STOCK EXCHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT
The Directors of Genesis Malaysia Maju Fund Limited announce the following
results for the year ended 31st December 2007:-
                                        2007           2006
                                         US$            US$
Total net assets                   US$117,358,661  US$79,792,385
Net assets per Participating Share      77.15    52.45
Total income per Participating Share    24.70    16.04

Commenting on the results the Chairman has made the following statement:
Year Under Review

I have pleasure in presenting to shareholders the Fund's results for the year to
31st December 2007.

During  the  year,  the Fund's net asset value per share rose from  US$52.45  to
US$77.15, generating a return for shareholders of 47.1% in US dollar terms. This
compares  favourably  to the rise in the Kuala Lumpur Stock  Exchange  index  of
40.7%  over  the same period. In particular the Fund's resilience in the  second
half  of  2007  -  a period when smaller companies tended to be  out  of  favour
relative  to their larger peers - was highly satisfactory, especially given  the
credit concerns that affected financial markets in the latter part of the year.

The Directors do not recommend payment of a dividend.

There  were  no  changes in the composition of the Board of Directors  over  the

In  the  report  on  the  following pages, the  Manager  gives  an  overview  of
developments in Malaysia over the past year, and their expectations for 2008 and
beyond.  Clearly  the  Malaysian economy has been  enjoying  a  highly  positive
environment  over the past twelve months with strong economic growth,  increased
consumer spending and business investment (both domestic and foreign) as well as
high  commodity  prices. This benign economic environment has largely  continued
into 2008.

But  we feel a note of caution is appropriate after the spectacular returns that
emerging  markets  have  produced over the last five years.  Given  the  current
uncertainty  in  financial markets, it seems unlikely  to  us  that  the  Fund's
returns  over  the  short  term  will match  recent  experience.   The  IMF  are
forecasting global growth to slow to just over 4% in 2008, from nearly  5%  last
year, and the Malaysian economy would not be immune from a slowdown in developed
economies.  Indeed, the first three months of 2008 have seen  significant  stock
market  falls globally, with the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange down 10.6%  in  the
first  quarter  of  the  year. Against this backdrop the  Fund's  NAV  has  also
declined, from US$77.15 at year-end to US$64.55 at the end of March, a  fall  of

That said, we share the Manager's positive long-term view. The Malaysian economy
is  well-diversified, minimising the effect of any decline in  economic  growth,
and  while institutional governance reforms have perhaps been more gradual  than
we  might  have hoped, there is a general trend of improvement. The outlook  for
corporate  earnings  remains strong, and the universe  of  small  and  mid-sized
entrepreneurial  companies  in Malaysia continues to  expand  rapidly,  offering
plentiful opportunities for the Fund and its shareholders.

Investment Manager

The  Board has reviewed the management services provided to the Fund by  Genesis
Asset  Managers,  LLP (GAM). This annual review has included  their  performance
record,  management  processes, investment style,  resources  and  risk  control
mechanisms. The Board was satisfied with the results of the review and therefore
in  the  opinion  of the Directors, the continuing appointment of  GAM  for  the
provision  of  these services, on the terms agreed, is in the best interests  of
shareholders as a whole.

Annual General Meeting

This  year's  Annual General Meeting will be held at Arnold House, St.  Julian's
Avenue, St. Peter Port, Guernsey at 10.00 am on 30th May 2008.

Gordon Young


29th April 2008
Commenting on the results the Manager has made the following statement:


The  environment in Malaysia remained supportive for stock market  investors  in
2007  in  spite of some volatility. The KLSE Index in US dollars returned  40.7%
while  the  Fund rose 47.1%. However, during the second half of the year  -  and
indeed  through the first quarter of 2008, during which the Fund's NAV  fell  by
16.3% - smaller stocks have struggled for attention. The preference for big, and
therefore  supposedly safer, stocks appears to be a global trend and is  perhaps
an unsurprising response to uncertainty. The best of the Fund's performance thus
occurred in the first half.

Economic  growth picked up slightly in the second half of 2007, so  that  growth
for  the  year as a whole is likely to come in well above 6%. This represents  a
slight  acceleration from 2006. The huge increase in civil servants' pay in  the
summer  no  doubt  contributed to the strength in  consumer  spending,  and  the
disbursement  of  the Ninth Malaysia Plan monies boosted both  construction  and
domestic  investment. As for external trade, Malaysia has enjoyed a very  strong
position  due  to  super-strong  commodity prices,  particularly  palm  oil  and
petroleum.  Exports of manufactured goods have begun to decline,  as  is  to  be
expected  in  the face of a slower US economy, but commodities have compensated.
It  is often said that Malaysia is lucky - when one area of the economy is  soft
there is often strength elsewhere thanks to a very diverse economic base.

In  fact  Malaysia is heading for a surprisingly large current account  surplus,
perhaps around 13% of GDP for 2007. A surplus this big is slightly strange after
five years of business expansion. It highlights the low level of investment made
by  the  domestic private sector, which is an odd phenomenon compared  with  the
rising sums of foreign direct investment that apparently find the country a good
place  in which to operate. Indeed, foreign direct investment was running  at  a
new  high in the ten months to October 2007, at a rate of nearly 6% of  GDP.  It
seems  overseas  businesses may have a more positive view on Malaysia's  outlook
than the locals.

The  authorities  have tended to handle the currency with an eye  to  supporting
Malaysia's  industrial  development, so in recent times, particularly  in  2007,
there has been quiet intervention to keep the ringgit from appreciating too fast
against  the  US dollar. This has helped to boost foreign exchange  reserves  to
nearly  US$100  billion,  or  7.5  times short  term  external  debt.  It  seems
reasonable to expect more of the same in the foreseeable future, simply  because
the  government would like to keep the currency competitive. In fact the ringgit
has  more or less followed the renminbi against the US dollar, and it would  not
be surprising if this path continues.

2008  is a general election year, and although the outcome is very likely to  be
another  victory for the coalition, the quality of the win will be important  to
the  Prime  Minister. He will need a strong endorsement ahead of his UMNO  party
elections later in the year to allow him to consolidate power. The shape of  the
new  cabinet  will  also be interesting, as it seems there will  be  more  of  a
reshuffle  than  happened at the last election. Back then, in  2004,  the  Prime
Minister  kept almost the same cabinet as had been in place under  former  Prime
Minister Mahathir. This is therefore an opportunity for him to show how he  will
chart his own course.

The  new government is likely to pursue its familiar pro-growth policies,  which
will  be  welcome  to  the business community. The recent announcement  of  four
growth  "corridors" (one each for the north, south, peninsular east and one  for
Sabah)  aim to keep up the momentum of foreign direct investment, and they  also
present a geographical focus for development over the next few years. It is also
likely  that  the  government will continue to support the  initiatives  of  its
investment  arm,  Khazanah,  to  bring greater efficiency  to  government-linked
companies. Khazanah has had some notable successes, including the turnaround  of
the serially failed bank BumiCommerce (held in the portfolio). Unfortunately  it
has  also had a high-profile disappointment in the form of the local car company
Proton,  which  failed  to  sign with a strategic partner  by  its  self-imposed
deadline.  The  failure to agree terms does not make it  easy  for  Malaysia  to
present itself abroad as a place of reform.

The  outlook  for Fund earnings is healthy, and the recent selldown  offers  the
opportunity to buy some cheap growth stocks. This is particularly true among the
smaller companies, which, as noted above, seem to have been dropped in favour of
larger  ones.  Valuations at the time of writing are towards the  lower  end  of
where they have been over the last few years, as the strong stock performance in
recent years has been driven largely by earnings growth.

April 2008
                      GENESIS MALAYSIA MAJU FUND
                 PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT (continued)
                            BALANCE SHEET
                      as at 31st December, 2007
                                             2007           2006
                                                $              $
                                      ___________    ___________    
      FIXED ASSETS                                   
      Investments at valuation                       
      (cost 2007 $57,338,170;                        
       2006 $48,992,453)              116,882,779     79,387,939
                                      ___________    ___________

      CURRENT ASSETS                                 
      Amounts due from brokers          1,366,338              -
      Dividends and interest              120,715        119,188
      Prepaid expenses                      3,651          2,512
      Other debtors                        10,790         10,790
      Bank balances                       572,793      1,078,588
                                      ___________    ___________
                                        2,074,287      1,211,078
                                      ___________    ___________
      CURRENT LIABILITIES                                       
      Amounts due to brokers            1,235,665         12,349
      Creditors and accrued               341,600        473,725
      Bank overdraft                       21,140        320,558
                                      ___________    ___________
                                        1,598,405        806,632
                                      ___________    ___________
      NET CURRENT ASSETS                  475,882        404,446
                                      ___________    ___________
      NET ASSETS                     $117,358,661    $79,792,385
                                      ___________    ___________
                                      ___________    ___________
      CAPITAL AND RESERVES                                      
      Called-up share capital              26,000         26,000
      Share premium                    13,736,332     13,736,332
      Capital reserve                  92,245,448     56,105,027
      Revenue account                  11,350,881      9,925,026
                                      ___________    ___________
      EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS     $117,358,661    $79,792,385
                                      ___________    ___________
                                      ___________    ___________
      EQUITY PER PARTICIPATING                       
          PREFERENCE SHARE                 $77.15         $52.45
                                      ___________    ___________
                                      ___________    ___________

               PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT (continued)
                         INCOME STATEMENT
              for the year ended 31st December, 2007
                                         2007          2006
                                           $             $
                                      ___________   ___________
    Gains (losses) realised on          8,557,814     (695,991)
    investments sold
    Movement in unrealised gains       29,149,123    24,869,843
    on investments
    Net exchange (losses) gains          (36,616)       104,807
    Dividend income                     2,759,070     2,133,775
    Interest income                        61,824        56,214
                                      ___________   ___________
    GROSS INCOME                       40,491,215    26,468,648
                                      (2,270,272)   (1,528,515)
                                      ___________   ___________
    INCOME BEFORE TAXATION             38,220,943    24,940,133
    Taxation                            (654,667)     (548,651)
                                      ___________   ___________
    TOTAL INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO                    
    PARTICIPATING PREFERENCE          $37,566,276   $24,391,482
    SHAREHOLDERS                      ___________   ___________
                                      ___________   ___________
    TOTAL INCOME PER                                
    PARTICIPATING PREFERENCE SHARE        $24.698       $16.036
    *                                 ___________   ___________
                                      ___________   ___________
    *  Calculated on a weighted average number of
       participating preference shares in issue of
       1,521,022 (2006 - 1,521,022)
             PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT (continued)
                    STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS
            for the year ended 31st December, 2007
                                            2007          2006
                                               $             $
                                     ___________   ___________
    OPERATING ACTIVITIES                           
    Investment income                  2,099,685     1,532,735
    Interest received                     65,015        55,233
    Expenses                         (2,403,536)              
    Purchase of                                   
    investments                     (24,776,236)  (17,953,277)
    Sale of investments               24,845,311    14,185,253
                                     ___________   ___________ 
    NET CASH OUTFLOW                               
    FROM OPERATING                    $(169,761)  $(3,659,895)
    ACTIVITIES                       ___________   ___________  
                                     ___________   ___________

                   TO MOVEMENT IN NET FUNDS
            for the year ended 31st December, 2007
                                            2007          2006
                                               $             $
                                     ___________   ___________
    Net cash outflow from              (169,761)   (3,659,895)
    operating activities
    Exchange                            (36,616)       104,807
    (losses)/gains                   ___________   ___________
                                       (206,377)   (3,555,088)
    Net liquid funds at                  758,030     4,313,118
    beginning of year                ___________   ___________
    Net liquid funds at                 $551,653      $758,030
    end of year                      ___________   ___________
                                     ___________   ___________

                          TO PUBLISHED NET ASSET VALUE
                                           2007        2007
                                          Total         Per
                                              $           $
                                    ___________ ___________
Published Net                       117,347,871       77.15
Asset Value                                  
Equity share                             10,790        0.01
capital                             ___________ ___________
Net Asset Value                    $117,358,661       77.16
under UK GAAP                       ___________ ___________                              
                                    ___________ ___________

                                           2006        2006
                                          Total         Per
                                              $           $
                                    ___________ ___________
Published Net                        79,781,595       52.45
Asset Value                                   
Equity share                             10,790        0.01
capital                             ___________ ___________

Net Asset Value                     $79,792,385       52.46
under UK GAAP                       ___________ ___________
                                    ___________ ___________

                      PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT (continued)
1. Accounting policies

The  Fund  financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable
accounting standards in the United Kingdom.

2. Status of preliminary announcement

The  financial  information set out in this preliminary  announcement  does  not
constitute  the Fund's statutory financial statements for the years  ended  31st
December  2007  or  2006.  The financial information for  the  year  ended  31st
December 2007 is derived from the statutory financial statements for that  year.
The   auditors  reported  on  those  financial  statements;  their  report   was
unqualified. The statutory financial statements for the year ended 31st December
2007  will  be  finalised  on  the basis of the  information  presented  by  the
Directors  in  this  preliminary  announcement following  the  approval  of  the
financial statements by the Board of Directors. Whilst the financial information
included  in this preliminary announcement has been computed in accordance  with
applicable  accounting standards in the United Kingdom, this  announcement  does
not   in  itself  contain  sufficient  information  to  comply  with  applicable
accounting  standards in the United Kingdom. The Fund expects  to  publish  full
financial  statements that comply with applicable accounting  standards  in  the
United  Kingdom following the approval of the financial statements by the  Board
of Directors.

For Genesis Malaysia Maju Fund Limited
HSBC Securities Services (Guernsey) Limited, Secretary
29th April 2008


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