community banking in New Hampshire. During his banking career, he has gained experience in the credit, lending, collections and branch administration functions, as well as in developing new
lending programs, implementing new technologies, and in bank mergers and branch acquisitions. He earned an MBA from the University of New Hampshire. He has been an active member in the local community, currently serving as a trustee of the City of
Dover Trust Fund Board and as a trustee and Treasurer of Wentworth Douglass Hospital. He also serves on the Board of Directors of the New Hampshire Bankers Association. His extensive community banking experience and knowledge of First Seacoast
Banks business and market area provides essential insight to the board of directors. Age 60. Director since 2018.
Jalbert is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Jalbert Leasing, Inc. D/B/A C&J Bus Lines, a scheduled inter-city passenger transportation company. He has been an active member in the local community, currently serving as Vice
Chair of the Board of Trustees of Frisbie Memorial Hospital Foundation, President of the Board of Trustees of Berwick Academy, and a board member of the American Bus Association. His extensive community involvement and career as a local business
executive provides us with a valuable perspective on the local consumer and business environment. Age 64. Director since 2010.
Paula J. Williamson-Reid is the founding owner and Chief Executive Officer of Reid & Company Executive Search, Ltd., an
executive search firm. Her experience in management and executive recruitment is a significant resource for us in the area of human resource management, compensation and benefits. Age 60. Director since 2018.
Directors Continuing in Office with Terms Expiring in 2024
Thomas J. Jean serves as Chairman of the Board of First Seacoast Bancorp and First Seacoast Bank. He serves as Vice President of
Operations at Portsmouth Regional Hospital and previously served as Vice President of Operations at Frisbee Memorial Hospital. He has been an active member of the local community having served as Mayor of Rochester, NH, President of the Rochester
Rotary Club, and Chairman of the Board of the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce. His business experience and knowledge of our market area provides essential insight to the board of directors. Age 43. Director since 2013.
Erica A. Johnson is the Chief Executive Officer of QA Cafe, LLC, a software company, where she is responsible for strategy,
finances and operations. Previously, Ms. Johnson served as Director at the University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory, an independent test facility for networking, telecommunications, data storage and consumer technology products.
She brings valuable management experience and unique information technology expertise to the board of directors. Age 42. Director since 2018.
Janet Sylvester is an owner of Great Island Realty, LLC, a real estate brokerage firm. She has been an active member in the
local community, having previously served on the Dover City Council and as a past President of Big Brothers Big Sisters. Her experience as a realtor and business owner provides First Seacoast Bank with valuable insight into the local real estate
market. Age 64. Director since 2013.
Executive Officers Who Are Not Directors
The following sets forth information regarding our executive officers who are not directors. Age information is as of December 31, 2021.
Richard M. Donovan, age 56, has served as our Chief Financial Officer since May 2018. Previously, he served as a finance
consultant for several community and regional banks in the Mid-Atlantic and New England and as Vice President of Finance at a community bank in New York, and spent 12 years as a CPA at a regional accounting
firm. He has over 30 years of experience in finance.