RNS Number : 3138J

Hyder Consulting PLC

11 June 2014

Hyder Consulting PLC

11 June 2014

Hyder Consulting PLC (HYC.L)

Final Results Announcement

Annual results for the year ended 31 March 2014

Hyder Consulting, the multinational design and engineering consultancy, today announces its results.

Business highlights

   --     Order book up 7% to GBP440m 
   --     Revenues of GBP296.8m (2013: GBP298.1m) 
   --     Adjusted operating profit* of GBP19.0m (2013: GBP23.6m) 
   --     Adjusted pre-tax profit* of GBP17.0m (2013: GBP21.6m) 
   --     Net operating margins of 7.4% (2013: 9.1%) 
   --     Adjusted diluted earnings per share* of 35.25p (2013: 42.27p) 
   --     Full year dividend up 8% to 13.0p per share (2013: 12.0p) 

Statutory reporting

   --     Operating profit of GBP7.4m (2013: GBP18.6m) 
   --     Pre-tax profit of GBP5.4m (2013: GBP16.6m) 
   --     Diluted earnings per share of 8.39p (2013: 30.72p) 

*Adjusted numbers exclude amortisation of acquired intangibles, acquisition costs, contingent consideration adjustments and exceptional items

Commenting on the results Sir Alan Thomas, Chairman, said:

"Although group results for the year are below our original expectations, trading in the UK and the Middle East continues to be strong. This highlights the value of our technical skill base and a regionally balanced business.

The flexibility enabled by our design excellence centres allows us to concentrate resources on growing markets. We have a solid pipeline, record order book and are confident we will continue to capture a sizeable share of our target markets."


 Hyder Consulting PLC 
 Ivor Catto, Chief Executive            Tel: +44 (0)20 3014 
 Russell Down, Group Finance Director   Tel: +44 (0)20 3014 
 Citigate Dewe Rogerson 
 Ginny Pulbrook                         Tel: +44 (0)20 7282 

There will be a results presentation for stockbroking analysts today at 9.00am, to be held at Numis Securities, London Stock Exchange, Paternoster Square, London, EC4M 7LT.

Chairman's Statement

Our results for the year were affected by delays in new contract awards in Australia due to the election and the poor year in Germany. As a result, it is the first time since 2005 that the company has not increased its adjusted operating profit. However, results for the year are in line with our revised expectations. We have good bidding opportunities in Australia, and have restructured our business in Germany, closing three offices. Our businesses in the Middle East and the UK performed well, and ahead of the previous year. Our order book is GBP440m, our highest to date, and there is a broadly spread pipeline of opportunities across the group.


Reported revenues were GBP296.8m (2013: GBP298.1m); in constant currency revenues increased by 2.7%. Net revenue, after deduction of sub-consultant costs, was GBP255.9m (2013: GBP260.4m).

Adjusted operating profit was GBP19.0m (2013: GBP23.6m); the adjusted net operating profit margin was 7.4% (2013: 9.1%). The results were affected by delayed contract awards in Australia due to the general election, and losses in Germany. The results were also affected by GBP1.2m of adverse foreign exchange movements compared to those on a constant currency basis. These effects were partially offset by a strong performance from our UK business where profits doubled this year, and increasing profits in the Middle East.

Adjusted profit before tax was GBP17.0m (2013: GBP21.6m). Exceptional items relating to impairment of goodwill and restructuring in Germany were GBP6.8m. Profit before tax was GBP5.4m (2013: GBP16.6m).

Adjusted diluted earnings per share were 35.25p (2013: 42.27p). Diluted earnings per share after amortisation, acquisition costs, contingent consideration adjustments and exceptional items were 8.39p (2013: 30.72p).

The order book increased by 7% to GBP440.3m (2013: GBP413.2m) with particularly strong growth in the Middle East and the UK. Over 60% of the current year's forecast revenue is already secured.


At 31 March 2014 the group had net cash of GBP13.2m (2013: GBP24.3m), reflective of financing growth in the Middle East, and after net acquisition payments of GBP4.4m. Cash balances at the year end were GBP19.3m (2013: GBP32.0m) with unutilised facilities of GBP49.2m (2013: GBP48.6m).

The net deficit in our UK pension scheme at 31 March 2014 increased to GBP21.8m (2013: GBP19.1m) as a result of actuarial losses. The scheme has been closed to future benefit accrual since 30 April 2011. Overseas and other pension liabilities fell to GBP9.4m (2013: GBP10.3m) as a result of foreign exchange movements.

We completed two acquisitions in Australia during the year at a net cost of GBP3.7m; PLD, a specialist energy consultant, and Flinders Group, an environmental consultancy. These businesses are in sectors where we are building our market position and which will enable us to participate at an earlier stage of the project life cycle. They are integrating well and performing in line with plan. Deferred and contingent consideration of GBP0.7m was paid in relation to the previous acquisition of BCH. Effective 1 June we acquired nuclear safety specialist SR(3) C in the UK, for initial consideration of GBP3.5m in cash. We are exploring further opportunities to enhance our market positions in core geographies and sectors.


The board is recommending a final dividend of 8.5p per share (2013: 8.0p); the full year dividend will therefore be 13.0p per share (2013: 12.0p), an increase of 8%.

Operating highlights


Regional revenues were GBP99.6m (2013: GBP123.4m); adjusted operating profits were GBP9.0m (2013: GBP14.9m).

In Australia, results were affected by delays in contract awards due to the general election in September, and the weakening of the Australian Dollar. There are some large opportunities in the transport sector, although the increased bid activity affected utilisation rates in the second half. PLD has integrated well into the group and performed in line with plan. The acquisition of environmental planning consultancy, Flinders Group, provides us with specialist energy related environmental planning and project management skills so as to capture opportunities at an earlier stage of their conception.

In Asia thebusiness has developed relationships with a number of key accounts and has grown revenues and order book as a result. Following the restructuring undertaken last financial year the business has returned to profitability.

Middle East

Revenue was GBP88.3m (2013: GBP75.2m); adjusted operating profits increased to GBP7.7m (2013: GBP7.1m).

In the Middle East revenue has grown by 17%, and profitability has improved as we mobilised on contracts for Ashghal in Qatar including Doha Expressway and the North Orbital Truck Road. In Saudi Arabia revenue has increased as we have developed our property and utilities businesses there. More recently we have seen signs of increased activity in the UAE property sector, and particularly in Dubai following the award of Expo 2020.

Regional working capital has increased as a result of higher revenues, and a greater proportion of public sector infrastructure contracts. The management of working capital in the region remains a priority for us as the scale of opportunities grows.


Revenue was GBP108.9m (2013: GBP99.5m); adjusted operating profits were GBP5.1m (2013: GBP4.8m).

In the UK revenues grew by 17% and profits doubled to GBP6.8m, with the transport business performing particularly well. Our rail business is working on London Bridge, Manchester Victoria and Bank stations, as well as capacity enhancement works, electrification and signalling projects for Network Rail and Transport for London. In the highways sector workload has increased with the Highways Agency under our framework agreements, and specialist staff are also supporting major projects in the Middle East. In the utilities sector we are assisting a number of UK water companies with their AMP programmes, and there are additional opportunities for us here. PCS, the energy consultancy acquired last year, has integrated well into the group and performed in line with plan.

In Germany the business has been restructured and we anticipate a return to profitability during the current financial year. Following a review of the carrying value of goodwill on acquisitions, GBP6.1m has been written off as a non cash exceptional item. Restructuring costs of GBP0.7m have also been treated as exceptional.


Elisabeth Astall joined as a non-executive director on 1 December 2013. She has substantial executive and board-level experience in international consulting and I am delighted to welcome her to the board.

Having been chairman since leading Hyder's listing in 2002, I announced last year that it would be the last AGM at which I would stand for re-election. I am very pleased that Jeffrey Hume, our Senior Independent Director, has been appointed as my successor and will be taking over as chairman after the AGM on 1 August 2014.


We now employ approximately 4,500 people, an increase of 12% over last year. As planned, a greater proportion of staff is now employed in our design excellence centres in India and the Philippines, giving us greater capacity and flexibility in addressing competitive opportunities.


The outlook for the group's current financial year remains unchanged. We expect another good year in the Middle East and in the UK. We have a good pipeline of bidding opportunities in Australia, and expect further progress in Asia. We believe that the restructuring and management changes we have made in Germany will restore the region to profitability. Our order book is at a record level, and this gives us confidence in our longer term prospects.

In my twelve years as Chairman I have been very happy to see the progress that Hyder has made and I should like to thank most warmly every member of our staff. They have done a wonderful job in developing the company into a leading international consultancy. I wish each and every one of them continued success and offer them my personal thanks. It has been a privilege working with Hyder.

Sir Alan Thomas


11 June 2014

Operational review

Hyder is a leading multinational design and engineering consultancy with a heritage that spans over two centuries.

Whilst our headquarters are in London, our business is managed through three primary regions: Asia-Pacific (Australia and Asia), Middle East (UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman), and Europe (UK and Germany).


Regional revenues were GBP99.6m (2013: 123.4m); adjusted operating profits were GBP9.0m (2013: GBP14.9m).

                                 2014                        2013 
                      -------------------------  --------------------------- 
                       Australia   Asia   Total   Australia     Asia   Total 
 Revenue (GBPm)             77.3   22.3    99.6       102.6     20.8   123.4 
 Adjusted operating 
  profit (GBPm)              8.6    0.4     9.0        16.1    (1.2)    14.9 
 Margin                    11.1%   1.8%    9.0%       15.7%   (5.8%)   12.1% 
 Order book (GBPm)          40.7   44.8    85.5        45.6     43.9    89.5 
 People                      841    375   1,216         709      441   1,150 


In Australia results have been affected by delays in the award of new contracts due to the general election, the weakening Australian dollar and performance bonuses recognised in the prior year. We have continued to work on both Alliance and Independent Verifier projects, as well as in more traditional design and construct roles with key contractor clients. Post the general election the policy of the new government to give priority to transport infrastructure projects has led to a good pipeline of opportunities and a significant increase in bidding activity. The scale and volume of projects has however led to funding uncertainties and consequently workload is now expected to increase later this financial year. In order to plan for the opportunities ahead, we have grown headcount in our design excellence centre in Manila, lowering our cost base and giving us flexibility to mobilise quickly.

In the property sector the market is improving and our order book has increased. We are working on 400 George Street, the A-grade commercial and retail complex, and the Willowdale Residential Development with approximately 3,000 homes across a 350-hectare site in Sydney.

We made two acquisitions during the year, predominantly in the energy sector, for a net maximum potential consideration of GBP5.3m. In September 2013 we acquired Queensland based PLD Consulting, a specialist in the design of high voltage overhead and underground transmission and distribution lines. In March 2014 we acquired Flinders Group, environmental planning consultants operating from Queensland mainly in the energy sector. Both acquisitions are in growing market sectors, and allow us to participate earlier in the project life cycle; they have integrated well and are performing in line with plan.


Revenues have grown in Asia, and following restructuring in the prior year the business has returned to profitability. The performance of the transport business has improved as we have built and developed relationships with major contractors, and also undertaken work in support of other regions in the group. Projects undertaken in the year have included providing support to contractors on tenders for major infrastructure opportunities including the Liantang Border Crossing, Shatin Central Link, Hong Kong Airport Boundary Crossing Facility and the Central Wanchai Bypass.

In our ACLA business we have enhanced our urban planning and facade engineering teams, and grown the order book. We have increased our share of the five star hotel market, with approximately 25 live projects across all the major luxury brands, and have also won a number of high profile, city centre mixed use projects. We are particularly pleased to have secured the award for the West Kowloon Cultural District, as engineering consultant and landscape architect.

Major projects

   --      Qube Port Logistics, Australia 
   --      UIan West Engineering, Australia 
   --      Wulkuraka Rolling Stock Depot, Australia 
   --      Westfield Warringah Mall, Australia 
   --      Residential Development at Fanling North, Hong Kong 
   --      Urumqi Rail line study, China 
   --      Poly Zhanjiang Origin Plaza, China 

Middle East

Regional revenues increased 17% to GBP88.3m (2013: GBP75.2m); adjusted operating profits were up 8% to GBP7.7m (2013: GBP7.1m) as we have mobilised on new infrastructure projects. The order book has grown by 20% to GBP227.9m (2013: GBP189.6m) giving us good visibility of revenues into the future.

                         2014          2013 
                       ------  ------------ 
 Revenue (GBPm)          88.3          75.2 
 Adjusted operating 
  profit (GBPm)           7.7           7.1 
 Margin                  8.7%          9.4% 
 Order book 
  (GBPm)                227.9         189.6 
 People                 1,523         1,237 

In our transport business we have grown both revenues and profits over the year. In Qatar we are now working on two packages for the Doha Expressway programme, General Engineering Contract 2 for infrastructure and drainage works north of Doha, and the North Orbital Truck Road. Elsewhere our business in Saudi Arabia has grown with work for the Jeddah Municipality and the National Water Company.

Our property business has a strong reputation across the region having completed projects including the world's tallest building, Burj Khalifa, and the Emirates Towers. In the UAE the market continues to show signs of recovery on the back of renewed confidence and the recent award of the Expo 2020 to Dubai. We have secured new hospitality and leisure projects including the W Hotel, and Bright Star Hotel which are now in the construction phase. In Saudi Arabia, our business is developing with good prospects in the healthcare, medical, and industrial property sectors.

As expected, working capital requirements have increased as revenues have grown, and the balance of workload has shifted to public sector infrastructure projects. The increase in working capital has primarily been due to higher work in progress balances as billing milestones have not yet been reached on new contracts. We strive to minimise working capital balances through securing good payment terms and collections, utilising our long term client relationships in the region.

Major projects

   --      Johnson Controls Industrial Plant, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 
   --      Mediclinic, Dubai, UAE 
   --      Mall of Emirates Extension, Dubai, UAE 
   --      Sharjah Community Malls, Sharjah, UAE 
   --      Hamad Medical Corporation Hospital, Qatar 
   --      Public Realm Design for Lusail City, Qatar 


Regional revenues increased 9% to GBP108.9m (2013: GBP99.5m); adjusted operating profits were GBP5.1m (2013: GBP4.8m).

                                2014                      2013 
                      ------------------------  ------------------------ 
                          UK   Germany   Total      UK   Germany   Total 
 Revenue (GBPm)         88.1      20.8   108.9    75.5      24.0    99.5 
 Adjusted operating 
  profit (GBPm)          6.8     (1.7)     5.1     3.4       1.4     4.8 
 Margin                 7.7%    (8.2%)    4.7%    4.5%      5.8%    4.8% 
 Order book (GBPm)     105.3      21.6   126.9   110.3      23.8   134.1 
 People                1,352       374   1,726   1,203       407   1,610 


In the UK, our results are ahead of plan and the previous year. Despite the tough market conditions in the construction industry, the government has broadly maintained investment in transport infrastructure, with rail taking a growing share of the available funds.

Our rail business has performed well, and we have seen an increase in commitment to infrastructure with major enhancement and upgrade schemes at various stations. In addition, new major projects and programmes were identified to enhance the capacity of existing lines through major electrification, re-signalling and platform extension schemes. Our electrification team has also secured three major commissions including NEP Valley Lines Electrification and two packages on the Southern E&P Framework.

In our highways business we have seen an increasing spend this year, particularly with the Highways Agency under our framework contracts. We have recently been awarded the client agent commission for M4 Corridor around Newport and are continuing work on a number of other contracts including Manchester Smart Motorway and M4 J3-12 Improvements.

The conditions within the utilities sector and the regulated water market in particular, have been competitive. Procurement for AMP6 is underway with projects tending to be maintenance-based solutions of smaller capital value than the larger capital market AMP5 projects.

Our newly integrated energy and environment sector is experiencing good conditions in all of our markets. The Environment team remain very active in land development projects, where we continue to work with some of the largest ongoing schemes in the UK. We have experienced growth in all of these areas this year, most notably with the successful integration of the PCS acquisition.


In Germany the business incurred losses during the year as a result of the challenging market conditions and contract variations. In the second half year we closed a number of offices, including our design centre in Bulgaria, and reduced staff numbers; we anticipate a return to profitability during the current financial year. Following a review of the carrying value of goodwill on acquisitions, an amount of GBP6.1m has been written off as a non cash exceptional item. Restructuring costs relating to office closures and redundancies of GBP0.7m have also been treated as exceptional.

The public sector transport market has been subdued, although we are working on a number of transport projects across the country including highway projects with key client Deges. We have developed our existing relationships with key European industrial companies such as Siemens, Alstom, and BASF, and have secured industrial property work with BMW for construction management of a new production facility. Our operations have also provided valuable support to the Middle East region in winning and executing projects for Hochtief in Qatar, and Siemens in Saudi Arabia.

Major projects

   --      London Bridge Station, UK 
   --      Crossrail Surface Western Stations, UK 
   --      NEP Valley Lines Electrification, UK 
   --      CP5 Southern Rail frameworks, UK 
   --      Magnox Land Quality framework, UK 
   --      BASF TDI Europe project, Germany 
   --      Telekom Broadband extension, Germany 

Financial review

The group's results for the year were below our original expectations, principally as a result of lower workload in Australia due to the general election, and the effect of foreign exchange due to the weakening Australian dollar. In the prior year the results benefited from Australian performance bonuses. Our Asian business returned to profitability following the restructuring last financial year. In the Middle East results improved as revenues grew following new projects mobilising in Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The UK performed very well during the year with increased revenues, and improving margins as workload, and consequently utilisation rates, increased. In Germany market conditions have been challenging; revenues have fallen, and we incurred losses for the year.

Revenue and profit

Revenue for the year amounted to GBP296.8m (2013: GBP298.1m). Net revenue, after deduction of sub-consultant costs, amounted to GBP255.9m (2013: GBP260.4m). On a constant currency basis revenue and net revenue increased by 2.7% and 1.3% respectively. The underlying increase in revenue is primarily attributable to the effect of acquisitions.

In presenting the group's adjusted profit below, amortisation of acquired intangible assets, acquisition costs, contingent consideration adjustments and exceptional items have been excluded as the directors believe that this assists with understanding the underlying performance of the group:

                                                        2014      2013     Change 
                                                     GBP'000   GBP'000 
                                                    --------  --------  --------- 
 Operating profit                                      7,432    18,563    (60.0%) 
 Add back : 
 Amortisation on acquired intangibles, 
  acquisition costs, and contingent consideration 
  adjustments                                          4,755       631     653.6% 
 Exceptional items                                     6,771     4,365      55.1% 
                                                    --------  --------  --------- 
 Adjusted operating profit                            18,958    23,559    (19.5%) 
 Net finance costs                                     (728)     (624)      16.7% 
 Net pension interest cost                           (1,271)   (1,322)     (3.9%) 
                                                    --------  --------  --------- 
 Adjusted profit before taxation                      16,959    21,613    (21.5%) 
                                                    ========  ========  ========= 

Adjusted operating profit amounted to GBP19.0m (2013: GBP23.6m). The adjusted operating margin on net revenue fell to 7.4% (2013: 9.1%) reflective of market conditions in Australia and Germany.

Redundancy costs of GBP1.6m (2013: GBP1.6m) have been absorbed within adjusted operating profit following actions to more closely align our resource levels with the mix of projected workload. The redundancy costs were primarily incurred in Australia (GBP1.0m) as a result of lower workload. The results were affected by GBP1.2m of adverse foreign exchange movements compared to those on a constant currency basis, largely due to the weakening Australian dollar.

Net finance costs increased slightly from GBP1.9m to GBP2.0m, as a result of the higher costs of the new revolving credit facilities.

Adjusted profit before taxation amounted to GBP17.0m (2013: GBP21.6m).

Exceptional items

In Germany the business was loss making in the year and consequently has been restructured; three offices have been closed, along with the design centre in Bulgaria, and a number of staffing changes made in senior positions. As a result an impairment charge of GBP6.1m has been recognised against acquired goodwill. We have also incurred GBP0.7m of reorganisation costs comprising redundancy costs and the office closure costs.

Net exceptional items therefore amounted to GBP6.8m in the current year.

Exceptional items in the prior year of GBP4.3m related to the Asia business for goodwill impairment (GBP3.0m) and reorganisation costs (GBP1.3m).


The tax charge for the year was GBP2.0m (2013: GBP4.8m), equating to a tax rate of 37.6% (2013: 28.7%). The tax rate has increased due to the effect of exceptional items which are largely not deductible for tax purposes.

The tax rate on adjusted profit before tax was 18.5% (2013: 24.3%). The rate has reduced due to the mix of the group's profits, and in particular the lower profits earned in Australia where profits are taxed at 30.0%.

Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share amounted to 8.44p (2013: 31.17p); diluted earnings per share was 8.39p (2013: 30.72p). The weighted average number of ordinary shares during the year was 38.6m (2013: 38.4m), reflecting the shares issued to satisfy options exercised during the year. After adjusting for the amortisation of acquired intangibles, acquisition costs, contingent consideration adjustments and exceptional items, adjusted diluted earnings per share amounted to 35.25p (2013: 42.27p).


The board is recommending an 8% increase in the full year dividend to 13.0p (2013: 12.0p). A final dividend of 8.5p per share (2013: 8.0p) is proposed for the year to 31 March 2014 which, if approved by the shareholders, will be paid on Friday 8 August 2014 to shareholders on the register at Friday 11 July 2014. The full year dividend is covered 2.7 times by adjusted fully diluted earnings per share (2013: 3.5 times).


In the year the group made two acquisitions in Australia for cash consideration of GBP3.9m; PLD, a specialist, independent high-voltage simulation, analysis and electrical design business (GBP1.5m); and Flinders Group, a Queensland based environmental planning consultancy, with expertise in the energy sector (GBP2.4m). Cash balances of GBP0.2m were acquired with these businesses. The fair value of further contingent consideration payable in relation to these acquisitions is GBP1.6m, dependent on future business performance. Contingent and deferred consideration of GBP0.7m was paid during the year in respect of acquisitions made in prior years.

We are actively exploring further acquisition opportunities in order to enhance our financial return and improve our market positioning.

The charge for amortisation of acquired intangibles increased to GBP3.4m (2013: GBP2.2m), reflecting acquisitions during the year as well as the full year effect of the BCH and PCS intangible assets acquired in the prior year. In the year, GBP0.5m (2013: GBP0.3m) of fees were incurred in relation to acquisitions.

Goodwill on acquired businesses is carried forward at cost, and reviewed annually for impairment. The goodwill held against the German business of GBP6.1m was written off during the year; no other impairments were made following the annual review. Details of the assumptions used in the calculations are shown in note 10 to the Annual Report and Accounts.

Contingent consideration adjustments totalling GBP0.9m have been charged to the income statement as a result of the improved performance of GWE and BCH during the year against their earn out targets. In the prior year a credit to the income statement of GBP1.9m reflected a reduction in contingent consideration expected to be payable for GWE. This amount has been reclassified as a contingent consideration adjustment rather than an exceptional item.

Capital structure

During the year the company issued 139,750 (2013: 135,984) 10p ordinary shares in relation to exercised share options. As at 31 March 2014 there were 38,910,264 (2013: 38,770,514) fully paid 10p ordinary shares in issue.

At 31 March 2014 shareholders' equity amounted to GBP79.0m (2013: GBP95.8m); the decline primarily reflecting foreign exchange movements, actuarial losses and dividends paid during the year.

Shareholder return

At 31 March 2014 the net asset value per share was 204p (2013: 248p). The closing share price on 31 March 2014 was 425p per share (2013: 483p); market capitalisation was GBP165.4m (2013: GBP187.1m).


At the year end the group had net cash balances of GBP13.2m (2013: GBP24.3m). Cash balances increased to GBP19.3m (2013: GBP32.0m) and total borrowings, including overseas overdrafts, were GBP6.1m (2013: GBP7.7m) providing substantial headroom against available facilities.

The group's principal committed banking facilities totalling GBP50.6m are with HSBC and Barclays in the UK. The group has two four year revolving credit facilities of GBP22.5m expiring in December 2015 and February 2017 respectively, and other long term facilities of GBP5.6m. In addition the group has access to a number of overseas and on demand facilities totalling GBP4.6m. Total facilities amount to GBP55.2m, all of which are unsecured.

Under the terms of its principal banking facilities the group is required to operate within certain financial covenants. In line with market practice these are related to net debt, EBITDA and interest cover. The group had significant headroom within all of these covenants throughout the year.

The net finance costs of the group, before pension finance costs, increased to GBP0.7m (2013: GBP0.6m) reflecting the increased costs of the new revolving credit facilities. Pension finance costs amounted to GBP1.3m (2013: GBP1.3m).

Cash flow

Net cash amounted to GBP13.2m at 31 March 2014 (2013: GBP24.3m); the movement is shown below:

                                                  2014            2013 
                                                  GBPm            GBPm 
                                       -------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Net cash 1 April                                 24.3            15.6 
 EBITDA                                   23.6            27.9 
 Working capital movements              (10.1)             1.6 
 Other movements                         (0.5)           (0.7) 
                                       -------          ------ 
 Cash from operations before pension 
  deficit contributions                   13.0            28.8 
 Pension deficit contributions           (2.3)           (0.9) 
                                       -------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Cash from operations                             10.7            27.9 
 Interest                                        (0.6)           (0.8) 
 Tax                                             (3.5)           (4.2) 
 Acquisitions                                    (4.4)           (5.2) 
 Capital expenditure (net)                       (5.2)           (6.2) 
 Dividend                                        (4.8)           (4.2) 
 FX/Other                                        (3.3)             1.4 
                                                ------          ------ 
 Net cash 31 March                                13.2            24.3 
                                                ======          ====== 

Cash generated from operations before pension deficit contributions of GBP2.3m (2013: GBP0.9m) was GBP13.0m (2013: GBP28.8m). The proportion of EBITDA converted into operating cash flow in the year was 55% (2013: 103%).

The working capital outflow amounted to GBP10.1m during the year (2013: GBP1.6m inflow) principally due to increased revenues and a greater proportion of work with public sector clients in the Middle East, where working capital requirements are higher.

Net capital expenditure reduced to GBP5.2m (2013: GBP6.2m) as a result of office fit out costs incurred in the prior year. Capital expenditure exceeded depreciation and software amortisation costs of GBP4.6m (2013: GBP4.4m) due to the expansion in staff numbers during the year and the consequent hardware and software requirements.

Tax payments in the year, mainly in Australia, amounted to GBP3.5m (2013: GBP4.2m).

Cash consideration paid for acquisitions was GBP3.9m (2013: GBP5.4m) with cash balances acquired of GBP0.2m (2013: GBP0.5m). Contingent consideration paid during the year amounted to GBP0.7m (2013: GBP0.3m).

Post-employment benefits

The group operates both defined benefit and defined contribution schemes as detailed in note 27 to the Annual Report and Accounts.

The principal defined benefit scheme is the AGPS, for which the sponsoring employer is Hyder Consulting (UK) Limited. There are no group guarantees in place in relation to the AGPS and the scheme was closed to future accrual on 30 April 2011.

The gross deficit in the scheme at 31 March 2014 increased to GBP21.8m (2013: GBP19.1m); the deficit net of deferred tax increased to GBP17.4m (2013: GBP14.7m). The increase in the deficit reflects actuarial losses due to asset returns. The scheme's triennial valuation to 1 April 2014 is in progress. Fixed annual contributions for the current year will amount to GBP1.6m plus scheme expenses; increasing by RPI plus 1% thereafter. Contingent contributions may become payable annually up to a cap of GBP0.7m, dependent on the cash performance of the UK business.

The main assumptions in valuing the deficit are disclosed in note 27. The sensitivities of the AGPS scheme liabilities to changes in these assumptions are shown below:

 Assumption          Change in assumption   Indicative effect on scheme 
------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------------- 
                     Increase / decrease    Decrease / increase by 
 Discount rate        by 0.5%                8-9% 
                     Increase / decrease    Increase / decrease by 
 Rate of inflation    by 0.5%                5-6% 
 Longevity           Increase by 1 year     Increase by 2-3% 

The group also operates certain overseas and annuitants schemes, which principally relate to benefits payable to staff when they leave employment in the Middle East. Net liabilities in relation to overseas and annuitants' schemes decreased to GBP9.3m (2013: GBP10.3m) as a result of foreign exchange movements.

Changes to IAS 19 'Employee Benefits' have taken effect this year and been applied to the pension financing charge. The prior year charge has been restated accordingly.

Consolidated income statement for the year ended 31 March 2014

                                                March 2014*                        March 2013** 
                                     ---------------------------------  --------------------------------- 
                                          Total                              Total 
                                         before                             before 
                                       adjusted   Adjusted                adjusted   Adjusted 
                                          items      items       Total       items      items       Total 
                               Note     GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000 
                                     ----------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
 Revenue                       2(a)     296,807          -     296,807     298,101          -     298,101 
 Operating costs                      (277,849)          -   (277,849)   (274,542)          -   (274,542) 
 Amortisation of acquired 
  intangibles, acquisition 
  costs and contingent 
  consideration adjustments     3             -    (4,755)     (4,755)           -      (631)       (631) 
 Exceptional items              4             -    (6,771)     (6,771)           -    (4,365)     (4,365) 
                                     ----------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
 Operating profit/(loss)       2(b)      18,958   (11,526)       7,432      23,559    (4,996)      18,563 
 Finance costs                  5       (2,352)          -     (2,352)     (2,296)          -     (2,296) 
 Finance income                 5           353          -         353         350          -         350 
                                     ----------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
 Profit/(loss) before 
  tax                                    16,959   (11,526)       5,433      21,613    (4,996)      16,617 
                                     ----------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
 Taxation                       6       (3,131)      1,087     (2,044)     (5,259)        495     (4,764) 
                                     ----------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
 Profit/(loss) for the 
  year                                   13,828   (10,439)       3,389      16,354    (4,501)      11,853 
                                     ==========  =========  ==========  ==========  =========  ========== 
 Profit/(loss) attributable 
 Owners of the parent                    13,698   (10,439)       3,259      16,475    (4,501)      11,974 
 Non-controlling interests                  130          -         130       (121)          -       (121) 
                                     ----------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
                                         13,828   (10,439)       3,389      16,354    (4,501)      11,853 
                                     ==========  =========  ==========  ==========  =========  ========== 
 Earnings per share 
 Basic                          7                                 8.44                              31.17 
 Diluted                        7                                 8.39                              30.72 
 Adjusted basic                 7         35.47                              42.89 
 Adjusted diluted               7         35.25                              42.27 

*In presenting the group's adjusted numbers, amortisation of acquired intangible assets, acquisition costs, contingent consideration adjustments and exceptional items have been excluded as the directors believe that this assists with understanding the underlying performance of the group.

**Restated to reflect the adoption of IAS 19 Employee Benefits (Revised) (note 1) and amended presentation of exceptional items (note 4).

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the year ended 31 March 2014

                                                      2014     2013* 
                                                   GBP'000   GBP'000 
                                                 ---------  -------- 
 Profit for the year                                 3,389    11,853 
 Other comprehensive (expense)/income 
  for the year 
 Items which will subsequently be reclassified 
  to the income statement: 
     Foreign exchange movements                   (10,818)     4,644 
     Cash flow hedges                                  142        63 
                                                 ---------  -------- 
                                                  (10,676)     4,707 
 Items which will not subsequently be 
  reclassified to the income statement: 
    Remeasurement loss on defined 
     benefit pension schemes*                      (4,240)   (4,536) 
                                                 ---------  -------- 
 Total other comprehensive (expense)/income 
  for the year                                    (14,916)       171 
                                                 ---------  -------- 
 Total comprehensive (expense)/income 
  for the year                                    (11,527)    12,024 
                                                 =========  ======== 
 Attributable to: 
 Owners of the parent                             (11,626)    12,130 
 Non-controlling interests                              99     (106) 
                                                 ---------  -------- 
                                                  (11,527)    12,024 
                                                 =========  ======== 

All balances are shown net of tax. The effect of tax on the balances shown is disclosed in note 6.

* Restated to reflect the adoption of IAS 19 Employee Benefits (Revised) (note 1).

Consolidated statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31 March 2014

                                      Share      Share    Retained       Other              Non-controlling      Total 
                                    capital    premium    earnings    reserves      Total         interests     equity 
                          Note      GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000           GBP'000    GBP'000 
----------------------  --------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
 At 1 April 2012                      3,863     29,789      43,646       9,583     86,881               391     87,272 
 Profit for the year                      -          -      11,974           -     11,974             (121)     11,853 
 Foreign exchange movements               -          -           -       4,629      4,629                15      4,644 
 Cash flow hedges                         -          -           -          63         63                 -         63 
 Remeasurement loss on post 
  employment benefit schemes              -          -     (4,536)           -    (4,536)                 -    (4,536) 
 New shares issued                       14          -           -           -         14                 -         14 
 Premium on new shares 
  issued                                  -        270           -           -        270                 -        270 
 Dividends paid                8          -          -     (4,176)           -    (4,176)                 -    (4,176) 
 Share based payments                     -          -         719           -        719                 -        719 
 Transfer of own shares 
  from EBT                                -          -       (326)         326          -                 -          - 
                                  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
 At 31 March 2013                     3,877     30,059      47,301      14,601     95,838               285     96,123 
 Profit for the year                      -          -       3,259           -      3,259               130      3,389 
 Foreign exchange movements               -          -           -    (10,787)   (10,787)              (31)   (10,818) 
 Cash flow hedges                         -          -           -         142        142                 -        142 
 Remeasurement loss on post 
  employment benefit schemes              -          -     (4,240)           -    (4,240)                 -    (4,240) 
 New shares issued                       14          -           -           -         14                 -         14 
 Premium on new shares 
  issued                                  -        357           -           -        357                 -        357 
 Dividends paid                8          -          -     (4,809)           -    (4,809)                 -    (4,809) 
 Share based payments                     -          -         115           -        115                 -        115 
 Employee trust purchase 
  of own shares                           -          -           -       (875)      (875)                 -      (875) 
 Transfer of own shares 
  from EBT                                -          -     (1,381)       1,381          -                 -          - 
                                  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
 At 31 March 2014                     3,891     30,416      40,245       4,462     79,014               384     79,398 
                                  =========  =========  ==========  ==========  =========  ================  ========= 

All balances are shown net of tax. The effect of tax on the balances shown is disclosed in note 6.

Consolidated balance sheet at 31 March 2014

                                                        2014     2013* 
                                              Note   GBP'000   GBP'000 
                                                    --------  -------- 
Non-current assets 
Intangible assets                                     38,856    46,730 
Property, plant and equipment                          8,566     9,387 
Deferred tax assets                                    9,746    10,684 
                                                      57,168    66,801 
                                                    --------  -------- 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables                    9     126,593   120,098 
Cash and cash equivalents                             19,287    32,037 
                                                     145,880   152,135 
                                                    --------  -------- 
Current liabilities 
Borrowings                                           (1,110)   (1,964) 
Trade and other payables                       10   (73,116)  (69,870) 
Current tax liabilities                              (3,485)   (3,655) 
Provisions                                           (3,430)   (3,304) 
                                                    (81,141)  (78,793) 
Net current assets                                    64,739    73,342 
                                                    --------  -------- 
Non-current liabilities 
Borrowings                                           (4,965)   (5,772) 
Post employment benefits                            (31,102)  (29,383) 
Provisions                                             (510)     (966) 
Deferred tax liabilities                             (1,870)   (3,185) 
Other payables                                       (4,062)   (4,714) 
                                                    (42,509)  (44,020) 
Net assets                                            79,398    96,123 
                                                    ========  ======== 
Called up ordinary share capital                       3,891     3,877 
Share premium                                         30,416    30,059 
Retained earnings                                     40,245    47,301 
Other reserves                                         4,462    14,601 
                                                    --------  -------- 
Equity attributable to owners of the parent           79,014    95,838 
Non-controlling interests                                384       285 
Total equity                                          79,398    96,123 
                                                    ========  ======== 

*Restated to reflect the adoption of IAS 19 Employee Benefits (Revised) (note 1) and amendments to the acquisition balance sheet of BCH Engineering Consultants Pty Ltd.

Consolidated cash flow statement for the year ended 31 March 2014

                                                                2014       2013 
                                                     Note    GBP'000    GBP'000 
                                                            --------  --------- 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Cash generated from operations                      11(a)    10,676     27,868 
 Net interest paid                                             (570)      (796) 
 Tax paid                                                    (3,460)    (4,157) 
                                                            --------  --------- 
 Net cash generated from operating activities                  6,646     22,915 
                                                            --------  --------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Acquisition of subsidiaries (net of cash 
  acquired)                                                  (4,387)    (5,242) 
 Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and 
  equipment (incl. software)                                     100         43 
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment 
  (incl. software)                                           (5,167)    (6,263) 
                                                            --------  --------- 
 Net cash used in investing activities                       (9,454)   (11,462) 
                                                            --------  --------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Proceeds on issue of shares                                     371        284 
 Employee trust purchase of own shares                         (875)          - 
 Repayments of obligations under finance 
  leases                                                        (65)      (269) 
 Proceeds on issue of new borrowings                           2,000      5,000 
 Repayment of borrowings                                     (2,713)    (5,759) 
 Dividends paid                                        8     (4,809)    (4,176) 
                                                            --------  --------- 
 Net cash used in financing activities                       (6,091)    (4,920) 
                                                            --------  --------- 
 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents 
  (including bank overdrafts)                                (8,899)      6,533 
                                                            --------  --------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 1 April                         30,862     23,218 
 Effects of exchange rate changes                            (3,007)      1,111 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 31 March (including 
  bank overdrafts)                                            18,956     30,862 
                                                            ========  ========= 

Reconciliation of net cash

                                                         2014      2013 
                                             Note     GBP'000   GBP'000 
                                                    ---------  -------- 
 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                         (8,899)     6,533 
 Decrease in debt                                         778     1,028 
 Effect of exchange rate changes                      (2,968)     1,097 
                                                    ---------  -------- 
 Change in net cash during the year                  (11,089)     8,658 
                                                    ---------  -------- 
 Net cash at 1 April                                   24,301    15,643 
                                                    ---------  -------- 
 Net cash at 31 March                        11(b)     13,212    24,301 
                                                    =========  ======== 

Notes to the Financial Statements

1. General information

(a) Basis of preparation

The information within this final results announcement does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006 and should be read in conjunction with the group's statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2014. While the financial information in these final results has been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), these results do not in isolation contain sufficient information to comply with IFRS.

The statutory accounts for the financial year ended 31 March 2014 will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the company's annual general meeting. The auditors have given an unqualified report on those accounts which does not contain an emphasis of matter paragraph or any statement under section 498 (2), (3) or (4) of the Companies Act 2006. The company's Annual Report and Accounts for the financial year ending 31 March 2014 is expected to be posted to shareholders on 27 June 2014 and will be available for viewing on the company's website at www.hyderconsulting.com thereafter.

The condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis under the historical cost convention, as modified by the valuation of intangible assets acquired on business combinations, financial instruments and pension assets and liabilities which are measured at fair value. The statements are prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the EU, and those parts of the Companies Act 2006 related to reporting under IFRS. IFRS are subject to amendment or interpretation by the International Accounting Standards Board and there is an ongoing process of review and endorsement by the EU. For these reasons, it is possible that the information presented in this report may be subject to change.

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires the use of estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reported period. Although these estimates are based on management's best knowledge of the amount, events or actions, actual results ultimately may differ from those estimates.

(b) Principal accounting policies

The group's significant accounting policies under IFRS are available on the corporate website www.hyderconsulting.com within the "Investors" section.

The financial statements at 31 March 2013 have been restated to reflect the effects of the adoption of IAS 19 Employee Benefits (Revised). The revision requires the financing cost of a defined benefit pension scheme to be calculated on the net liability and is effective for the year ended 31 March 2013. The impact of the restatement increased finance costs by GBP1.3m, reduced finance income by GBP0.8m and reduced taxation by GBP0.5m. This resulted in a reduction in profit for the year to 31 March 2013 of GBP1.6m in the consolidated income statement with a corresponding decrease in the remeasurement loss on defined benefit pension schemes in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income.

2. Segmental analysis by location of operations

Operating segments are reported in a manner consistent with the internal reporting provided to the board (the chief operating decision maker), which is responsible for allocating resources and assessing performance of the operating segments.

Reflecting the group's management and internal reporting structure, segmental information is presented within the Financial Statements in respect of geographical segments. The group manages its business as five segments arranged into three main geographical regions, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, and Europe. The UK is the home country of the parent. Inter-segment revenue relates to contracts priced on an arm's length basis.

The group's revenue is derived from the provision of engineering consultancy services.

2. Segmental analysis by location of operations (continued)

   (a)   Segment revenue 
                          Year ended 31 March 2014                       Year ended 31 March 2013 
                --------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
                                                     Revenue                                         Revenue 
                        Total                           from                                   from external 
                      segment   Inter-segment       external   Total segment   Inter-segment       customers 
                      revenue         revenue      customers         revenue         revenue 
                      GBP'000         GBP'000        GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000 
                -------------  --------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Australia             78,411         (1,109)         77,302         103,316           (765)         102,551 
 Asia                  22,528           (197)         22,331          21,130           (297)          20,833 
                -------------  --------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Asia-Pacific         100,939         (1,306)         99,633         124,446         (1,062)         123,384 
  East                 92,212         (3,881)         88,331          78,222         (3,063)          75,159 
 UK                    88,738           (686)         88,052          76,212           (703)          75,509 
 Germany               20,894           (103)         20,791          24,445           (396)          24,049 
                -------------  --------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Europe               109,632           (789)        108,843         100,657         (1,099)          99,558 
                -------------  --------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
                      302,783         (5,976)        296,807         303,325         (5,224)         298,101 
                =============  ==============  =============  ==============  ==============  ============== 
   (b)   Segment results 
                                                       2014      2013 
                                                    GBP'000   GBP'000 
                                                   --------  -------- 
 Australia                                            8,598    16,120 
 Asia                                                   429   (1,176) 
                                                   --------  -------- 
 Asia-Pacific                                         9,027    14,944 
  East                                                7,692     7,091 
 UK                                                   6,836     3,416 
 Germany                                            (1,691)     1,350 
                                                   --------  -------- 
 Europe                                               5,145     4,766 
 Corporate overheads                                (2,906)   (3,242) 
                                                   --------  -------- 
 Adjusted operating 
  profit                                             18,958    23,559 
 Amortisation of acquired intangibles, 
  acquisition costs and contingent consideration 
  adjustments                                       (4,755)     (631) 
 Exceptional items                                  (6,771)   (4,365) 
                                                   --------  -------- 
 Operating profit                                     7,432    18,563 
                                                   ========  ======== 

3. Amortisation of acquired intangibles, acquisition costs, and contingent consideration adjustments

                                            2014      2013 
                                         GBP'000   GBP'000 
                                        --------  -------- 
 Amortisation of acquired intangibles    (3,389)   (2,177) 
 Acquisition costs                         (509)     (306) 
 Contingent consideration adjustments      (857)     1,852 
                                        --------  -------- 
                                         (4,755)     (631) 
                                        ========  ======== 

In Australia the contingent consideration due for the acquisitions of GW Engineers Ltd and BCH Engineering Consultants Pty Ltd was increased by GBP0.6m and GBP0.3m respectively, following a review of performance against the earn-out targets.

The prior year credit of GBP1.9m relates to the acquisition of GW Engineers Ltd, where the performance subsequently improved.

4. Exceptional items

                                   2014     2013* 
                                GBP'000   GBP'000 
                               --------  -------- 
 Germany goodwill impairment    (6,111)         - 
 Germany restructuring costs      (660)         - 
 Asia goodwill impairment             -   (3,040) 
 Asia restructuring costs             -   (1,325) 
                               --------  -------- 
                                (6,771)   (4,365) 
                               ========  ======== 

In Germany the business was loss-making in the year and consequently has been restructured, including closure of four offices. As a result, a goodwill impairment of GBP6.1m has been recognised and GBP0.7m of reorganisation costs incurred.

Exceptional items in the prior year of GBP4.4m related to Asia goodwill impairment and related restructuring.

*Restated to exclude contingent consideration adjustments from exceptional items, now recorded as acquisition related costs (note 3).

5. Net finance costs

                                                     2014     2013* 
                                                  GBP'000   GBP'000 
                                                 --------  -------- 
 Bank borrowings                                    (499)     (459) 
 Finance leases                                      (11)      (20) 
 Interest rate swaps: cash flow hedges              (110)     (143) 
 Amortisation of arrangement fees                   (234)     (126) 
 Unwinding of discounts on provisions and 
  other liabilities                                 (227)     (226) 
 Net finance cost on post employment benefit 
  schemes                                         (1,271)   (1,322) 
                                                 --------  -------- 
 Finance costs                                    (2,352)   (2,296) 
                                                 --------  -------- 
 Investment income                                    232       159 
 Unwinding of discounts on trade receivables          121       191 
                                                 --------  -------- 
 Finance income                                       353       350 
                                                 --------  -------- 
 Net finance cost                                 (1,999)   (1,946) 
                                                 ========  ======== 
   Finance costs include: 
 Interest expense on financial liabilities 
  held at amortised cost                          (2,015)   (1,927) 
 Interest expense on cash flow hedges recycled 
  from equity                                       (110)     (143) 

*Restated to reflect the adoption of IAS 19 Employee Benefits (Revised) (note 1).

6. Tax

                                               2014     2013* 
                                            GBP'000   GBP'000 
                                           --------  -------- 
 Current tax 
 Current year                                 4,275     4,452 
 Adjustment in respect of prior years         (585)     (296) 
                                           --------  -------- 
 Total current tax                            3,690     4,156 
                                           --------  -------- 
 Deferred tax 
 Current year                               (1,126)     2,145 
 Adjustment in respect of prior years            16   (1,397) 
 Adjustment to deferred tax attributable 
  to change in rate                           (536)     (140) 
                                           --------  -------- 
 Total deferred tax                         (1,646)       608 
                                           --------  -------- 
 Total tax                                    2,044     4,764 
                                           ========  ======== 

The effective tax rate of 37.6% for the year (2013: 28.7%) is higher than the standard rate of corporation tax in the UK of 23% (2013:24%). The differences are explained below:

                                                     2014     2013* 
                                                  GBP'000   GBP'000 
                                                 --------  -------- 
 Profit before tax                                  5,433    16,617 
 Tax at UK standard rate of 23% (2013: 24%)         1,250     3,988 
 Adjustments to tax in respect of prior 
  years                                             (569)   (1,693) 
 Effect of different tax rates of subsidiaries 
  operations in other jurisdictions               (1,412)       468 
 Effect of expenses not deductible for tax          2,514       724 
 Effect of research and development tax 
  credits                                           (182)     (607) 
 Effect of movement on deferred tax assets 
  not recognised                                      337     1,351 
 Irrecoverable overseas tax                           642       673 
 Effect on deferred tax balances due to 
  change in UK corporate tax rate                   (536)     (140) 
                                                 --------  -------- 
 Total tax                                          2,044     4,764 
                                                 ========  ======== 
                                                     2014     2013* 
                                                  GBP'000   GBP'000 
                                                 --------  -------- 
 Tax on items charged to other comprehensive 
 Deferred tax charge/(credit) in respect of 
  actuarial loss on defined benefit pension           536     (229) 
                                                 --------  -------- 
                                                      536     (229) 
                                                 ========  ======== 

Factors that may affect future tax charges

The Finance Act 2013 included legislation to reduce the main rate of corporation tax from 23% to 21% from 1 April 2014 and from 21% to 20% from 1 April 2015. The reductions from 23% to 21% and from 21% to 20% have been included in the calculation of deferred tax in these Financial Statements.

The adjusted tax rate of 18.5% (2013: 24.3%) is lower than the prevailing UK corporate tax rate 23% (2013: 24%), due to lower tax rates in certain overseas jurisdictions in which the group operates.

*Restated to reflect the adoption of IAS 19 Employee Benefits (Revised) (note 1).

7. Earnings per share

   (a)   Number of shares 
                                               2014         2013 
                                        -----------  ----------- 
 Weighted average number of shares in 
  issue                                  38,619,815   38,410,442 
 Effect of dilution 
 Share options                              236,768      566,468 
 Weighted average shares (diluted)       38,856,583   38,976,910 
                                        ===========  =========== 
   (b)   Earnings used in the calculation of earnings per share 
                                                       2014     2013* 
                                                    GBP'000   GBP'000 
                                                   --------  -------- 
 Profit attributable to owners of the 
  parent                                              3,259    11,974 
 Add back amortisation of acquired intangibles, 
  acquisition costs and contingent consideration 
  adjustments                                         4,755     2,483 
 Add back exceptional items                           6,771     2,513 
 Less tax on adjusted items                         (1,087)     (495) 
                                                   --------  -------- 
 Adjusted earnings                                   13,698    16,475 
                                                   ========  ======== 
   (c)    Earnings per share 
                                                      2014    2013* 
                                                         p        p 
                                                   -------  ------- 
 Basic earnings per share                             8.44    31.17 
 Add back amortisation of acquired intangibles, 
  acquisition costs and contingent consideration 
  adjustments                                        12.31     6.46 
 Add back exceptional items                          17.53     6.54 
 Less tax on adjusted items                         (2.81)   (1.28) 
                                                   -------  ------- 
 Adjusted basic earnings per share                   35.47    42.89 
                                                   =======  ======= 
                                                      2014    2013* 
                                                         p        p 
                                                   -------  ------- 
 Diluted earnings per share                           8.39    30.72 
 Add back amortisation of acquired intangibles, 
  acquisition costs and contingent consideration 
  adjustments                                        12.24     6.37 
 Add back exceptional items                          17.42     6.45 
 Less tax on adjusted items                         (2.80)   (1.27) 
                                                   -------  ------- 
 Adjusted diluted earnings per share                 35.25    42.27 
                                                   =======  ======= 

*Restated to reflect the adoption of IAS 19 Employee Benefits (Revised) (note 1).

8. Dividends

                                               2014      2013 
                                            GBP'000   GBP'000 
                                           --------  -------- 
 Dividends charged to equity in the year      4,809     4,176 
                                           ========  ======== 
 Equity - Per Ordinary 10p share 
 Final dividend paid (pence)                   8.00      7.00 
 Interim dividend paid (pence)                 4.50      4.00 

As at 31 March 2014, the employee benefit trust had an agreement in place to waive dividends on 331,670 ordinary shares (2013: 659,727). This arrangement reduced the dividends paid in the year by GBP43,000 (2013: GBP78,000).

The directors are proposing a final dividend of 8.50p per share (2013: 8.00p), with an aggregate cost of GBP3,279,000. In accordance with IFRS the dividend has not been recognised in the Financial Statements but, if approved by shareholders, will be paid on 8 August 2014 to shareholders on the register as at 11 July 2014.

9. Trade and other receivables

                                                     2014      2013 
                                                  GBP'000   GBP'000 
                                                 --------  -------- 
 Trade receivables                                 58,019    61,799 
 Less: Provision for impairment of receivables    (4,083)   (7,161) 
                                                 --------  -------- 
 Trade receivables - net of provisions             53,936    54,638 
 Amounts recoverable on contracts                  62,496    52,907 
 Other receivables                                  4,940     6,915 
 Prepayments and accrued income                     5,153     5,464 
 Derivative financial instruments                      38         - 
 Corporation tax recoverable                           30       174 
                                                 --------  -------- 
                                                  126,593   120,098 
                                                 ========  ======== 

10. Trade and other payables

                                             2014      2013 
                                          GBP'000   GBP'000 
                                         --------  -------- 
 Trade payables                            11,336     9,099 
 Payments in advance on contracts          28,451    27,254 
 Other tax and social security payable      5,799     7,597 
 Other payables                            10,374    12,062 
 Accruals                                  13,650    11,739 
 Lease incentives                             455       472 
 Derivative financial instruments              82       123 
 Contingent and deferred consideration      2,969     1,524 
                                         --------  -------- 
                                           73,116    69,870 
                                         ========  ======== 

11. Cash flow note

   (a)   Cash flows from operating activities 
                                                                       2014      2013 
                                                                    GBP'000   GBP'000 
                                                                   --------  -------- 
 Profit for the financial 
  year                                                                3,389    11,853 
 Adjustments for: 
 Taxation                                                             2,044     4,764 
 Depreciation                                                         2,931     2,806 
 Amortisation of software                                             1,686     1,545 
 Amortisation of acquired intangibles, acquisition 
  costs and contingent consideration adjustments                      4,755       631 
 Exceptional items                                                    6,771     4,365 
 Interest receivable                                                  (353)     (350) 
 Interest payable and similar 
  charges                                                             2,352     2,296 
                                                                   --------  -------- 
 EBITDA                                                              23,575    27,910 
 (Profit)/loss on disposal of property, 
  plant and equipment                                                  (20)        27 
 Fair value (gain)/loss 
  on financial instruments                                             (49)        47 
 Share option costs                                                     115       719 
 Decrease in provisions                                               (416)   (1,093) 
 Decrease in post employment benefits                                 (123)     (405) 
 Deficit contributions to the AGPS defined 
  benefit pension scheme                                            (2,286)     (927) 
 Changes in working capital: 
 (Increase)/decrease in trade and other 
  receivables                                                       (5,322)        64 
 (Decrease)/increase in trade and 
  other payables                                                    (4,798)     1,526 
                                                                   --------  -------- 
 Cash generated from operations                                      10,676    27,868 
                                                                   ========  ======== 
   (b)   Reconciliation of movement in net cash 
                              At 1 April               Non-cash   Exchange   At 31 March 
                                    2013   Cash flow   movement   movement          2014 
                                 GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000 
                             -----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ------------ 
 Cash at bank                     32,037     (9,674)          -    (3,076)        19,287 
                             -----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ------------ 
 Bank overdraft                  (1,175)         775          -         69         (331) 
 Debt due within 1 year            (713)         713      (713)          -         (713) 
 Debt due after 1 year           (5,625)           -        713          -       (4,912) 
 Finance leases due within 
  1 year                            (76)          65       (66)         11          (66) 
 Finance leases due after 
  1 year                           (147)           -         66         28          (53) 
                             -----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ------------ 
                                 (7,736)       1,553          -        108       (6,075) 
                             -----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ------------ 
                                  24,301     (8,121)          -    (2,968)        13,212 
                             ===========  ==========  =========  =========  ============ 

The cash balance includes GBP2.8m (2013: GBP5.2m) that is restricted and not available to the group for general use.

12. Post balance sheet event

Effective 1 June 2014 the group acquired nuclear safety specialist SR(3) C Management Limited in the UK, for initial consideration of GBP3.5m in cash. A maximum contingent consideration of GBP3.0m is payable dependent on future business performance over the next 2 years.

13. Going concern

After making enquiries, the directors have a reasonable expectation that the company and the group have adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future and therefore continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the financial statements.

   14.   Risks and uncertainties 

The group faces a number of risks, which are regularly monitored by the board. Risk management and internal control systems provide a means of identifying, evaluating and managing the significant risks facing the group. However these systems can only operate to mitigate risk rather than eliminate it completely. The group's principal risks and uncertainties will be described in the group's Annual Report and Accounts. These relate to changes in market conditions, management of projects, contractual disputes and claims, recruitment, utilisation and retention of key staff, management of working capital, defined benefit pension schemes, acquisition integration, crisis event/business continuity, health and safety, foreign exchange movements, the global regulatory environment and economic conditions.

15. Cautionary Statement

This final results announcement contains certain forward-looking statements with respect to the financial condition, performance, results, strategy and objectives, operations and businesses of the group. By their nature, these statements involve uncertainty because they relate to future events and circumstances which are beyond the group's control. As a result the group's actual future financial condition, performance and results may differ materially from the plans or expectations expressed or implied within any forward-looking statement. Any forward-looking statements reflect knowledge and information available at the date of preparation of this final results announcement and the company assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, resulting from new information, future events or otherwise. Liability arising from anything in this final results announcement shall be governed by English law. Nothing in this final results announcement should be construed as a profit forecast.

16. Statement of directors' responsibilities

The directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate and financial information included on the Company's website. Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.

The responsibility statement below has been prepared in connection with and is included in the company's full Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2014. Certain parts of that report are not included within this final results announcement:

"The directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge:

-- the group and company financial statements in this Annual Report, which have been prepared in accordance with IFRS and UK GAAP respectively, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the group and the company taken as a whole; and

-- the Strategic Report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the group and the company taken as a whole, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that they face.

The directors consider that the Annual Report and Financial Statements, taken as a whole, are fair, balanced and understandable and provide the information necessary for shareholders to assess the company's performance, business model and strategy."

The directors of Hyder Consulting PLC at the date of this announcement are listed below:

Sir Alan Thomas

Ivor Catto

Russell Down

Elisabeth Astall

Jeffrey Hume

Kevin Taylor

Paul Withers

This responsibility statement was approved by the board and signed on its behalf by

   Ivor Catto                                                                        Russell Down 
   Chief Executive                                                              Group Finance Director 
   11 June 2014                                                                  11 June 2014 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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