10 August 2010 
NB  Private  Equity  Partners  Limited  ("NBPE"  or "the Company"), a closed-end 
private  equity fund of funds investment company, today announced an updated Net 
Asset Value ("NAV"). 
As  of 31 July 2010, the  unaudited net asset  value per share  was $9.51, which 
represents  an increase  of 0.8% compared  to the  unaudited net asset value per 
share of $9.43 at 30 June 2010. 
The  value of  NBPE's private  equity portfolio  as presented  in the July 2010 
monthly report was based on the following information: 
  * 22% of the private equity fair value was held in credit-related fund 
    investments that were re-valued as of 31 July 2010 
  * 8% of the private equity fair value was held in publicly traded securities 
    that were re-valued as of 31 July 2010 
  * 18% of the private equity fair value was held in private equity funds using 
    valuation information through 30 June 2010 
  * 36% of the private equity fair value was held in private equity funds using 
    valuation information through 31 March 2010 
  * 9% of the private equity fair value was held in private co-investments using 
    valuation information through 30 June 2010 
  * 7% of the private equity fair value was held in private co-investments using 
    valuation information through 31 March 2010 
During  July, NBPE's portfolio value increased due to $2.4 million of unrealized 
gains  on  public  equity  securities,  $2.2  million  of  unrealized  gains  on 
credit-related  fund investments and  $1.1 million of  positive foreign exchange 
adjustments. In addition, $1.4 million of net unrealized gains were attributable 
to the receipt of Q2 2010 valuation information for certain fund investments and 
private co-investments. 
NBPE  expects to issue its half-yearly report and unaudited financial statements 
for  the  period  ending  30 June  2010 in  late August. The report will include 
unaudited   financial   information   prepared  in  accordance  with  accounting 
principles  generally  accepted  in  the  United  States.  NBPE  is  required to 
consider,  and will consider,  all known material  information in preparing such 
financial  report, including information that may become known subsequent to the 
issuance   of   this  monthly  report.  Accordingly,  amounts  included  in  the 
half-yearly management report may differ from this monthly report. 
NBPE  expects to continue  to provide regular  NAV updates within seven business 
days of each month's end. 
A breakdown of NBPE's NAV can be obtained in the July 2010 monthly report, which 
is  published on  the Company's  website at www.nbprivateequitypartners.com. The 
monthly report should be read in conjunction with this announcement. 
For further information, please contact: 
 NBPE Investor Relations   +1 214 647 9593 
 Financial Dynamics        +44 20 7269 7114 
 Rob Bailhache 
 Nick Henderson 
About NB Private Equity Partners Limited 
NBPE  is a closed-end private equity fund of funds investment company with Class 
A  ordinary shares admitted to trading  on Euronext Amsterdam and the Specialist 
Fund  Market  of  the  London  Stock  Exchange.  NBPE has ZDP shares admitted to 
trading on the Specialist Fund Market of the London Stock Exchange and the Daily 
Official  List of the  Channel Islands Stock  Exchange. NBPE holds a diversified 
portfolio  of private equity fund investments and direct co-investments selected 
by  the NB  Alternatives group  of Neuberger  Berman, diversified across private 
equity asset class, geography, industry, vintage year and sponsor. 
This press release appears as a matter of record only and does not constitute an 
offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase any security. 
NBPE  is established as a closed-end  investment company domiciled in Guernsey. 
NBPE  has  received  the  necessary  consent  of the Guernsey Financial Services 
Commission  and the States of Guernsey  Policy Council.  NBPE is registered with 
the  Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets as a collective investment scheme 
which  may offer participations  in The Netherlands  pursuant to article 2:66 of 
the  Financial  Markets  Supervision  Act  (Wet  op het financial toezicht). All 
investments  are subject  to risk.  Past performance  is no  guarantee of future 
returns.  The value of  investments may fluctuate.  Results achieved in the past 
are  no guarantee of future results. This document is not intended to constitute 
legal,  tax  or  accounting  advice  or  investment recommendations. Prospective 
investors   are   advised  to  seek  expert  legal,  financial,  tax  and  other 
professional  advice before making any investment decision. Statements contained 
in   this   document  that  are  not  historical  facts  are  based  on  current 
expectations,  estimates, projections, opinions and beliefs of NBPE's investment 
manager.  Such  statements  involve  known  and unknown risks, uncertainties and 
other  factors, and undue  reliance should not  be placed thereon. Additionally, 
this document contains "forward-looking statements." Actual events or results or 
the  actual performance  of NBPE  may differ  materially from those reflected or 
contemplated in such targets or forward-looking statements. 
NBPE Monthly NAV Update for July 2010.pdf: 
NBPE Monthly Report - July 2010.pdf: 
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(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
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Source: NB Private Equity Partners Limited via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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