RNS Number : 1968U

Prologic plc

19 December 2011

Prologic plc

("Prologic" or the "Company")

Interim Results for the six months ended 30 September 2011

Prologic plc, a specialist provider of software, services and consultancy to the fashion & lifestyle sector, announces its interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2011.

Financial Highlights

-- Revenue GBP4.37m (2010: GBP4.94m)

-- Recurring revenues up 4% to GBP2.71m (2010: GBP2.61m), representing 62% of total revenue

-- Gross profit GBP1.76m (2010: GBP2.12m)

-- Adjusted administrative expenses* reduced by 14% to GBP1.76m (2010: GBP2.04m)

-- Adjusted operating profit* GBP12,000 (2010: GBP84,000)

-- Operating loss GBP510,000 (2010: profit GBP84,000)

*Before costs of business restructure

Operational Highlights

-- First customer upgrades to CIMS Enterprise Version 8 and CIMS PoS Series 8 successfully completed

-- New customer contract award from Heidi Klein

-- Business restructure implemented reducing the cost base by GBP1.12m annualised

-- First customer implementation completed (post period end) using Prologic's new Up&Running rapid deployment methodology

Tom Fischer, Chief Executive Officer, commented:

"I am pleased to report that, although market conditions have remained challenging throughout the period, Prologic has performed profitably (before restructuring costs) in the first half. In addition, we have seen positive customer uptake of our major new software releases, with several customers adopting these ahead of Christmas trading. Meanwhile our SaaS model saw further success with the award of a new contract from Heidi Klein, who also adopted Prologic's new Up&Running rapid implementation methodology.

Having implemented a restructuring of the business in June, our cost base will reduce by GBP1.12m on an annualised basis - although the benefits of this action are not yet fully reflected in our results. Management is now focusing on securing additional resources to further strengthen the Company's prospects and to this end we have today announced a strategic review of the business."

Further information:

   Prologic plc                                          01442 876 277 

Tom Fischer, Chief Executive David Parry, Finance Director

   Arbuthnot Securities Limited                  020 7012 2000 

Ed Groome

   Biddicks                                               020 3178 6378 

Zoe Biddick

Prologic plc

Interim Results 2011

Chairman's Statement


I am pleased to announce that despite difficult trading conditions in the retail sector, the Company continued to perform profitably (before restructuring costs) during the first half. Although revenue for the period at GBP4.37m was GBP567,000 lower than the corresponding period last year, we achieved an adjusted operating profit (calculated before restructuring costs) of GBP12,000, which was GBP72,000 less than recorded last year. This was largely due to the cost savings that resulted from a restructure of the business, which was completed in June. The business now has a simpler, leaner management structure with clearer lines of responsibility, and the cost base has been reduced by GBP1.12m on an annualised basis, without decreasing headcount in the key customer-facing departments of Support and Professional Services.

During the period we have seen solid activity within our customer base, fuelled by the recent launch of two major new software releases. Both CIMS Enterprise Version 8 and CIMS PoS Series 8 have been well received by customers who have upgraded ahead of the Christmas trading period.

The period also saw us securing luxury holiday clothing specialist Heidi Klein as our latest SaaS customer, who also used our new Up&Running rapid implementation approach. Prologic has designed the Up&Running methodology to leverage industry best practice through a suite of pre-configured business templates. This has enabled Heidi Klein to complete its implementation for both head office and stores in a matter of weeks. This success is evidence that Prologic has broadened its market to include earlier-stage fashion businesses, a sector where we are seeing growing interest in our technology.

Financial results

Revenue for the half year decreased to GBP4.37m from GBP4.94m in the first 6 months of the previous year. However, recurring revenues from annual licence fees, support and managed services increased to GBP2.71m from GBP2.61m, and represented 62% of total revenue (2010: 53%). Gross profit for the period was GBP1.76m (2010: GBP2.12m) and the gross margin was 40% (2010: 43%). Administrative expenses, before the costs of the business restructure, reduced by GBP294,000 to GBP1.75m, primarily due to decreased sales overheads and amortised development costs. There was a tax credit of GBP74,000 (2010: GBP80,000), which principally arose from the availability of R&D tax credits. The adjusted operating profit, which was calculated before the costs of the business restructure, was GBP12,000 (2010: GBP84,000) and there was an unadjusted operating loss of GBP510,000 (2010: profit GBP84,000).

The period end cash balance and net cash position was GBP790,000 (2010: GBP1.56m). From a cash flow perspective, the business has not yet benefited from the reduction in the cost base and has had to absorb additional costs associated with the restructure. The Company continues to carefully monitor and manage its cash position, and during the period has secured short-term funding arrangements.

Mindful of the ongoing challenging trading conditions, we have successfully implemented measures to reduce our cost base, which will fully benefit the Company towards the end of the current financial year. Management is now seeking to secure additional resources with a view to further strengthening the business. To this end, in a separate statement issued today, we have announced the appointment of Cobalt Corporate Finance to undertake a strategic review of the business.


The directors are not proposing an interim dividend.


Despite difficult market conditions, it is encouraging to see that many of our customers are continuing to trade well. Our latest software releases deliver advanced functionality that drives operational efficiency and enhances the customer experience. These capabilities in tandem with a more cost effective operating platform are proving attractive and we anticipate that more of our customers will upgrade over the coming months. By augmenting our SaaS offering with a rapid deployment methodology, we have significantly reduced the time, effort and cost of implementing the CIMS suite and believe we are now well placed to secure further new customers during the remainder of the financial year.

Colin Wells


16 December 2011

Prologic plc

Interim Results 2011

Statement of comprehensive income

                                              Unaudited         Unaudited              Audited 
                                             six months        six months 
                                                     to                to              Year to 
                                           30 September      30 September             31 March 
                                                   2011              2010                 2011 
                                                GBP'000           GBP'000              GBP'000 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
Revenue                                           4,374             4,941                9,859 
Cost of sales                                   (2,616)           (2,817)              (5,376) 
Gross profit                                      1,758             2,124                4,483 
Administrative expenses                         (2,268)           (2,040)             (12,266) 
Operating profit before exceptional 
 items                                               12                84                   21 
Impairment and de-recognition 
 of intangible assets                                 -                 -              (7,804) 
Restructuring costs                               (522)                 -                    - 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
Operating (loss)/profit                           (510)                84              (7,783) 
Financial income                                      2                 1                    3 
Financial expenses                                  (2)               (5)                  (8) 
Profit before tax                                 (510)                80              (7,788) 
Taxation                                             74                80                  787 
(Loss)/profit and total comprehensive 
 (expense)/income for the period                  (436)               160              (7,001) 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
                                                  Pence             Pence                Pence 
Loss/earnings per share - basic 
 and diluted                                     (4.36)              1.60              (70.01) 

There were no discontinuing operations for any of the above periods.

Prologic plc

Interim Results 2011

Statement of financial position

                                         Unaudited         Unaudited              Audited 
                                      30 September      30 September             31 March 
                                              2011              2010                 2011 
                                           GBP'000           GBP'000              GBP'000 
---------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
Non-current assets 
Goodwill                                     2,483             7,572                2,483 
Development costs                            3,478             5,160                3,084 
Other intangible assets                         84               138                  114 
Property, plant and equipment                  340               390                  412 
                                             6,385            13,260                6,093 
---------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
Current assets 
Inventories                                    139               151                  120 
Trade and other receivables                  2,629             4,295                2,638 
Current tax                                    293               299                  320 
Cash and cash equivalents                      790             1,561                1,232 
---------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
                                             3,851             6,306                4,310 
---------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
Total assets                                10,236            19,566               10,403 
---------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                   (2,559)           (2,520)              (2,288) 
Deferred revenue                           (2,506)           (3,194)              (2,345) 
                                           (5,065)           (5,714)              (4,633) 
---------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
Net current assets/(liabilities)           (1,214)               592                (323) 
---------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
Non-current liabilities 
Deferred revenue                             (545)           (1,137)                (758) 
Deferred tax liabilities                     (631)           (1,105)                (569) 
---------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
                                           (1,176)           (2,242)              (1,327) 
---------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
Total liabilities                          (6,241)           (7,956)              (5,960) 
---------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
Net assets                                   3,995            11,610                4,443 
---------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
Share capital                                   50                50                   50 
Share premium account                        2,734             2,734                2,734 
Merger reserve                                   -             3,924                    - 
Other reserve                                   54                72                   66 
Retained earnings                            1,157             4,830                1,593 
---------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
Total equity                                 3,995            11,610                4,443 
---------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 

Prologic plc

Interim Results 2011

Cash flow statement

                                              Unaudited         Unaudited              Audited 
                                             six months        six months 
                                                     to                to              year to 
                                           30 September      30 September             31 March 
                                                   2011              2010                 2011 
                                                GBP'000           GBP'000              GBP'000 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Operating (loss)/profit                           (510)                84              (7,783) 
Adjustments for: 
Amortisation of intangible assets                   408               676                1,401 
Impairment and de-recognition 
 of intangible assets                                 -                 -                7,804 
Depreciation of property, plant 
 and equipment                                       93                95                  194 
Share option (credit)/charge                       (12)                 4                  (2) 
(Increase) in inventories                          (19)              (35)                  (4) 
Decrease/(increase) in receivables                    9             (572)                1,084 
Increase/(decrease) in payables                     271             (167)                (399) 
(Decrease)/increase in deferred 
 income                                            (52)             1,126                (102) 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
Cash generated by operations                        188             1,211                2,193 
Interest received                                     2                 1                    3 
Interest paid                                       (2)               (1)                  (2) 
Tax repaid                                          163                 -                  149 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
Net cash from operating activities                  351             1,211                2,343 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Development expenditure                           (763)           (1,005)              (2,318) 
Purchase of other intangible assets                 (9)              (17)                 (44) 
Purchase of property, plant and 
 equipment                                         (21)              (38)                (159) 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
Net cash used in investing activities             (793)           (1,060)              (2,521) 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before 
 financing                                        (442)               151                (178) 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Repayment of bank loan                                -              (41)                 (41) 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
Net (decrease)/increase in cash 
 and cash equivalents                             (442)               110                (219) 
Cash and cash equivalents at start 
 of the period                                    1,232             1,451                1,451 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents                           790             1,561                1,232 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------------------- 

Prologic plc

Interim Results 2011

Statement of changes in equity

                                                         Share  premium   Merger    Other  Retained    Total 
                                                       capital  account  reserve  reserve    profit   equity 
                                                       GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000 
-----------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  -------  -------  --------  ------- 
At 31 March 2010                                            50    2,734    3,924       68     4,670   11,446 
Profit and total comprehensive income for the period         -        -        -        -       160      160 
Transactions with owners: 
Share option charge                                          -        -        -        4         -        4 
-----------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  -------  -------  --------  ------- 
At 30 September 2010                                        50    2,734    3,924       72     4,830   11,610 
Loss and total comprehensive expense for the period          -        -        -        -   (7,161)  (7,161) 
Transactions with owners: 
Share option credit                                          -        -        -      (6)         -      (6) 
Release of merger reserve                                                (3,924)              3,924        - 
-----------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  -------  -------  --------  ------- 
At 31 March 2011                                            50    2,734        -       66     1,593    4,443 
Loss and total comprehensive expense for the period          -        -        -        -     (436)    (436) 
Transactions with owners: 
Share option credit                                          -        -        -     (12)         -     (12) 
-----------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  -------  -------  --------  ------- 
At 30 September 2011                                        50    2,734        -       54     1,157    3,995 
-----------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  -------  -------  --------  ------- 

Notes to the Financial Statements

1. Basis of preparation

These interim condensed financial statements (the statements) are comprised of the unaudited results for the six months to 30 September 2011 together with comparative unaudited results for the six months to 30 September 2010 and audited results for the year ended 31 March 2011. They do not include all of the information required for full annual financial statements.

The financial information included in the statements for the year ended 31 March 2011 does not constitute the statutory accounts for that year. The Company's statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2011 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and include an auditor's report which was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 498(2) or section 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006.

The statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies adopted in the last annual financial statements for the year to 31 March 2011. The accounts are prepared under the historical cost convention and are prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles of IFRS.

Details of the assumptions surrounding the going concern basis are set out in the financial results section of the Chairman's Statement above. Based on these and the satisfactory outcome of a strategic review announced today, the Board believes it continues to be appropriate to adopt the going concern basis in the preparation of this interim statement.

2. Segmental Analysis

The business and IT solutions that Prologic provides to its customers are all based around a single software product, Prologic CIMS, and resources across the Company are focused on developing, implementing and supporting these solutions. The Company is therefore reported as a single operating segment, in accordance with IFRS 8.

3. Earnings per share

Earnings per share is calculated by dividing the earnings attributable to shareholders by the number of shares in issue during the period.

The weighted average number of shares in issue during the period was 10,000,000 (basic and diluted).

4. Approval

The interim results were approved by the Board on 16 December 2011 and are available on the Company's website (www.prologic.com).

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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