RNS Number : 7938Z 
Vero Software PLC 
29 September 2009 

| Embargoed until 7am                 |                      8th April 2009 | 
Vero Software Plc 
("Vero Software" or "the Company") 
Preliminary results for the year to 31 December 2008 
Vero Software Plc, (AIM: VERO), a leading international supplier of software 
solutions for the mould and die sector, announces Preliminary results for 
the year to 31 December 2008, with yet another year of growth despite the 
background of a significant global economic and financial downturn. 
Financial and operating highlights: 
  *  A revenue increase of 10% to GBP13.9m (2007: GBP12.7m) marking 20 years of 
  consecutive and unblemished turnover growth since the company's inception. 
  *  EBITDA (earnings before  interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation) increased 
  by 20% before exceptional items to GBP2.2m (2007: GBP1.9m) 
  *  Operating Profit before exceptionals rose 20% to GBP1.5 million (2007: GBP1.3m) 
  *  Pre-tax profit before exceptionals of GBP1.4 million (2007: GBP1.1 million) 
  *  Basic earnings per share of  2.28p (2007: 1.79p), an increase of 27% 
  *  Strong recurring revenue performance combined with an increase in sales of cost 
  saving analysis tools resisted the recessionary trends 
  *  Completion of the total software solutions for plastic injection and progressive 
  die design processes enables future growth for these important parts of our 
  product range 
Stephen Palframan, Chairman, commented: "Against the backdrop of a significant 
worldwide financial and industrial crisis we are very pleased with our 
organically driven, double figure revenue and profit increases. 
Vero has been gradually improving its grip on the mould and die sector by 
providing complete and highly specific solutions that were further advanced in 
late 2008 through the introduction of nine new product modules containing 
analysis software much needed in today's environment. 
Although not easy in the present harsh industrial situation, 2009 trading to 
date is not radically different from the previous year.Recurring revenue is 
stronger than ever, and our product range's ability to reduce customers' costs 
and production timescales stands us in good stead. The current economic climate 
undoubtedly represents a new challenge in its global reach but the Company is 
well placed to take advantage of any early rise in demand as the larger 
manufacturing based economies recover." 
  Enquiries, please contact: 
| Don Babbs                           |                     Paul Shackleton | 
| Chief Executive                     |                  Daniel Stewart plc | 
| Vero Software plc                   |                       020 7776 6550 | 
| 01242 542040                        |                                     | 
|                                     |                                     | 
| Julie Randall                       |         Tania Wild / Will Henderson | 
| Finance Director                    |              Smithfield Consultants | 
| Vero Software plc                   |                       020 7360 4900 | 
| 01242 542040                        |                                     | 
|                                     |                                     | 
I am pleased to report a good set of results for 2008 despite the background of 
trading conditions towards the latter part of the year which were particularly 
harsh, reflecting the general global downturn. 
Turnover increased by 10% to GBP13.9 million (2007: GBP12.7m) partly due to the 
strength of the Euro and Dollar but with strong growth in local currency terms 
coming from both Germany and North America. 
EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation) before 
exceptional items increased by 20% to GBP2.25 million (2007: 
GBP1.88m), operating profit before exceptionals rose 20% to GBP1.53m (2007: 
GBP1.09m) and profit before tax and exceptionals rose 25% to GBP1.37 million 
(2007: GBP1.1m).  Earnings per share increased by 27% to 2.28p (2007: 1.79p). 
The tax charge showed a significant reduction to GBP75k (2007: GBP420k), largely 
due to a new taxation regime in Italy where Research and Development credits are 
now available. 
Exceptional costs of GBP445,000 were incurred during the year as a result of 
restructuring in our Italian and Chinese subsidiaries and the move of our two UK 
offices to a single location in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. The Italian and UK 
office rationalisations have made significant cost savings as well as providing 
more efficient and focused product development and sales effort. 
Dividend Policy 
The company completed a capital reduction in August in order to allow the 
payment of future dividends. The Board has however decided to defer the 
Company's maiden dividend until there are signs of an end to the current 
economic crisis. 
2008 marked the 20th anniversary of the Company's foundation which has seen 
continual revenue growth and a tripling in size since flotation. The Company's 
record in managing difficult times and recessions has been well proven 
throughout its lifetime and the status of the expanded product range provides 
fuel for growth. 
Recurring revenue is stronger than ever, and our product range's ability to 
reduce customers' costs and production timescales stands us in good stead. The 
current economic climate undoubtedly represents a new challenge in its global 
reach but the Company is well placed to take advantage of any early rise in 
demand as the larger manufacturing based economies recover. 
The long serving staff of Vero Software are also well proven in their 
technological and commercial capabilities and I would like to take this 
opportunity to thank them all for their focused contribution during 2008. 
Stephen Palframan 
8 April 2009 
Business Review 
Vero sells software to mould and die makers ranging from very small companies to 
large household names across a wide range of sectors including automotive, 
aerospace, electronic, medical, toys and household goods. While many of these 
companies are under pressure from the effects of the downturn our niche depends 
more on the instigation of new models rather than the volume of production. The 
drive for newer more efficient products has sustained the sector through 
previous recessions and the latter part of 2008. 
Sales to our long term customers embedding software with their own software 
solutions or machine tools (OEM customers) has risen steadily and 2008 saw a 
further increase in this trend with the addition of three new providers 
incorporating our software. 
As noted at the half year maintenance agreement related turnover rose to 28% of 
revenues, which together with long term OEM revenues and perennial customers who 
order new software each year, took total recurring revenues to over 50% of total 
Operating Expenses 
The near dramatic fall in sterling during 2008 served to increase both revenues 
and overseas operating costs in our foreign offices. The significant movements 
in exchange rates in the second half of the year also had the effect of 
increasing costs relating to overseas subsidiaries. 
The growth in selling expenses before restructuring costs (11%) and 
administrative expenses before restructuring costs (3%) are as a result of the 
exchange rate movements but also reflects the extent of our overseas sales 
efforts while unfortunately hiding the effect of substantive 2008 cost cutting 
which will become effective in 2009. 
Product Development and Other Operating Income 
Product development expenditure of GBP1,008,000 has been capitalised (2007: 
GBP1,026,000) in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. 
Our continuing investment in product development means that the latest product 
releases have added nine new modules to the existing forty five applications 
with a significant improvement in our analysis capabilities. 
These applications allow customers, for example, to simulate the effectiveness 
of a plastic injection mould design before embarking on detail design or 
construction. These newly introduced developments provide substantial cost 
savings in an environment that is keen to cut costs. 
Taxation and Earnings per Share 
Earnings before exceptional costs, interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation 
(EBITDA) were GBP2.25 million, an increase of 20% on the previous year (2007: 
GBP1.88 million).  Vero also recorded a pre-tax profit before exceptionals of 
GBP1.37m (2007: GBP1.09m). The Company incurred a tax charge of GBP0.01m (2007: 
GBP0.42m). The reduction in the tax charge has arisen mainly because new 
research and development tax credits were made available in Italy. Exceptional 
costs of GBP445,000 were incurred during the year as a result of restructuring 
in our Italian and Chinese subsidiaries and the move of our two UK offices to a 
single location in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.The Company recorded a post tax 
profit before exceptionals of GBP1.3m and after exceptionals of GBP0.85m (2007: 
GBP0.67m). Basic earnings per share were 2.28p (2007: 1.79p) an increase of 27%. 
Cash Flow and Net Funds 
Cash generated from operations in 2008 was GBP1.9 million compared to an inflow 
of GBP1.7 million in 2007. The cash balances at the year end were GBP1.6 million 
(2007: GBP0.81m), with GBP1.5 million of short-term borrowings (2007: GBP0.83m), 
resulting in net funds of GBP0.09 million (2007: net short term 
borrowings GBP0.02m). 2008 also marked the end of deferred payments made to 
vendors of our last three acquisitions that have affected cash balances in 
recent years. Net debt increased to GBP2.9 million from GBP2.7 million GBP 1.4m 
of this relates to advantageous Italian term loans achieved through technology 
grants and banks repayable over 3 to 5 years. The Company has reclassified 
GBP0.86m of UK term loans made by Fortis Bank as current liabilities as a result 
of its covenant position and as required by International Financial Reporting 
Standards. Vero has received a 'letter of comfort' from Fortis Bank stating that 
it is not their intention to demand repayment of the facilities. The Board is 
actively seeking refinancing of these loans. 
Interest payments during the year were GBP213,000 (2007: GBP218,000). 
2008 was another strong performance year both in terms of new products and 
financial performance. Far from standing still the Company improved its position 
in the market place and remains tightly focused on a speciality niche that 
requires right first time solutions to reduce costs. 
The well documented downturn will be a challenge in 2009 but comes at a time 
when the Company has amassed a loyal customer following and is best placed to 
provide the complete solutions required by our clients to provide outstanding 
product capabilities. 
Don Babbs 
Chief Executive 
8 April 2009 
  Vero Software Plc 
Consolidated Income Statement 
For the year ended 31 December 2008 
|                            |      |   Ordinary    |Exceptional  |   Total    |         | 
|                            |      |     2008      |    2008     |    2008    |  2007   | 
|                            |      |    GBP'000    |  GBP'000    |  GBP'000   |GBP'000  | 
|                            |      |               |             |            |         | 
| Revenue                    |      |        13,913 |           - |     13,913 |  12,671 | 
| Cost of Sales              |      |         (833) |           - |      (833) |   (766) | 
| Gross Profit               |      |        13,080 |           - |     13,080 |  11,905 | 
|                            |      |               |             |            |         | 
| Selling expenses           |      |       (6,345) |       (343) |    (6,688) | (5,691) | 
| Administrative expenses    |      |       (2,501) |        (93) |    (2,594) | (2,434) | 
| Product development        |      |       (2,047) |         (9) |    (2,056) | (1,917) | 
| Net other operating income |      |            60 |           - |         60 |      12 | 
| Earnings before interest,  |      |               |             |            |         | 
| tax,                       |      |               |             |            |         | 
| depreciation and           |      |         2,247 |       (445) |      1,802 |   1,875 | 
| amortisation (EBITDA)      |      |               |             |            |         | 
| Depreciation               |      |         (205) |           - |      (205) |   (213) | 
| Amortisation               |      |         (509) |           - |      (509) |   (390) | 
| Operating profit           |      |         1,533 |       (445) |      1,088 |   1,272 | 
| Interest income            |      |            34 |           - |         34 |      27 | 
| Interest expense           |      |         (198) |           - |      (198) |   (211) | 
| Profit before taxation     |      |         1,369 |       (445) |        924 |   1,088 | 
| Taxation                   |      |          (75) |           - |       (75) |   (420) | 
| Profit after taxation      |      |         1,294 |       (445) |        849 |     668 | 
|                            |      |               |             |            |         | 
| Earnings per share - pence |      |               |             |       2.28 |    1.79 | 
| (basic )                   |      |               |             |            |         | 
| Earnings per share - pence |      |               |             |       2.27 |    1.77 | 
| (fully diluted )           |      |               |             |            |         | 
| Consolidated balance sheet          |       |            |            | 
|                                     |       | Year ended 31 December  | 
|                                     |       |    2008    |    2007    | 
|                                     |       |  GBP'000   |  GBP'000   | 
| ASSETS                              |       |            |            | 
| Non-current assets                  |       |            |            | 
| Property, plant and equipment       |       |        854 |      1,043 | 
| Goodwill                            |       |      3,066 |      3,055 | 
| Other intangible assets             |       |      3,837 |      2,909 | 
| Investments                         |       |          1 |          1 | 
| Deferred tax                        |       |        239 |        147 | 
|                                     |       |      7,997 |      7,155 | 
|                                     |       |            |            | 
| Current assets                      |       |            |            | 
| Inventories                         |       |         14 |         18 | 
| Trade and other receivables         |       |      7,904 |      6,364 | 
| Current tax                         |       |        105 |         53 | 
| Financial assets                    |       |          - |        111 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents           |       |      1,632 |        812 | 
|                                     |       |      9,655 |      7,358 | 
| Total assets                        |       |     17,652 |     14,513 | 
|                                     |       |            |            | 
| LIABILITIES                         |       |            |            | 
| Non-current liabilities             |       |            |            | 
| Bank loans and borrowings           |       |      1,119 |      1,976 | 
| Other creditors                     |       |         13 |         19 | 
| Deferred tax                        |       |        637 |        539 | 
| Provisions                          |       |        638 |        524 | 
|                                     |       |      2,407 |      3,058 | 
|                                     |       |            |            | 
| Current liabilities                 |       |            |            | 
| Trade and other payables            |       |        846 |        649 | 
| Current tax                         |       |        368 |        150 | 
| Bank loans and borrowings           |       |      3,374 |      1,496 | 
| Deferred revenue                    |       |      1,701 |      1,457 | 
| Financial liabilities               |       |        122 |         43 | 
| Other creditors                     |       |      2,192 |      2,072 | 
|                                     |       |      8,603 |      5,867 | 
|                                     |       |            |            | 
| Total liabilities                   |       |     11,010 |      8,925 | 
|                                     |       |            |            | 
| EQUITY                              |       |            |            | 
| Issued share capital                |       |        186 |        186 | 
| Share premium                       |       |      1,860 |      5,860 | 
| Other reserves                      |       |         26 |      (179) | 
| Retained earnings                   |       |      4,570 |      (279) | 
| Total equity                        |       |      6,642 |      5,588 | 
| Total equity and liabilities        |       |     17,652 |     14,513 | 
|                                     |       |            |            | 
| Consolidated cash flow statement     |           |          |          | 
|                                      |           |    Year ended 31    | 
|                                      |           |      December       | 
|                                      |           |  2008    |  2007    | 
|                                      |           | GBP'000  | GBP'000  | 
| Cash flows from operating activities |           |          |          | 
| Cash generated from operations       |           |    1,916 |    1,746 | 
| Interest paid                        |           |    (213) |    (218) | 
| Taxes paid                           |           |     (39) |    (169) | 
| Net cash from operating activities   |           |    1,664 |    1,359 | 
|                                      |           |          |          | 
| Cash flows from investing activities |           |          |          | 
| Acquisition of subsidiaries net of   |           |        - |        1 | 
| cash acquired                        |           |          |          | 
| Payment of deferred consideration    |           |    (587) |    (539) | 
| Purchase of property, plant and      |           |    (173) |     (97) | 
| equipment                            |           |          |          | 
| Proceeds from sale of property,      |           |      247 |       26 | 
| plant and equipment                  |           |          |          | 
| Purchases of intangible assets       |           |    (197) |     (45) | 
| Capitalised product development      |           |  (1,008) |  (1,026) | 
| Sale of financial asset              |           |      118 |      106 | 
| Interest received                    |           |       34 |       29 | 
| Net cash used in investing           |           |  (1,566) |  (1,545) | 
| activities                           |           |          |          | 
|                                      |           |          |          | 
| Cash flows from financing activities |           |          |          | 
| Payments of finance lease            |           |     (81) |     (70) | 
| liabilities                          |           |          |          | 
| Loans                                |           |      524 |      462 | 
| Loans repaid                         |           |    (613) |    (546) | 
| Net cash used in financing           |           |    (170) |    (154) | 
| activities                           |           |          |          | 
|                                      |           |          |          | 
| Net decrease in cash and cash        |           |     (72) |    (340) | 
| equivalents                          |           |          |          | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at         |           |     (16) |      343 | 
| beginning of the year                |           |          |          | 
| Exchange gains / (losses) on cash and cash       |      180 |     (19) | 
| equivalents                                      |          |          | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of  |           |       92 |     (16) | 
| the year                             |           |          |          | 
|                                      |           |          |          | 
|                                      |           |          |          | 
  Consolidated statement of changes in equity 
|             |         |         |    Share     |  Trans  |          |          |         | 
|             |  Share  |  Share  |    Based     | lation  |  Other   |Retained  | Total   | 
|             |Capital  |Premium  |Compensation  |Reserve  |Reserves  |Earnings  | Equity  | 
|             |GBP'000  |GBP'000  |   GBP'000    |GBP'000  | GBP'000  | GBP'000  |GBP'000  | 
|             |         |         |              |         |          |          |         | 
| As at       |     186 |   5,860 |           71 |   (142) |       10 |  (1,053) |   4,932 | 
| 1           |         |         |              |         |          |          |         | 
| January     |         |         |              |         |          |          |         | 
| 2007        |         |         |              |         |          |          |         | 
| Profit      |       - |       - |            - |       - |        - |      668 |     668 | 
| for         |         |         |              |         |          |          |         | 
| the         |         |         |              |         |          |          |         | 
| year        |         |         |              |         |          |          |         | 
| Movement    |       - |       - |           35 |       - |        - |        - |      35 | 
| for the     |         |         |              |         |          |          |         | 
| year        |         |         |              |         |          |          |         | 
| Transfer    |       - |       - |        (106) |       - |        - |      106 |       - | 
| Currency    |       - |       - |            - |    (49) |        2 |        - |    (47) | 
| translation |         |         |              |         |          |          |         | 
| differences |         |         |              |         |          |          |         | 
| As at       |     186 |   5,860 |            - |   (191) |       12 |    (279) |   5,588 | 
| 31          |         |         |              |         |          |          |         | 
| December    |         |         |              |         |          |          |         | 
| 2007        |         |         |              |         |          |          |         | 
|             |         |         |              |         |          |          |         | 
| Profit      |       - |       - |            - |       - |        - |      849 |     849 | 
| for         |         |         |              |         |          |          |         | 
| the         |         |         |              |         |          |          |         | 
| year        |         |         |              |         |          |          |         | 
| Transfer    |       - | (4,000) |            - |       - |        - |    4,000 |       - | 
| Currency    |       - |       - |            - |     203 |        2 |        - |     205 | 
| translation |         |         |              |         |          |          |         | 
| differences |         |         |              |         |          |          |         | 
| As at       |     186 |   1,860 |            - |      12 |       14 |    4,570 |   6,642 | 
| 31          |         |         |              |         |          |          |         | 
| December    |         |         |              |         |          |          |         | 
| 2008        |         |         |              |         |          |          |         | 
1. Dividend 
The directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend. 
2. Exceptional costs 
 The directors consider the costs associated with the restructuring of the group 
to be exceptional.  Such costs, together with associated redundancy costs, have 
been disclosed as exceptional within a separate column in the income statement 
3.Financial information 
The figures for the year ended 31 December 2008 have been extracted from the 
full unaudited financial statements of Vero Software Plc for the year ended 31 
December 2008. The auditors expect to give an unqualified opinion on the 
financial statements however their report will include an emphasis of matter 
paragraph in respect of going concern. The group was in breach of its loan 
covenants during the year in respect of UK loans totalling GBP1.36m and the loan 
balances therefore became repayable on demand. The group has not yet agreed new 
long term financing in the UK and this is considered to indicate a material 
uncertainty which could cast doubt over the group's ability to continue as a 
going concern. The Group has received a 'letter of comfort' from Fortis Bank 
stating that it is not their intention to demand repayment of the facilities. 
The figures have been prepared and compiled in accordance with International 
Financial Reporting Standards. The comparative figures for the year ended 31 
December 2007 have been taken from but do not constitute, the group's statutory 
accounts for the year. Those statutory accounts have been reported on by the 
Group's auditors and have been delivered to the Register of Companies. The 
report of the auditors was unqualified and did not contain a statement under 
section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 
The annual report will be sent to shareholders in due course. Copies of this 
announcement and the full statutory accounts can be obtained, when available, 
free of charge, from the Company's office at The Hadley House, Bayshill Road, 
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 3AW or on the Company's website: 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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