RNS Number : 0422W

System1 Group PLC

13 April 2023

    13 April 2023 

System1 Group PLC (AIM: SYS1)

("System1", or "the Company", or "the Group")

Further re Requisitioned General Meeting

As previously announced on 7 March 2023, System1 received an email from Stefan Barden (former System1 Chief Executive Officer and Board Adviser) and James Geddes (former System1 Chief Financial Officer) (the "Requisitioning Shareholders") seeking to requisition a general meeting of the Company (the "Requisition") unless certain Board changes were agreed to by the Company's Board of Directors (the "Board").

On 24 March 2023, the Company posted a circular to Shareholders (the "Circular") in response to the Requisition and a Notice of General Meeting (the "Notice") convening the requisitioned General Meeting for Shareholders which is to be held at the offices of Reed Smith LLP at The Broadgate Tower, 20 Primrose Street, London EC2A 2RS at 10:00 a.m. on 21 April 2023.

The Board considers that all the resolutions proposed by the Requisitioning Shareholders are NOT in the best interest of the Company and the shareholders as a whole.

The Board will be voting against all of them and unanimously recommends that you do the same.

On 11 April 2023, the Company received the letter included below from the Requisitioning Shareholders. The Company have responded to this letter, and this is also included below.

The Company is today posting to Shareholders a copy of the letter from the Requisitioning Shareholders and a copy of the Company response to the letter from the Requisitioning Shareholders.

   1.    Letter from Requisitioning Shareholders 

Dear fellow System1 Group PLC shareholder,

We have requisitioned the resolutions which are to be voted on at the forthcoming Extraordinary General Meeting, and which we would encourage you to consider and vote on.

In summary we believe the company has considerable potential but has performed poorly and needs a change in board composition to ful l its potential. With a focus on Data-Platform sales, and proving the value of the platform, we believe the company can realistically aim for an exit with a value in excess of ve times its current value.

It is di cult in these scenarios to nd independent and well thought through views to guide these decisions.

In that regard, you might nd the latest System1 Group PLC update from Maynard Paton helpful. Maynard is an investor in the company and also an independent investment commentator and former analyst, who has followed the company closely over a prolonged period. You can nd his commentary at https://maynardpaton.com .

This is an important time for the company, and we thank you for your time considering this.

Yours faithfully,

Stefan Barden and James Geddes

   2.    Company response to letter from Requisitioning Shareholders 

Statement from the Board of System1 Group plc ("Company")

In advance of the Company's general meeting convened for 21 April 2023 ("GM"), the Company has received a communication from Messrs Stefan Barden and James Geddes ("requisitioning shareholders") that we are required in accordance with the UK Companies Act to pass on to all Company shareholders.

Rather than set out their arguments directly to shareholders, the requisitioning shareholders have provided a hyperlink to a 3(rd) party blog site belonging to Mr Maynard Paton who claims also to be a shareholder in the Company. The requisitioning shareholders describe Mr Paton as an "independent investment commentator". The Board does not think the blog post dated 9 April 2023 ("Blog Post") can be described as "independent", firstly because Mr Paton is a shareholder in the Company and secondly because he did not ask the Company to verify or comment on any of Mr Barden's assertions that are reported in the Blog Post.

Mr Paton's Blog Post to over 7,500 words and draws heavily on a recent interview with Mr Barden. The Blog Post covers a broad range of topics, some of which are relevant to the Resolutions at the forthcoming GM. The Board is of the opinion that the Blog Post reports (largely unchallenged) a number of statements made by Mr Barden in the interview and draws some incorrect conclusions by linking the coincidental timing of events or trends (positive and negative) to their alleged causation.

We have summarised below selected points made in the Blog Post, organised by subject area, alongside your Board's response. It is not always clear in the Blog Post which points are Mr Paton's and which are those of the requisitioning shareholders and we have not attempted to clarify the attribution of the points made.


The hyperlink of the Blog Post is being made available at the request of the requisitioning shareholders. The Board cannot vouch for the accuracy of any content and is not endorsing or promoting its commentary or any investment advice related to the Company or other securities included in the Blog Post or any other posts available on the website that contains the Blog Post

   1.    Business performance & results 

The Blog Post suggests that the Company is not focussed on growing platform revenue or delivering profit or cash. The Company's latest trading update provides ample evidence that this is not the case.

 Blog Post statement                     Board response 
 "The company should not be              The Company's 12 April 2023 
  losing money. I don't believe           trading update announced our 
  System1 should be losing cash           return to profitability for 
  and how to get to at least              H2 and the full year and GBP0.6m 
  breakeven will be one of the            cash generation in Q4. We agree 
  first questions I pose to James         that System1 should not be 
  [Gregory] and Chris [Willford]."        losing money, but the Company 
                                          indicated a year ago at the 
  "Nor did SYS1 talk about the            27 April 2022 Capital Markets 
  prospect of near-term profitability,    Day that expenditure would 
  which feels like an obvious             increase, and margins tighten 
  oversight given the recent              in FY23 as we continued to 
  H1 loss."                               invest in the Platform for 
                                          Predict Your and Improve Your 
                                          products at the increased H2 
                                          FY22 run rate. 
 "Strong scalability and operational     The performance for the second 
  gearing" of the Data platform           half of FY23 (as set out in 
  have never emerged within the           the 12 April 2023 trading update) 
  financials.                             counter this assertion with 
                                          significant growth in Platform 
                                          revenue and margin improvement 
                                          at every level. We stand by 
                                          our original assertion that 
                                          the Company will benefit from 
                                          strong scalability and operational 
 "Mr Barden disclosed SYS1 enjoyed       The Company's 12 April 2023 
  a healthy sales pipeline before         trading update announced record 
  his departure:                          revenue growth of our standard 
  "Management are three years             Predict Your and Improve Your 
  into their sales approach and           products (Platform-based data 
  it is not working fast enough.          and consultancy) to a point 
  When I stepped back there was           where they represented 80% 
  a sales pipeline that should            of revenue in Q4, growing by 
  have increased sales substantially.     73% on Q4 FY22 and by 38% for 
  Instead, System1 is flat. Something     the financial year. 
  has clearly gone wrong." 
                                          We note that Mr Barden was 
                                          either Chief Operating Officer 
                                          ("COO") or Chief Executive 
                                          Officer ("CEO") for most of 
                                          the three years he refers to 
                                          here. The Company has seen 
                                          record growth in Platform revenue 
                                          since he has left 
   2.   Strategy - where to win, participation 

The review of strategic options, the findings of which were announced on 30 November 2022, determined that pursuing a long tail of small business with a web-only offering was not currently attractive as it was estimated to generate poor returns and low lifetime value/ customer acquisition cost ("LTV/CAC"). Mr Barden disagrees. Similarly, we have learned over the past 3 years that our most important customers (many of them tech businesses) are not yet ready to transact online to buy market research.

 Blog Post statement                            Board response 
 "Apart from mentioning they                    Test Your Ad is our most developed 
  have Innovation and Brand services,            product and proposition that 
  you won't see anything out there               grew by over 20% H2 on H1. However 
  where they are doing anything                  Brand and Idea are also important 
  to sell them. That's why the                   parts of our product suite, 
  sales of those areas have lagged.              proposition and large growth 
  The advertising part has grown,                opportunities for the Company. 
  but everything else has collapsed              Following the launch of Test 
  far faster because there is                    Your Idea Pro in Q2, Innovation 
  nobody focusing on them. The                   product revenue increased by 
  net result is flat-to-declining                28% in H2 versus H1. Brand grew 
  total revenue."                                by 12% year on year, helped 
                                                 by the first full year of Test 
                                                 Your Brand. 
 Mr Barden believed SYS1 could                  The recent review of strategic 
  broaden its sales efforts to                   options carefully considered 
  include smaller companies, "national           two propositions championed 
  champions" and fast-growing                    by Mr Barden and which the Board 
  start-ups, as well as the the                  has now chosen to deprioritise 
  very largest businesses:                       in favour of higher-yielding 
  "There's a pyramid of customers                opportunities. 
  and System1 is starting at the                 The first is that the Company 
  top, which they do need to get                 can maximise shareholder value 
  to, because they need to get                   by pursuing an opportunity in 
  to every single level. At the                  the long tail of small & medium 
  very top are really competent                  sized enterprises, as opposed 
  global players, such as Unilever,              to building a franchise with 
  P&G, Nestle... where the top                   the world's top 100 spenders 
  people have a lot of experience                on advertising. The idea was 
  and it's really difficult for                  deprioritised for direct customer 
  you to get in there and change                 acquisition in the near term 
  their minds"                                   following a review of the economics 
                                                 (small profit pool) and the 
  "Imagine a three-by-three matrix.              likely poor return and low LTV/CAC. 
  Columns are headed by product;                 However, we believe we can access 
  Advert, Innovation, and Brand.                 this group of customers in a 
  The Rows are the key channels.                 more cost-effective way through 
  Let's start with just three;                   our partnerships with for example 
  Global brand, National brand                   LinkedIn who already have direct 
  and Fast growing start-up."                    access to these smaller businesses. 
                                                 The second is that there is 
  "System1 should sell its platform              a demand from all customers 
  equally to all. But today the                  to purchase and transact all 
  board seems to focus only on                   their creative content pre-testing 
  the top left: Advert testing                   purely online via the Company's 
  for global brands. Not only                    Platform. The Board recognises 
  that, it seems to sell creative                that this way of transacting 
  advertising support, methodologies             could be attractive to the Company 
  and insight, rather than the                   as a supplier and will keep 
  best-in-class prediction platform,             the opportunity under review. 
  which is more accurate, cheaper                The consistent feedback from 
  and quicker than anyone else."                 our customers as well as our 
                                                 staff in sales, financial and 
  "Filling out the matrix, adding                legal roles is that most of 
  extra channels and focusing                    the customers we deal with are 
  on also becoming viral rather                  neither willing nor able currently 
  than just purely selling relationship          to conduct their purchasing 
  by relationship is the key to                  of market research solely via 
  success. I would argue that                    a supplier's portal. 
  such an approach is just not                   "Filling out the matrix" is 
  in the psyche of the current                   a nice "white-board" idea, but 
  board as they have an advertising-agency       if the economics do not work, 
  background and see the platform                we will not pursue that opportunity. 
  only through an agency lens.                   The Board's approach to becoming 
  The proposed extra hires will                  viral centres on our increasingly 
  only exacerbate this".                         successful fame-building activities 
                                                 on both sides of the Atlantic, 
                                                 including the Ad of the Week 
                                                 , Uncensored CMO , relationship-building 
                                                 with marketing influencers such 
                                                 as Mark Ritson, as well as our 
                                                 thought leadership work such 
                                                 as Wise Up! and Feeling Seen 
                                                 USA . 
                                                 We set out the Board's platform 
                                                 and digital credentials in the 
                                                 Circular , together with our 
                                                 plans to recruit a team of media 
                                                 tech advisers in the US 
 "Mr Barden believes the marketing-technology   The "winner takes all" hypothesis 
  sector is a winner-takes-all                   may or may not turn out to be 
  opportunity, with SYS1, Zappi                  right. In the meantime, market 
  or another competitor one day                  research is a fragmented market 
  emerging as the dominant marketing-data        with plenty of scope for growth 
  supplier.                                      by smaller players and for consolidation 
  I suppose a trade-buyer could                  to create larger groupings. 
  also imagine SYS1 (or Zappi                    The Company is embedding its 
  or another competitor) becoming                data into several partners (including 
  the Rightmove or Autotrader                    LinkedIn and ITV) and customers 
  of the marketing-technology                    (including adidas). 
  industry... and pay handsomely                 This is a clear part of the 
  for that potential."                           strategy that the Board set 
                                                 out in the findings from the 
                                                 review of strategic options 
                                                 and is achieving success in 
                                                 its execution. We would note 
                                                 the quotations from selected 
                                                 customers in the Circular . 
   3.    Strategy - how to win, marketing 

Mr Barden describes the Company as an "agency". We do not. We want to give our chief marketing officers ("CMOs") and insights customers confidence in their creative marketing decisions on innovation, advertising and brand identity.

 Blog Post statement                           Board response 
 System1 should be selling marketing           We do not consider that Platform 
  predictions. What System1 should              and creativity need to be mutually 
  not be doing is selling advertising           exclusive. We are selling predictions 
  creativity. And this is the                   (product, feature) whilst at 
  fundamental issue, the creativity             the same time selling the important 
  side has taken over and pushed                benefit of creative confidence 
  the platform thinking out...                  to our customers. 
  rather than publishing books 
  such as Look Out.                             We understand that the competitor 
  System1 should be talking about               research platform companies 
  its marketing predictions being               that are mentioned in the Blog 
  the best, the cheapest and the                Post also provide a combination 
  quickest"                                     of data, insight through consultancy, 
                                                and thought leadership. 
                                                Note, Mr Barden was CEO at the 
                                                time of the publication of Look 
                                                Out. It is unclear why he now 
                                                regrets his marketing strategy 
                                                while he was CEO. 
 From what I can tell:                         The Board does not recognise 
  Mr Kearon wishes to sell SYS1's               the dichotomy set out here. 
  creative-advertising services                 We wish to sell all our products 
  to marketing people who develop/commission    to as broad a range of businesses 
  adverts, while;                               as is commercially attractive. 
  Mr Barden wishes to sell SYS1's               In practice, we have found that 
  platform-prediction services                  ad testing is the best way to 
  to marketing and 'insights'                   initiate a new relationship 
  people, as well as innovation                 with a large business, because 
  and creative agencies. Everyone               advertising is one of their 
  in fact.                                      largest and therefore most important 
                                                annual investment. That's why 
                                                Test Your Ad is the product 
                                                we lead with, and then target 
                                                to sell in Test Your Idea and 
                                                Test Your Brand once we have 
                                                won the relationship with the 
                                                CMO and Head of Insight. We 
                                                deal with insights people every 
                                                day; the CMO relationship is 
                                                something we have developed 
                                                very successfully in the last 
                                                3 years and has often helped 
                                                us gain a foothold in customers 
                                                that we had not previously managed 
                                                to win via the insights department. 
                                                Separately, John Kearon's role 
                                                is to develop new business wherever 
                                                opportunities arise and particularly 
                                                in the US, because of the scale 
                                                and opportunity in the that 
                                                market. James Gregory as CEO 
                                                is leading the executive team 
                                                and executing the strategy agreed 
                                                by the Board. 
                                                The Company does not describe 
                                                itself as an agency and questions 
                                                why Mr Barden continues to do 
 "System1 should be talking about              This is a clear part of our 
  its marketing predictions being               marketing messaging. E.g. the 
  the best, the cheapest and the                Test Your Ad webpage images 
  quickest."                                    below: 
   4.    Track record/ fact check 

The Board noted some comments in the Blog Post that are not correct and where we wish to set the record straight.

 Blog Post statement                         Board response 
 I was disappointed many of SYS1's           The Board stands by all of the 
  arguments against Mr Barden                 arguments in the 24 March 2023 
  - notably his Behaviorally chairmanship,    Circular , all of which were 
  potential pay and that 53% staff            subjected to verification by 
  rating - did not really stand               external advisers - a different 
  up to scrutiny.                             level of scrutiny than applies 
                                              to blog posts. 
 "This vote is not about personalities       The Board agrees which is why 
  because a good business is greater          it is unanimously recommending 
  than any individual."                       shareholders not to change 3 
                                              individuals for 1 ( Mr Barden). 
 This may be very simplistic,                The Board is of the opinion 
  but a pattern seems to have                 that this is a grossly simplistic 
  emerged:                                    and unreliable conclusion. There 
  * Mr Barden takes on executive              is often a time lag of 6 months 
  board duties, and SYS1 turns                or more from product launches 
  from loss to profit, and;                   or marketing activity and visible 
  * Mr Barden relinquishes executive          sales results, which would undermine 
  board duties, and SYS1 turns                what Mr Barden and Mr Paton 
  from profit to loss.                        claim. 
  "...Mr Barden's skillset looks 
  to be required once again to                Mr Barden worked in the Company 
  stem the losses and return the              from mid-2017, was a member 
  group to profit"                            of the senior management in 
                                              the business from early 2018, 
                                              attending Board meetings from 
                                              that time, and exerting material 
                                              influence in the business throughout. 
                                              He was eventually appointed 
                                              to the Board in June 2020, at 
                                              the end of the worst-hit quarter 
                                              in the pandemic. Profit did 
                                              indeed return immediately after 
                                              his appointment as a director, 
                                              but the bounce at that time 
                                              was not because of Mr Barden 
                                              (although he played a valuable 
                                              role helping the business mitigate 
                                              the losses at the start of the 
                                              Mr Barden served as CEO from 
                                              30 March 2021 until 31 January 
                                              2022. Similarly, the downturn 
                                              in profitability during 2022 
                                              was not related to Mr Barden's 
                                              departure in Q4 of FY22. Rather, 
                                              it was largely influenced by 
                                              the impact of Russian invasion 
                                              of Ukraine and the resulting 
                                              reduction in market research 
                                              budgets from a few key customers 
                                              with exposure to Russia. The 
                                              Board believes it was also a 
                                              consequence of Mr Barden's decisions 
                                              while he was CEO, to switch 
                                              off bespoke research, in favour 
                                              of email marketing initiatives, 
                                              which yielded no leads that 
                                              converted to new customer wins. 
   5.    Shareholder value 

The Board is aligned with Mr Barden's aspirations for value accretion, including the timescales. Based on history, we do not believe that adding Mr Barden to the Board would increase shareholder value.

 Blog Post statement                      Board response 
 The return to profit during              During Mr Barden's period as 
  Mr Barden's boardroom tenure             an adviser/employee the s hare 
  prompted the share price to              price range d f rom GBP9.69 
  increase from approximately              at the beginning ( end-May 2017) 
  100p to more than 400p:                  to GBP3.05 at the end (31 March 
                                           2022). The Board believes the 
                                           dip to 90p in mid-2020 was pandemic 
                                           related. Mr Barden had already 
                                           been working in the Company 
                                           for 3 years at that point. 
 And Mr Barden signalled a relatively     The Board are open to maximising 
  short timescale for a potential          shareholder value and are mindful 
  trade-sale exit:                         of their fiduciary obligations. 
  "I believe it should take up             Notwithstanding that the Board 
  to three years to prove the              believes that three years is 
  value."                                  a realistic timescale to "prove 
  Stefan Barden: potential GBP100m-plus    the value" of the Company under 
  valuation and $1 billion ambition        its new CEO, James Gregory. 
  What could SYS1 be worth to 
  a potential acquirer? Mr Barden          The Board shares Mr Barden's 
  suggested potential 5-bagger             view of the potential future 
  upside from SYS1's recent GBP20m         value of the Company and shares 
  market cap:                              his ambition to create shareholder 
  "I think this business is worth          value. 
  GBP100m at least, GBP8 a share, 
  if not GBP150m, GBP12 a share."          We are focused on growing the 
                                           Company profitably by becoming 
                                           an indispensable business partner 
                                           to the world's largest media 
                                           platforms, advertisers and marketing 
                                           spenders. We believe that this 
                                           route to market is the Company's 
                                           best way to scale profitably 
                                           and the principal platform for 
                                           creating shareholder value. 
   6.    Talent and employee motivation 

The Board wishes to confirm that statements in the Circular related to employee satisfaction are based on quarterly staff surveys which show that employee motivation has improved consistently since Mr Barden left the Company.

 Blog Post statement                         Board response 
 "I have a good track record                 The Board believe that none 
  of building strong teams. I                 of the Executive or Senior Management 
  brought in many of the current              team have been contacted by 
  senior team. I am not looking               Mr Barden recently, and it is 
  to exit anyone. I do however                therefore unclear why this statement 
  know that many in the current               is made. Everyone in the business 
  team are excited by a renewed               is already delivering a Platform 
  platform focus, but if anyone               focus, with Platform sales at 
  is not excited by the platform              80% of total revenue in Q4 and 
  opportunity then they should                are looking forward to building 
  leave."                                     on the successful H2 revenue 
                                              growth into FY24 and onwards, 
                                              under the existing Board. 
 "SYS1's statement included this             During Mr Barden's tenure as 
  somewhat unseemly remark about              CEO, the 53% staff satisfaction 
  53% staff-motivation levels                 rate for the entire business 
  ... Mr Barden disclosed the                 can be attributed solely to 
  survey under his areas of responsibility    him, not John Kearon. 
  had "above-average levels of                It is worth noting that satisfaction 
  satisfaction", with "the real               levels have significantly improved 
  issue" arising "in the sales                across the Company since Mr 
  team that John Kearon controlled",          Barden left the Company, including 
  in which the newly recruited                in the operational areas that 
  platform sales team "did not                were managed directly by Mr 
  feel properly supported".                   Barden. 


The revenue trends in the trading update published by the Company on 12 April 2023 suggest that the requisitioning shareholders are out of touch with the Company's performance and the growth that they are seeking is already being delivered. The Board's recommendation for the General Meeting on 21 April 2023 remains that you should VOTE AGAINST ALL FOUR RESOLUTIONS for the following reasons.

1. We have the right Board for the next phase of the Company's growth

2. The US is key to success - a distinguished and tech-savvy US advisory team, assembled by Non-Executive Chair Rupert Howell, is ready to start work after the General Meeting

3. The Board has a clearly defined plan for the Company that is starting to work

4. Customers support our go-to-market strategy

5. The Requisitioning Shareholders have not articulated an alternative strategy beyond re-appointing Mr. Barden to the Board

6. We need expertise in business-to-business sales and marketing - a different skillset from Mr. Barden's

7. The Board does not believe having an Executive Chair would be in the interest of all shareholders, and Mr. Barden is conflicted by holding a Non-Executive Chair position at Behaviorally, a market research platform business

8. We will lose our Founder and President, John Kearon, who holds 22% of the Company's voting rights and has advised the Board he will not remain a director on the terms proposed by the Requisitioning Shareholders

9. Unless the proposed resolutions are defeated, there is a risk of serious business disruption if the executive leadership and senior team members decide not to serve under Mr. Barden

10. It is not the right time to change the leadership - we have very recently appointed a new Non-Executive Chair and CEO. The current Board deserves more time to deliver the growth agenda

Further information on the Company can be found at www.system1group.com .

This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of article 7 of the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) 596/2014 as amended by regulation 11 of the Market Abuse (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019/310. With the publication of this announcement, this information is now considered to be in the public domain.

For further information, please contact:

 System1 Group PLC                              Tel: +44 (0)20 7043 
 James Gregory, Chief Executive Officer 
 Chris Willford, Chief Financial Officer 
 Canaccord Genuity Limited (Nominated Adviser   Tel: +44 (0)20 7523 
  & Broker)                                      8000 
 Simon Bridges / Andrew Potts / Harry Rees 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

April 13, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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