RNS Number : 7921H 
Mobile Doctors Group Plc 
01 March 2010 

| Date:      | 1 March 2010                                           | 
| On behalf  | Mobile Doctors Group Plc ("Mobile Doctors" or "the     | 
| of:        | Group")                                                | 
| Embargoed  | 0700hrs                                                | 
| for:       |                                                        | 
Mobile Doctors Group Plc 
Results for the year ended 30 November 2009 
Mobile Doctors Group Plc (AIM: MDG.L), one of the leading providers of 
medico-legal reports for personal injury claims in the UK market, announces its 
final results for the year ended 30 November 2009. 
·     An increase in turnover by 27% to GBP27.6m (2008: GBP21.7m); 
·     Profit before tax increased by 60% to GBP800,000 (2008: GBP501,000); 
·     Continued to repay senior debt by a further GBP790,000; 
·     Creditor days have reduced from 222 to 184; 
·     Debtor days continue to reduce and have gone from 389 to 346; and 
·     Increased provisions against debtors by over GBP1m in the light of current 
economic conditions 
Commenting on the results, Peter Opperman, Chairman, said: 
"It gives me great pleasure to introduce our third set of financial statements 
as a quoted company which confirm a progressive position. 
"I believe 2010 will be an interesting year as the effects of the Ministry of 
Justice reforms are felt across the sector. It provides us with huge 
opportunities to grow our offering in terms of turnover and breadth of service. 
"The increased turnover and volume of cases processed demonstrates the 
commitment and contribution of our employees; I would like to extend my thanks 
to all of them." 
Enquiries to: 
| Mobile Doctors Group Plc      | Tel: 020 8787 2000             | 
| Matthew Game                  | www.mobile-doctors.co.uk       | 
| Daniel Stewart & Company plc  | Tel:  020 7776 6550            | 
| Oliver Rigby                  |                                | 
| Redleaf Communications        | Tel:  020 7566 6700            | 
| Adam Leviton/Michael Ward     | Email:                         | 
|                               | mobiledoctors@redleafpr.com    | 
Notes to Editors: 
* Mobile Doctors, established in 1989, has grown organically to become one of 
the leading suppliers of medico-legal reports for personal injury claims in the 
UK. It provides independent and objective medical evidence via a national panel 
of medical experts and therapists. 
* Mobile Doctors has a database of approximately 2,500 medical experts covering 
many areas of the UK and currently provides approximately 70,000 reports out of 
approximately 600,000 reports required annually. 
* In addition to its core medical report service, Mobile Doctors has also 
successfully developed and launched Mobile Doctors Ancillary Services and Mobile 
Doctors Rehabilitation Services. Mobile Doctors Ancillary Services arranging MRI 
scans, X-Rays, CT scans, and ultrasounds. Mobile Doctors Rehabilitation provides 
after care services such as physiotherapy, hospital treatment and 
* Mobile Doctors Plc listed on AIM on 18th July 2007. 
Chief Executive's Report 
I am pleased to report another year of progress with the successful completion 
of significant projects that have further supported our business model and will 
continue to prove invaluable during this next year. 
The Group turnover for the year has increased by 27%, demonstrating another year 
of significant growth. Pre-tax profits of GBP800,000 (an increase of 60% 
compared with 2008) further confirms our strategy of business process 
outsourcing and working in partnership with leading organizations is beginning 
to deliver the required results. Moreover, these profits have been created 
despite increasing our provisions from GBP1,014,000 to GBP2,037,000. 
A further key performance indicator is the cost of administration as a 
percentage of turnover. 2009 saw us achieve another year on year reduction in 
this and it is now nearly half of the level of 2006.  Our operating model is 
extremely responsive and flexible and with most costs now being transaction 
based this provides a secure platform for future business growth. 
Post tax profits are GBP515,000 (an increase of 20% over 2008) notwithstanding 
that these have been dampened by an increased effective tax rate of 35.6% 
compared to the effective rate of 14.2% in 2008. 
Over the year we have repaid GBP790,000 of long term debt, which means we have 
now virtually halved our long term debt position since 2006. 
I confirmed earlier this year that we had started to transition our print, post, 
dispatch and logistics to TNT. I am delighted to report that this is now fully 
outsourced and working well.  In addition to the financial and service 
improvements made, there have also been a number of environmental gains 
including reduced carbon emissions and using more environmentally sustainable 
This year we have also completed projects focused on reducing the costs of our 
examiners by adopting a partnership approach. 
Our partnership with Nuffield Healthcare has strengthened throughout the year 
enabling us to deliver a broader range of rehabilitation and medical services. 
The gross margin for these services is lower than that of our core services such 
that while the Group's turnover has increased, the additional hard work in 
reducing costs has been masked by the strong growth of rehabilitation and 
medical services. 
Ongoing Strategy 
The strategy we adopted in 2006 has now delivered a significant and sustainable 
competitive cost advantage which, as these results demonstrate, is delivering 
improved financial returns.  We will continue to target organic growth using 
both cost and service advantages plus we will continue to seek acquisition 
targets that meet our key criteria. 
We have been successful in the development and release of new software which 
expedites the time taken to deliver a medical report as well as improving 
quality. We are in the process of converting all of our GP examiners to the use 
of this software and the application is being developed further to enable 
Consultant examiners to use it as well. 
Given the changes we are making to our products and service offering we are now 
a broader healthcare services Group than before. In a logical step for our 
business, leveraging our core skills and services, we have therefore begun to 
evaluate the options open for us to deliver a range of healthcare services to 
both consumers and employers. The demands placed on the NHS from an ageing 
population which is time poor and cash rich provides some of the key elements 
that are driving our considered views on this new service opportunity. 
Key Performance Indicators 
The day to day key indicators of business performance have not changed from 
those reported last year, these are measured and monitored based on the 
following categories: 
·     New instructions received and processed; 
·     Number of appointments booked; 
·     Medical reports returned and processed, which determines daily sales 
·     Margins are measured daily against budget and used to determine purchasing 
efficiencies; and 
·     Daily cash collection. 
A quality audit is undertaken on a daily basis for all key operational 
processes, the results of which are collated and presented to both the 
operational team and individuals each day by the operations managers. The audit 
process is based on a predetermined matrix and errors are recorded as low, 
medium and high with a 96% benchmark. 
No dividend will be paid for the year ended 30 November 2009. 
Current Trading and Outlook 
Looking forward, our market faces a potential period of adjustment due to 
legislative changes as a result of the Ministry Of Justice reforms due to take 
effect from spring 2010. The main focus of the reforms is to improve the speed 
of resolution of fast track low value motor claims by the introduction of a 
standardized web based process which automatically links insurers with claimant 
lawyers. Given our low fixed costs and variable transactional base we are better 
placed than many of our competitors to benefit from any changes. 
Matthew Game 
Chief Executive 
Consolidated Income Statement 
for year ended 30 November 2009 
|                           |    |     2009 |     2009 |    2008 |     2008 | 
|                           |    |   GBP000 |   GBP000 |  GBP000 |   GBP000 | 
|                           |    |          |          |         |          | 
| Revenue                   |    |          |   27,560 |         |   21,744 | 
| Cost of sales             |    |          | (21,298) |         | (16,208) | 
|                           |    |          |          |         |          | 
| Gross profit              |    |          |    6,262 |         |    5,536 | 
| Administrative expenses   |    |          |  (5,547) |         |  (4,500) | 
|                           |    |          |          |         |          | 
| Operating profit before   |    |          |      715 |         |    1,036 | 
| financing costs           |    |          |          |         |          | 
|                           |    |          |          |         |          | 
| Financial income          |    |      856 |          |     964 |          | 
| Financial expenses        |    |    (771) |          | (1,499) |          | 
|                           |    |          |          |         |          | 
| Net financing             |    |          |       85 |         |    (535) | 
| income/(expense)          |    |          |          |         |          | 
|                           |    |          |          |         |          | 
| Profit before tax         |    |          |      800 |         |      501 | 
| Taxation                  |    |          |    (285) |         |     (71) | 
|                           |    |          |          |         |          | 
| Profit for the year       |    |          |      515 |         |      430 | 
|                           |    |          |          |         |          | 
|                           |    |          |          |         |          | 
| Earnings per share        |    |          |          |         |          | 
|                           |    |          |          |         |          | 
| Basic                     |    |          |    3.08p |         |    2.59p | 
| Diluted                   |    |          |    3.08p |         |    2.59p | 
|                           |    |          |          |         |          | 
Revenue and profits are derived from continuing activities.  The entire profit 
for the current and prior year is attributable to equity holders of the parent 
Statements of Changes in Equity 
for year ended 30 November 2009 
| Group                     |      |   Share |         |  Merger |          |   Total | 
|                           |      | capital |   Share | reserve | Retained |  equity | 
|                           |      |         | premium |         | earnings |         | 
|                           |      |  GBP000 |  GBP000 |  GBP000 |   GBP000 |  GBP000 | 
|                           |      |         |         |         |          |         | 
| Balance at 1 December     |      |   5,813 |     150 | (4,113) |  (1,187) |     663 | 
| 2007                      |      |         |         |         |          |         | 
| Profit for the period     |      |       - |       - |       - |      430 |     430 | 
|                           |      |         |         |         |          |         | 
| Total recognised income   |      |       - |       - |       - |      430 |     430 | 
| and expense               |      |         |         |         |          |         | 
| Shares issued in year     |      |     872 |     381 |       - |        - |   1,253 | 
|                           |      |         |         |         |          |         | 
| Balance at 30 November    |      |   6,685 |     531 | (4,113) |    (757) |   2,346 | 
| 2008                      |      |         |         |         |          |         | 
| Profit for the period     |      |       - |       - |       - |      515 |     515 | 
|                           |      |         |         |         |          |         | 
| Total recognised income   |      |       - |       - |       - |      515 |     515 | 
| and expense               |      |         |         |         |          |         | 
|                           |      |         |         |         |          |         | 
| Balance at 30 November    |      |   6,685 |     531 | (4,113) |    (242) |   2,861 | 
| 2009                      |      |         |         |         |          |         | 
|                           |      |         |         |         |          |         | 
| Company                   |      |      |   Share |         | Retained |  Total | 
|                           |      |      | capital |   Share | earnings | equity | 
|                           |      |      |         | premium |          |        | 
|                           |      |      |  GBP000 |  GBP000 |   GBP000 | GBP000 | 
|                           |      |      |         |         |          |        | 
| Balance at 1 December     |      |      |   5,813 |     150 |    (271) |  5,692 | 
| 2007                      |      |      |         |         |          |        | 
| Loss for the period       |      |      |       - |       - |    (140) |  (140) | 
|                           |      |      |         |         |          |        | 
| Total recognised income   |      |      |       - |       - |    (140) |  (140) | 
| and expense               |      |      |         |         |          |        | 
| Shares issued in year     |      |      |     872 |     381 |        - |  1,253 | 
|                           |      |      |         |         |          |        | 
| Balance at 30 November    |      |      |   6,685 |     531 |    (411) |  6,805 | 
| 2008                      |      |      |         |         |          |        | 
| Loss for the period       |      |      |       - |       - |     (27) |   (27) | 
|                           |      |      |         |         |          |        | 
| Total recognised income   |      |      |       - |       - |     (27) |   (27) | 
| and expense               |      |      |         |         |          |        | 
|                           |      |      |         |         |          |        | 
| Balance at 30 November    |      |      |   6,685 |     531 |    (438) |  6,778 | 
| 2009                      |      |      |         |         |          |        | 
|                           |      |      |         |         |          |        | 
All recognised income and expense is attributable to equity holders of the 
Consolidated Balance Sheet 
at 30 November 2009 
|                          |        |        |      |   2009  |    2008 | 
|                          |        |        |      |  GBP000 |  GBP000 | 
| ASSETS                   |        |        |      |         |         | 
| Non-current assets       |        |        |      |         |         | 
| Property, plant and      |        |        |      |     224 |     107 | 
| equipment                |        |        |      |         |         | 
| Intangible assets        |        |        |      |   8,492 |   8,590 | 
| Deferred tax asset       |        |        |      |      88 |      77 | 
|                          |        |        |      |         |         | 
| Total non-current assets |        |        |      |   8,804 |   8,774 | 
|                          |        |        |      |         |         | 
| Current assets           |        |        |      |         |         | 
| Trade and other          |        |        |      |  26,951 |  23,300 | 
| receivables              |        |        |      |         |         | 
| Cash and cash            |        |        |      |      38 |      24 | 
| equivalents              |        |        |      |         |         | 
|                          |        |        |      |         |         | 
| Total current assets     |        |        |      |  26,989 |  23,324 | 
|                          |        |        |      |         |         | 
| Total assets             |        |        |      |  35,793 |  32,098 | 
|                          |        |        |      |         |         | 
| LIABILITIES              |        |        |      |         |         | 
| Current liabilities      |        |        |      |         |         | 
| Bank overdraft           |        |        |      |     202 |      85 | 
| Other interest-bearing   |        |        |      |  14,462 |  13,444 | 
| loans and borrowings     |        |        |      |         |         | 
| Trade and other payables |        |        |      |  16,236 |  13,641 | 
| Current tax              |        |        |      |     314 |      71 | 
|                          |        |        |      |         |         | 
| Total current            |        |        |      |  31,214 |  27,241 | 
| liabilities              |        |        |      |         |         | 
|                          |        |        |      |         |         | 
| Non-current liabilities  |        |        |      |         |         | 
| Other interest-bearing   |        |        |      |   1,718 |   2,511 | 
| loans and borrowings     |        |        |      |         |         | 
|                          |        |        |      |         |         | 
| Total liabilities        |        |        |      |  32,932 |  29,752 | 
|                          |        |        |      |         |         | 
| Net assets               |        |        |      |   2,861 |   2,346 | 
|                          |        |        |      |         |         | 
| EQUITY                   |        |        |      |         |         | 
| Share capital            |        |        |      |   6,685 |   6,685 | 
| Share premium            |        |        |      |     531 |     531 | 
| Merger reserve           |        |        |      | (4,113) | (4,113) | 
| Retained earnings        |        |        |      |   (242) |   (757) | 
|                          |        |        |      |         |         | 
| Total equity             |        |        |      |   2,861 |   2,346 | 
|                          |        |        |      |         |         | 
Company Balance Sheet 
at 30 November 2009 
|                          |        |        |      |   2009  |  2008  | 
|                          |        |        |      |  GBP000 | GBP000 | 
| ASSETS                   |        |        |      |         |        | 
| Non-current assets       |        |        |      |         |        | 
| Investments in           |        |        |      |   7,020 |  7,020 | 
| subsidiaries             |        |        |      |         |        | 
|                          |        |        |      |         |        | 
| Total assets             |        |        |      |   7,020 |  7,020 | 
|                          |        |        |      |         |        | 
| LIABILITIES              |        |        |      |         |        | 
| Current liabilities      |        |        |      |         |        | 
| Trade and other payables |        |        |      |     242 |    215 | 
|                          |        |        |      |         |        | 
| Total liabilities        |        |        |      |     242 |    215 | 
|                          |        |        |      |         |        | 
| Net assets               |        |        |      |   6,778 |  6,805 | 
|                          |        |        |      |         |        | 
| EQUITY                   |        |        |      |         |        | 
| Share capital            |        |        |      |   6,685 |  6,685 | 
| Share premium            |        |        |      |     531 |    531 | 
| Retained earnings        |        |        |      |   (438) |  (411) | 
|                          |        |        |      |         |        | 
| Total equity             |        |        |      |   6,778 |  6,805 | 
|                          |        |        |      |         |        | 
Cash Flow Statements 
for year ended 30 November 2009 
|                               |   |             Group |         Company | 
|                               |   |   2009  |   2008  |  2009  |  2008  | 
|                               |   |  GBP000 |  GBP000 | GBP000 | GBP000 | 
| Cash flows from operating     |   |         |         |        |        | 
| activities                    |   |         |         |        |        | 
| Profit/(loss) for the period  |   |     515 |     430 |   (27) |  (140) | 
| Adjustments for:              |   |         |         |        |        | 
| Depreciation and amortisation |   |     170 |     165 |      - |      - | 
| Loss on disposal of property, |   |       - |       5 |      - |      - | 
| plant and equipment           |   |         |         |        |        | 
| Net financing                 |   |    (85) |     535 |      - |      - | 
| expense/(income)              |   |         |         |        |        | 
| Taxation                      |   |     285 |      71 |   (11) |   (96) | 
|                               |   |         |         |        |        | 
| Operating profit/(loss)       |   |     885 |   1,206 |   (38) |  (236) | 
| before changes in working     |   |         |         |        |        | 
| capital                       |   |         |         |        |        | 
| (Increase)/decrease in trade  |   | (3,659) | (1,355) |      - |    121 | 
| and other receivables         |   |         |         |        |        | 
| Increase/(decrease) in trade  |   |   3,448 |   3,793 |     27 |    214 | 
| and other payables            |   |         |         |        |        | 
|                               |   |         |         |        |        | 
| Cash generated from           |   |     674 |   3,644 |   (11) |     99 | 
| operations                    |   |         |         |        |        | 
| Interest paid                 |   |   (771) | (1,781) |      - |      - | 
| Tax (paid)/received           |   |    (43) |    (51) |     11 |     96 | 
|                               |   |         |         |        |        | 
| Net cash from operating       |   |   (140) |   1,812 |      - |    195 | 
| activities                    |   |         |         |        |        | 
|                               |   |         |         |        |        | 
| Cash flows from investing     |   |         |         |        |        | 
| activities                    |   |         |         |        |        | 
| Interest received             |   |       3 |      16 |      - |      - | 
| Acquisition of property,      |   |   (190) |   (108) |      - |      - | 
| plant and equipment           |   |         |         |        |        | 
| Purchase of subsidiary net of |   |       - |   (135) |      - |  (195) | 
| cash acquired                 |   |         |         |        |        | 
|                               |   |         |         |        |        | 
| Net cash from investing       |   |   (187) |   (227) |      - |  (195) | 
| activities                    |   |         |         |        |        | 
|                               |   |         |         |        |        | 
| Cash flows from financing     |   |         |         |        |        | 
| activities                    |   |         |         |        |        | 
| Increase/(decrease) in        |   |     224 | (1,541) |      - |      - | 
| borrowings                    |   |         |         |        |        | 
|                               |   |         |         |        |        | 
| Net cash from financing       |   |     224 | (1,541) |      - |      - | 
| activities                    |   |         |         |        |        | 
|                               |   |         |         |        |        | 
| Net (decrease)/increase in    |   |   (103) |      44 |      - |      - | 
| cash and cash equivalents     |   |         |         |        |        | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at  |   |    (61) |   (105) |      - |      - | 
| start of period               |   |         |         |        |        | 
|                               |   |         |         |        |        | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at  |   |   (164) |    (61) |      - |      - | 
| 30 November                   |   |         |         |        |        | 
|                               |   |         |         |        |        | 
Report Circulation 
Copies of this preliminary results announcement are available from the Company's 
registered office at 4 Bourne Court, Southend Road, Woodford Green, Essex, IG8 
Copies of the Annual Report and Accounts will be sent to shareholders by 3 March 
2010 for approval at the Annual General Meeting ("AGM") to be held on 30 March 
2010. The AGM will be held at 09.00hrs at the Company's registered office, 4 
Bourne Court, Southend Road, Woodford Green, Essex, IG8 8HD. The Annual Report 
and Accounts together with the notice of AGM are available on the Company's 
website, www.mobile-doctors.co.uk, and will also be available at the Company's 
registered office. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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