RNS Number : 5204E
  Berkeley Resources Limited
  29 September 2008



    30 JUNE 2008

    ABN 40 052 468 569

    Contents                                                                                                    Page
CORPORATE DIRECTORY                                                                                                                       3
DIRECTORS' REPORT                                                                                                                           
INCOME STATEMENT                                                                                                                           
BALANCE SHEET                                                                                                                               
CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                                                                                     19
STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY                                                                                                   20



    auditor's independence declaration    

 Directors                           Bankers
 Dr Robert Hawley - Chairman         Australia and New Zealand
 Mr Matthew Syme - Managing          Banking Group Ltd
 Director                            77 St Georges Terrace
 Mr Scott Yelland - Executive        Perth WA 6000
 Dr James Ross                     
 Senor Jose Ramon Esteruelas         Share Registry
 Mr Sean James                       Australia
                                     Computershare Investor
                                     Services Pty Ltd
 Company Secretary                   Level 2
 Mr Clint McGhie                     45 St Georges Terrace
                                     Perth   WA  6000
                                     Telephone:    +61 8 9323
 Registered Office                   2000
 Level 9, BGC Centre                 Facsimile:      +61 8
 28 The Esplanade                    9323 2033
 Perth  WA  6000                   
 Telephone:     +61 8 9322 6322      United Kingdom
 Facsimile:   +61 8 9322 6558        Computershare Investor
                                     Services Plc
                                     PO Box 82
 Spanish Office                      The Pavillions
 Minera de Rio Alag                  Bridgwater Road
 Carretera de Madrid, 13             Bristol BS99 7NH
 Santa Marta de Tormes               Telephone:    +44 870 889
 37900 - Salamanca                   3105
 Telephone:     +34 923 193903     
                                     Stock Exchange Listings
 Website                             Australian Securities
 www.berkeleyresources.com.au        Exchange Limited
                                     Home Branch - Perth
                                     2 The Esplanade
 Email                               Perth  WA  6000
                                     United Kingdom
                                     London Stock Exchange -
 Auditor                             AIM
 Stantons International              10 Paternoster Square
 Level 1                             London EC4M 7LS
 1 Havelock Street                 
 West Perth WA 6005                
                                     Nominated Advisor and
                                     RBC Capital Markets
                                     71 Queen Victoria Street
                                     London EC4V 4DE
                                     ASX/AIM Code
                                     BKY - Fully paid ordinary

    The Directors of Berkeley Resources Limited submit their report on the Consolidated Entity consisting of Berkeley Resources Limited
("Company" or "Berkeley" or "Parent") and the entities it controlled at the end of, or during, the year ended 30 June 2008 ("Consolidated
Entity" or "Group").


    The names of Directors in office at any time during the financial year or since the end of the financial year are:

    Dr Robert Hawley 
    Mr Matthew Syme 
    Mr Scott Yelland - appointed 1 February 2008
    Dr James Ross 
    Senor Jose Ramon Esteruelas 
    Mr Sean James 

    Unless otherwise disclosed, Directors held their office from 1 July 2007 until the date of this report.

    Current Directors and Officers

    Robert Hawley  
    Non-Executive Chairman 
    Qualifications - CBE, DSc, FRSE, FREng, Hon FIET, FIMechEng, FInstP 

    Dr Hawley is based in London and has extensive technical qualifications and substantial expertise in the nuclear energy industry as well
as broader public company management. He was Chief Executive of British Energy Plc from 1995 to 1997, Chief Executive of Nuclear Electric
Plc from 1992 to 1996 and prior to this enjoyed a long career in senior engineering and management positions with CA Parsons & Co Ltd,
Northern Engineering Industries Plc and Rolls-Royce Plc. Dr Hawley has been Managing Director of CA Parsons & Co Ltd, Managing Director of
Northern Engineering Industries Plc, a Director of Rolls-Royce Plc, Chairman of Taylor Woodrow Plc, an Advisor Director of HSBC Bank Plc and
is presently a director of Colt Telecom Group Ltd, Rutland Trust Plc, Carron Acquisition Co Ltd and Lister Petter Investment Holdings Ltd.
He was awarded the CBE in 1997 for services to the Energy Industry and to Engineering.

    Dr Hawley's experience in managing Nuclear Electric Plc, the largest nuclear generator in the United Kingdom, and British Energy Plc,
the United Kingdom's leading electricity supplier, gives him a unique understanding of the nuclear generation sector in Europe and he is
acknowledged as an international expert on power generation and energy.  

    During the three year period to the end of the financial year, Dr Hawley has held directorships in Rutland Trust Plc (September 2000 -
July 2007), Colt Telecom Group Ltd (August 1998 - present),Carron Acquisition Co Ltd (April 2006 - present) and Lister Petter Investment
Holdings Ltd (September 2006 - present).

    Dr Hawley was appointed a director of Berkeley Resources Limited on 20 April 2006.

Matthew Syme
Managing Director
Qualifications * B.Com, CA             

    Mr Syme is a Chartered Accountant and has over 20 years' experience as a senior executive of a number of companies in the Australian
resources and media sectors. He was a Manager in a major international Chartered Accounting firm before spending 3 years as an equities
analyst in a large stockbroking firm. He was then Chief Financial Officer of Pacmin Mining Limited, a successful Australian gold mining
company, as well as a number of other resources companies. 
    Mr Syme was appointed a director of Berkeley Resources Limited on 27 August 2004. Mr Syme has not held any other directorships of listed
companies in the last three years.

      Current Directors and Officers (continued)
Scott Yelland
Chief Operating Officer / Executive Director
    Qualifications - MSc CEng FIMMM    

    Mr Yelland is a mining engineer with over 25 years in the mining industry and has a Masters degree in Mining Engineering from the
Camborne School of Mines. He is a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the Institute of Mining, Mineral and Materials.

    Mr Yelland's experience as a mining engineer includes senior appointments in Russia, Australia, Spain, South America and Africa. Prior
to joining Berkeley in April 2007, he was most recently COO of Highland Gold, a leading gold producer in Russia, and spent 4 years as Mines
Manager of Navan Resources in Spain. 

    Mr Yelland joined Berkeley in April 2007 as the Group's Chief Operating Officer and was appointed a director of Berkeley Resources
Limited on 1 February 2008. Mr Yelland has not held any other directorships of listed companies in the last three years.

    James Ross 
    Technical Director 
    Qualifications - B.Sc. (Hons.),Hon.DSc (W.Aust), PhD, FAusIMM, FAICD

    Dr Ross is a leading international geologist whose technical qualifications include an honours degree in Geology at UWA and a PhD in
Economic Geology from UC Berkeley. He first worked with Western Mining Corporation Limited for 25 years, where he held senior positions in
exploration, mining and research. Subsequent appointments have been at the level of Executive Director, Managing Director and Chairman in a
number of small listed companies in exploration, mining, geophysical technologies, renewable energy and timber. His considerable
international experience in exploration and mining includes South America, Africa, South East Asia and the Western Pacific.

    Dr Ross is a Director of Kimberley Foundation Australia Inc, and chairs its Science Advisory Council. He also chairs the Boards of a
geoscience research centre and two foundations concerned with geoscience education in Western Australia.

    He was appointed a director of Berkeley Resources Limited on 4 February 2005 and has not been a director of another listed company in
the three years prior to the end of the financial year.

    Jose Ramon Esteruelas
    Non-Executive Director 
    Senor Esteruelas is an experienced Spanish executive whose senior executive roles have included Director General of Correos y Telegrafos
(the Spanish postal service), President of Minas de Almaden y Arrayanes SA (formerly the world's largest mercury producer) and Chief
Executive Officer of Compania Espanola de Tabaco en Rama S.A., the leading tobacco transforming company in Spain.

    Senor Esteruelas was appointed a Director of Berkeley Resources Limited on 16 November 2006. Senor Esteruelas has not held any other
directorships of listed companies in the last three years.

    Sean James 
    Non-Executive Director 
    Qualifications - B.Sc. (Hons.)

    Mr James is a mining engineer and was formerly the Managing Director of the Rossing Uranium Mine in Namibia which is the world's largest
low grade, open pit uranium mine. After 16 years at Rossing, he returned to London as a Group Mining Executive at Rio Tinto Plc in London. 

    Mr James' experience in managing the Rossing mine is ideally suited for the type of uranium mining operations the Company aims to
develop in the Iberian Peninsula. 

    Mr James was appointed a Director of Berkeley Resources Limited on 28 July 2006. Mr James has not held any other directorships of listed
companies in the last three years.

      Current Directors and Officers (continued)
    Mr Clint McGhie
    Company Secretary
    Qualifications - B.Com, CA, ACIS

    Mr McGhie is a Chartered Accountant and Chartered Secretary. He commenced his career at a large international Chartered Accounting firm,
before moving to commerce in the role of financial controller and company secretary. Mr McGhie now works in the corporate office of a number
of public listed companies focussed on the resources sector.

    Mr McGhie was appointed Company Secretary of Berkeley Resources Limited on 28 September 2007.

    Principal Activities

    The principal activities of the Consolidated Entity during the year consisted of mineral exploration. There was no significant change in
the nature of those activities. 

                                                                      2008  2007

 The number of full time equivalent people employed by the
 Consolidated Entity at balance date                                    29    20


    No dividends have been declared, provided for or paid in respect of the financial year ended 30 June 2008 (2007: nil).

    Earnings Per Share
                           2008    2007
                          Cents   Cents

 Basic loss per share    (6.80)  (7.48)
 Diluted loss per share  (6.80)  (7.48)

    Corporate Structure

    Berkeley Resources Limited is a company limited by shares that is incorporated and domiciled in Australia. The Company has prepared a
consolidated financial report including the entities it acquired and controlled during the financial year.

    Consolidated Results
                                                               2008         2007
                                                                  $            $

 Loss of the Consolidated Entity before income tax      (8,797,137)  (7,430,597)
 Income tax expense                                               -            -
 Net loss                                               (8,797,137)  (7,430,597)
 Net loss attributable to minority interest               1,792,681    1,116,026
 Net loss attributable to members of Berkeley           (7,004,456)  (6,314,571)
 Resources Limited

      Review of Operations AND ACTIVITIES

    The year to 30 June 2008 was again a very productive year for Berkeley, with significant progress made towards our objective of becoming
a uranium producer in Spain. 

    Including the period subsequent to the end of the Financial Year, our achievements included:

    *     Our total resource base more than doubling from 11.9m lbs of U3O8 to over 26.1m lbs. 

    *     Completion of a Scoping Study on the Salamanca I project which supported the viability of a mining operation on the Project, with
relatively low strip ratios and operating costs. 

    *     The Salamanca I resource increased from 11.9m lbs to 16.9m lbs U3O8 and subsequent drilling will add further resources in due
course. Initial resources were calculated at Santidad, a virgin Berkeley discovery.

    *     The maiden resource of 9.2m lbs of U3O8 at the Gambuta Project is very encouraging, with strong potential to add further resources
in the near future.

    *     Completion of air surveys and other exploration work to provide a very substantial pipeline of future exploration targets.

    *     The Company sold a non-core asset, being its shareholding in Atlas Iron Ore Limited, realising a gain on disposal of $1,934,785. 

    Subsequent to the end of the Financial Year, Berkeley was chosen by the Spanish State uranium company, ENUSA, as partner to conduct a
Feasibility Study on and develop that company's uranium mining assets in Salamanca Province. The ENUSA assets include a number of State
Reserve licences which have been very extensively explored and also a uranium processing plant permitted to produce 950t pa of U3O8. More
details will be made available when a formal Agreement with ENUSA is finalised.

    Berkeley will continue to work for the interests of shareholders by pursuing our core objective of mining uranium in Spain. The Company
is very well placed to capitalise on the outstanding foundations it has built to date. 

    The Company also continues to review other opportunities in the mining and energy sectors in Europe and elsewhere.

    The net loss of the Consolidated Entity after minority interests for the year ended 30 June 2008 was $7,004,456 (2007: $6,314,571). This
loss is largely attributable to:

(i)          The Consolidated Entity*s accounting policy of expensing exploration and evaluation expenditure incurred by the Consolidated
Entity subsequent to the acquisition of the rights to explore and up to the commencement of feasibility studies. During the year,
exploration expenditure totalled $8,624,391; and
(ii)        The Consolidated Entity*s accounting policy of expensing the value (determined using the Binomial option pricing model) of share
options granted to Directors, employees, consultants and other advisors. The value is measured at grant date and recognised over the period
during which the option holders become unconditionally entitled to the options. During the year, non-cash share-based payment expenses
(excluding those classified as exploration costs) totalled $1,428,178 (2007: $2,357,250).
    Corporate and Financial Position

    The following material corporate events occurred during the year:

    *     On 6 August 2007, the Company issued 2,970,000 Unlisted Options to employees in accordance with the Company's Employee Option
Scheme. The options are exercisable for $1.86 each on or before 5 August 2011. Vesting conditions apply.
    *     On 6 September 2007 the Company announced the new discovery of uranium mineralisation at Santidad, 2km northwest of the Company's
main Retortillo deposit.
    *     On 30 September 2007, 2,000,000 Unlisted Options were exercised which raised approximately $0.45 million.  The resulting shares
were issued on 4 October 2007.
    *     On 19 November 2007, the Company advised the results of an upgraded resource calculation for the flagship Salamanca I project,
including the Retortillo deposit and the new Santidad discovery. 
    *     In January 2008, Berkeley disposed of its holding in 1,300,000 shares in Atlas Iron Limited on market. The Company received net
proceeds of $2,584,785 in consideration for these shares.
      Review of Operations AND ACTIVITIES (continued)

    Corporate and Financial Position (continued)

    *     On 1 February 2008, Mr Scott Yelland, the Company's Chief Operating Officer, was appointed a Director of the Company.
    *     On 5 February 2008, Berkeley presented the interpreted results of the aerial radiometric and magnetic survey flown over the
Salamanca I project.  
    *     On 14 February 2008, the Company advised that a Scoping Study on mining at the Salamanca I project, prepared by AMC Consultants,
confirmed the potential economic viability of the project.
    *     On 10 April 2008, Berkeley announced the results of the first stage program of drilling at the Gambuta prospect in Caceres
Province, Spain, confirming significant shallow uranium mineralisation.
    *     On 30 May 2008, the Company announced the initial results of the first stage of exploration at the Ojaranzo prospect in Caceres
Province, Spain, confirming historical indications of widespread, shallow uranium mineralisation.
    *     On 6 June 2008, the Company announced more encouraging results from the drilling program at the Gambuta prospect in Caceres
Province, Spain.
    *     On 20 June 2008, the Company issued 450,000 Unlisted Options to employees in accordance with the Company's Employee Option Scheme.
The options are exercisable for $1.00 each on or before 19 June 2012. Vesting conditions apply.
    *     During the financial year, Berkeley increased its interest in its main Spanish operating subsidiary, Minera de Rio Alagon SL ("Rio
Alagon"), from 77.5% to 99.9%.

    Business Strategies and Prospects

    The Consolidated Entity currently has the following business strategies and prospects over the medium to long term:

    *     To conduct studies into the feasibility of mining its present assets and those to be acquired from ENUSA in Spain;
    *     To continue to explore its portfolio of minerals permits in Spain; and
    *     Continue to examine new opportunities in minerals and energy exploration and development.

    Risk Management

    The Board is responsible for the oversight of the Consolidated Entity's risk management and control framework. Responsibility for
control and risk management is delegated to the appropriate level of management with the Managing Director having ultimate responsibility to
the Board for the risk management and control framework.

    Arrangements put in place by the Board to monitor risk management include monthly reporting to the Board in respect of operations and
the financial position of the Group.

    Significant Changes in the State of Affairs

    Other than as disclosed below, there were no significant changes in the state of affairs of the Consolidated Entity during the year.

    *     In January 2008, Berkeley disposed of its holding in 1,300,000 shares in Atlas Iron Limited on market. The Company received net
proceeds of $2,584,785 in consideration for these shares.
    *     During the financial year, Berkeley increased its interest in its main Spanish operating subsidiary, Minera de Rio Alagon SL ("Rio
Alagon"), from 77.5% to 99.9%.

      Significant Post Balance Date Events

    Since the end of the financial year, the following events have significantly affected, or may significantly affect, the operations of
the Consolidated Entity, the results of those operations, or the state of affairs of the Consolidated Entity in future financial years:

    *     On 16 July 2008, the Company advised that it has been chosen by ENUSA Industrias Avanzadas S.A. as that company's partner to
conduct a feasibility study upon and ultimately develop ENUSA's uranium mining assets in Salamanca Province, Spain.
    *     On 18 July 2008, the Company issued 287,500 Unlisted Options to employees in accordance with the Company's Employee Option Scheme.
The options are exercisable for $1.00 each on or before 19 June 2012. Vesting conditions apply. In addition, the Company advised that the
Board has agreed to issue 250,000 Unlisted Options on the same terms and conditions to Mr Scott Yelland, Chief Operating Officer and a
Director of the Company. These Incentive Options will be subject to Shareholder approval at the next general meeting of Shareholders.
    *     On 8 August 2008, Berkeley announced an initial inferred resource estimate of 9.23 million pounds of U3O8, at an average grade of
371ppm U3O8 (at a 200ppm cut-off), for the Gambuta uranium deposit in the Ceres Province of Spain.

    Other than above, as at the date of this report there are no matters or circumstances, which have arisen since 30 June 2008 that have
significantly affected or may significantly affect:

    *     the operations, in financial years subsequent to 30 June 2008, of the Consolidated Entity;
    *     the results of those operations, in financial years subsequent to 30 June 2008, of the Consolidated Entity; or
    *     the state of affairs, in financial years subsequent to 30 June 2008, of the Consolidated Entity.

    Environmental Regulation and Performance

    The Consolidated Entity's operations are subject to various environmental laws and regulations under the relevant government's
legislation. Full compliance with these laws and regulations is regarded as a minimum standard for all operations to achieve.

    Instances of environmental non-compliance by an operation are identified either by external compliance audits or inspections by relevant
government authorities. 

    There have been no significant known breaches by the Consolidated Entity during the financial year. 

    Likely Developments and Expected Results 

    It is the Board's current intention that the Consolidated Entity will continue with development of its Spanish uranium projects. The
Company will also continue to examine new opportunities in mineral exploration, including uranium. 

    All of these activities are inherently risky and the Board is unable to provide certainty that any or all of these activities will be
able to be achieved. In the opinion of the Directors, any further disclosure of information regarding likely developments in the operations
of the Consolidated Entity and the expected results of these operations in subsequent financial years may prejudice the interests of the
Company and accordingly no further information has been disclosed.

      Information on Directors' Interests in Securities of Berkeley

                                             Interest in Securities at the date of this Report
                        Ordinary Shares(1)       $1.00 Incentive      $1.86 Employee Incentive
                                                      Options(2)                    Options(3)

 Robert Hawley                           -               500,000                             -
 Matthew Syme                    2,760,100             1,000,000                             -
 Scott Yelland                           -                     -                     1,000,000
 Sean James                              -               250,000                             -
 James Ross                        300,000               250,000                             -
 Jose Ramon Esteruelas
                                         -               250,000                             -

                                         Interest in Securities issued/granted during the year
                        Ordinary Shares(1)       $1.00 Incentive      $1.86 Employee Incentive
                                                      Options(2)                    Options(3)

 Robert Hawley                           -                     -                             -
 Matthew Syme                 2,000,000(4)                     -                             -
 Scott Yelland                           -                     -                     1,000,000
 Sean James                              -                     -                             -
 James Ross                              -                     -                             -
 Jose Ramon Esteruelas
                                         -                     -                             -

    *     "Ordinary Shares" means fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of the Company.
    *     "$1.00 Incentive Options" means an option to subscribe for 1 Ordinary Share in the capital of the Company at an exercise price of
$1.00 each on or before 30 November 2008.
    *     "$1.86 Employee Incentive Options" means an option to subscribe for 1 Ordinary Share in the capital of the Company at an exercise
price of $1.86 each on or before 5 August 2011.
    *     Mr Syme has an interest in the 2,000,000 shares issued during the year following the exercise of 2,000,000 Director Incentive

    Share Options

    At the date of this report the following options have been issued over unissued capital:

    Unlisted Options
    *     10,600,000 unlisted options at an exercise price of $0.70 each that expire on 30 April 2010. 
    *     2,250,000 unlisted options at an exercise price of $1.00 each that expire on 30 November 2008.
    *     2,280,000 unlisted options at an exercise price of $1.86 each that expire on 5 August 2011.
    *     737,500 unlisted options at an exercise price of $1.00 each that expire on 19 June 2012.

    These options do not entitle the holders to participate in any share issue of the Company or any other body corporate. During the
financial year, 2,000,000 shares were issued as a result of the exercise of options. Since 30 June 2008, there have been no further
exercises of options. 

    Meetings of Directors

    The following table sets out the number of meetings of the Company's directors held during the year ended 30 June 2008, and the number
of meetings attended by each director.

                        Board Meetings   Board Meetings
                                Number          Number 
                             eligible          attended
                             to attend
 Current Directors
 Robert Hawley                       7                7
 Matthew Syme                        7                7
 Scott Yelland                       3                3
 Sean James                          7                7
 James Ross                          7                6
 Jose Ramon Esteruelas               7                7

      Remuneration Report (aUDITED) (30 June 2008 Year End)

    This report details the amount and nature of remuneration of each director and executive officer of the Company. 

    Remuneration Policy

    The remuneration policy for the Group's Key Management Personnel (including the Managing Director) has been developed by the Board
taking into account:

    *     the size of the Group;
    *     the size of the management team for the Group;
    *     the nature and stage of development of the Group's current operations; and
    *     market conditions and comparable salary levels for companies of a similar size and operating in similar sectors.

    In addition to considering the above general factors, the Board has also placed emphasis on the following specific issues in determining
the remuneration policy for key management personnel:

    *     the Company is currently focused on undertaking exploration activities with a view to expanding and developing its resources. In
line with the Company's accounting policy, all exploration expenditure prior to a feasibility study is expensed. The Company continues to
examine new business opportunities in the energy and resources sector;
    *     risks associated with resource companies whilst exploring and developing projects; and
    *     other than profit which may be generated from asset sales (if any), the Company does not expect to be undertaking profitable
operations until sometime after the successful commercialisation, production and sales of commodities from one or more of its current
projects, or the acquisition of a profitable mining operation.

    Remuneration Policy for Executives

    The Group's remuneration policy is to provide a fixed remuneration component and a performance based component (options and a cash
bonus, see below). The Board believes that this remuneration policy is appropriate given the considerations discussed in the section above
and is appropriate in aligning Key Management Personnel objectives with shareholder and business objectives.

    Performance Based Remuneration - Incentive Options
    The Board has chosen to issue incentive options to Key Management Personnel as a key component of the incentive portion of their
remuneration, in order to attract and retain the services of the Key Management Personnel and to provide an incentive linked to the
performance of the Company. The Board considers that each Key Management Personnel's experience in the resources industry will greatly
assist the Company in progressing its projects to the next stage of development and the identification of new projects. As such, the Board
believes that the number of incentive options granted to Key Management Personnel is commensurate to their value to the Company. 

    The Board has a policy of granting options to Key Management Personnel with exercise prices at and/or above market share price (at time
of agreement). As such, incentive options granted to Key Management Personnel will generally only be of benefit if the Key Management
Personnel perform to the level whereby the value of the Company increases sufficiently to warrant exercising the incentive options granted.

    Other than service-based vesting conditions, there are no additional performance criteria on the incentive options granted to Key
Management Personnel, as given the speculative nature of the Company's activities and the small management team responsible for its running,
it is considered the performance of the Key Management Personnel and the performance and value of the Company are closely related. 

    Performance Based Remuneration - Cash Bonus
    In addition, some Key Management Personnel are entitled to an annual cash bonus upon achieving various key performance indicators, to be
determined by the Board. On an annual basis, after consideration of performance against key performance indicators, the Board determines the
amount, if any, of the annual cash bonus to be paid to each Key Management Personnel.

    Impact of Shareholder Wealth on Key Management Personnel Remuneration
    The Board does not directly base remuneration levels on the Company's share price or movement in the share price over the financial
year. However, as noted above, a number of Key Management Personnel have received options which generally will only be of value should the
value of the Company's shares increase sufficiently to warrant exercising the incentive options granted.

    As a result of the Company's exploration and new business activities, the Board anticipates that it will retain future earnings (if any)
and other cash resources for the operation and development of its business. Accordingly the Company does not currently have a policy with
respect to the payment of dividends, and as a result the remuneration policy does not take into account the level of dividends or other
distributions to shareholders (eg return of capital).

    Remuneration Report (continued)

    Remuneration Policy (continued)

    Impact of Earnings on Key Management Personnel Remuneration
    As discussed above, the Company is currently undertaking exploration activities, and does not expect to be undertaking profitable
operations until sometime after the successful commercialisation, production and sales of commodities from one or more of its current

    Accordingly the Board does not consider current or prior year earnings when assessing remuneration of Key Management Personnel.

    Remuneration Policy for Non Executive Directors

    The Board policy is to remunerate Non-Executive Directors at market rates for comparable companies for time, commitment and
responsibilities. Given the current size, nature and risks of the Company, incentive options have been used to attract and retain
Non-Executive Directors. The Board determines payments to the Non-Executive Directors and reviews their remuneration annually, based on
market practice, duties and accountability. Independent external advice is sought when required. 

    The maximum aggregate amount of fees that can be paid to Non-Executive Directors is subject to approval by shareholders at a General
Meeting. Fees for Non-Executive Directors are not linked to the performance of the economic entity. However, to align Directors' interests
with shareholder interests, the Directors are encouraged to hold shares in the Company and Non-Executive Directors have received incentive
options in order to secure their services and as a key component of their remuneration.


    Where required, Key Management Personnel receive superannuation contributions (or foreign equivalent), currently equal to 9% of their
salary, and do not receive any other retirement benefit. From time to time, some individuals have chosen to sacrifice part of their salary
to increase payments towards superannuation.

    All remuneration paid to Key Management Personnel is valued at cost to the company and expensed. Incentive options are valued using the
Binomial option valuation methodology. The value of these incentive options is expensed over the vesting period.

    Key Management Personnel Remuneration

    Details of the nature and amount of each element of the remuneration of each Director and executive of the Company or Group for the
financial year are as follows:

 2008                     Short-Term Benefits       Post Employment    Share-                          Total      Percentage            
                                                           Benefits     Based                                       of total    Performance
                                                                     Payments                                   remuneration 
                                                                                     Other Non-Cash            that consists 
                                                                                        Benefits(i)                of options
                        Salary & Fees   Cash 
                                    $       $                     $         $                     $        $                %               

     Robert Hawley           127,317        -                     -         -                 2,917  130,234                -               
          Matthew Syme        250,000       -                22,500         -                 4,508  277,008                -               
         Scott Yelland        274,472  23,843                47,125  616,235                  1,205  962,880             64.0               
            Sean James         45,708       -                     -         -                 6,675   52,383                -               
            James Ross         97,500       -                 2,700         -                 4,508  104,708                -               
 Jose Ramon Esteruelas                                                      -                         84,012                                
                               81,095       -                     -                           2,917                         -

  Shane Cranswick (ii)
                                    -       -                     -         -                     -        -                -               
      Clint McGhie(ii)              -       -                     -         -                     -        -                -               

    (i)    Other Non-Cash Benefits includes payments made for insurance premiums on behalf of the Directors, including Directors & Officers
insurance, and in some instances, working directors insurance.
    (ii)    Mr Cranswick provided services as the Company Secretary until 28 September 2007 when he was replaced as Company Secretary by Mr
McGhie. These services have been provided through a services agreement with Apollo Group Pty Ltd. Under the agreement, Apollo Group Pty Ltd
provides administrative, company secretarial and accounting services, and the provision of a fully serviced office to the Company for a
monthly retainer of $12,000. The monthly retainer has increased to $15,000 from 1 July 2008.
      Remuneration Report (continued)

    Key Management Personnel Remuneration (continued)

 2007                    Short-Term Benefits       Post Employment     Share-                            Total      Percentage            
                                                          Benefits      Based                                         of total   
Performance Related
                                                                     Payments                                     remuneration 
                                                                                     Other Non-Cash              that consists 
                                                                                       Benefits(ii)                  of options
                        Salary & Fees  Cash 
                                    $      $                     $          $                     $          $                %             

     Robert Hawley           130,648       -                     -    298,500                4,483     433,631             68.8             
          Matthew Syme        250,000      -                22,500  1,273,000                8,060   1,553,560             81.9             
            Sean James         86,540      -                     -    318,250                7,402     412,192             77.2             
            James Ross         63,700      -                 2,700    149,250                8,060     223,710             66.7             
 Jose Ramon Esteruelas                                                318,250                          367,917
                               46,891      -                     -                           2,776                         86.5             
         Ian Middlemas         13,500      -                     -          -                 1,708     15,208                -             

     Scott Yelland (i)         66,952      -                     -          -                     -     66,952                -             
 Shane Cranswick (iii)
                                    -      -                     -          -                     -          -                -             

    (i)    Mr Yelland was appointed as an executive of the Company on 6 April 2007, and appointed as a Director on 1 February 2008.
    (ii)    Other Non-Cash Benefits includes payments made for insurance premiums on behalf of the Directors, including Directors & Officers
insurance, and in some instances, working directors insurance.
    (iii)    Mr Cranswick provided services as the Company Secretary through a services agreement with Apollo Group Pty Ltd. Under the
agreement, Apollo Group Pty Ltd provides administrative, company secretarial and accounting services, and the provision of a fully serviced
office to the Company for a monthly retainer of $12,000.  

    Options Granted to Key Management Personnel 

    Details of options granted to each Director and executive of the Company or Group during the financial year are as follows:

 2008              Issuing entity      Grant     Expiry   Exercise price    Grant date fair     No. granted  No. vested
                                        Date      Date          $                value 

 Scott Yelland    Berkeley Resources  6-Aug-07  5-Aug-11       1.86              1.121            1,000,000           -

 2007                      Issuing entity       Grant     Expiry    Exercise price    Grant date fair     No. granted  No. vested
                                                date       date           $                value 

 Robert Hawley            Berkeley Resources  30-Nov-06  30-Nov-08       1.00              0.597              500,000     500,000
 Matthew Syme             Berkeley Resources  21-Jun-07  30-Nov-08       1.00              1.273            1,000,000   1,000,000
 Sean James               Berkeley Resources  21-Jun-07  30-Nov-08       1.00              1.273              250,000     250,000
 James Ross               Berkeley Resources  30-Nov-06  30-Nov-08       1.00              0.597              250,000     250,000
 Jose Ramon Esteruelas    Berkeley Resources  21-Jun-07  30-Nov-08       1.00              1.273              250,000     250,000

    (i)    For details on the valuation of the options, including models and assumptions used, please refer to Note 18 to the financial
      Remuneration Report (continued)

    Options Granted to Directors and Executives (continued)

    Details of the value of options granted, exercised or lapsed for each Director and executive of the Company or Group during the
financial year are as follows:

 2008               Value of options      Value of options      Value of options        Total value of      Value of options        
Percentage of
                  granted during the  exercised during the     lapsed during the      options granted,           included in  remuneration
for the
                                year                  year                  year  exercised and lapsed  remuneration for the                
                                   $                     $                     $                     $                  year        that
                                                                                                                           $            of

 Matthew Syme                      -             2,930,000                     -             2,930,000                     -                
 Scott Yelland             1,121,000                     -                     -             1,121,000               616,235                

 2007                       Value of options      Value of options      Value of options        Total value of      Value of options        
Percentage of
                          granted during the  exercised during the     lapsed during the      options granted,           included in 
remuneration for the
                                        year                  year                  year  exercised and lapsed  remuneration for the        
                                           $                     $                     $                     $                  year       
that consists 
   of options

 Robert Hawley                       298,500                     -                     -               298,500               298,500        
 Matthew Syme                      1,273,000               920,000                     -             2,193,000             1,273,000        
 Sean James                          318,250                     -                     -               318,250               318,250        
 James Ross                          149,250                     -                     -               149,250               149,250        
 Jose Ramon Esteruelas
                                     318,250                     -                     -               318,250               318,250        

    (i)    For details on the valuation of the options, including models and assumptions used, please refer to Note 18 to the financial
    (ii)    The value of options granted during the year is recognised in compensation over the vesting period of the grant, in accordance
with Australian accounting standards.

    Employment Contracts with Directors and Executive Officers

    Mr Matthew Syme, Managing Director, has a contract of employment with Berkeley Resources Limited dated 27 August 2004. The terms of this
contract were revised effective from 1 May 2006. The contract specifies the duties and obligations to be fulfilled by the Managing Director.
The contract has a rolling term and may be terminated by the Company by giving three months notice. No amount is payable in the event of
termination for neglect of duty or gross misconduct. Mr Syme receives a fixed remuneration component of $250,000 per annum exclusive of
superannuation. The contract also provides for the payment of a cash bonus which the Board may determine at its discretion which reflects
the contribution of Mr Syme towards the Company's achievement of its overall objectives. As at the date of this report no cash bonus has
been paid or is payable.

    Following shareholder approval, on 21 June 2007 Mr Syme was granted 1,000,000 director incentive options exercisable at $1.00 each on or
before 30 November 2008 in accordance with his employment terms.

    Mr Scott Yelland was appointed Chief Operating Officer of the Company on 6 April 2007 and was subsequently appointed a Director of the
Company on 1 February 2008. Mr Yelland has a letter of employment with Berkeley Resources Limited dated 27 March 2007. The letter specifies
the duties and obligations to be fulfilled by the Chief Operating Officer. The letter of employment may be terminated by either party by
giving three months notice. No amount is payable by the Company in the event of termination for neglect of duty or gross misconduct. Mr
Yelland receives a fixed remuneration component of �125,000 per annum exclusive of employer National Insurance Contributions (United

      Remuneration Report (continued)

    Employment Contracts with Directors and Executive Officers (continued)

    Prior to his appointment as a Director and in accordance with his engagement terms Mr Yelland was granted 1,000,000 options, with an
exercise price of $1.86 each, on 6 August 2007 under the Employee Option Scheme approved by shareholders on 21 June 2007. The options will
vest in 3 equal tranches every 12 months from the date of commencement and will expire on 5 August 2011.

    Following his appointment as a Director, the Board has agreed to grant Mr Yelland with an additional 500,000 unlisted options with an
exercise price of $1.00 each. The options will vest in 3 equal tranches every 12 months from the date of commencement and will expire on 19
June 2012. The issue of these options is subject to shareholder approval.

    Dr James Ross, Technical Director, has a letter of engagement with Berkeley Resources Limited dated 4 February 2005. The letter
specifies the duties and obligations to be fulfilled by the Technical Director. Dr Ross receives a fixed remuneration component of $30,000
per annum exclusive of superannuation. The letter also includes a consultancy arrangement which provides for a consultancy fee at the rate
of $800 per day, with a minimum of 1 day per week. The consultancy arrangement has a rolling term and may be terminated by the company by
giving 1 months notice.

    Following shareholder approval, on 30 November 2006, Dr Ross was granted 250,000 director incentive options exercisable at $1.00 each on
or before 30 November 2008 in accordance with his employment terms.

    Dr Robert Hawley, Non Executive Chairman, was appointed a Director of the Company on 20 April 2006. Dr Hawley has a letter of engagement
with Berkeley Resources Limited dated 19 April 2006. The letter specifies a fixed remuneration component of �55,000 per annum. 

    Following shareholder approval on 30 November 2006, Dr Hawley was granted 500,000 incentive options exercisable at $1.00 each on or
before 30 November 2008 in accordance with his engagement terms.

    Mr Sean James, Non Executive Director, was originally appointed an Executive Director of the Company on 28 July 2006. Mr James had a
letter of employment with Berkeley Resources Limited dated 28 July 2006 and was to receive a fixed remuneration component of �100,000 per
annum exclusive of employer National Insurance Contributions (United Kingdom).  On 17 November 2006, Mr James relinquished his executive
role but remained as a Non Executive Director and consultant to the Company. Mr James receives a fixed remuneration of �18,000 per annum.
The letter also includes a consultancy agreement which provides for a consultancy fee of �400 per day. The consultancy agreement has a
rolling term and may be terminated by Mr James or by the Company giving one month's notice.

    Following shareholder approval on 21 June 2007, Mr James was granted 250,000 incentive options exercisable at $1.00 each on or before 30
November 2008 in accordance with his engagement terms.

    Senor Jose Ramon Esteruelas, Non Executive Director, was appointed a Director of the Company on 1 November 2006. Senor Esteruelas has a
letter of employment with Berkeley Resources Limited dated 16 November 2006. Senor Esteruelas receives a fixed remuneration component of
EUR48,000 per annum. The letter also includes a consultancy agreement which provides for a consultancy fee of EUR1,000 per day. The
consultancy agreement has a rolling term and may be terminated by Senor Esteruelas or by the Company by giving one month's notice.

    Following shareholder approval on 21 June 2007, Senor Esteruelas was granted 250,000 incentive options exercisable at $1.00 each on or
before 30 November 2008.

    Exercise of options granted as remuneration

    During the financial year ended 30 June 2008, Mr Syme was issued 2,000,000 shares following the exercise of 1,000,000 options at $0.20
per share and 1,000,000 options at $0.25 per share. 

    During the financial year ended 30 June 2007, Mr Syme was issued 1,000,000 shares following the exercise of 1,000,000 options at $0.15
per share. 

    There are no amounts unpaid on the shares issued as a result of the exercise of the options in the 2008 financial year.


    Under the Constitution the Company is obliged, to the extent permitted by law, to indemnify an officer (including Directors) of the
Company against liabilities incurred by the officer in that capacity, against costs and expenses incurred by the officer in successfully
defending civil or criminal proceedings, and against any liability which arises out of conduct not involving a lack of good faith.

    During the financial year, the Company has paid an insurance premium to insure Directors and officers of the Company against certain
liabilities arising out of their conduct while acting as a Director or Officer of the Company.  The net premium paid was $15,790.  Under the
terms and conditions of the insurance contract, the nature of liabilities insured against cannot be disclosed.

    The Company has not, during or since the end of the financial year, indemnified or agreed to indemnify an auditor of the Company or of
any related body corporate against a liability incurred as such an auditor.


    There were no non-audit services provided by the auditor (or by another person or firm on the auditor's behalf) during the financial

    Auditor's Independence Declaration

    The auditor's independence declaration is on page 60 of the Annual Financial Report.

    This report is made in accordance with a resolution of the Directors made pursuant to section 298(2) of the Corporations Act 2001.

    For and on behalf of the Directors

    Managing Director

    Madrid, Spain
    26 September 2008


                                                     Consolidated                    Parent
                                 Note         2008           2007         2008         2007
                                                 $              $            $            $

                                         1,473,848        569,126    1,473,427      569,126
 Revenue from continuing            2
 Other Income                       2    1,934,785        998,200    1,934,785      998,200

 Administration costs                  (1,806,818)    (1,815,527)  (1,806,173)  (1,815,527)
 Business development costs              (284,498)      (415,878)    (284,498)    (415,878)
 Exploration costs                     (8,624,391)    (4,409,268)    (656,500)  (2,145,752)
 Other share based payments         3  (1,428,177)    (2,357,250)  (1,428,177)  (2,357,250)
 Foreign exchange loss                    (61,886)              -     (62,845)            -

 Loss before income tax expense        (8,797,137)    (7,430,597)    (829,981)  (5,167,081)

 Income tax expense                 4            -              -            -            -

 Loss after income tax expense         (8,797,137)    (7,430,597)    (829,981)  (5,167,081)

 Loss attributable to minority         (1,792,681)    (1,116,026)            -            -

 Loss attributable to members
 of Berkeley Resources Limited         (7,004,456)    (6,314,571)    (829,981)  (5,167,081)

 Loss after income tax expense         (8,797,137)    (7,430,597)    (829,981)  (5,167,081)

 Basic loss per share (cents       22       (6.80)         (7.48)
 per share)

 Diluted loss per share (cents     22       (6.80)         (7.48)
 per share)

    Notes to and forming part of the Income Statement are set out on pages 22 to 58.
    AS AT 30 JUNE 2008

                                                     Consolidated                    Parent   
                                  Note          2008          2007          2008          2007
 ASSETS                                            $             $             $             $
 Current Assets
 Cash and cash equivalents       23(b)    18,171,171    25,535,846    17,485,427    25,329,172
 Trade and other receivables         5     1,289,281       327,538       121,474        19,587
 Total Current Assets                     19,460,452    25,863,384    17,606,901    25,348,759

 Non-current Assets
 Exploration expenditure             6     5,938,391     4,135,220       137,000       137,000
 Property, plant and equipment       7       509,497       232,184        16,166        21,297
 Trade and other receivables         8             -             -       493,899       318,877
 Other financial assets              9       119,228     1,802,015    14,310,715     6,993,062
 Total Non-current Assets                  6,567,116     6,169,419    14,957,780     7,470,236

 TOTAL ASSETS                             26,027,568    32,032,803    32,564,681    32,818,995

 Current Liabilities
 Trade and other payables           10       978,010       642,182       170,941       336,358
 Provisions                         11        44,295        34,432        44,295        34,432
 Total Current Liabilities                 1,022,305       676,614       215,236       370,790

 TOTAL LIABILITIES                         1,022,305       676,614       215,236       370,790

 NET ASSETS                               25,005,263    31,356,189    32,349,445    32,448,205

 Equity attributable to equity
 holders of the Company
 Issued capital                     12    41,444,842    40,560,013    41,444,842    40,560,013
 Reserves                           13     4,449,269     4,604,619     4,472,973     4,626,581
 Accumulated losses                 14  (20,890,335)  (13,885,879)  (13,568,370)  (12,738,389)
 Parent Interests                         25,003,776    31,278,753    32,349,445    32,448,205

 Minority Interests                 15         1,487        77,436             -             -

 TOTAL EQUITY                             25,005,263    31,356,189    32,349,445    32,448,205

    Notes to and forming part of the Balance Sheet are set out on pages 22 to 58.


                                                        Consolidated                    Parent
                                     Note          2008         2007         2008         2007
                                                      $            $            $            $
 Cash flows from operating
 Payments to suppliers and                 (11,045,850)  (6,592,292)  (2,890,739)  (4,348,536)
 Interest received                            1,364,784      569,126    1,364,363      569,126

 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from
 operating activities
                                    23(a)   (9,681,066)  (6,023,166)  (1,526,376)  (3,779,410)

 Cash flows from investing
 Proceeds from sale of                                -      348,200            -      348,200
 exploration projects
 Payments for exploration                      (78,313)    (156,567)            -            -
 Payment for investment in                            -            -  (8,846,230)  (1,998,612)
 related entity
 Security bond deposit                        (110,730)            -            -            -
 Amounts advanced to related                          -            -    (491,722)    (320,094)
 Proceeds on sale of investment               2,584,784            -    2,584,783            -
 Payments for property, plant                 (458,755)    (141,036)     (11,244)     (21,877)
 and equipment

 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from investing                                          (1,992,383)

 activities                                   1,936,986       50,597  (6,764,413)

 Cash flows from financing
 Proceeds from issue of shares                  450,000   26,667,275      450,000   26,667,275
 Transaction costs from issue                   (2,956)  (1,410,701)      (2,956)  (1,410,701)
 of shares and options

 Net cash inflow from financing                 447,044   25,256,574      447,044   25,256,574

 Net increase/(decrease) in
 cash and cash equivalents held             (7,297,036)   19,284,005  (7,843,745)   19,484,781

 Cash and cash equivalents at
 the beginning of the financial
 year                                        25,535,846    6,295,162   25,329,172    5,844,391

 Effects of exchange rate                      (67,639)     (43,321)            -            -

 Cash and cash equivalents at
 the end of the financial year
                                    23(b)    18,171,171   25,535,846   17,485,427   25,329,172

    Notes to and forming part of the Cash Flow Statement are set out on pages 22 to 58.

   Attributable to equity holder of the parent      Minority      Total equity
                                        IssuedCapital  $  Option Premium Reserve $  ForeignCurrencyTranslation Reserve$  Net Unrealised
Gains Reserve$   Accumulated Losses  $   Total    $  Interest   $                 $
 As at 1 July 2006                            14,258,232                 2,170,538                                    -                     
           -     (7,571,308)         8,857,462       321,421         9,178,883
 Net loss for the period                               -                         -                                    -                     
           -     (6,314,571)       (6,314,571)   (1,116,026)       (7,430,597)
 Total recognised income and                           -                         -                                    -                     
           -     (6,314,571)       (6,314,571)   (1,116,026)       (7,430,597)
 Issue of shares                              23,125,000                         -                                    -                     
           -               -        23,125,000             -        23,125,000
 Exchange differences arising                          -                         -                             (21,962)                     
           -               -          (21,962)      (21,358)          (43,320)
 on translation of foreign
 Net unrealised gain on held                           -                         -                                    -                     
   1,144,000               -         1,144,000             -         1,144,000
 for sale financial assets
 Step up acquisition of                                -                         -                                    -                     
           -               -                 -       893,399           893,399
 minority interest
 Exercise of options                           4,587,482               (1,045,207)                                    -                     
           -               -         3,542,275             -         3,542,275
 Cost of share based payments                          -                 2,357,250                                    -                     
           -               -         2,357,250             -         2,357,250
 Share issue costs                           (1,410,701)                         -                                    -                     
           -               -       (1,410,701)             -       (1,410,701)
 Amounts recognised directly in               26,301,781                 1,312,043                             (21,962)                     
   1,144,000               -        28,735,862       872,041        29,607,903
 As at 30 June 2007                           40,560,013                 3,482,581                             (21,962)                     
   1,144,000    (13,885,879)        31,278,753        77,436        31,356,189
 As at 1 July 2007                            40,560,013         3,482,581                  (21,962)                         1,144,000      
                (13,885,879)        31,278,753        77,436        31,356,189
 Net loss for the period                               -                 -                         -                                 -      
                 (7,004,456)       (7,004,456)   (1,792,681)       (8,797,137)
 Total recognised income and                           -                 -                         -                                 -      
                 (7,004,456)       (7,004,456)   (1,792,681)       (8,797,137)
 Exchange differences arising                          -                 -                   (1,742)                                 -      
                           -           (1,742)         (227)           (1,969)
 on translation of foreign
 Net unrealised gain on held                           -                 -                         -                         1,326,000      
                           -         1,326,000             -         1,326,000
 for sale financial assets
 Net realised gain on held for    2(b)                 -                 -                         -                       (2,470,000)      
                           -       (2,470,000)             -       (2,470,000)
 sale financial assets
 Step up acquisition of                                -                 -                         -                                 -      
                           -                 -     1,716,959         1,716,959
 minority interest
 Exercise of options                             887,000         (437,000)                         -                                 -      
                           -           450,000             -           450,000
 Expiry of options                                   785             (785)                         -                                 -      
                           -                 -             -                 -
 Cost of share based                            -(2,956)        1,428,177-                        --                                --      
                          --  1,428,177(2,956)            --  1,428,177(2,956)
 paymentsShare issue costs
 Amounts recognised directly in                  884,829           990,392                   (1,742)                       (1,144,000)      
                           -           729,479     1,716,732         2,446,211
 As at 30 June 2008                           41,444,842         4,472,973                  (23,704)                                 -      
                (20,890,335)        25,003,776         1,487        25,005,263

    Notes to and forming part of the Statement of Changes in Equity are set out on pages 22 to 58.



   Note  Issued   Option Premium  Net Unrealised Gains  Accumulated Losses  Total
         Capital         Reserve               Reserve                      Equit
                                                     $                          y

 Balance at 1 July 2006             14,258,232    2,170,538          -   (7,571,308)    8,857,462
 Issue of shares                    23,125,000            -          -             -   23,125,000
 Net unrealised gain on held     
 for sale financial assets                   -            -  1,144,000             -    1,144,000
 Exercise of options                 4,587,482  (1,045,207)          -             -    3,542,275
 Cost of share based payments                -    2,357,250          -             -    2,357,250
 Share issue costs                 (1,410,701)            -          -             -  (1,410,701)
 Amounts recognised directly in     26,301,781    1,312,043  1,144,000             -   28,757,824
 Net loss for the year                       -            -          -   (5,167,081)  (5,167,081)
 Total recognised income and                 -            -          -   (5,167,081)  (5,167,081)
 Balance at 30 June 2007            40,560,013    3,482,581  1,144,000  (12,738,389)   32,448,205

 Balance at 1 July 2007    40,560,013  3,482,581  1,144,000  (12,738,389)  32,448,205

 Exercise of options                      887,000  (437,000)            -             -      450,000
 Expiry of options                            785      (785)            -             -            -
 Cost of share based payments                   -  1,428,177            -             -    1,428,177
 Net unrealised gain on held
 for sale financial assets                      -          -    1,326,000             -    1,326,000
 Net realised gain on held for
 sale financial assets           2(b)           -          -  (2,470,000)             -  (2,470,000)
 Share issue costs                        (2,956)          -            -             -      (2,956)
 Amounts recognised directly in           884,829    990,392  (1,144,000)             -      731,221

 Net loss for the year                          -          -            -     (829,981)    (829,981)
 Total recognised income and                    -          -            -     (829,981)    (829,981)

 Balance at 30 June 2008               41,444,842  4,472,973            -  (13,568,370)   32,349,445

    Notes to and forming part of the Statement of Changes in Equity are set out on pages 22 to 58.


    *     auditor's independence declaration

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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