Embargoed Release: 07:00hrs Thursday 29 March 2007

                               iPoint-media plc                                

                          ("iPoint" or "the Company")                          

            Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2006            

iPoint (LSE:IPNT), a provider of Broadband 3G/IP video interactive application
platforms, is pleased to announce its preliminary results for the year ended
31st December 2006.

Chairman's Statement

During the year ended 31 December 2006, the Company acquired iPoint USA
Corporation by way of a reverse takeover. The Company has since raised
approximately $3,700,000 by equity fund raisings in November 2006 and March
2007. In February 2007 All New Video Plc ("All New Video") was acquired by the

The acquisition of the iPoint Group

As a result of the iPoint Group acquisition, iPoint USA Corporation and its
subsidiary iPoint-media Limited ("iPoint", together the "iPoint Group"), a
software company which sells and develops video call handling solutions for
telecoms operators and others, achieved its aim and became part of a publicly
traded group following the admission to AIM of the Company.

The business of iPoint

2006 was an exciting year for iPoint as it has made the transition from a
development company to becoming a leader in the provision of interactive video
application technologies and services. iPoint has developed a suite of
proprietary software products which enable video calling over IP using 3G
networks. iPoint has established its position with major customers in the 3G
market, including telecoms operators, aggregators and media broadcasters.

iPoint began to distribute its products towards the end of 2005 and during 2006
received purchase orders and made deliveries worth over $1,800,000.

In the year ended 31 December 2006 the financial statements show a revenue
figure of $1,655,965 and gross profit of $1,290,129. Invoiced amounts in the
year totalled $2,002,936; of this $346,971 of revenues are related to
maintenance contracts and in accordance with the Group's accounting policies
are deferred until 2007.

Although revenues were still relatively modest in 2006 and the year ended with
a loss of $949,262, the Directors believe that there are strong growth
prospects in iPoint's key markets and iPoint's products and capabilities are
well-matched to market requirements. The recent acquisition of All New Video
and the synergy between the two companies is expected to provide iPoint's
products to new opportunities in the media sector.

All New Video offers a wide range of video services across both fixed line and
mobile telephony platforms. All New Video was admitted to trading on AIM in
August 2005, since when it has won some significant business, in particular a
contract with the BBC which has generated significant interest in All New
Video's services from other television broadcasters, both in the UK and abroad.
On 8 February 2007 the Company's offer for All New Video was declared
unconditional and it is anticipated that All New Video's cancellation of
admission to trading on AIM will take effect from 11 April 2007.

Key material achievements during 2006

The key material achievements for the Group in the year to 31 December 2006

 1. the completion of the development and market introduction of the carrier
    grade video application platform branded "Vitrage".
 2. successful sales penetration into targeted European telecom operators,
    aggregators and media companies including the BBC.
 3. the establishment of comprehensive channels with leading blue chip
    corporate companies including Ericsson, Siemens, Comverse and Unisys
 4. obtaining major reference customers such as Ericsson's hosting center,
    Vodacom, Orange and the BBC to name a few.
 5. the development of the sales and marketing infrastructure for sales in Asia
    Pacific during 2007.
All New Video has also been re-branded "iPoint-media" with the All New Video
team focusing on sales and marketing activities in the high growth UK media and
broadcast sectors.

Outlook and Strategy

2006 was an encouraging year for iPoint in penetrating new market sectors and
in the development of new products. In 2007 iPoint will be focusing on
strengthening its position in the broadband mobile and internet value added
video calling services market through enlarging its customer base and receiving
renewals from existing customers. iPoint is well placed to exploit an improving
market for video calling applications through its partnership with key
strategic players, including Ericsson, Siemens and Comverse.

A further target for iPoint in 2007 will be to establish itself within the
broadcast and media sector. This market is eager to capitalise on the growing
popularity of User Generated Content and offer new TV show formats, where
viewers can enter live TV sessions or record their own unique content via a
unified web/mobile interface. The Board believes that the strategic teaming
agreement signed between iPoint and IBM in February 2007 will lead to a number
of exciting projects to be announced in due course.

I should like to thank all of our team for their commitment, professionalism
and creativity, which together with the leadership and vision of our Chief
Executive, Shmuel (Muki) Geller, placed iPoint as one of the frontier
technology pioneers that anticipated the business potential of video
applications in the mobile broadband media market.

iPoint remains utterly committed to its core values: total quality and
innovation, increasing its revenues and enlarging its mutual relations with the
telecom and media broadcast market all over the world. iPoint is constantly
striving to deliver the most innovative technology including its unique video
solutions platform to the telecom and media markets, together with its premium
quality services.

The Board looks forward to the future with confidence.

E Sagi


28 March 2007



                                                Year ended       Year ended
                                                31 December     31 December
                                                       2006            2005
                                        Notes             $               $
Revenue                                           1,655,965         676,826
Cost of sales                                     (365,836)        (56,930)
Gross profit                                      1,290,129         619,896
Research and development                            647,786         505,604
Selling and marketing                               677,210         562,569
Administrative expenses                             806,333         504,921
Exceptional charge in respect of share                    -         846,867
options granted to employees                                               
Loss from ordinary activities before              (841,200)     (1,800,065)
income tax and finance costs                                               
Net finance costs                                 (108,062)        (40,568)
Other income                                              -           2,371
Loss before income tax                            (949,262)     (1,838,262)
Tax on loss on ordinary activities        2               -               -
Net loss from ordinary activities                 (949,262)     (1,838,262)
Loss per share                                                             
- basic                                   3         (0.012)         (0.024)
- diluted                                 3         (0.011)         (0.023)



                                                        2006           2005
                                          Notes            $              $
Non-current assets                                                         
Intangible assets                                    865,341              -
Property, plant and equipment                         75,930         49,267
Non-current receivables                               12,030          8,002
                                                     953,301         57,269
Current assets                                                             
Trade receivables                                    637,880        167,602
Other receivables                                    202,124         63,922
Cash and cash equivalents                   4         51,056        265,353
                                                     891,060        496,877
TOTAL ASSETS                                       1,844,361        554,146
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                     
Share capital and reserves                                                 
Issued capital                                       889,976          4,069
Share premium                                      1,364,006              -
Other reserves                                       846,867        846,867
Merger reserve                                       200,050              -
Reverse acquisition reserve                        2,134,419      2,616,422
Retained earnings                                (5,731,114)    (4,781,852)
Translation reserve                                 (73,023)         51,733
TOTAL EQUITY                                       (368,819)    (1,262,761)
Non-current liabilities                               78,955         21,260
Current liabilities                                                        
Trade payables and other                             630,092        186,754
Related party                                        166,537         50,898
Deferred income                                      314,170        139,996
Short-term borrowings                              1,023,426      1,417,999
Total current liabilities                          2,134,225      1,795,647
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                  2,213,180      1,816,907
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                       1,844,361        554,146



                                                     Year ended    Year ended
                                                                  31 December
                                                    31 December              
                                                           2006          2005
                                            Notes             $             $
Cash flows from operating activities                                         
Cash receipts from customers                          1,250,431       786,288
Cash paid to suppliers and employees                (1,986,081)   (1,657,002)
Cash absorbed by operations                           (735,650)     (870,714)
Interest paid                                          (96,626)      (66,685)
Interest received                                         1,844         8,761
Net cash outflow from operating                       (830,432)     (928,638)
Cash flows from investing activities                                         
Proceeds from sale of equipment                               -        12,506
Purchase of equipment                                  (54,782)      (23,060)
Net cash outflow used in investing                     (54,782)      (10,554)
Cash flows from financing activities                                         
Proceeds from issue of shares                         1,900,115             -
Less: costs of issue                                  (709,869)             -
Net cash flows used in financing                      1,190,246             -
Exchange differences                                  (124,756)        51,733
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash                180,276     (887,459)
Cash and cash equivalents brought forward           (1,152,646)     (265,187)
Cash and cash equivalents carried forward     4       (972,370)   (1,152,646)
Represented by:                                                              
Positive cash balances                                   51,056       265,353
Short term borrowings                               (1,023,426)   (1,417,999)
                                                      (972,370)   (1,152,646)

Group Statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31 December 2006

                        Share capital         Share   Share-based   Translation
                                            premium      payments       reserve
                                    $             $             $             $
At 31 December 2004               925     2,619,566             -             -
At 31 December 2005             4,069             -       846,867        51,733
Shares issued in              536,109     1,364,006             -             -
period for cash                                                                
Shares issued on              353,867             -             -             -
Reverse acquisition           (4,069)             -             -             -
Less: costs of share                -             -             -             -
Exchange adjustments                -             -             -     (124,756)
Loss for the year                   -             -             -             -
At 31 December 2006           889,976     1,364,006       846,867      (73,023)
                              Reverse        Merger      Retained  Total equity
                          acquisition       reserve      earnings              
                                    $             $             $             $
At 31 December 2004                 -             -   (2,943,590)     (323,099)
At 31 December 2005         2,616,422             -   (4,781,852)   (1,262,761)
Shares issued in                    -             -             -     1,900,115
period for cash                                                                
Shares issued on                    -    12,020,719             -    12,374,586
Reverse acquisition         (482,003)  (11,110,800)             -  (11,596,872)
Less: costs of share                -     (709,869)             -     (709,869)
Exchange adjustments                -             -             -     (124,756)
Loss for the year                   -             -     (949,262)     (949,262)
At 31 December 2006         2,134,419       200,050   (5,731,114)     (368,819)

Notes to the financial statements

1 Basis of preparation

These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards and IFRIC interpretations and with those parts of
the Companies Act, 1985 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS. The
financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention
and a summary of the more important accounting policies is set out below.

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles requires the use of estimates and assumptions that affect
the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period.
Although these estimates are based on management's best knowledge of the
amount, event or actions, actual results ultimately may differ from those

During the year, the Group elected to disclose its cash flows from operating
activities using the direct method that requires the disclosure of gross cash
receipts and gross cash payments to be disclosed. Additionally, IAS 7
encourages the use of the direct method for the reporting of operating cash

2. Corporation tax

                                                         2006             2005
                                                            $                $
Income statement                                                              
Current tax on income for the period                        -                -
Factors affecting the tax charge                                              
                                                         2006             2005
                                                            $                $
Loss on ordinary activities before taxation         (949,262)      (1,838,262)
Loss on ordinary activities before                  (303,764)        (551,479)
taxation multiplied by standard rate                                          
of Israel Corporation Tax of 32%                                              
(2005: 34%) for the year.                                                     
Effects of:                                                                   
Expenditure not allowable for tax                      72,073          323,921
Unrelieved tax losses and other                       231,691          301,088
deductions arising in the period                                              
Current tax charge                                          -                -

3. Loss per share

The basic loss per share is calculated by dividing the loss attributable to
equity shareholders by the weighted average number of shares in issue. In
calculating the diluted loss per share, share options outstanding have been
taken into account where the impact of these is diluted. Warrants over 625,000
shares and options over 742,875 shares were excluded from the calculation of
the total diluted number of shares as the impact of these is anti-dilutive.

The weighted average number of shares in the year was:

                                                         2006         2005
                                                       Number       Number
Basic                                              81,991,356   75,713,743
Dilutive Ordinary Shares from share options/        2,652,987    3,935,560
Total diluted                                      84,644,343   79,649,303
Loss attributable to equity share holders of the    (949,262)  (1,838,262)
Basic earnings per share                              (0.012)      (0.024)
Diluted earnings per                                  (0.011)      (0.023)

4 Cash and cash equivalents

                                                         2006         2005
                                                            $            $
Cash at bank and in hand                               51,056      265,353

Cash at bank and in hand earns interest at floating rates based on daily bank
deposit rates. The Fair value of cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 2006
was $51,056 (2005: $265,353).

For the purpose of the cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents comprise
the following at 31 December 2006:

                                                            2006        2005
                                                               $           $
Cash at bank and in hand                                  51,056     265,353
Short term borrowings                                (1,023,426) (1,417,999)
                                                       (972,370) (1,152,646)

The Group's short term borrowings are guaranteed by Nisko Projects Electronics
and Communications (1990) Ltd, a shareholder of the Company.

5. Dividends

No dividends have been declared for the year ended 31 December 2006.

6. Copies of the Report and Accounts will be sent to shareholders shortly and
will be available from the Company's registered office and from John East &
Partners Limited at Crystal Gate, 28-30 Worship Street, London EC2A 2AH.

Further Enquiries:

iPoint-media plc                                                               
Muki Geller                                            Tel: (0) 972 544 450 667
Clive Garston                                           Tel: 44 (0) 7802 356614
John East & Partners Limited                                 Tel: 020 7628 2200
David Worlidge/Bidhi Bhoma                                                     


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