Press Release   22 March 2011 
                              Atlantic Global Plc 
                       ("Atlantic Global" or "the Group") 
                              Preliminary Results 
Atlantic  Global Plc (AIM: ATL), the  specialist provider of integrated business 
and  resource management software applications,  today announces its Preliminary 
Results for the year ended 31 December 2010. 
Financial and Operational Summary 
 · Turnover of  GBP1.2 million (2009:  GBP1.4 million) 
 · Losses before taxation of  GBP220,000 (2009:  GBP130,000) 
 · Net cash balance of  GBP2.0 million (2009:  GBP2.0 million) 
 · Loss per share was 0.85 pence (2009: 0.57 pence) 
 · Launch  of automated Software  as a Service  (SaaS) solution, already securing 
  over 300 trials since 9 November 2010 
 · Strengthened  areas of functionality with a  view to providing a complete 'end 
  to  end'  business  solution  that  manages  sales enquiries, customer contact 
  information,  project  execution  and  billing  with integration into back end 
  financial systems 
 · Packaged  the solution functionality into discrete products targeted at small, 
  medium and larger types of organisations 
 · Successfully  engaged with two  partners that have  significantly expanded our 
  Sales & Marketing capability 
 · New   blue-chip   OnDemand  customers  include  Merseyside  Police,  Quadratek 
  Consulting Ltd, British Computer Society and Friends Provident 
Prospects for 2011 
 · Continue to build on the progress made in 2010 by continued investment in R&D, 
  consistent  innovation  and  increase  in  sales  and marketing of the Group's 
  products and services 
 · Increase  customer base through the launch  of the automated SaaS solution and 
  new partnership opportunities with expected revenue from these new channels 
Adrian Bradshaw, Chairman of Atlantic Global commented: 
"Despite  challenging market  conditions, I  can report  the results are in line 
with the Board's expectations.  The strong commercial progress made by the Group 
in 2010 has positioned us well going into 2011. 
"A  key strategic  objective for  2011 is to  establish partnerships  with other 
organisations   to  indirectly  increase  our  market  presence  and  our  sales 
capability.   The Board  is pleased  to announce  a new  partnership deal in the 
Middle East and a joint marketing initiative with Baker Tilly Revas Limited, the 
back  office outsourcing division of Baker Tilly.  The Group reports that it has 
already  secured approximately  69% of its  budgeted 2011 support  revenue.  The 
OnDemand  contracts delivered during 2010 increased by  180% and as a result the 
Group is well placed for future growth. 
"The Group has made significant investments across all areas of the business and 
has  secured over 300 trials  of its new  Software as a  Service (SaaS) product. 
Based  on the increased level of customer IT spend and improved economic trading 
conditions  the Board  has full  confidence that  the current  year will show an 
improvement on 2010. " 
                                    - Ends - 
For further information please contact: 
 Atlantic Global Plc 
 Eugene Blaine, Managing Director    Tel: +44 (0) 1274 863 300 
 Rupert Hutton, Finance Director 
 rupert.hutton@atlantic-global.com   www.atlantic-global.co.uk 
Daniel Stewart & Company plc 
Paul Shackleton / Noelle Greenaway, Nominated Advisers Tel: +44 (0) 207 776 6550 
Christopher Theis, Corporate Broker 
Media enquiries: 
 Abchurch Communications 
 Sarah Hollins / Simone Elviss      Tel:  +44 (0) 20 7398 7728 
 simone.elviss@abchurch-group.com       www.abchurch-group.com 
Chairman's Statement 
The Board believes that the financial results for 2010 did not reflect the solid 
underlying commercial progress made by the Group, and are disappointed to report 
a  loss before taxation of  GBP220,000 compared  with a loss of  GBP130,000 for 2009. 
 Group turnover was  GBP1,166,000 (2009:  GBP1,350,000).  The loss per share was 0.85 
pence  (2009  loss  per  share:  0.57 pence).   A  number  of material contracts 
expected  in December 2010 were delayed and orders were received in early 2011, 
post year end. 
The  Group increased its net  cash balance at the  year end to  GBP2,036,000 (2009: 
The  Group maintained its  investment in research  and development at  a cost of 
 GBP402,000  (2009:  GBP403,000),  which resulted  in the  launch of a fully automated 
Software  as a  Service (SaaS)  solution being  made available on the 9 November 
2010. The  introduction  of  this  automated  SaaS  platform allows customers to 
commence  evaluating  our  solution  at  their own convenience.  This capability 
marks  a significant milestone for the Group  and provides an effective means of 
targeting and engaging with larger volumes of small and medium sized enterprises 
as  well as individual  departments within a  larger organisation.  The Contract 
and  Billing  Management  functionality  has  been  further  refined  and is now 
attracting  interest  from  partners  operating  in  the  accounting and payroll 
services sector. 
Following  feedback from the  November 2010 release, the  Group launched another 
major  release  of  its  SaaS  solution  on  the 15 March 2011 that packages the 
functionality  into discreet  products that  are targeted  at small,  medium and 
larger  types of organisations.   It showcases the  Group's software products in 
the  best possible light by  showing a new prospect  only the functionality they 
have specifically requested. 
New Clients 
The   Group  secured  an  increasing  number  of  blue-chip  OnDemand  customers 
throughout  the  year,  including  Merseyside  Police, Quadratek Consulting Ltd, 
British Computer Society and Friends Provident. 
Recurring and Deferred Income 
The  level of recurring support income for 2010 fell slightly to  GBP575,000 (2009: 
 GBP668,000),  due  to  some  clients  reducing  their  requirement  for  supported 
licences.  The reduction of support revenue was also a result of Atlantic Global 
upgrading existing clients to the SaaS model, securing extra ongoing revenue for 
the Group in the process. The Group has already secured approximately 69% of its 
budgeted 2011 support revenue. 
The  OnDemand  contracts  delivered  during  2010 increased by 179% to  GBP148,000, 
(2009:   GBP53,000).  With  GBP83,000 of SaaS income already in deferred income at the 
year end, this is a solid recurring revenue base for the Group, especially given 
the  positive indication of  monthly revenue intake  from the SaaS contacts, and 
the significant increase in SaaS trials taken up in late 2010 and early 2011. 
Operating Review 
Atlantic Global's aim for 2010 was to launch a fully automated SaaS platform for 
customers to trial and adopt without needing to contact Atlantic Global. 
As  part of the launch, the Group offered customers a 60 day free trial and I am 
pleased  to  report  that  over  300 prospective  customers have availed of this 
opportunity since its launch on the 9 November 2010. 
A  small number of the trials have converted to paying customers and a number of 
other trials have progressed to larger sales opportunities that will take longer 
to close. 
The  trials have also provided the Group with valuable feedback which formed the 
basis  of the 15 March  release.  Customer feedback  led the Group to strengthen 
areas  of functionality with a view to  providing a complete end to end business 
solution  that manages  sales enquiries,  customer contact  information, project 
execution and billing with integration into back end financial systems.  It also 
saw  the introduction  of document  management which  is becoming  an increasing 
important business requirement in many organisations. 
Routes to Market 
The  products' ease of  deployment has made  it easier for  the Group to partner 
with other organisations. 
The  Group  has  established  a  partnership  with  LiveRoute, who are the first 
dedicated SaaS solution provider based in the Middle East.  The Group has agreed 
a  joint marketing  initiative with  Baker Tilly  Revas Limited, the back office 
outsourcing  division  of  Baker  Tilly.   Baker  Tilly  is  the  eighth largest 
accounting  practice  in  the  UK  and  an  independent  member  of  Baker Tilly 
International, the eighth largest accounting network in the world. 
Sales and Marketing 
The  Group has increased its marketing  budget for 2011 which has been depressed 
since  2006 whilst the Company adapted the solution to focus on a more receptive 
and accessible SaaS market. 
The  Group  has  commenced  the  recruitment  of  sales,  customer  services and 
implementation staff, partly to meet increased levels of trading activity. 
Repurchase of Company Shares 
For a number of years Atlantic Global has maintained relatively high cash levels 
reflecting  the  cash  generative  nature  of  the business.  The return on this 
surplus  cash is increasingly modest and the  Directors believe that it could be 
better  used  by  continuing  to  repurchase  some  of  the Company's shares for 
cancellation.   The Directors  believe this  will enhance  shareholder value and 
accordingly  shareholder  approval  will  be  sought  at  the forthcoming Annual 
General  Meeting  to  repurchase  up  to  10% of the Company's outstanding share 
capital  from time to time.   During 2010, the Company repurchased 50,000 shares 
at a cost of  GBP5,500. 
The  Directors are  not proposing  a full  year dividend  for the year ended 31 
December  2010, (2009: nil pence per share).  The Directors will return to their 
progressive dividend policy once there is a return to profitability. The interim 
dividend was 0.4 pence per share (2009: nil pence per share). 
Current Trading and Outlook 
A  number of contracts expected in  2010 were secured in 2011. In particular the 
Group  secured new contracts with, amongst others, Harvey Nash and SpecSavers as 
well  as  customers  in  the  Middle  East  gained  through the partnership with 
For  the current year to date, trading is in line with the Board's expectations. 
 There  are indications that customers are  starting to increase IT spend again. 
Partners  and potential  partners are  also developing  their strategies and are 
proactively  looking  for  new  revenue  streams.  The  latest product launches, 
current partnership agreements and negotiations with potential partners give the 
Board confidence that the current year will show an improvement on 2010. 
The  pipeline  of  new  business  prospects  is  currently  strong,  as  are the 
possibilities of new partnership opportunities. 
Annual General Meeting 
We  shall be  holding our  AGM at  2.30pm on 19 April  2011 at the  Group's head 
office  at Woodland Park, Bradford Road, Chain Bar, Cleckheaton, West Yorkshire, 
BD19 6BW. 
The Board extends the invitation to all shareholders in the hope that as many as 
possible attend. 
We  recognise the skill, and dedication of our employees. The change of strategy 
has  required significant commitment and patience that  has put the group into a 
strong position where we look forward to a very positive 2011. 
Adrian Bradshaw 
22 March 2011 
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
for the year ended 31 December  2010 
                                                                  2010      2009 
                                                                  GBP 000      GBP 000 
Revenue                                                          1,166     1,350 
Cost of sales                                                    (853)     (927) 
                                                              --------- -------- 
Gross profit                                                       313       423 
                                                              --------- -------- 
Administration    and   other 
operating expenses                                               (547)     (569) 
                                                              --------- -------- 
Operating loss                                                   (234)     (146) 
Finance income                                                      14        16 
                                                              --------- -------- 
Loss before tax                                                  (220)     (130) 
Income tax credit                                                   30         - 
                                                              --------- -------- 
Loss and total comprehensive income for the 
period attributable to owners of the parent                      (190)     (130) 
Loss per share 
Basic & diluted (pence)                                        (0.85)p   (0.57)p 
                                                              --------- -------- 
Consolidated statement of changes in equity 
for the 12 months ended 31 December 2010 
12 months   ended  31 December           Share  Merger   Profit    Capital 
2010                             Share premium reserve and loss redemption 
                               Capital account          account    reserve Total 
                                   GBP000     GBP000     GBP000      GBP000        GBP000   GBP000 
Balance  brought forward at 1 
January 2010                     1,123   1,578   2.538    (332)         22 4,929 
Dividends Paid                       -       -       -     (22)          -  (22) 
Share buy back                     (2)       -       -      (5)          2   (5) 
Transactions with owners           (2)       -       -     (27)          2  (27) 
Loss  and  total comprehensive 
income for the period                -       -       -    (190)          - (190) 
Balance at 31 December 2010      1,121   1,578   2,538    (549)         24 4,712 
12 months   ended  31 December           Share  Merger   Profit    Capital 
2009                             Share premium reserve and loss redemption 
                               Capital account          account    reserve Total 
                                   GBP000     GBP000     GBP000      GBP000        GBP000   GBP000 
Balance  brought forward at 1 
January 2009                     1,139   1,578   2,538     (59)          6 5,202 
Dividends Paid                       -       -       -     (91)          -  (91) 
Share buy back                    (16)       -       -     (52)         16  (52) 
Transactions with owners          (16)       -       -    (143)         16 (143) 
Loss  and  total comprehensive 
income for the period                -       -       -    (130)          - (130) 
Balance at 31 December 2009      1,123   1,578   2,538    (332)         22 4,929 
Consolidated Balance Sheet 
as at 31 December 2010 
                                                             2010     2009 
                                                             GBP 000     GBP 000 
 Non-current assets 
 Intangible assets                                          2,792    2,792 
 Property, plant and equipment                                  8       13 
 Deferred tax asset                                            52       52 
 Total non-current assets                                   2,852    2,857 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables                                  359      507 
 Income tax receivable                                         16       12 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                  2,036    2,032 
                                                            2,411    2,551 
 Total assets                                               5,263    5,408 
 Equity and liabilities 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                                     551      479 
 Total liabilities                                            551      479 
 Equity attributable to owners of the parent 
 Share capital                                              1,121    1,123 
 Share premium account                                      1,578    1,578 
 Merger reserve                                             2,538    2,538 
 Retained earnings                                          (549)    (332) 
 Capital redemption reserve                                    24       22 
 Total equity                                               4,712    4,929 
 Total equity and liabilities                               5,263    5,408 
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
for the year ended 31 December 2010 
                                                             2010           2009 
                                                              GBP000            GBP000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Loss for the year                                           (190)          (130) 
Adjustments for: 
Financial income                                             (14)           (16) 
Income tax                                                   (30)              - 
Depreciation                                                    7             10 
Operating loss before changes in working capital            (227)          (136) 
and provisions 
Decrease in trade and other receivables                       148            429 
Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables                72          (202) 
Income tax received/(paid)                                     26           (83) 
Net cash from operating activities                             19              8 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Interest received                                              14             16 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment                     (2)            (8) 
Net cash from investing activities                             12              8 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Purchase of own shares                                        (5)           (52) 
Dividends paid                                               (22)           (91) 
Net cash used in financing activities                        (27)          (143) 
Net   increase/(decrease)   in   cash  and  cash                4          (127) 
Cash  and cash  equivalents at  the beginning of            2,032          2,159 
the period 
Cash  and  cash  equivalents  at  the end of the            2,036          2,032 
Relating to the consolidated financial statements 
1. Publication of non-statutory financial statements 
The  financial information  set out  in this  preliminary announcement  does not 
constitute  statutory accounts  as defined  in Section  434 of the Companies Act 
The  consolidated statement of comprehensive  income, the consolidated statement 
of  changes in equity, the consolidated  balance sheet and the consolidated cash 
flow statement have been extracted from the Group's financial statements for the 
year  ended 31 December 2010 upon which the  auditors opinion is unqualified and 
does  not include any statement under  section 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies 
Act  2006. Those  financial  statements  have  not  yet  been  delivered  to the 
The  statutory accounts for the year  ended 31 December 2009 have been delivered 
to  the registrar, contained an  unqualified audit report and  did not include a 
statement under section 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
The  audited accounts will be posted to  all shareholders in due course and will 
be  available on  request by  contacting the  Company Secretary at the Company's 
Registered Office. 
2. Basis of preparation 
The   preliminary  announcement  has  been  prepared  under  the  historic  cost 
convention  and in  accordance with  International Financial Reporting Standards 
(IFRS) as adopted by the European Union. 
3. Loss per share 
Basic loss per share 
The  calculation of basic  loss per share  at 31 December 2010 was  based on the 
loss  attributable to ordinary shareholders of  GBP(190,000) (2009:  GBP(130,000)) and 
a  weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding of  22,447,103  (2009: 
Diluted loss per share 
There is no difference between basic and diluted loss per share. 
4. Share capital 
                                                             2010    2009 
                                                              GBP000     GBP000 
 75,000,000 Ordinary shares of 5p each                      3,750   3,750 
 Allotted, called up and fully paid 
 22,421,350 (2009: 22,471,350) Ordinary shares of 5p each   1,121   1,123 
                                                                    The holders 
of ordinary shares are entitled to receive dividends as declared from time to 
time and are entitled to one vote per share at meetings of the Company. 
The  movement in shares in  the year relates to  the purchase of 50,000 ordinary 
shares of 5p by the Company. 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Atlantic Global Plc via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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