  of  strong  performance  can 
Progressive European Markets Limited 
10 November 2009 
The directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and the 
financial  statements   in  accordance   with  applicable   law   and 
Company law requires  the directors to  prepare financial  statements 
for each financial year. Under that law they have elected to  prepare 
the financial statements in  accordance with UK Accounting  Standards 
and applicable law (UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice). 
Under company  law  the  directors must  not  approve  the  financial 
statements unless they are satisfied that  they give a true and  fair 
view of the state of affairs of the company and of the profit or loss 
of  the  company  for  that  period.  In  preparing  these  financial 
statements, the directors are required to: 
  * select suitable accounting policies and then apply them 
  * make judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 
  * state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been 
    followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and 
    explained in the financial statements; and 
  * prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis 
    unless it is inappropriate to presume that the company will 
    continue in business. 
The directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records 
that are sufficient  to show and  explain the company's  transactions 
and disclose  with  reasonable accuracy  at  any time  the  financial 
position of the company and enable them to ensure that the  financial 
statements comply  with the  Companies Act  2006. They  have  general 
responsibility for taking such steps  as are reasonably open to  them 
to safeguard the  assets of  the company  and to  prevent and  detect 
fraud and other irregularities. 
Under  applicable  law  and  regulations,  the  directors  are   also 
responsible   for   preparing   a   Directors'   Report,   Directors' 
Remuneration Report and Corporate Governance Statement that  complies 
with that law and those regulations. 
The directors are  responsible for the  maintenance and integrity  of 
the corporate  and financial  information included  on the  company's 
website.  Legislation  in  the  UK  governing  the  preparation   and 
dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation  in 
other jurisdictions. 
The Directors confirm that to the best of our knowledge: 
  * The financial statements, prepared in accordance with the 
    applicable set of accounting   standards, give a true and fair 
    view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or 
    loss of the Company; and 
  * The Directors' Report includes a fair review of the development 
    and performance of the business and the position of the issuer 
    together with a description of the principal risks and 
    uncertainties that it faces. 
The board considers that the principal risks faced by the shareholder 
of the Company fall into two categories: 
External Risks 
Shareholders always  face  a  risk of  poor  performance  from  stock 
markets. This may derive from poor performance in the UK and/or world 
economies,  from  poor  corporate  profits  and  dividends,  or  from 
market-specific factors such as the unwinding of excessive  positions 
in particular sectors or in the market generally.  However, the Board 
is focussed  primarily on  long-term performance  and considers  that 
short-term volatility is  not a factor  that should unduly  influence 
the Company's management of risk. 
Internal Risks 
Poor allocation of the Company's assets to both markets and  investee 
funds by the Manager, poor governance, compliance or  administration, 
including the  loss  of  investment trust  status  could  potentially 
result  in  shareholders  not  making  acceptable  returns  on  their 
investment in the Company. 
For the year ended 31 August 2009 
                        2009                        2008 
                Revenue Capital  Total      Revenue Capital  Total 
                GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000 
(Losses)     on 
disposal of 
investments  by -       (2,486)  (2,486)    -       (3,734)  (3,734) 
to     revalued 
book costs 
Transfer   from 
capital         -       (1,169)  (1,169)    -       4,620    4,620 
reserve       - 
(losses)/gains  -       (3,655)  (3,655)    -       886      886 
disposal     of 
Revaluation of 
investments     -       (4,119)  (4,119)    -       (12,505) (12,505) 
Transfer     to 
capital         -       1,169    1,169      -       (4,620)  (4,620) 
reserve       - 
disposal of 
Total losses on -       (2,950)  (2,950)    -       (17,125) (17,125) 
Income          953     -        953        1,231   -        1,231 
Investment      (183)   (367)    (550)      (287)   (574)    (861) 
VAT   recovered 
investment      202     691      893        -       -        - 
Other expenses  (320)   -        (320)      (315)   -        (315) 
Return   before 652     (6,281)  (5,629)    629     (16,813) (16,184) 
costs and tax 
Finance costs   (4)     (8)      (12)       (4)     (9)      (13) 
Return   before 648     (6,289)  (5,641)    625     (16,822) (16,197) 
Taxation        -       -        -          -       -        - 
Return       on 648     (6,289)  (5,641)    625     (16,822) (16,197) 
after taxation 
Return      per 2.30p   (22.31)p (20.01)p   2.10p   (56.57)p (54.47)p 
ordinary share 
The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account  of 
the Company. 
All revenue  and capital  items in  the above  statement derive  from 
continuing operations. 
No operations were acquired or discontinued during the year. 
A Statement of Total Recognised Gains  and Losses is not required  as 
all gains and losses of the Company have been reflected in the  above 
At 31 August 2009 
                                               2009       2008 
                                               GBP'000      GBP'000 
Investments at market value                    45,589     50,950 
Sales for future settlement                    360        - 
Other debtors                                  62         106 
Cash at bank and in hand                       186        1,475 
                                               608        1,581 
Purchases for future settlement                320        414 
Accrued liabilities                            103        123 
Bank Overdraft                                 985        - 
                                               1,408      537 
NET CURRENT (LIABILITIES)/ASSETS               (800)      1,044 
TOTAL NET ASSETS                               44,789     51,994 
Share capital                                  311        316 
Share premium account                          33,814     33,814 
Capital redemption reserve                     190        185 
Capital reserve - disposal of investments      21,948     26,175 
Capital reserve - investments held             (12,498)   (9,548) 
Revenue reserve                                1,024      1,052 
EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                     44,789     51,994 
Net assets per ordinary share                  158.90p    181.04p 
For the year ended 31 August 2009 
                                          Capital     Capital 
                      Share    Capital    Reserve     Reserve 
              Share    Premium Redemption -disposal   -investments Revenue 
              Capital Account  Reserve    of          held         Reserve Total 
              GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000      investments GBP'000        GBP'000   GBP'000 
shareholders' 316     33,814   185        26,175      (9,548)      1,052   51,994 
Shares        (5)     -        5          (888)       -            -       (888) 
during    the 
Profit    for -       -        -          (3,339)     (2,950)      648     (5,641) 
Dividend paid -       -        -          -           -            (676)   (676) 
(Dec 2008) 
Closing       311     33,814   190        21,948      (12,498)     1,024   44,789 
For the year ended 31 August 2008 
                                          Capital     Capital 
                      Share    Capital    Reserve     Reserve 
              Share    Premium Redemption -disposal   -investments Revenue 
              Capital Account  Reserve    of          held         Reserve Total 
              GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000      investments GBP'000        GBP'000   GBP'000 
funds         356     33,814   145        33,141      7,577        1,166   76,199 
during    the (40)    -        40         (7,269)     -            -       (7,269) 
Profit    for 
the           -       -        -          303         (17,125)     625     (16,197) 
Dividend paid 
(Dec 2007)    -       -        -          -           -            (739)   (739) 
Closing       316     33,814   185        26,175      (9,548)      1,052   51,994 
For the year ended 31 August 2009 
                                                    2009     2008 
                                                    GBP'000    GBP'000 
Cash  inflow  from   investment  income  and   bank 
interest and                                        995      1,213 
interest on VAT reclaim 
Cash outflow from management expenses               (896)    (1,610) 
Cash inflow from VAT on management fees             893      - 
Cash inflow from disposal of investments            23,718   28,708 
Cash outflow from purchase of investments           (25,008) (19,871) 
Interest paid                                       (13)     (13) 
NET CASH (OUTFLOW)/INFLOW FROM OPERATING            (311)    8,427 
Share repurchases                                   (1,287)  (7,089) 
Equity dividends paid                               (676)    (739) 
(DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH                         (2,274)  599 
                      2009    2008 
                      GBP'000   GBP'000 
Opening balance       1,475   876 
Cash (outflow)/inflow (2,274) 599 
Bank overdraft        985     - 
Balance at 31August   186     1,475 
The  accounts  have  been  prepared  in  accordance  with  applicable 
accounting standards.  The particular accounting policies adopted are 
described below: 
(a) Basis of Accounting 
The accounts are  prepared under  the historical  cost convention  as 
modified by the  revaluation of  investments and  in accordance  with 
applicable accounting  standards  and the  Statement  of  Recommended 
Practice  "Financial  statements   of  investment  trust   companies" 
("SORP") issued in  December 2005  by the  Association of  Investment 
Companies except where  the SORP  has been  superseded by  Accounting 
(b) Investments 
Investments have been  classified as "fair  value through profit  and 
loss". Securities of  companies quoted on  regulated stock  exchanges 
have been valued by  reference to their market  bid quoted prices  at 
the close of the year.  Unquoted securities are valued at  directors' 
best estimate of fair value. 
Changes in fair value are included in the Income Statement as capital 
Transaction  costs  incurred  on  the  acquisition  and  disposal  of 
investments are charged to the Income Statement as a capital item. 
(c) Income from Investments 
Investment income from ordinary shares is accounted for on the  basis 
of ex-dividend dates.  Income from preference shares is accounted for 
on an accruals basis. Unfranked dividend income is grossed up at  the 
appropriate rate of tax credit, but franked income is not grossed up, 
since no element of withholding tax is involved. 
Special Dividends are assessed on their individual merits and may  be 
credited to capital  reserve if  considered to be  closely linked  to 
reconstructions  of   the   investee   company   or   other   capital 
transactions; with this exception all  investment income is taken  to 
revenue account.  Income from gilts  and bank interest receivable  is 
accounted for on an accruals basis. 
(d) Capital Reserves 
The Company  is  precluded  by  its  Articles  from  distributing  as 
dividend surpluses  arising  upon the  realisation  of  investments. 
Realised profits and  losses on  disposals of  investments are  dealt 
with in the capital reserve designated for disposal of investments. 
Changes in fair value are included in the Income Statement as capital 
items. In accordance with Tech 01/08 guidance issued by the Institute 
of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales, changes in fair  value 
of  investments  that  can  be  readily  convertible  into  cash  are 
classified as realised gains/losses and those that cannot be  readily 
convertible to cash are classified as unrealised gains/losses. 
(e) Investment Management Fees and Finance Costs 
Two thirds of investment management fees and of finance costs, net of 
attributable tax,  are  charged  to the  realised  capital  reserve. 
Performance-related fees, if any, are charged net of attributable tax 
to the realised capital reserve. 
(f) Foreign currencies 
Income and  expenditure in  foreign  currencies are  translated  into 
Sterling at  the  rate  of  exchange  ruling  at  the  time  of  such 
expenditure or income recognition.  Assets and liabilities in foreign 
currencies are translated into Sterling  at market rates of  exchange 
ruling at the  balance sheet  date. Transaction gains  and losses  on 
retranslating investments are recorded as capital items. 
                               2009                    2008 
                       Revenue Capital Total   Revenue Capital Total 
                       GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Investment management 
- basic                183     367     550     287     574     861 
- vat recovered        (202)   (691)   (893)   -       -       - 
                       (19)    (324)   (343)   287     574     861 
Administration fees    89      -       89      90      -       90 
Custodian's fees       10      -       10      16      -       16 
Directors' fees        87      -       87      86      -       86 
Auditors' fees 
- audit                29      -       29      24      -       24 
- other services       8       -       8       12      -       12 
Broker retainer fees   22      -       22      29      -       29 
Miscellaneous expenses 75      -       75      58      -       58 
                       320     -       320     315     -       315 
Total administration   301     (324)   (23)    602     574     1,176 
The total  of expenses  (excluding VAT  recovered) represented  1.94% 
(2008: 2.26%) of the total net asset value at the end of the year. 
As a result of the  decision of the court in  the legal test case  on 
VAT on  management fees,  an amount  of GBP893,375  in respect  of  VAT 
previously paid in the period from 1 March 2001 to 30 September  2007 
was received from the Manager during the year ended 31 August  2009. 
The element  of the  VAT repayment  related to  basic fees  has  been 
credited one  third to  the  revenue column  and  two thirds  to  the 
capital column  of the  Income  Statement.  The  element of  the  VAT 
repayment related to performance fees  has been credited entirely  to 
the capital column of  the Income Statement.   This is in  accordance 
with the Company's policy for the apportionment of management fees. 
A further amount  of interest on  the VAT recovered  of GBP108,403  was 
also received during the year.  This amount has been credited to  the 
revenue column of the Income Statement. 
3. Return per ordinary share 
Basic revenue return per share is based on the net revenue return  on 
ordinary activities  after  taxation  of  GBP648,266  (2008:  GBP625,535) 
attributable to the weighted average of 28,194,844 (2008: 29,737,149) 
ordinary shares of 1p in issue. 
Basic capital return per share is  based on the net capital loss  for 
the financial  year of  GBP6,289,000 (2008:  net loss  of  GBP16,822,000) 
attributable to the weighted average of 28,194,844 (2008: 29,737,149) 
ordinary shares of 1p in issue. 
4. Net assets per ordinary share 
The figure for net assets per ordinary share is based on  GBP44,789,000 
(2008: GBP51,994,000) divided by 28,186,660 (2008: 28,719,660) Ordinary 
Shares in issue at the Balance Sheet date. 
The net  assets  per ordinary  share  figure excluding  current  year 
revenue was 156.60p at the year end (2008: 178.89p). 
5. Dividend 
The directors  recommend a  final dividend  of 2.4p  per share.    If 
approved by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting, the  dividend 
will be paid on 23 December  2009 to shareholders on the register  at 
27 November 2009.    The ordinary  shares will go  ex-dividend on  25 
November 2009. 
6. Related party transactions 
Fees   payable    to   the    investment   manager    and   to    the 
administrator/company secretary are detailed in the note 2 above. The 
relevant  amounts  outstanding  as   accruals  comprised  a   monthly 
management fee of GBP38,963 (2008:  GBP64,293) and an administration  fee 
of GBP7,348 (2008: GBP7,508) all figures including VAT where applicable. 
7. Financial information 
The financial  information for  2009 is  derived from  the  statutory 
accounts for  2009,  which will  be  delivered to  the  registrar  of 
companies  following  the  company's  Annual  General  Meeting.   The 
statutory accounts for 2008 have  been delivered to the registrar  of 
companies.  The auditors have reported on the 2008 and 2009 accounts; 
their reports were unqualified. 
The Annual Report for the year  ended 31 August 2009 was approved  on 
10 November 2009.  It will be posted to shareholders and will be made 
available on the Manager's website at www.pro-asset.com 
This announcement contains regulated information under the Disclosure 
Rules and Transparency Rules of the FSA. 
8. Annual General Meeting 
The AGM will be held  on 16 December 2009 at  12 noon at 145-157  St. 
John Street, London, EC1V 4RU. 
10 November 2009 
Secretary and registered office: 
Cavendish Administration Limited 
145-157 St John Street 
Tel: 020 7490 4355 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

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