RNS No 5852b
1st October 1997 
                           CHIROSCIENCE GROUP PLC
                               INTERIM RESULTS
                    for the six months to 31 August 1997
Chiroscience Group plc today announces its interim results for the six months
to 31 August 1997.
-    Revenues increase by 96% to #9.2m ($14.9m*), (1996: #4.7m).
-     ChiroTech contributes first half sales of #5.9m ($9.6m*), (1996: #3.9m)
 and  an operating profit of #2.3m ($3.7m*), (1996: #0.2m); excellent outlook
 for full year.
-     Investment  in research and development increases to #19.0m  ($30.8m*),
 (1996: #7.1m); net loss contained to #14.4m ($23.3m*), (1996: #7.6m).
-     Levobupivacaine (ChirocaineT) successfully completes  seven  Phase  III
 trials,  with  published  results in major surgery and  post-operative  pain
 management; drug on course for European regulatory filing in December  1997,
 US filing in April 1998.
-     Two  MMP inhibitors (D1927 and D2163), potential treatments for cancer,
 completing pre-clinical studies for Phase I studies to begin by year end.
-    Collaboration agreed in June with Schering-Plough Corporation to develop
 oral treatments for asthma and other inflammatory diseases; leading candidate
 D4418 successfully completes Phase I study, confirming no emesis.
-     Further  four  collaborations agreed to exploit  R  &  D  capabilities;
 opportunities to commercialise genomics technologies being negotiated.
Dr  John  Padfield, chief executive of Chiroscience, commented: "The  product
pipeline  we  have  created is leading to significant value  for  the  Group.
Phase  III development of ChirocaineT has continued on track, creating  broad
clinical  uses  and  a  product of significant commercial  opportunity.   Our
approach to evaluating new drug discoveries in the clinic has been underlined
through  the successful completion of the first clinical trial on our  asthma
"Financially,  the  excellent ChiroTech revenue and  profit  performance  has
underlined  the  value  of this business which, through  an  expected  strong
second  half performance, will contribute to the control of the Group's  cash
at the year end."
*  US dollar equivalents are provided for reader convenience only at the
exchange rate of #1 = US $1.62.
For further information contact:
Dr John Padfield, Chief Executive    Giles    Sanderson/Steve
Andrew Burrows, Media Relations      Jacobs
Rebecca Iveson, Investor Relations   Financial Dynamics
                                     Tel: +44 (0)171 831 3113
Tel: +44 (0)1223 420430              
Chiroscience Group plc
Chiroscience is an emerging pharmaceutical company operating in  the  UK  and
USA, which uses its diverse technology platform to discover and develop novel
medicines  for improved healthcare.  The Group has two principal  activities,
operating as Darwin Discovery and ChiroTech.  Chiroscience is listed  on  the
London Stock Exchange.
Darwin  Discovery  embraces activities in Cambridge, Seattle  and  Stevenage,
including  gene-based  research and molecular biology, through  chiral-based,
combinatorial,  medicinal and process chemistries, to  clinical  development.
It  is  engaged in the discovery and development of innovative small molecule
drugs and related diagnostics with a therapeutic focus on autoimmune disease,
cancer, inflammation, pain and osteoporosis.
ChiroTech  provides  chiral  technology  services  to  customers  within  the
pharmaceutical  and  related industries and in support of Darwin  Discovery's
research and development programmes.

The following is an extract from the Chiroscience Interim Report for 1997.
The   first   half  year  has  seen  considerable  technical  and  commercial
achievements throughout the Group.
Good  progress  has  been  made  in  the integration  of  Darwin  Discovery's
activities,  which  brings  together operations  in  Cambridge,  Seattle  and
Stevenage into a cohesive drug discovery business. Through the development of
cross-locational  and multi-functional project teams our  staff  are  gaining
increasing understanding of each other's capabilities, assisted by visits and
secondments  and the creation of shared systems and databases.  Collaborative
agreements have been established with Schering-Plough Corporation, PowderJect
Pharmaceuticals plc, Trega Biosciences Inc, Alcon Laboratories Inc and  Geron
Corporation,  all  of which, if successful, will allow the Group  to  receive
additional revenues.
The  ChiroTech  business  is continuing to build its reputation  amongst  the
pharmaceutical  and related communities, reinforcing the  decision  to  focus
this business and operate it under a separate management structure. ChiroTech
has  had a good financial performance in the first half of the year, and  the
prospects  for the second half are very encouraging. We continue  to  explore
the  greater  potential  which could be afforded  to  this  business  through
strategic alliances with manufacturing partners.
Much  work  has  been  undertaken in exploring  the  most  effective  way  to
commercialise  levobupivacaine  (ChirocaineT),  built  upon  a  comprehensive
clinical  trials  programme  which  is nearing  completion,  with  the  first
regulatory filing planned for December 1997.
The  area  of  pain  and  anaesthesia is one in which  we  have  considerable
knowledge  and expertise, and we have become increasingly aware that  chronic
pain  is an area of major unmet medical need. This has already brought  in  a
new   development   opportunity   through  our   alliance   with   PowderJect
Pharmaceuticals.  Few of the major pharmaceutical companies are devoting R  &
D  or  sales and marketing resources to pain as an exclusive area of  disease
focus;  rather  they see it as an additional revenue source  associated  with
sales in another product area.
One of the options under review by the Board is to access the pain-management
market  further through an alliance with one or more companies with  existing
products and sales force capabilities in the pain and neurology fields,  with
the  aim  of  building  a  significant presence in the  area.   Alternatively
levobupivacaine  could  be licensed to a major pharmaceutical  company  on  a
global  basis.  The Board has currently ruled out the option of  establishing
its  own  stand alone sales force. Negotiations are reaching advanced  stages
for the options under consideration.
We continue to strengthen our management teams through the recruitment of key
members  of staff ensuring our skill-base complements the changing  needs  of
the  business.  Dr Robert Jackson has joined the Board of Chiroscience  Group
plc  as  Executive Director, with responsibility for Research and Development
within the UK operations of Darwin Discovery.  He is working closely with  Dr
David  Galas,  who is based in Seattle and has responsibility  for  Discovery
Research.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr Jon Dickens  for
the  role he played in establishing Chiroscience's R&D programmes and to wish
him well following his recent retirement from the Board and the Company.
Looking  forward,  ChiroTech's  revenues and profitability  are  expected  to
increase substantially in the coming months.  During the second half  we  are
anticipating  further  advances in our development pipeline  with  consequent
potential  for  cash  and  revenue as a result of relevant  commercialisation
strategies.  New research targets are expected to be created  from  both  our
Cambridge and Seattle operations, with opportunities to feed and maintain our
development   pipeline.    Commercialisation  of  our   proprietary   genomic
technologies will continue to be explored.
Revenues for the second half of the year are thus anticipated to exceed those
of  the first half.  Combining this with a reduction in expenditure levels as
ChirocaineT  clinical trials are completed, there should be  a  significantly
smaller loss in the second half of the year.  I look forward to reporting  on
many exciting developments in six months' time.
Lord Chilver, Chairman
1 October 1997

Revenues during the period rose to #9.2m (6 months to 31/8/96: #4.7m, year to
28/2/97:  #11.5m),  with #3.3m from Darwin Discovery operations  (principally
from the Schering-Plough collaboration) and #5.9m from ChiroTech.
Following the acquisition of the Stevenage pilot plant in June 1996 and  that
of Darwin Molecular in December, the number of employees has increased to 305
in  this period from 180 for the comparable period last year. Expenditure  on
clinical  trials, reflecting the progression of the ChirocaineT, PDE  IV  and
MMP  programmes,  increased from #3.1m to #9.7m.  As a result  of  these  two
factors, our total investment in R & D increased to #19.0m compared to  #7.1m
in  the first half of 1996 and #18.8m for the full year to 28/2/97.  Of  this
increase in expenditure, #6.6m related to external trials costs and #4.0m  to
the   Seattle   discovery   research  activities.    Selling,   general   and
administrative expenses for the Group increased by #0.3m over the  equivalent
period  last year to #2.7m.  However, the increase in revenues contained  the
loss for the period to #14.4m compared to #7.6m last year.
Cash  outflows  for the period were #14.0m or #2.3m per month,  resulting  in
cash  reserves  at 31/8/97 of #37.4m. Capital expenditure in the  period  was
#0.9m (6 months to 31/8/97: #0.4m) reflecting the increased fixed asset  base
of  the business with the additions of the Seattle and Stevenage sites. As  a
result  of  share option exercises which generated cash of #0.4m, the  issued
share capital increased by 1.2m shares to 107.1m shares.
During  the  first  half  of  the year, a number  of  regulatory  authorities
conducted Good Manufacturing Practice inspections at Stevenage, all to  their
satisfaction, showing the professionalism and quality of our employees.
The following are further highlights of the period:
ChirocaineT (Levobupivacaine)
Levobupivacaine  will be marketed under the trade name ChirocaineT  following
the  first applications for marketing approval in Europe in December 1997 and
in  the  United  States  in  April 1998.  The  strategic  considerations  for
commercialising this product have been addressed in the Chairman's report and
preparations are in hand for registration and first launches during 1998.
The  Group  has invested considerable resources in the continuing development
of   this  important  drug  which,  while  having  an  excellent  long-acting
anaesthetic  profile, offers new opportunities in the disease  management  of
chronic  pain.  The clinical development programme is on course to  create  a
comprehensive  set  of  label  claims and results  are  consistent  with  our
expectations.   New  data  were reported in September  both  in  75  patients
undergoing  abdominal  surgery and its expanded use  in  post-operative  pain
where  120  patients received the drug alone and in combination  with  opioid
analgesics.  Further new trial data will be reported in October.
Schering-Plough alliance - asthma
In June, the Group secured an extremely important collaboration with Schering-
Plough Corporation for the development of an oral treatment for asthma  using
the  Group's  proprietary  inhibitors of the phosphodiesterase  IV  (PDE  IV)
enzyme  known  to  be  implicated in this inflammatory  disease.   The  terms
include an access and milestone payments from Schering-Plough, together  with
financing  of  research  staff  and adoption  of  all  clinical  costs,  with
royalties  payable to Chiroscience on resultant product sales. This  alliance
with a world-leader in respiratory medicines should afford the best return to
shareholders on the research achievements of Chiroscience in this field.  The
alliance  gives  Schering-Plough access to our development candidate,  D4418,
which  has  successfully moved through its first Phase I trial  demonstrating
that  the  principle  of no emesis can be achieved in man at  therapeutically
relevant doses.
MMP inhibitor programmes - cancer and inflammatory  disease
D1927  and  D2163 are completing their pre-clinical evaluation  and  Phase  I
trials  in  human  volunteers are planned to begin by the  year  end.   These
candidate  drugs are  very well absorbed and have not shown any  evidence  of
musculoskeletal   effects  in  extensive  pre-clinical  testing   and   their
selectivity profile should enable this to be confirmed in man.
D5410  is  insufficiently well absorbed to make it an  attractive  commercial
candidate  to treat arthritis.  However, this compound inhibits  a  range  of
MMPs  and patient trials with D5410 in inflammatory bowel disease are planned
to  begin in mid-1998, underlining our strategy of investigating multiple end
points for these inhibitors.
Collaborative Alliances
The   alliances  with  Medeva  plc  on  D2785  (d-threo-methylphenidate)  and
Knoll/BASF  on  D2024  (Verapamil isomers) have both  progressed  during  the
period.   Five of the ten patents applied for internationally on  D2785  have
been  published.  We are unaware of any competitive filings and are confident
of our priority position.
Three    new   alliances  have  been  established  exploiting   the   Group's
capabilities   in  inhibitor  research  (with  Alcon  Laboratories   Inc   in
ophthalmics),  in  combinatorial chemistry (with  Trega  Biosciences  Inc  in
inflammation)  and  in genomics (with Geron Corporation, in  ageing  diseases
related  to  the  Werner's Syndrome gene, discovered by Darwin  Molecular  in
Discovery Research
Our  development  pipeline will be fuelled by the gene-based  discovery  work
undertaken  in Seattle. The most advanced projects under way are those  on  a
bone-density  related  gene   -  which  could  result  in  a  drug  to  treat
osteoporosis  offering immense commercial opportunity -  and  on  auto-immune
diseases  -  focused  on  psoriasis,  but  also  encompassing  a  number   of
inflammatory diseases such as arthritis. The genomics technologies  available
in Seattle have been applied to identify a number of further opportunities in
the  MMP field and are being used extensively on all in-house programmes. The
commercial value of our DNA tagging and DNA array technologies and our Mouse-
SourceT genetic tool are being established.
The  broad  availability of opportunities to exploit our  genomic  technology
programmes,  discovery  research  projects  and  development  pipeline   have
required us to focus our resources on those of greatest commercial potential.
As  a consequence, the single isomer cancer programmes D3967, D4809 and D7991
will  proceed  no  further  without the input  of  a  collaborative  partner.
Patient  trials  in  D3967 and D7991 showed evidence of  benefit,  but  their
limited  commercial utility in a rapidly developing field where new  oncology
agents are being developed does not justify further investment by the Group.
ChiroTech  has had an excellent first half with sales of #5.9m generating  an
operating  profit of #2.3m compared to #0.2m for the first half of last  year
and #1.2m for the whole of the 96/7 year. The business is expanding, both  in
the  areas of catalysis and the chiral compound libraries soon to be launched
as the ChiroChemT collection. However, the major success has been in sales of
(-)  lactam, for which we have significant orders in hand for the second half
of  the  year.  Gross margins for this product are consistently greater  than
50%,  which  reflects  the earlier technology investments  by  the  Group  to
establish  this  opportunity.   Accordingly,  the  business  should  have  an
excellent second half and full year.
Chiroscience Group plc

Unaudited Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
                       6 months to      6 months      12 months to
                           31/8/97            to           28/2/97
                              #m's       31/8/96              #m's
Revenues                    9.2            4.7            11.5
Cost of sales*              (3.3)          (3.8)          (8.8)
Gross profit                5.9            0.9            2.7
Research and development    (19.0)         (7.1)          (18.8)
Administrative expenses     (1.7)          (1.4)          (3.0)
(note 6)
Sales and marketing and     (1.0)          (1.0)          (2.5)
distribution costs
Operating loss              (15.8)         (8.6)          (21.6)
Net interest receivable     1.4            1.0            2.3
Loss on ordinary            (14.4)         (7.6)          (19.3)
activities before taxation
Tax on loss on ordinary     -              -              -
Retained loss               (14.4)         (7.6)          (19.3)
Loss per share - basic      (13.6p)        (9.7p)         (22.5p)
(note 3)                                                  
*    The allocation of certain costs between research and development and
     cost of sales has been restated to reflect the developing commercial
     activities of the Group.
Chiroscience Group plc
Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheet
                          31/8/97       31/8/96      28/2/97
                             #m's          #m's         #m's
Fixed assets                                           
Tangible assets             8.5           6.8          9.1
Investments (note 5)        3.9           4.0          3.9
                            12.4          10.8         13.0
Current assets                                         
Stock                       1.0           0.9          1.0
Debtors                     4.0           2.1          3.6
Investments in short term   36.7          47.0         50.8
Cash at bank and in hand    0.7           0.7          0.6
Total current assets        42.4          50.7         56.0
Creditors: amounts due      (9.1)         (4.8)        (9.6)
within one year
Net current assets          33.3          45.9         46.4
Net assets                  45.7          56.7         59.4
Capital and reserves                                   
Called up share capital     5.4           4.2          5.3
Share premium account       75.6          75.2         75.3
Other reserves              23.6          11.0         23.5
Profit and loss account     (58.9)        (33.7)       (44.7)
Shareholders' funds         45.7          56.7         59.4
Chiroscience Group plc
Unaudited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                       6    6 months    12 months
                                  months          to           to
                                      to     31/8/96      28/2/97
                                 31/8/97        #m's         #m's
Cashflow from operating           (15.0)       (6.9)       (16.3)
activities (note 4)
Returns on investments and                                       
servicing of finance
Interest received                    1.4         1.1          2.3
Capital expenditure and                                          
financial investments
Fixed assets acquired (net)        (0.9)       (0.4)        (1.0)
Pilot plant                          0.0       (4.6)        (4.6)
Darwin Molecular - expenses of       0.0         0.0        (1.8)
Net cash acquired with Darwin        0.0         0.0          0.3
Molecular Corporation                   
Cash outflow before management                                   
of liquid resources and           (14.5)      (10.8)       (21.1)
Shared issued, net of expenses       0.4        41.3         41.3
Change in net funds from          (14.1)        30.5         20.2
Current investments acquired         0.0         0.0         13.7
with subsidiary
Exchange gain                        0.1         0.0          0.3
Movements in net funds in         (14.0)        30.5         34.2
Net funds at start of period        51.4        17.2         17.2
Net funds at end of period          37.4        47.7         51.4
Change in cash in the period         0.1         0.3          0.2
Net transfers between cash and    (14.1)        30.2         20.0
Change in net funds from          (14.0)        30.5         20.2
Chiroscience Group plc
Notes to the Financial Statements
at 31 August 1997
The  financial  information  contained in this report  has  been  prepared  in
accordance  with the accounting policies set out in the Group's Annual  Report
for  the  year ended 28 February 1997, except for the adoption of UITF  17  as
described in note 6 below.
The  financial information as set out in this report is unaudited and does not
comprise  statutory accounts for the purposes of section 240 of the  Companies
Act  1985.  The auditors have carried out a review and their report is set out
on the next page.
The  figures for the six months ended 31 August 1996 form part of the  results
contained in the statutory accounts for the year ended 28 February 1997.   The
information for the year to 28 February 1997 has been extracted from the  same
statutory  accounts, which carry an unqualified report and have been delivered
to the Registrar of Companies.
The  Interim Report will be posted to shareholders on 7 October 1997.  Copies
of  the  report will be available from the Company's registered  office:  283
Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WE.
                            6 months     6 months    12 months
                                  to           to           to
                             31/8/97      31/8/96      28/2/97
                                #m's         #m's         #m's
Revenues by business                                   
Darwin Discovery              3.3          0.8         2.3
ChiroTech                     5.9          3.9         9.2
                              9.2          4.7         11.5
Operating profit/(loss) by                             
Darwin Discovery              (16.4)       (7.5)       (20.4)
ChiroTech                     2.3          0.2         1.2
                              (14.1)       (7.3)       (19.2)
Central activities            (1.7)        (1.3)       (2.4)
Group operating loss          (15.8)       (8.6)       (21.6)
The loss per share is based on losses of #14.4m (31 August 1996: loss of #7.6m
and  year to 28 February 1997: loss of #19.3m), and on 106.4m Ordinary  Shares
(31  August 1996: 77.8m Ordinary Shares, and 28 February 1997: 85.4m  Ordinary
Shares),  being  the  weighted average number of shares in  issue  during  the
period.  The Directors do not recommend payment of a dividend.
                            6 months     6 months    12 months
                                  to           to           to
                             31/8/97      31/8/96      28/2/97
                                #m's         #m's         #m's
Operating loss                (15.8)       (8.6)       (21.6)
Depreciation                  1.5          0.8         2.2
Provision of free of charge   (0.3)        0.0         (0.5)
Discount on share options     0.2          0.3         0.6
(note 6)
Movements in:                                          
Stocks                        0.0          0.9         0.7
Debtors                       (0.4)        0.1         (0.4)
Creditors                     (0.2)        (0.4)       2.7
Net cash outflow from         (15.0)       (6.9)       (16.3)
operating activities
Represents  the 2.6m shares held by the Chiroscience Employee Share  Ownership
Plan at cost.  The market value of the shares at 31 August 1997 was #7.5m.
In  accordance  with UITF 17 the financial statements now  reflect  an  income
statement  charge representing an appropriate proportion of the value  of  the
discount element of share options issued in prior years and the value  of  the
shares allocated under the long term incentive plan.  The charge to the income
statement is offset by a credit to the reserves.  The prior year figures  have
been  adjusted  to  reflect this change.  The charges and adjustments  are  as
                            6 months     6 months    12 months
                                  to           to           to
                             31/8/97      31/8/96      28/2/97
                                #m's         #m's         #m's
Charge to profit and loss     (0.2)        (0.3)       (0.6)
Credit to reserves            0.2          0.3         0.6
The  only  recognised gains or losses for the period other than  the  retained
loss  as  shown  in  the  income statement, were  foreign  exchange  gains  on
translation  of foreign currency investments.  These gains amounted  to  #0.1m
for the six months to 31 August 1997 (six months to 31 August 1996: #nil, year
to 28 February 1997: #0.3m).


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