For immediate release:

                             CREON CORPORATION PLC                             

                          ("Creon" or the "Company")                           

              AUDITED RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JANUARY 2008               

Creon Corporation Plc (AIM: CRO), today announces its final results for the
year ended 31 January 2008.

Headline Points

  * Deterioration of housing market has led to a significant reduction of loans
    made in the period - down to �1.05 million from �1.99 million for year
  * Turnover down to �401,862 from �806,882 for year before;
  * Full year loss of �122,390, compared to a post tax profit of �265,295 for
    last year
Post Period

  * One new mezzanine loan for �250,000 made in current financial year to date;
Announced today

  * Proposed acquisition of Pinnacle Plus Limited.
Jonathan Freeman, Director of Creon, commented:

"Whilst the Directors continue to believe that in the long term there is still
a good opportunity in the market for the provision of equity finance for small
and medium sized residential developers, the Board recognises the need to
re-appraise a part of Creon's business model in order to make better use of its
available assets. Going forward, the Directors' believe the acquisition of
Pinnacle provides the Company with an opportunity to make better use of the
resources it has at its disposal whilst continuing to build on the Company's
existing reputation as a mezzanine provider. The Board hopes this will result
in a fuller utilisation of the Company's assets and an improved financial
performance in the next financial year as Pinnacle begins to contribute to the
Company's profits."


Copies of Creon's audited report and accounts for the year ended 31 January
2008 are today being sent to shareholders. Further copies will be available
from the Company's registered office, 11 Grosvenor Crescent, London SW1X 7EE.

For further information please contact:

Creon Corporation Plc Jonathan Freeman +44 (0)20 7752 0215

Daniel Stewart & Company Plc Oliver Rigby +44 (0)207 776 6550

GTH Media Relations Toby Hall +44 (0)20 7153 8039

Christian Pickel +44 (0)20 7153 8036


I am pleased to present the annual report to shareholders for the year ended 31
January 2008. The last financial year has been a challenging one for Creon
Corporation Plc ("Creon" or the "Company") which has been significantly
affected by the slowdown in the housing market. As a consequence, there were
fewer suitable projects available for Creon to finance during the year
resulting in much of the Company's cash balance being held on deposit rather
than being invested in projects with more attractive returns. In addition, fee
charges on loan extensions have been reviewed in the light of the deteriorating
housing market with a resultant reduction of accrued revenue. However, I am
pleased to report that, since the end of the financial year under review, we
have completed one new mezzanine loan to a UK developer of �250,000, the
benefits of which are expected in the current financial year.

Turnover for the year under review was �401,862, down from �806,882 in the
previous year, due to the lower level of invested funds. The total amount of
loans advanced during the year under review was �1.05 million, compared to �
1.99 million in the previous year. Full year loss was �122,390, compared to a
post tax profit of �265,295 last year, equating to a loss per share of 1.22
pence (EPS of 2.64 pence the previous year). The full year loss was higher than
expected due to the Directors decision to make prudent provisions against
certain of the Company's accrued loan fees totalling �250,685, which are
included in administration expenses. Creon had net cash of �481,749 at the year
end (2007: �942,234). Given the slowdown in the property sector, the Directors
believe that it was appropriate to be cautious during most of the last
financial year and feel justified in tightening the Company's requirements with
regard to security and the loan to value ratios, even though this meant that a
large part of the Company's working capital remained uninvested during the
period under review. The Directors expect to continue to operate within these
highly cautious loan parameters in the short term and until conditions in the
property sector begin to improve.

Creon's focus to date has been on providing mezzanine finance for UK
residential property development. The Company's business is based upon the
experience of the Directors in managing a quoted company and upon the
experience of the members of Creon Equity LLP in the residential property
sector. The Board remains committed over the long term to continue to provide
mezzanine finance that can provide an excellent return with an acceptable risk
profile. The Directors continue to believe that there is a good opportunity in
the market for the provision of equity finance for small and medium sized
residential developers.

However, the Board recognises that, given the well publicised general slowdown
in the economy, and more specifically a reduction in the availability of credit
coupled with static or falling house prices, it should re-appraise a part of
Creon's business model in order to make better use of its available assets.
Towards the end of the last financial year, the Directors came to the
conclusion that there are unlikely to be sufficient property related projects
over the short to medium term which comply with the Company's tighter loan to
value and security parameters to enable the Company to fully invest its cash
resources. Consequently the Directors, having consulted a number of
shareholders, began to seek additional investment opportunities in addition to
the existing provision of mezzanine finance for residential property

To this end, the Directors are pleased to announce today the conditional
acquisition of Pinnacle Plus Limited ("Pinnacle") for a total aggregate
consideration of �1.15 million, payable by the issue of new ordinary shares in
Creon ("Acquisition"), conditional upon the approval of the majority of Creon's
shareholders at Creon's Annual General Meeting, to be held at the registered
office of Creon on 24 July 2008 ("AGM"), further details of which are set out
in this report.

Background on Creon

Creon was incorporated on 27 August 2004 and its ordinary shares were admitted
to trading on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange on 25 November 2004.
The Company's focus since incorporation has been to provide mezzanine finance
to residential property developers in the UK on the back of an appreciating
housing market. The Company finances projects that are chosen by the Board on
the basis of advice received from the members of Creon Equity LLP who have
experience of the residential property development sector.

Since its incorporation, Creon has raised a total of �3.25 million (excluding
issue costs) in equity finance (no new equity funds were raised during the
year) and as at the year end, Creon had an unused �1.0 million debt facility
with Bank of Scotland.

Creon's operations

Creon was set up in a way that aims to keep operating costs to a minimum in
order to maximise the funds available for lending. In order to ensure that
there is a wide spread of financing opportunities available to the Company, the
Company entered into a consultancy agreement with Creon Equity LLP (the
"Manager") which provides the Directors with specialist advice regarding the
provision of finance to developers. In summary the Manager:

(i) Identifies, evaluates, negotiates and processes suitable opportunities for
Creon to provide mezzanine finance to small and medium sized residential
property developers;

(ii) Provides the Creon Board with sufficient information on suitable
opportunities to enable the Directors to make informed decisions on financing

(iii) Provides all necessary documentation to the Board in respect of each

(iv) Manages the related transaction and keeps under review the underlying
property developments to ensure that Creon is repaid, together with its agreed
fee, on time and in full; and

(v) Provides Creon, in a timely manner, appropriate accounting records in
respect of each project undertaken.

All decisions to provide mezzanine finance to property developers are based
upon recommendations made by the Manager but there is no obligation upon the
Directors to accept such recommendations.

The partners of Creon Equity LLP are as follows:

Jonathan Lavy FCA

Jonathan Lavy is a Chartered Accountant with many years experience in
professional practice. He has subsequently been involved in the property
industry as a principal over the last 25 years and has built up extensive
experience of commercial property investment, debt and equity financing and
residential property development. He has invested in property as principal,
managed property investment consortia and has been responsible for evaluating
opportunities, related financial modeling, sensitivity and risk analysis
together with management of refurbishment and renovation projects.

Roger Holbeche FRICS

Roger Holbeche is a Chartered Surveyor and has been involved in residential and
commercial property development since qualifying. He was co-founder, chairman
and chief executive of The Embassy Property Group plc which was primarily
involved in commercial property development and investment, construction and
house building. Roger had specific responsibility for promoting and
coordinating strategy for the Embassy Property Group plc as well as for
managing the development subsidiary and commercial development financing. He
has also subsequently been responsible for investing in and project managing
warehouse, office and residential development schemes where he had
responsibility for negotiating the purchase of sites and subsequent sale of the


As at 31 January 2008, the Company had five outstanding loans, four for ongoing
development projects totalling �1,649,000, and one from a completed development
project which has been partially sold with an outstanding balance owing of �

The geographic spread of the property developments are in Suffolk (�624,000),
Hampshire (�275,000) West Midlands (�450,000) and Yorkshire (�300,000). The
partially realised loan is also based in the West Midlands.

During the course of the year to 31 January 2008, a total of �677,000 of
capital was repaid to Creon from two developments. These sums included the
total repayment of one loan for �500,000 and the partial repayment of a loan in
the sum of �177,000. In addition, Creon received fees on repaid loans totalling
�262,500 during the year.

Creon provided three new loans during the year to 31 January 2008 totalling �
1,025,000, which are due to be repaid during the financial year ending 31
January 2009.

As at 31 January 2008, Creon had two loans that had passed their original
repayment date. However, they still remain profitable projects. One of these
loans has since been re-repaid, except for an outstanding �25,000 bank
retention, by Creon taking ownership of the two unsold properties in the

The property which is the subject of the second overdue loan has become the
subject of a legal dispute involving the current property owner, the previous
owner, the local council and its planning officers. The Board understands that,
before the property can be sold and Creon can be repaid, there needs to be at
least a partial resolution of the disputes. Despite these problems, the Board
believes that the value of the property is still sufficient to repay Creon
together with a proportion of the accrued fees. The Board has not accrued any
fees in respect of this loan since 31 January 2007 and has taken the prudent
step of writing down some of the fees previously accrued, resulting in the
larger than anticipated net administration costs shown in the profit and loss
account for the year ended 31 January 2008.

In summary, therefore, as at 31 January 2008, Creon had five loans outstanding,
three of which are continuing to accrue fees and two of which the directors
deemed to be "non-performing". In addition, a further new mezzanine loan of �
250,000 has been provided shortly after the end of the year under review. We do
not anticipate making any further new mezzanine property loans in the short
term until there are signs of stabilisation in the property sector. We are now
concentrating our efforts on realising the one non-performing loans and
monitoring the four performing loans to ensure their timely repayment.

Pinnacle acquisition

Following an extensive review of a number of investment opportunities, the
Directors have concluded that the acquisition of Pinnacle represents a good
opportunity to better utilise a proportion of Creon's asset base in order to
generate significant return for shareholders.

Pinnacle designs and manufactures products for companies operating ground
support equipment ("GSE") at airports to enable them to effectively manage
their equipment, improve operational efficiency and reduce costs. The business
of Pinnacle was founded by its CEO, Simon Fowler in 2003 and has worked with
leading GSE operators to design and develop its proprietary Vehicle Telematics
Information System ("VTIS"). VTIS enables the customer to receive a range of
key information, including the performance, status and location of the specific
GSE. This information is transmitted from the relevant piece of GSE to
Pinnacle's central servers via a wireless connection where it can be accessed
by customers either through their own enterprise systems or via a web-based

Pinnacle has a number of long term contracts with major ramp handling operators
and GSE maintainers in Europe and the Far East including KLM, American
Airlines, Air France, Martinair and Menzies. VTIS is currently installed on GSE
equipment at leading airports including Heathrow, Schiphol airport and Chek Lap
Kok airport in Hong Kong. Today, Pinnacle has installed a significant number of
units and in addition has other units contracted to be installed and several
proposals currently outstanding with customers. The Directors' believe that the
Pinnacle's business has significant potential to increase its revenues and that
by the end of year 2010, it should materially add to Creon's profits.

As announced today, Creon has conditionally agreed to acquire the entire issued
and to be issued share capital of Pinnacle for an aggregate consideration of up
to �1.15 million ("Total Consideration"), to be satisfied at completion by the
issue to the vendors of Pinnacle ("Vendors") of 2,005,380 new ordinary shares
of 1p each in Creon ("Ordinary Shares") ("Initial Consideration Shares") at a
price of 32.5 pence per Ordinary Share, being the average closing mid-market
price per Ordinary Share for the last 10 business days and, subject to Pinnacle
achieving certain performance targets by 31 January 2009, the Vendors will be
issued with up to a further 1,538,462 new Ordinary Shares ("Deferred
Consideration Shares"). On completion, the Initial Consideration Shares will
represent approximately 16.7 per cent of the Company's then enlarged issued
share capital and, if the Deferred Consideration Shares are issued in full at a
price of 32.5p, the Total Consideration will represent approximately 26.1
percent of the Company's then enlarged issued share capital.

In the year ended 30 April 2007, Pinnacle reported audited revenues of
approximately �0.3 million and a loss of approximately �1.4 million. As at the
same date Pinnacle had audited net liabilities of approximately �0.6 million.
In the 9 month period to 31 January 2008, Pinnacle's management accounts showed
unaudited revenues of approximately �0.3 million and a loss of approximately �
0.6 million for the same period. Since 17th March 2008, Creon has provided
Pinnacle with a secured loan of �403,000 on commercial terms for general
working capital purposes which is wholly repayable in the event that the
Acquisition does not complete. Additional working capital is required, up to a
maximum of �750,000 for Pinnacle, and Creon will ensure that arrangements are
in place for this to be available.

The Board believes that the Pinnacle business has significant potential and
that the competitive valuation of Pinnacle secured by the Board means that, if
it achieves its targets, this investment could materially improve Creon's
profitability. The Board understands that, for the current shareholders of
Pinnacle, the potential to gain access to additional working capital resources
for its future development is an attractive driver for the sale. However
Pinnacle also stands to benefit from the increased profile that should result
from being a part of a quoted group and the added corporate governance
knowledge and management experience of the Directors.

Although the Directors of the Company have sufficient existing powers to issue
the maximum number of Creon shares pursuant to the Acquisition on a non
pre-emptive basis, the effect of issuing the Initial Consideration Shares will
significantly reduce the Directors remaining scope and therefore the Directors
are proposing resolutions at the Company's Annual General Meeting ("AGM") to
allow the Directors to issue the maximum number of Consideration Shares and
also to give the Directors sufficient ongoing general authority. Consequently,
the Acquisition is conditional on, inter alia, the passing of certain of the
resolutions proposed at the AGM and admission to AIM of the Initial
Consideration Shares.

Provided that certain of the resolutions are passed at the AGM, admission to
trading on AIM of the Initial Consideration Shares is expected at 8.00 a.m. on
30 July 2008.

Lock-In and orderly market arrangements

Pursuant to the terms of the acquisition agreement, the principle vendors of
Pinnacle, who hold approximately 70.77% of the issued shares in Pinnacle, have
agreed, save in certain limited circumstances, not to (without the prior
written consent of the Company) dispose of their Initial Consideration Shares
until the issue of Creon's audited accounts for the year ended 31 January 2009.
A further 20.65% of the shareholders in Pinnacle have agreed to only dispose of
their Initial Consideration Shares in an orderly market manner during the same
period. The Deferred Consideration Shares will also be subject to orderly
market arrangements.

Annual general meeting

You will find set out at the end of this document a notice convening an Annual
General Meeting of the Company to be held at 3p.m. on 24 July 2008 and includes
the following resolutions:

  * Directors' powers to allot securities;
  * Directors' powers to disapply pre-emption rights; and
  * Amendments to the Company's articles of association
Share price

Creon's share price and market liquidity have continued to be below
expectations during the financial year ended 31 January 2008. The value of its
ordinary shares has fallen from 42 pence per share (closing mid-market price)
on 1 February 2007 to 31.5 pence per share (closing mid-market price) as at 31
January 2008. Given the poor performance of the finance and property sectors
generally the Directors are not surprised but remain disappointed with this
fall and the continued general lack of interest in the Company's shares. The
Board's objective remains to grow the size and profitability of the Company,
and to promote the Company to potential investors, with the expectation that
the share price will improve as the Company becomes more widely known.

Strategy for the enlarged group

The Directors' believe the acquisition of Pinnacle provides the Company with an
opportunity to make better use of the resources it has at its disposal whilst
continuing to build on the Company's existing reputation as a mezzanine
provider. The Board hopes this will result in a fuller utilisation of the
Company's assets and an improved financial performance in the next financial
year as Pinnacle begins to contribute to the Company's profits.


The Directors believe that Creon has made some further progress in the
development of its business in a niche area of property finance and that,
despite the current poor market conditions, it continues to develop a profile
within the residential development market. However, given the continued
uncertainty within the property sector the Directors believe that it is in the
best interests of the Company to diversify its portfolio whilst continuing its
core mezzanine finance business. The Company will seek to make the best use of
its resources to generate greater returns and in particular provide Pinnacle
with the working capital it requires to allow it to grow substantially and add
to the revenues of the Company. We intend to continue to seek property
development opportunities that represent a good rate of return relative to
their risk.

Jonathan Freeman

James Barder

1 July 2008



for the year ended 31 January 2008

                                                         2008             2007
                                      Note                  �                �
Turnover                               2              401,862          806,882
Cost of sales                                       (145,985)        (264,728)
                                                     ________         ________
Gross profit                                          255,877          542,154
Administrative expenses                             (435,601)        (206,521)
(including provision against                                                  
doubtful fee income)                                                          
                                                     ________         ________
Operating (loss)/profit                3            (179,724)          335,633
Interest receivable and similar                        26,736           23,381
Interest payable and similar           7                    -         (44,837)
                                                     ________         ________
(Loss)/profit on ordinary                           (152,988)          314,177
activities before taxation                                                    
Taxation                               8               30,598         (48,882)
                                                     ________         ________
Retained (loss)/profit for the year                 (122,390)          265,295
Basic and diluted (loss) /earnings     4              (1.22)p            2.64p
per share                                                                     

All recognised gains and losses in the current year and prior period are
included in the profit and loss account.

All amounts relate to continuing activities.


as at 31 January 2008

                                                       2008           2007          
                                         Note             �              �             
Fixed Assets                                                                   
Investments                                               -              8             
Current Assets                                                                 
Debtors                                   10      2,645,464      2,355,573     
Cash at bank                                        481,749        942,234       
                                                  3,127,213      3,297,807     
Creditors: amounts falling due            11      (164,713)      (212,925)     
within one year                                                                
Net Current Assets                                2,962,500      3,084,882     
                                                   ________       ________      
Total Assets Less Current                         2,962,500      3,084,890     
Capital And Reserves                                                           
Called up share capital                   13        100,361        100,361       
Share premium account                     14      2,774,949      2,774,949     
Profit and loss account                   15         87,190        209,580       
                                                   ________       ________      
Shareholders' Funds                       16      2,962,500      3,084,890     

The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors and authorised
for issue on 1 July 2008.

Jonathan Freeman



For the year ended 31 January 2008          Note            2008         2007
                                                               �            �
Net Cash Outflow/Inflow from Operating       17         (63,301)      110,044     
Corporation tax paid                                    (52,225)            -           
Net Cash Inflow/(Outflow) From Returns                                       
On Investments And Servicing Of Finance:                                     
Interest received                                         26,736       23,381      
Interest paid                                                  -     (44,837)    
                                                          26,736     (21,456)    
Net Cash Outflow From Capital                                                
Expenditure And Financial Investments:                                       
Mezzanine finance loans advanced                     (1,049,206)  (1,991,710) 
Mezzanine finance loans repaid                           677,503    1,090,997   
                                                       (371,703)    (900,713)   
Net Cash Outflow From Financing                                              
New loans                                                      0      377,000     
Repayment of loans                                             0    (377,000)   
Sale of investments                                            8            -           
Decrease In Cash                                       (460,485)    (812,125)   
Reconciliation Of Net Cash Flow To Movement In Net                           
Decrease in cash in the year                 18        (460,485)    (812,125)   
                                                       _________    _________   
Change in net funds resulting from cash                (460,485)    (812,125)   
Net funds at the beginning of February       18          942,234    1,754,359   
                                                       _________    _________   
Net Funds at The End of January                          481,749      942,234     


1 Accounting policies

Basis of accounting

The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost
convention and in accordance with applicable accounting standards and the
Companies Act 1985 and cover the year ended 31 January 2008.


Turnover represents the arrangement fees due in respect of mezzanine finance
advances and additional fees arising from the extension of loans beyond the
original repayment date. These are spread on a straight-line basis over the
loan terms.

Deferred taxation

Deferred tax balances are recognised in respect of all timing differences that
have originated but not reversed by the balance sheet date, except that the
recognition of deferred tax assets is limited to the extent that the Company
anticipates making sufficient taxable profits in the future to absorb the
reversal of the underlying timing differences.

Deferred tax balances are not discounted.

Financial instruments

Financial instruments are recognised initially and subsequently at cost.

Finance provided by the Company is in the form of mezzanine finance which is
included in debtors and is stated as the amount of the funds advanced net of
any provision for potentially irrecoverable amounts.

For the purpose of the information in note 12 in the financial statements
short-term debtors and creditors have been excluded from that information.

2 Turnover

Turnover is wholly attributable to the principal activity of the Company and
arises solely within the United Kingdom.

3 Operating (loss)/profit

                                                      2008        2007
This is arrived at after charging:                       �           �
Auditor's remuneration - for audit work             18,212      17,625
Provision against doubtful fee income              250,000           -

4 (Loss)/earnings per share

The loss per share for the year ended 31 January 2008 was 1.22p. The
calculation of earnings per share is based on the loss of �122,390 for the year
ended 31 January 2008, and the number of shares in issue during the year

The earnings per share for the period to 31 January 2007 was 2.64p. The
calculation of earnings per share for that period was based on profit of �
265,295 for the year to 31 January 2007 and the number of shares in issue
during the year (10,036,110).

All of the share warrants have been excluded from the earnings per share
calculation. These warrants could be dilutive in future periods.

5 Asset value per share

The net asset value per share at 31 January 2008 was �0.30 (as at 31 January
2007; �0.31). Net asset value is based on the net assets as at 31 January 2008
of �2,962,500 (as at 31 January 2007; �3,084,882) and on the number of shares
in issue at 31 January 2008 being 10,036,110 shares (as at 31 January 2007 -

6 Staff numbers and costs

The average monthly number of employees of the Company, including Directors,
during the year, was 2 (2008: 2).

The aggregate remuneration and associated costs of the Company's employees

                                                      2008           2007
                                                         �              �
Wages and salaries                                  12,000         12,000
Social security costs                                  867            892
                                                    12,867         12,892

Directors' emoluments

                                                      2008           2007
                                                         �              �
Amounts paid to third parties in respect of         54,142         53,016
Directors' services                                                      
Emoluments                                          12,000         12,000
                                                    66,142         65,016

7 Interest payable and similar charges

                                                      2008           2007
                                                         �              �
On other loans                                           -         44,837

8 Taxation

                                                      2008           2007
                                                         �              �
UK Corporation Tax                                                      
Current tax on (loss)/profit for the year         (30,598)         48,882

Factors affecting tax charge in the year                                
(Loss)/Profit on ordinary activities before      (152,988)        314,177
(Loss)/Profit on ordinary activities at the       (30,598)         59,693
effective rate of corporation tax in the UK                             
of 20% (2007 - 19%)                                                     
Effect of:                                                              
Utilisation of tax losses                                -       (10,811)
Tax (credit)/charge for the year                  (30,598)         48,882

As at 31 January 2008 the Company had trade losses of �nil (2007 - nil)
available to carry forward to set off against future profits.

9 Fixed asset investments                             2008           2007        
                                                         �              �           
Shares in Group undertaking                              -              8           
During the year the Company disposed of its                            
dormant subsidiaries.                                                  

10 Debtors

                                                      2008           2007         
                                                         �              �            
Corporation tax                                     33,942              -            
Prepayments and accrued income                     380,615        496,370      
Mezzanine finance advances                       2,230,907      1,859,203    
                                                 2,645,464      2,355,573    

All amounts fall due for payment within one year.

11 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year

                                                      2008          2007
                                                         �             �
Trade creditors                                        489         4,600        
Accruals and deferred income                       164,224       159,113      
Corporation tax                                          -        48,882       
Other taxation and social security                       -           322          
Amounts due to group undertakings                        -             8            
                                                   164,713       212,925      

12 Financial instruments

                                                      2008          2007
                                                         �             �
Cash at bank                                       481,749       942,234      
Mezzanine finance advances                       2,230,907     1,859,203    

There is no difference between the book values and fair values of the Company's
financial instruments.

The Company's financial instruments consist of cash and mezzanine finance. The
risks associated with these are interest rate risk and the potential
non-recoverability of the loans. Interest rate risk is monitored through cash
flow management and the placing of cash on interest bearing deposit accounts.
The risk of potential non-recoverability of the loans is reduced by closely
considering each loan applicant before agreeing to the loan facility and by
securing the loans against property.

No interest is receivable in respect of the mezzanine finance advances.
Arrangement fees are charged and these are included within turnover. Mezzanine
loans are generally advanced by the Company for a maximum period of 12 months
and are for the purposes of property development. The loans are secured against
the properties being developed.

The Company has an undrawn revolving credit facility of �1million. Interest is
due on any amounts drawn at 2% above the Bank of Scotland base rate. The
facility has no fixed termination date.

13 Share capital

                                                        2008          2007
                                                           �             �
50,000,000 Ordinary shares of 1p each                500,000       500,000      
Allotted, called up and fully paid                                        
10,036,110 Ordinary shares of 1p each                100,361       100,361      

On 25 October 2004, the Company issued and allotted 300,000 warrants to each of
Roger Holbeche and Jonathan Lavy. In relation to each holding, 100,000 warrants
were exercisable from 25 November 2005 at a price of 60p per share, 100,000
were exercisable on 25 November 2006 at a price of 70p per share and 100,000
were exercisable on 25 November 2007 at a price of 80p per share. Each warrant
entitles the holder to subscribe for one new Ordinary share. The final exercise
date for all warrants is 25 November 2008. The warrants have been issued for no
consideration and to date no warrants have been exercised.

The charge in respect of the warrants as required by FRS 20 Share-Based
Payments is not significant and has therefore not been booked.

14 Share premium account

There has been no movement in the share premium account during the year.

15 Profit and loss account

At 1 February 2007                                           209,580      
Loss for the year                                          (122,390)    
At 31 January 2008                                            87,190

16 Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds

                                                      2008          2007
                                                         �             �
Shareholders' funds at 1 February                3,084,890     2,819,595    
(Loss)/profit for the financial period           (122,390)       265,295      
Shareholders' funds at 31 January                2,962,500     3,084,890    

17 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities

                                                        2008          2007
                                                           �             �
Operating (loss)/profit                            (179,724)       335,633      
Decrease/(increase) in debtors                       115,754     (326,318)    
Increase in creditors                                    669       100,729      
                                                     _______      ________     
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating            (63,301)       110,044      

18 Analysis of net funds

Cash at bank as at 1 February 2007                          942,234       
Cash Flow                                                 (460,485)     
Cash at bank at 31 January 2008                             481,749       

19 Capital commitments

There were no capital commitments at the year end (2007 - �nil).

20 Post balance sheet events

Since 31 January 2008, the Directors have agreed one further loan to a
developer. The loan is for �250,000, repayable within 12 months and is secured
against property.

Creon has taken possession of the two remaining unsold properties in a
development as settlement for one of the outstanding loans as at 31 January

The Directors have also released the first two tranches of a loan totalling �
403,000 in relation to the proposed acquisition of Pinnacle Plus Limited.
Further detail is noted in the Chairman's Statement.

21 Related party transactions

The following information discloses the significant related-party transactions
during the year

                                                  Amount paid      Balance    
                                                                outstanding at
                                                                   year end   
Name of related party and nature of Transaction    2008    2007    2008   2007
relation                               type                                   
                                                      �       �       �      �
Jonathan Freeman, Director of Creon  Directors   24,299 26,508    2,209    Nil
is a 50% shareholder in Combined       fees                                   
Management Services Limited                                                   
Jonathan Freeman, Director of Creon   Admin &    25,631 26,508    2,272    Nil
is a 50% shareholder in Combined      support                                 
Management Services Limited          services                                 
Jonathan Freeman, Director of Creon Accountancy   1,958    Nil    1,958    Nil   
is a 50% shareholder in Combined    services                                  
Management Services Limited                                                   
Jonathan Freeman, Director of Creon Provision     2,350    Nil    1,175    Nil   
is a 50% shareholder in Combined    of Office                                 
Management Services Limited         space                                     

Combined Management Services Limited ("CMS") invoiced Creon a total of �10,293
(including VAT) during the year for public relations services it procured for
Creon on Creon's behalf.)


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