RNS Number:5687K
South China Resources PLC
21 December 2007

21st November 2007

                      South China Resources plc (AIM: SCR)

              Final Results for the 12 months ended 30th June 2006

Chairman's Statement

2007 has been a year of challenge and change for South China Resources Plc (the

On 29 May 2007, the Company decided to terminate its involvement in the Danfeng
Project ("the Project") and the Joint Venture Company established to develop the
Project, the Shang Lou City Zhongbei Minerals and Mining Development Company

Although exploratory drilling conducted in the 18 months prior to July 2007
largely confirmed the presence of copper mineralisation, disappointing check
assaying for Molybdenum mineralisation and verification by SRK Geological
Consultants, convinced the Board that the Project unfortunately did not meet the
development criteria of the Company in terms of potential scale and projected
returns on a fully risked basis.

Further, the Company decided that there was no utility in proceeding with
further negotiations to acquire a 53% interest in the Zhunuo Copper Project 
("the Project") in Tibet, China.

This decision was set against a background of increased Chinese regulatory
resistance to foreign mining investment in nationally significant and strategic
metal deposits in China. South China's efforts to progress the acquisition in
line with the Exploration and Mining Right Cooperation and Sale Agreement with
Qinghai Province Geermu Zangge Kalium Fertiliser Company Limited have now been

Accordingly the Company announced to the market on 21 December 2007 that it was
withdrawing from further negotiations on Zhunuo Copper Project in Tibet, China.
David Tyrwhitt, as director primarily responsible for overseeing the Tibet
acquisition, resigned from the Company on 21 December 207.

The Company reviewed many other potential mining acquisitions and relationships
in China during 2007. The Company determined that in all cases the price
expected by vendors and the quality of projects did not warrant further
investment. Accordingly the Company announced on 21 December 2007 that it had
terminated its remaining relationships in China and closed its offices in order
to focus on projects elsewhere.

The strategy of the Company will now be to make investments in the mining and
minerals sector. The geographical focus will be in Southern Africa. The
investments may be either quoted or unquoted and may be in companies,
partnerships, joint ventures or direct interests in energy projects. The Company
intends to be an involved and active investor even though it might not hold a
controlling interest in its investments.  Accordingly, where necessary, the
Company may seek participation in the management or board of directors of a
company in which the Company invests. The Directors intend that they will
undertake initial assessments and due diligence on potential investments
themselves and will take appropriate professional advice if merited by the

The new strategy of the Company will be the subject of a shareholder resolution
at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting of the Company.

The Company is currently pursuing potential leads and will make an announcement
to the market when appropriate.

Nathan McMahon
21 December 2007

For further information, please contact:

South China Resources plc
Tim Horgan                                          +44 (0) 20 7292 9110

Nabarro Wells & Co. Limited
Hugh Oram                                           +44 (0) 20 7710 7400

Parkgreen Communications
Beth Harris/ Laura Llewelyn                         +44 (0) 20 7851 7480

Final Accounts

Profit and Loss Account - Group and Company
for the year 30th June 2007

                                                        Year ended 30th               Year ended 30th
                                                           June 2007                     June 2006
                                                  Note         �                             �

Administrative expenses                                       (2,293,025)                     (499,369)
Exceptional expenses                                 3        (5,993,874)                             -
                                                                  _______                       _______
Operating loss                                       4        (8,286,899)                     (499,369)
                                                                  _______                       _______
Interest received on bank deposits                                 95,832                        79,203
                                                                  _______                       _______
Loss on ordinary activities before                            (8,191,067)                     (420,166)
                                                                  _______                       _______
Tax on loss on ordinary activities                   6                  -                             -
                                                                  _______                       _______
Loss for the period                                           (8,191,067)                     (420,166)
                                                                  _______                       _______
Retained loss for the year                                    (8,191,067)                     (420,166)
                                                                   ======                        ======

Loss per share (pence) - basic                       7            (5.13)p                       (0.31)p

Continuing operations

All items relate to the continuing operations of which the company's mandate is
to explore and develop base-metal projects.

Total recognised gains and losses

There were no recognised gains or losses in the year other than those included
within the profit and loss account.  The specific costs relating to the Danfeng
project are disclosed as exceptional in Note 3, with segmental analysis provided
in Note 2 to the accounts.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of this group profit and loss

Balance Sheet - Group and Company
30th June 2007

                                                                      Year                   Year
                                                                      Ended                 Ended
                                                                 30th June 2007         30th June 2006
                                                 Note                   �                     �
Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                   8                           -             4,365,344
Tangible assets                                     9                     115,701                21,692
Investments                                        10                           -                     -
                                                                          _______               _______
                                                                          115,701             4,387,036
                                                                          _______               _______

Current assets
Debtors                                            11                      50,168                14,976
Cash at bank and in hand                                                1,818,602             5,301,792
                                                                          _______               _______
                                                                        1,868,770             5,316,768
                                                                          _______               _______
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year     12                   (338,558)              (38,312)
                                                                          _______               _______

Net current assets                                                      1,530,212             5,278,456
                                                                          _______               _______
Net assets                                                              1,645,913             9,665,492
                                                                           ======                ======
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                            13                   1,616,500             1,576,000
Share premium                                      14                   7,179,436             7,103,448
Merger reserve                                     15                   1,440,000             1,440,000
Equity reserve                                     16                      55,000                     -
Profit and loss account                            18                 (8,645,023)             (453,956)
                                                                          _______               _______
Equity shareholders' funds                         19                   1,645,913             9,665,492
                                                                           ======                ======

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these balance sheets.

These Financial Statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 21
December 2007 and were signed on its behalf by:

Nathan McMahon

Group Cash Flow Statement
for the year ending 30th June 2007
                                                                           Year               Year
                                                                          Ended              Ended
                                                                      30th June 2007     30th June 2006
                                                                            �                  �
Reconciliation of operating (loss) to net cash outflow
from operating activities
Operating  (loss)                                                          (8,286,899)          (499,369)
Decrease / (Increase) in debtors                                              (35,192)             21,308
(Decrease) / Increase in creditors                                             300,246           (88,188)
Depreciation                                                                    17,068              4,071
Non-cash exceptional write-off                                               5,993,874                  -
Share based payment                                                             55,000                  -
                                                                               _______            _______
Net cash (outflow) / inflow from operating activities                      (1,955,903)          (562,178)
                                                                               _______            _______

Returns on investments and service of finance
Interest received                                                               95,832             79,203
                                                                               _______            _______

Capital expenditure
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                                            (111,077)           (25,763)
Purchase of intangible fixed assets                                        (1,628,530)        (2,565,344)
                                                                               _______            _______
Net cash outflow on capital expenditure                                    (1,739,607)        (2,591,107)
                                                                               _______            _______

Shares issued                                                                  116,500          5,547,000
Issue expenses                                                                    (12)          (161,347)
                                                                               _______            _______
Net cash from financing activities                                             116,488          5,385,653
                                                                               _______            _______
(Decrease) / Increase in cash                                              (3,483,190)          2,311,571
                                                                                ======             ======

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds

(Decrease)/ increase in cash in the year                                   (3,483,190)          2,311,571

Net funds at 1st July 2006                                                   5,301,792          2,990,221
                                                                               _______            _______
Net funds at 30th June 2007                                                  1,818,602          5,301,792
                                                                                ======             ======

The accompanying notes are an integral part of this cash flow statement.

Notes to the Accounts
for the year ended 30th June 2007


The principal accounting policies are summarised below and have been applied
consistently throughout the year.

(a)        Accounting convention

The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention and in
accordance with applicable U.K. Accounting Standards.

(b)        Basis of Consolidation

The group accounts consolidate the accounts of South China Resources PLC and its
wholly-owned subsidiary undertaking, Copper Developments Pty Limited, drawn up
to 30th June 2007.  Copper Developments Pty Limited is a dormant company with
cash and share capital of AU$1, therefore there is no disclosed difference
between the company's financial statements and those of the group.

(c)        Deferred taxation

Full provision is made for deferred taxation resulting from timing differences
between the recognition of gains and losses in the accounts and their
recognition for tax purposes.

A deferred tax asset is only recognised when it is more likely than not that the
asset will be recoverable in the foreseeable future out of suitable taxable

(d)        Foreign currencies

Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the rate ruling at the date
of the transaction.  Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign
currencies are translated at the rate of exchange ruling at the balance sheet
date.  All differences are taken to the profit and loss account.

On consolidation of a foreign operation, assets and liabilities are translated
at the balance sheet rates, income and expenses are translated at rates ruling
at the transaction date.  Exchange differences on consolidation are taken to the
foreign exchange reserve account where material.

(e)        Tangible fixed assets

Tangible fixed assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation.
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets is provided where it is necessary to
reflect a reduction from book value to estimated residual value over the
estimated useful life of the asset to the Company. Depreciation of tangible
fixed assets is calculated by the straight-line method and the annual rates
applicable to the principal categories are:

            Information Equipment     -  Depreciated over 3 years at an annual rate of 33%
           Leasehold Improvements     -  Depreciated over 5 years at an annual rate of 20%
           Furniture and Fittings        Depreciated over 5 years at an annual rate of 20%

Notes to the Accounts

for the year ended 30th June 2007 cont.../

(f)        Exploration and development expenditure

Exploration, evaluation and development expenditure incurred as accumulated in
respect of each identifiable area of interest.  These costs are only carried
forward to the extent that they are expected to be recouped through the
successful development of the area or where activities in the area have not yet
reached a stage which permits reasonable assessment of the existence of
economically recoverable reserves.

Accumulated costs in relation to an abandoned area are written off in full
against the profit in the year in which the decision to abandon the area is

A regular review is undertaken of each area of interest to determine the
appropriateness of continuing to carry forward costs in relation to that area of

Restoration, rehabilitation and environmental costs necessitated by exploration
and evaluation activities are expensed as incurred and treated as exploration
and evaluation expenditure.

(g)        Revenue recognition

The company recognises revenue from operations in its profit and loss account,
on an invoiced basis.

(h)        Options and share based payments

The ompany has applied the requirements of FRS 20.

Where equity instruments are to persons other than employees, the income
statement is charged with the fair value of goods and services received, except
where it is in respect to costs associated with the issue of securities, in
which case it is charged to the share premium account.

Equity-settled share based payments are measured at fair value at the date of
the grant.


As the group remains focussed on exploration activities, the group had no
turnover for the year ended 30th June 2007, nor for the prior period 30th June

                               Year ended 30th June 2007         Year ended 30th June 2006
                             Loss before        Net assets/    Loss before          Net assets/
                                taxation      (liabilities)       Taxation        (liabilities)

By geographical area
United Kingdom               (2,197,193)          1,645,913      (420,166)            5,300,148
Peoples Republic of China    (5,993,874)                  -              -            4,365,344
                                 _______            _______        _______              _______
                             (8,191,067)          1,645,913      (420,166)            9,665,492
                                  ======             ======         ======               ======

Notes to the Accounts

for the year ended 30th June 2007 cont.../


On the 29th May 2007 the company announced the decision to terminate its
involvement in the Danfeng Project ("the Project") and the Joint Venture Company
established to develop the Project, the Shang Lou City Zhongbei Minerals and
Mining Development Company Ltd.

Although exploratory drilling conducted since inception confirmed the presence
of copper mineralisation the Board believed the Project did not meet the
development criteria of the Company in terms of potential scale and projected
returns on a fully risked basis. All costs associated with the project,
including provision for all closure costs, have been written-off to the profit
and loss account as follows:

                                                                    2007              2006
                                                                      �                 �

Project Exploration - Danfeng                                    4,193,874                 -
Goodwill on acquisition                                          1,800,000                 -
                                                                  ________          ________
As at 30 June 2007                                               5,993,874                 -
                                                                    ======            ======


                                                                          2007                2006
                                                                            �                   �
This is stated after charging:
Exceptional write-off                                                   5,993,874                   -
Depreciation                                                               17,068               4,071
Auditors' Remuneration - Audit                                              7,500               7,500
                                        - Other                                 -               7,000
Directors' Emoluments                                                     407,000             210,500
Directors' Shared based payment                                            55,000                   -
                                                                           ======              ======

Notes to the Accounts
for the year ended 30th June 2007 cont.../


A summary of the total remuneration of the Directors is comprised as follows:

                                                                                     2007            2006
Director                                                                               �              �

Steve Leithead                                                                   141,000           116,000
Alastair Clayton                                                                   63,000           47,500
Nathan McMahon  (Chairman)                                                         24,000           45,000
Bruce Stewart                                                         (i)          35,000            2,000
Mario Vazquez                                                        (ii)         120,000                -
David Tyrwhitt                                                       (iii)         79,000                -
                                                                                  _______          _______
Directors' fees / remuneration                                                    462,000          210,500
                                                                                   ======           ======

(i)   Remuneration disclosed for Bruce Stewart includes the Executive share 
      based payment valuation on options granted as incentivisation
      for performance (Note 17).

(ii)  Remuneration disclosed for Mario Vazquez includes the Executive share 
      based payment valuation on options granted as incentivisation
      for performance (Note 17).

(iii) David Tyrwitt performed consultancy services for the company in addition 
      to being appointed as director on 12th March 2007.  The remuneration
      disclosed includes of consultancy fees of �76,785 (Note 23).

The average number of employees, including Directors during the year was 21,
allocated as follows:

                                                                              2007              2006
                                                                            Number            Number

Management and administration                                                    7                 7
Operation resources                                                             14                 8
                                                                            ======            ======


                                                                          2007                2006
                                                                            �                   �
Analysis of charge in year
Tax on loss on ordinary activities                                              -                   -
                                                                           ======              ======

Notes to the Accounts

for the year ended 30th June 2007 cont.../

6.         TAXATION cont.../

Factors affecting tax charge for year

The differences between the tax assessed for the period and the standard rate of
corporation tax are explained as follows:

                                                                            2007              2006
                                                                              �                 �

Loss on ordinary activities before tax                                (8,191,067)           (420,166)

Loss on ordinary activities multiplied by the standard rate
of corporation tax in the UK of 30%                                   (2,457,320)           (126,050)

Effects of:                                                             
     Future tax benefit not brought to account - revenue                1,915,507             123,686
     Future tax benefit not brought to account - capital                  540,000                   -
     Expenses not deductible for tax purposes                               1,813               2,364
                                                                          _______             _______
Current tax charge for period                                                   -                   -
                                                                           ======              ======

The Group has a potential deferred tax asset arising from revenue losses of
�2,049,330 incurred since inception.

No deferred tax asset has been recognised because there is insufficient evidence
of the timing of suitable future profits against which the losses can be

7.         LOSS PER SHARE

The basic loss per share is derived by dividing the loss for the year
attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of shares
in issue.

                                                                        2007              2006
                                                                          �                 �

Loss for the year                                                       (8,191,067)         (420,166)

Weighted average number of Ordinary shares of 1p on issue               159,535,414       132,731,507

Loss per share - basic  (stated in pence)                                  (5.13) p          (0.31) p

Weighted average number of Ordinary shares of 1p on issue               172,845,896       136,573,505
inclusive of outstanding options

There are no dilutive share options as at 30 June 2007.

Notes to the Accounts

for the year ended 30th June 2007 cont.../


                                                     Project          Goodwill         Total
                                                        �                �               �
Net book value
At 30th June 2006                                       2,565,344        1,800,000     4,365,344
Additions                                               1,628,530                -     1,628,530
                                                          _______          _______       _______
At 30th June 2007                                       4,193,874        1,800,000     5,993,874
                                                          _______          _______       _______
At 30th June 2006                                               -                -             -
at 30th June 2007                                       4,193,874        1,800,000     5,993,974
                                                          _______          _______       _______
Net book value
At 30th June 2007                                               -                -             -
                                                           ======           ======        ======

At 30th June 2006                                       2,565,344        1,800,000     4,365,344
                                                           ======           ======        ======

On the 29th May 2007 the company announced the decision to terminate its
involvement in the Danfeng Project ("the Project") and the Joint Venture Company
established to develop the Project, the Shang Lou City Zhongbei Minerals and
Mining Development Company Ltd.


                                 IT Equipment     Leasehold  Furniture &        Total
                                                Improvement     Fittings
                                    �               �            �            �

At 1st July 2006                       25,763             -            -       25,763
Additions                              13,914        83,760       13,403      111,077
                                      _______       _______      _______      _______
At 30th June 2007                      39,677        83,760       13,403      136,840
                                      _______       _______      _______      _______
At 1st July 2006                        4,071             -            -        4,071
Charge for year                        11,721         4,230        1,117       17,068
                                      _______       _______      _______      _______
At 30th June 2007                      15,792         4,230        1,117       21,139
                                      _______       _______      _______      _______
Net book value
At 30th June 2007                      23,885        79,530       12,286      115,701
                                       ======        ======       ======       ======

At 30th June 2006                      21,692             -            -       21,692
                                       ======        ======       ======       ======

Notes to the Accounts

for the year ended 30th June 2007 cont.../


            The Company holds 20% or more of the share capital of the following

                                             Country of               Shares held
                                             registration or
Company                                      incorporation            Class                Percentage

Copper Developments Pty Limited              Australia                Ordinary                      100%

                                                                2007                  2006
                                                                 �                     �
Carrying value of investment in subsidiary                             -                    -
                                                                  ======               ======

Copper Developments Pty Limited is a wholly owned dormant company with cash and
share capital of AU$1.

11.       DEBTORS

                                                                   2007                     2006
                                                                     �                        �

VAT Receivable                                                       30,519                     6,200
Prepayments                                                            5,967                    8,776
Accounts Receivable                                                  13,682                         -
                                                                   _______                    _______
                                                                      50,168                   14,976
                                                                      ======                   ======

12.       CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one year

                                                                    2007                     2006
                                                                     �                        �

Trade Creditors                                                        90,599                  23,812
Accruals                                                              247,959                  14,500
                                                                      _______                 _______
                                                                      338,558                  38,312
                                                                       ======                  ======

Notes to the Accounts

for the year ended 30th June 2007 cont.../


                                                                     2007                2006
                                                                       �                   �
5,000,000,000 ordinary shares at 1p each                               50,000,000          50,000,000
                                                                           ======              ======

                                                                     2007                2006
                                                                       �                   �
Allotted, called up and fully paid
161,650,003 Ordinary shares at 1p each                                  1,616,500           1,576,000
(30 June 2006: 157,600,003 Ordinary shares of 1p each)                     ======              ======

On 7 July 2006, 100,000 ordinary shares were issued at a price of 1 pence for

On 2 October 2006, 1,050,000 ordinary shares were issued at a price of 5 pence
for cash.

On 16 October 2006, 525,000 ordinary shares were issued at a price of 5 pence
for cash.

On 4 December 2006, 225,000 ordinary shares were issued at a price of 5 pence
for cash.

On 1 March 2007, 250,000 ordinary shares were issued at a price of 1 pence for

On 29 March 2007, 1,800,000 ordinary shares were issued at a price of 1 pence
for cash.

On 24 April 2007, 100,000 ordinary shares were issued at a price of 5 pence for

Share Options

The following options were granted by the Company and have not been exercised at
30th June 2007:

Number of                                           Exercise                          Expiry
ordinary shares                                    price                               date

     249,997                                            5.0p                       23rd February 2010
     840,000                                            5.0p                        8th November 2007
     442,500                                            5.0p                          8th March  2008
  2,500,000                                            40.0p                         30th August 2008
10,333,334                                             40.0p                           30th June 2009

On 30th August 2006, 2,500,000 options were granted at an exercise price of 40

On   8th  March 2007,   1,282,500   options   were  granted  at   an exercise
price of   5 pence.

Notes to the Accounts

for the year ended 30th June 2007 cont.../


                                                                 2007                      2006
                                                                   �                         �

At 1st July                                                    7,103,448                 2,133,795
Arising on shares issued                                            76,000                 5,131,000
Share issue expenses                                                  (12)                 (161,347)
                                                                   _______                   _______
At 30th June                                                     7,179,436                 7,103,448
                                                                    ======                    ======


                                                                  2007                      2006
                                                                   �                          �

At 1st July                                                       1,440,000                         -
On acquisition of subsidiary                                              -                 1,440,000
                                                                    _______                   _______
At 30th June                                                      1,440,000                 1,440,000
                                                                     ======                    ======

Upon the acquisition of the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, a merger reserve
was created to deal with the excess of the fair value of shares acquired over
the nominal value of shares allotted, in accordance with the merger relief
provisions in the Companies Act 1985.


                                                                  2007                      2006
                                                                   �                          �

At 1st July                                                               -                         -
Share based payment (Note 17)                                        55,000                         -
                                                                    _______                   _______
At 30th June                                                         55,000                         -
                                                                     ======                    ======

Notes to the Accounts

for the year ended 30th June 2007 cont.../


During the financial year the company granted options to senior executives as
incentivisation for performance.  The expense in respect to these options was
charged to the share premium account.

                                                                       Share Price   Fair Value
      Name        Date Granted    Number      Exercise   Expiry Date   Grant Date    Grant Date
                                               Price                   per Option      Total �

  Mario Vasquez     30/08/06    2,000,000       40p          30/08/08    19.25p            44,000
  Bruce Stewart     30/08/06       500,000      40p          30/08/08    19.25p            11,000

The fair value of the options granted to senior executives during the period was
�55,000. The assessed fair value at the grant date was determined using the
Black-Scholes Model that takes into account the exercise price, the term of the
option, the share price at grant date, the expected volatility of the underlying
share of 56%, the expected dividend yield and the risk free interest rate of
5.5% for the term of the option.

In assessing the fair value of the options, a discount of 10% has been applied
to the theoretical value calculated by the Black-Scholes Model to take into
account the lack of marketability of the options and the inherent limitations of
the Black-Scholes Model.


                                                                 2007                       2006
                                                                   �                          �

At 1st July                                                       (453,956)                  (33,790)
Retained loss                                                   (8,191,067)                 (420,166)
                                                                    _______                   _______
At 30th June                                                    (8,645,023)                 (453,956)
                                                                     ======                    ======


                                                                 2007                       2006
                                                                   �                          �

At 1st July                                                       9,665,492                 2,900,005
Loss for the financial period                                   (8,191,067)                 (420,166)
Shares issued                                                       116,500                 7,347,000
Share based payment                                                  55,000                         -
Issue expenses                                                         (12)                 (161,347)
                                                                    _______                   _______
At 30th June                                                      1,645,913                 9,665,492
                                                                     ======                    ======

Notes to the Accounts

for the year ended 30th June 2007 cont.../


On 20th March 2007 the company entered into a 5 year rental lease expiring on
19th March 2012. The annual rental charge totals �85,150.  As at the 30 June
2007, the remaining rental commitment amounted to �383,175.


The Group uses financial instruments comprising cash, liquid resources and
debtors/creditors that arise from its operations.

The Group's exposure to currency and liquidity risk is not considered
significant.  The majority of the Group's cash balances are held in Sterling.

The net fair value of financial assets and liabilities approximates the carrying
values disclosed in the financial statements.

The currency and interest rate profile of the financial assets is as follows:

                                                           Cash and short         Cash and short
                                                            Term deposits          term deposits
                                                          At 30th June 2007      At 30th June 2006
                                                                  �                      �

Sterling                                                             1,818,602             4,916,754
People's Republic of China                                                   -               385,038
                                                                       _______               _______
                                                                     1,818,602             5,301,792
                                                                        ======                ======

The financial assets comprise interest earning bank deposits.


On the 30th September 2007, Mario Vazquez resigned from his position of
Executive Director to the company.  Mario's resignation effectively voided the
2,000,000 performance based options  (Note 13) granted on the 30th August 2006.

On the 21st December 2007, David Tyrwhitt resigned from his position of
Executive Director to the company.


The following director related party transaction occurring the year:

The company paid consultancy fees at agreed commercial rates to an Australian
company titled David Tyrwhitt & Associate Pty Ltd, of which David Tyrwhitt is an
Executive.  The amount of consultancy fees for the financial year amounted to

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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Grafico Azioni South China Resources (LSE:SCR)
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