RNS Number : 5763R

Ming Yang Smart Energy Group Ltd

27 October 2023


(GDR under the symbol: "MYSE")

(a joint stock company established under the laws of the People's Republic of China with limited liability)

2023 Third Quarterly Report


The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and the Directors, Supervisors and senior management of the Company warrant that the information contained herein is true, accurate and complete and that there are no false representations, misleading statements contained in or material omissions from this quarterly report, for which they jointly and severally accept legal responsibility.

The person in charge of the Company, the person in charge of accounting, and the head of the accounting firm (accounting chief) warrant that the financial information contained herein is true, accurate and complete.

Whether the third quarterly financial statements were audited Yes No


(1) Principal Accounting Information and Financial Indicators

   Unit: Yuan         Currency: RMB 
 Items                        This reporting      Increase/decrease     From the                 Increase/ 
                               period              from this             beginning               (decrease) 
                                                   reporting             of the year         from corresponding 
                                                   period compared       to the end              period of 
                                                   with the same         of the Reporting        last year 
                                                   period of             Period                     (%) 
                                                   last year 
 Operating income             10,398,611,805.11                 40.04   20,957,817,340.32                 -3.26 
                             ------------------  --------------------  ------------------  -------------------- 
 Net profit attributable 
  to shareholders 
  of the listed company          573,680,529.77                -48.65    1,227,801,867.37                -65.56 
                             ------------------  --------------------  ------------------  -------------------- 
 Net profit attributable 
  to shareholders 
  of the listed company 
  after deducting 
  extraordinary profit 
  and loss                       538,222,032.16                -45.68    1,075,426,041.29                -67.33 
                             ------------------  --------------------  ------------------  -------------------- 
 Net cash flows from 
  operating activities         1,019,248,155.40                   N/A   -2,319,208,958.69                   N/A 
                             ------------------  --------------------  ------------------  -------------------- 
 Basic earnings per 
  share (RMB/share)                        0.26                -36.59                0.55                -65.41 
                             ------------------  --------------------  ------------------  -------------------- 
 Diluted earnings 
  per share (RMB/share)                    0.26                -36.59                0.55                -65.19 
                             ------------------  --------------------  ------------------  -------------------- 
 Weighted average                                      Decreased                                       by 10.48 
  return on net assets                             by 1.38 percentage                                percentage 
  (%)                                      1.97          points                      4.27                points 
                             ------------------  --------------------  ------------------  -------------------- 
                                  As at the                As at the end of last            Increase/(decrease) 
                                  end of the                        year                          from the 
                                  Reporting                                                     end of last 
                                    Period                                                        year (%) 
                             ------------------  ----------------------------------------  -------------------- 
 Total assets                 80,944,154,047.39                         68,940,224,911.06                 17.41 
                             ------------------  ----------------------------------------  -------------------- 
 Total equity attributable 
  to shareholders 
  of the Company              28,549,795,921.12                         28,113,710,200.58                  1.55 
                             ------------------  ----------------------------------------  -------------------- 

Note: "During the Reporting Period" means three months from the beginning to the end of this quarter, the same as below.

(2) Extraordinary gain and loss items

   Unit: Yuan         Currency: RMB 
                      Items                         Amount during       Amount from      Description 
                                                     the Reporting     the beginning 
                                                        Period          of the year 
                                                                         to the end 
                                                                      of the Reporting 
 Profit or loss on disposal of non-current 
  assets                                               -171,787.58       -4,453,765.92 
                                                   ---------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Tax rebate and exemption that is approved                       - 
  beyond authority, or incurred without 
  formal approval, or incurred on an 
  occasional basis 
                                                   ---------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Government grants (except for the 
  grants which are closely related to 
  the Company's normal business, are 
  in compliance with the provisions 
  of China and have the standard amount 
  or quantities in accordance with certain 
  standard) included in current profits 
  and losses                                         10,154,330.67       32,133,325.48 
                                                   ---------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Capital occupation fee received from                            - 
  non-financial enterprises and included 
  in current profit or loss 
                                                   ---------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Gain arising from the investment cost                           - 
  for the enterprise acquiring the subsidiaries, 
  associates and joint ventures being 
  less than the fair value of the identifiable 
  net assets of the investee at the 
  time of acquisition of the investment 
                                                   ---------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Gain or loss from exchange of non-monetary                      - 
                                                   ---------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Profit or loss from entrusted investment 
  or asset management                                52,391,395.74      147,057,861.05 
                                                   ---------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Provision for impairment of assets                              - 
  due to force majeure factors such 
  as natural disasters 
                                                   ---------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Gain or loss from debt restructuring                            - 
                                                   ---------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Corporate restructuring costs such                              - 
  as employee placement expenses and 
  integration costs 
                                                   ---------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Gain or loss from the excess over                               - 
  the fair value in a transaction at 
  obviously unfair price 
                                                   ---------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Net profit or loss of subsidiaries                              - 
  for the period from the beginning 
  of the period to the date of combination 
  arising from business combination 
  under common control 
                                                   ---------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Profit or loss arising from contingent                          - 
  events unrelated to the normal operations 
  of the Company 
                                                   ---------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Except for the effective hedging activities 
  related to the Company's normal operations, 
  profit or loss arising from changes 
  in fair value of financial assets 
  held for trading, derivative financial 
  assets, financial liabilities held 
  for trading and derivative financial 
  liabilities, and investment income 
  from disposal of financial assets 
  held for trading, derivative financial 
  assets, financial liabilities held 
  for trading, derivative financial 
  liabilities and other debt investments            -17,153,588.02      -52,582,935.39 
                                                   ---------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Reversal of provision for impairment 
  of receivables and contract assets 
  individually tested for impairment                    119,510.81       18,476,379.36 
                                                   ---------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Profit or loss from entrusted loans                             - 
                                                   ---------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Gains or losses arising from changes                            - 
  in fair value of investment properties 
  subsequently measured at fair value 
                                                   ---------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Effects of one-off adjustment to current                        - 
  profit or loss in accordance with 
  the requirements of taxation, accounting 
  and other laws and regulations on 
  current profit or loss 
                                                   ---------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Custody fee income from entrusted                               - 
                                                   ---------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Other non-operating income and expenses 
  other than the above                               -4,475,904.06       37,763,124.49 
                                                   ---------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Other profit or loss items that meet 
  the definition of extraordinary profit 
  or loss                                               523,157.06          177,962.06 
                                                   ---------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Less: Amount of effects of income 
  tax                                                -5,629,739.50      -26,034,648.16 
                                                   ---------------  ------------------  ------------ 
     Amount of effects of minority interests 
      (after tax)                                      -298,877.51         -161,476.89 
                                                   ---------------  ------------------  ------------ 
                      Total                          35,458,497.61      152,375,826.08 
                                                   ---------------  ------------------  ------------ 

Statements on defining extraordinary items under "Explanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public No.1 Extraordinary Profit and Loss" as recurrent items

Applicable Not applicable

(3) Significant changes of key accounting items and financial indicators and the reasons for the changes

Applicable Not applicable

                        Items                          Change (%)                Main reasons for change 
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the          -65.56     Mainly due to the decrease of the price of wind 
 listed company _ from the beginning of the                         turbines and the decrease of the delivery 
 year to the end of the Reporting Period                            scale of offshore wind turbines 
                                                      -----------  --------------------------------------------------- 
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the          -67.33     Same as above 
 listed company after deducting extraordinary 
 profit and loss _ from the beginning of the year to 
 the end of the Reporting Period 
                                                      -----------  --------------------------------------------------- 
 Basic earnings per share _ from the beginning of        -65.41     Mainly due to the decrease of the net profit 
 the year to the end of the Reporting Period                        attributable to shareholders of the listed company 
                                                                    during the period 
                                                      -----------  --------------------------------------------------- 
 Diluted earnings per share _ from the beginning of      -65.19     Same as above 
 the year to the end of the Reporting Period 
                                                      -----------  --------------------------------------------------- 
 Operating income _ for the Reporting Period             40.04      Due to the increase of the sales scale of wind 
                                                                    turbines and power station products 
                                                      -----------  --------------------------------------------------- 
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the          -48.65     Mainly due to the year-on-year decrease of 
 listed company _ for the Reporting Period                          exchange gains as a result of exchange rate 
                                                                    as well as the year-on-year decrease of investment 
                                                                    income generated from disposal of long-term 
                                                                    equity investments 
                                                      -----------  --------------------------------------------------- 
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the          -45.68     Same as above 
 listed company after deducting extraordinary 
 profit and loss _ for the Reporting Period 
                                                      -----------  --------------------------------------------------- 
 Basic earnings per share_ for the Reporting Period      -36.59     Mainly due to the decrease of the net profit 
                                                                    attributable to shareholders of the listed company 
                                                                    during the period 
                                                      -----------  --------------------------------------------------- 
 Diluted earnings per share _ for the Reporting          -36.59     Same as above 
                                                      -----------  --------------------------------------------------- 


(1) Total number of ordinary shareholders, total number of holders of preference shares with voting rights restored and shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders

Unit: share

 Total number of                  145,734   Total number of preference shareholders                                N/A 
 ordinary shareholders                      whose voting rights were restored as at the 
 as at the end of the                       end of 
 Reporting Period                           the Reporting Period (if any) 
                                       Shareholdings of the top ten shareholders 
  Name of shareholder         Type of         Number of      Percentage     Number of      Shares pledged, marked or 
                            shareholder      shares held     of shares     shares held               frozen 
                                                              held (%)      subject to 
                                                                             on sale 
                         ----------------  --------------  -------------  -------------  ----------------------------- 
                                                                                            Status of        Number 
                         ----------------  --------------  -------------  -------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Hong Kong Securities 
  Clearing Company 
  Limited                 Others              255,848,983          11.26                       N/A 
                         ----------------  --------------  -------------  -------------  --------------  ------------- 
  CORP LIMITED            person              157,062,475           6.91                       N/A 
                         ----------------  --------------  -------------  -------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Mingyang New Energy      Domestic 
  Investment Holding      non-state-owned 
  Group Co., Ltd.         legal person        135,051,612           5.94                     Pledged       119,666,667 
                         ----------------  --------------  -------------  -------------  --------------  ------------- 
  LIMITED                 person              119,470,011           5.26                     Pledged        94,532,600 
                         ----------------  --------------  -------------  -------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Mingyang New Energy 
  Investment Holding 
  Group Co., Ltd. 
  special account for 
  pledge of convertible 
  corporate bonds 
  non-publicly issued 
  to professional         Domestic 
  investors in 2023       non-state-owned 
  (first tranche)         legal person         65,000,000           2.86                       N/A                   0 
                         ----------------  --------------  -------------  -------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Citibank, National 
  Association             Others               48,865,330           2.15                       N/A                   0 
                         ----------------  --------------  -------------  -------------  --------------  ------------- 
                          Overseas legal 
 KEYCORP LIMITED          person               44,683,336           1.97                     Pledged        24,000,000 
                         ----------------  --------------  -------------  -------------  --------------  ------------- 
 National Social 
  Security Fund - 
  Portfolio 102           Others               44,461,538           1.96                       N/A                   0 
                         ----------------  --------------  -------------  -------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Xiamen Bohui Yuncheng 
  Investment              Domestic 
  Partnership (Limited    non-state-owned 
  Partnership)            legal person         36,647,003           1.61                     Pledged         4,400,000 
                         ----------------  --------------  -------------  -------------  --------------  ------------- 
 China Pacific Life 
  Insurance Co., Ltd 
  Dividend Personal 
  Dividend                Others               25,073,807           1.10                       N/A                   0 
                         ----------------  --------------  -------------  -------------  --------------  ------------- 
                      Shareholdings of the top ten shareholders of shares not subject to lock-up 
 Name of shareholder        Number of unrestricted outstanding shares              Class and number of shares 
                         -----------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
                                                                              Class                  Number 
                         ----------------  --------------  -------------  -------------  ----------------------------- 
 Hong Kong Securities 
  Clearing Company                                                         RMB ordinary 
  Limited                                                    255,848,983      share                        255,848,983 
                         -----------------------------------------------  -------------  ----------------------------- 
 WISER TYSON INVESTMENT                                                    RMB ordinary 
  CORP LIMITED                                               157,062,475      share                        157,062,475 
                         -----------------------------------------------  -------------  ----------------------------- 
 Mingyang New Energy 
  Investment Holding                                                       RMB ordinary 
  Group Co., Ltd.                                            135,051,612      share                        135,051,612 
                         -----------------------------------------------  -------------  ----------------------------- 
 FIRST BASE INVESTMENTS                                                    RMB ordinary 
  LIMITED                                                    119,470,011      share                        119,470,011 
                         -----------------------------------------------  -------------  ----------------------------- 
 Mingyang New Energy 
  Investment Holding 
  Group Co., Ltd. 
  special account for 
  pledge of convertible 
  corporate bonds 
  non-publicly issued 
  to professional 
  investors in 2023                                                        RMB ordinary 
  (first tranche)                                             65,000,000      share                         65,000,000 
                         -----------------------------------------------  -------------  ----------------------------- 
 Citibank, National                                                        RMB ordinary 
  Association                                                 48,865,330      share                         48,865,330 
                         -----------------------------------------------  -------------  ----------------------------- 
                                                                           RMB ordinary 
 KEYCORP LIMITED                                              44,683,336      share                         44,683,336 
                         -----------------------------------------------  -------------  ----------------------------- 
 National Social 
  Security Fund -                                                          RMB ordinary 
  Portfolio 102                                               44,461,538      share                         44,461,538 
                         -----------------------------------------------  -------------  ----------------------------- 
 Xiamen Bohui Yuncheng 
  Partnership (Limited                                                     RMB ordinary 
  Partnership)                                                36,647,003      share                         36,647,003 
                         -----------------------------------------------  -------------  ----------------------------- 
 China Pacific Life 
  Insurance Co., Ltd 
  Dividend Personal                                                        RMB ordinary 
  Dividend                                                    25,073,807      share                         25,073,807 
                         -----------------------------------------------  -------------  ----------------------------- 
 Description of           Among the above shareholders, Wiser Tyson Investment Corp Limited, First Base Investments 
  connected               Limited, Keycorp Limited, Xiamen Bohui Yuncheng Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) 
  relationship or         and Mingyang New Energy Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. were under common control by the 
  concerted action        actual controllers of the Company, namely Zhang Chuanwei, Wu Ling and Zhang Rui, and were 
  among the above         therefore related parties of each other. Mingyang New Energy Investment Holding Group Co., 
  shareholders            Ltd. - special account for pledge of convertible corporate bonds non-publicly issued to 
                          investors in 2023 (first tranche) is the special account for pledge of convertible bonds 
                          by controlling shareholder, Mingyang New Energy Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd.. 
 Description of the top   As at the end of the Reporting Period, the number of shares of the Company held through 
  ten shareholders and    credit 
  top ten shareholders    securities accounts by the top ten shareholders and by the top ten shareholders not subject 
  not subject to          to trading moratorium are both 0. Save as the shareholders above, the Company is not aware 
  trading moratorium      of other shareholders involved in margin financing and securities lending business and 
  involved in margin      refinancing 
  financing and           business 
  securities lending 
  business and 
  refinancing business 

Note: Within the unpledged shares of Mingyang New Energy Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. , 2,500,000 shares are frozen shares.


Other important information that needs to be brought to the attention of investors regarding the Company's operations during the Reporting Period

The Company convened the 40th meeting of the second session of the Board and the 35th meeting of the second session of the Supervisory Committee on 18 July 2023, and convened the 2023 third extraordinary general meeting on 26 September 2023, respectively, at which the Proposal on Changes of Partial Investment Projects of Proceeds ( ) was considered and approved, agreeing to change the proceeds of RMB371.2522 million originally planned to be invested in the Construction Project of Hybrid Tower Production Base of the 2020 non-public offering shares proceeds project to be used for the investment and construction of the 100MW wind power project of Mingyang Huangchuan in Xinyang Huangming New Energy Co., Ltd. The proportion of the amount involving the change in the use of proceeds to the net proceeds from the 2020 non-public offering was 6.43%. As of the Reporting Period, the Company has opened a special account for the proceeds and signed a supervision agreement for the 100MW wind power project of Mingyang Huangchuan in Xinyang Huangming New Energy Co., Ltd.


(I) Type of Audit Opinion

(II) Financial Statements

Consolidated Balance Sheet

As at 30 September 2023

Prepared by: Ming Yang Smart Energy Group Limited

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Audit status: Unaudited

                                     Item                                        30 September 2023   31 December 2022 
 Current assets: 
   Cash and cash equivalents                                                     10,274,696,396.52   11,157,064,897.68 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Settlement provisions 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Loans to banks and other financial institutions 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Financial assets held for trading                                                 50,127,083.33      200,182,291.67 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Derivative financial assets 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Notes receivable                                                                  22,898,370.84 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Accounts receivable                                                           15,115,071,189.49   10,773,783,527.49 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Financing receivables                                                          1,188,438,826.43    1,175,566,142.98 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Prepayments                                                                    1,196,348,642.36      843,632,141.93 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Insurance premium receivables 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Due from reinsurers 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Reinsurance contract reserve receivables 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Other receivables                                                                910,320,027.67      784,096,171.43 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Including: Interest receivable 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
              Dividends receivable                                                  110,723,756.63        6,143,756.63 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Financial assets purchased under agreements to resell 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Inventories                                                                   12,608,524,234.66    8,024,077,123.53 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Contract assets                                                                  794,860,353.83      652,644,533.38 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Assets held for sale 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Non-current assets due within one year                                         1,805,445,430.53      630,240,740.00 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Other current assets                                                           1,820,051,121.58    1,222,759,900.67 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
       Total current assets                                                      45,786,781,677.24   35,464,047,470.76 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
 Non-current assets: 
   Loans and advances 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Debt investment 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Other debt investments 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Long-term receivables 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Long-term equity investment                                                      523,147,990.64      487,814,402.75 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Other equity instrument investments                                              118,987,293.10      115,400,720.88 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Other non-current financial assets                                               440,689,731.53      623,620,627.97 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Investment properties 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Fixed assets                                                                  11,311,333,602.01   10,715,292,022.58 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Construction in progress                                                       7,017,143,320.44    5,606,789,873.45 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Productive biological assets 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Oil and gas assets 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Right-of-use assets                                                              115,229,701.39      151,387,882.99 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Intangible assets                                                              1,619,208,277.00    1,585,047,039.31 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Development expenditures                                                         562,130,790.52      258,860,906.13 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Goodwill                                                                          69,299,162.68       69,269,162.68 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Long-term deferred expenses                                                      127,881,582.87      152,012,462.64 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Deferred tax assets                                                              882,654,246.68      621,061,546.82 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Other non-current assets                                                      12,369,666,671.29   13,089,620,792.10 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
       Total non-current assets                                                  35,157,372,370.15   33,476,177,440.30 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
          Total assets                                                           80,944,154,047.39   68,940,224,911.06 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
 Current liabilities: 
   Short-term borrowings                                                          1,308,216,112.93      259,513,744.63 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Borrowing from the central bank 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Deposits and balances from banks and other financial institutions 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Financial liabilities held for trading 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Derivative financial liabilities 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Notes payable                                                                 11,142,633,824.88    7,568,416,438.14 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Accounts payable                                                              11,788,403,417.48    9,660,320,401.29 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Receipts in advance 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Contract liabilities                                                           7,964,856,616.10    7,565,805,012.30 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Financial assets sold under agreements to buy-back 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Customer deposits and balances from banks and other financial institutions 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Proceeds from trading of securities as broker 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Securities underwriting brokerage deposits 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Employee payroll payable                                                         259,267,347.65      272,274,032.86 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Taxes payable                                                                    209,493,905.92      212,025,502.26 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Other payables                                                                 1,793,232,447.57    1,531,527,730.36 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Including: Interest payable 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
              Dividends payable                                                       2,200,000.00        2,200,000.00 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Fees and commission payable 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Reinsurance accounts payable 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Liabilities held for sale 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Non-current liabilities due within one year                                      775,743,828.97      669,299,149.04 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Other current liabilities                                                        692,830,946.40      617,889,896.94 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
       Total current liabilities                                                 35,934,678,447.90   28,357,071,907.82 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
 Non-current liabilities: 
   Insurance contract liabilities 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Long-term borrowings                                                           8,553,821,656.79    5,256,600,986.02 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Bond payables                                                                  1,429,067,871.32    1,382,153,025.30 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Including: Preference shares 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
             Perpetual bonds 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Lease liabilities                                                                 35,007,309.83       61,257,922.26 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Long-term payables                                                             2,747,228,138.41    2,392,524,791.65 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Long-term employee payroll payable 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Estimated liabilities                                                          1,961,019,169.96    1,907,130,558.08 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Deferred income                                                                  344,274,675.12      327,293,318.62 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Deferred tax liabilities                                                       1,086,786,297.84      890,852,136.82 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Other non-current liabilities 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
       Total non-current liabilities                                             16,157,205,119.27   12,217,812,738.75 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
          Total liabilities                                                      52,091,883,567.17   40,574,884,646.57 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
 Owners' equity (or shareholders' equity): 
   Paid-in capital (or share capital)                                             2,271,983,706.00    2,272,085,706.00 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Other equity instruments 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Including: Preference shares 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
             Perpetual bonds 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Capital reserve                                                               17,012,116,152.64   16,966,961,745.66 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Less: Treasury stock                                                             260,219,412.63       90,875,421.69 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Other comprehensive income                                                        41,881,068.02       42,485,633.24 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Special reserve                                                                   53,890,246.19       23,532,432.80 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Surplus reserve                                                                  740,435,107.35      740,435,107.35 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   General risk reserve 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Retained earnings                                                              8,689,709,053.55    8,159,084,997.22 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Total equity (or shareholders' equity) attributable to owners of the parent   28,549,795,921.12   28,113,710,200.58 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
   Minority interest                                                                302,474,559.10      251,630,063.91 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
       Total owners' equity (or shareholders' equity)                            28,852,270,480.22   28,365,340,264.49 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 
          Total liabilities and owners' equity (or shareholders' equity)         80,944,154,047.39   68,940,224,911.06 
                                                                                ------------------  ------------------ 

Person-in-charge of the Company: Zhang Chuanwei Person-in-charge of accounting: Liang Caifa Head of accountant firm: Zhang Feng

Consolidated Profit Statement

January to September 2023

Prepared by: Ming Yang Smart Energy Group Limited

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Audit status: Unaudited

                    Item                      First three quarters of 2023    First three quarters of 2022(January to 
                                                 (January to September)                     September) 
 I. Total revenue                                        20,957,817,340.32                           21,663,546,142.08 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
 Including: Operating revenue                            20,957,817,340.32                           21,663,546,142.08 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
          Interest income 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
          Earned premiums 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
          Fee and commission revenue 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
 II. Total operating cost                                19,999,210,527.81                           18,971,958,066.52 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
 Including: Operating cost                               17,649,716,663.19                           16,635,165,146.43 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
          Interest expenses 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
          Fee and commission expenses 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
          Net payments for insurance claims 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
          Net provision of insurance 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
          Policyholder dividends 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
          Reinsurance expenses 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
          Taxes and surcharges                               80,597,042.38                               91,254,266.98 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
          Selling expenses                                  873,432,580.32                              965,302,919.03 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
          Administrative expenses                           650,286,307.77                              559,834,398.51 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
          R&D expenses                                      727,222,738.83                              848,327,448.89 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
          Financial expenses                                 17,955,195.32                             -127,926,113.32 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
          Including: Interest expense                       254,082,041.07                              228,014,607.53 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
                     Interest income                        167,107,338.02                              130,421,309.43 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
   Add: Other income                                        142,178,065.88                              288,276,007.79 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
          Investment income ("-" means 
           loss)                                            503,468,265.78                            1,076,213,883.08 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
          Including: Income from 
           investments in associates and 
           joint ventures                                    16,120,651.71                               43,659,210.60 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
          Income from derecognition of 
          financial assets measured at 
          amortised cost 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
          Exchange gains ("-" means loss) 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
          Net exposure hedging gains ("-" 
          means loss) 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
          Gains on changes in fair value 
           ("-" means loss)                                 -52,582,935.39                               64,089,383.99 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
          Credit impairment losses ("-" 
           means loss)                                     -179,531,954.85                             -168,177,894.90 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
          Asset impairment losses ("-" 
           means loss)                                      -14,799,262.99                               -3,795,142.81 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
          Gains from disposal of assets 
           ("-" means loss)                                   4,922,275.45                                  593,782.60 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
 III. Operating profit ("-" means loss)                   1,362,261,266.39                            3,948,788,095.31 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
   Add: Non-operating income                                 51,943,595.23                               24,383,391.83 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
   Less: Non-operating expenses                              23,556,511.86                               19,964,568.51 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
 IV. Total profits ("-" means total losses)               1,390,648,349.76                            3,953,206,918.63 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
   Less: Income tax expense                                 115,622,184.02                              398,348,186.56 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
 V. Net profit ("-" means net loss)                       1,265,026,165.74                            3,554,858,732.07 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
 (I) Classification by operation continuity 
 1. Net profit from continuing operations 
  ("-" means net loss)                                    1,265,026,165.74                            3,554,858,732.07 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
 2. Net profit from discontinuing 
 operations ("-" means net loss) 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
 (II) Classification by ownership 
 1. Net profit attributable to owners of 
  the parent ("-" means net loss)                         1,227,801,867.37                            3,564,979,479.13 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
 2. Minority profit or loss ("-" means net 
  loss)                                                      37,224,298.37                              -10,120,747.06 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
 VI. Other comprehensive income net of tax                     -664,368.28                             -149,789,149.61 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
   (I) Other comprehensive income 
    attributable to owners of the parent, 
    net of tax                                                 -604,565.22                             -149,175,688.97 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
       1. Other comprehensive income that 
        cannot be reclassified into profit 
        or loss                                               2,994,527.03                                4,196,467.47 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
       (1) Changes arising from the 
       re-measurement of defined benefit 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
       (2) Other comprehensive income that 
       cannot be transferred to profit or 
       loss under the equity 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
       (3) Changes in fair value of other 
        equity instrument investments                         2,994,527.03                                4,196,467.47 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
       (4) Change in fair value of the 
       enterprise's own credit risk 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
       2. Other comprehensive income that 
        will be reclassified into profit or 
        loss                                                 -3,599,092.25                             -153,372,156.44 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
       (1) Other comprehensive income that 
       can be transferred to profit or loss 
       under the equity 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
       (2) Changes in fair value of other 
       debt investments 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
       (3) Amount of financial assets 
       reclassified into other 
       comprehensive income 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
       (4) Provision for credit impairment 
       of other debt investments 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
       (5) Cash flow hedging reserves 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
       (6) Exchange differences on 
        translation of foreign currency 
        financial statements                                 -3,599,092.25                             -153,372,156.44 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
       (7) Others 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
   (II) Other comprehensive income 
    attributable to minority shareholders, 
    net of tax                                                  -59,803.06                                 -613,460.64 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
 VII. Total comprehensive income                          1,264,361,797.46                            3,405,069,582.46 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
   (I) Total comprehensive income 
    attributable to owners of the parent                  1,227,197,302.15                            3,415,803,790.16 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
   (II) Total comprehensive income 
    attributable to minority interest                        37,164,495.31                              -10,734,207.70 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
 VIII. Earnings per share: 
   (I) Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)                           0.55                                        1.59 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
   (II) Diluted earnings per share 
    (RMB/Share)                                                       0.55                                        1.58 
                                             -----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 

For business combinations under common control that occurred during the period, the net profit realised by the combined party prior to the combination is RMB 0 , while net profit realised by the combined party during the previous period is RMB 0 .

Person-in-charge of the Company: Zhang Chuanwei Person-in-charge of accounting: Liang Caifa Head of accountant firm: Zhang Feng

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

January to September 2023

Prepared by: Ming Yang Smart Energy Group Limited

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Audit status: Unaudited

                          Item                             First three quarters of 2023   First three quarters of 2022 
                                                              (January to September)         (January to September) 
 I. Cash flow from operating activities: 
   Cash received from sales of goods and rendering of 
    services                                                          16,336,690,290.12              13,373,600,067.26 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Net increase in customer deposits and placements from 
   banks and other financial institutions 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Net increase in loans from the central bank 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Net increase in funds borrowed from other financial 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Cash received from premiums under original insurance 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Net cash received from re-insurance business 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Net increase in deposits and investment from the 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Cash received from interest, fees and commission 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Net increase in placements from banks and other 
   financial institutions 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Net increase in repurchase business funds 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Net cash received from securities trading brokerage 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Tax refunds received                                                  152,351,047.06                 371,421,506.81 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Other cash received in connection with operating 
    activities                                                           911,002,094.64                 691,165,340.38 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
       Sub-total of cash inflows from operating 
        activities                                                    17,400,043,431.82              14,436,186,914.45 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Cash paid for purchase of goods and services                       16,217,079,562.76              15,421,671,219.77 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Net increase in loans and advances to customers 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Net increase in deposits with central banks and other 
   financial institutions 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Cash paid for claims under original insurance 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Net increase in placements with banks and other 
   financial institutions 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Cash paid for interest, fees and commission 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Cash paid for policy dividend 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                             1,518,928,673.75               1,294,485,315.88 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Tax payments                                                          781,288,889.63               1,423,872,743.03 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Other cash paid in connection with operating 
    activities                                                         1,201,955,264.37               1,515,618,754.24 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
       Sub-total of cash outflows from operating 
        activities                                                    19,719,252,390.51              19,655,648,032.92 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
          Net cash flow from operating activities                     -2,319,208,958.69              -5,219,461,118.47 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 II. Cash flow from investing activities: 
   Cash received from disposal of investments                            829,717,827.60               3,324,708,055.52 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Cash received from investment income                                   15,349,427.43                  36,357,913.58 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, 
    intangible assets and other long-term assets                             950,925.75                     354,444.50 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and 
    other business units                                                 606,958,905.78               1,160,059,601.78 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Other cash received in connection with investing 
    activities                                                           100,537,042.01               4,163,288,248.98 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
       Sub-total of cash inflows from investing 
        activities                                                     1,553,514,128.57               8,684,768,264.36 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible 
    assets and other long-term assets                                  6,331,558,726.44               6,043,023,153.16 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Cash paid for investments                                             300,582,115.33               6,378,724,616.77 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Net increase in pledged loans 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and 
   other business units 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Other cash paid in connection with investing 
    activities                                                            33,728,000.00 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
       Sub-total of cash outflows from investing 
        activities                                                     6,665,868,841.77              12,421,747,769.93 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
          Net cash flows from investing activities                    -5,112,354,713.20              -3,736,979,505.57 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 III. Cash flow from financing activities: 
   Cash received from investments                                         52,670,000.00               6,679,401,501.28 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Including: Cash receipts from investments in 
    subsidiaries by minority shareholders                                 52,670,000.00 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Cash received from borrowings                                       7,636,154,201.53               4,814,108,683.00 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Other cash received in connection with financing 
    activities                                                           688,222,801.39                   4,421,780.67 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
       Sub-total of cash inflows from financing 
        activities                                                     8,377,047,002.92              11,497,931,964.95 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Cash repayment of debts                                               574,602,466.53               2,692,784,212.43 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Cash paid for distribution of dividends, profits or 
    interest expenses                                                    806,361,836.01                 557,766,944.77 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Including: Dividends and profits paid by subsidiaries 
   to minority shareholders 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Other cash paid in connection with financing 
    activities                                                           381,795,295.11                 882,314,335.41 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
       Sub-total of cash outflows from financing 
        activities                                                     1,762,759,597.65               4,132,865,492.61 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
          Net cash flows from financing activities                     6,614,287,405.27               7,365,066,472.34 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 IV. Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash 
  equivalents                                                            104,204,680.75                 385,903,277.35 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                           -713,071,585.87              -1,205,470,874.35 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents                  10,530,081,360.65              13,105,847,068.63 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                      9,817,009,774.78              11,900,376,194.28 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 

Person-in-charge of the Company: Zhang Chuanwei Person-in-charge of accounting: Liang Caifa Head of accountant firm: Zhang Feng

Balance sheet of the Parent

As at 30 September 2023

Prepared by: Ming Yang Smart Energy Group Limited

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Audit status: Unaudited

                                   Item                                     30 September 2023   31 December 2022 
 Current assets: 
   Cash and cash equivalents                                                 7,875,312,791.81    8,704,902,879.03 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Financial assets held for trading                                            50,127,083.33      150,182,291.67 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Derivative financial assets 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Notes receivable                                                             18,523,138.72 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Accounts receivable                                                      14,111,014,484.79   10,114,188,465.73 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Financing receivables                                                     1,145,673,964.43    1,172,266,142.98 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Prepayments                                                               1,364,561,624.78    1,086,818,475.14 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Other receivables                                                         5,463,240,337.35    4,561,549,014.69 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Including: Interest receivable 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
              Dividends receivable                                              25,122,926.63       25,122,926.63 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Inventories                                                               7,752,913,288.33    5,617,063,443.08 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Contract assets                                                             544,064,785.16      317,369,774.52 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Assets held for sale 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Non-current assets due within one year                                    1,805,445,430.53      630,240,740.00 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Other current assets                                                      6,315,037,871.41    5,596,065,372.87 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
       Total current assets                                                 46,445,914,800.64   37,950,646,599.71 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
 Non-current assets: 
   Debt investment 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Other debt investments 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Long-term receivables 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Long-term equity investment                                              10,893,483,662.70   10,185,053,257.81 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Other equity instrument investments                                         102,017,157.07       98,745,040.22 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Other non-current financial assets                                          415,189,731.53      623,620,627.97 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Investment properties 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Fixed assets                                                                468,534,001.72      388,915,678.27 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Construction in progress                                                    499,170,461.42      167,518,716.56 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Productive biological assets 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Oil and gas assets 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Right-of-use assets                                                          30,640,983.64       43,048,023.65 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Intangible assets                                                           634,593,287.22      633,966,880.55 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Development expenditures                                                    456,173,324.86      225,728,045.08 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Long-term deferred expenses                                                   6,901,892.45        5,298,157.62 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Deferred tax assets                                                         539,246,346.24      409,486,373.89 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Other non-current assets                                                 11,935,068,963.48   12,471,018,534.37 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
       Total non-current assets                                             25,981,019,812.33   25,252,399,335.99 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
          Total assets                                                      72,426,934,612.97   63,203,045,935.70 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
 Current liabilities: 
   Short-term borrowings                                                                           259,513,744.63 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Financial liabilities held for trading 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Derivative financial liabilities 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Notes payable                                                            10,275,623,750.60    7,494,711,291.12 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Accounts payable                                                         13,660,911,092.47   10,289,213,026.35 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Receipts in advance 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Contract liabilities                                                     12,697,531,000.01   11,042,682,296.07 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Employee payroll payable                                                    123,791,241.98      116,405,003.27 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Taxes payable                                                                18,635,805.04      106,922,977.08 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Other payables                                                            4,128,057,996.04    2,958,172,611.54 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Including: Interest payable 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
              Dividends payable 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Liabilities held for sale 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Non-current liabilities due within one year                                 220,534,422.26      228,939,023.86 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Other current liabilities                                                 1,315,930,340.93    1,052,298,419.39 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
       Total current liabilities                                            42,441,015,649.33   33,548,858,393.31 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
 Non-current liabilities: 
   Long-term borrowings                                                        679,185,355.18      500,000,000.00 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Bond payables 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Including: Preference shares 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
             Perpetual bonds 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Lease liabilities                                                            16,810,364.39       27,302,956.78 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Long-term payables                                                          689,607,940.49      524,010,283.85 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Long-term employee payroll payable 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Estimated liabilities                                                     1,851,812,206.92    1,798,758,816.30 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Deferred income                                                             153,399,224.90      145,242,025.26 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Deferred tax liabilities                                                  1,037,258,645.07      855,000,801.95 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Other non-current liabilities 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
       Total non-current liabilities                                         4,428,073,736.95    3,850,314,884.14 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
          Total liabilities                                                 46,869,089,386.28   37,399,173,277.45 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
 Owners' equity (or shareholders' equity): 
   Paid-in capital (or share capital)                                        2,271,983,706.00    2,272,085,706.00 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Other equity instruments 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Including: Preference shares 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
             Perpetual bonds 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Capital reserve                                                          17,089,505,641.06   17,075,559,172.30 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Less: Treasury stock                                                        260,219,412.63       90,875,421.69 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Other comprehensive income                                                   20,669,583.51       17,888,284.19 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Special reserve 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Surplus reserve                                                             740,435,107.35      740,435,107.35 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
   Retained earnings                                                         5,695,470,601.40    5,788,779,810.10 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
       Total owners' equity (or shareholders' equity)                       25,557,845,226.69   25,803,872,658.25 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 
          Total liabilities and owners' equity (or shareholders' equity)    72,426,934,612.97   63,203,045,935.70 
                                                                           ------------------  ------------------ 

Person-in-charge of the Company: Zhang Chuanwei Person-in-charge of accounting: Liang Caifa Head of accountant firm: Zhang Feng

Profit Statement of the Parent

January to September 2023

Prepared by: Ming Yang Smart Energy Group Limited

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Audit status: Unaudited

                          Item                             First three quarters of 2023   First three quarters of 2022 
                                                              (January to September)         (January to September) 
 I. Operating revenue                                                 19,917,051,604.54              21,021,812,330.20 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Less: Operating cost                                               18,123,093,208.69              17,237,633,532.88 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
          Taxes and surcharges                                            27,447,459.99                  52,850,946.18 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
          Selling expenses                                               684,765,555.30                 753,649,768.39 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
          Administrative expenses                                        284,426,640.91                 267,906,344.04 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
          R&D expenses                                                   387,816,012.67                 658,335,554.48 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
          Financial expenses                                            -141,853,622.17                -269,547,134.06 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
          Including: Interest expense                                     85,341,043.10                  57,636,110.25 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
                     Interest income                                     161,136,052.47                 115,705,334.86 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Add: Other income                                                      89,969,411.74                 255,309,124.51 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
          Investment income ("-" means loss)                             243,013,787.85                 280,857,263.62 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
          Including: Income from investments in 
           associates and joint ventures                                   9,577,396.71                  35,305,155.72 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
                   Income from derecognition of                                                                      - 
                   financial assets measured at 
                   amortised cost 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
          Net exposure hedging gains ("-" means loss) 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
          Gains on changes in fair value ("-" means 
           loss)                                                         -52,582,935.39                  64,089,383.99 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
          Credit impairment losses ("-" means loss)                     -156,893,602.88                 -92,913,670.71 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
          Asset impairment losses ("-" means loss)                        -1,964,138.77                  -2,223,683.05 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
          Gains from disposal of assets ("-" means loss)                       3,497.95                     113,535.36 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 II. Operating profit ("-" means loss)                                   672,902,369.65               2,826,215,272.01 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Add: Non-operating income                                              47,544,842.67                   2,615,078.95 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Less: Non-operating expenses                                           43,982,636.77                  11,710,606.69 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 III. Total profits ("-" means total losses)                             676,464,575.55               2,817,119,744.27 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 Less: Income tax expense                                                 78,961,280.40                 221,311,799.10 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 IV. Net profit ("-" means net loss)                                     597,503,295.15               2,595,807,945.17 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   (I) Net profit from continuing operations ("-" means 
    net loss)                                                            597,503,295.15               2,595,807,945.17 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   (II) Net profit from discontinuing operations ("-" 
   means net loss) 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 V. Other comprehensive income, net of tax                                 2,781,299.32                   5,526,940.79 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   (I) Other comprehensive income that cannot be 
    reclassified into profit or loss                                       2,781,299.32                   5,526,940.79 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
       1. Changes arising from the re-measurement of 
       defined benefit plan 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
       2. Other comprehensive income that cannot be 
       transferred to profit or loss under the equity 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
       3. Changes in fair value of other equity 
        instrument investments                                             2,781,299.32                   5,526,940.79 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
       4. Change in fair value of the enterprise's own 
       credit risk 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   (II) Other comprehensive income that will be                                                                      - 
   reclassified into profit or loss 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
       1. Other comprehensive income that can be 
       transferred to profit or loss under the equity 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
       2. Changes in fair value of other debt 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
       3. Amount of financial assets reclassified into 
       other comprehensive income 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
       4. Provision for credit impairment of other debt 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
       5. Cash flow hedging reserves 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
       6. Exchange differences on translation of foreign 
       currency financial statements 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
       7. Others 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 VI. Total comprehensive income                                          600,284,594.47               2,601,334,885.96 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 VII. Earnings per share: 
 (I) Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share) 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 (II) Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share) 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 

Person-in-charge of the Company: Zhang Chuanwei Person-in-charge of accounting: Liang Caifa Head of accountant firm: Zhang Feng

Cash Flow Statement of the Parent

January to September 2023

Prepared by: Ming Yang Smart Energy Group Limited

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Audit status: Unaudited

                          Item                             First three quarters of 2023   First three quarters of 2022 
                                                              (January to September)         (January to September) 
 I. Cash flow from operating activities: 
   Cash received from sales of goods and rendering of 
    services                                                          18,120,657,406.83              14,520,890,103.81 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Tax refunds received                                                   93,531,394.20                 196,527,561.46 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Other cash received in connection with operating 
    activities                                                         1,869,671,322.94               1,022,091,502.89 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
       Sub-total of cash inflows from operating 
        activities                                                    20,083,860,123.97              15,739,509,168.16 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Cash paid for purchase of goods and services                       17,046,617,932.20              16,689,214,556.04 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                               536,190,891.83                 512,609,900.48 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Tax payments                                                          433,670,781.70               1,044,282,153.13 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Other cash paid in connection with operating 
    activities                                                         1,251,910,222.37               1,997,120,093.26 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
       Sub-total of cash outflows from operating 
        activities                                                    19,268,389,828.10              20,243,226,702.91 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Net cash flow from operating activities                               815,470,295.87              -4,503,717,534.75 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 II. Cash flow from investing activities: 
   Cash received from disposal of investments                            807,071,022.00               3,632,509,961.63 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Cash received from investment income                                   14,843,558.38                  34,727,207.61 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, 
    intangible assets and other long-term assets                               7,500.00                  35,560,536.85 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and 
   other business units 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Other cash received in connection with investing 
    activities                                                         2,485,037,087.81               4,612,252,081.76 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
       Sub-total of cash inflows from investing 
        activities                                                     3,306,959,168.19               8,315,049,787.85 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible 
    assets and other long-term assets                                    710,874,436.41                 513,282,735.16 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Cash paid for investments                                           1,092,902,657.90               6,526,521,672.88 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and 
   other business units 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Other cash paid in connection with investing 
    activities                                                         2,549,102,262.66               5,464,908,300.46 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
       Sub-total of cash outflows from investing 
        activities                                                     4,352,879,356.97              12,504,712,708.50 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
          Net cash flows from investing activities                    -1,045,920,188.78              -4,189,662,920.65 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 III. Cash flow from financing activities: 
   Cash received from investments                                                                     6,679,401,501.28 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Cash received from borrowings                                         179,185,355.18               1,023,808,683.00 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Cash received from issuance of bonds                                                               1,245,150,720.00 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Other cash received in connection with financing 
    activities                                                           260,321,377.03 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
       Sub-total of cash inflows from financing 
        activities                                                       439,506,732.21               8,948,360,904.28 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Cash repayment of debts                                               259,291,906.00                 470,491,000.00 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Cash paid for distribution of dividends, profits or 
    interest expenses                                                    677,771,533.42                 462,212,187.42 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Other cash paid in connection with financing 
    activities                                                           256,459,847.50 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
       Sub-total of cash outflows from financing 
        activities                                                     1,193,523,286.92                 932,703,187.42 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
          Net cash flows from financing activities                      -754,016,554.71               8,015,657,716.86 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 IV. Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash 
  equivalents                                                            103,576,498.21                 390,112,566.64 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                           -880,889,949.41                -287,610,171.90 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents                   8,455,177,493.26               8,978,636,203.70 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                      7,574,287,543.85               8,691,026,031.80 
                                                          -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 

Person-in-charge of the Company: Zhang Chuanwei Person-in-charge of accounting: Liang Caifa Head of accountant firm: Zhang Feng

Adjustments to financial statements at the beginning of the year upon initial adoption of new accounting standards or interpretation of standards since 2023

Applicable Not applicable

Ming Yang Smart Energy Group Limited

27 October 2023

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

October 27, 2023 06:16 ET (10:16 GMT)

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Grafico Azioni Ming Yang Smart (LSE:MYSE)
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