For the six months ended 30 September 2014 
   -- Fully deployed in a diverse range of high quality loans and equities 
   -- NAV gain of 0.37p for the period 
   -- 28p per share of dividends paid since inception, equivalent to a 10% per 
      annum tax-free running yield on net investment 
   Chairman's Statement 
   As the Company enters into the final year of its expected five-year life, 
its funds are fully deployed in both qualifying and non-qualifying 
investments.  We believe our portfolio is well positioned to deliver 
attractive returns to shareholders within the Company's expected 
remaining time horizon. 
   Net Asset Value ("NAV") 
   The NAV per share at the period end was 94.61p after adding back 
dividends paid to date of 28p, representing a return of 0.37p per 
ordinary share for the period. 
   Qualifying Investments 
   Brewhouse and Kitchen 
   The Company's GBP920,000 investment in Brewhouse and Kitchen Limited 
continues to perform well. Brewhouse and Kitchen is managed by two 
highly experienced pub sector professionals and our funding is 
facilitating the acquisition of freehold pubs and the roll-out of the 
brand.  The investment is largely in the form of senior debt, secured 
with a first charge over the business and each site acquired.  Funds can 
be utilised to a maximum 65% loan-to-value ratio, and are expected to 
produce an attractive return to the Company. 
   Brewhouse and Kitchen opened its first pub with an on-premises 
micro-brewery, the White Swan in Portsmouth, last year; its second pub 
and micro-brewery, the Station Master's House in Dorchester, opened in 
April after a substantial renovation.  Both have been trading well, and, 
since the period end, Brewhouse and Kitchen have taken leases on a 
further three units in London and Bristol. 
   The Albany, Barnes 
   As previously reported, Isaacs Trading Limited (in which the Company had 
invested GBP700,000) was, as a member of SKPB Services LLP, engaged in a 
contract with Ansgate (Barnes) Limited to provide project management and 
contracting services in connection with the construction of nine new 
houses and 12 new flats at a construction known as The Albany, in Barnes, 
south west London.  We understand that the project is progressing with a 
view to completion by the fourth quarter of next year. 
   Supported Living 
   SKPB Services LLP (another member of which is Huntly Trading Limited in 
which the Company invested GBP700,000) has also entered several 
contracts with HB Villages Tranche 2 Limited to provide project 
management and contracting services in connection with the construction 
of units as accommodation and supported housing for psychiatric and 
learning disabled service users, and their care-workers.  These projects 
include 16 units in Bolton and 12 units in Timperley. 
   The Company's investments of GBP880,000 into each of two contracting 
companies, Frederica Trading Limited and Glenmoor Trading Limited are 
progressing well.  Frederica and Glenmoor (as members of a limited 
liability partnership with other contracting companies) are currently 
providing contracting services in connection with supported living 
developments in Bury (14 units) and Clacton (16 units). 
   The Company's GBP1.4 million investment alongside other Puma VCTs into 
Saville Services Limited is performing well. During the period, Saville 
has provided contracting services over a series of projects including 
the construction of a private detached housing development in the 
countryside outside Aberdeen, under contract to Churchill Homes Limited, 
a longstanding Aberdeenshire developer, and the development of up to 20 
apartments for supported living for psychiatric and learning disabled 
service users in Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire. I am pleased to 
report that the Aberdeen project is progressing well and that the 
Grimsby project recently completed.  We understand that Saville 
Services' directors are actively pursuing opportunities to continue to 
redeploy the capital and profits arising from these projects in similar 
projects in the near future. 
   As previously reported, in April 2012 the Company had invested 
GBP860,000 in Mirfield Contracting Limited, a contracting services 
company which had been providing project management services to a 
development of town houses in West Yorkshire. I am pleased to report 
that Mirfield Contracting recently completed this project and its 
directors are actively pursuing opportunities to continue to redeploy 
the capital and profits arising in similar projects in the near future. 
   The Company has now realised its investment in SIP Communications plc, 
in which it invested GBP700,000. We had provided GBP210,000 against this 
investment to reflect its trading difficulties, but we are pleased to 
report that the realisation was substantially closer to the original 
investment. Over its life the Company recovered GBP637,000 from this 
   Non-Qualifying Investments 
   The Company's GBP1,250,000 non-qualifying loan (as part of a GBP4 
million financing with other Puma VCTs) to Puma Brandenburg Finance 
Limited, a subsidiary of Puma Brandenburg Limited, continues to perform. 
The loan is secured on a portfolio of flats in the middle class area of 
central Berlin, Germany.  Since the loan was made, the property market 
in this area of Berlin has been very strong, further enhancing the 
excellent security we have for this loan.  The loan attracts a fixed 
interest rate at a good coupon given the security profile and, in 
accordance with terms of the facility, had amortised leaving a balance 
of GBP884,000 at the period end. 
   As previously reported, the Company extended a GBP860,000 loan to 
provide a GBP4 million revolving credit facility to Ennovor Trading 1 
Limited (formerly known as Organic Waste Management Trading Limited) 
together with other Puma VCTs. The facility provided working capital for 
the purchase of used cooking oil for conversion into bio-diesel. This 
facility has largely been repaid but there were problems with the final 
repayment arising from a fall in the price of bio-diesel and a refusal 
of the contracted purchaser to take the processed bio-diesel under the 
contracted terms. The bio-diesel consignment has since been sold and we 
are examining our legal recourse against the contracted purchaser. We 
have provided for the deficiency and the net effect is to reduce the 
profitability of this investment to a much lower return (about 5% per 
   As set out in the accounts for the period ended 31 March 2014, the 
Company declared a dividend of 7p per ordinary share for that period 
which was paid in February 2014.  Reflecting this recent distribution, 
your Board is not proposing a further dividend at this interim stage. 
   VCT Qualifying Status 
   PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP ("PwC") provides the board and the investment 
manager with advice on the ongoing compliance with Her Majesty's Revenue 
& Customs ("HMRC") rules and regulations concerning VCTs.  PwC assists 
the Investment Manager in establishing the status of investments as 
qualifying holdings and has reported that the Company has met all HMRC's 
criteria to date. As noted above, the Company has met its minimum 
qualifying investment percentage of 70 per cent. 
   Principal risks and uncertainties 
   Although the economy in the UK is showing signs of improvement, it 
remains fragile.  The consequences of this for the Company's investment 
portfolio constitute the principal risk and uncertainty for the Company 
in the second half of 2014. 
   Life of fund 
   The Company was established with the intention that it would have a 
limited life. The Prospectus stated that after five years the Board 
would propose a resolution to shareholders for an orderly liquidation of 
the Company's assets. The Board currently intends to propose this 
resolution within a year of this report. 
   The Company's net assets are fully deployed in a diverse range of high 
quality businesses and projects which should offer the prospect of 
further growth in net assets per share. As the fund enters into its 
final year, the Board expects to concentrate primarily on the monitoring 
of our existing investments and considering the options for exits. 
   Ray Pierce 
   27 November 2014 
   Income Statement (unaudited) 
   For the period from 1 April 2014 to 30 September 2014 
                                                                        Six months ended           Six months ended              Year ended 
                                                                        30 September 2014          30 September 2013            31 March 2014 
                                                              Note  Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue  Capital   Total 
                                                                    GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
(Loss)/gain on investments                                                -       55       55        -        -        -        -        -        - 
Income                                                                  170        -      170      257        -      257      495        -      495 
                                                                        170       55      225      257        -      257      495        -      495 
Investment management fees                                       4     (23)     (69)     (92)     (24)     (72)     (96)     (50)    (150)    (200) 
Performance fees                                                          -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        - 
Other expenses                                                         (83)        -     (83)     (88)        -     (88)    (161)        -    (161) 
                                                                      (106)     (69)    (175)    (112)     (72)    (184)    (211)    (150)    (361) 
Return/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation                     64     (14)       50      145     (72)       73      284    (150)      134 
Tax on return on ordinary activities                                      -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        - 
Return/(loss) on ordinary activities after tax attributable 
 to equity shareholders                                                  64     (14)       50      145     (72)       73      284    (150)      134 
Basic and diluted 
Return/(loss) per Ordinary Share (pence)                         2    0.47p  (0.10p)    0.37p    1.06p  (0.53p)    0.53p    2.08p  (1.10p)    0.98p 
   The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss of the 
Company.  All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive 
from continuing operations.  No operations were acquired or discontinued 
in the period. 
   Balance Sheet (unaudited) 
   As at 30 September 2014 
                                                                  As at               As at             As at 
                                                      Note   30 September 2014   30 September 2013   31 March 2014 
                                                                 GBP'000             GBP'000           GBP'000 
Fixed Assets 
Investments                                              7               8,084               8,753           8,598 
Current Assets 
Debtors                                                                    500                 353             356 
Cash                                                                     1,068                 973             273 
                                                                         1,568               1,326             629 
Creditors - amounts falling due within one year                          (545)               (126)           (170) 
Net Current Assets                                                       1,023               1,200             459 
Total Assets less Current Liabilities                                    9,107               9,953           9,057 
Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one 
 year (including convertible debt)                                         (1)                 (1)             (1) 
Net Assets                                                               9,106               9,952           9,056 
Capital and Reserves 
Called up share capital                                                    137                 137             137 
Share premium account                                                        -                   -               - 
Capital reserve - realised                                               (923)               (621)           (699) 
Capital reserve - unrealised                                                 -               (210)           (210) 
Other reserve                                                                -                   -               - 
Revenue reserve                                                          9,892              10,646           9,828 
Equity Shareholders' Funds                                               9,106               9,952           9,056 
Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share                     3                66.61p              72.79p          66.24p 
Diluted Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share             3                66.61p              72.79p          66.24p 
   Cash Flow Statement (unaudited) 
   For the period 1 April 2014 to 30 September 2014 
                                                          Six months ended    Six months ended     Year ended 
                                                          30 September 2014   30 September 2013   31 March 2014 
                                                              GBP'000             GBP'000           GBP'000 
Operating activities 
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                            50                  73             134 
Gain on investments                                                    (55)                   -               - 
Increase in debtors                                                   (144)               (117)           (120) 
Increase in creditors                                                   375                  17              61 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities                     226                (27)              75 
Corporation tax paid                                                      -                   -               - 
Capital expenditure and financial investment 
Proceeds from sale of investments and loan note 
 repayments                                                             569                 187             342 
Net cash inflow from capital expenditure and financial 
 investment                                                             569                 187             342 
Equity dividend paid                                                      -                   -           (957) 
Increase/(decrease) in cash                                             795                 160           (540) 
Net cash at start of the period                                         273                 813             813 
Net funds at the period end                                           1,068                 973             273 
   Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds (unaudited) 
   For the period 1 April 2014 to 30 September 2014 
                 Called            Capital 
                   up      Share   reserve    Capital 
                  share   premium     -      reserve -    Other   Revenue 
                 capital  account  realised  unrealised  reserve  reserve   Total 
                 GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Balance as at 1 
 April 2013          137        -     (549)       (210)            10,501    9,879 
 for the 
 period                -        -      (72)           -        -      145       73 
Balance as at 
 30 September 
 2013                137        -     (621)       (210)        -   10,646    9,952 
 for the 
 period                -        -      (78)           -        -      139       61 
Dividends paid         -        -         -           -        -    (957)    (957) 
Balance as at 
 31 March 2014       137        -     (699)       (210)        -    9,828    9,056 
 for the 
 period                -        -      (14)           -        -       64       50 
Transfer               -        -     (210)         210        -        -        - 
Balance as at 
 30 September 
 2014                137        -     (923)           -        -    9,892    9,106 
   Notes to the Interim Report 
   For the period 1 April 2014 to 30 September 2014 
   1.             Accounting Policies 
   The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost 
convention, modified to include the revaluation of fixed asset 
investments, and in accordance with applicable Accounting Standards and 
with the Statement of Recommended Practice, "Financial Statements of 
Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts" ("SORP"). 
   2.             Return per Ordinary Share 
   The total gain per share of 0.37p is based on the gain for the period of 
GBP50,000 and the weighted average number of shares in issue as at 30 
September 2014 of 13,671,870. 
   3.             Net asset value per share 
                              As at               As at             As at 
                         30 September 2014   30 September 2013   31 March 2014 
Net assets                       9,106,000           9,952,000       9,056,000 
Shares in issue                 13,671,870          13,671,870      13,671,870 
Net asset value per 
Basic                               66.61p              72.79p          66.24p 
Diluted                             66.61p              72.79p          66.24p 
Cumulative dividends                28.00p              21.00p          28.00p 
 paid to date 
Basic (including                    94.61p              93.79p          94.24p 
 dividends paid to 
Diluted (including                  94.61p              93.79p          94.24p 
 dividends paid to 
   4.             Management fees 
   The Company pays the Investment Manager an annual management fee of 2% 
of the Company's net assets.  The fee is payable quarterly in arrears. 
The annual management fee is allocated 75% to capital and 25% to 
   5.             Related Party Transactions 
   Related party transactions are described in the 2014 Annual Report and 
Accounts on page 37. There were no other related party transactions 
during the period ended 30 September 2014. 
   6.             The financial information for the periods ended 30 
September 2013 and 30 June 2012 have not been audited and do not 
comprise full financial statements within the meaning of Section 423 of 
the Companies Act 2006. The financial information for the period ended 
31 March 2013 has been extracted from the company's full financial 
statements for the period then ended that have been delivered to the 
Registrar of Companies, and on which the report of the Auditors was 
unqualified. The interim financial statements have been prepared on the 
same basis as the annual financial statements. 
   Notes to the Interim Report (continued) 
   For the period 1 April 2014 to 30 September 2014 
   7.             Investment portfolio summary 
                                                          Valuation as a % of 
                        Valuation   Cost    Gain/(loss)       Net Assets 
                         GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000 
As at 30 September 
Qualifying Investment 
 - Unquoted 
Frederica Trading 
 Limited                      880      880            -                    10% 
Glenmoor Trading 
 Limited                      880      880            -                    10% 
Huntly Trading Limited        700      700            -                     8% 
Isaacs Trading Limited        700      700            -                     8% 
Mirfield Contracting 
 Limited                      860      860            -                     9% 
Brewhouse & Kitchen 
 Limited                      920      920            -                    10% 
Saville Services 
 Limited                    1,400    1,400            -                    15% 
Total Qualifying 
 Investments                6,340    6,340            -                    70% 
Puma Brandenburg 
 Finance Limited              884      884            -                    10% 
Aerternum*                    860      860            -                     9% 
Total Non-Qualifying 
 investments                1,744    1,744            -                    19% 
Total Investments           8,084    8,084            -                    89% 
Balance of Portfolio        1,022    1,022                                 11% 
Net Assets                  9,106    9,106            -                   100% 
   Copies of this Interim Statement will be posted to shareholders in due 
course and made available on the website: 
   This announcement is distributed by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions on 
behalf of NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions clients. 
   The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely 
responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information 
contained therein. 
   Source: Puma High Income VCT PLC via Globenewswire 

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