Final Results for the year ended 31 July 2023 
Financial Highlights: 
  · The Board of Fidelity Asian Values PLC (the "Company") recommends an annual 
dividend of 14.50 pence per share. 
  · The net asset value (NAV) total return increased by 11.4% for the year ended 
31 July 2023, outperforming the Company's Comparative Index (MSCI All Countries 
ex Japan Small Cap Index) which rose by 7.5% over the same period. 
  · The ordinary share price total return for the reporting year was an increase 
of 17.3%. 
  · The Company maintains net gearing of approximately 4.9%, reflecting 
opportunities found across the region. 
For further information, please contact: 
Nira Mistry 
Company Secretary 
FIL Investments International 
07778 354517 
Chairman's Statement 
This is my last Annual Report for the Company, having served as your Chairman 
for nine years this December. During that time, your Company has gone through 
significant changes. Having begun as a large-cap Asia fund, it now operates in a 
very different area, primarily investing in smaller companies with a focus on 
value stocks. As I prepare to retire from the Board, I have taken the 
opportunity to look back at the impact of these changes, beginning with the 
selection of Nitin Bajaj as your Portfolio Manager in April 2015. From Nitin's 
appointment until 31July 2023, your Company has produced a Net Asset Value 
("NAV") total return of 112.6% and a share price total return of 129.0%, 
outperforming the Comparative Index (MSCI All Countries Asia ex Japan Small Cap 
Index (net) total return (in sterling terms)) of 72.9% and also the peer group 
average total returns of 87.5% (NAV) and 117.1% (share price). During this time, 
the discount to NAV has narrowed from the mid-teens to low single digits 
(occasionally trading at a premium, which is testament to a very clear and well 
-supported investment proposition), and we have also been able to deliver a 
significant increase in the dividend, both of which have been to the long-term 
benefit of shareholders. 
Coming back to the year just ended, it is pleasing to report a year of strong 
performance, in which your Portfolio Manager's strong stock selection has been 
complemented by a market environment that has favoured the Company's quality and 
value-focused investment approach. In the year to 31 July 2023, the NAV total 
return was 11.4%, while the Comparative Index total return was 7.5% over the 
same period. After experiencing negative performance in the last financial year, 
the share price has rebounded strongly, producing a total return of 17.3% as the 
discount to NAV has narrowed from 9.8% at the start of the year to 5.3% at the 
end. This is particularly notable given the general widening in investment trust 
discounts during the year. Nitin talks more on the drivers for the positive 
performance in his Portfolio Manager's Review below. 
Due Diligence 2023 
In March 2023, your Board took an in-person due diligence trip to Asia for the 
first time since 2018. We travelled first to Singapore, where the portfolio 
management team is based, and spent time with Nitin, Ajinkya Dhavale, who has 
now been the Assistant Portfolio Manager of the Company for three years, and 
colleagues, including Fidelity's Head of Equities for the Asia Pacific region. 
We also met with some locally based companies to see how Fidelity's meetings 
with them are run and how they form part of the stock picking process. We then 
went to South Korea for three days of company visits. What stood out to us as a 
Board was the quality of the management teams we met in Korea and the depth and 
calibre of the businesses; although these companies are not the largest, their 
global presence was really startling. One example was Hankook Tire, a provider 
of e-vehicle tyres and a growing contributor to profits. It has recently taken 
over from Michelin as the official supplier for the Formula E motor racing 
competition. It was most interesting to observe Nitin and Ajinkya as they 
interviewed companies, and to see during a process of incisive questioning, the 
very obvious mutual respect in which they hold both management and each other. 
This really underpins our continued confidence in the team that manages your - 
and our - investment in the Company. 
Discount management and share repurchases 
After the spike in market volatility seen in the first half of 2022 when Russia 
invaded Ukraine, conditions continued to be unsettled into the first half of the 
Company's financial year ended 31 July 2023. Between August and November 2022, 
the Board approved the repurchase of 569,000 ordinary shares (0.8% of the issued 
share capital) for holding in Treasury, at a cost of £2,618,000. Since then and 
up to the date of this report, no shares have been repurchased, given an 
encouraging narrowing of the Company's discount even as peers' and broader 
investment trust average discounts have widened. 
Your Board closely monitors the Company's share price discount to NAV and will 
undertake active discount management where necessary, the primary purpose of 
which is to limit discount volatility. Repurchases of ordinary shares are made 
at the discretion of the Board, within guidelines set by it and considering 
prevailing market conditions. Shares will only be repurchased in the market at 
prices below the prevailing NAV per ordinary share, thereby resulting in an 
enhancement to the NAV per ordinary share. In order to assist in managing the 
discount, the Board has shareholder approval to hold in Treasury any ordinary 
shares repurchased by the Company, rather than cancelling them. Any shares held 
in Treasury would only be reissued at NAV per ordinary share or at a premium to 
NAV per ordinary share. 
Your Portfolio Manager invests principally for capital growth, but his value 
-oriented investment style tends to lead him towards unleveraged, cash 
-generative businesses that may themselves be able to pay rising dividends. As 
such, the Company's revenue return was 15.17 pence per ordinary share (an 
increase of 6.8% from the prior year revenue return of 14.21 pence per ordinary 
share). Last year your Board declared a substantially increased dividend of 
14.00 pence per share (2021: 8.80 pence). While we noted at the time that 
shareholders should not assume that such dividends would continue in the future, 
we are very pleased to be able to recommend another increase in the dividend for 
2023, to 14.50 pence per share which will be paid to shareholders on 6 December 
2023. The Board is again recommending that almost all of the income earned be 
paid out as a dividend. We would reiterate, however, that income is an output 
rather than an aim of the investment process, and that no guarantees can be 
offered as to the level of any future dividends. 
As I noted in last year's Annual Report, the Company's level of gross gearing is 
directly proportional to the investment opportunities that your Portfolio 
Manager sees. When Nitin is optimistic about opportunities and he and his team 
generate ideas in response to market conditions, then the Company will be more 
geared. As such, it is notable that gearing during the year reached the highest 
level we have seen during Nitin's tenure, ending the year with gross gearing at 
11.7%, up from 4.4% as at 31 July 2022; net gearing was 4.9% (2022: nil). As 
Nitin notes in his review below, gearing has been increased largely in response 
to a number of particularly interesting investment opportunities in China, which 
have been out of favour with investors. The Company's gearing is achieved using 
contracts for difference ("CFDs"); we have no bank borrowings or structural long 
-term debt. We regularly review the use of CFDs and have again concluded that 
they remain a more efficient and flexible form of financing than either secured 
or unsecured debt, as well as enabling your Portfolio Manager to be fleet of 
foot in the deployment of gearing. We are fortunate that Fidelity has the 
infrastructure and capability to allow the use of CFDs in the portfolio; few 
other management groups can offer this. 
Use of Short positions 
A few years ago, the Board approved giving your Portfolio Manager the ability to 
`short' stocks, and we are pleased to report that this approach is adding value 
and has been a positive contributor during the year. A short position is taken 
on the view that the price of a stock or the value of an index will go down 
rather than up. Ajinkya has extensive experience in shorting, and Nitin is 
encouraged by the availability of such opportunities in the market today, given 
a real disparity between the prospects of the smaller value stocks that he 
favours and some of the large and mega-cap stocks in Asia that he thinks are 
vulnerable. Short positions are limited to a maximum of 10% of the portfolio and 
do not usually exceed ten stocks. While there is no intention to increase the 
limit, the combination of Ajinkya's (and Fidelity's) competence and the current 
market environment means that Nitin may maintain and even opportunistically 
increase the short exposure, within the investment limits. Total short exposure 
as at 31 July 2023 was 3.4% (2022: 2.2%). 
Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) 
There has been something of an ESG backlash in recent times. Your Company is not 
an `ESG fund', but good governance and social behaviour and a strong regard for 
the environment have always been fundamental to the way Nitin invests. Assessing 
ESG in Asia can be quite different from that in developed economies. Smaller 
Asian companies may not have the resources to report on ESG as companies do in 
the West, so the strength and depth of Fidelity's large analyst team in the 
region is invaluable in making properly thought-through assessments in the 
process, both on a fundamental and an ESG basis. 
In the Portfolio Manager's Review, Nitin shares the example of Shriram Finance 
as a position that has not only added value to the portfolio, but is also a well 
-governed company doing social good as well as mitigating environmental impact. 
Shriram Finance was formed from the merger of two companies offering affordable 
finance on used commercial vehicles and two-wheelers. It serves communities and 
micro, small and medium enterprises that would otherwise face high interest 
costs from unregulated lending, enabling them to grow their businesses without 
the unaffordable expense or the environmental impact of scrapping old vehicles 
and building new ones. 
Board of Directors and Board Succession 
Grahame Stott, having served nine years on the Board, retired as a non-executive 
Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee at the Company's AGM in November 
2022. At the same time, we welcomed Hussein Barma as a new non-executive 
Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee. Hussein is both a qualified lawyer 
and a chartered accountant and has considerable experience in the listed company 
sector in the UK and long familiarity with Asia, as well as a good eye for 
detail. Clare Brady will be stepping up as Chairman as I step down and will 
continue to bring her invaluable experience and skills to the Board. She will be 
replaced as Senior Independent Director by Matthew Sutherland. 
As noted in last year's Annual Report, Michael Warren will shortly have served 
nine years on the Board, but as part of the Board's succession plan, he has 
agreed to stay on until the 2024 AGM in order to ensure a good handover of the 
institutional and historical knowledge of the Company. We have already begun the 
process of selecting his replacement and will make a further announcement in due 
course. We will continue to maintain a Board with a diversity of backgrounds and 
an appropriate mix of skills to ensure the Company's continued good governance. 
Market outlook 
The outlook for financial markets globally remains uncertain in light of the 
ongoing war in Ukraine and US/China tensions. However, while the Western world 
continues to struggle with the highest levels of inflation and interest rates in 
nearly a generation, in many Asian markets, the economic environment is very 
different, and on a relative basis there are particularly good opportunities 
compared to the West. The structural case for investing in developing economies 
remains extremely strong: attractive demographics, a burgeoning middle class 
providing new markets for goods and services, and economies that can grow more 
rapidly. This is the backdrop against which your Portfolio Manager looks to buy 
companies, but it is not what drives the investment process, which is 
fundamentally to buy good companies, run by good people and at attractive 
valuations. As we enter our new financial year, Nitin continues to find good 
companies he wants to buy and I am therefore optimistic that this, combined with 
a positive market backdrop in Asia will continue to provide opportunities for 
investors in the coming year. 
I wish him, the team and the Board every success for the future and would also 
like to thank all our shareholders for their continued support. 
Annual General Meeting 
The AGM of the Company will be held at 11.00 am on Wednesday, 29 November 2023 
at 4 Cannon Street, London EC4M 5AB (nearest tube stations are St Paul's or 
Mansion House) and virtually via the online Lumi AGM meeting platform. Full 
details of the meeting are given in the Notice of Meeting in the Annual Report. 
For those shareholders who are unable to attend in person, we will live-stream 
the formal business and presentations of the meeting online. 
Nitin Bajaj, the Portfolio Manager, will be making a presentation to 
shareholders highlighting the achievements and challenges of the year past and 
the prospects for the year to come. He and the Board will be very happy to 
answer any questions that shareholders may have. Copies of his presentation can 
be requested by email at investmenttrusts@fil.com or in writing to the Secretary 
at FIL Investments International, Beech Gate, Millfield Lane, Lower Kingswood, 
Tadworth, Surrey KT20 6RP. 
Properly registered shareholders joining the AGM virtually, will be able to vote 
on the proposed resolutions. Please see Note 9 to the Notes to the Notice of 
Meeting in the Annual Report for details on how to vote virtually. Investors 
viewing the AGM online will be able to submit live written questions to the 
Board and the Portfolio Manager and we will answer as many of these as possible 
at an appropriate juncture during the meeting. 
Further information and links to the Lumi platform may be found on the Company's 
website at www.fidelity.co.uk/asianvalues. On the day of the AGM, in order to 
join electronically and ask questions via the Lumi platform, shareholders will 
need to connect to the website https://web.lumiagm.com. 
Please note that investors on platforms, such as Fidelity Personal Investing, 
Hargreaves Lansdown, Interactive Investor or AJ Bell Youinvest, will need to 
request attendance at the AGM in accordance with the policies of your chosen 
platform. They may request that you submit electronic votes in advance of the 
meeting. If you are unable to obtain a unique IVC and PIN from your nominee or 
platform, we would welcome your online participation as a guest. Once you have 
accessed https://web. lumiagm.com from your web browser on a tablet or computer, 
you will need to enter the Lumi Meeting ID which is 109-975-634. You should then 
select the `Guest Access' option before entering your name and who you are 
representing, if applicable. This will allow you to view the meeting and ask 
questions, but you will not be able to vote. 
Kate Bolsover 
11 October 2023 
Portfolio Manager's Review 
How has the investment Company performed in the year to 31 July 2023? 
Over the year ended 31 July 2023, the Company's net asset value ("NAV") total 
return was +11.4%, outperforming the Comparative Index, the MSCI All Countries 
Asia ex Japan Small Cap Index (net) total return (in sterling terms) which rose 
by +7.5%. The share price total return for the year was +17.3% due to a 
narrowing of the Company's discount. 
Performance for the reporting year can be attributed primarily to stock picking, 
with our country allocation being a headwind to performance. 
Our investment process is driven by owning good businesses which are run by 
management teams whom we trust and investing in them only when we have ample 
margin of safety. This often leads us to take contrarian positions as it is 
easier to find undervalued businesses in countries which are out of favour with 
investors. Following this philosophy, we have a significant percentage of the 
Company's portfolio in China and are underweight in Taiwan and India compared to 
the Index. Accordingly, while country selection would be a headwind to 
performance, this was more than offset by good stock selection in line with our 
investment philosophy, especially in our three key markets of China, India and 
Over the longer-term (since 2015 when the Board changed the strategy of the 
Company to invest more in smaller companies), the NAV (post fees) has risen by 
+112.6% versus the MSCI All Countries Asia ex Japan Small Cap Index's (net) 
total return of +72.9% and the MSCI Asia ex Japan Large Cap Index's total return 
of +62.2%, both in sterling terms. 
China's reopening from COVID lockdowns has had a significant impact on the 
performance of global markets this year. How do you feel about China and the 
economic recovery? 
When China reopened, there was a lot of optimism in the market, but it turned 
out that the recovery has been uneven and softer than expected in many areas. 
The property downcycle, geopolitics, the reining in of local government spending 
and increasing centralisation of political power has resulted in China being one 
of the few markets where profitability has not recovered post COVID. 
Consequently, there is a heightened perception of risks around Chinese 
companies, leading to a decline in stock prices. We agree with some of the 
reasons for negative sentiment around China and understand that it is difficult 
to predict when the economy will turn around. 
However, we should also be cognisant of the strengths of the country's economy, 
its people and its businesses. It is the second largest economy in the world and 
consumption is expanding as a share of its GDP. It houses a significant part of 
the global supply chains of most products we use in our daily lives. Hence, we 
feel that these negative macro factors are transitory (as they were in the US 
post the housing crises of 2007-10 or in India post the policy paralysis of 2012 
-13). Good businesses will not only survive but are likely to be in a stronger 
competitive position post this downturn and by taking market share from their 
weaker peers. This is probably the best time to be investing in China as we are 
able to buy good businesses when both expectations and valuations are low. 
Thus, there are good opportunities in China at the moment, which in turn has 
seen our combined exposure to China and Hong Kong increase to about 38%. 
Looking beyond China, where do you see value in stocks in the Asian region and 
how are you reflecting this in the Company's portfolio? 
Our investments are based on our bottom-up fundamental analysis of companies and 
their businesses and our exposure to countries is primarily a result of our 
stock selection. 
Looking at the portfolio beyond China, we are excited about the opportunities we 
see in Indonesia (around 14% exposure). Our holdings there are a mix of banks 
and consumer-facing companies which are best-in-class operators with high 
Returns on Equity ("ROEs") and reasonable valuations. For example, we own shares 
in two banks - Bank Mandiri (Persero) and Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero). The 
former has seen a sustained improvement in asset quality through better 
underwriting and risk management since 2016 under a new management, while the 
latter is going through restructuring with the same team of people who turned 
around Bank Mandiri (Persero). The portfolio is invested in the country's 
leading ceramic tiles manufacturer Arwana Citramulia, a business with long-term 
growth potential and a strong management team. Among a few other positions, we 
also have exposure to the country's KFC master franchisee, Fastfood Indonesia, 
which again has structural growth opportunity to expand as well as enhance 
operational efficiencies. 
In India, while it has not been easy to find businesses with a suitable margin 
of safety, we are still able to identify specific stocks that fit our criteria. 
Our positions in India centre around financial sector companies as they are 
growing more quickly, have strong balance sheets and are available at prices 
which offer a good margin of safety. We have studied these businesses for over 
15 years and trust the management teams who have delivered substantial 
shareholder value over time. 
Your mandate is to look for smaller companies to invest in. Can you give some 
examples of how smaller companies outperform? 
We invest in a subset of these smaller companies - in what are popularly called 
`value' stocks. Value stocks are classified as companies that are currently 
trading below what they are worth and are thus expected to provide superior 
returns. Almost 80% of the portfolio is invested in companies which fit this 
As shown in the charts in the Annual Report, over the long-term, this has been 
an attractive place to invest as small value stocks have grown earnings faster 
than the market and hence have delivered superior returns. 
Despite this performance, the cohort of small value companies continues to trade 
at a significant discount to the rest of the market and looks very attractive 
How has the Company's portfolio's exposure to unlisted companies changed during 
the year under review? 
We have not added or sold any unlisted securities in the past year. It continues 
to be a small part of the portfolio at less than 0.5% of the Company's invested 
assets. We believe that there are sufficient opportunities in the listed space 
in Asia and, therefore, would only want to invest in an unlisted company in 
exceptional circumstances. 
You have increased gearing within the Company's portfolio in the reporting year. 
What is the reason behind this? 
We have always maintained that gearing is a function of the number of investment 
ideas we find. The level of gearing increases when we find more ideas to invest 
in than we have money and it reduces (or we keep a higher cash balance) when we 
do not find as many ideas. 
Over the past year, gearing has increased as we have found particularly 
interesting investments in China given the market has fallen out of favour. At 
the year end, gross gearing was 11.7% (2022: 4.4%) and net gearing was 4.9% 
(2022: nil). See the charts in the Annual Report on the Company's gearing 
history over my tenure. 
The rising cost of living continues to pressure consumers. How has higher 
inflation and rising interest rates impacted Asian markets? 
Inflation dynamics are different from country to country in Asia. China is now 
in deflation whilst some of the South East Asian countries have seen a moderate 
rise in inflation (albeit lower than that observed in Europe or the US). This 
has led to higher interest rates and weakening consumption as governments have 
behaved responsibly and not expanded fiscal spending (unlike the US). 
We believe, therefore, that while there has been some consumer price inflation 
in Asia, it is not as big an issue as it is in the West. 
Can you give an example of how your active management has added value to the 
Company's portfolio this year? 
As discussed earlier, our process is focused on finding misunderstood situations 
where we can own a good business with a margin of safety. Shriram Finance is a 
good example of this. It has become the largest retail non-banking financial 
company (NBFC) in India caused by the merger of Shriram Transport Finance 
Company, the largest financier of used commercial vehicles, and Shriram City 
Union Finance, the largest financier of two-wheelers and the underserved micro, 
small, and medium enterprises (MSME). 
We have owned Shriram Transport Finance Company since late 2016 when we bought 
it at an attractive valuation when Indian non-banking financials saw short-term 
pressures due to tight liquidity. Over several decades, the company created its 
niche in a segment where banks did not compete due to difficulty in valuing and 
underwriting loans for second-hand trucks. It owned a quarter of the market 
share in the segment while the rest of the market was dominated by local money 
lenders, outside of the banking system, charging very high interest rates. We 
also owned Shriram City Union Finance for its strong track record in segments 
that have semi-formal and irregular sources of income and hence were credit 
The merger last year has created a lender with a more diversified book while 
also bringing benefits from synergies between the two businesses. The stock 
rerated as a result. 
Can you explain to us how you integrate ESG considerations into the Company's 
The Company's primary objective for shareholders is to achieve capital growth. 
In order to achieve the best possible returns, we have always looked to invest 
in good businesses, managed by efficient management teams and available at 
reasonable valuations. Good businesses are those that solve a problem for their 
consumers, and which are managed by efficient teams who are competent and which 
respect laws, their employees, customers, the environment and shareholders, as 
well as managing their businesses responsibly. ESG considerations have, 
therefore, always been at the heart of our investment thinking, and well before 
it became a buzz word. 
Investing in smaller companies in Asia using the strength of Fidelity's research 
team has always offered us the opportunity to identify quality companies on 
fundamentals and ESG considerations ahead of other investors. Regulations are 
constantly evolving and ESG is no exception to this. We believe this presents us 
with opportunities. The development of ESG ratings covered by the external 
rating agencies has not yet evolved to cover many of the smaller companies in 
which we invest. This provides an exciting opportunity as the ESG credentials of 
many of the smaller companies are best in class. They are in fact `double gems': 
companies with good prospects, strong management and well-priced alongside their 
strong ESG credentials. 
Additionally, Fidelity as a firm is committed to principles that are consistent 
with the stage of economic development of countries. As part of this process, we 
have regular engagements with companies in the portfolio. 
Examples of our ESG case studies are in the Annual Report. 
What do you view as the biggest risks and opportunities for the next twelve 
We think macro risks will eventually pass, especially if we own a diversified 
set of leading businesses and own them at valuations which are below intrinsic 
value. However, this does not mean that these stocks cannot decline in value - 
to the contrary, forecasting price movements is impossible. But we believe that 
the quality of our portfolio gives us holding power to go through head winds as 
they emerge and come out stronger on the other side. 
As can be seen from the chart in the Annual Report, the ROE of our portfolio is 
at a premium to the market while the Price to Earnings ratio of our holdings is 
at a significant discount. We own businesses which are of a better quality and 
at cheaper market valuations. This has been the bedrock of our investment 
process for over a decade and has served us well. 
Our skills lie in business analysis, finding best in class management teams and 
mispriced stocks. We are known to repeat the phrase below often and it is fair 
to say that it has become known as something of a mantra for the Company: 
Find good businesses run by good management and buy them at prices with a good 
margin of safety. 
We continue to focus on this. 
Portfolio ManagerAssistant Portfolio Manager 
11 October 2023 
As required by provisions 28 and 29 of the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code, 
the Board has a robust ongoing process for identifying, evaluating and managing 
the principal risks and uncertainties faced by the Company, including those that 
could threaten its business model, future performance, solvency and liquidity. 
The Board, with the assistance of the Alternative Investment Fund Manager (FIL 
Investment Services (UK) Limited/ the "Manager"), has developed a risk matrix 
which, as part of the risk management and internal controls process, identifies 
the key existing and emerging risks and uncertainties that the Company faces. 
The Audit Committee continues to identify any new emerging risks and take any 
action necessary to mitigate their potential impact. The risks identified are 
placed on the Company's risk matrix and appropriately graded. This process, 
together with the policies and procedures for the mitigation of existing and 
emerging risks, is updated and reviewed regularly in the form of comprehensive 
reports by the Audit Committee. The Board determines the nature and extent of 
any risks it is willing to take in order to achieve its strategic objectives. 
Climate change, which refers to a large scale shift in the planet's weather 
patterns and average temperatures, continues to be a key emerging issue as well 
as a principal risk confronting asset managers and their investors. The Board 
notes that the Manager has integrated ESG considerations, including climate 
change, into the Company's investment process. Further details are in the Annual 
Report. The Board will continue to monitor how this may impact the Company as a 
risk to investment valuations and potentially to shareholder returns. 
The Manager also has responsibility for risk management for the Company. It 
works with the Board to identify and manage the principal and emerging risks and 
uncertainties and to ensure that the Board can continue to meet its UK corporate 
governance obligations. 
The Board considers the risks listed below as the principal risks and 
uncertainties faced by the Company. 
Principal Risks                        Description and Risk Mitigation 
Economic, Political and Market Risks   The Company and its assets may be 
                                       affected by economic and market risks. 
                                       These are market downturns, interest 
                                       rate movements, deflation/inflation, 
                                       exchange rate movements and market 
                                       shocks, such as the post pandemic 
                                       economic recovery and volatility from 
                                       the war in Ukraine. Inflation remains 
                                       elevated across most economies driven 
                                       by a combination of increased demand 
                                       following pandemic restrictions being 
                                       lifted, global labour shortages in some 
                                       sectors and supply chain shortages, 
                                       including energy and food security. 
                                       The Company is exposed to a number of 
                                       geopolitical risks. The fast-changing 
                                       global geopolitical landscape is 
                                       largely shaped by the Russia and 
                                       Ukraine war effects, deglobalisation 
                                       trends and significant supply 
                                       disruption, as well as fears of global 
                                       recession amid inflationary pressures 
                                       and financial distress. Russia and 
                                       Ukraine are both significant net 
                                       exporters of oil, natural gas and a 
                                       variety of soft commodities and supply 
                                       limitations fuelled global inflation 
                                       and economic instability, specifically 
                                       within Western nations. Whilst the 
                                       direct impact of the war to APAC 
                                       markets has been less severe than 
                                       European counterparts, the prolonged 
                                       cost-of-living crisis risks continue to 
                                       impact Western investment appetite. 
                                       China's economy remains vulnerable to 
                                       risks related to the global outlook and 
                                       geopolitical tensions including US 
                                       -China trade war, South China sea 
                                       dispute and implications of China 
                                       -Taiwan relations. 
                                       Most of the Company's assets and income 
                                       are denominated in currencies other 
                                       than sterling which is the Company's 
                                       functional and presentation currency. 
                                       As a result, movements in exchange 
                                       rates may affect the sterling value of 
                                       its assets and income. 
                                       The Company's portfolio is made up 
                                       mainly of listed securities. The 
                                       Portfolio Manager's success or failure 
                                       to protect and increase the Company's 
                                       assets against the above background is 
                                       core to the Company's continued 
                                       success. His investment philosophy of 
                                       stock-picking and investing in 
                                       attractively valued companies aims to 
                                       outperform the Comparative Index over 
                                       The Board is provided with a detailed 
                                       investment review which covers material 
                                       economic, political and market risks 
                                       and legislative changes at each Board 
                                       Risks to which the Company is exposed 
                                       to in the market and currency risk 
                                       category are included in Note 17 to the 
                                       Financial Statements below together 
                                       with summaries of the policies for 
                                       managing these risks. 
Investment Performance Risk            The achievement of the Company's 
(including the use of Derivatives and  investment performance objective 
Gearing)                               relative to the market requires the 
                                       taking of risk, such as investment 
                                       strategy, asset allocation and stock 
                                       selection, and may lead to NAV and 
                                       share price underperformance compared 
                                       to the Comparative Index and/or peer 
                                       group companies. Continued 
                                       underperformance could lead to the 
                                       Company and its objective becoming 
                                       unattractive to investors. The 
                                       Investment Manager is responsible for 
                                       actively monitoring the portfolio 
                                       selected in accordance with the asset 
                                       allocation parameters and seeks to 
                                       ensure that individual stocks meet an 
                                       acceptable risk/reward profile. 
                                       In order to manage this risk, the Board 
                                       reviews Fidelity's compliance with 
                                       agreed investment restrictions; 
                                       investment performance and risk; 
                                       relative performance; the portfolio's 
                                       risk profile; and whether appropriate 
                                       strategies are employed to mitigate any 
                                       negative impact of substantial changes 
                                       in the markets. The Board also 
                                       regularly canvasses major shareholders 
                                       for their views with respect to company 
                                       Derivative instruments are used to 
                                       protect and enhance investment returns. 
                                       There is a risk that the use of 
                                       derivatives may lead to higher 
                                       volatility in the NAV and the share 
                                       price than might otherwise be the case. 
                                       The Board has put in place policies and 
                                       limits to control the Company's use of 
                                       derivatives and exposures. These are 
                                       monitored on a daily basis by the 
                                       Manager's Compliance team and regular 
                                       reports are provided to the Board. 
                                       Further detail on derivative 
                                       instruments risk is included in Note 17 
                                       to the Financial Statements below. 
                                       The Company gears through the use of 
                                       long CFDs which provide greater 
                                       flexibility and are generally cheaper 
                                       than bank loans. The principal risk is 
                                       that the Portfolio Manager fails to use 
                                       gearing effectively, resulting in a 
                                       failure to outperform in a rising 
                                       market or to underperform in a falling 
                                       market. The Board regularly considers 
                                       the level of gearing and gearing risk 
                                       and sets limits within which the 
                                       Manager must operate. 
Cybercrime and Information Security    The operational risk from cybercrime is 
Risks                                  significant. Cybercrime threats evolve 
                                       rapidly and consequently the risk is 
                                       regularly re-assessed and the Board 
                                       receives regular updates from the 
                                       Manager in respect of the type and 
                                       possible scale of cyberattacks. The 
                                       Manager's technology team has developed 
                                       a number of initiatives and controls in 
                                       order to provide enhanced mitigating 
                                       protection to this ever-increasing 
                                       threat. The risk is frequently re 
                                       -assessed by Fidelity's information 
                                       security teams and has resulted in the 
                                       implementation of new tools and 
                                       processes, as well as improvements to 
                                       existing ones. Fidelity has a dedicated 
                                       cybersecurity team which provides 
                                       regular awareness updates and best 
                                       practice guidance. 
                                       Risks are increased due to the 
                                       Russia/Ukraine conflict and the trend 
                                       to more working from home following the 
                                       pandemic. These primarily relate to 
                                       phishing, remote access threats, 
                                       extortion and denial of services 
                                       attacks. The Manager has dedicated 
                                       detect and respond resources 
                                       specifically to monitor the cyber 
                                       threats associated within the workplace 
                                       and increased cyber activity following 
                                       Russia's invasion of Ukraine. There are 
                                       a number of mitigating actions in place 
                                       including, control strengthening, geo 
                                       -blocking and phishing mitigants, 
                                       combined with enhanced resilience and 
                                       recovery options. 
                                       The Company's third-party service 
                                       providers also have similar measures in 
Level of Discount to the Net Asset     Due to the nature of investment 
Value                                  companies, the price of the Company's 
                                       shares and its discount to NAV are 
                                       factors which are not totally within 
                                       the Company's control. The Board has a 
                                       discount management policy in place and 
                                       some short-term influence over the 
                                       discount may be exercised by the use of 
                                       share repurchases at acceptable prices 
                                       and within the parameters set by the 
                                       Board. In considering the risk that the 
                                       discount to NAV poses to shareholder 
                                       value and returns, both the absolute 
                                       level of the discount and the amount 
                                       relative to the Company's peer group 
                                       and the wider market are considered. 
                                       The Company's share price, NAV and 
                                       discount volatility are monitored daily 
                                       by the Manager and the Company's Broker 
                                       and considered by the Board on a 
                                       regular basis. The demand for shares 
                                       can be influenced through good 
                                       performance and an active investor 
                                       relations programme. 
Key Person Risk                        The Portfolio Manager, Nitin Bajaj, has 
                                       a differentiated style in relation to 
                                       his peers. This style is intrinsically 
                                       linked with the Company's investment 
                                       philosophy and strategy and, therefore, 
                                       the Company has a key person dependency 
                                       on him. The Company has an Assistant 
                                       Portfolio Manager, Ajinka Dhavale, who 
                                       supports the Portfolio Manager, and has 
                                       extensive experience in the Asian 
                                       markets and companies and shares a 
                                       common investment approach and 
                                       complementary investment experience 
                                       with the Portfolio Manager. The 
                                       Portfolio Manager is also supported by 
                                       an Investment Director, Catherine 
                                       Yeung, as a primary spokesperson for 
                                       the Company. This helps strengthen the 
                                       investment process. 
                                       There is also a risk that the Manager 
                                       has inadequate succession plans for 
                                       other key operational individuals. The 
                                       Manager identifies key dependencies 
                                       which are then addressed through 
                                       succession plans, particularly for 
                                       portfolio managers. 
Environmental, Social and Governance   There is a risk that the value of the 
("ESG") Risks                          assets of the Company are negatively 
                                       impacted by ESG related risks, 
                                       including climate change risk. ESG 
                                       risks include investor expectations and 
                                       how the Company is positioned from a 
                                       marketing perspective and whether it is 
                                       compliant with its ESG disclosure 
                                       requirements. Fidelity has embedded ESG 
                                       factors in its investment decision- 
                                       making process. ESG integration is 
                                       carried out at the fundamental research 
                                       analyst level within its investment 
                                       teams, primarily through Fidelity's 
                                       Proprietary Sustainability Rating which 
                                       is designed to generate a forward 
                                       -looking and holistic assessment of a 
                                       company's ESG risks and opportunities 
                                       based on sector-specific key 
                                       performance indicators across 127 
                                       individual and unique sub-sectors. The 
                                       Portfolio Manager is also active in 
                                       analysing the effects of ESG when 
                                       making investment decisions. The Board 
                                       continues to monitor developments in 
                                       this area and reviews the positioning 
                                       of the portfolio considering ESG 
                                       ESG ratings and carbon emissions of the 
                                       companies within the Company's 
                                       portfolio compared to the Index are 
                                       provided in the Annual Report. Further 
                                       detail on ESG considerations in the 
                                       investment process and sustainable 
                                       investing is set out in the Annual 
Business Continuity and Operational    There continues to be increased focus 
Risks                                  from financial services regulators 
                                       around the world on the contingency 
                                       plans of regulated financial firms. The 
                                       top risks globally are cybersecurity 
                                       and geopolitical events. There are also 
                                       ongoing risks following Russia's 
                                       invasion into Ukraine, specifically 
                                       regarding the potential loss of power 
                                       and/or broadband services. Variants of 
                                       COVID continue to evolve and some risks 
                                       The Manager continues to take all 
                                       reasonable steps to meet its regulatory 
                                       obligations, assess its ability to 
                                       continue operating and the steps it 
                                       needs to take to support its clients, 
                                       including the Board and has an 
                                       appropriate control environment in 
                                       place. The Manager has provided the 
                                       Board with assurance that the Company 
                                       has appropriate business continuity 
                                       plans and the provision of services has 
                                       continued to be supplied without 
                                       Specific risks posed by the pandemic 
                                       continue to ease with increasing levels 
                                       of staff returning to routine office 
                                       -based working, albeit under hybrid 
                                       working arrangements which allows 
                                       greater flexibility on remote working 
                                       as part of the new operating model. 
                                       The Company relies on a number of third 
                                       -party service providers, principally 
                                       the Registrar, Custodian and 
                                       Depositary. They are all subject to a 
                                       risk-based programme of internal audits 
                                       by the Manager and their own internal 
                                       controls reports are received by the 
                                       Manager on behalf of the Board on an 
                                       annual basis and any concerns are 
                                       investigated. The third-party service 
                                       providers have also confirmed the 
                                       implementation of appropriate measures 
                                       to ensure no business disruption. 
                                       Risks associated with these services 
                                       are generally rated as low, but the 
                                       financial consequences could be 
                                       serious, including reputational damage 
                                       to the Company. 
Shareholder Relationships              There is a risk that the Board has 
                                       insufficient access to shareholders or 
                                       that the Portfolio Manager's investment 
                                       style is not appealing for investors. 
                                       There is also a risk that continued 
                                       weak investment performance may 
                                       potentially make the Company less 
                                       attractive to retail and wealth 
                                       The shareholder register and 
                                       shareholder activity are reviewed at 
                                       each Board meeting and regular 
                                       shareholder meetings are organised by 
                                       the Broker with the Board and Fidelity, 
                                       including the Portfolio Manager and 
                                       Investment Director. Fidelity has an 
                                       investment companies' website which has 
                                       dedicated pages for the Company and 
                                       regular updates are provided for 
Other risks facing the Company include: 
There is a risk of the Company not complying with tax and regulatory 
requirements. A breach of Section 1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010 could 
lead to a loss of investment trust status resulting in the Company being subject 
to tax on capital gains. 
The Board monitors tax and regulatory changes at each Board meeting and through 
active engagement by the Manager with regulators and trade bodies. 
The Company has a full risk register which includes less material risks which 
the Board reviews at least annually. 
The Directors have considered the Company's investment objective, risk 
management policies, liquidity risk, credit risk, capital management policies 
and procedures, the nature of its portfolio and its expenditure and cash flow 
projections. The Directors, having considered the liquidity of the Company's 
portfolio of investments (being mainly securities which are readily realisable) 
and the projected income and expenditure, are satisfied that the Company is 
financially sound and has adequate resources to meet all of its liabilities and 
ongoing expenses and continue in operational existence for the foreseeable 
future. The Board has, therefore, concluded that the Company has adequate 
resources to continue to adopt the going concern basis for the period to 31 
October 2024 which is at least twelve months from the date of approval of the 
Financial Statements. This conclusion also takes into account the Board's 
assessment of the ongoing risks from the war in Ukraine, China's tensions with 
the US and Taiwan and significant market events. 
Accordingly, the Financial Statements of the Company have been prepared on a 
going concern basis. 
The prospects of the Company over a period longer than twelve months can be 
found in the Viability Statement below. 
In accordance with provision 31 of the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code, the 
Directors have assessed the prospects of the Company over a longer period than 
the twelve month period required by the "Going Concern" basis above. The Company 
is an investment trust with the objective of achieving long-term capital growth. 
The Board considers long-term to be at least five years, and accordingly, the 
Directors believe that five years is an appropriate investment horizon to assess 
the viability of the Company, although the life of the Company is not intended 
to be limited to this or any other period. 
In making an assessment on the viability of the Company, the Board has 
considered the following: 
-The ongoing relevance of the investment objective in prevailing market 
-The Company's level of gearing; 
-The Company's NAV and share price performance versus its Comparative Index; 
-The principal and emerging risks and uncertainties facing the Company and their 
potential impact as set out above; 
-The future demand for the Company's shares; 
-The Company's share price discount to the NAV; 
-The liquidity of the Company's portfolio; 
-The level of income generated by the Company; and 
-Future income and expenditure forecasts. 
The Company's performance for the five year reporting period to 31 July 2023 
lagged the Comparative Index, with a NAV total return of +45.4%, a share price 
total return of +41.1% compared to the Comparative Index total return of +50.7%. 
The Board regularly reviews the investment policy and considers it remains 
appropriate. The Board has concluded that there is a reasonable expectation that 
the Company will be able to continue in operation and meet its liabilities as 
they fall due over the next five years based on the following considerations: 
-The Investment Manager's compliance with the Company's investment objective and 
policy, its investment strategy and asset allocation; 
-The Company's portfolio mainly comprises readily realisable securities which 
can be sold to meet funding requirements if necessary; 
-The Board's discount management policy; and 
-The ongoing processes for monitoring operating costs and income which are 
considered to be reasonable in comparison to the Company's total assets. 
In preparing the Financial Statements, the Directors have considered the impact 
of climate change, as detailed above. The Board has also considered the impact 
of regulatory changes, continuing tensions between the US and China, tensions 
with Taiwan and the ongoing global implications of the Ukraine and Russia war, 
and how this may affect the Company. 
In addition, the Directors' assessment of the Company's ability to operate in 
the foreseeable future is included in the Going Concern Statement above. 
A continuation vote takes place every five years. There is a risk that 
shareholders do not vote in favour of the continuation of the Company during 
periods when performance of the Company's NAV and share price is poor. The last 
continuation vote was at the Company's AGM held on 3 December 2021. The next 
continuation vote will take place at the AGM in 2026. 
Under Section 172(1) of the Companies Act 2006, the Directors of a company must 
act in a way they consider, in good faith, would be most likely to promote the 
success of the Company for the benefit of its members as a whole, and in doing 
so have regard (amongst other matters) to the likely consequences of any 
decision in the long-term; the need to foster relationships with the Company's 
suppliers, customers and others; the impact of the Company's operations on the 
community and the environment; the desirability of the Company maintaining a 
reputation for high standards of business conduct; and the need to act fairly as 
between members of the Company. 
As an externally managed Investment Trust, the Company has no employees or 
physical assets, and a number of the Company's functions are outsourced to third 
parties. The key outsourced function is the provision of investment management 
services by the Manager, but other professional service providers support the 
Company by providing administration, custodial, banking and audit services. The 
Board considers the Company's key stakeholders to be the existing and potential 
shareholders, the external appointed Manager and other third-party professional 
service providers. The Board considers that the interest of these stakeholders 
is aligned with the Company's objective of delivering long-term capital growth 
to investors, in line with the Company's stated investment objective and 
strategy, while providing the highest standards of legal, regulatory and 
commercial conduct. 
The Board, with the Portfolio Manager, sets the overall investment strategy and 
reviews this at an annual strategy day which is separate from the regular cycle 
of board meetings. In order to ensure good governance of the Company, the Board 
has set various limits on the investments in the portfolio, whether in the 
maximum size of individual holdings, the use of derivatives, the level of 
gearing and others. These limits and guidelines are regularly monitored and 
reviewed and are set out in the Annual Report. 
The Board places great importance on communication with shareholders. The Annual 
General Meeting ("AGM") provides the key forum for the Board and the Portfolio 
Manager to present to the shareholders on the Company's performance and future 
plans and the Board encourages all shareholders to attend either in person or 
virtually and raise any questions or concerns. The Chairman and other Board 
members are available to meet shareholders as appropriate. Shareholders may also 
communicate with Board members at any time by writing to them at the Company's 
registered office at FIL Investments International, Beech Gate, Millfield Lane, 
Tadworth, Surrey KT20 6RP or via the Company Secretary in writing at the same 
address or by email at investmenttrusts@fil.com. The Portfolio Manager meets 
with major shareholders, potential investors, stock market analysts, journalists 
and other commentators during the year. These communication opportunities help 
inform the Board in considering how best to promote the success of the company 
over the long-term. 
The Board seeks to engage with the Manager and other service providers and 
advisers in a constructive and collaborative way, promoting a culture of strong 
governance, while encouraging open and constructive debate, in order to ensure 
appropriate and regular challenge and evaluation. This aims to enhance service 
levels and strengthen relationships with service providers, with a view to 
ensuring shareholders' interests are best served, by maintaining the highest 
standards of commercial conduct while keeping cost levels competitive. 
Whilst the Company's direct operations are limited, the Board recognises the 
importance of considering the impact of the Company's investment strategy on the 
wider community and environment. The Board believes that a proper consideration 
of ESG issues aligns with the investment objective to deliver long-term capital 
growth, and the Board's review of the Manager includes an assessment of their 
ESG approach, which is set out in detail in the Annual Report. 
In addition to ensuring that the Company's investment objective was being 
pursued, key decisions and actions taken by the Directors during the reporting 
year, and up to the date of this report, have included: 
-As part of the Board's succession plans: 
-The appointment of Hussein Barma to the Board as Chairman of the Audit 
Committee and non-executive Director with effect from 24 November 2022; 
-The decision to appoint Clare Brady as Chairman of the Board when the current 
Chairman, Kate Bolsover, steps down at the conclusion of the AGM on 29 November 
2023; and 
-The decision to appoint Matthew Sutherland as Senior Independent Director with 
effect from 29 November 2023 from the change in Clare Brady's role from Senior 
Independent Director to Chairman. 
-Authorising the repurchase of 569,000 ordinary shares up to the date of this 
Annual Report when the Company's discount widened, in line with the Board's 
discount management policy; 
-The decision to recommend the payment of a final dividend of 14.50 pence per 
ordinary share; and 
-The decision to once again hold a hybrid AGM in 2023 in order to make it more 
accessible to those investors who are unable to or prefer not to attend in 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and Financial 
Statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations. 
Company law requires the Directors to prepare Financial Statements for each 
financial period. Under that law they have elected to prepare the Financial 
Statements in accordance with UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (UK 
Accounting Standards and applicable law), including Financial Reporting Standard 
FRS 102: The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of 
Ireland ("FRS 102"). Under company law, the Directors must not approve the 
Financial Statements unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair 
view of the state of affairs of the Company and of the profit or loss for the 
reporting period. 
In preparing these Financial Statements, the Directors are required to: 
-Select suitable accounting policies in accordance with Section 10 of FRS 102 
and then apply them consistently; 
-Make judgements and accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 
-Present information, including accounting policies, in a manner that provides 
relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable information; 
-State whether applicable UK Accounting Standards, including FRS 102, have been 
followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the 
Financial Statements; and 
-Prepare the Financial Statements on the going concern basis unless it is 
inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business. 
The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are 
sufficient to show and explain the Company's transactions and disclose with 
reasonable accuracy at any time, the financial position of the Company and to 
enable them to ensure that the Company and the Financial Statements comply with 
the Companies Act 2006. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of 
the Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and 
detection of fraud and other irregularities. 
Under applicable law and regulations, the Directors are also responsible for 
preparing a Strategic Report, a Directors' Report, a Corporate Governance 
Statement and a Directors' Remuneration Report that comply with that law and 
those regulations. 
The Directors have delegated to the Manager the responsibility for the 
maintenance and integrity of the corporate and financial information included on 
the Company's pages of the Manager's website at www.fidelity.co.uk/asianvalues. 
Visitors to the website need to be aware that legislation in the UK governing 
the preparation and dissemination of the Financial Statements may differ from 
legislation in their own jurisdictions. 
The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge: 
-The Financial Statements, prepared in accordance with UK Generally Accepted 
Accounting Practice, including FRS 102, give a true and fair view of the assets, 
liabilities, financial position and profit of the Company; 
-The Annual Report, including the Strategic Report, includes a fair review of 
the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company, 
together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties it faces; 
-The Annual Report and Financial Statements, taken as a whole, are fair, 
balanced and understandable and provide the information necessary for 
shareholders to assess the Company's performance, business model and strategy. 
The Statement of Directors' Responsibilities was approved by the Board on 11 
October 2023 and signed on its behalf by: 
Income Statement for the year ended 31 July 2023 
                     Year                             Year 
                     ended 31                         ended 31 
                     July 2023                        July 2022 
              Notes  Revenue    Capital    Total      Revenue    Capital 
                     £'000      £'000      £'000      £'000      £'000 
Gains on      10     -          29,025     29,025     -          2,708 
Gains/(losse  11     -          1,781      1,781      -          (1,815) 
Income        3      17,773     -          17,773     15,256     - 
Investment    4      (2,644)    (281)      (2,925)    (2,564)    732 
Other         5      (988)      -          (988)      (905)      - 
Foreign              -          1,089      1,089      -          2,609 
                     ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---- 
                     ------     ------     ------     ------     ------     ---- 
Net return           14,141     31,614     45,755     11,787     4,234 
costs and 
Finance       6      (1,997)    -          (1,997)    (331)      - 
                     ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---- 
                     ------     ------     ------     ------     ------     ---- 
Net return           12,144     31,614     43,758     11,456     4,234 
Taxation on   7      (1,238)    (2,882)    (4,120)    (1,079)    (1,085) 
return on 
                     ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---- 
                     ------     ------     ------     ------     ------     ---- 
Net return           10,906     28,732     39,638     10,377     3,149 
for the 
                     =========  =========  =========  =========  ========= 
Return per    8      15.17p     39.95p     55.12p     14.21p     4.31p 
                     =========  =========  =========  =========  ========= 
The Company does not have any other comprehensive income. Accordingly, the net 
return on ordinary activities after taxation for the year is also the total 
comprehensive income for the year and no separate Statement of Comprehensive 
Income has been presented. 
The total column of this statement represents the Income Statement of the 
Company. The revenue and capital columns are supplementary and presented for 
information purposes as recommended by the Statement of Recommended Practice 
issued by the AIC. 
No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year and all items in the 
above statement derive from continuing operations. 
The Notes below form an integral part of these Financial Statements. 
Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 July 2023 
               Notes  Share      Share      Capital     Other non-     Other 
Capital    Revenue    Total 
                      capital    premium    redemption  distributable  reserve 
reserve    reserve    shareholders' 
                      £'000      account    reserve     reserve        £'000 
£'000      £'000      funds 
                                 £'000      £'000       £'000 
Total                 18,895     50,501     3,197       7,367          - 
273,448    14,215     367,623 
funds at 
31 July 2022 
Net return on         -          -          -           -              - 
28,732     10,906     39,638 
the year 
Repurchase of  14     -          -          -           -              - 
(2,618)    -          (2,618) 
Dividend paid  9      -          -          -           -              - 
-          (10,066)   (10,066) 
                      ---------  ---------  ----------  -------------  --------- 
---------  ---------  ------------- 
                      ------     ------     -----       --             ------ 
------     ------     -- 
Total                 18,895     50,501     3,197       7,367          - 
299,562    15,055     394,577 
funds at 
31 July 2023 
                      =========  =========  =========   =========      ========= 
=========  =========  ========= 
Total                 18,895     50,501     3,197       7,367          719 
273,107    10,278     364,064 
funds at 
31 July 2021 
Net return on         -          -          -           -              - 
3,149      10,377     13,526 
the year 
Repurchase of  14     -          -          -           -              (719) 
(2,808)    -          (3,527) 
Dividend paid  9      -          -          -           -              - 
-          (6,440)    (6,440) 
                      ---------  ---------  ----------  -------------  --------- 
---------  ---------  ------------- 
                      ------     ------     -----       --             ------ 
------     ------     -- 
Total                 18,895     50,501     3,197       7,367          - 
273,448    14,215     367,623 
funds at 
31 July 2022 
                      =========  =========  =========   =========      ========= 
=========  =========  ========= 
The Notes below form an integral part of these Financial Statements. 
Balance Sheet as at 31 July 2023 
Company number 3183919 
                           Notes  2023             2022 
                                  £'000            £'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments                10     377,631          338,845 
                                  ---------------  --------------- 
Current assets 
Derivative instruments     11     1,758            972 
Debtors                    12     3,556            4,568 
Amounts held at futures           3,820            2,997 
clearing houses and 
Cash at bank                      13,029           25,368 
                                  ---------------  --------------- 
                                  22,163           33,905 
                                  =========        ========= 
Current liabilities 
Derivative instruments     11     (1,665)          (1,302) 
Other creditors            13     (3,552)          (3,825) 
                                  ---------------  --------------- 
                                  (5,217)          (5,127) 
                                  =========        ========= 
Net current assets                16,946           28,778 
                                  =========        ========= 
Net assets                        394,577          367,623 
                                  =========        ========= 
Capital and reserves 
Share capital              14     18,895           18,895 
Share premium account      15     50,501           50,501 
Capital redemption         15     3,197            3,197 
Other non-distributable    15     7,367            7,367 
Other reserve              15     -                - 
Capital reserve            15     299,562          273,448 
Revenue reserve            15     15,055           14,215 
                                  ---------------  --------------- 
Total shareholders' funds         394,577          367,623 
                                  =========        ========= 
Net asset value per        16     549.33p          507.78p 
ordinary share 
                                  =========        ========= 
The Financial Statements above and below were approved by the Board of Directors 
on 11 October 2023 and were signed on its behalf by: 
The Notes below form an integral part of these Financial Statements. 
Notes to the Financial Statements 
1 Principal Activity 
Fidelity Asian Values PLC is an Investment Company incorporated in England and 
Wales with a premium listing on the London Stock Exchange. The Company's 
registration number is 3183919, and its registered office is Beech Gate, 
Millfield Lane, Lower Kingswood, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 6RP. The Company has been 
approved by HM Revenue & Customs as an Investment Trust under Section 1158 of 
the Corporation Tax Act 2010 and intends to conduct its affairs so as to 
continue to be approved. 
2 Accounting Policies 
The Company has prepared its Financial Statements in accordance with UK 
Generally Accepted Accounting Practice ("UK GAAP"), including FRS 102 "The 
Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland", 
issued by the Financial Reporting Council ("FRC"). The Financial Statements have 
also been prepared in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice: 
Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts 
("SORP") issued by the Association of Investment Companies ("AIC"), in July 
2022. The Company is exempt from presenting a Cash Flow Statement as a Statement 
of Changes in Equity is presented and substantially all of the Company's 
investments are highly liquid and are carried at market value. 
a) Basis of accounting - The Financial Statements have been prepared on a going 
concern basis and under the historical cost convention, except for the 
measurement at fair value of investments and derivative instruments. The 
Directors have a reasonable expectation that the Company has adequate resources 
to continue in operational existence up to 31 October 2024 which is at least 
twelve months from the date of approval of these Financial Statements. In making 
their assessment the Directors have reviewed income and expense projections, 
reviewed the liquidity of the investment portfolio and considered the Company's 
ability to meet liabilities as they fall due. This conclusion also takes into 
account the Director's assessment of the risks faced by the Company as detailed 
in the Going Concern Statement above. 
In preparing these Financial Statements the Directors have considered the impact 
of climate change risk as a principal and an emerging risk as set out above, and 
have concluded that there was no further impact of climate change to be taken 
into account as the investments are valued based on market pricing. In line with 
FRS 102 investments are valued at fair value, which for the Company are quoted 
bid prices for investments in active markets at the balance sheet date. 
Investments which are unlisted are priced using market-based valuation 
approaches. All investments, therefore, reflect the market participants' view of 
climate change risk on the investments held by the Company. 
The Company's Going Concern Statement above takes account of all events and 
conditions up to 31 October 2024 which is at least twelve months from the date 
of approval of these Financial Statements. 
b) Significant accounting estimates and judgements - The preparation of the 
Financial Statements requires the use of estimates and judgements. These 
estimates and judgements affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities 
at the reporting date. While estimates are based on best judgement using 
information and financial data available, the actual outcome may differ from 
these estimates. 
The key sources of estimation and uncertainty relate to the fair value of the 
unlisted investments. 
The Directors consider whether each fair value is appropriate following detailed 
review and challenge of the pricing methodology. The judgement applied in the 
selection of the methodology used (see Note 2 (k) below) for determining the 
fair value of each unlisted investment can have a significant impact upon the 
The key estimate in the Financial Statements is the determination of the fair 
value of the unlisted investments by the Manager's Fair Value Committee ("FVC"), 
with support from an external valuer and Fidelity's unlisted investments 
specialist, for detailed review and appropriate challenge by the Directors. This 
estimate is key as it significantly impacts the valuation of the unlisted 
investments at the Balance Sheet date. When no recent primary or secondary 
transaction in the company's shares have taken place, the fair valuation process 
involves estimation using subjective inputs that are unobservable (for which 
market data is unavailable). The estimates involved in the valuation process may 
include the following: 
(i)the selection of appropriate comparable companies. Comparable companies are 
chosen on the basis of their business characteristics and growth patterns; 
(ii)the selection of a revenue metric (either historical or forecast); 
(iii)the selection of an appropriate illiquidity discount factor to reflect the 
reduced liquidity of unlisted companies versus their listed peers; 
(iv)the estimation of the likelihood of a future exit of the position through an 
initial public offering ("IPO") or a company sale; 
(v)the selection of an appropriate industry benchmark index to assist with the 
valuation; and 
(vi)the calculation of valuation adjustments derived from milestone analysis and 
future cash flows (i.e. incorporating operational success against the 
plans/forecasts of the business into the valuation). 
As the valuation outcomes may differ from the fair value estimates a price 
sensitivity analysis is provided in Other Price Risk Sensitivity in Note 17 
below to illustrate the effect on the Financial Statements of an over or under 
estimation of fair value. 
The risk of an over or under estimation of fair value is greater when 
methodologies are applied using more subjective inputs. 
c) Segmental reporting - The Company is engaged in a single segment business 
and, therefore, no segmental reporting is provided. 
d) Presentation of the Income Statement - In order to reflect better the 
activities of an investment company and in accordance with guidance issued by 
the AIC, supplementary information which analyses the Income Statement between 
items of a revenue and capital nature has been prepared alongside the Income 
Statement. The net revenue return after taxation for the year is the measure the 
Directors believe appropriate in assessing the Company's compliance with certain 
requirements set out in Section 1159 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010. 
e) Income - Income from equity investments is accounted for on the date on which 
the right to receive the payment is established, normally the ex-dividend date. 
Overseas dividends are accounted for gross of any tax deducted at source. 
Amounts are credited to the revenue column of the Income Statement. Where the 
Company has elected to receive its dividends in the form of additional shares 
rather than cash, the amount of the cash dividend foregone is recognised in the 
revenue column of the Income Statement. Any excess in the value of the shares 
received over the amount of the cash dividend is recognised in the capital 
column of the Income Statement. Special dividends are treated as a revenue 
receipt or a capital receipt depending on the facts and circumstances of each 
particular case. 
Derivative instrument income received from dividends on long contracts for 
difference ("CFDs") are accounted for on the date on which the right to receive 
the payment is established, normally the ex-dividend date. The amount net of tax 
is credited to the revenue column of the Income Statement. 
Interest received on CFDs, collateral and bank deposits are accounted for on an 
accruals basis and credited to the revenue column of the Income Statement. 
Interest received on CFDs represent the finance costs calculated by reference to 
the notional value of the CFDs. 
f) Investment management fees and other expenses - Investment management fees 
and other expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis and are charged as 
-The base investment management fee is allocated in full to revenue; 
-The variable investment management fee, is charged/credited to capital as it is 
based on the performance of the net asset value per share relative to the 
Benchmark Index; and 
-All other expenses are allocated in full to revenue with the exception of those 
directly attributable to share issues or other capital events. 
g) Functional currency and foreign exchange - The functional and reporting 
currency of the Company is UK sterling, which is the currency of the primary 
economic environment in which the Company operates. Transactions denominated in 
foreign currencies are reported in UK sterling at the rate of exchange ruling at 
the date of the transaction. Assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are 
translated in the rates of exchange ruling at the Balance Sheet date. Foreign 
exchange gains and losses arising on the translation are recognised in the 
Income Statement as a revenue or a capital item depending on the nature of the 
underlying item to which they relate. 
h) Finance costs - Finance costs comprise interest on bank overdrafts and 
collateral and finance costs paid on CFDs, which are accounted for on an 
accruals basis, and dividends paid on short CFDs, which are accounted for on the 
date on which the obligation to incur the cost is established, normally the ex 
-dividend date. Finance costs are charged in full to the revenue column of the 
Income Statement. 
i) Taxation - The taxation charge represents the sum of current taxation and 
deferred taxation. 
Current taxation is taxation suffered at source on overseas income less amounts 
recoverable under taxation treaties. Taxation is charged or credited to the 
revenue column of the Income Statement, except where it relates to items of a 
capital nature, in which case it is charged or credited to the capital column of 
the Income Statement. Where expenses are allocated between revenue and capital 
any tax relief in respect of the expenses is allocated between revenue and 
capital returns on the marginal basis using the Company's effective rate of 
corporation tax for the accounting period. The Company is an approved Investment 
Trust under Section 1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010 and is not liable for 
UK taxation on capital gains. 
Deferred taxation is the taxation expected to be payable or recoverable on 
timing differences between the treatment of certain items for accounting 
purposes and their treatment for the purposes of computing taxable profits. 
Deferred taxation is based on tax rates that have been enacted or substantively 
enacted when the taxation is expected to be payable or recoverable. Deferred tax 
assets are only recognised if it is considered more likely than not that there 
will be sufficient future taxable profits to utilise them. 
j) Dividend paid - Dividends payable to equity shareholders are recognised when 
the Company's obligation to make payment is established. 
k) Investments - The Company's business is investing in financial instruments 
with a view to profiting from their total return in the form of income and 
capital growth. This portfolio of investments is managed and its performance 
evaluated on a fair value basis, in accordance with a documented investment 
strategy, and information about the portfolio is provided on that basis to the 
Company's Board of Directors. Investments are measured at fair value with 
changes in fair value recognised in profit or loss, in accordance with the 
provisions of both Section 11 and Section 12 of FRS 102. The fair value of 
investments is initially taken to be their cost and is subsequently measured as 
-Listed investments are valued at bid prices, or last market prices, depending 
on the convention of the exchange on which they are listed; and 
-Unlisted investments are not quoted, or are not frequently traded, and are 
stated at the best estimate of fair value. The Manager's Fair Value Committee 
("FVC"), which is independent of the Portfolio Manager's team, meets quarterly 
to determine the fair value of unlisted investments. These are based on the 
principles outlined in Note 2 (b) above. 
The unlisted investments are valued at fair value following a detailed review 
and appropriate challenge by the Directors of the pricing methodology proposed 
by the FVC. 
The FVC provide a recommendation of fair values to the Directors based on 
recognised valuation techniques that take account of the cost of the investment, 
recent arm's length transactions in the same or similar investments and 
financial performance of the investment since purchase. Consideration is given 
to the input received from the Fidelity International analyst that covers the 
company, the external valuer and Fidelity's unlisted investments specialist. 
In accordance with the AIC SORP, the Company includes transaction costs, 
incidental to the purchase or sale of investments, within gains on investments 
in the capital column of the Income Statement and has disclosed these costs in 
Note 10 below. 
l) Derivative instruments - When appropriate, permitted transactions in 
derivative instruments are used. Derivative transactions into which the Company 
may enter include long and short CFDs, futures, options and forward currency 
contracts. Derivatives are classified as other financial instruments and are 
initially accounted and measured at fair value on the date the derivative 
contract is entered into and subsequently measured at fair value as follows: 
-Long and short CFDs - the difference between the strike price and the value of 
the underlying shares in the contract; 
-Futures - the difference between the contract price and the quoted trade price; 
-Forward currency contracts - valued at the appropriate quoted forward foreign 
exchange rate ruling at the Balance Sheet date; and 
-Options - the quoted trade price for the contract. 
Where transactions are used to protect or enhance income, if the circumstances 
support this, the income and expenses derived are included in net income in the 
revenue column of the Income Statement. Where such transactions are used to 
protect or enhance capital, if the circumstances support this, the income and 
expenses derived are included in gains on derivative instruments in the capital 
column of the Income Statement. Any positions on such transactions open at the 
year end are reflected on the Balance Sheet at their fair value within current 
assets or current liabilities. 
m) Debtors - Debtors include securities sold for future settlement, amounts 
receivable on the settlement of derivatives, accrued income, taxation 
recoverable and other debtors and prepayments incurred in the ordinary course of 
business. If collection is expected in one year or less (or in the normal 
operating cycle of the business, if longer) they are classified as current 
assets. If not, they are presented as non-current assets. They are recognised 
initially at fair value and, where applicable, subsequently measured at 
amortised cost using the effective interest rate method. 
n) Amounts held at futures clearing houses and brokers - These are amounts held 
in segregated accounts as collateral on behalf of brokers and are carried at 
amortised cost. 
o) Other creditors - Other creditors include securities purchased for future 
settlement, amounts payable on share repurchases, capital gains tax payable, 
investment management fees, secretarial and administration fees and other 
creditors and expenses accrued in the ordinary course of business. If payment is 
due within one year or less (or in the normal operating cycle of the business, 
if longer) they are classified as current liabilities. If not, they are 
presented as non-current liabilities. They are recognised initially at fair 
value and, where applicable, subsequently measured at amortised cost using the 
effective interest rate method. 
p) Capital reserve - The following are accounted for in the capital reserve: 
-Gains and losses on the disposal of investments and derivative instruments; 
-Changes in the fair value of investments and derivative instruments held at the 
year end; 
-Foreign exchange gains and losses of a capital nature; 
-Variable investment management fees; 
-Dividends receivable which are capital in nature; 
-Other expenses which are capital in nature; and 
-Taxation charged or credited relating to items which are capital in nature. 
Technical guidance issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England 
and Wales in TECH 02/17BL, guidance on the determination of realised profits and 
losses in the context of distributions under the Companies Act 2006, states that 
changes in the fair value of investments which are readily convertible to cash, 
without accepting adverse terms at the Balance Sheet date, can be treated as 
realised. Capital reserves realised and unrealised are shown in aggregate as 
capital reserve in the Statement of Changes in Equity and the Balance Sheet. At 
the Balance Sheet date, the portfolio of the Company consisted of investments 
listed on a recognised stock exchange and derivative instruments contracted with 
counterparties having an adequate credit rating, and the portfolio was 
considered to be readily convertible to cash, with the exception of the level 3 
investments which had unrealised investment holding losses of £899,000 (2022: 
losses of £188,000). See Note 17 below for further details on the level 3 
3. Income 
                          Year ended       Year ended 
                          31.07.23         31.07.22 
                          £'000            £'000 
Investment income 
Overseas dividends        14,847           13,905 
Overseas scrip dividends  266              114 
Interest on securities    164              - 
                          ---------------  --------------- 
                          15,277           14,019 
                          =========        ========= 
Derivative income 
Dividends received on     1,743            1,200 
long CFDs 
Interest received on      258              20 
                          ---------------  --------------- 
                          2,001            1,220 
                          =========        ========= 
Other interest 
Interest received on      495              17 
collateral and bank 
                          ---------------  --------------- 
Total income              17,773           15,256 
                          =========        ========= 
A special dividend of £420,000 has been recognised in capital during the year 
(2022: £97,000). 
            Year                             Year 
            ended 31                         ended 31 
            July 2023                        July 2022 
            Revenue    Capital1   Total      Revenue    Capital1   Total 
            £'000      £'000      £'000      £'000      £'000      £'000 
Investment  2,644      281        2,925      2,564      (732)      1,832 
            =========  =========  =========  =========  =========  ========= 
1For the calculation of the variable management fee, the Company's NAV return 
was compared to the Benchmark Index return on a rolling three year basis. 
FIL Investment Services (UK) Limited is the Company's Alternative Investment 
Fund Manager and has delegated portfolio management to FIL Investments 
International ("FII"). Both companies are Fidelity group companies. 
The Company charges base investment management fees to revenue at an annual rate 
of 0.70% of net assets. In addition, there is +/-0.20% variation fee based on 
the Company's NAV per ordinary share performance relative to the Company's 
Benchmark Index which is charged/credited to capital. Fees are payable monthly 
in arrears and are calculated on a daily basis. 
5 Other Expenses 
                                             Year       Year ended 
                                             ended      31.07.22 
                                             31.07.23   £'000 
Allocated to revenue: 
AIC fees                                     21         20 
Custody fees                                 85         148 
Depositary fees                              30         31 
Directors' expenses                          35         23 
Directors' fees1                             193        162 
Legal and professional fees                  161        109 
Marketing expenses                           195        157 
Printing and publication expenses            86         79 
Registrars' fees                             38         37 
Secretarial and administration fees payable  75         75 
to the Investment Manager 
Sundry other expenses                        21         19 
Fees payable to the Company's Independent    48         45 
Auditor for the audit of the Financial 
                                             ---------  --------------- 
                                             988        905 
                                             =========  ========= 
1Details of the breakdown of Directors' fees are disclosed in the Directors' 
Remuneration Report in the Annual Report. 
                                            Year ended       Year ended 
                                            31.07.23         31.07.22 
                                            £'000            £'000 
Interest on bank overdrafts and collateral  2                5 
Interest paid on CFDs1                      1,788            255 
Dividends paid on short CFDs                207              71 
                                            ---------------  --------------- 
                                            1,997            331 
                                            =========        ========= 
1Increased compared to prior year due to an increase in both exposure to CFDs 
and interest rates. 
7 Taxation on Return on Ordinary Activities 
             Year                             Year 
             ended 31                         ended 31 
             July 2023                        July 2022 
             Revenue    Capital    Total      Revenue    Capital    Total 
             £'000      £'000      £'000      £'000      £'000      £'000 
a) Analysis 
of the 
charge for 
Overseas     1,238      -          1,238      1,079      -          1,079 
Indian       -          2,882      2,882      -          1,085      1,085 
             ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
             ------     ------     ------     ------     ------     ------ 
Taxation     1,238      2,882      4,120      1,079      1,085      2,164 
charge for 
year (see 
Note 7b) 
             =========  =========  =========  =========  =========  ========= 
b) Factors affecting the taxation charge for the year 
The taxation charge for the year is lower than the standard rate of UK 
corporation tax for an investment trust company of 25.00% (2022: 19.00%). A 
reconciliation of the standard rate of UK corporation tax to the taxation charge 
for the year is shown below: 
               Year                             Year 
               ended 31                         ended 31 
               July 2023                        July 2022 
               Revenue    Capital    Total      Revenue    Capital    Total 
               £'000      £'000      £'000      £'000      £'000      £'000 
Net return on  12,144     31,614     43,758     11,456     4,234      15,690 
Net return on  2,551      6,642      9,193      2,177      804        2,981 
multiplied by 
the blended 
rate of UK 
tax of 21.01% 
Effects of: 
Capital gains  -          (6,701)    (6,701)    -          (665)      (665) 
not taxable1 
Income not     (3,137)    -          (3,137)    (2,617)    -          (2,617) 
Excess         586        59         645        441        -          441 
Excess         -          -          -          -          (139)      (139) 
interest paid 
Expense        -          -          -          (1)        -          (1) 
relief for 
Overseas       1,238      -          1,238      1,079      -          1,079 
Indian         -          2,882      2,882      -          1,085      1,085 
capital gains 
               ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
               ------     ------     ------     ------     ------     ------ 
Taxation       1,238      2,882      4,120      1,079      1,085      2,164 
charge for 
the year (see 
Note 7a) 
               =========  =========  =========  =========  =========  ========= 
1The Company is exempt from UK corporation tax on capital gains as it meets the 
HM Revenue & Customs criteria for an investment company set out in Section 1159 
of the Corporation Tax Act 2010. 
c) Deferred taxation 
A deferred tax asset of £8,626,000 (2022: £7,858,000), in respect of excess 
management expenses of £32,235,000 (2022: £29,162,000) and excess interest paid 
of £2,271,000 (2022: £2,271,000), has not been recognised as it is unlikely that 
there will be sufficient future taxable profits to utilise these expenses. 
The UK corporation tax rate increased from 19.00% to 25.00% from 1 April 2023. 
The rate of 25.00% has been applied to calculate the unrecognised deferred tax 
asset for the current year (2022: 25.00%). 
8 Return per Ordinary Share 
                                   Year ended       Year ended 
                                   31.07.23         31.07.22 
Revenue return per ordinary share  15.17p           14.21p 
Capital return per ordinary share  39.95p           4.31p 
                                   ---------------  --------------- 
Total return per ordinary share    55.12p           18.52p 
                                   =========        ========= 
The return per ordinary share is based on the net return on ordinary activities 
after taxation for the year divided by the weighted average number of ordinary 
shares in issue during the year, as shown below: 
                                                          £'000      £'000 
Net revenue return on ordinary activities after taxation  10,906     10,377 
Net capital return on ordinary activities after taxation  28,732     3,149 
Net total return on ordinary activities after taxation    39,638     13,526 
                                                          =========  ========= 
                                 Number      Number 
Weighted average number of       71,912,335  73,039,011 
ordinary shares held outside of 
                                 =========   ========= 
9 Dividends Paid to Shareholders 
                                           Year ended       Year ended 
                                           31.07.23         31.07.22 
                                           £'000            £'000 
Dividend paid 
Dividend of 14.00 pence per ordinary       10,066           - 
share paid for the year ended 31 July 
Dividend of 8.80 pence per ordinary share  -                6,440 
paid for the year ended 31 July 2021 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
                                           10,066           6,440 
                                           =========        ========= 
Dividend proposed 
Dividend proposed of 14.50 pence per       10,415           - 
ordinary share for the year ended 31 July 
Dividend proposed of 14.00 pence per       -                10,086 
ordinary share for the year ended 31 July 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
                                           10,415           10,086 
                                           =========        ========= 
The Directors have proposed the payment of a dividend for the year ended 31 July 
2023 of 14.50 pence per ordinary share which is subject to approval by 
shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on 29 November 2023 and has not been 
included as a liability in these Financial Statements. The dividend will be paid 
on 6 December 2023 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 3 
November 2023 (ex-dividend date 2 November 2023). 
10 Investments at Fair Value through Profit or Loss 
                                  2023             2022 
                                  £'000            £'000 
Listed investments                376,751          337,254 
Unlisted investments              880              1,591 
                                  ---------------  --------------- 
Investments at fair value         377,631          338,845 
                                  =========        ========= 
Opening book cost                 336,727          321,813 
Opening investment holding gains  2,118            28,412 
                                  ---------------  --------------- 
Opening fair value                338,845          350,225 
                                  =========        ========= 
Movements in the year 
Purchases at cost                 209,419          165,463 
Sales - proceeds                  (199,658)        (179,551) 
Gains on investments              29,025           2,708 
                                  ---------------  --------------- 
Closing fair value                377,631          338,845 
                                  =========        ========= 
Closing book cost                 374,514          336,727 
Closing investment holding gains  3,117            2,118 
                                  ---------------  --------------- 
Closing fair value                377,631          338,845 
                                  =========        ========= 
The Company received £199,658,000 (2022: £179,551,000) from investments sold in 
the year. The book cost of these investments when they were purchased was 
£171,632,000 (2022: £150,549,000). These investments have been revalued over 
time and until they were sold any unrealised gains/losses were included in the 
fair value of the investments. 
Investment transaction costs 
Transaction costs incurred in the acquisition and disposal of investments, which 
are included in the gains on the investments above, were as follows: 
                             Year ended       Year ended 
                             31.07.23         31.07.22 
                             £'000            £'000 
Purchases transaction costs  311              245 
Sales transaction costs      416              390 
                             ---------------  --------------- 
                             727              635 
                             =========        ========= 
The portfolio turnover rate of the year was 56.6% (2022: 49.6%). 
11 Derivative Instruments 
                                  Year ended       Year ended 
                                  31.07.23         31.07.22 
                                  £'000            £'000 
Gains/(losses) on derivative 
Realised gains/(losses) on long   393              (3,796) 
CFD positions closed 
Realised (losses)/gains on short  (876)            2,584 
CFD positions closed 
Realised losses on futures        (109)            (1,222) 
contracts closed 
Realised gains on options         951              193 
contracts closed 
Realised gains on forward         118              126 
currency contracts 
Movement in investment holding    1,016            464 
gains on long CFDs 
Movement in investment holding    (261)            (451) 
losses on short CFDs 
Movement in investment holding    270              184 
gains on futures 
Movement in investment holding    233              49 
gains on options 
Movement in investment holding    46               54 
gains on forward currency 
                                  ---------------  --------------- 
                                  1,781            (1,815) 
                                  =========        ========= 
                           2023             2022 
                           Fair value       Fair value 
                           £'000            £'000 
Derivative instruments 
recognised on the Balance 
Derivative instrument      1,758            972 
Derivative instrument      (1,665)          (1,302) 
                           ---------------  --------------- 
                           93               (330) 
                           =========        ========= 
                                  2023                  2022 
                                  Fair       Asset      Fair       Asset 
                                  value      exposure   value      exposure 
                                  £'000      £'000      £'000      £'000 
At the year end the Company held 
the following derivative 
Long CFDs                         798        44,089     (218)      29,861 
Long future                       172        4,061      (88)       3,997 
Put options                       (156)      1,466      -          - 
Short CFDs                        (536)      10,586     (275)      7,277 
Short future                      (10)       1,292      (20)       682 
Call options                      (175)      1,705      317        3,034 
Forward currency contracts        -          -          (46)       - 
                                  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
                                  ------     ------     ------     ------ 
                                  93         63,199     (330)      44,851 
                                  =========  =========  =========  ========= 
12 Debtors 
                       2023             2022 
                       £'000            £'000 
Securities sold for    1,366            1,848 
future settlement 
Amounts receivable on  162              - 
settlement of 
Accrued income         1,572            1,991 
Taxation recoverable   315              640 
Other debtors and      141              89 
                       ---------------  --------------- 
                       3,556            4,568 
                       =========        ========= 
13 Other Creditors 
                                            2023             2022 
                                            £'000            £'000 
Securities purchased for future settlement  598              948 
Amount payable on share repurchases         -                276 
Indian capital gains tax payable            2,355            2,170 
Creditors and accruals                      599              431 
                                            ---------------  --------------- 
                                            3,552            3,825 
                                            =========        ========= 
14 Share Capital 
                             2023                   2022 
                             Number of   £'000      Number of   £'000 
                             shares                 shares 
Issued, allotted and fully 
Ordinary shares of 25 pence 
each held outside of 
Beginning of the year        72,398,336  18,100     73,178,879  18,295 
Ordinary shares repurchased  (569,000)   (142)      (780,543)   (195) 
into Treasury 
                             ----------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
                             -----       ------     -----       ------ 
End of the year              71,829,336  17,958     72,398,336  18,100 
                             =========   =========  =========   ========= 
Ordinary shares of 25 pence 
each held in Treasury1 
Beginning of the year        3,182,553   795        2,402,010   600 
Ordinary shares repurchased  569,000     142        780,543     195 
into Treasury 
                             ----------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
                             -----       ------     -----       ------ 
End of the year              3,751,553   937        3,182,553   795 
                             =========   =========  =========   ========= 
Total share capital                      18,895                 18,895 
                                         =========              ========= 
1Ordinary shares held in Treasury carry no rights to vote, to receive a dividend 
or to participate in a winding up of the Company. 
The cost of ordinary shares repurchased into Treasury during the year was 
£2,618,000 (2022: £3,527,000). 
15 Capital and Reserves 
              Share      Share      Capital     Other non-     Other 
Capital    Revenue    Total 
              capital    premium    redemption  distributable  reserve 
reserve    reserve    shareholders' 
              £'000      account    reserve     reserve        £'000      £'000 
£'000      funds 
                         £'000      £'000       £'000 
At 1 August   18,895     50,501     3,197       7,367          - 
273,448    14,215     367,623 
Gains on      -          -          -           -              -          29,025 
-          29,025 
Gains on      -          -          -           -              -          1,781 
-          1,781 
(see Note 
Foreign       -          -          -           -              -          1,089 
-          1,089 
Investment    -          -          -           -              -          (281) 
-          (281) 
Note 4) 
Indian        -          -          -           -              - 
(2,882)    -          (2,882) 
gains tax 
Note 7) 
Revenue       -          -          -           -              -          - 
10,906     10,906 
on ordinary 
taxation for 
the year 
Dividend      -          -          -           -              -          - 
(10,066)   (10,066) 
paid to 
(see Note 9) 
Repurchase    -          -          -           -              - 
(2,618)    -          (2,618) 
(see Note 
              ---------  ---------  ----------  -------------  ---------  ------ 
---  ---------  ------------- 
              ------     ------     -----       --             ------     ------ 
------     -- 
At 31 July    18,895     50,501     3,197       7,367          - 
299,562    15,055     394,577 
              =========  =========  =========   =========      ========= 
=========  =========  ========= 
At 1 August   18,895     50,501     3,197       7,367          719 
273,107    10,278     364,064 
Gains on      -          -          -           -              -          2,708 
-          2,708 
Losses on     -          -          -           -              - 
(1,815)    -          (1,815) 
(see Note 
Foreign       -          -          -           -              -          2,609 
-          2,609 
Investment    -          -          -           -              -          732 
-          732 
Note 4) 
Indian        -          -          -           -              - 
(1,085)    -          (1,085) 
gains tax 
Note 7) 
Revenue       -          -          -           -              -          - 
10,377     10,377 
on ordinary 
taxation for 
the year 
Dividend      -          -          -           -              -          - 
(6,440)    (6,440) 
paid to 
(see Note 9) 
Repurchase    -          -          -           -              (719) 
(2,808)    -          (3,527) 
(see Note 
              ---------  ---------  ----------  -------------  ---------  ------ 
---  ---------  ------------- 
              ------     ------     -----       --             ------     ------ 
------     -- 
At 31 July    18,895     50,501     3,197       7,367          - 
273,448    14,215     367,623 
              =========  =========  =========   =========      ========= 
=========  =========  ========= 
The capital reserve balance at 31 July 2023 includes investment holding gains of 
£3,117,000 (2022: gains of £2,118,000) as detailed in Note 10 above. See Note 2 
(p) above for further details. The revenue and capital reserves are 
distributable by way of dividend. 
16 Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share 
The calculation of the net asset value per ordinary share is based on the total 
shareholders' funds divided by the number of ordinary shares held outside of 
                              2023          2022 
Total shareholders' funds     £394,577,000  £367,623,000 
Ordinary shares held outside  71,829,336    72,398,336 
of Treasury at the year end 
Net asset value per ordinary  549.33p       507.78p 
                              ===========   =========== 
It is the Company's policy that shares held in Treasury will only be reissued at 
net asset value per ordinary share or at a premium to net asset value per 
ordinary share and, therefore, shares held in Treasury have no dilutive effect. 
17 Financial Instruments 
Management of risk 
The Company's investing activities in pursuit of its investment objective 
involve certain inherent risks. The Board confirms that there is an ongoing 
process for identifying, evaluating and managing the risks faced by the Company. 
The Board with the assistance of the Manager, has developed a risk matrix which, 
as part of the internal control process, identifies the risks that the Company 
faces. Principal risks identified are: economic, political and market; 
investment performance (including the use of derivatives and gearing); 
cybercrime and information security; discount management; key person; 
environmental, social and governance ("ESG"); business continuity and 
operational; and shareholder relationships. Other risks identified are tax and 
regulatory risks. Risks are identified and graded in this process, together with 
steps taken in mitigation, and are updated and reviewed on an ongoing basis. 
These risks and how they are identified, evaluated and managed are shown above. 
This Note refers to the identification, measurement and management of risks 
potentially affecting the value of financial instruments. The Company's 
financial instruments comprise: 
-Equity shares (listed and unlisted), equity linked notes and corporate bonds 
held in accordance with the Company's investment objective and policies; 
-Derivative instruments which comprise CFDs, forward currency contracts, futures 
and options on listed stocks and equity indices; and 
-Cash, liquid resources and short-term debtors and creditors that arise from its 
The risks identified arising from the Company's financial instruments are market 
price risk (which comprises interest rate risk, foreign currency risk and other 
price risk), liquidity risk, counterparty risk, credit risk and derivative 
instruments risk. The Board reviews and agrees policies for managing each of 
these risks, which are summarised below. These policies are consistent with 
those followed last year. 
Market price risk 
Interest rate risk 
The Company finances its operations through its share capital and reserves. In 
addition, the Company has gearing through the use of derivative instruments. The 
level of gearing is reviewed regularly by the Board and the Portfolio Manager. 
The Company is exposed to a financial risk arising as a result of any increases 
in interest rates associated with the funding of the derivative instruments. 
Interest rate risk exposure 
The values of the Company's financial instruments that are exposed to movements 
in interest rates are shown below: 
                                 2023             2022 
                                 £'000            £'000 
Exposure to financial 
instruments that bear interest 
Long CFDs - exposure less fair   43,291           30,079 
                                 ---------------  --------------- 
Exposure to financial 
instruments that earn interest 
Cash at bank                     13,029           25,368 
Short CFDs - exposure plus fair  10,050           7,002 
Amounts held at futures          3,820            2,997 
clearing houses and brokers 
                                 ---------------  --------------- 
                                 26,899           35,367 
                                 =========        ========= 
Net exposure to financial        (16,392)         5,288 
instruments that (bear)/earn 
                                 =========        ========= 
Foreign currency risk 
The Company's net return on ordinary activities after taxation for the year and 
its net assets can be affected by foreign exchange rate movements because the 
Company has income, assets and liabilities which are denominated in currencies 
other than the Company's functional currency which is UK sterling. The Portfolio 
Manager may seek to manage exposure to currency movements by using forward and 
spot foreign exchange contracts. The Company can also be subject to short-term 
exposure to exchange rate movements, for example, between the date when an 
investment is purchased or sold and the date when settlement of the transaction 
Three principal areas have been identified where foreign currency risk could 
impact the Company: 
-Movements in currency exchange rates affecting the value of investments and 
derivative instruments; 
-Movements in currency exchange rates affecting short-term timing differences; 
-Movements in currency exchange rates affecting income received. 
Currency exposure of financial assets 
The currency exposure profile of the Company's financial assets is shown below: 
Currency      Investments  Long          Debtors2   Cash at    Total 
              at fair      exposure to   £'000      bank       £'000 
              value        derivative               £'000 
              £'000        instruments1 
Hong Kong     105,426      28,575        1,517      89         135,607 
Indian rupee  82,090       -             3,260      1,351      86,701 
US dollar     27,358       14,980        2,077      11,289     55,704 
Indonesian    51,868       -             -          -          51,868 
South Korean  33,540       12            7          -          33,559 
Australian    19,017       3,303         -          213        22,533 
Singapore     12,934       2,746         -          -          15,680 
Taiwan        14,861       -             377        -          15,238 
Chinese       14,109       -             -          87         14,196 
Philippine    4,361        -             -          -          4,361 
Malaysian     3,832        -             -          -          3,832 
Sri Lankan    3,423        -             -          -          3,423 
Other         4,812        -             11         -          4,823 
UK sterling   -            -             127        -          127 
              -----------  ------------  ---------  ---------  --------------- 
              ----         ---           ------     ------ 
              377,631      49,616        7,376      13,029     447,652 
              =========    =========     =========  =========  ========= 
1The exposure to the market of long CFDs, long futures and put options. 
2Debtors include amounts held at futures clearing houses and brokers. 
Currency      Investments  Long          Debtors2   Cash at    Total 
              at fair      exposure to   £'000      bank       £'000 
              value        derivative               £'000 
              £'000        instruments1 
Hong Kong     90,764       25,443        1,318      287        117,812 
Indian rupee  87,206       -             3,783      620        91,609 
US dollar     12,367       9,783         1,063      23,801     47,014 
Indonesian    41,649       -             4          -          41,653 
South Korean  31,895       -             68         6          31,969 
Taiwan        19,940       -             1,059      64         21,063 
Australian    19,035       -             -          -          19,035 
Chinese       13,063       -             -          97         13,160 
Singapore     11,149       1,666         -          -          12,815 
Philippine    4,810        (46)          33         -          4,797 
Sri Lankan    3,109        -             148        -          3,257 
Vietnamese    1,173        -             -          493        1,666 
Other         2,685        -             -          -          2,685 
UK sterling   -            -             89         -          89 
              -----------  ------------  ---------  ---------  --------------- 
              ----         ---           ------     ------ 
              338,845      36,846        7,565      25,368     408,624 
              =========    =========     =========  =========  ========= 
1The exposure to the market of long CFDs, long futures and call option after the 
netting of the forward currency contract. 
2Debtors include amounts held at futures clearing houses and brokers. 
Currency exposure of financial liabilities 
The Company finances its investment activities principally through its ordinary 
share capital and reserves. The Company's financial liabilities comprise short 
positions on derivative instruments and other payables. The currency profile of 
these financial liabilities is shown below: 
Currency           Short            Other            Total 
                   exposure to      creditors        £'000 
                   derivative       £'000 
US dollar          12,957           233              13,190 
Indian rupee       -                2,355            2,355 
Hong Kong dollar   626              41               667 
Korean won         -                326              326 
Indonesian rupiah  -                64               64 
Singapore dollar   -                1                1 
UK sterling        -                532              532 
                   ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
                   13,583           3,552            17,135 
                   =========        =========        ========= 
1The exposure to the market of short CFDs, short futures and call options. 
Currency           Short            Other            Total 
                   exposure to      creditors        £'000 
                   derivative       £'000 
US dollar          5,091            7                5,098 
Indian rupee       682              2,744            3,426 
Hong Kong dollar   2,186            311              2,497 
Philippine peso    -                27               27 
Malaysian ringgit  -                25               25 
Taiwan dollar      -                18               18 
UK sterling        -                693              693 
                   ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
                   7,959            3,825            11,784 
                   =========        =========        ========= 
1The exposure to the market of short CFDs and short futures. 
Other price risk 
Other price risk arises mainly from uncertainty about future prices of financial 
instruments used in the Company's business. It represents the potential loss the 
Company might suffer through holding market positions in the face of price 
The Board meets quarterly to consider the asset allocation of the portfolio and 
the risk associated with particular industry sectors within the parameters of 
the investment objective. 
The Portfolio Manager is responsible for actively monitoring the existing 
portfolio selected in accordance with the overall asset allocation parameters 
described above and seeks to ensure that individual stocks also meet an 
acceptable risk/reward profile. Other price risks arising from derivative 
positions, mainly due to the underlying exposures, are estimated using Value at 
Risk and Stress Tests as set out in the Company's internal Risk Management 
Process Document. 
Liquidity risk 
Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will encounter difficulties in 
meeting obligations associated with financial liabilities. The Company's assets 
mainly comprise readily realisable securities and derivative instruments which 
can be sold easily to meet funding commitments if necessary. Short-term 
flexibility, if required, is achieved by the use of a bank overdraft. 
Liquidity risk exposure 
At 31 July 2023, the undiscounted gross cash outflows of the financial 
liabilities were all repayable within one year and consisted of derivative 
instrument liabilities of £1,665,000 (2022: £1,302,000) and other creditors of 
£3,552,000 (2022: £3,825,000). 
Counterparty risk 
Certain derivative instruments in which the Company may invest are not traded on 
an exchange but instead will be traded between counterparties based on 
contractual relationships, under the terms outlined in the International Swaps 
and Derivatives Association's ("ISDA") market standard derivative legal 
documentation. These are known as Over the Counter ("OTC") trades. As a result, 
the Company is subject to the risk that a counterparty may not perform its 
obligations under the related contract. In accordance with the risk management 
process which the Manager employs, the Manager will seek to minimise such risk 
by only entering into transactions with counterparties which are believed to 
have an adequate credit rating at the time the transaction is entered into, by 
ensuring that formal legal agreements covering the terms of the contract are 
entered into in advance, and through adopting a counterparty risk framework 
which measures, monitors and manages counterparty risk by the use of internal 
and external credit agency ratings and by evaluating derivative instrument 
credit risk exposure. 
For OTC and exchange traded derivative transactions, collateral is used to 
reduce the risk of both parties to the contract. Collateral is managed on a 
daily basis for all relevant transactions. At 31 July 2023, £793,000 (2022: 
£254,000) was held by the brokers in cash denominated in US dollars in a 
segregated collateral account on behalf of the Company, to reduce the credit 
risk exposure of the Company. This collateral comprised: J.P. Morgan Securities 
plc £436,000 (2022: £213,000), Goldman Sachs International £233,000 (2022: 
£nil), HSBC Bank plc £124,000 (2022: £nil) and Morgan Stanley & Co International 
plc £nil (2022: £41,000). £3,820,000 (2022: £2,997,000), shown as amounts held 
at futures clearing houses and brokers on the Balance Sheet, was held by the 
Company in a segregated collateral account, on behalf of the brokers, to reduce 
the credit risk exposure of the brokers. This collateral is comprised of: UBS AG 
£3,346,000 (2022: £2,574,000) in cash, Morgan Stanley & Co International plc 
£474,000 (2022: £nil) in cash and HSBC Bank Plc £nil (2022: £423,000) in cash. 
Credit risk 
Financial instruments may be adversely affected if any of the institutions with 
which money is deposited suffer insolvency or other financial difficulties. All 
transactions are carried out with brokers that have been approved by the Manager 
and are settled on a delivery versus payment basis. Limits are set on the amount 
that may be due from any one broker and are kept under review by the Manager. 
Exposure to credit risk arises on unsettled security transactions and derivative 
instrument contracts and cash at bank. 
Derivative instruments risk 
The risks and risk management processes which result from the use of derivative 
instruments, are set out in a documented Risk Management Process Document. 
Derivative instruments are used by the Manager for the following purposes: 
-to gain unfunded long exposure to equity markets, sectors or single stocks. 
Unfunded exposure is exposure gained without an initial flow of capital; 
-to hedge equity market risk using derivatives with the intention of at least 
partially mitigating losses in the exposures of the Company's portfolio as a 
result of falls in the equity market; and 
-to position short exposures in the Company's portfolio. These uncovered 
exposures benefit from falls in the prices of shares which the Portfolio Manager 
believes to be over valued. These positions, therefore, distinguish themselves 
from other short exposures held for hedging purposes since they are expected to 
add risk to the portfolio. 
Interest rate risk sensitivity analysis 
Based on the financial instruments held and interest rates at 31 July 2023, an 
increase of 1.00% in interest rates throughout the year, with all other 
variables held constant, would have decreased the net return on ordinary 
activities after taxation for the year and decreased the net assets of the 
Company by £164,000 (2022: increased the net return and increased the net assets 
by £53,000). A decrease of 1.00% in interest rates throughout the year would 
have had an equal but opposite effect. 
Foreign currency risk sensitivity analysis 
Based on the financial instruments held and currency exchange rates as at the 
Balance Sheet date, with all other variables held constant, a 10% strengthening 
of the UK sterling exchange rate against other currencies would have decreased 
the Company's net return on ordinary activities after taxation for the year and 
decreased the net assets (2022: decreased the net return and decreased the net 
assets) by the following amounts: 
Currency                   2023             2022 
                           £'000            £'000 
Hong Kong dollar           12,267           10,483 
Indian rupee               7,668            8,017 
Indonesian rupiah          4,709            3,787 
US dollar                  3,865            3,811 
South Korean won           3,021            2,906 
Australian dollar          2,048            1,730 
Singapore dollar           1,425            1,165 
Taiwan dollar              1,385            1,913 
Chinese renminbi           1,291            1,196 
Philippine peso            396              434 
Malaysian ringgit          348              70 
Sri Lankan rupee           311              296 
Other overseas currencies  438              322 
                           ---------------  --------------- 
                           39,172           36,130 
                           =========        ========= 
Based on the financial instruments held and currency exchange rates as at the 
Balance Sheet date, with all other variables held constant, a 10% weakening of 
the UK sterling exchange rate against other currencies would have increased the 
Company's net return on ordinary activities after taxation for the year and 
increased the net assets (2022: increased the net return and increased the net 
assets) by the following amounts: 
Currency                   2023             2022 
                           £'000            £'000 
Hong Kong dollar           14,993           12,813 
Indian rupee               9,372            9,798 
Indonesian rupiah          5,756            4,628 
US dollar                  4,724            4,657 
South Korean won           3,693            3,552 
Australian dollar          2,504            2,115 
Singapore dollar           1,742            1,424 
Taiwan dollar              1,693            2,338 
Chinese renminbi           1,577            1,462 
Philippine peso            485              530 
Malaysian ringgit          426              86 
Sri Lankan rupee           380              362 
Other overseas currencies  535              395 
                           ---------------  --------------- 
                           47,880           44,160 
                           =========        ========= 
Other price risk - exposure to investments sensitivity analysis 
Based on the listed investments held and share prices at 31 July 2023, an 
increase of 10% in share prices, with all other variables held constant, would 
have increased the Company's net return on ordinary activities after taxation 
for the year and increased the net assets of the Company by £37,675,000 (2022: 
increased the net return and increased the net assets by £33,725,000). A 
decrease of 10% in share prices would have had an equal and opposite effect. 
An increase of 10% in the valuation of unlisted investments held at 31 July 2023 
would have increased the Company's net return on ordinary activities after 
taxation for the year and increased the net assets of the Company by £88,000 
(2022: increased the net return and increased the net assets by £159,000). A 
decrease of 10% in the valuation would have had an equal and opposite effect. 
Other price risk - net exposure to derivative instruments sensitivity analysis 
Based on the derivative instruments held and share prices at 31 July 2023, an 
increase of 10% in the share prices underlying the derivative instruments, with 
all other variables held constant, would have increased the Company's net return 
on ordinary activities after taxation for the year and increased the net assets 
of the Company by £3,603,000 (2022: increased the net return and increased the 
net assets by £2,893,000). A decrease of 10% in share prices would have had an 
equal and opposite effect. 
Fair Value of Financial Assets and Liabilities 
Financial assets and liabilities are stated in the Balance Sheet at values which 
are not materially different to their fair values. As explained in Notes 2 (k) 
and (l) above, investments and derivative instruments are shown at fair value. 
In the case of cash at bank, book value approximates to fair value due to the 
short maturity of the instruments. 
Fair Value Hierarchy 
The Company is required to disclose the fair value hierarchy that classifies its 
financial instruments measured at fair value at one of three levels, according 
to the relative reliability of the inputs used to estimate the fair values. 
Classification  Input 
Level 1         Valued using quoted prices in active markets for identical 
Level 2         Valued by reference to inputs other than quoted prices 
                included in level 1 that are observable (i.e. developed using 
                market data) for the asset or liability, either directly or 
Level 3         Valued by reference to valuation techniques using inputs that 
                are not based on observable market data 
Categorisation within the hierarchy has been determined on the basis of the 
lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement of the 
relevant asset. The valuation techniques used by the Company are explained in 
Notes 2 (k) and (l) above. The table below sets out the Company's fair value 
Financial assets at fair       Level 1    Level 2    Level 3    Total 
value through profit or loss   £'000      £'000      £'000      £'000 
Investments                    367,312    9,439      880        377,631 
Derivative instrument assets   172        1,586      -          1,758 
                               ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
                               ------     ------     ------     ------ 
                               367,484    11,025     880        379,389 
                               =========  =========  =========  ========= 
Financial liabilities at fair 
value through profit or loss 
Derivative instrument          (341)      (1,324)    -          (1,665) 
                               =========  =========  =========  ========= 
Financial assets at fair       Level 1    Level 2    Level 3    Total 
value through profit or loss   £'000      £'000      £'000      £'000 
Investments                    330,119    7,135      1,591      338,845 
Derivative instrument assets   317        655        -          972 
                               ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
                               ------     ------     ------     ------ 
                               330,436    7,790      1,591      339,817 
                               =========  =========  =========  ========= 
Financial liabilities at fair 
value through profit or loss 
Derivative instrument          (108)      (1,194)    -          (1,302) 
                               =========  =========  =========  ========= 
The table below sets out the movements in level 3 financial instruments during 
the year: 
                                       Year ended       Year ended 
                                       31.07.23         31.07.22 
                                       £'000            £'000 
Beginning of the year                  1,591            1,722 
Movement in investment holding losses  (711)            (131) 
                                       ---------------  --------------- 
End of the year                        880              1,591 
                                       =========        ========= 
Below are details of the four investments which fall into level 3 of which the 
first three investments are unlisted and the last investment is suspended from 
Eden Biologics 
Eden Biologics develops biosimilars and is also engaged in providing process 
development and contract manufacturing solutions to the biopharmaceutical 
industry and is an unlisted company. On 26 February 2018, the company 
voluntarily delisted from the Taipei Exchange. The valuation at 31 July 2023 is 
based on the company's financial information, the macro-environment and a 
weighted average following a scenario-based approach. As at 31 July 2023, its 
fair value was £40,000 (2022: £317,000). 
Chime Biologics 
Chime Biologics is a China-based Contract Development and Manufacturing 
Organization (CDMO) that provides a solution supporting customers from early 
-stage biopharmaceutical development through to late-stage clinical and 
commercial manufacturing and is an unlisted company. The valuation at 31 July 
2023 is based on the company's financial information, the macro-environment and 
the Probability-Weighted Expected Return Model (PWERM). As at 31 July 2023, its 
fair value was £69,000 (2022: £73,000). 
Tuhu Car 
Tuhu Car is an online retailer of auto spare parts and is an unlisted company. 
The valuation at 31 July 2023 is based on the company's financial information, 
the macro-environment and benchmarking the position to a range of comparable 
market data. As at 31 July 2023, its fair value was £771,000 (2022: £1,201,000). 
Salt Lake Potash 
Salt Lake Potash is a mineral exploration company. The company was suspended 
from trading on the Australian Stock Exchange on 27 July 2021 and in October 
2021 it announced that it would be entering voluntary administration. As at 31 
July 2023, its fair value was £nil (2022: £nil). 
18 Capital Resources and Gearing 
The Company does not have any externally imposed capital requirements. The 
financial resources of the Company comprise its share capital and reserves, as 
disclosed in the Balance Sheet above and any gearing, which is managed by the 
use of derivative instruments. Financial resources are managed in accordance 
with the Company's investment policy and in pursuit of its investment objective, 
both of which are detailed in the in the Annual Report. The principal risks and 
their management are disclosed above and in Note 17 above. 
The Company's gross and net gearing at the year end is set out below: 
                      Gross                 Net gearing 
                      Asset      %1         Asset            %1 
                      exposure              exposure 
                      £'000                 £'000 
Investments           377,631    95.7       377,631          95.7 
Long CFDs             44,089     11.2       44,089           11.2 
Long future           4,061      1.0        4,061            1.0 
Put options           1,466      0.4        1,466            0.4 
                      ---------  ---------  ---------------  --------------- 
                      ------     ------ 
Total long exposures  427,247    108.3      427,247          108.3 
                      =========  =========  =========        ========= 
Short CFDs            10,586     2.7        (10,586)         (2.7) 
Call options          1,705      0.4        (1,705)          (0.4) 
Short future          1,292      0.3        (1,292)          (0.3) 
                      ---------  ---------  ---------------  --------------- 
                      ------     ------ 
Gross asset           440,830    111.7      413,664          104.9 
exposure/net market 
                      =========  =========  =========        ========= 
Shareholders' funds   394,577               394,577 
                      =========             ========= 
Gearing2                         11.7%                       4.9% 
                                 =========                   ========= 
1Asset exposure to the market expressed as a percentage of shareholders' funds. 
2Gearing is the amount by which gross asset exposure/net market exposure exceeds 
shareholders' funds expressed as a percentage of shareholders' funds. 
                      Gross                 Net gearing 
                      Asset      %1         Asset            %1 
                      exposure              exposure 
                      £'000                 £'000 
Investments           338,845    92.2       338,845          92.2 
Long CFDs             29,861     8.1        29,861           8.1 
Long future           3,997      1.1        3,997            1.1 
Put options           3,034      0.8        3,034            0.8 
                      ---------  ---------  ---------------  --------------- 
                      ------     ------ 
Total long exposures  375,737    102.2      375,737          102.2 
                      =========  =========  =========        ========= 
Short CFDs            7,277      2.0        (7,277)          (2.0) 
Short future          682        0.2        (682)            (0.2) 
                      ---------  ---------  ---------------  --------------- 
                      ------     ------ 
Gross asset           383,696    104.4      367,778          100.0 
exposure/net market 
                      =========  =========  =========        ========= 
Shareholders' funds   367,623               367,623 
                      =========             ========= 
Gearing2                         4.4%                        - 
                                 =========                   ========= 
1Asset exposure to the market expressed as a percentage of shareholders' funds. 
2Gearing is the amount by which gross asset exposure/net market exposure exceeds 
shareholders' funds expressed as a percentage of shareholders' funds. 
19 Transactions with the Manager and Related Parties 
FIL Investment Services (UK) Limited is the Company's Alternative Investment 
Fund Manager and has delegated portfolio management and the role of company 
secretary to FIL Investments International ("FII"). Both companies are Fidelity 
group companies. 
Details of the current fee arrangements are given in the Directors' Report in 
the Annual Report. During the year, management fees of £2,925,000 (2022: 
£1,832,000), and secretarial and administration fees of £75,000 (2022: £75,000) 
were payable to FII. At the Balance Sheet date, management fees of £292,000 
(2022: £156,000), and secretarial and administration fees of £25,000 (2022: 
£25,000) were accrued and included in other creditors. FII also provides the 
Company with marketing services. The total amount payable for these services 
during the year was £195,000 (2022: £157,000). At the Balance Sheet date, 
marketing services of £nil (2022: £20,000) were accrued and included in other 
Disclosures of the Directors' interests in the ordinary shares of the Company 
and Director's fees and taxable expenses relating to reasonable travel expenses 
payable to the Directors are given in the Directors' Remuneration Report in the 
Annual Report. In addition to the fees and taxable expenses disclosed in the 
Directors' Remuneration Report, £20,000 (2022: £18,000) of employers' National 
Insurance contributions were paid by the Company. At the Balance Sheet date, 
Directors' fees of £16,000 (2022: £15,000) were accrued and payable. 
20 post balance sheet event 
On 26 September 2023 following an initial public offering, Tuhu Car, which was 
classified as a Level 3 investment as at 31 July 2023 as set out in Note 17 
above, was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange at a 2% premium to the Balance 
Sheet valuation. 
Alternative Performance Measures 
The discount/premium is considered to be an Alternative Performance Measure. It 
is the difference between the NAV per ordinary share of the Company and the 
ordinary share price and is expressed as a percentage of the NAV per ordinary 
share. Details of the Company's discount/premium are on the Financial Highlights 
section in the Annual Report and are both defined in the Glossary of Terms in 
the Annual Report. 
Gearing (both Gross and Net) is considered to be an Alternative Performance 
Measure. See Note 18 above for details of the Company's gearing. 
Net Asset Value ("NAV") per Ordinary Share 
The NAV per ordinary share is considered to be an Alternative Performance 
Measure. See the Balance Sheet and Note 16 above for further details. 
Ongoing Charges Ratio 
The ongoing charges ratio is considered to be an Alternative Performance 
Measure. The ongoing charges ratio has been calculated in accordance with 
guidance issued by the AIC as the total of management fees and other expenses 
expressed as a percentage of the average net assets throughout the year. 
                            2023             2022 
                            £'000            £'000 
Investment management fees  2,644            2,564 
Other expenses (£'000)      988              905 
                            ---------------  --------------- 
Ongoing charges (£'000)     3,632            3,469 
                            =========        ========= 
Variable management fees    281              (732) 
Average net assets (£'000)  377,729          366,346 
Ongoing charges ratio       0.96%            0.95% 
Ongoing charges ratio       1.03%            0.75% 
including variable 
management fees 
                            =========        ========= 
Revenue, Capital and Total Returns per Share 
Revenue, capital and total returns per share are considered to be Alternative 
Performance Measures. See the Income Statement and Note 8 above for further 
Total Return Performance 
Total return performance is considered to be an Alternative Performance Measure. 
The NAV per ordinary share total return includes reinvestment of the dividend in 
the NAV of the Company on the ex-dividend date. The ordinary share price total 
return includes the reinvestment of the net dividend in the month that the 
ordinary share price goes ex-dividend. 
The tables below provide information relating to the NAV per ordinary share and 
the ordinary share price of the Company and the impact of the dividend 
reinvestments and the total returns for the years ended 31 July 2023 and 31 July 
2023                             Net asset        Ordinary 
                                 value per        share 
                                 ordinary         price 
31 July 2022                     507.78p          458.00p 
31 July 2023                     549.33p          520.00p 
Change in year                   +8.2%            +13.5% 
Impact of dividend reinvestment  +3.2%            +3.8% 
                                 ---------------  --------------- 
Total return for the year        +11.4%           +17.3% 
                                 =========        ========= 
2022                             Net asset        Ordinary 
                                 value per        share 
                                 ordinary         price 
31 July 2021                     497.50p          483.00p 
31 July 2022                     507.78p          458.00p 
Change in year                   +2.1%            -5.2% 
Impact of dividend reinvestment  +1.8%            +1.8% 
                                 ---------------  --------------- 
Total return for the year        +3.9%            -3.4% 
                                 =========        ========= 
The Annual Financial Report Announcement is not the Company's statutory 
accounts. The above results for the year ended 31 July 2023 are an abridged 
version of the Company's full Annual Report and Financial Statements, which have 
been approved and audited with an unqualified report. The 2022 and 2023 
statutory accounts received unqualified reports from the Company's Auditor and 
did not include any reference to matters to which the Auditor drew attention by 
way of emphasis without qualifying the reports and did not contain a statement 
under s.498 of the Companies Act 2006. The financial information for 2022 is 
derived from the statutory accounts for 2022 which have been delivered to the 
Registrar of Companies. The 2023 Financial Statements will be filed with the 
Registrar of Companies in due course. 
A copy of the above results announcement will be available on the Company's 
website at www.fidelity.co.uk/asianvalues within two working days. 
A copy of the Annual Report will shortly be submitted to the National Storage 
Mechanism and will be available for inspection at: www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/NSM 
The Annual Report will be posted to shareholders later this month and additional 
copies will be available from the registered office of the Company and on the 
Company's website: www.fidelity.co.uk/asianvalues where up to date 
information on the Company, including daily NAV and share prices, factsheets and 
other information can also be found. 
Neither the contents of the Company's website nor the contents of any website 
accessible from hyperlinks on the Company's website (or any other website) is 
incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement. 
This information was brought to you by Cision http://news.cision.com 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

October 12, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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Da Feb 2025 a Mar 2025 Clicca qui per i Grafici di Fidelity Asian Values
Grafico Azioni Fidelity Asian Values (LSE:FAS)
Da Mar 2024 a Mar 2025 Clicca qui per i Grafici di Fidelity Asian Values