RNS Number : 2413V 
Berkeley Resources Limited 
29 October 2010 

29 October 2010 
                           BERKELEY RESOURCES LIMITED 
 Possible Takeover Bid of Berkeley Resources Ltd and Interim Funding Agreement 
The Directors of Berkeley Resources Ltd. ("Berkeley" or the "Company") advise 
that it has been approached by, and is presently in discussions with, OAO 
Severstal ("Severstal"), one of the world's leading integrated steel and mining 
companies, to agree the basis on which Severstal may make a proposal to acquire 
control of the Company. 
Severstal has indicated to the Company that, subject to Severstal completing and 
being satisfied with the results of financial, technical and legal due diligence 
and the entry into an implementation agreement which is on terms satisfactory to 
the Company and Severstal, it would consider making a conditional all cash 
proposal for all of the outstanding shares of Berkeley (the relevant conditions 
to the proposal would be specified by Severstal in an announcement to the market 
if it resolves to proceed with such a proposal). 
Berkeley has entered into a Subscription Rights Deed with Severstal whereby it 
has granted Severstal the right to subscribe for approximately 16.3 million new 
Berkeley shares at a price of A$1.70 per share, subject to the condition that 
Severstal publicly announces an intention to proceed with a takeover bid for the 
Company at a price of A$2.00 per share (any such takeover bid would be subject 
to conditions).  The shares that may be issued to Severstal pursuant to the 
Subscription Rights Deed would represent approximately 9.1% of the fully diluted 
share capital of Berkeley (including the shares issued pursuant to the 
approximately A$4.8 million placement announced today (and referred to below), 
the shares issued as part of the placement fee, the approximately 16.3 million 
Severstal subscription shares and the currently outstanding options). 
Severstal's right to subscribe for shares in Berkeley will expire on 10 December 
2010, unless it has announced an intention to proceed with such a takeover bid 
on or before that date.  A summary of the key terms of the Subscription Rights 
Deed is contained in Annexure A to this announcement. 
In the event that Severstal publicly announces a takeover bid for the Company at 
a price of A$2.00 per share, Berkeley's Directors would unanimously recommend 
that shareholders accept that offer, in the absence of a superior competing 
An offer price of A$2.00 per share would represent a premium of approximately 
40% to the volume weighted average price of Berkeley shares traded on the ASX in 
the three months from 29 July 2010 to 28 October 2010 (each date inclusive) of 
At an exchange rate of 1.63 (being the exchange rate at the close of business in 
London on 28 October 2010) the offer price of A$2.00 per share would amount to 
an offer price of approximately GBP1.23 per share. 
Severstal has no obligation to make a takeover bid or any other proposal for the 
Company under the Subscription Rights Deed or under any other arrangements. 
Berkeley's Salamanca Uranium Project has the potential to be a leading uranium 
project and is scheduled to commence mining by late 2012. However, there are 
considerable financing requirements to bring this uranium project into 
production and it is appropriate at this stage that the Board considers its 
financing options in the interests of shareholders. The Board believes that it 
is likely that the terms offered by Severstal are more appealing than those 
currently available via project or equity financing. 
In the event that Severstal resolves not to make a takeover bid for the Company, 
Berkeley plans to continue discussions regarding financing alternatives with 
third parties, which may include Korean Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO).  In 
accordance with the terms of the Subscription Rights Deed, Berkeley has agreed 
to suspend all discussions with KEPCO and any other interested parties until 
such time as it receives notification from Severstal of its intention not to 
proceed with a takeover bid or until 10 December 2010.  Further details of 
Berkeley's MOU with KEPCO may be found in Berkeley's press release dated 10 
August 2010. 
If Severstal decides to proceed with a takeover bid for the Company and 
exercises the Subscription Rights Deed, Severstal will have the right to appoint 
one Director to the Board of Berkeley. If Severstal decides to proceed with a 
takeover bid and it acquires more than 50% of the shares in issue and the 
takeover bid becomes wholly unconditional, Severstal will be offered the 
majority of the Board seats of the Company, including the Chair of the Board. 
Severstal has not yet confirmed what its intentions would be in relation to 
Board representation in either such scenario. 
If Severstal decides to proceed with a takeover bid for the Company, the bid 
process may take approximately three to four months to complete, and possibly 
longer. In these circumstances, the Directors consider it prudent to ensure 
adequate working capital is in place for the ongoing Feasibility Study work in 
relation to Berkeley's Salamanca Uranium Project for at least that period.  The 
Company has therefore resolved to issue a total of approximately 3.3 million 
shares at an issue price of A$1.45 per share to a sophisticated investor for 
gross proceeds of approximately A$4.8 million.  Should Severstal decide not to 
proceed with a takeover bid for the Company, Berkeley has the option to issue 
approximately 7 million further shares at an issue price of A$1.45 per share for 
gross proceeds of approximately A$10.2 million to the same sophisticated 
investor at any point on or before 31 January 2011, subject to shareholder 
approval. As consideration for the placement, the Company will issue 200,000 
shares to the sophisticated investor or its nominees. 
The Directors believe that this funding option will ensure that the Company will 
have adequate working capital to pursue its near-term obligations. 
Mr. Ian Stalker, Managing Director of Berkeley, commented: 
"Berkeley has made significant progress to date in developing the Salamanca 
Uranium Project and establishing significant JORC compliant mineral resources. 
We are now at a point where we are confident that we can recommence mining 
operations at one of the leading undeveloped uranium deposits in the world, and 
plan to enter into production towards the end of 2012.  Our anticipated 
graduation from developer to producer would prove to be well timed given our 
belief that uranium supply is expected to go in to deficit over the next two 
Severstal is considering an offer that represents a solid premium to the recent 
share price and has substantial financing available to optimise the 
re-commissioning of the Project.  It also has positive experience cooperating 
with Spanish companies and runs assets in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, the 
European Union, North America and Africa.  We look forward to updating 
shareholders with further details in due course." 
The Board of Berkeley advises that shareholders take no action for the time 
being, other than to consult their financial adviser, if appropriate.  While 
Berkeley looks forward to working with Severstal to determine whether it is 
prepared to proceed with a takeover bid, there is no guarantee that a takeover 
bid will be made or be completed. 
It is also possible that a superior proposal may emerge from other parties. 
Berkeley is being advised in the transaction by BMO Capital Markets and Hardy 
Bowen lawyers. 
Berkeley will provide further information to shareholders in due course. In the 
interim, please contact: 
Ian Stalker, Managing Director 
                         +34 608 221 497 
BMO Capital Markets 
Sarfraz Visram, Managing Director 
                      +1 416 359 5864 
Robin Birchall, Vice President / Adam Janikowski, Vice President 
      +44 20 7664 8100 
RBC Capital Markets, AIM Nominated Adviser 
Martin Eales 
                              +44 20 7653 4000 
Conduit PR 
Charlie Geller 
                               +44 20 7429 6604 
OAO Severstal is one of the world's leading integrated steel and mining 
companies. The Company's shares are traded on the Russian Trading System (CHMF), 
MICEX (CHMF, RTS) and the LSE (SVST).  The company operates assets in Russia, 
Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Italy, France, the USA and Africa. In 2009, Severstal 
produced 16.7 million tonnes of steel, its revenues were $13.0 billion and its 
EBITDA was $844 million. 
Severstal Resources is the mining division of Severstal and one of the largest 
mining companies in Russia. It comprises of two iron ore mining assets (Karelsky 
Okatysh and Olcon), two coking coal complexes (Vorkutaugol in northwest Russia 
and PBS Coals in the US), a ferroniobium producer (Stalmag) in east Russia and a 
mine design company (SPb-Giproshakht).  The Gold Segment with assets in Russia, 
Kazakhstan, Burkina Faso, Guinea and Guyana is also a significant part of 
Severstal Resources. 
Berkeley Resources Ltd. is an exploration and development group with a dominant 
land holding and uranium projects in Spain. Its stated objective is to become 
the next mid-size European uranium producer. 
The Company has been focused on the successful completion of a Feasibility Study 
for the Salamanca Uranium Project, incorporating the fully-owned Retortillo 
deposits as well as other assets previously operated by ENUSA, the Spanish State 
uranium company. Berkeley will form a joint venture with ENUSA on a 90%-10% 
basis to exploit these assets, which include the State Reserves, including the 
Águila (Sageras, Palacios and Majuelos), Alameda (Alameda North and South) and 
Villar Areas. The joint venture company will also manage and operate the Quercus 
uranium processing plant. 
Mineral Resources within Berkeley's projects currently total 83.2 Mlbs U3O8 with 
46% in the Measured and Indicated categories. 
                                   ANNEXURE A 
1.            Exclusivity arrangements in the Subscription Rights Deed 
1.1          Prohibition 
During the Non-Solicitation Period, the Company must not, and must ensure that 
each of its Representatives do not, directly or indirectly: 
(a)          solicit or initiate (including, without limitation, by the 
provision of non-public information) any inquiries, expression of interest, 
offer, proposal or discussion by any person to make a Competing Proposal 
(whether from a person with whom the Company has previously been in discussions 
or not); 
(b)          participate in or continue any negotiations or discussions with 
respect to any inquiry, expression of interest, offer, proposal or discussion by 
any person to make a Competing Proposal; 
(c)          negotiate, accept or enter into, or offer or agree to negotiate, 
accept or enter into, any agreement, arrangement or understanding regarding a 
Competing Proposal; or 
(d)          disclose any non-public information about the business or affairs 
of the Company to a third party (other than a Public Authority) with a view to 
obtaining or which may reasonably be expected to lead to receipt of a Competing 
or communicate to any person an intention to do anything referred to in this 
clause 1.1. 
1.2Fiduciary exception 
Clauses 1.1(b), 1.1(c) and 1.1(d) do not prohibit any action or inaction by the 
Company or any Representative in relation to a Competing Proposal if compliance 
with the relevant clause would, in the opinion of the Board formed in good 
faith, after receiving written advice from its external legal and financial 
advisers, constitute, or would be likely to constitute, a breach of any of the 
duties of the Board provided that the approach or Competing Proposal by the 
third party was not facilitated by or as a direct or indirect result of a breach 
of clause 1.1(a). 
1.3          Cease existing discussions 
During the Non-Solicitation Period the Company will cease and shall not 
recommence any discussions or negotiations existing as at the date of the 
Subscription Rights Deed relating to any Competing Proposal. 
1.4Notification of approaches 
During the Non-Solicitation Period, the Company must as soon as possible notify 
Severstal in writing if it, or any of its Representatives, becomes aware of any: 
(a)          approach or attempt to initiate any negotiations or discussions, or 
intention to make such an approach or attempt to initiate any negotiations or 
discussions in respect of any expression of interest, offer or proposal which 
may result in a Competing Proposal; 
(b)          proposal made to the Company or any of its Representatives, in 
connection with, or in respect of any exploration or consummation of, a 
Competing Proposal or a proposed or potential Competing Proposal; or 
(c)          provision by the Company or any of its Representatives of any 
material confidential information concerning the Company's operations to any 
person in relation to a Competing Proposal or a proposed or potential Competing 
A notification given under clause 1.4(a) must include the identity of the 
relevant person making or proposing the relevant Competing Proposal, together 
with all material terms and conditions of the Competing Proposal. 
1.5Matching right 
The Company: 
(a)          must not enter into any legally binding agreement, arrangement or 
understanding (whether or not in writing) pursuant to which a third party and/or 
the Company proposes to undertake or give effect to a Competing Proposal; and 
(b)          must use its best endeavours to procure that none of its directors 
change their recommendation in favour of the Takeover Bid to publicly recommend 
a Competing Proposal, 
(c)          the Board acting in good faith determines that the Competing 
Proposal would be or would be likely to be a Superior Proposal; 
(d)          the Company has provided Severstal with the material terms and 
conditions of the Superior Proposal, including price and the identity of the 
Third Party making the Competing Proposal; and 
(e)          the Company has given Severstal at least 5 Business Days after the 
provision of the information referred to in clause 1.5(d) to provide a matching 
or superior proposal to the terms of the Superior Proposal. 
2.            Summary of the standstill arrangements in the Subscription Rights 
Subject to certain exceptions (including that a third party publicly announces 
that it is considering a takeover bid for the company or a scheme of arrangement 
involving the Company), Severstal may not acquire or assist or encourage any 
other person to acquire 19.9% of the shares in the Company other than the 
subscription for shares pursuant to the Subscription Rights Deed. 
3.            Takeover terms 
It has been agreed that a takeover bid by Severstal that would entitle Severstal 
to subscribe for the shares in Berkeley, would be for all the shares (including 
those shares issued upon the exercise of options), at a price of A$2.00 per 
share and subject to a minimum acceptance condition of 50.1% (on a fully diluted 
basis), obtaining all regulatory approvals (including FIRB) and various other 
conditions, or on terms and conditions which are not substantially less 
favourable to shareholders. 
4.            Definitions 
In this Annexure A, capitalised terms have the following meaning. 
Associate has the meaning given in section 12(2) of the Corporations Act. 
Competing Proposal means any proposal, arrangement or transaction, which, if 
entered into or completed, would mean a person (other than Severstal or any 
Associate of Severstal) would: 
(a)          directly or indirectly acquire a Relevant Interest in, or have the 
right to acquire, a legal, beneficial or economic interest in, or control of, 
10% or more of the Shares or of the share capital of any of the subsidiaries of 
the Company; 
(b)          acquire control of the Company, within the meaning of section 50AA 
of the Corporations Act; 
(c)          otherwise acquire (whether directly or indirectly) or become the 
holder of, or otherwise acquire, have a right to acquire or have an economic 
interest in all or a material part of the Company's business or the business of 
any subsidiary of the Company; 
(d)          otherwise acquire or merge with the Company; or 
(e)          enter into any agreement, arrangement or understanding requiring 
Severstal to abandon, or otherwise fail to proceed with, the Takeover Bid, 
whether by way of takeover bid, scheme of arrangement, shareholder approved 
acquisition, capital reduction or buy back, sale or purchase of shares or 
assets, global assignment of assets and liabilities, joint venture, dual-listed 
company structure (or other synthetic merger), or other transaction or 
Corporations Act means the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth of Australia). 
Non-Solicitation Periodmeans the period from and including the date of the 
Subscription Rights Deed to and including 10 December 2010 or such later date as 
the Company and Severstal agree in writing. 
Public Authority means any government or governmental, semi-governmental, 
administrative, monetary, fiscal or judicial body, department, commission, 
authority, tribunal, agency or entity in any part of the world including 
(without limitation) any self regulatory organisation established under statute 
or otherwise discharging substantially public or regulatory functions, and ASX 
or any other stock exchange. 
Related Bodies Corporatehas the meaning given in section 50 of the Corporations 
Relevant Interest has the meaning given in sections 608 and 609 of the 
Corporations Act. 
Representative means: 
(a)          in respect of a Party, each Related Body Corporate of that Party, 
each director, officer, employee, adviser, agent, representative, consultant, 
investment banker, financial adviser, lawyer or other adviser of that Party and 
each director, officer, employee, adviser, agent, representative, consultant, 
investment banker, financial adviser, lawyer or other adviser of each Related 
Body Corporate of that Party; and 
(b)          in respect of a any financial adviser retained by the Company in 
relation to the Takeover Bid or a Competing Proposal from time to time, each 
director, officer, employee or contractor of that financial adviser. 
Superior Proposal means a bona fide Competing Proposal of the kind referred to 
in any of paragraphs (a) (provided that such Competing Proposal contemplates the 
acquisition of all or substantially all of the business or assets of the Group), 
(c) or (d) of the definition of Competing Proposal (and not resulting from a 
breach by the Company of its obligations under the non-solicitation provisions 
(it being understood that any actions by the Representatives of the Company in 
violation of the non-solicitation provisions shall be deemed to be a breach by 
the Company for the purposes hereof)) which the Board, acting in good faith, and 
after receiving written legal advice from its legal advisers and written advice 
from its financial advisers, determines: 
(a)          is reasonably capable of being valued and completed taking into 
account all aspects of the Competing Proposal including any timing 
considerations and any conditions precedent; and 
(b)          would, if completed substantially in accordance with its terms, be 
more favourable to Shareholders (as a whole) than the Takeover Bid (as such 
Takeover Bid may be amended following application of the matching right), taking 
into account all terms and conditions of the Competing Proposal. 
A full version of this announcement including images can be downloaded from 
Berkeley's website at www.berkeleyresources.com.au. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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