RNS Number : 9197C

Maven Income & Growth VCT 4 PLC

14 March 2011

Maven Income and Growth VCT 4 PLC

Annual Financial Report for the year ended 31 December 2010

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to report that during the year to 31 December 2010 your Company achieved positive returns for shareholders, and maintained its policy of paying regular dividends against a backdrop of uncertainty and challenging economic conditions.

Global stock markets have recovered from the depths of the credit crisis in 2008, and the FTSE 100 Index rose above 6000 by the end of December 2010. Although some companies were cutting dividends, many blue chip companies were able to provide a healthy yield to their shareholders, in stark contrast with low interest rates. However, the macro-economic indicators were mixed. Growth in the UK continued modestly, consumer debt remained high, and concern about inflation rose.

The major highlights of the year are:

-- Total return on Ordinary shares of 112.0p per share at 31 December 2010, up 9.3% over the year

-- Net asset value (NAV) of Ordinary shares at the year end of 95.7p p per share

-- Total return on S Shares of 103.85 p per share at 31 December 2010, up 4.4% over the year

-- NAV of S Shares at the year end of 97.3p per share

-- Final dividends proposed of 2.5p per Ordinary Share and 0.5p per S Share.


The NAV total return per Ordinary Share at 31 December 2010 was 112.0p, an increase of 9.3% over the equivalent figure at 31 December 2009, while for the S Share it was 103.85p, an increase of 4.4% and reflecting the differing mix of the two portfolios. At 31 December 2010, the NAV per Ordinary Share was 95.7p and the NAV per S Share was 97.3p.

NAV total return is generally regarded as the most meaningful performance measure for a VCT, representing the long term record of dividend payments out of income and capital gains combined with the current NAV. The NAV in isolation is a less important measure, as the underlying investments are long-term in nature and not readily realisable.


It is the Company's policy to pay regular dividends to investors out of revenue and realised capital gains.

The Board is proposing a final dividend of 2.5p per Ordinary share and 0.5p per S share to be paid on 27 May 2011 to shareholders on the register on 6 May 2011. Including the interim dividends paid in September 2010, the total tax-free yield for the year is 5.8% on the net cost to Ordinary shareholders and 2.1% to S shareholders. Since the Company's launch, and after receipt of the proposed final dividend, Ordinary shareholders and S shareholders will have received 18.8p and 7.05p respectively in tax-free dividends.

Investment strategy

Our investment strategy is to build a large and diversified portfolio of holdings in profitable and income-yielding later stage private companies. The Manager is introduced to a continuous and varied flow of potential opportunities through its UK-wide regional office network. The Company leverages these resources to gain access, at attractive entry multiples, to well managed businesses in a range of sectors. Investments are mainly in the form of secured loan stock and offer high yields from the outset.

The Board and the Manager have concluded that the potential returns available from AIM and PLUS quoted investments are too uncertain: there is poor liquidity in many stocks and little or no dividend yield in comparison with private equity investments. As is evident from the realisations achieved over the past 12 months, the Manager is looking to realise the AIM portfolio selectively for value and redeploy the proceeds into investments in mature, income-producing private companies.

The Listing Rules require your Board to ensure that this report includes information on the investment policy, including a description of the asset mix, the spread of risk and maximum exposures. This information is contained in the Directors' Report and in the various tabular analyses of the portfolio.

Portfolio developments

The portfolio is now invested in 62 unquoted companies. Seven new investments and seven follow-on investments were completed during the financial year. The Manager has also invested in three unlisted companies that are looking to acquire target businesses in specific sectors.

I am pleased to report that our portfolio companies are currently trading either satisfactorily or better than plan, and the cash generative nature of most of our investee companies leads us to be optimistic about their future trading prospects. The increasing maturity of a number of holdings is leading to the emergence of M&A interest from potential trade buyers, and the Manager is currently working on the potential realisation of several portfolio holdings.

Valuation process

Investments in unquoted companies are valued in accordance with the International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines. Investments quoted or traded on a recognised stock exchange, including the Alternative Investment Market (AIM), are valued at their bid prices.

VCT qualifying status

The Company is required to meet the 70% qualifying test and other VCT regulatory criteria continuously. The Board regularly reviews the Company's performance in relation to these criteria and I am pleased to confirm that they have been met throughout the year.

Principal risks and uncertainties

The Board has reviewed the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company for the financial year. In order to reduce its exposure to investment risk, the Company has invested in a broadly-based portfolio of unlisted and AIM/PLUS quoted companies in the United Kingdom

Recovery of VAT

I am pleased to announce that the Board received and accepted an offer from the previous manager, Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited, to refund GBP94,898 which represented all of the VAT charged on investment management fees for the period from 1 October 2005 to 31 August 2008. This offer was accepted, subject to wholly reserving the Company's rights in respect of sums not repaid in respect of earlier periods. The amount received has been recognised within the financial statements and allocated to revenue and capital in accordance with the underlying accounting policy.

Distributable reserve

Following approval by the Shareholders on 1 February 2011, the Board is seeking to cancel the Company's share premium account and capital redemption reserve. The purpose of the cancellation is to provide the Company with greater flexibility in returning funds to Shareholders, whether through the payment of dividends, share buy-backs or other means.

Linked Offer

At the start of the year, the Company participated in a successful linked VCT top-up offer with the other three Maven Income and Growth VCTs. The Board has decided to raise further top-up funds through a similar linked offer by the same four VCTs. Investors will benefit from up to 30% income tax relief on their subscriptions for one or both of the tax years 2010/11 and 2011/12.

The second Maven Linked VCT Offer aims to raise GBP6.4 million in new funds for the four participating VCTs without incurring the higher costs associated with a full prospectus, which will enable the Company to make further private company investments at a time when the Manager is experiencing significant levels of deal flow across its UK office network. The Company's share of these funds, up to GBP77,982 will also enable it to spread its costs over a larger asset base to the benefit of all shareholders.

Co-investment scheme

The co-investment scheme, which enables executive members of the Manager to invest alongside the Company, continued in operation during the year. The scheme operates through a nominee company which invests in each and every transaction, including any follow-on investments. The scheme more closely aligns the interests of the executives and the Company's shareholders while enabling the Manager to retain the skills and capacity of its investment team in a highly competitive market.


Some uncertainty remains, both globally and in the UK, about the medium-term outlook for the economy. The economic indicators point to modest growth in a climate of reduced government spending and higher taxation on private consumption, and some commentators are still concerned about the risk of a return to recession.

Whilst the outlook for the UK undoubtedly remains challenging, your Company continues to invest in later stage, high-yielding UK businesses, with strong balance sheets and robust business models. Many of our investments are counter-cyclical, in defensive sectors, and have a significant global dimension to their business activities.

The Board is encouraged by the range and quality of deal flow that the Manager is seeing throughout the UK, where one of the effects of the credit crisis is an increase in the range of companies seeking capital from alternative sources such as VCT managers. Although recent economic conditions have suppressed merger and acquisitions activity, the Manager is now seeing a number of attractive trade and private equity approaches. The Board is confident that the Company will continue to meet its investment objectives and produce returns for shareholders that are consistent with those objectives.

Investment Manager's Review


The Manager ('Maven') operates from five UK regional offices in Glasgow, London, Aberdeen, Manchester and Birmingham and is introduced to a large number of potential transactions every year, mainly from a range of contacts across the corporate finance and business community. In terms of asset selection Maven employs a highly selective process, investing only in private companies which meet strict quality criteria, where access can be gained at attractive entry prices under investment structures which produce income to VCT client funds from the outset. Maven actively avoids businesses at an early stage of their development, where the company has significant external borrowings, or where the trading activity is overly reliant on a concentrated customer base or a single product.

Post-investment, Maven executives remain closely involved in the strategic direction of each portfolio company, and actively work with the executive management to ensure the business realises its full potential and ultimately achieves the best possible returns on exit, normally through a trade sale.

During the year the strength and quality of this approach was recognised by industry professionals. In July Maven won the BVCA London & Southeast Portfolio Company Management Award for Exit Team of the Year, for the successful sale of Cyclotech in November 2009. This award acknowledged the quality of managers in supporting fast growing and innovative companies in the most challenging of economic times.

In November Maven was named Small Buyout House of the Year 2010 at the unquote British Private Equity Awards, as judged by corporate finance and private equity professionals across the UK, which recognised managers who demonstrated strategic vision and consistently high standards across their wider investment activity.

Investment Activity

During the year ended 31 December 2010 the Maven team completed seven new significant private equity investments, and seven follow-on investments in existing portfolio companies. Maven also invested in three new companies established to seek out acquisitions in a range of sectors where our investments executives have relevant industry knowledge and awareness of suitable target investments. At the year end, the portfolio stood at 62 unlisted and AIM investments at a total cost of GBP12.2 million.

The following new investments have been completed during the year.

                                                         Investment cost 
 Investment               Date     Sector                 GBP'000 
                                                         Ordinary   S Ordinary 
                                                          shares     shares 
 Ailsa Craig Limited       2010    Basic Materials              -          199 
 Atlantic Foods            Oct 
  Group Limited            2010    Consumer Goods               -          130 
 Attraction World          Dec 
  Holdings Limited         2010    Basic Materials            165          124 
 Beckford Capital          May 
  Limited                  2010    Consumer Goods             160          160 
 Blackford Capital         May 
  Limited                  2010    Consumer Goods               -          200 
 Camwatch Limited          2010    Telecommunications          60           34 
 CHS Engineering           Dec 
  Services Limited         2010    Basic Materials            152          114 
 Countcar Limited 
  (trading as Aberdeen 
  Tool and Rental          Oct 
  Holdings Limited)        2010    Oil and Gas                 42           24 
 Flexlife Group            Oct 
  Limited                  2010    Oil and Gas                199          134 
 Lawrence Recycling 
  & Waste Management       Apr 
  Limited                  2010    Basic Materials             54           36 
 Lemac No. 1 Limited 
  (trading as John         Dec 
  McGavigans Limited)      2010    Consumer Goods              50           40 
 Riverdale Publishing      Feb 
  Limited*                2010     Basic Materials             25            - 
 Staffa Capital            Nov 
  Limited                  2010    Consumer Goods               -          200 
 TC Communications         May 
  Holdings Limited         2010    Basic Materials             40           25 
 Torridon Capital          Jan 
  Limited                  2010    Financials                 253          198 
 Tosca Penta 
  Investments Limited 
  (trading as esure        Feb 
  Holdings Limited)        2010    Financials                  88           87 
 Venmar Limited 
  (trading as XPD8         Jun 
  Solutions Limited)       2010    Oil and Gas                109          124 
 Others                                                         4            - 
 Total Unlisted 
  investment                                                1,401        1,829 
                                                        ---------  ----------- 
 Total                                                      1,401        1,829 
                                                        =========  =========== 

*The transfer to Riverdale was in settlement of a guarantee to support deferred consideration liabilities.

Maven Income and Growth VCT 4 has co-invested in some or all of the above transactions with Maven Income and Growth VCT, Maven Income and Growth VCT 2, Maven Income and Growth VCT 3, Talisman First Venture Capital Trust and Ortus VCT. The Company is expected to continue to co-invest with these as well as other Maven clients, which offers the advantage that in aggregate the funds are able to underwrite a wider range and larger size of transaction than would be the case on a stand-alone basis.

Portfolio Developments

Seven new substantial unlisted investments were added to the portfolio during the year:

-- Torridon Capital, the holding company of LitComp plc, a highly profitable specialist insurance business which has a market leading position in the rapidly expanding After the Event Insurance market, where Maven led one of the first public-to-private acquisitions by a mainstream VCT manager

-- esure, one of the largest and pioneering online providers of general and motor insurance in the UK, and with a portfolio of high profile insurance brands; Maven client funds participated in the syndicate which funded the acquisition from Lloyds Banking Group Plc

-- Venmar, the holding company for XPD8 Solutions, a highly profitable asset integrity business operating in a defensive sub-sector of the energy services industry, providing asset maintenance solutions to a blue-chip international customer base

-- Flexlife, an award winning flexible pipe specialist, which employs patented ultrasonic scanning technology to provide sub-sea asset integrity solutions to energy sector clients at a time when their global market places ever greater emphasis on maintaining critical infrastructure and sustained field production

-- Attraction World Holdings, which offers ticketing solutions to the worldwide travel sector, enjoys exclusive trading partnerships with key UK travel organisations and provides travel agents with integrated access to the ticketing systems of major global theme parks

-- CHS Engineering Services, a leading provider of condition monitoring and maintenance services to domestic and international airport terminal operators and major clients in the distribution and materials handling sector

-- McGavigans, a manufacturer and supplier of decorative assemblies and interior parts to global automotive manufacturers, with a significant share of the Western European market and a strategy to establish a low cost manufacturing operation in China, where it can leverage the overseas experience of its management team to serve the wider Asian markets.

In addition, repayments of loan stock were received from some of the investee companies as shown on the table on page 12.

In respect of AIM holdings, the Manager has continued its policy of structured exits. An overall net gain of GBP152,000 was achieved from this part of the portfolio, including the impact of a disposal where a security was written off the register, and instances where Maven had lost confidence in a specific holding or where a mandatory sale process or bid was in evidence. There was no effect on the NAV as realisations were achieved at close to carrying values.

Investments in the unlisted portfolio are generally trading well and increased valuations have been achieved where appropriate.


The underlying investment portfolio has seen a significant diversification and improvement over the past two years, with an emphasis on identifying and investing in later stage private companies with attractive yield characteristics. There is significant demand for this type of asset by providers of alternative capital, and the market for private equity transactions has become more competitive notwithstanding the shortage of capital available from more traditional sources. In this operating environment Maven will leverage its UK network and experience to continue to construct a high quality and income producing portfolio of assets diversified across a range of sectors on behalf of its VCT client investors.


                                                  Ordinary Share                  S Ordinary Share 
                                          Cost of                          Cost of 
                     Date     Complete/    shares               Realised    shares               Realised 
                    first      Partial    disposed    Sales       Gain/    disposed    Sales       Gain/ 
                   invested      Exit        of      Proceeds     Loss        of      Proceeds     Loss 
                                          GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
----------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Ailsa Craig 
  Limited            2009     Partial            -          -          -        179        179          - 
  Limited            2008     Complete         225        225          -        125        125          - 
  Foods Group 
  Limited            2008     Partial            -          -          -         19         21          2 
  Limited            2007     Complete           -         10         10          -          5          5 
  Limited            2010     Partial          150        150          -        110        110          - 
  Limited            2008     Complete         225        225          -        125        125          - 
  Limited            2009     Partial           18         18          -         18         18          - 
                                               618        628         10        576        583          7 
                                         ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
  PLC                2008     Complete           -          -          -         94        179         85 
  Group PLC          2004     Complete          18         47         29          -          -          - 
  Limited            2008     Partial            4          2        (2)          -          -          - 
  PLC                2007     Complete         148        228         80         90        139         49 
  PLC                2007     Complete         124        144         20         35         41          6 
 OPG Power 
  PLC                2008     Partial            2          3          1          2          3          1 
 Software Radio 
  PLC                2005     Partial          127        175         48          -          -          - 
 Others                                        314        173      (141)         25          1       (24) 
                                               737        772         35        246        363        117 
                                         ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Total                                       1,355      1,400         45        822        946        124 
                                         =========  =========  =========  =========  =========  ========= 

Included in 'Others' is the legacy AIM security, Elevation Events, which was struck off the Register during the year resulting in a realised loss of GBP100,000. This had no effect on the NAV as a full provision had been made in earlier years.

 For the year ended 31 December 
                               Ordinary Shares              S Ordinary Shares                   TOTAL 
                         Revenue   Capital     Total   Revenue   Capital     Total   Revenue   Capital     Total 
                 Notes   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
--------------  ------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Gains on 
  investments      8           -       799       799         -       278       278         -     1,077     1,077 
 Income from 
  investments      2         229         -       229       121         -       121       350         -       350 
 Other income      2           -         -         -         -         -         -         -         -         - 
  fees             3        (14)      (57)      (71)      (14)      (55)      (69)      (28)     (112)     (140) 
  expenses         4       (201)         -     (201)     (122)         -     (122)     (323)         -     (323) 
--------------  ------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Net Return on 
  taxation                    14       742       756      (15)       223       208       (1)       965       964 
 Tax on 
  activities       5         (1)         1         -         -         -         -       (1)         1         - 
--------------  ------            --------                      --------                      -------- 
  to equity 
  shareholders                13       743       756      (15)       223       208       (2)       966       964 
--------------  ------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Earnings per 
  (pence)                    0.2       9.0       9.2     (0.3)       4.5       4.2     (0.1)      13.5      13.4 
--------------  ------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared, 
  as all gains and losses are 
 recognised in the Income Statement. 
 All items in the above statement are derived from continuing operations. 
  The Company has only one class of 
 business and derives its income from investments made in shares, 
  securities and bank deposits. 
 The total column of this statement is the Profit and Loss Account 
  of the Company. 
 For the year ended 31 December 
                                                S Ordinary 
                              Ordinary Shares       Shares     TOTAL 
                                      GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Opening Shareholders' 
  funds                                 6,996        4,693    11,689 
 Net return 
  for year                                756          208       964 
 Net proceeds 
  of share issue                          605            -       605 
  and cancellation 
  of shares                              (98)         (26)     (124) 
 Dividends paid 
  - revenue                              (42)         (25)      (67) 
 Dividends paid 
  - capital                             (253)         (49)     (302) 
 Closing Shareholders' 
  funds                                 7,964        4,801    12,765 
---------------------------  ----------------  -----------  -------- 
 For the year ended 31 December 2009 
                                Ordinary Shares                S Ordinary Shares                   TOTAL 
                           Revenue   Capital      Total   Revenue   Capital     Total   Revenue   Capital     Total 
                 Notes     GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
--------------  ------  ----------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Gains on 
  investments      8             -       459        459         -        56        56         -       515       515 
 Income from 
  investments      2           355         -        355       206         -       206       561         -       561 
 Other income      2             6         -          6         2         -         2         8         -         8 
  fees             3          (24)      (95)      (119)      (16)      (66)      (82)      (40)     (161)     (201) 
  expenses         4         (127)         -      (127)      (95)         -      (95)     (222)         -     (222) 
--------------  ------  ----------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Net Return on 
  taxation                     210       364        574        97      (10)        87       307       354       661 
 Tax on 
  activities       5          (42)        20       (22)      (19)        14       (5)      (61)        34      (27) 
--------------  ------  ----------  --------  ---------            --------            --------  -------- 
  to equity 
  shareholders                 168       384        552        78         4        82       246       388       634 
--------------  ------  ----------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Earnings per 
  (pence)                2.1         4.9            7.0       1.6   -             1.6   3.7       4.9           8.6 
--------------  ------  ----------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared, 
  as all gains and losses are 
 recognised in the Income Statement. 
 All items in the above statement are derived from continuing operations. 
  The Company has only one class of 
 business and derives its income from investments made in shares, 
  securities and bank deposits. 
 The total column of this statement is the Profit and Loss Account 
  of the Company. 
 For the year ended 31 December 
                                                      S Ordinary 
                                    Ordinary Shares       Shares     TOTAL 
                                            GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Opening Shareholders' 
  funds                                       6,647        4,750    11,397 
 Net Return for year                            552           82       634 
 Repurchase and cancellation 
  of shares                                    (23)            -      (23) 
 Dividends paid - 
  revenue                                     (180)        (139)     (319) 
 Dividends paid - 
  capital                                         -            -         - 
 Closing Shareholders' 
  funds                                       6,996        4,693    11,689 
---------------------------------  ----------------  -----------  -------- 
 As at 31 December 
                                31 December 2010                31 December 2009 
                                            S                               S 
                          Ordinary   Ordinary             Ordinary   Ordinary 
                            Shares     Shares     Total     Shares     Shares     Total 
                  Notes    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
---------------  ------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
 Fixed assets 
 Investments at 
  fair value 
  profit or 
  loss              8        6,956      4,002    10,958      6,156      2,841     8,997 
 Current assets 
 Debtors           10          167         78       245        163         65       228 
 Cash and 
  deposits                     890        753     1,643        756      1,832     2,588 
---------------  ------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
                             1,057        831     1,888        919      1,897     2,816 
  falling due 
  within one 
  year             11         (49)       (32)      (81)       (79)       (45)     (124) 
                         ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
 Net current 
  assets                     1,008        799     1,807        840      1,852     2,692 
---------------  ------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
 Total net 
  assets                     7,964      4,801    12,765      6,996      4,693    11,689 
---------------  ------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
 Capital and 
 Called up 
  share capital    12          832        494     1,326        780        497     1,277 
 Share premium     13          538      4,227     4,765          -      4,227     4,227 
  reserve          13        6,539       (26)     6,513      6,637          -     6,637 
  Reserve          13           19          3        22          4          -         4 
  reserves - 
  realised         13        1,085        106     1,191      1,349         86     1,435 
  reserves - 
  unrealised       13      (1,236)       (38)   (1,274)    (1,990)      (192)   (2,182) 
  reserve          13          187         35       222        216         75       291 
 Net assets 
  to ordinary 
  Shareholders               7,964      4,801    12,765      6,996      4,693    11,689 
---------------  ------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
 Net asset 
  value per 
  share (pence)    14         95.7       97.3                 89.7       94.4 
---------------  ------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
 The Financial Statements of Maven Income and Growth VCT 4 
  PLC, registered number 272568, were approved and authorised 
  for issue by the Board of Directors and were signed on its 
  behalf by: 
 Ian Cormack 
 11 March 2011 
 For the year ended 31 
  December 2010 
                             Year to 31 December             Year to 31 December 
                                     2010                            2009 
                                          S                               S 
                        Ordinary   Ordinary             Ordinary   Ordinary 
                          Shares     Shares     Total     Shares     Shares     Total 
                         GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
  income received            226        109       335        397        268       665 
 Deposit interest 
  received                     -          -         -          8          3        11 
  fees paid                 (82)       (77)     (159)       (90)       (62)     (152) 
  fees paid                 (48)       (33)      (81)       (34)       (25)      (59) 
 Cash paid 
  to and on 
  behalf of 
  Directors                 (39)       (26)      (65)       (38)       (27)      (65) 
 Other cash 
  payments                 (111)       (63)     (174)       (52)       (37)      (89) 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
 Net cash 
  from operating 
  activities                (54)       (90)     (144)        191        120       311 
  tax                       (22)        (5)      (27)       (12)       (15)      (27) 
 Purchase of 
  investments            (1,401)    (1,829)   (3,230)    (1,617)    (1,028)   (2,645) 
 Sale of investments       1,399        945     2,344      2,121      2,804     4,925 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
 Net cash 
  from financial 
  investment                 (2)      (884)     (886)        504      1,776     2,280 
 Equity dividends 
  paid                     (295)       (74)     (369)      (180)      (139)     (319) 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
 Net cash 
  before financing         (373)    (1,053)   (1,426)        503      1,742     2,245 
 Issue of Ordinary 
  Shares                     605          -       605          -          -         - 
  of Ordinary 
  Shares                    (98)       (26)     (124)       (23)          -      (23) 
 Net cash 
  from financing             507       (26)       481       (23)          -      (23) 
---------------------  ---------  ---------            ---------  --------- 
  in cash                    134    (1,079)     (945)        480      1,742     2,222 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
 Principal risks and uncertainties 
  The principal risks facing the Company relate to its investment 
  activities and include market price, interest rate, liquidity and 
  credit risks. An explanation of these risks and how they are managed 
  is contained in Note 18 to the financial statements on pages 50 
  to 53. Additional risks faced by the Company, and the mitigation 
  approach adopted by the Board, are as follows: 
  (i) investment objective: The Board's aim is to maximise absolute 
  returns to shareholders while managing risk by ensuring an appropriate 
  diversification of investments 
  (ii) investment policy: inappropriate stock selection, leading to 
  underperformance in absolute and relative terms, is a risk which 
  the Manager mitigates by operating within investment guidelines 
  and regularly monitoring performance against the peer group 
  (iii) discount volatility: due to lack of liquidity in the secondary 
  market, venture capital trust shares tend to trade at discounts 
  to net asset values which the Board seeks to manage by making purchases 
  of shares in the market from time to time 
  (iv) regulatory risk: the Company operates in a complex regulatory 
  environment and faces a number of related risks. A breach of section 
  274 of the Income Tax Act 2007 could result in the Company's being 
  subject to capital gains tax on the sale of its investments. 
  Serious breach of other regulations, such as the UKLA Listing rules 
  and the Companies Act 2006, could lead to suspension from the Stock 
  Exchange and reputational damage. The board receives quarterly reports 
  from the Manager in order to monitor compliance with regulations. 
  The Board considers all risks and the measures in place to manage 
  them and monitors their management twice each year. 
 Derivatives and other financial instruments: 
 The Company's financial instruments comprise equity and fixed interest 
  investments, cash balances and debtors and creditors that arise 
  directly from its operations, for example, in respect of sales and 
  purchases awaiting settlement, and debtors for accrued income. The 
  Company holds financial assets in accordance with its investment 
  policy of investing mainly in a portfolio of VCT qualifying unquoted 
  an AIM quoted securities. The Company may not enter into derivative 
  transactions in the form of forward foreign currency contracts, 
  futures and options without the written permission of the Directors. 
  No derivative transactions were entered into during the period. 
 The main risks the Company faces from its financial instruments 
  are (i) market price risk, being the risk that the value of investment 
  holdings will fluctuate as a result of changes in market prices 
  caused by factors other than interest rates, (ii) interest rate 
  risk, (iii) liquidity risk and (iv) credit risk. In line with the 
  Company's investment objective, the portfolio comprises only sterling 
  currency securities and therefore has no direct exposure to foreign 
  currency risk. 
 The Manager's policies for managing these risks are summarised below 
  and have been applied throughout the period. The numerical disclosures 
  below exclude short-term debtors and creditors which are included 
  in the balance sheet at fair value. 
 Market price risk 
 The Company's investment portfolio is exposed to market price fluctuations, 
  which are monitored by the Manager in pursuance of the investment 
  objective as set out on page 19. Adherence to investment guidelines 
  and to investment and borrowing policies set out in the management 
  agreement mitigates the risk of excessive exposure to any particular 
  type of security or issuer. These powers and guidelines include 
  the requirement to invest in a minimum of 30 companies across a 
  range of industrial and service sectors at varying stages of development, 
  to closely monitor the progress of these companies and to appoint 
  a non-executive director to the board of each company. Further information 
  on the investment portfolio (including sector concentration and 
  deal type analysis) is set out in the Analysis of Unlisted and AIM 
  Portfolio, Investment Manager's Review, Summary of Investment Changes, 
  Investment Portfolio Summary and Largest Unlisted and AIM Investments 
  on pages 9 to 12. 
 Interest rate risk 
 Ordinary Shares as at 31 December 2010: 
 The unlisted fixed interest assets have a weighted average life 
  of 2.8 years (2009: 2.9 years) and weighted average interest rate 
  of 8.45% (2009: 8.34%). The non-interest bearing assets represent 
  the equity element of the portfolio. All assets and liabilities 
  of the fund are included in the balance sheet at fair value. 
 It is the Directors' opinion that the carrying amounts of these 
  financial assets represent the maximum credit risk exposure at the 
  balance sheet date. 
 The interest rate which determines the interest received on cash 
  balances is the bank base rate. 
 S Ordinary Shares at 31 December 2010: 
 The unlisted fixed interest assets have a weighted average life 
  of 3.2 years (2009: 3.3 years) and a weighted average interest rate 
  of 8.20% (2009: 8.25%). The non-interest bearing assets represent 
  the equity element of the portfolio. All assets and liabilities 
  of the fund are included in the balance sheet at fair value. 

It is the Directors opinion that the carrying amounts of these financial assets represent the maximum credit risk exposure at the balance sheet date.

 The interest rate which determines the interest received on cash 
  balances is the bank base rate. 
 Liquidity risk 
 Unlisted investments may not be readily realisable and therefore 
  a portfolio of listed assets and cash is held to offset this liquidity 
  risk. Note 8 details the three-tier hierarchy of inputs used as 
  at 31 December 2010 in valuing the Company's investments carried 
  at fair value. 
 The company, generally, does not hold significant cash balances 
  and any cash held is with reputable banks with high quality external 
  credit ratings. 
 Credit risk 
 This is the risk that a counterparty to a financial instrument will 
  fail to discharge an obligation or commitment that it has entered 
  into with the Company. 
 All fixed interest assets which are traded on a recognised exchange 
  and all the Company's cash balances are held by JP Morgan Chase 
  (JPM), the Company's custodian. Should the credit quality or the 
  financial position of JPM deteriorate significantly the Manager 
  will move these assets to another financial institution. 
 The manager evaluates credit risk on unlisted debt securities and 
  financial commitments and guarantees prior to investment, and as 
  part of the ongoing monitoring of investments. In doing this, it 
  takes into account the extent and quality of any security held. 
  Typically, unlisted debt securities have a fixed charge over the 
  assets of the investee company in order to mitigate the gross credit 
  risk. The manager receives management accounts from investee companies, 
  and members of the investment management team sit on the boards 
  of investee companies; this allows the close identification, monitoring 
  and management of investment specific credit risk. 
  There were no significant concentrations of credit risk to counterparties 
  at 31 December 2010 or 31 December 2009. 
 Price risk sensitivity 
 The following details the Company's sensitivity to a 10% increase 
  or decrease in the market prices of listed or AIM/PLUS quoted securities, 
  with 10% being the Manager's assessment of a reasonable possible 
  change in market prices. 
 At 31 December 2010, if market prices of AIM/PLUS quoted securities 
  had been 10% higher or lower and with all other variables held constant, 
  the increase or decrease in net assets attributable to Ordinary 
  Shareholders for the year would have been GBP71,000 (2009: GBP123,516) 
  due to the change on valuation of financial assets at fair value 
  through profit or loss. 
 At 31 December 2010, if market prices of listed or AIM/PLUS quoted 
  securities had been 10% higher or lower and with all other variables 
  held constant, the increase or decrease in net assets attributable 
  to S Ordinary Shareholders for the year would have been GBP16,200 
  (2009: GBP52,200) due to the change on valuation of financial assets 
  at fair value through profit or loss. 
 At 31 December 2010, 78.4% (2009: 70.3%) comprised investments in 
  unquoted companies held at fair value attributable to Ordinary Shareholders. 
  The valuation methods used by the Company include cost and realisable 
  value. Therefore, it is not considered meaningful to provide a sensitivity 
  analysis on the net asset position and total return for the year 
  due to the fact any such movements would be immaterial to users 
  of financial statements. 
 At 31 December 2010, 79.9% (2009: 49.4%) comprised investments in 
  unquoted companies held at fair value attributable to S Ordinary 
  Shareholders. The valuation methods used by the Company include 
  cost and realisable value. Therefore, it is not considered meaningful 
  to provide a sensitivity analysis on the net asset position and 
  total return for the year due to the fact any such movements would 
  be immaterial to users of financial statements. 
  Statement of Directors' Responsibility in Respect of the Annual 
  Financial Report 
  The directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report, Directors' 
  Remuneration Report and the financial statements in accordance with 
  applicable law and regulations. 
  Company law requires the directors to prepare financial statements 
  for each financial year. Under that law the directors have elected 
  to prepare the financial statements in accordance with United Kingdom 
  Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (United Kingdom Accounting 
  Standards and applicable law). The financial statements are required 
  by law to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the 
  company and of the net return of the company for that period. In 
  preparing these financial statements, the directors are required 
  -- select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently 
  -- make judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent 
  -- state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed, 
  subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the 
  financial statements 
  -- prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless 
  it is inappropriate to presume that the company will continue in 
  The directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records 
  that disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial 
  position of the company and enable them to ensure that the financial 
  statements comply with the Companies Act 2006. They are also responsible 
  for safeguarding the assets of the company and hence for taking 
  reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other 
  The directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity 
  of the corporate and financial information included on the company's 
  website. Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation 
  and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation 
  in other jurisdictions. 
  Responsibility of the Directors in respect of the Annual Financial 
  We confirm that, to the best of our knowledge, the financial statements, 
  prepared in accordance with the applicable set of accounting standards 
  and set out on pages 35 to 53, give a true and fair view of the 
  assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the 
  company; and the Directors' Report, set out on pages 20 to 29, includes 
  a fair review of the developments and performance of the business 
  and the position of the Company together with a description of the 
  principal risks and uncertainties that they face 
 1     Accounting Policies - UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice 
 (a)   Basis of preparation 
       The Financial Statements have been prepared under the historical 
        cost convention modified to include the revaluation of investments 
        and in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice 
        'Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies' (the SORP) 
        issued in January 2009. 
 (b)   Income 
       Dividends receivable on equity shares and unit trusts are treated as 
       revenue for the period on an ex-dividend basis. Where no ex-dividend 
       date is available dividends receivable on or before the year end are 
       treated as revenue for the period. Provision is made for any dividends 
       not expected to be received. The fixed returns on debt securities and 
       non-equity shares are recognised on a time apportionment basis so as to 
       reflect the effective interest rate on the debt securities and shares. 
       Provision is made for any fixed income not expected to be received. 
       Interest receivable from cash and short term deposits and interest 
       payable are accrued to the end of the year. 
 (c)   Expenses 
       All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis and charged 
        to the income statement. Expenses are charged through the revenue 
        account except as follows: 
       - expenses which are incidental to the acquisition and disposal 
        of an investment are charged to capital; and 
       - expenses are charged to realised capital reserves where a connection 
        with the maintenance or enhancement of the value of the investments 
        can be demonstrated. In this respect the investment management 
        fee has been allocated 20% to revenue and 80% to realised capital 
        reserves to reflect the Company's investment policy and prospective 
        income and capital growth. 
       - share issue costs are charged to the share premium account. 
       - expenses are allocated between the original pool or the S share 
        pool depending on the nature of the expense. 
 (d)   Taxation 
       Deferred taxation is recognised in respect of all timing differences 
        that have originated but not reversed at the balance sheet date, 
        where transactions or events that result in an obligation to 
        pay more tax in the future or right to pay less tax in the future 
        have occurred at the balance sheet date. This is subject to deferred 
        tax assets only being recognised if it is considered more likely 
        than not that there will be suitable profits from which the future 
        reversal of the underlying timing differences can be deducted. 
        Timing differences are differences arising between the Company's 
        taxable profits and its results as stated in the financial statements 
        which are capable of reversal in one or more subsequent periods. 
       Deferred tax is measured on a non-discounted basis at the tax 
        rates that are expected to apply in the periods in which timing 
        differences are expected to reverse, based on tax rates and laws 
        enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date. 
       The tax effect of different items of income/gain and expenditure/loss 
        is allocated between capital reserves and revenue account on 
        the same basis as the particular item to which it relates using 
        the Company's effective rate of tax for the period. 
 (e)   Investments 
       In valuing unlisted investments the Directors follow the criteria 
        set out below. These procedures comply with the revised International 
        Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines for the 
        valuation of private equity and venture capital investments. 
        Investments are recognised at their trade date and are designated 
        by the directors as fair value through profit and loss. At subsequent 
        reporting dates, investments are valued at fair value, which 
        represent the Directors' view of the amount for which an asset 
        could be exchanged between knowledgeable willing parties in an 
        arm's length transaction. This does not assume that the underlying 
        business is saleable at the reporting date or that its current 
        shareholders have an intention to sell their holding in the near 
       A financial asset or liability is generally derecognised when 
        the contract that gives rise to it is settled, sold, cancelled 
        or expires. 
       1. For Investments completed within the 12 months prior to the 
        reporting date and those at an early stage in their development, 
        fair value is determined using the Price of Recent Investment 
        Method, except that adjustments are made when there has been 
        a material change in the trading circumstances of the company 
        or a substantial movement in the relevant sector of the stock 
       2. Whenever practical, recent investments will be valued by reference 
        to a material arm's length 
       transaction or a quoted price. 
       3. Mature companies are valued by applying a multiple to their 
        fully taxed prospective earnings to 
       determine the enterprise value of the company. 
       3.1 To obtain a valuation of the total ordinary share capital 
        held by management and 
       the institutional investors, the value of third party debt, 
       institutional loan stock, debentures and preference share capital is 
       deducted from the enterprise value. The effect of any performance 
       related mechanisms is taken into account when determining the value of 
       the ordinary share capital. 
       3.2 Preference shares, debentures and loan stock are valued using 
        the Price of Recent Investment Method. When a redemption premium 
        has accrued, this will only be valued if there is a reasonable 
        prospect of it being paid. Preference shares which carry a right 
        to convert into ordinary share capital are valued at the higher 
        of the Price of Recent Investment Method basis and the price/earnings 
        basis, both described above. 
       4. Where there is evidence of impairment, a provision may be 
        taken against the previous valuation of the investment. 
       5. In the absence of evidence of a deterioration, or strong defensible 
        evidence of an increase in value, the fair value is determined 
        to be that reported at the previous balance sheet date. 
       6. All unlisted investments are valued individually by the Manager. 
        The resultant valuations are subject to detailed scrutiny and 
        approval by the Directors of the Company. 
       7. In accordance with normal market practice, investments listed 
        on the Alternative Investment Market or a recognised stock exchange 
        are valued at their bid market price. 
 (f)   Fair Value Measurement 
       Fair value is defined as the price that the Company would receive 
        upon selling an investment in a timely transaction to an independent 
        buyer in the principal or the most advantageous market of the 
        investment. A three-tier hierarchy has been established to maximise 
        the use of observable market data and minimise the use of unobservable 
        inputs and to establish classification of fair value measurements 
        for disclosure purposes. Inputs refer broadly to the assumptions 
        that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability, 
        including assumptions about risk, for example, the risk inherent 
        in a particular valuation technique used to measure fair value 
        including such a pricing model and/or the risk inherent in the 
        inputs to the valuation technique. Inputs may be observable or 
       Observable inputs are inputs that reflect the assumptions market 
        participants would use in pricing the asset or liability developed 
        based on market data obtained from sources independent of the 
        reporting entity. Unobservable inputs are inputs that reflect 
        the reporting entity's own assumptions about the assumptions 
        market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability 
        developed based on best information available in the circumstances. 
       The three-tier hierarchy of inputs is summarised in the three 
        board levels listed below: 
       Level 1 - quoted prices in active markets for identical investments 
       Level 2 - other significant observable inputs (included quoted 
        prices for similar investments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, 
        credit risk etc). 
       Level 3 - significant unobservable inputs (including the Company's 
        own assumptions in determining the fair value of investments). 
 (g)   Gains and losses on investments 
       When the company sells or revalues its investments during the 
        year, any gains or losses arising are credited/charged to the 
        Income Statement. 
                           Year ended                             Year ended 
                        31 December 2010                       31 December 2009 
 7 Return 
 per share 
 have been 
 based on 
 the                                                                       S 
 following      Ordinary    S Ordinary                  Ordinary    Ordinary 
 figures:         Shares        Shares        Total       Shares      Shares        Total 
  number of 
  shares       8,243,192   4,937,304     13,180,496    7,834,599   4,972,459   12,807,058 
 Revenue       GBP13,000   (GBP15,000)            -   GBP168,000   GBP78,000   GBP246,000 
 Capital      GBP743,000    GBP223,000   GBP966,000   GBP384,000    GBP4,000   GBP388,000 
 Total        GBP756,000    GBP208,000   GBP966,000   GBP552,000   GBP82,000   GBP634,000 
-----------  -----------  ------------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ----------- 
                            31 December 2010                            31 December 2009 
                                          S Ordinary 
                  Ordinary Shares            Shares           Ordinary Shares      S Ordinary Shares 
 12 Share 
  capital          Number   GBP'000      Number   GBP'000      Number   GBP'000      Number   GBP'000 
 At 31 
 December the 
  issued and 
  fully paid: 
  shares of 
  10p each 
  forward       7,798,296       780   4,972,459       497   7,835,163       784   4,972,459       497 
  in year       (152,065)      (15)    (36,450)       (3)    (36,867)       (4)           -         - 
-------------  ----------  --------  ----------  --------  ----------  --------  ----------  -------- 
                7,646,231       765   4,936,009       494   7,798,296       780   4,972,459       497 
  during the 
  period          676,899        67   -           -         -           -         -           - 
-------------  ----------  --------  ----------  --------  ----------  --------  ----------  -------- 
                8,323,130       832   4,936,009       494   7,798,296       780   4,972,459       497 
=============  ==========  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ======== 
                   Share                    Capital      Capital      Capital 
                 premium   Distributable   reserves     reserves   Redemption   Revenue 
                 account         reserve   realised   unrealised      Reserve   reserve 
                 GBP'000         GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000 
 13 Reserves 
 At 1 January 
  2010                 -           6,637      1,349      (1,990)            4       216 
 Gains on 
 sales of 
 investments           -               -         45            -            -         - 
 Net increase 
  in value of 
  investments          -               -          -          754            -         - 
 fees                  -               -       (57)            -            -         - 
  paid                 -               -      (253)            -            -      (42) 
 Tax effect of 
 items                 -               -          1            -            -         - 
 Share Issue - 
 1 April 2010        398               -          -            -            -         - 
 Share Issue - 
 5 April 2010         85               -          -            -            -         - 
 Share Issue - 
 30 April 
 2010                 55               -          -            -            -         - 
  of shares            -            (98)          -            -           15         - 
 Net return on 
  taxation             -               -          -            -            -        13 
 At 31 
  2010               538           6,539      1,085      (1,236)           19       187 
--------------  --------  --------------  ---------  -----------  -----------  -------- 
 S Ordinary 
 At 1 January 
  2010             4,227               -         86        (192)            -        75 
 Gains on 
 sales of 
 investments           -               -        124            -            -         - 
 Net increase 
  in value of 
  investments          -               -          -          154            -         - 
 fees                  -               -       (55)            -            -         - 
  paid                 -               -       (49)            -            -      (25) 
 Tax effect of 
 items                 -               -          -            -            -         - 
  of shares            -            (26)          -            -            3         - 
 Net return on 
  taxation             -               -          -            -            -      (15) 
 At 31 
  2010             4,227            (26)        106         (38)            3        35 
--------------  --------  --------------  ---------  -----------  -----------  -------- 
 14 Net asset value per ordinary share 
 The net asset value per share and the net asset value attributable 
  to the ordinary shares at the period end 
 calculated in accordance with the Articles of Association were 
  as follows: 
                          31 December 2010                              31 December 2009 
               Ordinary Shares       S Ordinary Shares       Ordinary Shares       S Ordinary Shares 
               Net                    Net                    Net                    Net 
             asset      Net asset   asset      Net asset   asset      Net asset   asset      Net asset 
             value                  value                  value                  value 
               per          value     per          value     per          value     per          value 
             share   attributable   share   attributable   share   attributable   share   attributable 
                 p        GBP'000       p        GBP'000       p        GBP'000       p        GBP'000 
  shares      95.7          7,964    97.3          4,801   89.7           6,996    94.4          4,693 
----------  ------  -------------  ------  -------------  ------  -------------  ------  ------------- 

Other information

This announcement has been prepared on the same basis as the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2010. The Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2010 will be filed with the Registrar of Companies and issued to Shareholders in due course. References to page numbers and notes to the financial statements are references to the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2010.

The financial information contained within this announcement does not constitute the Company's statutory Financial Statements as defined in the Companies Act 2006. The statutory Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2009 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and contained an audit report which was unqualified.

Copies of this announcement and of the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2010 will be available at the registered office:149 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5NW, and on the Company's website at www.mavencp.com/migvct4.

By order of the Board

Maven Capital Partners UK LLP


14 March 2011


Neither the content of the Company's website nor the contents of any website accessible from hyperlinks on the company's website (or any other website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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