RNS Number : 8536R

ARC Capital Holdings Limited

10 November 2011



ARC Capital Holdings Limited ("ARCH" or the "Company") (AIM: ARCH), the closed-end investment company admitted to trading on the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange today announces its extraordinary general meeting to be held at 2:00 p.m. (Hong Kong time) on Wednesday, 14 December 2011 at the Four Seasons Hotel, Macau ("EGM") and that it will today send a circular ("Circular") to shareholders ("Shareholders") detailing certain proposals to be put to Shareholders at the EGM ("Proposals").

The Company's board of directors (the "Board"), has consulted with the Company's major Shareholders to formulate the Proposals which are summarized as follows:

-- Improved standards of corporate governance and transparency: The Board proposes to bring the Company in line with most other AIM-quoted investment companies by, among other things, introducing a regular annual general meeting to provide a regular forum for voting on discount control policy and Board composition.

-- Adoption of a revised distribution policy: The Board and ARC Capital Partners Limited (the "Investment Manager"), are committed to narrowing the discount to net asset value per share ("NAV per Share"). The Board, having consulted with the Investment Manager, believes the current market conditions are not appropriate for significant disposals of portfolio assets but proposes to return available free cash to Shareholders pursuant to a revised distribution policy that is described in detail in the Circular.

The Board believes the recommended Proposals will improve corporate governance and transparency and should narrow the discount to NAV per Share.

-- Advisory resolution related to restructuring of the Company: The Board has recently received communications from certain Shareholders requesting the Board to consider a material restructuring of the Company with a view to splitting the Company's assets and liabilities into a continuing pool and a distribution pool with Shareholders electing to receive a class of shares that would be linked to the returns generated by one of the pools. In response to this request, the Board is proposing an advisory resolution at the EGM that the Company formulate a proposal to undertake a restructuring broadly in line with the description above, despite the Board's and the Investment Manager's strong and unanimous recommendation this be rejected.

The Board does not believe that such a restructuring is in the best interests of Shareholders as a whole. The Board and the Investment Manager remain committed to the Company's primary strategy of providing Shareholders with capital appreciation from a diversified portfolio of attractive retail and consumer companies in China

The adoption of certain elements of the recommended Proposals will require the amendment of the Company's Articles of Association (the "Articles").

The Circular, which provides further details of the Board's recommended Proposals, will be sent to Shareholders today setting out the reasons for the Proposals and to explain what Shareholders should do next. A copy of the Circular will also shortly be available from the Company's website www.arch-fund.com.

 Posting of Circular and Form of Proxy          10 November 2011 
   to Shareholders 
  Record date for EGM                     8:00 a.m. (London time) 
                                                 10 November 2011 
  Latest time and date for receipt of     5:00 p.m. (London time) 
   Forms of Proxy                                              on 
                                                 12 December 2011 
  Time and date of EGM                     2:00 p.m. (Macau time) 
                                                 14 December 2011 

The above times and/or dates may be subject to change and, in the event of such change, the revised times and/or dates will be notified to Shareholders by an announcement through a Regulatory Information Service of the London Stock Exchange.

 For more information, please contact: 
   Allan Liu, Managing Partner             NOMINATED ADVISER: 
   ARC Capital Partners Limited            Philip Secrett 
   T: (852) 2918 0088                      Grant Thornton Corporate Finance 
   F: (852) 2918 0881                      T: (44) 20 7383 5100 
   aliu@pagasia.com                        Philip.J.Secrett@uk.gt.com 
  BROKER:                                 MEDIA RELATIONS: 
   Hiroshi Funaki                          Stephanie Barry 
   LCF Edmond de Rothschild Securities     PAG 
   T: (44) 20 7845 5960                    T: (852) 3719 3375 
   F: (44) 20 7845 5961                    sbarry@pagasia.com 
                                           INVESTOR RELATIONS: 
   Numis Securities Limited                Chong Min Yi 
   David Benda / Hugh Jonathan             PAG 
   T: (44) 20 7260 1000                    T: (852) 3719 3319 
   F: (44) 20 7260 1001                    cyi@pagasia.com 

About ARC Capital Holdings Limited

ARC Capital Holdings Limited ("ARCH") (AIM: ARCH) is a closed-end investment company with net assets of US$432.5 million as at 31 August 2011. ARCH was admitted to trading on the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange in June 2006. ARCH makes and holds investments in the retail, consumer goods and consumer services sectors, principally in China. Target investments include regional hypermarkets and supermarkets, dominant consumer brands, specialty retail chains, retail property assets and retail and consumer service providers.

For more information about ARC Capital Holdings Limited, please visit: www.arch-fund.com.


Further to the Company's announcement dated 19 October 2011, the Board has consulted with the Company's major Shareholders to formulate proposals: (i) to improve the Company's standards of corporate governance and transparency, and (ii) to reduce the discount (the "Discount") at which the Company's Shares trade to NAV per share (together, the "Proposals").

The Board proposes to improve the Company's corporate governance and transparency to align the Company with peer group AIM-quoted investment companies by, among other things, introducing an annual general meeting to provide a regular forum for voting on discount control policy and Board composition.

The Board and the Investment Manager are committed to narrowing the Discount and, to that end, the Company has purchased 46,911,761 of the Company's Shares in the market and distributed US$64,675,541 to Shareholders since the beginning of 2011. The Board, having consulted with the Investment Manager, believes the current market conditions are not appropriate for significant disposals of portfolio assets but proposes, subject to Shareholder approval, to return available free cash to Shareholders in a transparent and prescriptive way, as outlined in the Circular.

The Circular provides further details of the Board's recommended Proposals. The Board believes the Proposals will improve corporate governance and transparency and should narrow the Discount. The adoption of certain elements of the Proposals will require the amendment of the Company's Articles.

The Board has recently received communications from certain Shareholders requesting the Board consider a material restructuring of the Company with a view to splitting the Company's assets and liabilities into a continuing pool and a distribution pool (a "Restructuring") with Shareholders electing to receive a class of shares that would be linked to the returns generated by one of the pools.

In response to this request, the Board is proposing an advisory resolution at the EGM that the Company formulate a proposal to undertake a Restructuring broadly in line with the description above, despite the Board's and the Investment Manager's strong and unanimous recommendation this be rejected.

The Board does not believe a restructuring is currently in the best interests of Shareholders as a whole. The Board and the Investment Manager remain committed to the Company's primary strategy of providing Shareholders with capital appreciation from a diversified portfolio of attractive retail and consumer companies in China. With markets having corrected significantly due to recent global macro-economic events, the Board and the Investment Manager believe this is not an optimal time to sell portfolio assets. Furthermore, subject to the revised Distribution Policy described below, lower valuations resulting from these events and tightened liquidity in China offer the Company potentially attractive investment opportunities,

The Board intends to seek Shareholder approval for the recommended Proposals at an EGM to be held on 14 December 2011. A notice convening the EGM, with full details of the time, location and resolutions to be proposed (the "Resolutions") can be found at the end of the Circular.



Pursuant to Resolution 1, the Company is proposing to amend the Articles to require the Company to hold an annual general meeting each year commencing in 2013. It is expected that annual general meetings will be held in April of each year to coincide with the release of the Company's audited financial statements. The annual general meeting will address any required business, including the consideration and approval of a Distribution Policy (as noted above), and the consideration and re-election of Directors who have reached the end of their term (as described further below at paragraph C). In addition, as required, the annual general meeting will consider any Continuation Resolution (as defined and described below at paragraph D).

   B.         shareholder requisition threshold 

Pursuant to the current Articles, a Shareholder or Shareholders holding not less than 25 per cent. in par value of the voting capital of the Company (the "Requisition Percentage"), may serve a written notice on the Company to requisition an extraordinary general meeting. Pursuant to Resolution 1, the Company is proposing to reduce the Requisition Percentage to 15 per cent.

   C.         board composition 

As part of the Board's commitment to improve corporate governance, Resolution 1 will include a proposal to amend the Articles to limit a Director's appointment to three years before standing for re-election.

Current best practice for London Stock Exchange quoted investment companies, consistent with the AIC Code of Corporate Governance, is for the Board to include no more than one representative of the Investment Manager. As two of the Board's members (Messrs. Liu and Gradel) are representatives of the Investment Manager, it is proposed that Mr. Allan Liu shall resign from the Board conditionally upon the appointment of a new non-executive Director who is not a representative of the Investment Manager. In addition, having served two years as Chairman, Mr. Guy Heald will be succeeded by Mr. Steven Feniger as Chairman in April 2012, and Ms. Helen Wong shall serve as Vice Chair.

   D.         continuation vote 

The Company is further proposing to amend the Articles to reaffirm and enshrine the continuation vote proposal that was included in the Company's AIM admission document dated 20 June 2006. Pursuant to Resolution 1, this new provision in the Articles will require the Board to propose a resolution at the Company's first annual general meeting (which is expected to be held in April 2013) that the Company continue as presently constituted for an additional five years (a "Continuation Resolution"). If such Continuation Resolution is passed, a similar Continuation Resolution will be proposed at each fifth annual general meeting thereafter. If at any time a Continuation Resolution is not passed, the Directors will be obliged to formulate proposals for Shareholders to reorganise or reconstruct the Company.


Pursuant to Resolution 2, the Company is proposing a revised distribution policy (the "Distribution Policy"), the terms of which are provided below (capitalised terms not otherwise defined shall have the meanings given to them in this announcement under "Definitions" below).

Revised Distribution Policy

On any Discount Assessment Date:

(i) if the Market Price Discount is greater than 25 per cent., the Company shall distribute 100 per cent. of Free Cash;

(ii) if the Market Price Discount is equal to or greater than 15 per cent., but less than or equal to 25 per cent., the Company shall distribute 50 per cent. of Free Cash and the remaining 50 per cent. of Free Cash shall be available for re-investment; and

(iii) if the Market Price Discount is less than 15 per cent., 100 per cent. of Free Cash shall be available for re-investment.

The Market Price Discount and Free Cash amounts shall be determined by the Board as at 9:00 a.m. Hong Kong time on the relevant Discount Assessment Date and will be included in the Company's quarterly newsletters.

All distributions of Free Cash shall be subject to the Company's satisfaction of the statutory solvency test under section 34(2) of the Cayman Islands Companies Law (2010 Revision) (as amended) (the "Cayman Islands Companies Law"), and all other Applicable Requirements, from time-to-time.

All distributions of Free Cash shall be made by pro-rata tender offer, share buy-back or such other method of distribution as the Board, in its absolute discretion, may consider appropriate.


For the purpose of interpreting the Distribution Policy, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

 "Applicable Requirements "    all applicable laws and regulations 
                                and, if applicable, the prevailing 
                                rules (including the AIM Rules 
                                for Companies), regulations, requirements, 
                                determinations, practice and guidelines 
                                of the London Stock Exchange, 
                                any other governmental or market 
                                authority to which the Company 
                                or any of its subsidiaries is 
                                subject, in each case for the 
                                time being in force; 
 "Business Day "               any day on which banks are open 
                                for normal business in Hong Kong 
                                and London; 
 "Discount Assessment Date "   the last Business Day of each 
                                calendar month; 
 "Free Cash "                       the freely distributable US dollar 
                                     cash reserves of the Company (whether 
                                     held in the form of cash or near-cash 
                                     assets, and whether denominated 
                                     in US dollars or another freely 
                                     convertible currency) but excluding 
                                     such reserves and hold backs as 
                                     the Directors may in their absolute 
                                     discretion determine are necessary 
                                     to meet the Company's: (i) general 
                                     working capital requirements; 
                                     (ii) existing contractual payment 
                                     or funding obligations (including 
                                     follow-on funding obligations 
                                     in relation to existing investments); 
                                     and (iii) potential contingent 
                                     liabilities (including guarantees 
                                     and indemnities provided by the 
                                     Company in relation to existing 
                                     investments) for which provision 
                                     has been made in the Company's 
                                     financial accounts. In addition, 
                                     all Renminbi denominated assets 
                                     of the Company shall not be considered 
                                     capable of distribution and shall 
                                     be excluded from the definition 
                                     of "Free Cash" until such amounts 
                                     are converted into US dollars 
                                     or another freely convertible 
 "London Stock Exchange "      London Stock Exchange plc; 
 "LSE Trading Day "            any day on which the London Stock 
                                Exchange is open for trading business; 
 "Market Price Discount "      the volume weighted average closing 
                                price of a Share for the preceding 
                                60 LSE Trading Days (as reported 
                                by Bloomberg) ending immediately 
                                prior to such Discount Assessment 
                                Date, divided by the NAV per Share 
                                as reported in the Company's last 
                                preceding quarterly net asset 
                                value announcement published prior 
                                to such Discount Assessment Date. 

Annual consideration and approval of Distribution Policy

The Directors shall present a Distribution Policy, which may be the existing Distribution Policy, to Shareholders for approval by way of ordinary resolution at each annual general meeting commencing in 2013. In the event the presented Distribution Policy is not approved at any annual general meeting, the Directors shall immediately suspend all distributions and re-investments until such time as a Distribution Policy has been approved by Shareholders. The Directors shall then have 90 days to consult with Shareholders and present a revised Distribution Policy for consideration and approval at an extraordinary general meeting of the Company.

Material changes to Distribution Policy

Any material change to a Distribution Policy shall be made only with the approval of Shareholders by ordinary resolution.


The Board has recently received communications from certain Shareholders requesting the Board to consider a Restructuring of the Company with a view to splitting the Company's assets and liabilities into a continuing pool and a distribution pool. In response to this request, the Company is proposing an advisory resolution as Resolution 3 that the Board formulate a proposal to undertake a Restructuring.

In the event Resolution 3 is passed by the required majority, the Board shall, in consultation with Shareholders and its professional advisers, formulate and present a restructuring proposal to Shareholders. Any restructuring proposal shall be subject to all legal and regulatory requirements applicable to the Company.

The Board and the Investment Manager remain committed to the Company's primary strategy of providing Shareholders with capital appreciation from a diversified portfolio of attractive retail and consumer companies in China. The Board and the Investment Manager continue to believe a larger Company offers better liquidity to Shareholders and is better placed to capture significant opportunities presented by the long term trend of consumption growth in China, including economic growth accompanied by rising disposable incomes, urbanisation and deregulation.

The Board and the Investment Manager do not believe a restructuring is in the best interests of Shareholders as a whole and therefore recommend Shareholders vote AGAINST Resolution 3.

extraordinary general meeting

Shareholder resolutions to:

Resolution 1 - (a) implement an annual general meeting commencing in 2013, (b) reduce the Shareholder requisition threshold, (c) require periodic re-election of Directors, and (d) reconfirm and enshrine the Company's policy on Continuation Resolutions;

Resolution 2 - approve the revised Distribution Policy; and

Resolution 3 - instruct the Board to formulate and present to Shareholders a proposal to restructure the Company to create continuing and distributing share classes,

will be presented at the EGM to be held at 2:00 p.m. (Macau time) on Wednesday, 14 December 2011 at the Four Seasons Hotel, Macau.

Resolutions 1 and 3 will be proposed as special resolutions (which must be passed by a positive vote of at least two-thirds of the votes cast at the EGM) as required by Cayman Islands Companies Law and/or the Articles.

Resolution 2 will be proposed as an ordinary resolution (which must be passed by a positive vote of a majority of the votes cast at the EGM) as required by Cayman Islands Companies Law and the Articles.

Whether or not you expect to attend the EGM, Shareholders are urged to complete and return the accompanying Form of Proxy in accordance with the instructions printed thereon as soon as possible by mail or by facsimile, but in any event so as to reach:

Sanne Trust Company Limited

13 Castle Street

St Helier

Jersey, JE4 5UT

Channel Islands

Attn: Noel Walsh


by fax on

+44 1534 769 770

Attn: Noel Walsh

By no later than 2:00 p.m. (London Time) on Monday, 12 December 2011

The completion and return of a Form of Proxy will not prevent a Shareholder from attending the EGM and voting in person if he/she wishes to do so. A holder of Shares (or the beneficial title thereto) must first have his or her name entered on the register of members (or where Shares are held in Euroclear and/or Clearstream by the relevant nominee on behalf of such holder, be beneficially entitled to such shares by) not later than 8:00 a.m. (London time) on Thursday, 10 November 2011. Changes to entries in that register after that time shall be disregarded in determining the rights of any holder to attend and vote at such meeting (or to provide voting instructions to the relevant Euroclear and/or Clearstream nominee).

The quorum for the EGM is two (2) Shareholders present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote at the meeting. In the event a quorum is not achieved, the EGM will be adjourned until the same time on Wednesday, 21 December 2011, and the adjourned EGM will be held at the same place as the originally scheduled meeting. The quorum for such adjourned EGM is one (1) Shareholder present in person or by proxy.

If you have queries regarding the EGM, please contact the Investment Manager at +852 3719 6300. Please note the Investment Manager can only give procedural advice in relation to the meeting and is not authorised to provide investment advice.


The Directors, whose beneficial or direct and indirect controlled holdings collectively total 6,207,039 Shares, will be voting FOR Resolutions 1 and 2, and AGAINST Resolution 3 at the EGM.

The Directors consider the Corporate Governance and Discount Control proposals covered by Resolutions 1 and 2 to be in the best interests of the Company and recommend that Shareholders vote FOR Resolutions 1 and 2.

The Directors do not consider a Restructuring as proposed by Resolution 3 to be in the best interests of Shareholders as a whole and recommend that Shareholders vote AGAINST Resolution 3.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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