RNS Number : 4102P 
Henderson Financial Opps Ltd 
15 July 2010 

15 July 2010 
              Unaudited Results for the half-year ended 31 May 2010 
Performance Summary 
|                                      |      31 May |        30 |        | 
|                                      |        2010 |  November | Change | 
|                                      | (Unaudited) |      2009 |        | 
|                                      |             | (Audited) |        | 
| Net asset value per share            |       39.1p |     42.7p |  -8.4% | 
| Share price                          |       33.5p |     37.0p |  -9.4% | 
| Discount                             |       14.3% |     13.3% |    n/a | 
| Revenue earnings per share (6 months |        1.1p |      3.2p |    n/a | 
| and 12 months)                       |             |           |        | 
| Net asset value total return (6      |       -7.8% |           |        | 
| months)*                             |             |           |        | 
| Share price total return (6 months)* |       -5.7% |           |        | 
| MSCI World Financials Index (GBP     |             |           |        | 
| adjusted)**                          |       +2.8% |           |        | 
Source: *Funddata ** Datastream 
Interim Management Report 
During the six months to 31st May 2010 the net asset value per ordinary share 
fell by 8.4% compared to a rise of 2.8% in the MSCI World Financials Index as 
North American and Australasian financials outperformed their sterling and 
Euro-based equivalents. A full commentary on both the portfolio and the 
performance is given in the Investment Manager's Report on pages 3 and 4. 
Managing a portfolio of financial investments over the last three years has been 
very testing and it is difficult to believe that financial institutions are yet 
out of the proverbial woods. Whilst the financial situation in the Far East and 
many emerging markets appears sound, the situation in the western world remains 
of concern and nowhere more so than in Europe, for which it is difficult to see 
a short-term solution. 
The so-called "PIIGS" countries of Europe (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and 
Spain) have a worrisome mix of very high debt to gross domestic product (GDP) 
and often very high budget deficits to GDP. Such a combination can lead to 
serious financial consequences, as has already been seen in Greece, which 
required a massive bail-out. Spain, Portugal and Italy also are concerns: 
Italy's public debt is 118 percent of GDP, one of the largest in the Eurozone, 
but, on the positive side, its budget deficit is much lower than many other 
European countries. 
Unlike prior financial crises, such as the end of World War II, when it was 
possible for countries to either grow or inflate their way out of extremely high 
debt-to-GDP ratios, those strategies will not work in the world's modern, more 
efficient markets and, particularly, for those in the Eurozone with a common 
currency. Today, if a country does not do the right thing, markets react 
negatively and very quickly and evidence has been seen of that in Greece. 
It, therefore, appears that a longer-term process is inevitable in order for 
Europe as a whole to become more competitive, balance the books and start to 
bring debt levels down. This is not going to happen overnight. Already, Germany, 
Ireland and the UK are looking to rein in their budget deficits significantly, a 
sobering reminder that Europe is in for an extended period of lower growth. 
Cutting spending, of course, will have the effect of reducing already slow 
economic growth, although one bit of good news is that the lower value of the 
euro will improve the export competitiveness of countries like Germany. 
It may be that Europe's debt crisis will have a limited effect on the rest of 
the world, unless the financial contagion worsens. As individuals and 
corporations watch what is happening in Europe, they get worried about the 
potential impact in other regions, a worry that could cause them to reduce their 
spending, hiring and capital investment programmes. So, in the short-term, the 
combination of confidence and contagion are a very real concern. We can but hope 
that the financial stresses outside the eurozone will be more moderate than 
severe, as that probably would be regarded by the markets as good news. 
In accordance with the dividend policy set out in the last Annual Report, your 
Board paid a first interim dividend of 0.75p per share on 23 April 2010 and the 
second interim dividend will be paid to shareholders on 23 July 2010. It remains 
the Board's intention to declare a third interim dividend of the same amount for 
payment in October 2010. 
Material events or transactions during the period 
The move towards a truly global portfolio has continued during the period and at 
the period end the portfolio included a wider geographic spread of holdings, 
which comprised North America (25.3%), United Kingdom (33.5%), Continental 
Europe (26.8%), Asia Pacific (including Japan) (8.7%) and Emerging Markets 
At 30 November 2009, the Company's net gearing was 71%. As markets continued to 
rally in the first quarter of 2010, gearing was gradually reduced so that at 31 
May 2010 net gearing was 42%. It remains the Board's policy to reduce the level 
of net gearing over time to a maximum of 30%. 
Related party transactions 
Details of related party transactions are contained within the Annual Report. 
There have been no material transactions with our related parties during the 
period under review. 
Worries about a 'double dip' recession in the UK and other western counties - 
and worries about confidence and contagion - will persist over the coming 
months, and it is probable that the markets will remain volatile as economists' 
and analysts' reports come and go, and rumours ebb and flow. Until there are 
real signs of sustained global economic recovery, especially in the West, it is 
difficult to see that equity markets can make much headway. 
Your Directors are very mindful that they stated in September 2009 that, if a 
fund-raising for your Company could not be carried out in 2010, they would 
propose a continuation vote to shareholders at the Annual General Meeting in 
2011. Given the current, uncertain outlook for the western economies, and thus 
for the markets, and some of the fears that still surround some banks and other 
financial institutions, it seems increasingly unlikely that a fund-raising for 
Henderson Financial Opportunities will be achievable. Your Board is continuing 
to monitor the situation closely. 
Julian G Tregoning 
15 July 2010 
The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge: 
a)   the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance 
with IAS34; 
b)   the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
required by Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2.7R (indication of important 
events during the first six months and description of principal risks and 
uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year); and 
c)   the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
required by Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2.8R (disclosure of related party 
transactions and changes therein). 
Julian G Tregoning 
15 July 2010 
Investment Manager's Report 
Financial markets overview 
Since January investors in the financial sector have been weighing up the risks 
from regulation, sovereign credit risk and liquidity withdrawal against the 
opportunities presented by global recovery and the transition to more normalised 
earnings. These macro factors have been the key driving force for performance of 
the global financials sector over the six months under review. The financials 
sector has seen a wide disparity in performance between geographical regions and 
sub-sectors. This is highlighted by the European banks and Insurances indices 
both down more than ten percent versus the US banks index which is up over ten 
percent (all in sterling terms). 
The first three months of 2010 saw mild optimism with the financials' sector, 
despite suffering from macro head winds and volatility, continuing to grind 
higher on the back of continued favourable monetary policy globally and the 
nascent macroeconomic recovery in the developed world. The 2009 year-end 
reporting season provided mixed signals for the financial sector, with both 
positive and negative surprises coming through. In summary, the business trends 
reported by the investment banks supported our positive view on the sub-sector 
as another exceptional quarter was announced in trading revenue from fixed 
income, rates and currency divisions. Retail banking in emerging markets 
continued to look attractive as economic recovery continues and supports the 
outlook for loan growth in coming years, whilst in the pan-European region 
performance remained challenging as credit demand remained depressed and 
provisions for bad debts remained elevated. Within the insurance sector, while 
operational business trends remain difficult, there were surprises with 
increased dividend pay outs from excess capital. 
However, from mid-April the global markets have suffered from heightened 
volatility as macro risks have taken over. Sovereign debt concerns, which spread 
from being specific to Greece to all peripheral Europe, were the most important 
issue driving the markets and performance. The impact of the outstanding public 
and private debt burden, austerity measures and fiscal policy has led to slower 
growth expectations for the Eurozone and the likelihood of a "double dip" 
scenario in some peripheral countries. While the European Central bank did 
announce a EUR750bn bail out package with support from the IMF, this could not 
offset concerns over potential default and the likely success of government 
policies in managing budget deficits in the coming years. The financials sector 
was heavily sold off, not only on the back of their exposures to sovereign debt, 
but also as funding markets became illiquid and investors stress tested 
assumptions of profitability and normalised earnings in an environment which 
sees many institutions paying much more for longer term funding in the wholesale 
The debate over regulation for the financial sector has remained a significant 
headwind throughout this period and will continue to be so for some time. Whilst 
company managements and investors were hopeful of a co-ordinated approach to 
policies, it seems that this is some way off. The US are further down the 
process to finalise the US financial reform Bill and the European Basel 
Committee continue to work with managements to find a suitable end solution for 
capital and liquidity guidelines. Political risk also has been a factor over 
this period with announcements of banking taxes and criminal investigations into 
working practices of some of the largest institutions. 
Your Company underperformed the benchmark during the period under review, with 
the net asset value ("NAV") total return down 7.8% as compared to the MSCI World 
Financials Total Return Index (GBP) which rose by 2.8%. The performance was poor 
due to a higher exposure to sterling-based and euro-based stocks than the 
benchmark, and whilst the exposure to US financials was increased toward the end 
of 2009, the Company was less exposed than the benchmark and not particularly 
exposed to US regional banks which had a particularly strong start to the year. 
In addition, while the level of gearing was reduced to around 42% at the end of 
May 2010, it suffered from market weakness in early February and late April. The 
Company, nevertheless, has declared dividends totalling 1.5p per share for the 
half-year, which is in line with expectations. 
The equity portion of the Company's underperformance was driven by sovereign 
credit risks and regulatory uncertainty. Whilst we had concentrated our exposure 
on large, diversified, recapitalised banks or insurers with good funding bases, 
which could take advantage of the necessary de-leveraging in weaker peers and 
potentially win market share, we did not anticipate the extent of increased 
regulation and political intervention. The announcement of a US Financial Crisis 
responsibility fee and then suggestions from the US President that a policy was 
being considered to restrict the business mix of banks had wide-ranging 
consequences. This politically motivated news-flow towards the sector remains an 
overhang on the sector although we do believe that the final rules on regulation 
will be less severe and will have a longer lead-time for implementation so as 
not to destabilise the fragile macroeconomic recovery. 
Another significant factor contributing to under-performance against the 
benchmark has been driven by the low relative exposure to Canada and Australia 
where we considered most of the financials to be fairly valued. Both these 
countries, being rich in commodities and benefiting from government finances 
(which are currently more stable than those of the US, Europe and the UK), have 
seen very strong currency moves recently that has enhanced returns for 
sterling-based investors. The Euro has remained under pressure from uncertainty 
over the future of the peripheral European states. 
On a positive note, exposure to Asia has countered some of the poorer European 
performance. Whilst China has not performed well as they began policies to stem 
inflation and slow down a potential speculative real estate bubble, there have 
been other countries in south East Asia, such as Malaysia, where GDP growth 
assumptions have been rising along with future loan growth estimates, coupled 
with a supporting drop in provisions against bad debts for the banks making 
valuations compelling. 
The fixed income portion of the portfolio also has been more defensive than the 
equity portion. There have been a few upper tier 2 bonds and lower tier 1 bonds 
which have been tendered for by companies and we have taken the opportunity to 
sell these at prices higher than offered in the market. We believe this will be 
a continuing process as institutions look to rebalance their capital structures 
in a way more in line with future regulatory requirements. 
Strategy and Portfolio Positioning 
As highlighted at the beginning of the year, the portfolio is positioned across 
major themes. 
Yield - the largest holding and largest contributor to yield from the equity 
portfolio, Banque Cantonale Vaudoise, not only has seen positive capital 
appreciation this year as Swiss investors look to position away from the two 
large cap investment banks but also search for yield in this challenging market 
environment. The Company also made new investments into this theme with the 
purchase of City of London Investment Group which was yielding over 6% and also 
coincides with our theme of growth in Emerging markets as the company is a 
leading provider of investment trusts investing in Emerging Asia. 
Growth - the Company's holdings within this theme have had volatile performances 
so far this year. The Asian and Latin American stocks have suffered from 
profit-taking as the market has concerns over the sustainability of their 
economic growth and the potential for inflation to drive a faster than expected 
rate tightening cycle. The fundamental long-term story in these regions is still 
favoured and we are choosing levels at which to selectively increase some 
holdings - in particular in China as we believe there will be a support in 
coming months on the back of an appreciating Renminbi. On the other hand, 
Sberbank has performed well as the economic recovery in Russia is beating 
expectations, and holdings in South East Asia have proved more defensive in the 
volatility as currency strength has encouraged investors to remain invested in 
the region. 
Macro recovery and improving asset quality - exposure within this theme has been 
reduced on the back of concerns in Europe. While we still believe the global 
economy will continue to grow, there will be wide disparity regionally in the 
speed and strength of the recovery. We believe there are better investment 
opportunities in the US, Canada and developed Asia. 
Steep yield curve - while basic fundamentals were in place for good trading 
results in the Investment Banks, low volumes, extreme volatility and weak 
investor sentiment make it very difficult to forecast earnings. In addition, the 
regulatory and political overhangs make this sub-sector susceptible to becoming 
valuation constrained. Subsequently we have reduced exposure significantly. 
Restructuring - the investment case remains solid for many franchises in this 
theme, however, uncertainty for capital markets causes these stocks to de-rate 
as it potentially elongates the deleveraging process and many stocks here are 
subject to asset disposals. We have made a new acquisition in this theme however 
by recently participating in the Bank of Ireland capital raising and rights 
Asset-gatherers - we continue to believe this theme will perform in time as 
investors look to diversify away from low-yielding government bonds and look for 
investment diversification. The long-term trend in the developed world of saving 
for retirement is supportive of the asset growth theme for many traditional and 
alternative asset managers. 
At the end of the period under review, equity markets had sold off sufficiently 
having looked over-bought in mid-April and valuations were compelling for some 
very solid, well managed companies. In addition, not only will the summer bring 
about releases of various stress tests on banks from around Europe that could be 
positive, but there should be further clarification on regulation. The key risk 
will be that macro sovereign risk continues to drive sentiment and de-rate the 
financial sector. However, we believe that by later this year there will be 
supportive news on implementation of austerity measures; monetary policy will 
remain favourable; and inflation will remain relatively benign therefore leading 
to a late-year rally. 
Emily Adderson 
Portfolio Manager 
15 July 2010 
Income Statement 
for the half-year ended 31 May 2010 
|                |        (Unaudited)          |        (Unaudited)          |          (Audited)          | 
|                |      Half-year ended        |      Half-year ended        |        Year ended 30        | 
|                |        31 May 2010          |        31 May 2009          |        November 2009        | 
|                | Revenue | Capital |   Total | Revenue | Capital |   Total | Revenue | Capital |   Total | 
|                | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | 
| Net investment |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| (losses)/gains |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| (Losses)/gains |       - | (1,132) | (1,132) |       - |   (576) |   (576) |       - |   3,885 |   3,885 | 
| on investments |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| held at fair   |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| value          |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Exchange       |       - |      52 |      52 |       - |     178 |     178 |       - |     (1) |     (1) | 
| gains/(losses) |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| on capital     |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| items          |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
|                |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Income         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Income from    |     631 |       - |     631 |     690 |       - |     690 |   1,266 |       - |   1,266 | 
| investments    |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Other income   |       1 |       - |       1 |       7 |       - |       7 |      17 |       - |      17 | 
|                |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Expenses       |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Investment     |    (30) |    (30) |    (60) |       - |    (47) |    (47) |       - |   (109) |   (109) | 
| management fee |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Administrative |    (36) |    (36) |    (72) |       - |    (88) |    (88) |       - |   (175) |   (175) | 
| expenses       |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Other expenses |    (62) |    (62) |   (124) |       - |    (92) |    (92) |       - |   (192) |   (192) | 
| Net return     |     504 | (1,208) |   (704) |     697 |   (625) |      72 |   1,283 |   3,408 |   4,691 | 
| before finance |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| costs and      |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| taxation       |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
|                |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Finance costs  |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Interest       |    (18) |    (18) |    (36) |       - |    (89) |    (89) |       - |   (141) |   (141) | 
| payable        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Net return     |     486 | (1,226) |   (740) |     697 |   (714) |    (17) |   1,283 |   3,267 |   4,550 | 
| before         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| taxation       |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
|                |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Taxation       |    (58) |       - |    (58) |    (50) |       - |    (50) |    (61) |       - |    (61) | 
| Total return   |     428 | (1,226) |   (798) |     647 |   (714) |    (67) |   1,222 |   3,267 |   4,489 | 
| attributable   |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| to Ordinary    |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Shareholders   |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
|                |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Basic earnings |   1.12p | (3.21)p | (2.09)p |   1.70p | (1.87)p | (0.17)p |   3.20p |   8.57p |  11.77p | 
| per Ordinary   |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Share (see     |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| note 2)        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
|                |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
The total columns of this statement represent the Income Statement of the 
Company. The revenue return and capital return columns are supplementary to this 
and are prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued during the half-year 
ended 31 May 2010. The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than 
those disclosed in the Income Statement and the Reconciliation of Movements in 
Shareholders' Funds. 
                                  -     MORE - 
Statement of Changes in Net Equity 
for the half-year ended 31 May 2010 
|                        |         |                  (Unaudited)                  |         | 
|                        |         |          Half-year ended 31 May 2010          |         | 
|                        |         | Distributable | Distributable |        Non -  |         | 
|                        |   Share |      reserves |      reserves | distributable |         | 
|                        | capital |             - |       - other |      reserves |   Total | 
|                        |         |       revenue |               |               |         | 
|                        | GBP'000 |       GBP'000 |       GBP'000 |       GBP'000 | GBP'000 | 
| At 30 November 2009    |      38 |         2,133 |        20,390 |       (6,279) |  16,282 | 
| Total return           |       - |           428 |             - |       (1,226) |   (798) | 
| attributable to        |         |               |               |               |         | 
| Ordinary Shareholders  |         |               |               |               |         | 
| Dividends paid         |       - |         (572) |             - |             - |   (572) | 
| At 31 May 2010         |      38 |         1,989 |        20,390 |       (7,505) |  14,912 | 
|                        |         |               |               |               |         | 
|                        |         |                  (Unaudited)                  |         | 
|                        |         |          Half-year ended 31 May 2009          |         | 
|                        |         | Distributable | Distributable |        Non -  |         | 
|                        |   Share |      reserves |      reserves | distributable |         | 
|                        | capital |             - |       - other |      reserves |   Total | 
|                        |         |       revenue |               |               |         | 
|                        | GBP'000 |       GBP'000 |       GBP'000 |       GBP'000 | GBP'000 | 
| At 30 November 2008    |      42 |         2,188 |        20,386 |       (9,546) |  13,070 | 
| Total return           |       - |           647 |             - |         (714) |    (67) | 
| attributable to        |         |               |               |               |         | 
| Ordinary Shareholders  |         |               |               |               |         | 
| Cancellation of shares |     (4) |             - |             4 |             - |       - | 
| held in treasury       |         |               |               |               |         | 
| Dividends paid         |       - |         (705) |             - |             - |   (705) | 
| At 31 May 2009         |      38 |         2,130 |        20,390 |      (10,260) |  12,298 | 
|                        |         |               |               |               |         | 
|                        |         |                  (Audited)                    |         | 
|                        |         |          Year ended 30 November 2009          |         | 
|                        |         | Distributable | Distributable |        Non -  |         | 
|                        |   Share |      reserves |      reserves | distributable |         | 
|                        | capital |             - |       - other |      reserves |   Total | 
|                        |         |       revenue |               |               |         | 
|                        | GBP'000 |       GBP'000 |       GBP'000 |       GBP'000 | GBP'000 | 
| At 30 November 2008    |      42 |         2,188 |        20,386 |       (9,546) |  13,070 | 
| Total return           |       - |         1,222 |             - |         3,267 |   4,489 | 
| attributable to        |         |               |               |               |         | 
| Ordinary Shareholders  |         |               |               |               |         | 
| Cancellation of shares |     (4) |             - |             4 |             - |       - | 
| held in treasury       |         |               |               |               |         | 
| Dividends paid         |       - |       (1,277) |             - |             - | (1,277) | 
| At 30 November 2009    |      38 |         2,133 |        20,390 |       (6,279) |  16,282 | 
|                        |         |               |               |               |         | 
                                    - MORE - 
Statement of Net Assets 
at 31 May 2010 
|                            | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) |    (Audited) | 
|                            |      31 May |      31 May |  30 November | 
|                            |        2010 |        2009 |         2009 | 
|                            |     GBP'000 |     GBP'000 |      GBP'000 | 
| Non-current assets         |             |             |              | 
| Investments at fair value  |      20,481 |      20,001 |       26,469 | 
|                            |             |             |              | 
| Current assets             |             |             |              | 
| Amounts due on derivative  |           - |           - |          173 | 
| financial instruments      |             |             |              | 
| Trades and other           |         509 |         721 |          630 | 
| receivables                |             |             |              | 
| Cash and cash equivalents  |         174 |       1,246 |          516 | 
| Total assets               |      21,164 |      21,968 |       27,788 | 
|                            |             |             |              | 
| Current liabilities        |             |             |              | 
| Amounts due on derivative  |           - |         560 |            - | 
| financial instruments      |             |             |              | 
| Trade and other payables   |         244 |         594 |          718 | 
| Prime broker facility      |       6,008 |       8,516 |       10,788 | 
| Total liabilities          |       6,252 |       9,670 |       11,506 | 
|                            |             |             |              | 
| Net assets                 |      14,912 |      12,298 |       16,282 | 
|                            |             |             |              | 
| Capital and reserves       |             |             |              | 
| Called-up share capital    |          38 |          38 |           38 | 
| Distributable reserves -   |       1,989 |       2,130 |        2,133 | 
| revenue                    |             |             |              | 
| Distributable reserves -   |      20,390 |      20,390 |       20,390 | 
| other                      |             |             |              | 
| Non-distributable reserves |     (7,505) |    (10,260) |      (6,279) | 
| Total equity shareholders' |      14,912 |      12,298 |       16,282 | 
| funds                      |             |             |              | 
|                            |             |             |              | 
| Net asset value per        |      39.11p |      32.25p |       42.70p | 
| Ordinary Share (see note   |             |             |              | 
| 3)                         |             |             |              | 
|                            |             |             |              | 
                                    - MORE - 
Statement of Cash Flows 
for the half-year ended 31 May 2010 
|                                  | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) |   (Audited) | 
|                                  |   Half-year |   Half-year |  Year ended | 
|                                  |       ended |       ended |             | 
|                                  |      31 May |      31 May | 30 November | 
|                                  |        2010 |        2009 |        2009 | 
|                                  |     GBP'000 |     GBP'000 |     GBP'000 | 
| Operating activities             |             |             |             | 
| Net return before finance costs  |       (704) |          72 |       4,691 | 
| and tax                          |             |             |             | 
| Adjustments to reconcile net     |             |             |             | 
| return before finance costs and  |             |             |             | 
| tax to net cash                  |             |             |             | 
| flows from operating activities: |             |             |             | 
| Adjustment for losses/(gains) on |       1,132 |         576 |     (3,885) | 
| investments                      |             |             |             | 
| Adjustment for exchange          |        (52) |       (178) |           1 | 
| (gains)/losses                   |             |             |             | 
| Decrease/(increase) in           |          71 |         (5) |         128 | 
| receivables                      |             |             |             | 
| Increase in payables             |          25 |          36 |          25 | 
| Cash generated from operating    |         472 |         501 |         960 | 
| activities                       |             |             |             | 
|                                  |             |             |             | 
| Taxation                         |             |             |             | 
| Tax paid                         |        (58) |        (50) |        (61) | 
|                                  |             |             |             | 
| Investing activities             |             |             |             | 
| Purchases of financial           |    (17,902) |     (9,016) |    (49,599) | 
| investments                      |             |             |             | 
| Sale of investments              |      22,365 |       8,396 |      47,379 | 
| Realised exchange gains on       |          52 |         178 |         (1) | 
| currency                         |             |             |             | 
| Short investments                |           - |       (175) |       (175) | 
| Realised gains on derivative     |         121 |       2,181 |       1,134 | 
| instruments                      |             |             |             | 
| Cash generated from/(used in)    |       4,636 |       1,564 |     (1,262) | 
| investing activities             |             |             |             | 
|                                  |             |             |             | 
| Dividends                        |             |             |             | 
| Equity dividends paid            |       (572) |       (705) |     (1,277) | 
|                                  |             |             |             | 
| Financing Activities             |             |             |             | 
| Interest paid                    |        (40) |       (121) |       (173) | 
|                                  |             |             |             | 
| Increase/(decrease) in cash and  |       4,438 |       1,189 |     (1,813) | 
| cash equivalents                 |             |             |             | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at the |             |             |             | 
| start of the period              |    (10,272) |     (8,459) |     (8,459) | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at the |             |             |             | 
| end of the period                |     (5,834) |     (7,270) |    (10,272) | 
|                                  |             |             |             | 
| Cash and cash equivalents        |             |             |             | 
| comprise:                        |             |             |             | 
| Cash and cash equivalents        |         174 |       1,246 |         516 | 
| Overdraft with prime broker      |     (6,008) |     (8,516) |    (10,788) | 
|                                  |     (5,834) |     (7,270) |    (10,272) | 
                                    - MORE - 
| 1.| Significant accounting policies                               | 
|  |                                                               | 
|  | a) Statement of compliance                                    | 
|  | These condensed unaudited financial statements have been      | 
|  | prepared under the historical cost convention, as modified    | 
|  | for the revaluation of investments, they give a true and fair | 
|  | view, have been prepared in accordance with International     | 
|  | Financial reporting Standards ("IFRS") and are in compliance  | 
|  | with The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008.                      | 
|  |                                                               | 
|  | Where presentational guidance set out in the Statement of     | 
|  | Recommended Practice ("SORP") for investment trusts issued by | 
|  | the Association of Investment Companies ("AIC") in January    | 
|  | 2009 is consistent with the requirements of IFRS, the         | 
|  | Directors have sought to prepare the financial statements on  | 
|  | a basis compliant with the recommendations of the SORP.       | 
|  |                                                               | 
|  | b) Basis of preparation                                       | 
|  | The condensed unaudited financial statements have been        | 
|  | prepared on a fair value for financial assets and liabilities | 
|  | at fair value through profit and loss and derivative          | 
|  | financial instruments.                                        | 
|  |                                                               | 
|  | The condensed unaudited financial statements are presented in | 
|  | Sterling rounded to the nearest thousand. The functional      | 
|  | currency of the Company is Sterling as this is the currency   | 
|  | within the primary economic environment within which the      | 
|  | Company operates.                                             | 
|  |                                                               | 
|  | The accounting policies have been consistently applied by the | 
|  | Company and are consistent with those used in the audited     | 
|  | financial statements for the year ended 30 November 2009.     | 
|  |                                                               | 
|  | These unaudited condensed half-yearly financial statements    | 
|  | should be read in conjunction with the last audited financial | 
|  | statements as at 30 November 2009.                            | 
|  |                                                               | 
|  | c) Taxation                                                   | 
|  | The Company is domiciled in Guernsey and is exempt from       | 
|  | paying tax on income or capital gains tax of that             | 
|  | jurisdiction under the terms of The Income Tax (Exempt        | 
|  | Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinance 1989. The Company is liable to   | 
|  | an exemption fee of GBP600 per annum.                         | 
|  |                                                               | 
|  | The Company currently incurs withholding tax imposed by       | 
|  | certain countries on investment income. This income is        | 
|  | recorded gross of withholding tax in the Income Statement.    | 
|  |                                                               | 
|  | d) Allocation of expenses                                     | 
|  | Prior to 1 December 2009, all expenses were allocated 100% to | 
|  | capital. Expenses are now allocated equally between revenue   | 
|  | and capital.                                                  | 
|  |                        |          |            |              | 
|2.| Earnings per Ordinary      | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) |  (Audited) | 
|  | Share                      |             |             |            | 
|  |                            |   Half-year |   Half-year |       Year | 
|  |                            |       ended |       ended |      ended | 
|  |                            |      31 May |      31 May |         30 | 
|  |                            |        2010 |        2009 |   November | 
|  |                            |             |             |       2009 | 
|  |                            |             |             |            | 
|  | Basic earnings/(loss) per  |     (2.09)p |     (0.17)p |     11.77p | 
|  | Ordinary Share (Total)     |             |             |            | 
|  |                            |             |             |            | 
|  | Weighted average number of |  38,132,932 |  38,132,932 | 38,132,932 | 
|  | ordinary shares in issue   |             |             |            | 
|  | during the period          |             |             |            | 
|  |                            |             |             |            | 
Notes continued: 
| 3.          | Net asset value per ordinary share           |        |        |               |          | 
|             |                                              |     31 |     31 |   30 November |          | 
|             |                                              |    May |    May |          2009 |          | 
|             |                                              |   2010 |   2009 |               |          | 
|             |                                              |        |        |               |          | 
| Net asset value per Ordinary Share                         | 39.11p | 32.25p |        42.70p |          | 
|             |                                              |        |        |               |          | 
| The net asset value per Ordinary Share is calculated on the basis of shareholders' funds of  |          | 
| GBP14,912,000 (31 May 2009: GBP12,298,000; 30 November 2009: GBP16,282,000) attributable to  |          | 
| Ordinary Shareholders divided by the number of Ordinary Shares in issue (excluding own       |          | 
| shares held in treasury) at 31 May 2010, being 38,132,932 (31 May 2009: 38,132,932; 30       |          | 
| November 2009: 38,132,932).                                                                  |          | 
|                                                                                              |          | 
|          | 4.          | Interim dividends                                                              | 
|          | On 23 June 2010 the Company declared a second interim dividend of 0.75p (2009: 0.75p) per    | 
|          | Ordinary share for the year ending 30 November 2010. This dividend, which is payable on 23   | 
|          | July 2010, has not been shown in the Statement of Changes in Net Equity on Page 8. Dividends | 
|          | are recognised in the Statement of Changes in Net Equity in the period in which they are     | 
|          | paid.                                                                                        | 
|          |                                                                                              | 
|          | 5.          | Going concern                                                                  | 
|          | The directors believe that it is appropriate to adopt the going concern basis in preparing   | 
|          | the financial statements. Having made enquiries and bearing in mind the nature of the        | 
|          | Company's business, the directors consider that the Company has adequate financial resources | 
|          | to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future.                             | 
|          |  |          |                                   |        |        |               |          | 
Investment Portfolio 
The 40 largest investments by value at 31 May 2010 were: 
| Company          |    Security | Holding |       Sector |     Country |                  Fair |         % | 
|                  |        Type |    Size |              |         (of |                 Value |        of | 
|                  |             |         |              |    listing) |               GBP'000 | Portfolio | 
| Banque           |    Ordinary |   3,477 |        Banks | Switzerland |                   927 |      4.53 | 
| Cantonale        |             |         |              |             |                       |           | 
| Vaudoise         |             |         |              |             |                       |           | 
| Personal Group   |    Ordinary | 286,557 |     Non-Life |      United |                  759  |      3.71 | 
| Holdings Plc     |             |         |    Insurance |     Kingdom |                       |           | 
| Toronto-Dominion |    Ordinary |  11,543 |      General |     Canada  |                  540  |      2.63 | 
|                  |             |         |    Financial |             |                       |           | 
| Industrial &     |    Ordinary | 310,000 |        Banks |        Hong |                  518  |      2.53 | 
| Commercial Bank  |             |         |              |        Kong |                       |           | 
| of China         |             |         |              |             |                       |           | 
| SVG Capital      | Convertible | 550,000 | Fixed-Income |      United |                  486  |      2.37 | 
|                  |        Bond |         |              |     Kingdom |                       |           | 
| New York         |    Ordinary |  39,201 |      General |         USA |                  433  |      2.11 | 
| Community        |             |         |    Financial |             |                       |           | 
| Bancorp          |             |         |              |             |                       |           | 
| Wells Fargo &    |    Ordinary |  21,696 |      General |         USA |                  428  |      2.09 | 
| Co               |             |         |    Financial |             |                       |           | 
| Comerica         |    Ordinary |  16,226 |      General |         USA |                  425  |      2.07 | 
|                  |             |         |    Financial |             |                       |           | 
| Kensington       |        Bond | 500,000 | Fixed-Income |      United |                  410  |      2.00 | 
| Group 9%         |             |         |              |     Kingdom |                       |           | 
| Zurich           |    Ordinary |   2,826 |      General | Switzerland |                  399  |      1.95 | 
| Financial        |             |         |    Financial |             |                       |           | 
| Services         |             |         |              |             |                       |           | 
| Sberbank of      |    Ordinary |   2,401 |        Banks |     Germany |                  394  |      1.93 | 
| Russia           |             |         |              |             |                       |           | 
| Lloyds Banking   |    Ordinary | 687,522 |        Banks |      United |                  389  |      1.90 | 
| Group            |             |         |              |     Kingdom |                       |           | 
| Investec         |        Bond | 406,000 | Fixed-Income |      United |                  389  |      1.90 | 
| Finance 7.75%    |             |         |              |     Kingdom |                       |           | 
| F&C Finance 9%   |        Bond | 380,000 | Fixed-Income |      United |                  386  |      1.88 | 
|                  |             |         |              |     Kingdom |                       |           | 
| Lazard           |    Ordinary |  17,700 |      General |         USA |                  384  |      1.88 | 
|                  |             |         |    Financial |             |                       |           | 
| Barclays         |    Ordinary | 116,741 |        Banks |      United |                  356  |      1.74 | 
|                  |             |         |              |     Kingdom |                       |           | 
| AXA 6.772%       |        Bond | 415,000 | Fixed-Income |      United |                  345  |      1.69 | 
|                  |             |         |              |     Kingdom |                       |           | 
| Nordea Bank      |        Bond | 350,000 | Fixed-Income |      United |                  342  |      1.67 | 
| Finland 6.25%    |             |         |              |     Kingdom |                       |           | 
| HSBC Holdings    |    Ordinary |  54,272 |        Banks |      United |                  341  |      1.66 | 
|                  |             |         |              |     Kingdom |                       |           | 
| City of London   |    Ordinary | 116,356 |      General |      United |                  324  |      1.58 | 
| Investment       |             |         |    Financial |     Kingdom |                       |           | 
| Group            |             |         |              |             |                       |           | 
| Ageas            |    Ordinary | 182,708 |      General |     Belgium |                  320  |      1.56 | 
|                  |             |         |    Financial |             |                       |           | 
| JP Morgan Chase  |    Ordinary |  11,415 |        Banks |         USA |                  311  |      1.52 | 
| & Co             |             |         |              |             |                       |           | 
| DnB NOR          |    Ordinary |  45,098 |        Banks |      Norway |                  309  |      1.51 | 
| HISCOX           |    Ordinary |  90,914 |     Non-Life |      United |                  307  |      1.50 | 
|                  |             |         |    Insurance |     Kingdom |                       |           | 
| Marsh &          |    Ordinary |  19,835 |      General |         USA |                  298  |      1.45 | 
| McLennan         |             |         |    Financial |             |                       |           | 
| RSA Insurance    |  Preference | 300,000 | Fixed-Income |      United |                  291  |      1.42 | 
| Group 7.375%     |             |         |              |     Kingdom |                       |           | 
| GAM Holding      |    Ordinary |  37,737 |      General | Switzerland |                  275  |      1.34 | 
|                  |             |         |    Financial |             |                       |           | 
| Ameritrade       |    Ordinary |  22,444 |      General |         USA |                  274  |      1.34 | 
| Holding          |             |         |    Financial |             |                       |           | 
| Evercore         |    Ordinary |  11,799 |      General |         USA |                  264  |      1.29 | 
| Partners Inc     |             |         |    Financial |             |                       |           | 
| VZ Holdings      |    Ordinary |   4,842 |      General | Switzerland |                  239  |      1.17 | 
|                  |             |         |    Financial |             |                       |           | 
| Man Group        |    Ordinary | 102,767 |      General |      United |                  239  |      1.17 | 
|                  |             |         |    Financial |     Kingdom |                       |           | 
| Sparebank 1 SMN  |    Ordinary |  50,374 |        Banks |      Norway |                  238  |      1.16 | 
| Protector        |    Ordinary | 235,602 |     Non-Life |      Norway |                  225  |      1.10 | 
| Forsikring       |             |         |    Insurance |             |                       |           | 
| Psource          |    Ordinary | 440,000 |      General |      United |                  224  |      1.10 | 
| Structured Debt  |             |         |    Financial |     Kingdom |                       |           | 
| Standard Life    |        Bond | 330,000 | Fixed-Income |      United |                  222  |      1.08 | 
| 5.314%           |             |         |              |     Kingdom |                       |           | 
| Hartford         |    Ordinary |  12,161 |      General |         USA |                  210  |      1.02 | 
| Financial        |             |         |    Financial |             |                       |           | 
| Services         |             |         |              |             |                       |           | 
| Witan            |  Preference | 399,000 | Fixed-Income |      United |                  209  |      1.02 | 
| Investment       |             |         |              |     Kingdom |                       |           | 
| Trust 3.4%       |             |         |              |             |                       |           | 
| Manulife         |    Ordinary |  16,937 |      General |     Canada  |                  197  |      0.96 | 
| Financial Corp   |             |         |    Financial |             |                       |           | 
| Credit Agricole  |        Bond | 250,000 | Fixed-Income |      United |                  195  |      0.95 | 
| 5.136%           |             |         |              |     Kingdom |                       |           | 
| Helvetia         |    Ordinary |   1,033 |      General | Switzerland |                  190  |      0.93 | 
| Holding          |             |         |    Financial |             |                       |           | 
| Total (40)       |             |         |              |             |                14,012 |     68.41 | 
| Other holdings   |             |         |              |             |                 6,469 |     31.59 | 
| (62)             |             |         |              |             |                       |           | 
|                  |             |         |              |             |                20,481 |    100.00 | 
For further information please contact: 
Emily Adderson, Henderson Global Investors Limited 
Telephone: 020 7818 6005 
James de Sausmarez 
Head of Investment Trusts, Henderson Global Investors 
Telephone: 020 7818 3349 
Sarah Gibbons-Cook 
Investor Relations and PR Manager, Henderson Global Investors 
Telephone: 020 7818 3198 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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