Notes              EUR               EUR 
 Loss for the period before tax                (2,684,171)     (1,451,846) 
 Adjustments for: 
 Finance income                                   (84,985)        (68,704) 
 Finance expenses                                  259,554         162,437 
 Amortisation                                      319,323         307,546 
 Depreciation                                        7,882           5,783 
 Received tax credit                               118,480          94,562 
 Foreign exchange difference                       (7,643)           (245) 
 Warrants expense                                  103,107               - 
                                               (1,968,453)       (950,467) 
 Movements in working capital 
 Changes in inventory                            (101,089)        (94,738) 
 Changes in receivables                          (666,871)          44,432 
 Changes in trade payables                         247,960               - 
 Changes in other payables                         465,241           (500) 
 Cash flow from operations                     (2,023,212)     (1,001,273) 
 Investing activities 
 Payments for intangible assets                  (207,733)        (54,807) 
 Payments for tangible assets                     (22,387)         (8,553) 
  Cash flow from investing activities            (230,120)        (63,360) 
 Financing activities 
 Proceeds from issue of share capital            7,643,977               - 
 Costs associated with the issue of              (572,889)               - 
share capital 
 Issue of convertible debt                         737,779         806,654 
 Costs associated with the issue and             (183,933)               - 
conversion of  bonds 
 Non cash effects on the conversion                 24,768 
of Bonds 
 Net change in long term borrowing                  77,454 
 Interest received                               (259,554)               - 
 Interest paid                                      84,985           (806) 
 Cash flow from financing activities             7,552,587         805,848 
 Net increase in cash and cash                                   (258,785) 
equivalents                                      5,299,255 
 Exchange differences                                (581)           (546) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the                  249,922         509,253 
beginning of the year 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end                              249,922 
of the year                                      5,548,596 
                          Share     Share    Merger   Foreign Accumulated       Total 
                        Capital   Premium   reserve  currency      Losses 
                              EUR         EUR         EUR         EUR           EUR           EUR 
At I January 2013       411,245         - 1,551,502   (2,207)   (456,329)   1,504,211 
Comprehensive loss            -         -         -         - (1,333,536) (1,333,536) 
for the year 
Other comprehensive           -         -         -     (245)           -       (245) 
At 31 December 2013                     - 1,551,502   (2,452)                 170,430 
                        411,245                               (1,789,865) 
At 1 January 2014                       - 1,551,502   (2,452)                 170,430 
                        411,245                               (1,789,865) 
Issue of shares on            3         -         -         -           -           3 
Effects of bonds              -         - 1,359,364         -      18,127   1,377,491 
conversion in 
New shares issued        75,518 7,476,233         -         -           -   7,551,751 
Costs associated with         - (572,889)         -         -           -   (572,889) 
capital raise 
New shares issued in        922    91,302         -         -           -      92,224 
respect of services 
Share option and              -         -         -         -     103,107     103,107 
warrant costs 
Comprehensive loss            -         -         -         - (2,613,859) (2,613,859) 
for the year 
Other comprehensive           -         -         -   (8,440)           -     (7,643) 
At 31 December 2014     487,688 6,994,646 2,910,866  (10,892) (4,282,490)   6,099,818 
1.General Information 
While the financial information included in this preliminary announcement has 
been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards 
(IFRSs), this announcement does not itself contain sufficient information to 
comply with IFRSs. The Group has also published full financial statements that 
comply with IFRSs available on its website and to be circulated shortly. 
The financial information set out in the announcement does not constitute the 
Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 December 2014 or 2013.  The 
financial information for the year ended 31 December 2013 is derived from the 
statutory accounts for the subsidiary for that year, as the parent company was 
not in existence at that date. 
The financial information for the year ended 31 December 2014 is derived from 
the audited statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2014 on which the 
auditors have given an unqualified report, that did not contain a statement 
under section 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006 and did not include 
references to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of 
emphasis.  The statutory accounts will be delivered to the Registrar of 
Companies following the Company's annual general meeting. 
The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of this preliminary 
announcement are consistent with those set out in the latest Group Annual 
financial statements.  There is no material seasonality associated with the 
Group's activities. 
2.Going Concern 
The consolidated financial statements have been prepared assuming the Group 
will continue as a going concern. Under the going concern assumption, an entity 
is ordinarily viewed as continuing in business for the foreseeable future with 
neither the intention nor the necessity of liquidation, ceasing trading or 
seeking protection from creditors pursuant to laws or regulations. In assessing 
whether the going concern assumption is appropriate, management has considered 
the company's existing working capital and management are of the opinion that 
the Group has adequate resources to undertake its planned program of activities 
for the 12 months from the date of approval of the consolidated financial 
3.Accounting policies 
Basis of preparation 
The consolidated financial statements comprises the consolidated financial 
information of the Group as at 31 December 2014 and are prepared under the 
historic cost convention with the exception of certain items which are measured 
at fair value as disclosed in the accounting policies below. 
The financial statements has been prepared in accordance with International 
Financial Reporting Standards, International Accounting Standards and 
Interpretations (collectively "IFRSs") issued by the International Accounting 
Standards Board (IASB) as adopted by the European Union ("adopted IFRSs"). 
The acquisition of the subsidiary was deemed to be a business combination under 
common control as the ultimate control before and after the acquisition was the 
same. As a result the transaction is outside the scope of IFRS 3 and has been 
included under the principles of merger accounting by reference to UK GAAP. 
Therefore although the companies that comprise the group did not form a legal 
group for the entire period of these financial statements, the current period 
and the comparative results comprise the result of the subsidiary as if the 
Group had been in existence throughout the entire period. 
Windar Photonics A/S adopted IFRS for the first time in the Historical 
Financial Information for the three years ended 31 December 2013 as presented 
in the Admission Document to AIM dated 24 March 2015. As Windar Photonic plc is 
a continuation of the business of Windar Photonics AS as reflected in the 
merger accounting principle and therefore the Group is not deemed to be a first 
time adopter of IFRS in these financial statements. 
Functional and presentational currency 
Items included in the Financial Statements are measured using the currency of 
the primary economic environment in which each entity operates ("the functional 
currency") which is considered by the Directors to be Pounds Sterling (GBP) for 
the Parent Company and EUR for Windar Photonics A/S. The Financial Statements 
have been presented in EUR's which represent the dominant economic environment in 
which the Group operates and is considered to be the functional currency of the 
Revenue arises from: 
                                                   Year ended  Year ended 
                                                  31 December  31 December 
                                                         2014         2013 
                                                            EUR            EUR 
Sale of goods                                       1,038,673       74,141 
5.Segment information 
Operation segments are reported as reported to the chief operation decision 
The Group has one reportable segment being the sale of LIDAR Wind Measurement. 
In 2014, one customer accounted for more than 10 per cent of the revenue. The 
total amount of revenue from this customer amounted to 78 per cent of the 
revenue (2013: 5 customers who each accounted for more than 10per cent. and in 
aggregate totaling 91 per cent of total revenue). 

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Grafico Azioni Windar Photonics (LSE:WPHO)
Da Ott 2023 a Ott 2024 Clicca qui per i Grafici di Windar Photonics