RNS Number:0785W
Sitka Health Fund VCT PLC
03 May 2007

Release Date - 3rd May 2007

Preliminary Announcement of Results for the year ended 31 January 2007

Chairman's Statement

Overview of Performance and Key Events

In my Interim Statement to you in October last year, I reported that the second
half of the year looked likely to be an active period for the Fund. This proved
to be the case. The Fund made significant and profitable realisations which
permitted the Directors to declare a second interim dividend of 5p per Ordinary
share to be paid on 14 May 2007. This brings the total dividends in respect of
the year to 31 January 2007 to 7p for Ordinary shareholders and 6.5p for those
who held 'C1' shares.

The NAV at 31 January 2007 was 89.5p compared with 89.7p on 31 January 2006.
This is, however, after taking into consideration the payment of a dividend of
2p per share in November 2006. We remain confident that most of the companies in
the portfolio are doing well and many of them are still held at cost despite
making considerable progress.

During the year the capital structure of the Fund has been much simplified
following the early conversion of the 'C1' shares to Ordinary shares.

At the year end the portfolio consisted of a total of 15 companies diversified
across the health sector and at different stages of development. Of these
companies 7 are quoted and 8 are unquoted.

Portfolio Developments

Evidence of the careful building of the portfolio by the Fund Manager over the
years since the launch of the fund in 2001, is starting to show. The successful
sales of Altrix and Avidex, companies that had been in the portfolio for 5 and 4
years respectively, are typical of the time it takes for investments to mature
to the point where they can be successfully realised. Although not all
investments do so well, our investment in Deltex being an example of a company
that did not meet our expectations and that we have now disposed of our shares.

We continue to build the portfolio, investing new money raised and replacing
investments that have been sold. Two new investments were made during the course
of the year with a further deal closing just after the year end bringing the
total funds committed in these deals to #1.45m. All of these deals are unquoted.
One of the deals, Optasia Medical Ltd, was the first investment where Noble VCT
and Sitka have invested side by side , demonstrating the potential value of
having two VCTs managed within the same investment group. It is important for
the Fund Manager to support the growth and development of the portfolio
companies where these show suitable signs of promise and during the year a
further four follow-on investments were made totalling #841,000.

Fund Structure

The capital structure of the Fund was simplified in November 2006 when the 'C1'
share class was converted into Ordinary shares following shareholder approval.
Although the 'C1' shares had not yet reached the requisite 70% investment level
to trigger this conversion, it was decided to convert these shares early to
simplify the Fund structure ahead of the recent Offer for Subscription. Thus the
fund now has only one class of Ordinary share.

Growing the Fund

As long standing shareholders will be aware in each of my Chairman's statements
I have reiterated the Director's belief that it would be in the best interest of
the Company's shareholders to seek to increase funds under management. Over the
last five years we have undertaken two small top-up offers, and two 'C' share
offers. As a result we have almost tripled the original size of the Fund to

Now that the Fund is larger, it will allow us to make more substantial
investments. Also, a bigger fund will enable the Fund, to make larger
investments into more mature companies whilst still adhering to the new limits
on size of investee company.

In the 2007 Budget several new provisions relating to VCTs were introduced. We
are pleased that one of these now allows VCTs six months in which profitable
realisations can be reinvested. In addition, there are two new rules relating to
new money raised after 5 April 2007. One of these limits the sum of money that
an individual company can receive for a VCT/EIS to #2m, and the other specifies
that the number of employees in an investee company must be less than 50. These
changes are unlikely to have any material impact on the investment strategy of
the Fund. The Board believes that the Fund Manager will have sufficient deal
flow to invest the funds raised during the recent offer for subscription within
the period required to satisfy the VCT rules and in due course we will give
consideration to further fund raising.

Dividend policy

The board's long-term objective is to maximise the flow of dividends to
shareholders. However the Company also needs to bear in mind the need to retain
adequate funds for follow on investments and to fund the running of the company,
as well as the buy back policy as a service to shareholders. Generally the
Company will pay out such realised gains as may be prudent bearing in mind the
above constraints.

Buy back policy

The Company operates a buy back policy generally purchasing shares at around 10%
discount of NAV. This policy helps ensure that the shares trade in a narrower
range than would otherwise be the case and provides liquidity for those
shareholders who wish to exit, whilst enhancing the NAV for remaining
shareholders. In the year ended 31 January 2007, 351,826 shares were bought

VCT qualifying status

The Company continues to receive full Inland Revenue approval and comfortably
met the requirements to have 70% of funds invested in qualifying investments. In
addition, the Company continued to meet the other tests necessary for
maintaining VCT qualifying status.

It is essential that the Company maintains its full qualifying status so that
shareholders retain their tax reliefs. The Board is satisfied that the Fund
Manager has continued to seek professional advice to ensure the necessary
conditions are met for an investment to be VCT qualifying. The board reviews the
Company's overall qualifying status at each board meeting and is advised by

Corporate governance

The board consists of five directors, three independent and two who are members
of the Fund Manager.

Change of name

Following the successful integration of Sitka Ltd within Noble Fund Managers,
the Board believes that it would be appropriate to reflect this by a change of
name from Sitka Health Fund VCT to Noble Health VCT. Noble Fund Managers
currently manages three VCTs including Sitka and has recently announced it will
become the manager of a fourth VCT operating mainly on the AIM market which will
bring the total VCT funds under management to more than #80m.


The success of our recent fund raising demonstrates that the value of a
specialist VCT focusing in the healthcare sector is now better recognised by the
market. The healthcare sector continues to grow and is one of the largest and
most successful sectors in the UK. Entrepreneurial activity continues to
generate an excellent deal flow which allows your Fund Manager to be highly
selective in its choice of investments. The funds available for new investment
will enable the Fund Manager to drive the growth and diversification of the
portfolio to over twenty companies. The priority remains to invest in companies
that are at the revenue generating stage and which possess a potential
competitive edge in the market.

The Fund Manager will also continue to focus on helping the portfolio company
management teams to grow revenues and profitability, and to implement
realisation strategies. This 'hands-on' approach and board representation have
served the Fund well so far and enable the Fund Manager to play a key role in
helping steer companies to successful exits and thus realise value from the
portfolio. Our success will be dependent to a large degree upon the economic
environment, but if this remains relatively benign as at present, we are
optimistic that we will be able to move several companies towards successful

Annual general meeting

I look forward to welcoming shareholders to the annual general meeting on
Thursday 7 June 2007 at 2.30 pm at the Noble Group's offices, 120 Old Broad
Street, London EC2N 1AR, where I will present my report for the year and Fund
Managers, Mr. Gerard Tardy and Dr. Louis Nisbet, will present an overview of the
prospects of the health sector in the UK.

The meeting will be followed by afternoon tea with the intention of concluding
by 4pm.

Gill Nott


2 May 2007

Investment Portfolio

as at 31 January 2007

                                                                          % of


                                              Cost      Valuation         funds

                                                #             #               %

Quoted investments

1st Dental Laboratories plc*                 289,000     153,889            1.3%

Chromogenex plc                              253,000     184,000            1.5%

Genosis plc*                                 779,886     144,855            1.2%

Immunodiagnostics Systems plc*               325,880     762,649            6.3%

MediGene AG                                  639,173     271,492            2.2%

Vectura Group plc                            153,538     275,582            2.2%

York Pharma plc                              675,063     922,808            7.6%

Total quoted investments                   3,115,540   2,715,275           22.3%

Unquoted investments

Amura Holdings Limited                       800,000     950,000            7.8%

BioVex Inc                                   650,000     650,000            5.4%

deltaDot Limited                             167,604     167,604            1.4%

Digital Healthcare Limited                   600,000     600,000            4.9%

Eyebright plc                                576,665         -                 -

Inforsense Limited                         1,020,000   1,418,213           11.7%

Omni Dental Sciences Limited                 500,000     500,000            4.1%

Optasia Medical Limited*                     650,000     650,000            5.4%

Total unquoted investments                 4,964,269   4,935,817           40.7%

Total investments                          8,079,809   7,651,092           63.0%

Net current assets                                     4,485,987           37.0%

Shareholders' funds                                   12,137,079          100.0%

*These investments are also co-investments with Noble VCT

Fund Manager's Review

Ordinary Share Portfolio

Realising returns from a balanced portfolio

In the year to 31 January 2007, the Fund has, for the second consecutive year
generated sufficient gains to pay out dividends. This year we have realised
gains from the sale of our portfolio holdings to be able to pay 7p of dividends
for the year, comprising an interim dividend of 2p and the second interim
dividend of 5p. The portfolio continues to mature encouragingly and we expect to
continue to pay dividends as further realisations from the portfolio are made.

The key success in the year to 31 January 2007 relates to one of our very first
investments in November 2001. Altrix, the largest oral fluid testing laboratory
in Europe was sold in January 2007 to listed acquirer Concateno plc. The Fund
received #1.75m for its stake in the business, a 4.4 multiple on the investment
of #400k, equivalent to a gain of 10.7p per share. The sale was due to the
ongoing excellent financial performance of Altrix which reported sales growth of
over 110% from 2002 to 2005 and profits of #0.7m in its last audited accounts.

A further full realisation was made in Deltex Medical and partial realisations,
to take some profit, were made from our investment in Vectura.

Another corporate transaction which should lead to a full realisation in due
course was the acquisition of Avidex for shares by MediGene AG, a listed German
biotechnology company in October 2006. Avidex remains a leader in innovative T
cell receptor technology and the acquisition will ensure successful development.

New Investments

In November 2006, #650,000 was invested in Optasia Medical Ltd, a company which
provides medical imaging-based Computer Assisted Detection (CAD) solutions.
Earlier in the year #500,000 was committed for investment in deltaDOT Ltd, a
company which is developing new analytical tools to enhance productivity in the
pharmaceutical industry; this investment was structured in four tranches, two of
which have been drawn down to date totalling #168,000. An additional #841,000
was invested in follow on investments in three portfolio companies; Amura
(#200,000), Immunodiagnostic Systems (#241,000) and Inforsense (#400,000).

Just following the year end an investment of #300,000 was made in Altacor Ltd a
specialty pharmaceutical company based in Cambridge focusing on the licensing of
a range of ophthalmic products. Sitka was the only VCT participating in this
unquoted investment.

Progress of Portfolio

In the year to 31 January 2007:

*Immunodiagnostic Systems has continued its strong progress and the share price
rose to 252p, a 4.9 multiple on our original cost price of 51p. We increased our
holding in IDS over the course of the year as a result of the company's

*Vectura Group acquired Innovata plc, a pulmonary device and respiratory
product company in January 2007 for #130m, which has nearly doubled the size of
the business.

*Inforsense has continued its revenue growth with audited revenues for its
latest financial year at #3.4m, more than twice the previous year.

*York Pharma made its first regulatory filing in the UK for its lead product
ABASOL and hopes to receive authorisation to market this during the latter half
of 2007.

*Digital Healthcare successfully won a tender to supply an enterprise solution
for ophthalmology to the Wilmer Institute (US), considered the world's leading
eye hospital.

*Genosis has performed disappointingly following its flotation on AIM in
December 2005 and has suffered a significant drop in share price due to delays
in appointing a US distributor. Genosis has recently announced a distribution
agreement with a major US drug store chain and should start US sales at the end
of the second quarter of 2007.

The portfolio at 31 January 2007 comprised 15 companies spread across a range of
business models in the healthcare sector and at various stages of development.

Fixed interest portfolio

In addition to the venture capital investments, the Company had invested in a
range of fixed interest securities with the intention of maximising the return
to shareholders on the funds not yet invested in qualifying venture capital
investments. During the year these fixed interest securities were realised and
the proceeds invested into a Standard Life Global Liquidity Fund so as to
provide a more certain return on the sums invested and greater flexibility.

'C1' Share Portfolio

Before the early conversion of the 'C1' shares in November 2006, a dividend of
1.5p per 'C1' share was paid. Following the conversion a second interim dividend
of 5p per Ordinary share will be paid on 14 May 2007.


The recent fundraising closed on 5 April 2007 having raised #5.8m.

Monitoring of venture capital investments

We continue to be an active investor in all the Company's investments with
particular emphasis on the unquoted portfolio. Of the eight private investee
companies, a member of the Sitka management team is a board director of five and
a board observer for two companies.

In each case a member of the Sitka management team attends board meetings and
contributes fully to strategic decisions within the company often focussing, in
the case of our more mature investments such as Altrix, on the optimum path to
maximising value on exit.

Representation on the board of the quoted companies is not sought to avoid
potential conflicts of interest. Meetings are held with the management of those
companies on a regular basis to obtain updates and to assist in whatever way
possible. The member of the Sitka management team acting as board observer to
Avidex stepped down when the company was sold to MediGene AG, a German quoted

Deal flow

During the year, deal flow for the Fund remained strong, augmented by the
integration of Sitka Ltd into Noble Fund Managers. In particular the number of
AIM opportunities we have identified in our sector has increased as a result. In
November 2006 we completed our first co-investment with Noble VCT with each of
the funds investing #650k in Optasia Medical Ltd. By selectively co-investing
with other in-house VCTs, the Fund Manager is able to access and complete larger
investment opportunities without the need to syndicate third parties.

The number of companies seeking funding in our sector remains high and there is
still a relative scarcity of funding available for these companies. Increased
levels of business angel investment have to some degree helped replace the lack
of early stage venture funding available from institutional sources. More
specifically, in the healthcare sector, we are seeing a higher number of merger
and acquisition deals involving large corporations acquiring small technology
businesses than we have seen for a number of years and this augurs well for the
Fund's realisation possibilities. During the year, 200 health deals were
received and approximately 90 of those were reviewed by the team.

The Fund Manager continues actively to review AIM investment proposals and will
look opportunistically to invest in companies offering the right value
proposition; the main focus will remain, however, on the unquoted sector.


The dual priorities for us over the last financial year have been to focus on
investing the remaining funds into new investments and to work with our
portfolio companies to achieve realisations from our earlier, more mature
investments as demonstrated by our successful realisations.

Looking forward, the deal flows of opportunities for healthcare investments
remain strong in the UK. The Fund plans to continue its strategy of building a
diversified healthcare portfolio with investments in drug development, medical
devices, specialty pharmaceuticals and healthcare services sectors. We will
continue to invest the new funds raised from the recent offer in

accordance with this strategy giving priority to companies with revenues and
corporate partnerships. We will look to grow the portfolio size of the Fund to
20-25 companies. We may make slightly larger initial investments whilst still
retaining plenty of liquidity to fund companies through subsequent financing
rounds. In addition, we are seeking to realise further gains from the quoted and
unquoted portfolio with the aim of producing dividends for our shareholders.

Gerard Tardy and Louis Nisbet

Sitka Limited

2 May 2007

Independent Auditors' Report to the Members of Sitka Health Fund VCT plc

The auditors have reported to the company's members, as a body, in accordance 
with section 235 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial statements give a true
and fair view, in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting
Practice, of the state of the company's affairs as at 31 January 2007 and of its
profit for the year then ended.  The auditors report is not qualified.

Income Statement

for the year ended 31 January 2007

                                                        Ordinary shares

                                                  2007         2007         2007

                                               Revenue      Capital        Total

                                                     #            #            #

Gain/(loss) on disposal of investments            -         455,785      455,785

Increase/(decrease) in fair

value of investments held                         -         220,918      220,918

Income                                          98,354         -          98,354

Investment management fee                      (47,398)    (142,194)   (189,592)

Other expenses                                (197,432)        (666)   (198,098)

(Loss)/return on ordinary

activities before taxation                    (146,476)     533,843      387,367

Tax on ordinary activities                         -            -           -

(Loss)/return on ordinary

activities after taxation                      (146,476)    533,843      387,367

(loss)/Return per share                          (1.29)p       4.69p      3.40p

Income Statement

for the year ended 31 January 2007

                                                    'C1' shares*

                                                 2007        2007          2007

                                              Revenue     Capital         Total

                                                    #           #             #

Gain/(loss) on disposal of investments           -         (2,550)       (2,550)

Increase/(decrease) in fair

value of investments held                        -         (3,068)       (3,068)

Income                                         62,975         -          62,975

Investment management fee                      (9,759)    (29,274)      (39,033)

Other expenses                                (28,411)       (374)      (28,785)

(Loss)/return on ordinary

activities before taxation                     24,805     (35,266)      (10,461)

Tax on ordinary activities                      -             -             -

(Loss)/return on ordinary

activities after taxation                      24,805     (35,266)      (10,461)

Return per share                                1.17p      (1.66)p      (0.49)p

Income Statement

for the year ended 31 January 2007


                                                 2007        2007         2007

                                              Revenue     Capital        Total

                                                    #           #            #

Gain/(loss) on disposal of investments           -        453,235       453,235

Increase/(decrease) in fair

value of investments held                        -        217,850       217,850

Income                                        161,329         -         161,329

Investment management fee                     (57,157)   (171,468)     (228,625)

Other expenses                               (225,843)     (1,040)     (226,883)

(Loss)/return on ordinary

activities before taxation                   (121,671)     498,577      376,906

Tax on ordinary activities                       -            -            -

(Loss)/return on ordinary

activities after taxation                     (121,671)     498,577     376,906

Income Statement

for the year ended 31 January 2006

                                                        Ordinary shares

                                                  2006         2006        2006

                                               Revenue      Capital       Total

                                                     #           #            #

Gain/(loss) on disposal of investments            -         236,434     236,434

Increase/(decrease) in fair

value of investments held                         -        (144,730)   (144,730)

Income                                          48,724          -        48,724

Investment management fee                      (20,382)     (61,146)    (81,528)

Other expenses                                (200,527)         -      (200,527)
(Loss)/return on ordinary

activities before taxation                    (172,185)      30,558    (141,627)

Tax on ordinary activities                       27,191          -       27,191

(Loss)/return on ordinary

activities after taxation                      (144,994)     30,558    (114,436)

(loss)/Return per share                          (1.61)p       0.34p     (1.27)p

Income Statement

for the year ended 31 January 2006

                                                           'C' shares

                                                 2006        2006          2006

                                              Revenue     Capital         Total

                                                 #             #              #

Gain/(loss) on disposal of investments           -          7,821         7,821

Increase/(decrease) in fair

value of investments held                        -        (28,179)      (28,179)

Income                                         28,939         -          28,939

Investment management fee                     (12,623)    (37,870)      (50,493)

Other expenses                                (16,657)        -         (16,657)

(Loss)/return on ordinary

activities before taxation                       (341)    (58,228)      (58,569)

Tax on ordinary activities                      -             -             -

(Loss)/return on ordinary

activities after taxation                       (341)     (58,228)      (58,569)

Return per share                               (0.02)p     (2.73)p      (2.75)p

Income Statement

for the year ended 31 January 2006

                                                    'C1' shares*

                                                 2006       2006           2006

                                              Revenue    Capital          Total

                                                    #          #              #

Gain/(loss) on disposal of investments           -         1,321          1,321

Increase/(decrease) in fair

value of investments held                        -         4,046          4,046

Income                                         67,394         -          67,394

Investment management fee                      (9,219)    (27,656)      (36,875)

Other expenses                                (44,808)         -        (44,808)

(Loss)/return on ordinary

activities before taxation                     13,367     (22,289)       (8,922)

Tax on ordinary activities                      -             -             -

(Loss)/return on ordinary

activities after taxation                      13,367     (22,289)       (8,922)

Return per share                               0.74p      (1.24)p        (0.50)p

Income Statement

for the year ended 31 January 2006


                                                 2006        2006          2006

                                              Revenue     Capital         Total

                                                    #           #             #

Gain/(loss) on disposal of investments           -        245,576       245,576

Increase/(decrease) in fair

value of investments held                        -       (168,863)     (168,863)

Income                                        145,057         -         145,057

Investment management fee                     (42,224)   (126,672)     (168,896)

Other expenses                               (261,992)        -        (261,992)

(Loss)/return on ordinary

activities before taxation                   (159,159)    (49,959)     (209,118)

Tax on ordinary activities                     27,191           -        27,191

(Loss)/return on ordinary

activities after taxation                    (131,968)     (49,959)    (181,927)

Balance Sheet

as at 31 January 2007

                                          Ordinary         'C1'

                                            shares      shares            Total

                                              2007        2007             2007

                                                 #           #                #

Fixed assets

Investments held at fair value            7,651,092         -         7,651,092

Current assets

Prepayments and accrued income               44,562         -            44,562

Other debtors                             1,455,740         -         1,455,740

Cash at bank and on deposit               1,560,130         -         1,560,130

Investments - liquidity fund              1,587,702         -         1,587,702

                                          4,648,134         -         4,648,134

Current liabilities

Creditors: amounts falling

due within one year                        (162,147)        -          (162,147)

Net current assets                         4,485,987        -         4,485,987

Total assets less current liabilities     12,137,079        -        12,137,079

Capital and reserves

Called up share capital                     135,666        -            135,666

Share premium account                     1,483,143        -          1,483,143

Special distributable reserve            10,055,474        -         10,055,474

Capital redemption reserve                  386,476        -            386,476

Capital reserve                             424,306        -            424,306

Revenue reserve                            (347,986)       -           (347,986)

Equity shareholders' funds               12,137,079        -         12,137,079

Net asset value per share                    89.5p         -

Balance Sheet

as at 31 January 2006

                                           Ordinary          'C1'

                                             shares        shares         Total

                                               2006          2006          2006

                                                  #             #             #

Fixed assets

Investments held at fair value            8,365,664     1,933,184    10,298,848

Current assets

Prepayments and accrued income               25,173        33,335        58,508

Other debtors                               312,278             -       312,278

Cash at bank and on deposit                 153,876        75,606       229,482

Investments - liquidity fund                    -             -             -

                                            491,327       108,941       600,268

Current liabilities

Creditors: amounts falling

due within one year                         (80,040)       (44,790)    (124,830)

Net current assets                           411,287        64,151      475,438

Total assets less current liabilities      8,776,951     1,997,335   10,774,286

Capital and reserves

Called up share capital                       97,835       212,036      309,871

Share premium account                         -             -             -

Special distributable reserve              8,744,246     1,794,221   10,538,467

Capital redemption reserve                   194,729         -          194,729

Capital reserve                              (51,982)     (22,289)      (74,271)

Revenue reserve                             (207,877)       13,367     (194,510)

Equity shareholders' funds                 8,776,951     1,997,335   10,774,286

Net asset value per share                      89.7p         94.2p

Cash Flow Statement

for the year ended 31 January 2007

                                         Ordinary           'C1'

                                           shares         shares          Total

                                             2007           2007           2007

                                                #              #              #

Operating activities

Investment income received                 72,492         94,123        166,615

Deposit interest received                  10,737          2,188         12,925

Investment management fees               (143,023)       (39,033)      (182,056)

Other operating costs                    (189,081)       (39,627)      (228,708)

Net cash (outflow)/inflow

from operating activities                (248,875)        17,651       (231,224)


UK corporation tax received                 -                 -             -

Financial investment

Purchase of investments                 (1,791,050)     (567,604)    (2,358,654)

Purchase of liquidity funds             (1,587,702)         -        (1,587,702)

Disposals of investments                 4,765,798        517,018     5,282,816

Net cash inflow/(outflow)

from financial investment                 1,387,046       (50,586)    1,336,460


Payment of dividends                       (204,419)      (31,805)     (236,224)

Net cash inflow/(outflow)

before financing                            933,752       (64,740)      869,012


Issue of shares                             839,675         -           839,675

Expenses of the issue of shares            (120,279)        -          (120,279)

Interfund transfers                          10,866       (10,866)         -

Buy-back of shares                         (257,760)         -         (257,760)

Net cash inflow/(outflow)

from financing                              472,502       (10,866)      461,636

Increase/(decrease) in cash               1,406,254       (75,606)    1,330,648

Reconciliation of net

cash flow to movement in net cash

Net cash at 1 February 2006                 153,876        75,606       229,482

Net cash at 31 January 2007               1,560,130         -         1,560,130

Increase/(decrease) in

cash during the year                      1,406,254       (75,606)    1,330,648

Cash Flow Statement

for the year ended 31 January 2006

                                           Ordinary     'C'     'C1'

                                       shares     shares  shares     Total

                                        2006       2006      2006          2006

                                          #         #          #             #

Operating activities

Investment income received             38,236     49,609    26,967      114,812

Deposit interest received               9,180      1,266     7,092       17,538

Investment management fees           (208,770)       -         -       (208,770)

Other operating costs                (146,476)   (54,234)  (36,893)    (237,603)

Net cash (outflow)/inflow

from operating activities            (307,830)    (3,359)   (2,834)    (314,023)


UK corporation tax received            57,842         -        -         57,842

Financial investment

Purchase of investments            (1,380,155)  (853,000)(2,077,969) (4,311,124)

Purchase of liquidity funds             -             -        -           -

Disposals of investments            2,160,220    629,345    150,152   2,939,717

Net cash inflow/(outflow)

from financial investment             780,065   (223,655)(1,927,817) (1,371,407)


Payment of dividends                 (171,943)    (9,142)       -      (181,085)

Net cash inflow/(outflow)

before financing                      358,134   (236,156) (1,930,651)(1,808,673)


Issue of shares                          -          -      2,111,850  2,111,850

Expenses of the issue of shares          -          -         (8,561)    (8,561)

Interfund transfers                   (81,244)   178,276     (97,032)     -

Buy-back of shares                   (142,367)      -           -      (142,367)

Net cash inflow/(outflow)

from financing                       (223,611)   178,276    2,006,257 1,960,922

Increase/(decrease) in cash           134,523    (57,880)      75,606   152,249

Reconciliation of net

cash flow to movement in net cash

Net cash at 1 February 2006            19,353     57,880         -       77,233

Net cash at 31 January 2007           153,876       -          75,606   229,482

Increase/(decrease) in

cash during the year                  134,523    (57,880)      75,606   152,249

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds

for the year ended 31 January 2007

                                               2007        2007        2007

                                            Ordinary       'C1'        Total

                                             shares       shares       shares

                                                #           #            #

Opening shareholders' funds                 8,776,951     1,997,335  10,774,286

Return/(loss) for the year                    387,367       (10,461)    376,906

Increase/ (decrease) in share

capital in issue                            1,222,111         -       1,222,111

Transfer from 'C1' share fund

to ordinary share fund on

conversion of 'C1' shares                   1,955,069    (1,955,069)       -

Transfer from 'C' share fund

to ordinary share fund on

conversation of 'C' shares                     -             -             -

Dividends paid                               (204,419)      (31,805)   (236,224)

Closing shareholders' funds                12,137,079       -        12,137,079

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds

for the year ended 31 January 2006

                                      2006         2006        2006        2006

                                    Ordinary       'C'         'C1'       Total

                                     shares       shares      shares      shares

                                        #             #          #          #

Opening shareholders' funds     7,184,458      2,088,937         -    9,273,395

Return/(loss) for the year       (114,436)       (58,569)   (8,922)    (181,927)

Increase/ (decrease) in share

capital in issue                 (119,161)         1,512 2,006,257    1,888,608

Transfer from 'C1' share fund

to ordinary share fund on

conversion of 'C1' shares             -                -         -            -

Transfer from 'C' share fund

to ordinary share fund on

conversation of 'C' shares      2,021,240     (2,021,240)       -            -

Dividends paid                   (195,150)       (10,640)       -      (205,790)

Closing shareholders' funds     8,776,951              -   1,997,335  10,774,286

Dividends paid

                                     2007         2007          2007

                                 Ordinary         'C1'

                                   shares       shares         Total

                                      #            #            #

Interim dividend for the year ended

31 January 2007 of 2p per

Ordinary share - paid

on 10 November 2006                204,419         -         204,419

Interim dividend for the year ended

31 January 2007 of 1.5p per

'C1' share - paid

on 10 November 2006                     -       31,805        31,805

                                   204,419      31,805       236,224

The Board has declared a dividend of 5p per Ordinary Share, which will be paid
on 14 May 2007.

Dividends paid

                            2006        2006        2006         2006

                          Ordinary      'C'         'C1'

                           shares     shares       shares       Total

                             #          #             #            #

Interim dividend for the year ended

31 January 2007 of 2p per

Ordinary share - paid

on 10 November 2006     195,150      10,640          -         205,790

                        195,150     10,640           -         205,790

Return per share
Ordinary shares
The revenue return per share is based on the loss on ordinary activities after 
taxation of #146,476 (2006: loss of #144,994)and on 11,398,566 (2006: 8,961,102)
shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year. 
The capital return per share is based on the return on ordinary activities after
taxation of #533,843 (2006: #30,558) and on 11,398,566 (2006: 8,961,102) shares, 
being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year.

'C1' shares
The revenue return per share is based on the return on ordinary activities after
taxation of #24,805 (2006: #13,367) and on 2,120,361 (2006: 1,794,315) shares, 
being the weighted average number of shares in issue until the date of conversion 
on 9 November 2006. The capital return per share is based on the loss on ordinary 
activities after taxation of #35,266 (2006:#22,289) and on 2,120,361 
(2006: 1,794,315) shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue 
until the date of conversion on 9 November 2006.

Post balance sheet events

The following transactions have taken place between 31 January 2007 and the date
of this report:

* An investment of #300,000 was made in Altacor Ld on 12 February 2007

* Additional Sitka VCT Ordinary shares totalling 5,311,604 were allotted to
  investors after year end. These raised #4,740,920 after expenses.

This is not the Company's statutory statement and the statutory accounts
have not yet been delivered to the Registrar for the year to which the 
announcement relates. 

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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