RNS Number : 5232B

Maven Income & Growth VCT 4 PLC

17 April 2012

Maven Income and Growth VCT 4 PLC

Annual Financial Report for the year ended 31 December 2011

Despite continued volatility for global quoted markets throughout the reporting period, and the resulting adverse impact on UK business and investor sentiment, the Board is pleased to report that your Company has achieved further positive shareholder returns during the year to 31 December 2011. Smaller companies are exposed to the wider market fragility, but your Company's private equity portfolio continues to perform well and in line with the Company's objective of generating long term capital appreciation and maintainable levels of tax-free income for shareholders.

The Manager seeks to invest in a wide range of attractively priced later-stage companies with defensive characteristics, predictable earnings and modest levels of debt, which are therefore well placed to withstand extended periods of challenging trading conditions. This approach has helped to deliver an increasing level of tax-free dividends for shareholders and steady growth in the underlying NAV. Your Board was encouraged to note that a recent AIC press release entitled 'VCT performance rivals conventional companies in 2011', which analysed the high representation of VCTs among the top performing investment companies during 2011, highlighted the fact that your Company was ranked 2nd of the top ten VCTs for share price total return during that period and was also showing strong positive returns over 3 years.

The Manager's ability to source high quality private company holdings was confirmed in the Deloitte Buyout Track 100 report published in February 2012, which tracks the performance of the top 100 private equity backed medium-sized companies in Britain over the past two years. Four portfolio companies feature in this report, which provides useful independent validation of the underlying quality of the assets held by your Company.


-- Total return on Ordinary shares of 118.5p per share (2010: 112.0p) at 31 December 2011, up 5.8% over the year and 24.7% since launch.

   --     Net asset value (NAV) of Ordinary shares at the year end of 98.2p per share (2010: 95.7p). 

-- Total return on S Shares of 112.65p per share (2010: 103.85p) at 31 December 2011, up 8.5% over the year and 18.6% since launch.

   --     NAV of S Shares at the year end of 104.1p per share (2010: 97.3p). 
   --     Five new later stage, yielding investments added during the year. 
   --     Disposal of Walker Technical Resources, for a return of 3.0 times cost. 

-- Final dividends proposed of 2.5p per Ordinary Share (2010: 2.5p) and 1.3p per S Share (2010: 0.5p).

-- A total of 4.0p declared per Ordinary share and 2.8p per S Share in respect of the year (2010: 3.5p and 1.5p respectively).

The most important measure of performance for a VCT is the total return, which is the long term record of dividend payments out of income and capital gains combined with the current NAV. The NAV in isolation is a less relevant measure of performance as the underlying investments are long-term in nature and not readily realisable.


The Board is proposing a final dividend of 2.5p per Ordinary share and 1.3p per S share to be paid on 30 May 2012 to shareholders on the register on 9 May 2012. Including the interim dividends paid in September 2011, the tax-free yield for the year is 6.7% on the net cost (taking into account the initial tax relief available at time of investment) to Ordinary shareholders and 4% to S shareholders. Since the Company's launch, and after receipt of the proposed final dividend, Ordinary shareholders and S shareholders will have received 22.8p and 9.85p respectively in tax-free dividends.

Distributable Reserve

On 13 June 2011, the Court order approving the reduction in share premium account, as voted for by shareholders at the General Meeting on 1 February 2011, became effective. The purpose of the reduction was to provide the Company with greater flexibility in returning funds to shareholders, whether through the payment of dividends, share buy-backs or other means.

Principal risks and uncertainties

The Board has reviewed the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company, which are set out in the annual report and are the risks involved in investment in small and unquoted companies. In order to reduce the exposure to investment risk, the Company has invested in a broadly-based portfolio of mature companies in the United Kingdom.

VCT Qualifying Status

The VCT qualifying status of the Company is reviewed regularly by your Board and monitored on a continuous basis by the Manager in order to ensure that all of the criteria for VCT qualifying status continue to be met. I can confirm that all tests were met throughout the year.

Investment Strategy

The Manager's investment strategy is to build a large and diversified portfolio of income producing, later stage private companies across a range of sectors and industries. The principal domicile of these companies will generally be in the UK, although many have an export dimension or overseas operations.

The Board and the Manager have previously concluded that the potential returns available from AIM and PLUS quoted investments are too uncertain, with very limited liquidity in many stocks and poor dividend yield in comparison with private equity investments. The Manager has therefore continued to selectively realise the AIM portfolio for value over the past 12 months, and redeploy the proceeds into investments in established, income-producing private companies.

Shareholder value is created through a combination of generating revenue from loan stock holdings and capital proceeds arising from profitable realisations, normally via an eventual trade sale of the business. To achieve this goal, new transactions are typically structured with 70% to 90% in secured, yielding loan stock, in companies where an equity stake can also be acquired at a reasonable entry price, and where the Manager perceives an opportunity to arbitrage a capital profit when the business achieves greater scale and maturity.

The revised Listing Rules require your Board to ensure that this and subsequent reports carry additional information on investment policy, in particular statements concerning asset mix, the spread of risk and maximum exposures. This information is contained in the Directors' Report and in the tabular analyses of the portfolio.

Valuation Process

Investments held by Maven Income and Growth VCT 4 in unquoted companies are valued in accordance with the International Private Equity And Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines.

Investments quoted or traded on a recognised stock exchange, including AIM, are valued at their bid prices.

Portfolio Developments

During the year your Company participated in five substantial new private company transactions, as well as ten follow-on investments intended to support the development of existing portfolio companies. Most of the existing private equity assets are trading acceptably or ahead of plan. There has also been significant recent acquisition interest in several portfolio companies and the Manager is currently working on the potential sale of a number of holdings, although there is no certainty that any of these discussions will result in successful exits.

In line with the strategy of reducing the exposure to AIM, a number of further disposals were made during the period and the portfolio is now almost exclusively invested in private companies, with AIM securities now representing only 4.2% and 1.5% of the asset base for the Ordinary Pool and S pool respectively (2010: Ordinary Pool 8.9%, S Pool 3.4%). The proceeds of those disposals are then available for investment in the further growth of the private equity portfolio.

Your Company continues to co-invest in each transaction with other Maven client funds, which allows the Manager to invest in a greater range and size of transaction on behalf of VCT clients than would otherwise be the case.

Recovery of VAT

The Board continues to pursue the recovery of VAT and interest on VAT paid on management fees paid in the years before October 2008 and is confident of making progress in this area. We expect that further sums will be recovered in due course.

Co-Investment Scheme of the Manager

The co-investment scheme, which allows executive members of the Manager to invest alongside the Company, continued in operation during the year. The scheme operates through a nominee company which invests alongside the Company in each and every transaction made by the Company, including any follow-on investments. The scheme more closely aligns the interests of the executives and the Company's shareholders while providing an incentive to enable the Manager to retain the existing skills and capacity of the Manager's investment team in a competitive market.

Share Capital

As reported previously, in the period to 29 April 2011 your Company raised further funds through the Maven Linked VCT Offer 2. An additional GBP395,843 was raised, at a cost of 5% of total funds raised, and 431,672 new shares were issued. In December 2011 your Board announced its intention to offer a further opportunity to acquire New Ordinary Shares and New S Ordinary Shares through a top-up Offer aiming to raise GBP1.25 million before expenses, which is within the maximum permitted under the prospectus rules and avoids the higher costs associated with publishing a full prospectus.

On 1 March 2012, the Company issued and allotted 482,424 New Ordinary Shares and 268,769 New S Ordinary Shares under the Offer. At that point the Offer had been over-subscribed and the Board announced its closure on 2 March 2012. The remaining shares will be allotted on 5 April 2012 for the 2011/2012 tax year and on 18 April 2012 for the 2012/2013 tax year.

The Company may use the money raised, under both the earlier top-up Offer and the latest Offer, to pay dividends and general running costs. This has the effect of preserving for investment purposes an equivalent sum of valuable 'old money' which operates under more advantageous VCT regulations. The proceeds of both Offers will provide additional liquidity for the Company to make further later-stage investments, and allow it to spread its costs over a larger asset base to the benefit of all Shareholders.


Although the UK economy continues to face significant uncertainty, with widespread concerns over the prospects for growth and potential for rising inflation, well run cash-generative smaller companies continue to prosper. As a result of the persistent scarcity of bank debt available to growth companies looking for additional capital, there are continuing opportunities for well managed generalist VCTs to identify and invest in established, progressive businesses with strong balance sheets and proven business models. The Manager has been able to source a steady flow of private company introductions across the UK, allowing your Company to invest in good quality assets which are capable of generating significant income in support of a sustainable dividend programme.

Investors have been contending with record low interest rates since early 2009 and your Board recognises that regular tax-free income is a significant factor in VCT investment, alongside the ability to generate capital gains in the medium to long term. Your Company continues to build momentum, with a more established portfolio and improving dividends which bode well for future Shareholder returns.

Ian Cormack


16 April 2012

Investment Manager's Review


The prospects for the UK economy remain uncertain, with most indicators suggesting low economic growth is likely to persist for a number of years ahead. This view is further supported by the Government's 2011 Autumn Statement which forecasts that the public sector borrowing requirement will increase over the next five years, and an extended period of spending restraint will be required in order to ensure that the UK maintains its current rating with the key credit agencies. This fiscal control and lower discretionary spend capacity is likely to impact on both consumer and investor confidence over the medium term.

Notwithstanding the challenges facing the UK economy, we are encouraged to note that the majority of private company assets in the portfolio are trading in line with expectations, and are creating value for our client investors through a combination of revenue generation to fund dividends, and capital growth.

The fundamental strategy pursued by Maven is to use its national presence and local advisory relationships to generate a high level of new transaction introductions each year, and to invest selectively and conservatively in earnings reliable and well managed private companies on prudent entry multiples. This approach has ensured positive shareholder returns have been consistently achieved in recent years and will continue to be at the cornerstone of our investment approach.

We believe there are continuing positive medium term prospects for potential deal flow in our target private equity market, as well resourced generalist VCT managers continue to be introduced to high quality later-stage private companies seeking capital to expand. Maven has been introduced to over 400 private company transactions around the UK in the past 12 months, mainly by a network of long-established contacts across the corporate finance and business community.

Investment Activity

During the year the Maven team completed five substantial new private equity investments on behalf for your company, alongside ten follow-on investments in existing portfolio companies. At the year end, the portfolio stood at 55 unlisted and AIM investments at a total cost of GBP12.7 million.

The following investments have been completed during the period.

 Investment               Date      Sector                   Investment cost GBP'000       Website 
                                                          Original   S Share Pool 
                                          Oil equipment 
 ATR Holdings Limited     Feb-11               services         14                     8   www.atrgroup.co.uk 
 Blackford Capital        Nov-11          Food Producer         75                     -   No website available 
  Limited                                   & Processor 
 Camwatch Limited         Aug-11               services         70                    40   www.camwatch.co.uk 
 Claven Holdings 
  Limited                 Feb-11     Financial services         26                    13   No website available 
 Corinthian Foods         Nov-11          Food Producer        250                     -   No website available 
  Limited                                   & Processor 
 Glacier Energy 
  Services Group                          Oil equipment 
  Limited                 Mar-11               services        119                    99   www.glacier.co.uk 
 Lawrence Recycling 
  & Waste Management      Dec-11       Support services         15                    10   www.lawrenceskiphire.co.uk 
 LCL Hose Limited         Sep-11          Manufacturing        149                    99   www.dantec.ltd.uk 
 Lemac No.1 Limited       Oct-11          Manufacturing        106                    85   www.mcgavigan.com 
 Maven Co-invest 
  Exodus Limited                      Telecommunication 
  Partnership             Jun-11               services        274                   192   No website available 
 Moriond Limited          Dec-11            Real Estate        200                   150   No website available 
 Nessco Group Holdings                    Oil equipment 
  Limited                 Oct-11               services         31                    50   www.nesscogroup.com 
 Space Student Living 
  Limited                 Jun-11       Support services        154                   124   No website available 
 TC Communications 
  Holdings Limited        May-11       Support services         43                    27   www.tccommunications.co.uk 
 Torridon Capital 
  Limited                 Apr-11     Financial services         87                    74   www.elite-insurance.co.uk 
 Total Unlisted 
  investment                                                 1,613                   971 
                                                         ---------  -------------------- 
 Marechale Capital                           Financials 
  PLC                     Feb-11               services          3                     1   www.marechalecapital.com 
 Marwyn Management                           Financials 
  Partners                Jul-11               services         16                    17   www.marwyn.com 
 Total AIM investment                                           19                    18 
                                                         ---------  -------------------- 
 Treasury 5.25% 
  7 June 2012             Dec-11                   Gilt        600                   250 
                                                               600                   250 
                                                         ---------  -------------------- 
 Total                                                       2,232                 1,239 
                                                         =========  ==================== 

Unlisted Portfolio Developments

Five substantial private company investments were added to the portfolio during the period under review.

-- Glacier Energy Services, a profitable oil and gas service group with two specialist trading subsidiaries, Roberts Pipeline Machining and Wellclad. Roberts designs and manufactures on-site portable cutting machines for blue chip oil and gas clients. Wellclad provides services to the European offshore and subsea equipment market. Glacier is focused on growth within its core UK market as well as promoting its technologies to the international oil and gas market.

-- Space Student Living, a business providing contracted property management services across the student housing sector. Space aims to achieve significant growth across its consultancy services operation, in tandem with the acquisition of further long term management contracts.

-- Maven Co-invest Exodus, a new company trading as 60, established by Penta Capital to implement a buy-and-build strategy in the business telecommunications service sector based on the converging of mobile, fixed-line, broadband, internet and IT technology businesses. Penta is an established private equity firm with which Maven previously co-invested in the successful 2010 management buy-out of esure.

-- LCL Hose, (trading as Dantec) a specialist manufacturer of hand-built composite hoses for the global petrochemical industry. Composite hoses provide the vital flexible connection in many fluid transfer systems, and are used worldwide in applications such as unloading road, rail and marine tankers within chemical and oil plants, and in Formula 1 racing. Dantec exports around 70% of its output and is engaged in a number of significant overseas projects.

-- Moriond, a new company set up to acquire an established residential property portfolio at a significant discount to open market value. Maven will work on a joint venture basis with an experienced developer to break up the portfolio into single lots, carry out minor refurbishment, and then implement a structured sale of the individual assets over an 18-24 month period. The transaction is projected to generate a significant capital gain alongside a 6.5% paid yield through the life of the investment.

In a number of cases the Manager is also currently engaged with investee companies and prospective acquirers at various stages of a potential exit process. This realisation activity reflects the increasing maturity of a number of holdings, but it should be noted that there can be no certainty that these discussions will ultimately lead to profitable sales.

There was one notable private company exit during the period. The investment in Dalglen 1150 (Walker Technical Resources) was realised in July with further proceeds received on agreement of completion accounts. Total proceeds over the life of the investment were GBP1.05m representing an overall 3.0 times return on the initial investment cost. The exit was via a secondary buy-out, funded by Gresham Private Equity, just two years after Maven originally led the management buy-in in June 2009. Walker, which provides some of the most advanced composite repairs technology available for the global oil & gas industry, has consistently traded ahead of budget and has more than doubled earnings since the initial investment.

The table on page 13 gives details of realisations during the reporting period.

                                                                    Ordinary Shares                                                                              S Shares 
                                              Cost              Value                                               Realised            Cost              Value                                               Realised 
                  Date      Complete/       of shares           at 31                             Realised         gain/(loss)        of shares           at 31                                              gain/(loss) 
                  first       partial        disposed          December           Sales             gain/         over December        disposed          December           Sales           Realised        over December 
                 invested      exit             of               2010            proceeds           (loss)        2010 Valuation          of               2010            proceeds        gain/(loss)      2010 Valuation 
                                             GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000 
-------------  ----------  -----------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 Ailsa Craig 
  Limited         2009      Complete                 249               249               249                 -                 -               169               169               169                 -                 - 
  Foods Group 
  Limited         2008      Partial                    -                 -                 -                 -                 -                56                56                63                 7                 7 
  Limited         2010      Partial                   39                47                39                 -               (8)                30                30                30                 -                 - 
  as Walker 
  Resources)      2009      Complete                 249               592               627               378                35                99               264               251               152               -13 
  Limited         2009      Complete                 249               249               249                 -                 -               149               149               149                 -                 - 
  Systems         2001      Complete                 192               166               239                47                73                 -                                   -                 -                 - 
 Oliver Kay       2007      Partial                    4                 4                 4                 -                 -                 -                                   -                 -                 - 
  Limited         2009      Complete                 249               249               249                 -                 -               149               149               149                 -                 - 
 Tosca Penta 
  Partnership     2010      Partial                   13                13                13                 -                 -                13                18                13                 -               (5) 
 Others                                               71                27                31              (40)                 4                37                14                16              (21)                 2 
                                                   1,315             1,596             1,700               385               104               702               849               840               138               (9) 
                                        ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
  Limited         2011      Partial                   22                15                17               (5)                 2                 5                 3                 4               (1)                 1 
  Company         2006      Complete                  47                 4                 4              (43)                 -                 -                 -                 -                 -                 - 
 OPG Power 
  Ventures        2008      Complete                  39                52                55                16                 3                39                52                56                17                 4 
 Praesepe Plc     2008      Complete                  49                12                17              (32)                 5                50                12                17              (33)                 5 
  Technology      2005      Partial                    8                10                12                 4                 2                 -                 -                 -                 -                 - 
 System C 
  Healthcare      2005      Complete                 150                 0               194                44               194                 -                 -                 -                 -                 - 
 Others                                               66                 0                35              (31)                35               132                 -                70              (62)                70 
                                                     381                93               334              (47)               241               226                67               147              (79)                80 
                                        ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
                                                   1,696             1,689             2,034             338               345                 928               916               987                59                71 
                                        ================  ================  ================  ================  ================  ================  ================  ================  ================  ================ 

One unlisted investment and one AIM company were struck off the Register during the year resulting in a realised losses of GBP232,000 (cost GBP267,000) and GBP62,000 (cost GBP132,000) for the Ordinary Share Pool and S Share Pool respectively. This had no effect on the NAV as a full provision had been made in earlier years.

In respect of AIM holdings the Manager has continued its policy of structured exits from this part of the portfolio. Four AIM securities were purchased by a closed ended investment company established to acquire investments which were underperforming or trading below entry price. These transactions incurred realised losses of GBP126,000 (cost GBP179,000) and GBP41,000 (cost GBP52,000) for the Ordinary Share Pool and S Share Pool respectively during the year.


Your Company's portfolio has benefitted from significant diversification in recent years, with a specific focus on investing in a wide range of later-stage private companies with income generating characteristics. There is increased competition among providers of alternative capital for access to attractive private equity transactions, and good quality private company opportunities are at a premium. However with one of the most highly resourced and experienced management teams in the industry, Maven has access to a UK-wide network of introducers and is therefore well placed to continue to expand the asset base and consistently grow shareholder value.

 For the year 
 ended 31 
 December 2011 
                                        Ordinary Shares                                S Ordinary Shares                                   TOTAL 
                               Revenue         Capital           Total         Revenue         Capital          Total         Revenue         Capital          Total 
                 Notes         GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000        GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000        GBP'000 
--------------  ------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Gains on 
  investments      8                 -             546             546               -             350            350               -             896            896 
 Income from 
  investments      2               393               -             393             240               -            240             633               -            633 
 Other income      2                 1               -               1               -               -              -               1               -              1 
  fees             3              (53)           (212)           (265)            (15)            (62)           (77)            (68)           (274)          (342) 
  expenses         4             (176)               -           (176)           (102)               -          (102)           (278)               -          (278) 
--------------  ------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Net Return on 
  taxation                         165             334             499             123             288            411             288             622            910 
 Tax on 
  activities       5              (32)              32               -            (12)              12              -            (44)              44              - 
--------------  ------                  --------------                                  --------------                                 -------------- 
  Shareholders                     133             366             499             111             300            411             244             666            910 
--------------  ------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Earnings per 
  (pence)                          1.5             4.3             5.8             2.3            6.1             8.4             3.8          10.4           14.2 
--------------  ------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 

A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared, as all gains and losses are recognised in the Income Statement.

All items in the above statement are derived from continuing operations. The Company has only one class of business and derives its income from investments made in shares, securities and bank deposits.

The total column of this statement is the Profit and Loss Account of the Company.

  For the year ended 31 December 2011 
                                                     S Ordinary 
                                 Ordinary Shares         Shares          TOTAL 
                                         GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Opening Shareholders' funds               7,964          4,801         12,765 
 Net return for year                         499            411            910 
 Net proceeds of share issue                 377              -            377 
 Repurchase and cancellation 
  of shares                                (261)           (55)          (316) 
 Dividends paid - revenue                   (43)           (25)           (68) 
 Dividends paid - capital                  (305)           (74)          (379) 
 Closing Shareholders' funds               8,231          5,058         13,289 
------------------------------  ----------------  -------------  ------------- 

The accompanying Notes are an integral part of the Financial Statements.

  For the year ended 31 December 2010 
                                        Ordinary Shares                                S Ordinary Shares                                   TOTAL 
                               Revenue         Capital           Total         Revenue         Capital          Total         Revenue         Capital          Total 
                 Notes         GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000        GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000        GBP'000 
--------------  ------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Gains on 
  investments      8                 -             799             799               -             278            278               -           1,077          1,077 
 Income from 
  investments      2               229               -             229             121               -            121             350               -            350 
 Other income      2                 -               -               -               -               -              -               -               -              - 
  fees             3              (14)            (57)            (71)            (14)            (55)           (69)            (28)           (112)          (140) 
  expenses         4             (201)               -           (201)           (122)               -          (122)           (323)               -          (323) 
--------------  ------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Net Return on 
  taxation                          14             742             756            (15)             223            208             (1)             965            964 
 Tax on 
  activities       5               (1)               1               -               -               -              -             (1)               1              - 
--------------  ------                  --------------                                  --------------                                 -------------- 
  to Equity 
  Shareholders                      13             743             756            (15)             223            208             (2)             966            964 
--------------  ------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Earnings per 
  (pence)                          0.2             9.0             9.2           (0.3)             4.5            4.2           (0.1)            13.5           13.4 
--------------  ------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 

A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared, as all gains and losses are recognised in the Income Statement.

All items in the above statement are derived from continuing operations. The Company has only one class of business and derives its income from investments made in shares, securities and bank deposits.

The total column of this statement is the Profit and Loss Account of the Company.

  For the year ended 31 December 2010 
                                 Ordinary Shares   S Ordinary Shares          TOTAL 
                                         GBP'000             GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Opening Shareholders' funds               6,996               4,693         11,689 
 Net return for year                         756                 208            964 
 Net proceeds of share issue                 605                   -            605 
 Repurchase and cancellation 
  of shares                                 (98)                (26)          (124) 
 Dividends paid - revenue                   (42)                (25)           (67) 
 Dividends paid - capital                  (253)                (49)          (302) 
 Closing Shareholders' funds               7,964               4,801         12,765 
------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------  ------------- 

The accompanying Notes are an integral part of the Financial Statements.

  As at 31 December 2011 
                                                    31 December 2011                                                    31 December 2010 
                                       Ordinary             S Ordinary                                     Ordinary             S Ordinary 
                                         Shares                 Shares                  Total                Shares                 Shares                 Total 
                   Notes                GBP'000                GBP'000                GBP'000               GBP'000                GBP'000               GBP'000 
---------------  -------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------  ---------------------  -------------------- 
 Fixed assets 
 Investments at 
  fair value 
  profit or 
  loss              8                  7,697                  4,603                12,300                   6,956                 4,002                10,958 
 Current assets 
 Debtors            10                    233                    125                    358                    167                     78                   245 
 Cash and 
  deposits                                399                    356                    755                    890                   753                 1,643 
---------------  -------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------  ---------------------  -------------------- 
                                          632                    481                 1,113                  1,057                    831                 1,888 
  falling due 
  within one 
  year              11                    (98)                   (26)                  (124)                   (49)                  (32)                   (81) 
                          ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------  ---------------------  -------------------- 
 Net current 
  assets                                  534                    455                    989                 1,008                    799                 1,807 
---------------  -------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------  ---------------------  -------------------- 
 Total net 
  assets                               8,231                  5,058                13,289                   7,964                 4,801                12,765 
---------------  -------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------  ---------------------  -------------------- 
 Capital and 
 Called up 
  share capital     12                      839                    486                  1,325                   832                    494                 1,326 
 Share premium 
  account           13                        -                      -                      -                   538                  4,227                 4,765 
  reserve - 
  realised          13                      611                      -                    611                 1,085                    106                 1,191 
  reserve - 
  unrealised        13                    (701)                    294                  (407)               (1,236)                   (38)               (1,274) 
  reserve           13                    7,168                  4,149                 11,317                 6,539                   (26)                 6,513 
  reserve           13                       37                      8                     45                    19                      3                    22 
  reserve           13                      277                    121                    398                   187                     35                   222 
 Net assets 
  to Ordinary 
  Shareholders                            8,231                  5,058                 13,289                 7,964                  4,801                12,765 
---------------  -------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------  ---------------------  -------------------- 
 Net asset 
  value per 
  share (pence)     14                     98.2                  104.1                                         95.7                   97.3 
---------------  -------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------  ---------------------  -------------------- 

The Financial Statements of Maven Income and Growth VCT 4 PLC, registered number SC272568, were approved by the Board of Directors and were signed on its behalf by:

16 April 2012

The accompanying Notes are an integral part of the Financial Statements.

 For the year ended 
 31 December 
                                                       Year ended 31 December 
                                                                2011                                                     Year ended 31 December 2010 
                                             Ordinary             S Ordinary                                      Ordinary             S Ordinary 
                                               Shares                 Shares                  Total                 Shares                 Shares                  Total 
                         Notes                GBP'000                GBP'000                GBP'000                GBP'000                GBP'000                GBP'000 
---------------------  -------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 Operating activities 
 Investment income 
  received                                        328                 193                       521                    226                    109                    335 
 Deposit interest 
  received                                          1                      -                      1                      -                      -                      - 
  management fees 
  paid                                          (200)                   (71)                  (271)                   (82)                   (77)                  (159) 
 Secretarial fees 
  paid                                           (66)                   (41)                  (107)                   (48)                   (33)                   (81) 
 Directors expenses 
  paid                                           (41)                   (25)                   (66)                   (39)                   (26)                   (65) 
 Other cash payments                             (85)                   (48)                  (133)                  (111)                   (63)                  (174) 
---------------------  -------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 Net cash 
  activities              15                     (63)                      8                   (55)                   (54)                   (90)                  (144) 
 Corporation tax                                    -                      -                      -                   (22)                    (5)                   (27) 
---------------------  -------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 Financial investment 
 Purchase of 
  investments                                 (2,284)                (1,250)                (3,534)                (1,401)                (1,829)                (3,230) 
 Sale of investments                            2,088                    999                  3,087                  1,399                    945                  2,344 
---------------------  -------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 Net cash outflow 
  from financial 
  investment                                    (196)                  (251)                  (447)                    (2)                  (884)                  (886) 
 Equity dividends 
  paid                                          (348)                   (99)                  (447)                  (295)                   (74)                  (369) 
---------------------  -------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 Net cash outflow 
  before financing                              (607)                  (342)                  (949)                  (373)                (1,053)                (1,426) 
 Issue of Ordinary 
  Shares                                          377                      -                    377                    605                      -                    605 
 Repurchase of 
  Ordinary Shares                               (261)                   (55)                  (316)                   (98)                   (26)                  (124) 
 Net cash 
  financing                                       116                   (55)                     61                    507                   (26)                    481 
---------------------  -------  ---------------------  ---------------------                         ---------------------  --------------------- 
  in cash                 16                    (491)                  (397)                  (888)                    134                (1,079)                  (945) 
---------------------  -------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 

The accompanying Notes are an integral part of the Financial Statements.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the year ending 31 December 2011

1 Accounting Policies - UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice

(a) Basis of preparation

The Financial Statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention modified to include the revaluation of investments and in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice 'Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies' and Venture Capital Trusts (the SORP) issued in January 2009. The disclosures on Going Concern on page 29 of the Directors' Report form part of these financial statements.

(b) Income

Dividends receivable on equity shares and unit trusts are treated as revenue for the period on an ex-dividend basis. Where no ex-dividend date is available dividends receivable on or before the year end are treated as revenue for the period. Provision is made for any dividends not expected to be received. The fixed returns on debt securities and non-equity shares are recognised on a time apportionment basis so as to reflect the effective interest rate on the debt securities and shares. Provision is made for any fixed income not expected to be received. Interest receivable from cash and short term deposits and interest payable are accrued to the end ofthe year.

(c) Expenses

All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis and charged to the income statement. Expenses are charged through the revenue account except as follows:

         -     expenses which are incidental to the acquisition and disposal of an investment are charged to capital. 
         -     expenses are charged to realised capital reserves where a connection with the maintenance or enhancement of the value of the investments can be demonstrated.  In this respect the investment management fee has been allocated 20% to revenue and 80% to realised capital reserves to reflect the Company's investment policy and prospective income and capital growth. 
         -     share issue costs are charged to the share premium account: and 

- expenses are allocated between the original pool or the S share pool depending on the nature of the expense.

(d) Taxation

Deferred taxation is recognised in respect of all timing differences that have originated but not reversed at the balance sheet date, where transactions or events that result in an obligation to pay more tax in the future or right to pay less tax in the future have occurred at the balance sheet date. This is subject to deferred tax assets only being recognised if it is considered more likely than not that there will be suitable profits from which the future reversal of the underlying timing differences can be deducted. Timing differences are differences arising between the Company's taxable profits and its results as stated in the Financial Statements which are capable of reversal in one or more subsequent periods.

Deferred tax is measured on a non-discounted basis at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the periods in which timing differences are expected to reverse, based on tax rates and laws enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date.

The tax effect of different items of income/gain and expenditure/loss is allocated between capital reserves and revenue account on the same basis as the particular item to which it relates using the Company's effective rate of tax for the period.

UK Corporation tax is provided at amounts expected to be paid/recovered using the tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date.

(e) Investments

In valuing unlisted investments the Directors follow the criteria set out below. These procedures comply with the revised International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines for the valuation of private equity and venture capital investments. Investments are recognised at their trade date and are designated by the Directors as fair value through profit or loss. At subsequent reporting dates, investments are valued at fair value, which represent the Directors' view of the amount for which an asset could be exchanged between knowledgeable willing parties in an arm's length transaction. This does not assume that the underlying business is saleable at the reporting date or that its current shareholders have an intention to sell their holding in the near future.

A financial asset or liability is generally derecognised when the contract that gives rise to it is settled, sold, cancelled or expires.

1. For Investments completed within the 12 months prior to the reporting date and those at an early stage in their development, fair value is determined using the Price of Recent Investment Method, except that adjustments are made when there has been a material change in the trading circumstances of the company or a substantial movement in the relevant sector of the stock market.

2. Whenever practical, recent investments will be valued by reference to a material arm's length transaction or a quoted price.

3. Mature companies are valued by applying a multiple to their fully taxed prospective earnings to determine the enterprise value of the company.

3.1 To obtain a valuation of the total ordinary share capital held by management and the institutional investors, the value of third party debt, institutional loan stock, debentures and preference share capital is deducted from the enterprise value. The effect of any performance related mechanisms is taken into account when determining the value of the ordinary share capital.

3.2 Preference shares, debentures and loan stock are valued using the Price of Recent Investment Method. When a redemption premium has accrued, this will only be valued if there is a reasonable prospect of it being paid. Preference shares which carry a right to convert into ordinary share capital are valued at the higher of the Price of Recent Investment Method basis and the price/earnings basis, both described above.

3. Where there is evidence of impairment, a provision may be taken against the previous valuation of the investment.

4. In the absence of evidence of a deterioration, or strong defensible evidence of an increase in value, the fair value is determined to be that reported at the previous balance sheet date.

5. All unlisted investments are valued individually by the Portfolio Management Team of Maven Capital Partners UK LLP. The resultant valuations are subject to detailed scrutiny and approval by the Directors of the Company.

7. In accordance with normal market practice, investments listed on the Alternative Investment Market or a recognised stock exchange are valued at their bid market price.

(f) Fair Value Measurement

Fair value is defined as the price that the Company would receive upon selling an investment in a timely transaction to an independent buyer in the principal or the most advantageous market of the investment. A three-tier hierarchy has been established to maximise the use of observable market data and minimise the use of unobservable inputs and to establish classification of fair value measurements for disclosure purposes. Inputs refer broadly to the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability, including assumptions about risk, for example, the risk inherent in a particular valuation technique used to measure fair value including such a pricing model and/or the risk inherent in the inputs to the valuation technique. Inputs may be observable or unobservable. Observable inputs are inputs that reflect the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability developed based on market data obtained from sources independent of the reporting entity. Unobservable inputs are inputs that reflect the reporting entity's own assumptions about the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability developed based on best information available in the circumstances.

The three-tier hierarchy of inputs is summarised in the three broad levels listed below.

    - Level 1 -   quoted prices in active markets for identical investments 

- Level 2 - other significant observable inputs (included quoted prices for similar investments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk etc).

- Level 3 - significant unobservable inputs (including the Company's own assumptions in determining the fair value of investments).

(g) Gains and losses on investments

When the company sells or revalues its investments during the year, any gains or losses arising are credited/ charged to the Income Statement.

 Notes to the Financial Statements 
                                        Year ended                                                  Year ended 
                                     31 December 2011                                            31 December 2010 
                          Ordinary           S Ordinary             Total             Ordinary           S Ordinary              Total 
                            Shares               Shares                                 Shares               Shares 
                           GBP'000              GBP'000           GBP'000              GBP'000              GBP'000            GBP'000 
 2 Income 
 Income from 
 UK franked 
  income                         6                    1                 7                    9                    2                 11 
 UK unfranked 
  income                       387                  239               626                  220                  119                339 
--------------  ------------------  -------------------  ----------------  -------------------  -------------------  ----------------- 
                               393                  240               633                  229                  121                350 
 Other Income: 
  interest                       1                    -                 1                    -                    -                  - 
 Total income                  394                  240               634                  229                  121                350 
--------------  ------------------  -------------------  ----------------  -------------------  -------------------  ----------------- 
 Total income 
 Dividends                       6                    1                 7                    9                    2                 11 
 Interest                      388                  239               627                  220                  119                339 
                               394                  240               634                  229                  121                350 
--------------  ------------------  -------------------  ----------------  -------------------  -------------------  ----------------- 
                                                                                             Year ended 
                                                                                          31 December 2011 
                                 Ordinary Shares                                         S Ordinary Shares                                             TOTAL 
                         Revenue           Capital           Total              Revenue              Capital              Total          Revenue         Capital            Total 
 3 Investment 
 fees                    GBP'000           GBP'000         GBP'000              GBP'000              GBP'000            GBP'000          GBP'000         GBP'000          GBP'000 
  fees                        26               103             129                   15                   62                 77               41             165              206 
  fees                        27               109             136                    -                    -                  -               27             109              136 
                              53               212             265                   15                   62                 77               68             274              342 
-------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------  -------------------  -------------------  -----------------  ---------------  --------------  --------------- 
                                                                                                Year ended 
                                                                                             31 December 2010 
                                   Ordinary Shares                                          S Ordinary Shares                                              TOTAL 
                         Revenue             Capital             Total              Revenue             Capital             Total           Revenue           Capital              Total 
                         GBP'000             GBP'000           GBP'000              GBP'000             GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000            GBP'000 
  fees                        28                 114               142                   19                  73                92                47               187                234 
 VAT reclaim                (14)                (57)              (71)                  (5)                (18)              (23)              (19)              (75)               (94) 
                              14                  57                71                   14                  55                69                28               112                140 
------------  ------------------  ------------------  ----------------  -------------------  ------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------- 

Details of the fee basis are contained in the Director's Report on page 24.

                                                                                                  Year ended 
                                                                                               31 December 2011 
                                      Ordinary Shares                                           S Ordinary Shares                                               TOTAL 
                       Revenue             Capital              Total             Revenue             Capital              Total            Revenue           Capital              Total 
                       GBP'000              GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000              GBP'000            GBP'000           GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000 
 4 Other 
  fees                           54                    -                54                  33                    -                33                87                  -                 87 
  remuneration                   41                    -                41                  25                    -                25                66                  -                 66 
 Fees to 
  auditors - 
  services                       10                    -                10                   6                    -                 6                16                  -                 16 
 Fees to 
  auditors - 
  services                        3                    -                 3                   1                    -                 1                 4                  -                  4 
  expenses                       68                    -                68                  37                    -                37               105                  -                105 
                                176                    -               176                 102                    -               102               278                  -                278 
---------------  ------------------  -------------------  ----------------  ------------------  -------------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
                                                                                                  Year ended 
                                                                                               31 December 2010 
                                      Ordinary Shares                                           S Ordinary Shares                                               TOTAL 
                       Revenue             Capital              Total             Revenue             Capital              Total            Revenue           Capital              Total 
                       GBP'000              GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000              GBP'000            GBP'000           GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000 
  fees                           49                    -                49                  33                    -                33                82                  -                 82 
  remuneration                   39                    -                39                  26                    -                26                65                  -                 65 
 Fees to 
  Auditor - 
  services                        9                    -                 9                   6                    -                 6                15                  -                 15 
 Fees to 
  Auditor - tax 
  services                        3                    -                 3                   1                    -                 1                 4                  -                  4 
  expenses                      101                    -               101                  56                    -                56               157                  -                157 
                                201                    -               201                 122                    -               122               323                  -                323 
---------------  ------------------  -------------------  ----------------  ------------------  -------------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
                                                                                                              Year ending 31 December 2011 
                                      Ordinary             Ordinary                  Ordinary             S Ordinary             S Ordinary             S Ordinary                              Total 
                                        Shares               Shares                    Shares                 Shares                 Shares                 Shares 
                                       Revenue              Capital                     Total                Revenue                Capital                  Total            Revenue             Capital                 Total 
                                       GBP'000              GBP'000                   GBP'000                GBP'000                GBP'000                GBP'000            GBP'000             GBP'000               GBP'000 
 5 Tax on ordinary 
 Corporation tax                          (32)                   32                         -                   (12)                     12                      -               (44)                  44                     - 
-----------------------  ---------------------  -------------------  ------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  -----------------  ------------------  -------------------- 
                                                                                                              Year ending 31 December 2010 
                                      Ordinary             Ordinary                  Ordinary             S Ordinary             S Ordinary             S Ordinary                              Total 
                                        Shares               Shares                    Shares                 Shares                 Shares                 Shares 
                                       Revenue              Capital                     Total                Revenue                Capital                  Total             Revenue            Capital                 Total 
                                       GBP'000              GBP'000                   GBP'000                GBP'000                GBP'000                GBP'000             GBP'000            GBP'000               GBP'000 
 Corporation tax                           (1)                    1                         -                      -                      -                      -                 (1)                  1                     - 
-----------------------  ---------------------  -------------------  ------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------  -----------------  -------------------- 

The tax assessed for the period is lower than the standard rate of corporation tax of 26% (2010: 28%). The differences are explained below:

                                                                                                    Year ending 31 December 2011 
                            Ordinary              Ordinary                  Ordinary             S Ordinary             S Ordinary             S Ordinary                             Total 
                              Shares                Shares                    Shares                 Shares                 Shares                 Shares 
                             Revenue               Capital                     Total                Revenue                Capital                  Total             Revenue             Capital               Total 
                             GBP'000               GBP'000                   GBP'000                GBP'000                GBP'000                GBP'000             GBP'000             GBP'000             GBP'000 
 Return on 
  before tax                     165                   334                       499                    123                    288                    411                 288                 622                 910 
-------------  ---------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
  return on 
  activities                      43                    87                       130                     32                     75                    107                  75                 162                 237 
 multiplied by standard rate of 
  corporation tax 
 Non taxable 
  UK dividend 
  income                         (2)                     -                       (2)                      -                      -                      -                 (2)                   -                 (2) 
 Gains on 
  investments                      -                 (142)                     (142)                      -                   (91)                   (91)                   -               (233)               (233) 
  of taxable 
  losses                           -                     -                         -                   (16)                      -                   (16)                (16)                   -                (16) 
  relief                         (9)                    23                        14                    (4)                      4                      -                (13)                  27                  14 
                                  32                  (32)                         -                     12                   (12)                      -                  44                (44)                   - 
-------------  ---------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 

Losses with a tax value of GBP29,742 (2010: GBP34,447) are available to carry forward against future trading profits. These have not been recognised as a deferred tax asset as recoverability is not sufficiently certain.

                                                                                                    Year ending 31 December 2010 
                            Ordinary              Ordinary                  Ordinary             S Ordinary             S Ordinary             S Ordinary                             Total 
                              Shares                Shares                    Shares                 Shares                 Shares                 Shares 
                             Revenue               Capital                     Total                Revenue                Capital                  Total             Revenue             Capital               Total 
                             GBP'000               GBP'000                   GBP'000                GBP'000                GBP'000                GBP'000             GBP'000             GBP'000             GBP'000 
 Return on 
  before tax                      14                   742                       756                   (15)                    223                    208                 (1)                 965                 964 
-------------  ---------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
  return on 
  activities                       4                   208                       212                    (4)                     62                     58                   -                 270                 270 
      multiplied by standard rate of 
                     corporation tax 
 Non taxable 
  UK dividend 
  income                         (3)                     -                       (3)                      -                      -                      -                 (3)                   -                 (3) 
 Gains on 
  investments                      -                 (224)                     (224)                      -                   (78)                   (78)                   -               (302)               (302) 
 of taxable 
 losses                            -                     -                         -                      -                      -                      -                   -                   -                   - 
  relief                           -                    15                        15                      4                     16                     20                   4                  31                  35 
                                   1                   (1)                         -                      -                      -                      -                   1                 (1)                   - 
-------------  ---------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 6 Dividends                                    Year ended                                                             Year ended 
                                            31 December 2011                                                        31 December 2010 
                                Ordinary            S Ordinary                                         Ordinary             S Ordinary 
                                  Shares                Shares                     Total                 Shares                 Shares                  Total 
                                 GBP'000               GBP'000                   GBP'000                GBP'000                GBP'000                GBP'000 
 Final revenue 
 dividend for 
 the year 
 31 December 
  2010 of Nil 
  (2009: 0.5p)                         -                     -                         -                     42                     25                     67 
 dividend for 
 the year 
 31 December 
  2011 of 0.5p 
  (2010: Nil) 
  paid on 28 
  2011                                43                    25                        68                      -                      -                      - 
                                      43                    25                        68                     42                     25                     67 
--------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 Final capital 
 dividend for 
 the year 
 31 December 
  2010 of 2.5p 
  (2009: 2.0p) 
  paid on 27 
  May 2011                           219                     -                     219                    169                      -                    169 
 Final capital 
 dividend for 
 the year 
 31 December 
  2010 of 0.5p 
  (2009: Nil) 
  paid on 27 
  May 2011                             -                    25                      25                      -                      -                      - 
 dividend for 
 the year 
 31 December 
  2011 of 1.0p 
  (2010: 1.0p) 
  paid on 28 
  2011                                86                    49                     135                     84                     49                    133 
                                     305                    74                     379                    253                     49                    302 
--------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 We set out below the total dividends 
 in respect of the financial year, which 
 is the 
 basis on which the requirements of Section 274 of the 
  Income Tax Act 2007 are considered. 
  way of 
  for the year                       133                   111                     244                     13                   (15)                    (2) 
--------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 Final revenue 
 proposed for 
 the year 
 ended 31 
 2011 of 0.6p 
  (2010: Nil) 
  payable on 
  20 May 2012                         51                     -                      51                      -                      -                      - 
 Final revenue 
 proposed for 
 the year 
 ended 31 
 2011 of 1.3p 
  (2010: Nil) 
  payable on 
  20 May 2012                          -                    64                      64                      -                      -                      - 
                                      51                    64                     115                      -                      -                      - 
--------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 Final capital 
 proposed for 
 the year 
 ended 31 
 2011 of 1.9p 
  (2010: 2.5p) 
  payable on 
  20 May 2012                        162                     -                       162                    206                     -                   206 
 Final capital 
  proposed for 
  the year 
  ended 31 
  December                             -                     -                         -                      -                    25                    25 
 2011 of Nil 
 (2010: 0.5p) 
                                     162                     -                       162                    206                    25                   231 
--------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ---------------------  --------------------  -------------------- 
                                               Year ended                                                             Year ended 
                                            31 December 2011                                                       31 December 2010 
 7 Return per 
 The returns 
 per share 
 have been 
 on the 
 following                      Ordinary            S Ordinary                                         Ordinary            S Ordinary 
 figures:                         Shares                Shares                     Total                 Shares                Shares                 Total 
  number of 
  shares                       8,541,693             4,917,310                13,459,003              8,243,192             4,937,304            13,180,496 
  return                      GBP133,000            GBP111,000                GBP244,000              GBP13,000           (GBP15,000)            (GBP2,000) 
  return                      GBP366,000            GBP300,000                GBP666,000             GBP743,000            GBP223,000            GBP966,000 
 Total Return                 GBP499,000            GBP411,000                GBP910,000             GBP756,000            GBP208,000            GBP964,000 
--------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ---------------------  --------------------  -------------------- 
 8 Investments 
                                                                                                                                                   Year ended 31 December 2011 
                                                      Ordinary Shares                                                                        S Ordinary Shares                                                                           Total 
                                 Listed                   AIM               Unlisted/AIM                              Listed                 AIM               Unlisted/AIM                               Listed                   AIM               Unlisted/AIM 
                                (quoted               (quoted              (unobservable                             (quoted             (quoted              (unobservable                              (quoted               (quoted              (unobservable 
                                prices)               prices)                    inputs)             Total           prices)             prices)                    inputs)              Total           prices)               prices)                    inputs)                Total 
                                GBP'000               GBP'000                    GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000             GBP'000                    GBP'000            GBP'000           GBP'000               GBP'000                    GBP'000              GBP'000 
 the year: 
 Valuation at 
  January 2011                        -                   710                      6,246             6,956                 -                 162                      3,840              4,002                 -                   872                     10,086               10,958 
  loss/(gain)                         -                 1,087                        149             1,236                 -                 274                      (236)                 38                 -                 1,361                       (87)                1,274 
--------------  -----------------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ------------------  -------------------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ------------------- 
 Cost at 1 
  2011                                -                 1,797                      6,395             8,192                 -                 436                      3,604              4,040                 -                 2,233                      9,999               12,232 
 Purchases                          600                    71                      1,613             2,284               250                  29                        971              1,250               850                   100                      2,584                3,534 
  proceeds                            -                 (387)                    (1,700)           (2,087)                 -               (158)                      (840)              (998)                 -                 (545)                    (2,540)              (3,085) 
  gains                               -                 (173)                        184                11                 -               (120)                        138                 18                 -                 (293)                        322                   29 
  book cost                         (2)                     -                          -               (2)               (1)                   -                          -                (1)               (3)                     -                          -                  (3) 
--------------  -----------------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ------------------  -------------------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ------------------- 
 Cost at 31 
  2011                              598                 1,308                      6,492             8,398               249                 187                      3,873              4,309               847                 1,495                     10,365               12,707 
  (loss)/gain                       (1)                 (962)                        262             (701)               (1)               (112)                        407                294               (2)               (1,074)                        669                (407) 
 Valuation at 
  2011                              597                   346                      6,754             7,697               248                  75                      4,280              4,603               845                   421                     11,034               12,300 
--------------  -----------------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ------------------  -------------------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ------------------- 

Note 1(f) defines the three tier hierarchy of investments, and the significance of the information used to determine their fair value, that is required by Financial Reporting Standard 29 "Financial Instruments: Disclosures".

                                                                                                  Year ended 31 December 2010 
                                       Ordinary Shares                                                S Ordinary Shares                                                     Total 
                                 AIM             Unlisted/AIM                                 AIM              Unlisted/AIM                                     AIM             Unlisted/AIM 
                             (quoted            (unobservable                             (quoted             (unobservable                                 (quoted            (unobservable 
                             prices)                  inputs)           Total             prices)                   inputs)             Total               prices)                  inputs)             Total 
                             GBP'000                  GBP'000         GBP'000             GBP'000                   GBP'000           GBP'000               GBP'000                  GBP'000           GBP'000 
 Valuation at 
  1 January 
  2010                         1,211                    4,945           6,156                 522                     2,319             2,841                 1,733                    7,264             8,997 
  loss                         1,323                      667           1,990                 160                        32               192                 1,483                      699             2,182 
--------------  --------------------  -----------------------  --------------  ------------------  ------------------------  ----------------  --------------------  -----------------------  ---------------- 
 Cost at 1 
  2010                         2,534                    5,612           8,146                 682                     2,351             3,033                 3,216                    7,963            11,179 
 Purchases                         -                    1,401           1,401                   -                     1,829             1,829                     -                    3,230             3,230 
  proceeds                     (772)                    (628)         (1,400)               (363)                     (583)             (946)               (1,135)                  (1,211)           (2,346) 
  gains                           35                       10              45                 117                         7               124                   152                       17               169 
--------------  --------------------  -----------------------  --------------  ------------------  ------------------------  ----------------  --------------------  -----------------------  ---------------- 
 Cost at 31 
  2010                         1,797                    6,395           8,192                 436                     3,604             4,040                 2,233                    9,999            12,232 
  (loss)/gain                (1,087)                    (149)         (1,236)               (274)                       236              (38)               (1,361)                       87           (1,274) 
 Valuation at 
  31 December 
  2010                           710                    6,246           6,956                 162                     3,840             4,002                   872                   10,086            10,958 
--------------  --------------------  -----------------------  --------------  ------------------  ------------------------  ----------------  --------------------  -----------------------  ---------------- 
                                                 31 December 2011                                              31 December 2010 
                              Ordinary                   S Ordinary                            Ordinary          S Ordinary 
                                  Shares                     Shares             Total            Shares              Shares                      Total 
 The portfolio 
 valuation                       GBP'000                    GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000             GBP'000                    GBP'000 
 Held at market 
 Listed fixed income                 597                        248               845                 -                   -                          - 
 AIM quoted equities                 346                         75               421               710                 162                        872 
 AIM unobservable 
 equities                              -                          -                 -                 -                   -                          - 
                                     943                        323             1,266               710                 162                        872 
 --------------------------  -----------  -------------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ------------------  ------------------------- 
 Unlisted at 
----------------------  ---  -----------  -------------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ------------------  ------------------------- 
 Unquoted unobservable 
  equities                         2,403                      1,615             4,018             1,849               1,207                      3,056 
---------------------------  -----------  -------------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ------------------  ------------------------- 
 Unquoted unobservable 
  fixed income                     4,351                      2,665             7,016             4,397               2,633                      7,030 
---------------------------  -----------  -------------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ------------------  ------------------------- 
                                   6,754                      4,280            11,034             6,246               3,840                     10,086 
 --------------------------  -----------  -------------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ------------------  ------------------------- 
 Total                             7,697                      4,603            12,300             6,956               4,002                     10,958 
---------------------------  -----------  -------------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ------------------  ------------------------- 
 Realised gains on 
  basis                               11                         18                29                45                 124                        169 
---------------------------  -----------  -------------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ------------------  ------------------------- 
 Net movement in unrealised 
  appreciation                       535                        332               867               754                 154                        908 
 Gains on investments                546                        350               896               799                 278                      1,077 
---------------------------      -------  -------------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ------------------  ------------------------- 

9 Participating and significant interests

The principal activity of the Company is to select and hold a portfolio of investments in unlisted and AIM securities. Although the Company will, in some cases, be represented on the board of the investee company, it will not take a controlling interest or become involved in its management. The size and structure of the companies with unlisted and AIM securities may result in certain holdings in the portfolio representing a participating interest without there being any partnership, joint venture or management consortium agreement.

At 31 December 2011, the Company held no shares amounting to 20% or more of the equity capital of any of the unlisted or AIM undertakings. The Company does hold shares or units amounting to more than 3% or more of the nominal value of the allotted shares or units of any class in certain investee companies.

Details of equity percentages held are shown in the Investment Portfolio Summary on page 15.

                                           31 December 2011                    31 December 2010 
                                    Ordinary    S Ordinary              Ordinary    S Ordinary 
                                      Shares        Shares     Total      Shares        Shares     Total 
 10 Debtors                          GBP'000       GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Prepayments and accrued income          231           124       355         166            77       243 
 Other debtors                             2             1         3           1             1         2 
                                         233           125       358         167            78       245 
--------------------------------  ----------  ------------  --------  ----------  ------------  -------- 
 11 Creditors 
 Accruals                                 98            26       124          49            32        81 
                                          98            26       124          49            32        81 
--------------------------------  ----------  ------------  --------  ----------  ------------  -------- 
                                                31 December 2011                                                                  31 December 2010 
                            Ordinary Shares                          S Ordinary Shares                        Ordinary Shares                         S Ordinary Shares 
 12 Share 
 capital                  Number                GBP'000               Number             GBP'000            Number               GBP'000                 Number           GBP'000 
 At 31 December the authorised 
 capital comprised: 
 issued and 
 Shares of 
 10p each 
  forward              8,323,130                    832            4,936,009                 494         7,798,296                   780              4,972,459               497 
  year                 (368,213)                   (36)             (75,000)                 (8)         (152,065)                  (15)               (36,450)               (3) 
-------------  -----------------  ---------------------  -------------------  ------------------  ----------------  --------------------  ---------------------  ---------------- 
                       7,954,917                    796            4,861,009                 486         7,646,231                   765              4,936,009               494 
  during the 
  year                   431,672                     43                    -                   -           676,899                    67                      -                 - 
                       8,386,589                    839            4,861,009                 486         8,323,130                   832              4,936,009               494 
=============  =================  =====================  ===================  ==================  ================  ====================  =====================  ================ 

During the year 368,213 Ordinary Shares (2010:152,065) of 10p each were repurchased by the Company at a total cost of GBP261,977 (2010: GBP98,361) and


During the year 75,000 S Ordinary Shares (2010:36,450) of 10p each were repurchased by the Company at a total cost of GBP54,866 (2010: GBP26,020) and


During the year the Company issued 431,672 Ordinary Shares (2010: 676,899) pursuant to the linked offer at a subscription price of 91.7p per share (2010: 89.5p).

                                 Share                                        Capital                   Capital                 Capital 
                               premium           Distributable               reserves                  reserves              redemption                Revenue 
                               account                 reserve               realised                unrealised                 reserve                reserve 
                               GBP'000                 GBP'000                GBP'000                   GBP'000                 GBP'000                GBP'000 
 13 Reserves 
 At 1 January 
  2011                             538                   6,539                  1,085                   (1,236)                      19                    187 
 Gains on 
 sales of 
 investments                         -                       -                     11                         -                       -                      - 
 Net increase 
 in value of 
 investments                         -                       -                      -                       535                       -                      - 
 fees                                -                       -                  (212)                         -                       -                      - 
  paid                               -                       -                  (305)                         -                       -                   (43) 
 Tax effect of 
 capital items                       -                       -                     32                         -                       -                      - 
 Share Issue - 
 1 February 
 2011                               75                       -                      -                         -                       -                      - 
 Share Issue - 
 5 April 2011                      207                       -                      -                         -                       -                      - 
 Share Issue - 
 3 May 2011                         51                       -                      -                         -                       -                      - 
  of share 
  account                        (871)                     871                      -                         -                       -                      - 
  of capital 
  reserve                            -                      19                      -                         -                    (19)                      - 
  of shares                          -                   (261)                      -                         -                      37                      - 
 Net return on 
  taxation                           -                       -                      -                         -                       -                    133 
 At 31 
  2011                               -                   7,168                    611                     (701)                      37                    277 
--------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  --------------------- 
 S Ordinary 
 At 1 January 
  2011                           4,227                    (26)                    106                      (38)                       3                     35 
 Gains on 
 sales of 
 investments                         -                       -                     18                         -                       -                      - 
 Net increase 
 in value of 
 investments                         -                       -                      -                       332                       -                      - 
 fees                                -                       -                   (62)                         -                       -                      - 
  paid                               -                       -                   (74)                         -                       -                   (25) 
 Tax effect of 
 capital items                       -                       -                     12                         -                       -                      - 
  of share 
  account                      (4,227)                   4,227                      -                         -                       -                      - 
  of capital 
  reserve                            -                       3                      -                         -                     (3)                      - 
  of shares                          -                    (55)                      -                         -                       8                      - 
 Net return on 
  taxation                           -                       -                      -                         -                       -                    111 
 At 31 
  2011                               -                   4,149                      -                       294                       8                    121 
--------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  --------------------- 

14 Net asset value per Ordinary Share

The net asset value per share and the net asset value attributable to the Ordinary Shares at the year end calculated in accordance with the Articles of Association were as follows:

                                             31 December 2011                                                               31 December 2010 
                         Ordinary Shares                          S Ordinary Shares                        Ordinary Shares                      S Ordinary Shares 
                       Net asset           Net asset          Net asset             Net asset            Net asset          Net asset        Net asset          Net asset 
                       value per               value          value per                 value            value per              value              per              value 
                           share        attributable              share          attributable                share       attributable            share       attributable 
                               p             GBP'000                  p               GBP'000                    p            GBP'000                p            GBP'000 
  Shares                    98.2               8,231              104.1                 5,058                 95.7              7,964             97.3              4,801 
----------  --------------------  ------------------  -----------------  --------------------  -------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ----------------- 

The number of issued shares used in the above calculation is set out in note 12.

                                                     Year ended                                       Year ended 
                                                  31 December 2011                                31 December 2010 
                                           Ordinary              S Ordinary                Ordinary                S Ordinary 
                                            Shares                 Shares                   Shares                   Shares 
 15 Reconciliation of revenue 
  return before finance costs              GBP'000                 GBP'000                 GBP'000                  GBP'000 
 and taxation to net cash 
 inflow from operating activities 
---------------------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  ---------------------- 
 Net return before taxation                           499                    411                       756                     208 
 Gains on investments                               (546)                  (350)                     (799)                   (278) 
 Increase in accrued income                          (65)                   (47)                       (3)                    (12) 
 Increase/(decrease) in 
  accruals                                             49                    (6)                       (8)                     (8) 
 Amortisation of fixed 
  income investment book 
  cost                                                  2                      1                         -                       - 
 Tax on unfranked income                              (2)                    (1)                         -                       - 
 Net cash (outflow)/inflow 
  from operating activities                          (63)                      8                      (54)                    (90) 
---------------------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  ---------------------- 
                                Ordinary Shares                                        S Ordinary Shares 
 of changes 
 in net 
 funds                         At                               At                     At                               At 
                                                                31                                                      31 
                        1 January                  Cash   December              1 January                  Cash   December 
                             2011                 flows       2011                   2011                 flows       2011 
                          GBP'000               GBP'000    GBP'000                GBP'000               GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Cash and 
  deposits                    890                 (491)        399                    753                 (397)        356 
-----------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------  ---------------------  --------------------  --------- 
                               At                               At                     At                               At 
                                                                31                                                      31 
                        1 January                  Cash   December              1 January                  Cash   December 
                             2010                 flows       2010                   2010                 flows       2010 
                          GBP'000               GBP'000    GBP'000                GBP'000               GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Cash and 
  deposits                    756                   134        890                  1,832               (1,079)        753 
-----------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------  ---------------------  --------------------  --------- 
                                                 Year ended                Year ended 
                                              31 December 2011          31 December 2010 
                                            Ordinary    S Ordinary    Ordinary    S Ordinary 
                                             Shares       Shares       Shares       Shares 
 17. Capital commitments, contingencies 
  and                                       GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
 financial guarantees 
 Financial guarantees                            244           137         248           140 
----------------------------------------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ------------ 

These financial guarantees represent potential further investment in unlisted securities.

18 Derivatives and other financial instruments

The Company's financial instruments comprise equity and fixed interest investments, cash balances and debtors and creditors that arise directly from its operations, for example, in respect of sales and purchases awaiting settlement, and debtors for accrued income. The company holds financial assets in accordance with its investment policy of investing mainly in a portfolio of VCT qualifying unquoted and AIM quoted securities. The Company may not enter into derivative transactions in the form of forward foreign currency contracts, futures and options without the written permission of the Directors. No derivative transactions were entered into during the period.

The main risks the Company faces from its financial instruments are (i) market price risk, being the risk that the value of investment holdings will fluctuate as a result of changes in market prices caused by factors other than interest rates, (ii) interest rate risk, (iii) liquidity risk and (iv) credit risk. In line with the Company's investment objective, the portfolio comprises only sterling currency securities and therefore has no direct exposure to foreign

currency risk.

The Manager's policies for managing these risks are summarised below and have been applied throughout the period. The numerical disclosures below exclude short-term debtors and creditors which are included in the Balance Sheet at fair value.

Market price risk

The Company's investment portfolio is exposed to market price fluctuations, which are monitored by the manager in pursuance of the investment objective as set out on page 19. Adherence to investment guidelines and to investment and borrowing policies set out in the management agreement mitigates the risk of excessive exposure to any particular type of security or issuer. These powers and guidelines include the requirement to invest in a minimum of 30 companies across a range of industrial and service sectors at varying stages of development, to closely monitor the progress of these companies and to appoint a non executive director to the board of each company. Further information on the investment portfolio (including sector concentration and deal type analysis) is set out in the Analysis of Unlisted and AIM Portfolio, Investment Manager's Review, Summary of Investment Changes, Investment Portfolio Summary and Largest Unlisted and AIM Investments.

 Interest rate risk 
 The interest rate risk profile of financial assets 
  at the balance sheet date was as follows: 
 Ordinary Shares 
 At 31 December 2011                 Fixed           Floating          Non interest 
                                  Interest               rate               bearing 
                                   GBP'000            GBP'000               GBP'000 
-----------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------------------- 
 Listed fixed income                   597                  -                     - 
 Unlisted and AIM/PLUS               4,351                  -                 2,749 
 Cash                                    -                399                     - 
-----------------------  -----------------                     -------------------- 
                                     4,948                399                 2,749 
-----------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------------------- 
 At 31 December 2010                 Fixed           Floating          Non interest 
                                  Interest               rate               bearing 
                                   GBP'000            GBP'000               GBP'000 
-----------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------------------- 
 Listed fixed income                     -                  -                     - 
 Unlisted and AIM/PLUS               4,397                  -                 2,559 
 Cash                                    -                890                     - 
-----------------------  -----------------                     -------------------- 
                                     4,397                890                 2,559 
-----------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------------------- 

The listed fixed interest assets have a weighted average life of 0.4 years (2010: N/A) and a weighted average interest rate of 5.2% (2010: N/A).

The unlisted fixed interest assets have a weighted average life of 2.8 years (2010: 2.8 years) and a weighted average interest rate of 10.4% (2010: 8.45%). The non-interest bearing assets represent the equity element of the portfolio. All assets and liabilities of the fund are included in the balance sheet at fair value.

It is the Directors opinion that the carrying amounts of these financial assets represent the maximum credit risk exposure at the balance sheet date.

The interest rate which determines the interest received on cash balances is the bank base rate.

 S Ordinary Shares 
 At 31 December 2011                 Fixed           Floating          Non interest 
                                  Interest               rate               bearing 
                                   GBP'000            GBP'000               GBP'000 
-----------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------------------- 
 Listed Fixed Income                   248                  -                     - 
 Unlisted and AIM/PLUS               2,665                  -                 1,690 
 Cash                                    -                356                     - 
-----------------------  -----------------                     -------------------- 
                                     2,913                356                 1,690 
-----------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------------------- 
 At 31 December 2010                 Fixed           Floating          Non interest 
                                  Interest               rate               bearing 
                                   GBP'000            GBP'000               GBP'000 
-----------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------------------- 
 Listed Fixed Income                     -                  -                     - 
 Unlisted and AIM/PLUS               2,633                  -                 1,369 
 Cash                                    -                753                     - 
-----------------------  -----------------                     -------------------- 
                                     2,633                753                 1,369 
-----------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------------------- 

The listed fixed interest assets have a weighted average life of 0.4 years (2010: N/A) and a weighted average

interest rate of 5.2% (2010: N/A).

The unlisted fixed interest assets have a weighted average life of 3.2 years (2010: 3.2 years) and a weighted

average interest rate of 10.4% (2010: 8.2%). The non-interest bearing assets represents the equity element of

the portfolio. All assets and liabilities of the fund are included in the balance sheet at fair value.

It is the Directors opinion that the carrying amounts of these financial assets represent the maximum credit risk

exposure at the balance sheet date.

The interest rate which determines the interest received on cash balances is the bank base rate.

 The interest rate profile of the Company's financial assets 
  at the Balance sheet date was as follows: 
 Shares             Within             Within             Within             Within             Within          More than 
                    1 year          1-2 years          2-3 years          3-4 years          4-5 years            5 years         Total 
 At 31 
 2011              GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000       GBP'000 
----------  --------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------------ 
 Listed                597                  -                  -                  -                  -                  -           597 
 Unlisted              939                452              1,088              1,018                501                353         4,351 
                     1,536                452              1,088              1,018                501                353         4,948 
----------  --------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------------ 
 Within "more than 5 years" there is a figure of GBP11,000 (2010 - GBP17,000) 
  in respect of preference shares which 
 have no 
 Shares                  Within             Within             Within             Within             Within          More than 
                         1 year          1-2 years          2-3 years          3-4 years          4-5 years            5 years            Total 
 At 31 
 2010                   GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000          GBP'000 
------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  --------------- 
 Listed                       -                  -                  -                  -                  -                  -                - 
 Unlisted                   857                856                427              1,134                900                223            4,397 
                            857                856                427              1,134                900                223            4,397 
------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  --------------- 
 S Ordinary 
 Shares                  Within             Within             Within             Within             Within          More than 
                         1 year          1-2 years          2-3 years          3-4 years          4-5 years            5 years            Total 
 At 31 
 2011                   GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000          GBP'000 
------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  --------------- 
 Listed                     248                  -                  -                  -                  -                  -              248 
 Unlisted                   437                 90                553                954                370                261            2,665 
                            685                 90                553                954                370                261            2,913 
------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  --------------- 
 Within "more than 5 years" there is a figure of GBP1,000 (2010 - GBP1,000) 
  in respect of preference shares which 
 have no 
 S Ordinary 
 Shares                  Within             Within             Within             Within             Within          More than 
                         1 year          1-2 years          2-3 years          3-4 years          4-5 years            5 years            Total 
 At 31 
 2010                   GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000          GBP'000 
------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  --------------- 
 Listed                       -                  -                  -                  -                  -                  -                - 
 Unlisted                   403                579                116                540                845                150            2,633 
                            403                579                116                540                845                150            2,633 
------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  --------------- 

All liabilities are due within one year and, as such, no maturity profile has been provided.

Liquidity risk

Due to their nature, unlisted investments may not be readily realisable and therefore a portfolio of listed assets and cash is held to offset this liquidity risk. Note 8 details the three-tier hierarchy of inputs used as at 31 December 2011 in valuing the Company's investments carried at fair value.

Credit risk and interest rate risk are minimised by acquiring high quality government treasury stocks or other bonds which have a relatively short time to maturity.

The Company, generally, does not hold significant cash balances and any cash held is with reputable banks with high quality external credit ratings.

 Credit risk 
 This is the risk that a counterparty to a financial instrument 
  will fail to discharge an obligation or commitment that it 
  has entered into with the Company. 
 The Company's financial assets exposed to credit 
  risk amounted to the following: 
                                          31 December 2011                       31 December 2010 
                                  Ordinary    S Ordinary                      Ordinary    S Ordinary 
                                    Shares        Shares    Total               Shares        Shares    Total 
 Investments in fixed interest 
  instruments                          597           248      845                    -             -        - 
 Investments in unlisted 
  debt securities                    4,351         2,665    7,016                4,397         2,633    7,030 
 Cash and cash equivalents             399           356      755                  890           753    1,643 
                                     5,347         3,269    8,616                5,287         3,386    8,673 
-------------------------------  ---------  ------------  -------  -------------------  ------------  ------- 

Credit risk arising on fixed interest instruments is mitigated by investing in UK Government Stock.

All assets which are traded on a recognised exchange, are held by JP Morgan Chase (JPM), the Company's custodian. Cash balances are held by JPM and Clydesdale. Should the credit quality or the financial position of any of these institutions deteriorate significantly the Manager will move these assets to another financial institution.

The Manager evaluates credit risk on unlisted debt securities and financial commitments and guarantees prior to investment, and as part of the ongoing monitoring of investments. In doing this, it takes into account the extent and quality of any security held. Typically, unlisted debt securities have a fixed charge over the assets of the investee company in order to mitigate the gross credit risk. The Manager receives management accounts from investee companies, and members of the investment management team sit on the boards of investee companies; this enables the close identification, monitoring and management of investment specific credit risk.

There were no significant concentrations of credit risk to counterparties at 31 December 2011 or 31 December 2010.

Price risk sensitivity

The following details the Company's sensitivity to a 10% increase or decrease in the market prices of listed or AIM/PLUS quoted securities, with 10% being the Manager's assessment of a reasonable possible change in market prices.

At 31 December 2011, if market prices of AIM/PLUS quoted securities had been 10% higher or lower and with all other variables held constant, the increase or decrease in net assets attributable to Ordinary Shareholders for the year would have been GBP94,000 (2010: GBP71,000) due to the change on valuation of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss.

At 31 December 2011, if market prices of listed or AIM/PLUS quoted securities had been 10% higher or lower and with all other variables held constant, the increase or decrease in net assets attributable to S Ordinary Shareholders for the year would have been GBP32,000 (2010: GBP16,200) due to the change on valuation of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss.

At 31 December 2011, 82.0% (2010: 78.4%) comprised investments in unquoted companies held at fair value attributable to Ordinary Shareholders. The valuation methods used by the Company include cost and realisable value. Therefore, it is not considered meaningful to provide a sensitivity analysis on the net asset position and total return Therefore, it is not considered meaningful to provide a sensitivity analysis on the net asset position and total return for the year due to the fact any such movements would be immaterial to users of Financial Statements.

At 31 December 2011, 84.6% (2010: 79.9%) comprised investments in unquoted companies held at fair value attributable to S Ordinary Shareholders. The valuation methods used by the Company include cost and realisable value. Therefore, it is not considered meaningful to provide a sensitivity analysis on the net asset position and total return for the year due to the fact any such movements would be immaterial to users of Financial Statements.

Other information

This announcement has been prepared on the same basis as the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2011. The Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2011 will be filed with the Registrar of Companies and issued to Shareholders in due course. References to page numbers and notes to the financial statements are references to the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2011.

The financial information contained within this announcement does not constitute the Company's statutory Financial Statements as defined in the Companies Act 2006. The statutory Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2010 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and contained an audit report which was unqualified.

Copies of this announcement and of the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2011 will be available at the registered office: 149 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5NW, and on the Company's website at www.mavencp.com/migvct4.

By order of the Board

Maven Capital Partners UK LLP



Neither the content of the Company's website nor the contents of any website accessible from hyperlinks on the company's website (or any other website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.

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The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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