3 April 2024
The independent board committee
(IBC) of MC Mining Limited
(MCM or the Target) refers to the A$0.16 off-market
takeover offer by Goldway Capital Investment Limited (Goldway) for all of the shares in MCM
not currently owned by associates of Goldway (Offer).
As stated in the Target's Statement
dated 4 March 2024 (Target's
Statement) and confirmed in the Supplementary Target's
Statements that the IBC unanimously recommends that shareholders
ACCEPT the Goldway Offer, having reviewed the
Independent Expert's Report (IER), prepared by BDO Corporate Finance
(WA) Pty Ltd (BDO),
concluding that the Offer is neither fair nor reasonable to
Shareholders. The IBC continues to hold this view.
MCM has received a copy of Goldway's
Fourth Supplementary Bidder's Statement dated 28 March 2024
(Fourth Supplementary Bidder's
Statement). Goldway has continued to criticise the IBC's
response and to dismiss the findings of the Independent
Expert[1] in an effort to justify its
A$0.16 price which significantly undervalues MCM[2]. BDO assessed the value of an MCM Share prior to
the Offer between A$0.214 and A$0.356, with a preferred value of
A$0.285 per MCM Share (on a controlling interest basis). The IBC
wishes to respond to the statements made by Goldway in its Fourth
Supplementary Bidder's Statement:
IBC Response and
view of the Independent Expert
Goldway has sought to ''call into question the view adopted by the
IBC Response, as well as that of the Independent Expert and SRK, on
the value of MCM".
BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd
(BDO), the Independent
Expert and SRK Consulting (Australasia) Pty Ltd (SRK) have provided a professional
independent valuation in accordance with industry
The Independent Expert has concluded
that the A$0.16 Offer is neither
fair nor reasonable.
BDO assessed the value of an MCM
Share prior to the Offer between A$0.214 and A$0.356, with a
preferred value of A$0.285 per MCM Share (on a controlling interest
Vele Aluwani
Colliery (Vele) is not on care and
Goldway has continued to falsely
assert that Vele has been placed "under care and
As the IBC has previously
no decision has been taken to place Vele under
care and maintenance;
no statutory application to the Minister of
Mineral Resources and Energy has been made to place Vele under care
and maintenance; and
no care and maintenance plan or program has been
prepared in respect of Vele.
Goldway's claims that there are
"no stated plans or cost
estimates to recommence production" are false. The current
production optimisation strategy for Vele, Operation Shandukani, is
progressing and provides for how MCM and the operator,
Hlalethembeni Outsourcing Services (Pty) Ltd (HOS), as well as representatives from
Overlooked Collieries (Pty) Ltd (an associate of Goldway), plan to
use the colliery for underground soft steel coking production and
to optimise production.
The Independent
Expert's Market Value approach to valuation
Goldway has claimed that, the
"Independent Expert has adopted a
Market Value approach to valuation which "does not consider any
potential future operating cashflow generated from MCM's
SRK explained its adoption of the
Market Approach to valuation in section 8.1 of its report: "the
Mineral Assets being valued are compared with the transaction
values of similar Mineral Assets under similar time and
circumstances on an open market". By definition, there is no
requirement to consider future operating cashflow generated by the
assets using this method, which is defined in the industry standard
The Independent
Expert has estimated a ZAR584m (A$46m) preferred valuation of
Goldway's false assertions that Vele
is on care and maintenance and reference to historical costs for
Vele attempts to undermine the Independent Expert's and SRK's
valuation of Vele. The Independent Expert's valuation is based on
comparable market transactions, based on the current standing of
Vele and current and forecast market conditions. Historical costs
are not relevant to the market valuation methodology
The IBC has previously reiterated
that Vele is not on care and maintenance. The decision to downscale
operations at Vele was taken by HOS, the contractor, and its
subcontractors, including Overlooked Collieries (Pty) Ltd (an
associate of Goldway), after consultation with MCM.
The IBC continues to be of the view
that the Offer Price of A$0.16 per Share significantly undervalues
MCM and its assets.
The IBC states
"Shareholders who sell their
Shares will forego the opportunity to participate in the
exploration and production potential of MCM's development
Goldway has made various statements
about the assets and resources of MCM. Goldway is attempting to
justify its undervalued Offer Price by seeking to discredit the
production and exploration value opportunity upside for
Shareholders. If Goldway genuinely believed there was no production
or exploration upside to MCM's projects it would not be offering to
acquire MCM.
The Independent Expert has taken
appropriate account of the Company's assets, their economic and
production value.
The IER is based on the current
status of MCM's assets and business, which estimates a value per
MCM Share prior to the Offer between A$0.214 and A$0.356, with a
preferred value of A$0.285 per MCM Share (on a controlling interest
basis). MCM's board and management team has changed substantially
since 2010 and the IBC believes that the Company is in a strong
position to complete the fundraising efforts required to advace
Makhado into production in the near term.
For the reasons set out in this
announcement and the Company's 21 and 25 March 2024 announcements,
as well as in the Target's Statements dated 4 and 18 March 2024,
the IBC confirms and reiterates its unanimous recommendation that
Shareholders DO NOT ACCEPT the Offer.
For questions, please contact
the Target Shareholder Line on +61 461 444 038
between 9.00am and 7.00pm (Sydney time) on Business Days (if
calling from within Australia) or between 11am - 1pm (Johannesburg
time) or 9am - 11am (London time).
The IBC looks forward to your
continuing support.
Mr Khomotso Mosehla
Chairman of MC Mining
Chairman of the IBC
This announcement has been approved for release by
MCM's Disclosure Committee.
The information contained within this announcement is deemed
by MCM to constitute inside information as stipulated under the
Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 as it forms part of
United Kingdom domestic law by virtue of the European Union
(Withdrawal) Act 2018, as amended.
This announcement contains forward-looking statements,
including statements of current intention, statements of opinion
and predictions as to possible future events. All statements other
than statements of historical fact are by definition likely to be
forward-looking statements. You should be aware that such
statements are predictions and are subject to inherent risks and
uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of the
MCM. Refer to section 9 of the Target's Statements for
details about risks associated with the Offer and MCM. These
forward-looking statements are based on, among other things, MCM's
assumptions, expectations, estimates, objectives, plans and
intentions and the views of the IBC as at the date of this
announcement. Although MCM and the IBC believe that the
expectations reflected in any forward-looking statement included in
this announcement are reasonable, no assurance can be given that
such expectations will provide to be correct. Actual events or
results may differ materially from the events or results expected
or implied in any forward-looking statement.
None of MCM, BDO or SRK, nor any of their respective
directors, officers, consultants or employees makes any
representation or warranty (whether express or implied) as to the
accuracy or likelihood of fulfilment of any forward-looking
statement, except to the extent required by law. You are cautioned
not to place undue reliance on any such forward-looking
more information contact:
Tony Bevan
Company Secretary
Endeavour Corporate
+61 42 1072 165
Company advisers:
Richard Johnson / Rob
Nominated Adviser
Strand Hanson Limited
+44 20 7409 3494
Rory Scott
Broker (AIM)
Tennyson Securities
+44 20 7186 9031
Marion Brower
Financial PR (South
R&A Strategic
+27 11 880 3924
BSM Sponsors Proprietary Limited is
the nominated JSE Sponsor
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About MC Mining Limited:
MC Mining is an AIM/ASX/JSE-listed
coal exploration, development and mining company operating in South
Africa. MC Mining's key projects include the Uitkomst Colliery
(metallurgical and thermal coal), Makhado Project (hard coking
coal), Vele Colliery (semi-soft coking and thermal coal), and the
Greater Soutpansberg Projects (coking and thermal coal).