
* Global economic slowdown leads to contracting consumer demand

* Previously announced annual Euro 300 million cost savings on track

* Initiated additional Euro 180 million annual cost savings

* Joined the Open Handset Alliance and developing new phone using Android Open Source software

* Successful rollout of Xperia(TM) X1, Cyber-shot(TM)C905 phones and PlayNow(TM) plus music service

London, UK - The consolidated financial summary for Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB (Sony Ericsson) for the fourth quarter and full year ended December 31, 2008 is as follows:

                            Q4 2008   Q3 2008 Q4 2007 FY 2008 FY 2007
Number of units shipped        24.2      25.7    30.8    96.6   103.4
Sales (Euro m.)               2,914     2,808   3,771  11,244  12,916
Gross margin (%)                15%       22%     32%     22%     31%
Operating income (Euro         -262       -33     489    -113   1,544
Operating margin (%)            -9%       -1%     13%     -1%     12%
   Restructuring charges        129        35       -     175       -
(Euro m.)
   Operating income excl.      -133         2     489      61   1,544
restructuring charges
(Euro m.)
   Operating margin excl.       -5%        0%     13%      1%     12%
restructuring charges (%)
Income before taxes (IBT)      -261       -23     501     -83   1,574
(Euro m.)
   IBT excl.                   -133        12     501      92   1,574
restructuring charges
(Euro m.)
Net income (Euro m.)           -187       -25     373     -73   1,114

Average selling price           121       109     123     116     125

Units shipped in the quarter were 24.2 million, a sequential decrease of 6% and a year-on-year decrease of 21%. Sales for the quarter were Euro 2,914 million, an increase of 4% sequentially due to a positive impact of currency fluctuations, and a decrease of 23% compared to Q4 2007. The decline in sales year-on-year was driven by lower volumes, due to the global economic slowdown that resulted in contracting consumer demand and decreased availability of credit.

Gross margin became 15% due to negative impact from exchange rate fluctuations, restructuring charges and material write-offs.

Foreign exchange fluctuations had a positive impact on sales in total, but a large negative impact on costs of goods sold (ie. costs increased) sequentially, as well as year-on-year.

Income before taxes for the quarter was Euro -133 million, excluding restructuring charges of Euro 129 million, compared to the profit of Euro 501 million in Q4 2007. Despite a negative result in the quarter, Sony Ericsson maintained a healthy balance sheet with a strong, net cash position of Euro 1,072 million.

The average selling price (ASP) for Sony Ericsson in Q4 2008 was Euro 121, an increase sequentially but a decrease year-on-year. The sequential increase of ASP was due to a positive impact of foreign exchange rate fluctuations and to the sale of a higher proportion of high-end models. Estimated market share for Q4 2008 is maintained at around 8%.

"In economic terms, 2008 has been a tumultuous year with world markets experiencing a serious downturn. The mobile phone market has been greatly affected by this and as expected, the fourth quarter continued to be very challenging for Sony Ericsson. Our business alignment is progressing as planned, with the full effect of annual savings of around Euro 300 million expected by the second half of 2009. We foresee a continued deterioration in the market place in 2009, particularly in the first half," said Dick Komiyama, President, Sony Ericsson.

The additional cost saving measures initiated by Sony Ericsson are aimed at reducing operating expenses by a further Euro 180 million annually, with the full effect expected at the end of 2009. Sony Ericsson currently estimates that the cost for the additional restructuring activities will be covered by the previously announced Euro 300 million restructuring charges.

In Q4 2008, the successful roll out of the Xperia(TM) X1 and Cyber-shot(TM)C905; Sony Ericsson's first eight mega pixel phone as well as the PlayNow(TM) plus music service positively impacted the business. In the same quarter, Sony Ericsson announced that it joined the Open Handset Alliance and is currently developing a new phone that uses the Android Open Source software.

Earlier in 2008, Sony Ericsson announced that it became a founding member of the Symbian Foundation; an initiative will create an open mobile software platform based on Symbian OS.

Sony Ericsson estimates the 2008 global handset market as being around 1,190 million units or around 6% growth from 2007, compared to the company's previous forecast of around 10%. Sony Ericsson forecasts that the global handset market will contract in 2009 and that the industry ASP will continue to decline.

Cyber-shot(TM) is a trademark of the Sony Corporation.

The Liquid Identity logo, Xperia(TM) and the Xperia(TM) logo and PlayNow(TM)plus are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB.

Sony is a trademark or registered trademark of Sony Corporation. Ericsson is the trademark or registered trademark of Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson.

Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. Subject to change without prior notice.

Financial statements:
Consolidated income statement
Consolidated income statement full year
Consolidated income statement isolated quarters
Consolidated balance sheet
Consolidated statement of cash flows
Consolidated statement of cash flows full year
Consolidated statement of cash flows isolated quarters

Additional information:
Net sales by market area, by quarter

- ENDS -

Sony Ericsson is a top, global industry player with sales of around 97 million phones in 2008. Diversity is one of the core strengths of the company, with operations in over 80 countries including manufacturing in China and R&D sites in China, Europe, India, Japan and North America. Sony Ericsson was established as a 50:50 joint venture by Sony and Ericsson in October 2001, with global corporate functions located in London. For more information about Sony Ericsson please visit www.sonyericsson.com


Investors / Analysts
Ericsson Investor Relations
Gary Pinkham (Stockholm) +46 10 719 0858
Susanne Andersson (Stockholm) + 46 10 719 4631

Sony Investor Relations

Shinji Tomita (London) +44 20 7426 8696
Gen Tsuchikawa (Tokyo) +81 3 6748 2180

Press / Media
Sony Ericsson Global Communications and PR
Aldo Liguori (London) +44 20 8762 5860
Merran Wrigley (London) +44 20 8762 5862
Simone Bresi-Ando (London) +44 20 8762 5863

This press release contains forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties. We have identified certain important factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in such forward-looking statements. For a detailed description of risk factors, see Sony's and Ericsson's filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, particularly each company's latest published Annual Report on Form 20-F.

Sony Ericsson

EUR million                            2008   2007 Change

Net sales                             2,914  3,771   -23%
Cost of sales                        -2,476 -2,573    -4%
Gross profit                            438  1,198   -63%
Gross margin %                        15.0%  31.8%   -17%

Research and development expenses      -359   -349     3%
Selling and administrative expenses    -366   -375    -2%
Operating expenses                     -725   -724     0%

Other operating income, net              24     15    62%
Operating income                       -262    489  -154%
Operating margin %                    -9.0%  13.0%   -22%

Financial income                         28     19    47%
Financial expenses                      -27     -7   287%
Income after financial items           -261    501  -152%

Taxes                                    81   -118  -169%
Minority interest                        -7    -10   -28%
Net income                             -187    373  -150%

Number of units shipped (million)      24.2   30.8   -21%
ASP (EUR)                               121    123    -2%

EUR Million                         Oct-Dec
Restructuring charges                  2008
  Cost of sales                          67
  Research and development expenses      35
  Sales and administrative expenses      24
  Other operating income, net             3
Total                                   129

Sony Ericsson

EUR million                            2008   2007 Change

Net sales                            11,244 12,916   -13%
Cost of sales                        -8,750 -8,958    -2%
Gross profit                          2,494  3,958   -37%
Gross margin %                        22.2%  30.6%    -8%

Research and development expenses    -1,379 -1,173    18%
Selling and administrative expenses  -1,249 -1,260    -1%
Operating expenses                   -2,628 -2,432     8%

Other operating income, net              21     18    19%
Operating income                       -113  1,544  -107%
Operating margin %                    -1.0%  11.9%   -13%

Financial income                        101     62    64%
Financial expenses                      -71    -32   122%
Income after financial items            -83  1,574  -105%

Taxes                                    31   -423  -107%
Minority interest                       -21    -36   -42%
Net income                              -73  1,114  -107%

Number of units shipped (million)      96.6  103.4    -7%
ASP (EUR)                               116    125    -7%

EUR Million                         Jan-Dec
Restructuring charges                  2008
  Cost of sales                          75
  Research and development expenses      62
  Sales and administrative expenses      29
  Other operating income, net             9
Total                                   175

Sony Ericsson

                          2008                          2007
EUR million        Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1       Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1

Net sales       2,914  2,808  2,820  2,702    3,771  3,108  3,112  2,925
Cost of sales  -2,476 -2,192 -2,168 -1,914   -2,573 -2,154 -2,192 -2,039
Gross profit      438    616    653    788    1,198    954    921    886
Gross margin %  15.0%  21.9%  23.1%  29.2%    31.8%  30.7%  29.6%  30.3%

Research and
expenses         -359   -337   -344   -339     -349   -280   -283   -261
Selling and
expenses         -366   -303   -310   -270     -375   -280   -321   -284
expenses         -725   -640   -653   -610     -724   -560   -604   -545

income, net        24     -8     -2      6       15     -1     -2      5
income           -262    -33     -2    184      489    393    315    346
margin %        -9.0%  -1.2%  -0.1%   6.8%    13.0%  12.7%  10.1%  11.8%

income             28     25     25     24       19      7     18     18
expenses          -27    -15    -14    -15       -7    -16     -6     -2
Income after
items            -261    -23      8    193      501    384    327    362

Taxes              81      6      0    -57     -118   -109    -97   -100
interest           -7     -8     -3     -3      -10     -8    -10     -9
Net income       -187    -25      6    133      373    267    220    254

Number of
units shipped
(million)        24.2   25.7   24.4   22.3     30.8   25.9   24.9   21.8
ASP (EUR)         121    109    116    121      123    120    125    134

EUR Million          2008  *
charges            Q4     Q3     Q2
  Cost of
sales              67      0      8
  Research and
expenses           35     26      2
  Sales and
expenses           24      3      1
income, net         3      6      0
Total             129     35     11

* Restructuring charges  were not  incurred in the  first quarter  of

Sony Ericsson

                                    Dec 31   Sep 30   Jun 30   Dec 31
EUR million                           2008     2008     2008     2007


Total fixed and financial
assets                                 590      649      590      572

Current assets
Inventories                            531      717      538      437
Accounts receivables                 1,629    1,815    1,905    1,870
Other assets                           585      527      511      345
Other short-term cash
investments                            707      918      966    1,431
Cash and bank                          418      555      624      724
Total current assets                 3,870    4,532    4,544    4,808

Total assets                         4,460    5,180    5,134    5,380


Shareholders' equity                 1,217    1,429    1,684    2,026
Minority interest                       57       50       35       64
Total equity                         1,274    1,480    1,719    2,090

Total long-term liabilities             30       39       25       26

Accounts payable                       990    1,453    1,436    1,263
Other current liabilities            2,166    2,208    1,954    2,001
Total current liabilities            3,156    3,661    3,390    3,264

Total shareholders' equity and
liabilities                          4,460    5,180    5,134    5,380

Net cash*                            1,072    1,374    1,591    2,155

* Net cash is defined as cash and bank plus short-term cash
investments less interest bearing liabilities.

Sony Ericsson

EUR million                                  2008  2007

Net income                                   -187   373
Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash    37    17
                                             -150   390

Changes in operating net assets              -168    44
Cash flow from operating activities          -318   434

Investing activities                           41   -27
Cash flow from investing activities            41   -27

Financing activities                          -46     0
Cash flow from financing activities           -46     0

Net change in cash                           -323   408
Cash, beginning of period                   1,473 1,758
Translation difference in Cash                -25   -10
Cash, end of period                         1,125 2,155

Sony Ericsson

EUR million                                   2008  2007

Net income                                     -73 1,114
Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash    146   107
                                                73 1,221

Changes in operating net assets               -323  -305
Cash flow from operating activities           -250   916

Investing activities                           -64  -164
Cash flow from investing activities            -64  -164

Financing activities                          -754  -849
Cash flow from financing activities           -754  -849

Net change in cash                          -1,068   -97
Cash, beginning of period                    2,155 2,273
Translation difference in Cash                  37   -21
Cash, end of period                          1,125 2,155

 Sony Ericsson

                         2008                            2007
EUR million Oct-Dec Jul-Sep Apr-Jun Jan-Mar Oct-Dec Jul-Sep Apr-Jun Jan-Mar

Net income     -187     -25       6     133     373     267     220     254
net income
to cash          37      39      40      31      17      32      30      28
               -150      15      46     164     390     299     250     282

Changes in
net assets     -168      88    -142    -101      44      88      16    -454
Cash flow
activities     -318     102     -96      64     434     387     266    -172

activities       41     -55     -29     -22     -27     -53     -31     -53
Cash flow
activities       41     -55     -29     -22     -27     -53     -31     -53

activities      -46    -238      -8    -462       0    -300    -548      -1
Cash flow
activities      -46    -238      -8    -462       0    -300    -548      -1

Net change
in cash        -323    -191    -133    -421     408      34    -312    -226
of period     1,473   1,591   1,711   2,155   1,758   1,730   2,045   2,273
in Cash         -25      74      13     -24     -10      -6      -3      -2
Cash, end
of period     1,125   1,473   1,591   1,711   2,155   1,758   1,730   2,045

Sony Ericsson

EUR million
                            2008                       2007
Isolated quarters     Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1       Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1
Europe, Middle
East & Africa *    1,642 1,427 1,386 1,494    2,251 1,715 1,729 1,598
Americas             636   703   740   486      636   573   499   365
Asia                 636   678   694   722      884   820   885   961
Total              2,914 2,808 2,820 2,702    3,771 3,108 3,112 2,925
* of which
Western Europe     1,117   947   900   979    1,569 1,103 1,102 1,078

                            2008                       2007
Sequential change
(%)                   Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1       Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1
Europe, Middle
East & Africa *      15%    3%   -7%  -34%      31%   -1%    8%  -26%
Americas            -10%   -5%   52%  -24%      11%   15%   37%  -34%
Asia                 -6%   -2%   -4%  -18%       8%   -7%   -8%  -11%
Total                 4%    0%    4%  -28%      21%    0%    6%  -23%
* of which
Western Europe       18%    5%   -8%  -38%      42%    0%    2%  -27%

                            2008                       2007
Year over year
change (%)            Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1       Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1
Europe, Middle
East & Africa *     -27%  -17%  -20%   -7%       5%    7%   59%   55%
Americas              0%   23%   48%   33%      15%   37%   52%   46%
Asia                -28%  -17%  -21%  -25%     -18%   -8%    4%   35%
Total               -23%  -10%   -9%   -8%       0%    7%   37%   47%
* of which
Western Europe      -29%  -14%  -18%   -9%       6%   -1%   47%   60%

                            2008                       2007
Year to date        0812  0809  0806  0803     0712  0709  0706  0703
Europe, Middle
East & Africa *    5,966 4,324 2,879 1,494    7,293 5,042 3,328 1,598
Americas           2,566 1,930 1,226   486    2,072 1,436   864   365
Asia               2,712 2,076 1,416   722    3,550 2,666 1,846   961
Total             11,244 8,330 5,522 2,702   12,916 9,145 6,037 2,925
* of which
Western Europe     3,943 2,826 1,879   979    4,852 3,283 2,179 1,078

                            2008                       2007
YTD year over
year change (%)     0812  0809  0806  0803     0712  0709  0706  0703
Europe, Middle
East & Africa *     -18%  -14%  -13%   -7%      24%   36%   57%   55%
Americas             24%   34%   42%   33%      34%   44%   49%   46%
Asia                -24%  -22%  -23%  -25%       0%    8%   18%   35%
Total               -13%   -9%   -9%   -8%      18%   27%   42%   47%
* of which
Western Europe      -19%  -14%  -14%   -9%      21%   29%   53%   60%

The full report (including tables) can be downloaded from the following link:

Fourth quarter and full year 2008: http://hugin.info/1061/R/1282700/287034.pdf

This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Copyright � Hugin AS 2009. All rights reserved.

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