RNS No 6884w
19th March 1998


Issued 19 March 1998

Following a successful flotation in December 1997, the Board of Bovis
Homes Group PLC today announced its maiden preliminary results for 1997 as a
separately quoted company.

Pre tax profit increased 60% to #37.3 million (1996:#23.3 million)

Operating margin increased to 15.4% (1996:  11.0 %)

Return on average capital employed increased to 18.8% (1996:12.5%)

Adjusted earnings per share increased by 40% to 22.8p (1996: 16.3p)

Unit completions increased 4.1% to 2,556 (1996: 2,456)

Plots held with planning consent increased 15.6% to 8,296 (1996: 7,178)

Year end net short term deposits of #27.9 million

Commenting on the results, Malcolm Harris, the Chief Executive of Bovis Homes
Group PLC said:

     "Following the solid performance in 1997, the first two months' trading
      results of 1998 were encouraging with margin improvements across all 
      sectors of the business. Land purchases have been in line with

An extract from the full text from the Chairman's statement, the Chief
Executive's Operational Review and the Financial Review follow:

Malcolm Harris, Chief Executive
Bovis Homes Group PLC
Tel:   0171  329  0096  on Thursday 19th March until 2.30 p.m. only
Tel:   01474  872427  thereafter

Results issued by Julian Bosdet & Henry Harrison-Topham
Shandwick Consultants Ltd
Tel:   0171  329  0096

Extract from the Chairman's Statement

This is my first statement to shareholders since the flotation of the
Company last December.   I am therefore particularly pleased to be able to
report favourably on an outstanding year for the Group, which benefited from
the implementation of strategic changes within the Group, against a background
of improved market conditions.


For the year ended 31 December 1997 pre tax profit amounted to #37.3 million,
an increase of 60% over the pro forma result for the previous year.  Our
published result compares with our forecast of #37.1 million made at the time
of the flotation.

Unit completions increased by 4% and stringent cost containment and
construction efficiencies together with selling price improvements saw
margins improve.

Adjusted earnings per share of 22.8p showed an increase of 40% over the
previous year, assuming issued share capital of 112.8 million shares for both

Dividend Policy

As indicated in the flotation prospectus, the Board is not recommending
payment of a final dividend for the 1997 financial year.  In the absence of
unforeseen circumstances, the first dividend declared by the Board as an
independently quoted company, will be the interim dividend for the year
ending 31 December 1998, which it expects to pay in November 1998, followed by
a final dividend in May 1999.

Market Conditions

The market for the Group's range of houses and locations remained strong
throughout 1997. The consequences of the General Election in May and the new
Government's first budget in July were largely neutral to the housing market.

Increases in interest rates since then have perhaps dampened some of the
optimism seen earlier in the year, but current indicators do not appear to
suggest further major increases.   Indeed strong economic performance, coupled
with low inflation and relatively stable interest rates, has resulted in
housing being more affordable today than for many years.  


The Company is focused on maximising shareholder value by achieving a superior
return on capital employed and consistent growth in profits and earnings per
share.   This will be achieved by:

Skilfull investment in short, medium and long term land holdings, either
directly held or on option.

Continuous improvement to the design of our range of homes.

Improved management of development and construction to enhance profitability.

The management of risk by diversity of product range and spread of locations.

Growth across each of the regions and Retirement Homes to deliver further
economies of scale.

We have the land with planning consent, the strategic landholdings, the
financial resources and the management expertise to achieve these objectives.

Looking Forward

The immediate economic scenario is reassuringly stable.  Land prices, however,
are increasing and there is fierce competition for the best locations.   These
conditions emphasise the virtues of maintaining a strategic land bank.  Demand
for new houses remains good in the areas in which we have a presence.

The Group is very strong financially, backed by the availability of good
banking facilities.  Management continues to maintain tight cost and overhead

The Board is therefore confident that the Group will continue to prosper.

Sir Nigel Mobbs

Chief Executive's Operational Review

Bovis Homes' operating margin in 1997 was 15.4%, one of the highest in the
industry.  The Group's core strength lies in its management at all levels
throughout the organisation, and I am pleased to be able to report that
management's combined efforts culminated in all regions and our Retirement
Homes operation producing significant improvements in profitability.   As
mentioned in the Chairman's report, strong cost controls, coupled with
construction efficiencies, contributed towards margin enhancement last year
and further improvements are expected in 1998.   Our focus is upon growth in
profits as opposed to volume increases at the expense of margin, with a clear
emphasis on improvements to the return on shareholders funds.

The Market

Southern England sustained strong demand and increased selling prices; the
Midlands, North and South West experienced a steady market with improvements
in demand and selling prices in the second half of the year.

The increase in average sales price per square foot achieved, net of
incentives and trade-in costs, was 3.9% over 1996.

Average building costs were contained through tight cost control and value-
engineering and showed a small reduction in cost per square foot compared with
the previous year.

Overheads were further reduced by #0.8 million from 1996 to 1997 despite an
increase of 4% in unit completions.

Product Mix and Average Selling Price

The average selling price has increased from #90,100 in 1996 to #92,600 in
1997.  The analysis of product mix, related average selling prices and
regional unit completion profile are shown below.

                             Product Mix Analysis  -  1997                    

House type                    Unit                       Average
                         completions                 selling price
                           in 1997                     in 1997         
                                         %                #
One and two bedrooms      477           19            65,4000                 
Three bedrooms            761           30             73,400                 
Four bedrooms             841           33            118,000                 
Five or more bedrooms     103            4            177,700                 
Social Housing            202            8             53,000                 
Retirement (Note)         172            6            124,200                 
                      ________      _______         _________
Total:                  2,556          100             92,600
                      ________      _______         _________

Note:  Of total unit completions, 146 were sales made by the Retirement Homes 
       operation.   The balance of the retirement units sold comprises sales,
       by the three regions, of homes for the elderly which do not have
       very sheltered housing facilities.

                       Regional Unit Completion Profile

                              Year ended            Year ended
                           31 December 1997      31 December 1996

                           Unit                    Unit       
                       completions       %     completions    %
South East                 1,104         43        1,030      42
South West                   677         26          528      21
Central                      629         25          755      31
                           _______      ___        _____     ____
Total three regions        2,410         94        2,313      94
                           _______      ___        _____     ____
Retirement Homes             146          6          143       6
                           _______      ___        ______    ____
Total:                     2,556        100        2,456      100
                           _______      ___       ________   ____

All regions have increased unit completions with the exception of Central
which has been replanning many of its sites to accommodate new products.

The Bovis Homes product range is principally targeted to compete against the
second-hand market.   Our policy is to offer a superior dwelling both in terms
of design and specification.   Where we compete directly with other new homes,
we aim to differentiate our dwellings in terms of elevational treatment,
internal layout and specification.   We believe that our product mix and
geographic spread, will enable us to be reasonably resilient to any major
economic changes.

The introduction of a very wide range of products based upon standardised plan
forms and construction methods, with resultant economies of scale, allows us
to tailor the final product to meet local needs in terms of both external
design and internal specification whilst retaining high quality standards and
cost control.   The introduction of this method of working over the past two
years has substantially improved the overall profitability of the business.
We have a policy of continuous product improvement, the objective of which is
to ensure that we are competitive in all sectors of the market in which we
operate.   We also consistently review all of our internal processes to
increase quality with an objective of reducing unit cost.

Congratulations are in order to Jim Ditheridge and his colleagues in receiving
a Housebuilder of the Year award in recognition of the very high quality of
product and service offered by Retirement Homes, which specialises in very
sheltered housing.

Our social housing operation is an important part of the business that we are
committed to long term, with the expectation that it will substantially
increase its contribution towards the Group's overall performance in the
coming years.

Land and Planning 

Consented Land Bank at 31 December 1997

Plots held with planning consent for immediate development increased from
7,178 plots at the start of the year to 8,296 plots at 31 December 1997,
representing 3.25 years' land supply based upon 1997 sales.   Our average plot
cost as at 31 December 1997 was #18,600 (20.1% of 1997 average selling price)
compared with our average plot cost as at 31 December 1996 of #19,600 (21.8%
of 1996 average selling price).

                   Consented Land Bank at 31 December 1997                    

                    Analysis by Region & Retirement Homes                    

                           Plots of consented land                           

                           Total                % 

South East                 3,013                36
South West                 2,351                29
Central                    2,572                31
Retirement Homes             360                 4
                           _____               ____
Total:                     8,296               100
                           _____               ____
Strategic Land Bank at 31 December 1997

Bovis Homes usually acquires its strategic land under option exercisable when
outline planning consent has been achieved.

Strategic land held at 31 December 1997 of over 2,200 acres had potential for
more than 13,000 plots.  This included approximately 1,300 acres with
prospects for approximately 8,300 plots, which are in areas designated for
development within draft or adopted development plans by local, county or
unitary planning authorities, including a number of plots with planning

                   Strategic Land Bank at 31 December 1997                    
                    Analysis by Region & Retirement Homes                     

                               Potential Plots                                
                       Total        %    locations"    %
South East             7,730       59      6,326       76
South West             2,570       20        678        8
Central                2,664       21      1,254       15
Retirement Homes          43        -         43        1
                      _______     ___     ______    _____
Total:                13,007      100      8,301      100
                      _______     ___     ______    _____
"Growth locations":   areas designated for development within draft or adopted
development plans by local, county or unitary planning authorities.

Land successfully converted from strategic to consented land provided 24% of
the Group's unit completions during 1997, contributing 32% of the
Group's profit and was particularly important in the South East region
operation where our largest strategic interests are held.

The Government is, understandably, focusing upon the optimum use of brown
land.  30% of the Group's production was based upon previously used land in
1997 and this is expected to rise to approximately 35% of production in 1998.

We have a very able land management team, including qualified town planners,
and I believe that we can provide sufficient land at an acceptable purchase
price to meet the Group's requirements.

As quoted by other housebuilders, we have also experienced delays in many
areas in obtaining detailed planning consent.   Although there is some
frustration and a belief that the system can be improved, due to the strength
of the Group's total landholdings this problem is not expected to impede the
business's overall performance.

Health & Safety

Bovis Homes promotes all aspects of safety throughout its operations in the
interests of employees, subcontractors and visitors to its sites and premises.
The Company views this as an essential element in the success of the business
and this was recognised in 1997 with major awards from both the Royal Society
for the Prevention of Accidents and the British Safety Council.

Outlook for 1998

Our objective of expanding the business with a greater coverage of the major
conurbations in the North of England, is proceeding well.  Building costs
overall are being contained notwithstanding the recent cement price increase.
Despite stiff competition for prime development land our skilled management
team has been acquiring sites in the right locations and at prices acceptable
to the Group and if this continues through the year it will result in us
maintaining a strong land bank with consent, as well as adding further
important strategic land holdings.

Malcolm Harris
Chief Executive

Financial Review


1997 has seen the fundamental restructuring of the capital and financing of
the Group. On 9 December 1997 the Company ceased to be a wholly owned
subsidiary of P&O following a placing by Hambros Bank Limited, and its
shares were admitted to the Official List of the London Stock Exchange.
A total of 112,538,532 new and existing ordinary shares were sold under the
placing, and a further 259,500 were issued to directors, all at the placing
price of #2 per ordinary share.   The proceeds of the issue of new ordinary
shares received by the Company were used to repay loans outstanding to the
P&O Group.   The proceeds arising from the placing of the 24,729,060 existing
ordinary shares were received directly by P&O.

In anticipation of the placing Bovis Homes Limited, the principal subsidiary
of the Company, on 3 November 1997, entered into a series of bilateral
committed revolving loan facilities and uncommitted bonding facilities with
Barclays Bank PLC, Midland Bank plc, Royal Bank of Scotland plc, Den Danske
Bank and West Deutsche Landesbank.   The aggregate amounts of the committed
facilities and the uncommitted bonding facilities are #100 million and #55
million respectively.  These facilities mature on 2 November 2002, and,
together with new overdraft and money market facilities totalling #20 million,
are available to Bovis Homes Limited to provide finance for the general
corporate purposes of the Group.

Corporate Structure

During 1996 the business and trade of the Group was conducted through the
Company and its subsidiary companies, and Partkestrel Limited
("Partkestrel"), all wholly owned subsidiaries of P&O. On 31 December 1996 the
assets and trade of Partkestrel were transferred to a subsidiary of the
Company whilst the ownership of the shares remained with P&O.  In consequence
it is appropriate to show the aggregate of the accounts of Bovis Homes Group
PLC and Partkestrel as pro forma figures for 1996, so as to provide a fair
comparison against 1997 consolidated figures.   The pro forma figures have
been shown in addition to the 1996 consolidated figures for Bovis Homes Group
PLC and its subsidiary and associated companies, which are required under the
Companies Act 1985, and have been used as comparative figures throughout this

Review of Results

The Group achieved an operating profit of #38.3 million, representing an
improvement of 30% over the previous year (#29.4 million).  This was based on
2,556 unit completions (2,456) at an average selling price of #92,600 
(#90,100).   Turnover however was lower at #248.9 million, compared with
#267.5 million in 1996, due to a significantly lower level of land sales
and other income.

An improvement in gross margin and a reduction in administration expenses,
combined to enhance the operating margin to 15.4% (11.0%).   The gross margin
has benefited in 1997 from the Company's procurement policies, a greater
proportion of value-engineered products coupled with more efficient site
layouts, as well as more favourable market conditions.   Administration
expenses, which include sales and marketing costs have reduced from 
#21.1 million to #20.3 million.  This continued improvement follows on from
the re-organisation in 1995 and 1996, and the continuous review of the
Group's operations to identify and implement further improvements.

Interest payable less interest receivable amounted to #1.0 million compared
with #6.1 million in 1996.   The sharp reduction being due to the positive
cash flow over the last two years.

Profit before tax was #37.3 million (#23.3 million) and profit after tax was
#25.7 million (#18.4 million).  The effective tax charge at 31.1%
benefited from a relatively small amount of losses brought forward in a
subsidiary company, compared with the previous year.

A dividend amounting to #29.0 million was paid to P&O on 2 October 1997.

Review of the Balance Sheet

Net assets at 31 December 1997 amounted to #208.7 million.

Stocks and work in progress at year end amounting to #243.7 million, are #7.1
million lower than at 31 December 1996.   Within these figures the land bank
has been increased by #12.5 million to #162.6 million, whilst the book value
of  part exchange properties and other housing stocks has reduced by
#8.9 million to #17.3 million and housing work in progress and raw materials
have reduced by #10.7 million to #63.1 million. Creditors payable under and
over one year, excluding interest free financing from P&O Group companies,
amounted to #86.2 million (#80.6 million).   They included deferred land
payments of #38.0 million compared with #34.1 million at the end of 1996,
reflecting the Group's policy to defer land payments on new acquisitions
whenever possible, to maximise the return on capital employed within the

The capital funding of the business has changed substantially during
the year as explained in the introduction.   At the commencement of the year
the Group had interest free funding of #165.5 million from the P&O Group, plus
interest bearing finance of #7.4 million.   At the close of the year the
Company was funded by issued share capital and share premium totalling     
#188.5 million and was holding net short term deposits of #27.9 million.

Cash Flow

Net cash flow from operating activities of #51.6 million was enhanced by a
reduction in stocks and work in progress and an increase in creditors.  A
dividend of #29.0 million was paid to P&O in October and the proceeds of the
issue of new ordinary shares were applied in repaying the outstanding interest
free loan due to P&O.

At 31 December 1997 #30.0 million of surplus cash resources were on deposit
with the money market at maturities ranging between 2 days and 12 days after
31 December 1997.   There was also a bank overdraft of #2.1 million. This put
the Group in a strong financial position as it went forward into 1998.

Ron Walford
Finance Director

Group Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended 31 December 1997

                                               Pro forma     
                                1997             1996         1996
                                #000             #000         #000
Turnover - continuing                  
  operations                   248,878        267,508      250,711
Cost of sales                 (190,350)      (217,074)    (204,044)
                               _______       ________      ________           
Gross profit                    58,528         50,434       46,667
Administrative expenses        (20,270)       (21,069)     (21,069)
                               _______       _________     ________         
Operating profit -                              
  continuing operations         38,258         29,365       25,598
Interest receivable and                              
  similar income                   322             56           56
Interest payable and similar                 
  charges                       (1,243)        (6,169)      (6,169)
                                _______        _______      _______           
Profit on ordinary                            
 activities before taxation     37,337         23,252       19,485
Taxation on profit on                      
 ordinary activities           (11,600)        (4,840)      (4,626)
                               ________        _______      _______           
Profit on ordinary                      
 activities after taxation      25,737         18,412       14,859
Dividend paid                  (29,000)             -            -
Transfer from reserves           3,263              -            -
                               ________       ________      _______           
Retained profit for the                               
 financial year                       -         18,412       14,859
                               ________       ________     ________           
Basic earnings per ordinary                       
 share                           #2.71               -      #758.11
                               ________        _______     ________           
Adjusted earnings per                        
 ordinary share*                 22.8p           16.3p        13.2p
                               ________       ________     ________           

*    Adjusted earnings per share is calculated on the basis of the 112.8
million shares in issue on flotation as if they had been in issue throughout
the two years ended 31 December 1997.  The proceeds of the issue were applied
in repaying an interest free loan due to P&O, hence no adjustment has been
made to earnings in respect of interest.  The Board believes that adjusted
earnings per share is the most appropriate basis for comparing earnings per
share throughout the period.

In both the current and preceding financial period there was no material
difference between the historical profits and losses and those reported in the
profit and loss account.

Group Balance Sheet
at 31 December 1997

                                                     Pro forma    
                                          1997        1996         1996
                                          #000        #000         #000
Fixed assets                                                      
Tangible assets                           9,588       8,193        8,193
Investments                                  24          41           41
                                        _______    ________     ________      
                                          9,612       8,234        8,234
                                        _______    ________     ________
Current assets                                                    
Stocks and work in progress             243,696      250,812     250,812
Debtors due within one year               8,090        7,243       7,243
Debtors due after more than one year      3,597        3,319       3,319
Cash and short term deposits             29,988            -           -
                                         _______    ________    _________
                                        285,371     261,374      261,374
Creditors: amounts falling due within         
 one year                               (73,355)    (68,666)    (68,666)
Interest free loan due to P&O and                 
 subsidiaries                                 -    (148,850)   (165,492)
                                         _______    ________    ________      
                                         (73,355)   (217,516)   (234,158)
Net current assets                       212,016      43,858      27,216
                                         _______     ________    ________     
Total assets less current liabilities    221,628      52,092       35,450
Creditors: amounts falling due after       
  more than one year                     (12,886)    (11,956)     (11,956)
                                         ________    ________     ________    
Net assets                               208,742       40,136      23,494
                                         _______     _________    ________    
Capital and reserves                                              
Called up share capital                   56,399       23,010          10
Share premium                            132,103            -           -
Revaluation reserve                          884          865         865
Profit and loss account                   19,356       16,261      22,619
                                         _______       ______      ______     
Equity shareholders' funds               208,742       40,136      23,494
                                         _______      _______     _______     
Group Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended 31 December 1997

                                                       Pro forma   
                                            1997       1996        1996
                                            #000       #000        #000
Net cash flow from operating activities   51,580     97,956      78,172
Returns on investments and servicing of                            
Interest received                            322         56          56
Interest paid                             (1,506)    (7,684)     (7,684)
                                          ______     _______     _______      
                                          (1,184)    (7,628)     (7,628)
                                          ______     _______     _______      
Taxation (paid)/received                  (6,707)     7,141       7,200
Capital expenditure and financial                                  
Sale of tangible fixed assets                506        408         408
Purchase of tangible fixed assets         (2,897)    (1,087)     (1,087)
                                          _______    _______     _______      
                                          (2,391)      (679)       (679)
                                          _______    _______     _______      
Dividend paid                            (29,000)         -          -
                                         ________    _______     _______      
Cash inflow before management of liquid                           
 resources and financing                  12,298      96,790      77,065
Management of liquid resources                                     
Amount placed on short term deposits     (29,988)         -           -
Issue of ordinary share capital          188,492          -           -
Repayment of P&O loans                  (169,492)   (90,200)    (70,475)
                                        ________    ________    ________      
Increase in cash                           1,310      6,590       6,590
                                        ________    ________    ________      

Group Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
for the year ended 31 December 1997
                                            Pro forma
                                     1997       1996        1996
                                     #000       #000        #000
Profit for financial year           25,737     18,412     14,859
Unrealised surplus on the 
  revaluation of property                -        151        151              
                                   ______      ______     ______        
Total recognised gains relating 
 to the year                        25,737     18,563     15,010
                                    ______     ______     ______              

Group Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds
for the year ended 31 December 1997

                                               Pro forma
                                       1997      1996       1996
                                       #000      #000       #000
Opening shareholders' funds           23,494    21,573      8,484
Disposal of revalued property             19         -          -
Issue of share capital               188,492         -          -
Total recognised gains and losses
 for the year                         25,737    18,563     15,010
Dividend                             (29,000)        -          -
                                     _______    ______     ______             
Closing shareholders' funds          208,742    40,136     23,494
                                     _______    ______     ______             

Notes to the Accounts

1  Basis of Preparation

   The pro forma information contained herein in respect of the year ended 31
   December 1996 is based on a combination of the accounts of all the
   companies and businesses now operated by Bovis Homes Group PLC which
   comprised Bovis Homes Group PLC and subsidiary and associated undertakings
   together with Partkestrel Limited ("Partkestrel") a wholly owned
   subsidiary of P&O.  On 31 December 1996 the assets of Partkestrel were
   acquired by a subsidiary of Bovis Homes Group PLC for consideration
   settled through an intercompany account with P&O.  From 1 January 1997 the
   trade relating to those assets was included in the consolidated accounts
   of  Bovis Homes Group PLC.   Following flotation flotation on 9 December
   1997 Partkestrel remained a wholly owned subsidiary of P&O.

2  Taxation

   The effective corporation tax rates payable for the years ended 31
   December 1997 and 1996 have been reduced by brought forward tax losses and
   in the case of 1996 by tax credits in respect of earlier years.

3  Dividends

   On 2 October 1997 an ordinary dividend of #29.0 million was paid by the
   Company to P&O.

4  Earnings per ordinary share 

   Basic earnings per ordinary share for the year ended 31 December 1997 is
   calculated on the weighted average of 9,495,586 ordinary shares in issue
   during the year.   Basic earnings per ordinary share for the year ended
   31 December 1996 is calculated on the weighted average of 19,600 ordinary
   shares in issue during the year which reflects the adjustment from #1
   shares to 50p shares.

   Adjusted earnings per share is calculated on the basis of the 112.8
   million shares in issue on flotation as if they had been in issue
   throughout the two years ended 31 December 1997. The proceeds of the issue
   were applied in repaying an interest free loan due to P&O, hence no
   adjustment has been made to earnings in respect of interest.  The Board
   believes that adjusted earnings per share is the most appropriate basis
   for comparing earnings per share throughout the period.

   The issue of shares under Share Option Schemes does not give rise to a
   material dilution of earnings.

5  Called Up Share Capital

   On 3 November 1997 the Company (then called Bovis Homes Investments
   Limited) sub-divided its existing called up share capital of 9,800 #1
   ordinary shares into 39,200 ordinary shares of 25p each and
   issued 49,418,920 new ordinary shares of 25p each to P&O for #12.4
   million.   On 3 December 1997 the entire authorised share capital was
   consolidated into shares of 50p each.   With effect from 9 December 1997
   the authorised share capital was increased to 150,000,000  ordinary shares
   of 50p each, and an additional 88,068,972 ordinary shares were issued at
   #2 each, increasing the issued share capital to 112,798,032 ordinary
   shares of 50p each.

6  Reconciliation of operating profit to operating cash flows

                                                   Pro forma   
                                             1997        1996        1996
                                             #000        #000        #000
Operating profit                           38,258      29,365      25,598
Depreciation                                1,139       1,188       1,188
Profit on disposal of tangible fixed                      
 assets                                      (124)        (98)        (98)
Decrease in stocks                          7,116      50,430      34,413
Decrease in debtors                         1,952       1,145       1,145
Increase in creditors                       3,239      15,926      15,926
                                           ______      ______      ______     
Net cash inflow from operating activities  51,580      97,956      78,172
                                           ______      ______      ______     
7  Change of Name

   On 4 November 1997 the Company (then known as Bovis Homes Investments
   Limited) re-registered as a public limited company and changed its name to
   Bovis Homes Group PLC.

8  Non-statutory Accounts

   The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's
   statutory accounts for the years ended 31 December 1997 or 1996, but is
   derived from those accounts.   Statutory accounts for the Company for 1996
   have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and those for 1997 will
   be delivered following the company's Annual General Meeting.   The
   auditors have reported on those accounts: their reports were unqualified
   and did not contain statements under section 237(2) or (3) of the
   Companies Act 1985.



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