Washington, D.C. 20549




Report of Foreign Private Issuer Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or

15d-16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of August 2024

Commission File Number: 001-39928



Sendas Distribuidora S.A.

(Exact Name as Specified in its Charter)

Sendas Distributor S.A.

(Translation of registrant’s name into English)

Avenida Ayrton Senna, No. 6,000, Lote 2, Pal 48959, Anexo A


22775-005 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

(Address of principal executive offices)

(Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.)

Form 20-F:   ý
   Form 40-F:   o




ITR – Interim Financial Information – June 30,2024 – SENDAS DISTRIBUIDORA S.A.    
Corporate Information / Capital Composition    
Interim financial information   2
Individual Statements    
Balance Sheet - Assets   3
Balance Sheet - Liabilities   4
Statements of Operations   5
Statements of Comprehensive Income   6
Statements of Cash Flows    7
Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity    8
Notes to the Interim Financial Information   9




ITR – Interim Financial Information – June 30,2024 – SENDAS DISTRIBUIDORA S.A.
Corporate information / Capital composition    
Number of Shares   Current quarter    
(Thousands)   6/30/2024    
Share Capital        
Common     1,351,833    
Preferred     -    
Total     1,351,833    
Treasury Shares        
Common     -    
Preferred     -    
Total     -    



Interim Financial Information - 6/30/2024 - SENDAS DISTRIBUIDORA S.A.    
Individual Financial Statements / Balance Sheet - Assets      
R$ (in thousands)      
    Current Quarter   Prior year
Account code Account description 6/30/2024    12/31/2023
1 Total Assets 44,074,000   43,177,000
1.01 Current Assets 15,641,000   14,616,000
1.01.01 Cash and cash equivalents   5,104,000     5,459,000
1.01.03 Acoounts Receivables   1,929,000     1,199,000 Trade Receivables   1,929,000     1,199,000
1.01.04 Inventories   7,242,000     6,664,000
1.01.06 Recoverable Taxes   1,085,000     1,100,000
1.01.08 Other Current Assets 281,000   194,000 Others 281,000   194,000 Derivative Financial Instruments   52,000     48,000 Other Accounts Receivable  229,000   146,000
1.02 Non-current Assets 28,433,000   28,561,000
1.02.01 Long-Term Assets  1,147,000     1,155,000 Deferred Taxes 216,000   171,000 Receivable From Related Parties   19,000     23,000 Receivable from Others Related Parties   19,000     23,000 Other Non-current Assets 912,000   961,000 Recoverable Taxes 539,000   573,000 Restricted Deposits for Legal Proceedings   37,000     44,000 Derivative Financial Instruments 220,000   226,000 Other Accounts Receivable  116,000   118,000
1.02.02 Investments  802,000   864,000 Investments in Associates  802,000   864,000 Joint Venture Participation 802,000   864,000
1.02.03 Property, Plant and Equipment 21,309,000   21,370,000 Property, Plant and Equipment in Use 13,183,000   13,148,000 Right of Use on Leases   8,126,000     8,222,000
1.02.04 Intangible Assets   5,175,000     5,172,000



Interim Financial Information - 6/30/2024 - SENDAS DISTRIBUIDORA S.A.    
Individual Financial Statements / Balance Sheet - Liabilities    
R$ (in thousands)      
    Current Quarter   Prior year
Account code Account description 6/30/2024    12/31/2023
2 Total Liabilities 44,074,000   43,177,000
2.01 Current Liabilities 18,727,000   16,425,000
2.01.01 Payroll and Related Taxes 640,000   624,000 Social Taxes   81,000     84,000 Payroll Taxes 559,000   540,000
2.01.02 Trade Payables 10,374,000   12,110,000 National Trade Payables 10,374,000   12,110,000 Trade Payables   9,715,000     9,759,000 Trade Payables - Agreements 659,000     1,459,000 Trade payables - Agreements - Acquisition of hypermarkets   -   892,000
2.01.03 Taxes and Contributions Payable 336,000   298,000
2.01.04 Borrowings and Financing   6,414,000     2,115,000 Borrowings and Financing 949,000     36,000 Debentures   5,465,000     2,079,000
2.01.05 Other Liabilities 963,000     1,278,000 Others 963,000     1,278,000 Deferred Revenue 288,000   418,000 Lease Liability 374,000   532,000 Other Accounts Payable 301,000   328,000
2.02 Non-current Liabilities 20,520,000   22,122,000
2.02.01 Borrowings and Financing 11,318,000   13,069,000 Borrowings and Financing 926,000     1,947,000 Debentures 10,392,000   11,122,000
2.02.02 Other Liabilities   8,928,000     8,753,000 Others   8,928,000     8,753,000 Trade payables   25,000     38,000 Lease Liability   8,840,000     8,652,000 Other Accounts Payable   63,000     63,000
2.02.04 Provision 242,000   263,000
2.02.06 Deferred Earnings and Revenue   32,000     37,000 Deferred Revenue   32,000     37,000
2.03 Shareholders’ Equity   4,827,000     4,630,000
2.03.01 Share Capital   1,272,000     1,272,000
2.03.02 Capital Reserves   72,000     56,000
2.03.04 Earnings Reserves   3,492,000     3,309,000
2.03.08 Other Comprehensive Income (9,000)   (7,000)



Interim Financial Information - 6/30/2024 - SENDAS DISTRIBUIDORA S.A.
Individual Financial Statements / Statements of Operations
R$ (in thousands)        
    Current quarter Year to date current year Same quarter of previous year Year to date prior year
Account code Account description 4/1/2024 to 6/30/2024 1/1/2024 to 6/30/2024 4/1/2023 to 6/30/2023 1/1/2023 to 6/30/2023
3.01 Net Operating Revenue  17,871,000   35,093,000  15,984,000   31,080,000
3.02 Cost of Sales  (14,923,000) (29,343,000)  (13,420,000) (26,088,000)
3.03 Gross Profit  2,948,000  5,750,000  2,564,000  4,992,000
3.04 Operating Expense/Income  (2,071,000)   (4,059,000)  (1,827,000)   (3,636,000)
3.04.01 Selling Expenses  (1,504,000)   (2,920,000)  (1,303,000)   (2,609,000)
3.04.02 General and Administrative Expenses  (194,000) (399,000)  (177,000) (383,000)
3.04.05 Other Operating Expenses  (389,000) (772,000)  (359,000) (668,000) Depreciation/ Amortization  (385,000) (764,000)  (341,000) (654,000) Other Expenses Operating  (4,000)  (8,000)  (18,000)   (14,000)
3.04.06 Share of Profit of Associates  16,000  32,000  12,000  24,000
3.05 Profit from Operations Before Net Financial Expenses and Taxes  877,000  1,691,000  737,000  1,356,000
3.06 Net Financial Result  (719,000)   (1,479,000)  (628,000)   (1,258,000)
3.06.01 Financial Revenues  54,000  97,000  59,000  129,000
3.06.02 Financial Expenses  (773,000)   (1,576,000)  (687,000)   (1,387,000)
3.07 Income Before Income Tax and Social Contribution   158,000  212,000  109,000  98,000
3.08 Income Tax and Social Contribution   (35,000)   (29,000)  47,000  130,000
3.08.01 Current  (55,000)   (82,000)  2,000 2,000
3.08.02 Deferred  20,000  53,000  45,000  128,000
3.09 Net Income from Continued Operations  123,000  183,000  156,000  228,000
3.11 Net Income for the Period  123,000  183,000  156,000  228,000
3.99 Earnings per Share - (Reais/Share)        
3.99.01 Basic Earnings Per Share Common   0.09032  0.13507 0.11535 0.16867
3.99.02 Diluted Earnings Per Share Common   0.09005  0.13472 0.11489 0.16815



Interim Financial Information - 6/30/2024 - SENDAS DISTRIBUIDORA S.A.      
Individual Financial Statements / Statements of Comprehensive Income    
R$ (in thousands)        
    Current quarter Year to date current year Same quarter of previous year Year to date prior year
Account code Account description 4/1/2024 to 6/30/2024 1/1/2024 to 6/30/2024 4/1/2023 to 6/30/2023 1/1/2023 to 6/30/2023
4.01 Net Income for the period  123,000  183,000   156,000  228,000
4.02 Other Comprehensive Income  (5,000)  (2,000)   (5,000)  (4,000)
4.02.04 Fair value of receivables  (8,000)  (3,000)   (8,000)  (6,000)
4.02.06 Income Tax Effect 3,000 1,000  3,000 2,000
4.03 Total Comprehensive Income for the period  118,000  181,000   151,000  224,000

Interim Financial Information - 6/30/2024 - SENDAS DISTRIBUIDORA S.A.    
Individual Financial Statements / Statements of Cash Flows - Indirect method  
R$ (in thousands)    
    Year to date current year Year to date prior year
Account code Account description 1/1/2024 to 6/30/2024 1/1/2023 to 6/30/2023
6.01 Net Cash Operating Activities   549,000   2,634,000
6.01.01 Cash Provided by the Operations   2,793,000   2,510,000 Net profit for the period   183,000   228,000 Deferred Income Tax and Social Contribution (44,000) (128,000) Loss of Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment and Leasing  9,000  7,000 Depreciation and Amortization   806,000   694,000 Financial Charges   1,536,000   1,389,000 Share of Profit of Associates (32,000) (24,000) Provision for Legal Proceedings  34,000  90,000 Provision for Stock Option  16,000  9,000 (Reverse) Allowance for Doubtful Accounts   (3,000)  3,000 Provision for Allowance for Inventory Losses and Damages   288,000   242,000
6.01.02 Variations in Assets and Liabilities (2,244,000)   124,000 Trade Receivables (730,000) (139,000) Inventories (866,000) (149,000) Recoverable Taxes  49,000   271,000 Other Assets (98,000) (108,000) Related Parties  4,000   (1,000) Restricted Deposits for Legal Proceedings  7,000  8,000 Trade Payables (536,000)   526,000 Payroll and Related Taxes  16,000 (42,000) Taxes and Social Contributions Payable  38,000 (26,000) Payment for Legal Proceedings (60,000) (34,000) Deferred Revenue (135,000) (118,000) Other Liabilities (27,000) (84,000) Dividends Received  94,000  20,000
6.02 Net Cash of Investing Activities (853,000) (1,366,000)
6.02.02 Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment (852,000) (1,362,000)
6.02.03 Purchase of Intangible Assets (19,000) (29,000)
6.02.04 Receipt of Property, Plant and Equipment  2,000  16,000
6.02.09 Receipt of Sale of Assets Held for Sale  16,000  9,000
6.03 Net Cash of Financing Activities (51,000) (2,514,000)
6.03.01 Capital Contribution   -  2,000
6.03.02 Proceeds from Borrowings   2,300,000   300,000
6.03.03 Payment of Borrowings (199,000) (104,000)
6.03.04 Payment of Interest on Borrowings (567,000) (502,000)
6.03.05 Dividends and interest on own equity, paid   - (118,000)
6.03.09 Payment of Lease Liabilities (148,000) (169,000)
6.03.10 Payment of Interest on Lease Liabilities (529,000) (476,000)
6.03.11 Borrowing costs from borrowings (12,000) (51,000)
6.03.12 Payment Points of Sales Acquisition  (896,000) (1,396,000)
6.05 Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Equivalents (355,000) (1,246,000)
6.05.01 Cash and Cash Equivalents at the beginning of the Period   5,459,000   5,842,000
6.05.02 Cash and Cash Equivalents at the end of the Period   5,104,000   4,596,000



Interim Financial Information - 6/30/2024 - SENDAS DISTRIBUIDORA S.A.          
Individual Financial Statements / Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity 1/1/2024 to 6/30/2024 R$ (in thousands)    
Account code Account description Capital stock Capital reserves, granted options and treasury shares Profit reserves Retained earnings
/Accumulated losses
Other comprehensive income Shareholders' equity
5.01 Opening Balance 1,272,000 56,000 3,309,000 - (7,000) 4,630,000
5.03 Adjusted Opening Balance  1,272,000 56,000 3,309,000 - (7,000) 4,630,000
5.04 Capital Transactions with Shareholders - 16,000 - - - 16,000
5.04.03 Stock Options Granted - 16,000 - - - 16,000
5.05 Total Comprehensive Income - - - 183,000 (2,000) 181,000
5.05.01 Net Income for the Period - - - 183,000 - 183,000
5.05.02 Other Comprehensive Income - - - - (2,000) (2,000) Fair Value of Receivables - - - - (3,000) (3,000) Income Tax Effect - - - -   1,000   1,000
5.06 Internal Changes of Shareholders' Equity - - 183,000   (183,000) - -
5.06.05 Tax Incentive Reserve - - 183,000   (183,000) - -
5.07 Closing Balance  1,272,000 72,000 3,492,000 - (9,000) 4,827,000
Individual Financial Statements / Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity 1/1/2023 to 6/30/2023 R$ (in thousands)    
Account code Account description Capital stock Capital reserves, granted options and treasury shares Profit reserves Retained earnings
/Accumulated losses
Other comprehensive income Shareholders' equity
5.01 Opening Balance 1,263,000 36,000 2,599,000 - (2,000) 3,896,000
5.03 Adjusted Opening Balance  1,263,000 36,000 2,599,000 - (2,000) 3,896,000
5.04 Capital Transactions with Shareholders   2,000   9,000 - - - 11,000
5.04.01 Capital Contribution   2,000 - - - -   2,000
5.04.03 Stock Options Granted -   9,000 - - -   9,000
5.05 Total Comprehensive Income - - - 228,000 (4,000) 224,000
5.05.01 Net Income for the Period - - - 228,000 - 228,000
5.05.02 Other comprehensive income - - - - (4,000) (4,000) Fair Value of Receivables - - - - (6,000) (6,000) Income Tax Effect - - - -   2,000   2,000
5.06 Internal Changes of Shareholders' Equity - - 228,000   (228,000) - -
5.06.05 Tax Incentive Reserve - - 228,000   (228,000) - -
5.07 Closing Balance  1,265,000 45,000 2,827,000 - (6,000) 4,131,000



  Sendas Distribuidora S.A. (“Company” or “Sendas”) is a publicly held company listed in the Novo Mercado segment of B3 S.A. - Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (B3), under ticker symbol "ASAI3" and on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), under ticker symbol "ASAI". The Company is primarily engaged in the retail and wholesale of food products, bazaar items and other products through its chain of stores, operated under “ASSAÍ” brand, since this is the only disclosed segment. The Company's registered office is at Avenida Ayrton Senna, 6.000, Lote 2 - Anexo A, Jacarepaguá, in the State of Rio de Janeiro. As of June 30, 2024, the Company operated 293 stores (288 stores as of December 31, 2023) and 11 distribution centers (11 distribution centers as of December 31, 2023) in the five regions of the country, with operations in 24 states and in the Federal District.  
1.1 New matters
    Ninth and tenth issue of debentures, see note 15.6.  
  Long-term benefit plans, see notes 19.3.4 and 19.3.5.  
  Buy-back program of shares, see note 19.4.  
  The interim financial information has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 – Interim Financial Reporting issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”) and accounting standard CPC 21 (R1) – Interim Financial Report and disclosed aligned with the standards approved by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (“CVM”), applicable to the preparation of the Interim Financial Information.  
  The interim financial information has been prepared based on the historical cost basis, except for: (i) certain financial instruments; and (ii) assets and liabilities arising from business combinations measured at their fair values, when applicable. In accordance with OCPC 07 - Presentation and Disclosures in General Purpose - Financial Statements, all significant information related to the interim financial information, and only them, is being disclosed and is consistent with the information used by Management in managing of the Company's activities.  
  The interim financial information is presented in millions of Brazilian Reais (R$), which is the Company's functional currency.  
  The interim financial information for the period ended June 30, 2024 were approved by the Board of Directors on August  8, 2024.  
  The material accounting policies and practices applied by the Company to the preparation of the interim financial information are in accordance with those adopted and disclosed in note 3 and in each explanatory note corresponding to the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023, approved on February 21, 2024 and, therefore, it should be read together.  
3.1 Standards, amendments and interpretations
  In the period ended June 30, 2024, the new current standards, include the review of CPC 09 (R1) – Statements of Value Added, were evaluated and produced no effect on the interim financial information disclosed, additionally the Company did not adopt in advance the IFRS issued and not yet current.
  The preparation of the interim financial information requires Management to makes judgments and estimates and adopt assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities, and the disclosure of contingent liabilities at the end of the reporting period, however, the uncertainties about these assumptions and estimates may generate results that require substantial adjustments to the carrying amount of the asset or liability in future periods.  
  The significant assumptions and estimates applied on the preparation of the interim financial information for the period ended June 30, 2024, were the same as those adopted in the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023, approved on February 21, 2024, disclosed in note 5.  
                    6/30/2024   12/31/2023                  
  Cash and bank accounts       292   352                  
  Cash and bank accounts - Abroad (i)     25       22                  
  Financial investments (ii)       4,787        5,085                  
                    5,104   5,459                  
  (i) As of June 30, 2024, the Company had funds held abroad, of which R$25 in US dollars (R$22 in US dollars as of December 31, 2023).  
  (ii) As of June 30, 2024, the financial investments refer to the repurchase and resale agreements and Bank Deposit Certificates - CDB, with a weighted average interest rate of 97.72% of the CDI - Interbank Deposit Certificate (95.92% of the CDI as of December 31, 2023).  
  The Company's exposure to interest rate indexes and the sensitivity analysis for these financial assets are disclosed in note 15.3.  


                            Note   6/30/2024   12/31/2023  
   From sales with:                                           
   Credit card                     6.1    1,300   589  
   Credit card - related parties (FIC)             9.1    289   211  
   Ticket                         6.1    183   185  
   Total of credit card and ticket                        1,772   985  
   Slips                                109   148  
   Suppliers and others                          60     81  
                                    1,941   1,214  
   Expected credit loss for doubtful accounts         6.2    (12)   (15)  
                                    1,929   1,199  
  The breakdown of trade receivables by their gross amount by maturity period is presented below:  
                    Total   Due   Less than 30 days   Over 30 days  
  June 30, 2024                1,941        1,930    5    6  
  December 31, 2023                1,214        1,202    5    7  
6.1 Assignment of receivables
  The Company assigned part of its receivables referring to credit cards and ticket with operators, without any right of recourse, aiming to anticipate its cash flow. As of June 30, 2024, the amount of these operations is R$1,650 (R$2,757 as of December 31, 2023). The amount was derecognized from the balance of trade receivables, since all risks related to the receivables were substantially transferred. The cost to advance these credit card receivables is classified as “Cost and discount of receivables” in note 23.  
  As of June 30, 2024, the amount of receivables, currently, discountable (credit cards and ticket) is R$1,772 (R$985 as of December 31,2023).  
6.2 Expected credit loss for doubtful accounts
                    6/30/2024   6/30/2023                  
  At the beginning of the period       (15)   (11)                  
   Additions                (37)   (20)                  
   Reversals                40     18                  
  At the end of the period       (12)   (13)                  
                Note   6/30/2024   12/31/2023                  
  Stores               6,402   6,033                  
  Distribution centers           1,462   1,237                  
  Commercial agreements    7.1     (575)    (525)                  
  Inventory losses        7.2    (47)   (81)                  
                    7,242   6,664                  
7.1 Commercial agreements
  As of June 30, 2024, the amount of unrealized commercial agreements, presented as a reduction of inventory balance, totaled R$575 (R$525 as of December 31, 2023).  
7.2 Inventory losses
                    6/30/2024   6/30/2023                  
  At the beginning of the period       (81)   (68)                  
  Additions              (298)    (259)                  
  Reversals               10     17                  
  Write-offs             322   266                  
  At the end of the period       (47)   (44)                  
                    Note   6/30/2024   12/31/2023              
  ICMS                8.1      953   1,085              
  PIS and COFINS            8.2      381   287              
  Social Security Contribution - INSS         148   169              
  Whithholding taxes to be recovered         138   105              
  Others                   4     27              
                          1,624   1,673              
  Current                     1,085   1,100              
  Non-current                 539   573              
8.1 State VAT tax credits - ICMS

  The Brazilian States have been substantially amending their local laws aiming at implementing and broadening the ICMS tax replacement system. This system entails the prepayment of ICMS of the whole commercial chain, upon goods outflow from an industrial establishment or importer or their inflow into each State. The expansion of this system to an increasingly wider range of products sold in the retail generates the prepayment of the tax and consequently a refund in certain operations.  
  With respect to credits that cannot yet be immediately offset, the Company's management, according to a technical recovery study, based on the future expectation of growth and consequent offset against taxes payable from its operations, believes that its future offset is viable. The mentioned studies are prepared and periodically reviewed based on information obtained from the strategic planning previously approved by the Company's Board of Directors. For the interim financial information as of June 30, 2024, the Company's management has monitoring controls over the adherence to the annually established plan, reassessing and including new elements that contribute to the realization of the recoverable ICMS balance, as shown in the table below:  
  Year   Amount                                  
  Within 1 year        455                                  
  From 1 to 2 years        116                                  
  From 2 to 3 years        103                                  
  From 3 to 4 years       83                                  
  From 4 to 5 years       50                                  
  More than 5 years        146                                  
8.2 PIS and COFINS credit
  On March 15, 2017, the Federal Supreme Court  ("STF”) recognized the unconstitutionality of the inclusion of ICMS in the PIS and COFINS calculation base. On May 13, 2021, the STF judged the Declaration Embargoes in relation to the amount to be excluded from the calculation basis of the contributions, which should only be the ICMS paid, or if the entire ICMS, as shown in the respective invoices. The STF rendered a favorable decision to the taxpayers, concluding that all ICMS highlighted should be excluded from the calculation basis.  
  Currently the Company, with the favorable judgment of the Supreme Court, has recognized the exclusion of ICMS from the PIS and COFINS calculation basis.  
  In addition to the recorded credits, the Company has contingent tax assets in the amount of R$54 related to PIS and COFINS credits.  
  • Expected realization of PIS and COFINS credits
  In relation to the recoverable PIS and COFINS credits, the Company's management, based on a technical recovery study considering future growth expectations and consequent offset against debts from its operations, projects its future realization. The mentioned studies are prepared and periodically reviewed based on information obtained from the strategic planning previously approved by the Company's Board of Directors. For the interim financial information as of June 30, 2024, the Company's management has monitoring controls over the adherence to the annually established plan, reassessing and including new elements that contribute to the realization of the recoverable PIS and COFINS balance, in the amount of R$381, and expected realization is within one year.  



9.1 Balances and related party transactions  
                Assets   Liabilities   Transactions
                Trade receivables   Other assets   Suppliers   Revenue (expenses)
                6/30/2024   12/31/2023   6/30/2024   12/31/2023   6/30/2024   12/31/2023   6/30/2024   6/30/2023
  Joint venture                                        
  Financeira Itaú CBD S.A. Crédito, Financiamento e Investimento (“FIC”)     289     211    19    23    23    28    15    12
                  289     211    19    23    23    28    15    12
  Current             289     211     -     -    23    28        
  Non-current             -     -    19    23     -     -        
                Revenue (expenses)                            
  Associates (i)                                        
  Casino Guichard Perrachon       (20)                            
  Euris             (1)                            
  Grupo Pão de Açúcar ("GPA")    20                            
  Wilkes Participações S.A.         (6)                            
  (i) On June 23, 2023, as per the Notice to the Market published on the same date, Casino, through its subsidiaries Wilkes, Geant International BV ("GIBV") and Segisor S.A.S ("Segisor"), sold 157,582,850 common shares issued by the Company, representing 11.67% of its share capital, through a block trade operation carried out on the same date. As a result, the Casino Group now holds an ownership interest of less than 0.01% of Sendas' share capital, no longer being considered a related party of the Company. The balances with these companies and their subsidiaries are presented under the line items Other accounts receivable and Other accounts payable in the balance sheet in the interim financial information for the period ended June 30, 2024.
  Additionally, after the completion of the spin-off between the Company and GPA on December 31, 2020, both undertook to put forth commercially reasonable efforts, within up to 18 months, to release, replace and/or otherwise remove the counterparty from the position of guarantor of liabilities or obligations, which after such term would be subject to the payment of a fee, net, as remuneration for the guarantees provided by both parties. If the Company and GPA cease to be submitted to common control, the parties would be required to release, replace and/or otherwise remove the guarantees until then not replaced or provided, observing the terms established in the Separation Agreement.
  The Company and GPA ceased to be related parties in fiscal year 2023 and are taking the necessary measures to replace the cross guarantees on the contractual obligations of: i) rental of stores; ii) borrowing agreement; and iii) purchase of electricity. The fee paid to GPA as remuneration for the guarantees provided as of June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 was less than R$1.



9.2 Management compensation
  Expenses referring to the executive board compensation recorded in the Company’s statement of operations in the period ended June 30, 2024 and 2023 as follows (amounts expressed in thousands reais):  
                    Base salary   Variable compensation    Stock option plan and shared-based payment plan (i)    Total  
                    2024   2023   2024   2023   2024   2023   2024   2023  
  Board of directors       6,124   5,452   -   -   -   5,250   6,124    10,702  
  Statutory officers             8,543   5,466    10,198   7,444    14,170   5,691    32,911    18,601  
  Executives excluding statutory officers  17,286    15,500    23,646    19,158   9,104   5,845    50,036    40,503  
  Fiscal council             282   267   -   -   -   -   282   267  
                     32,235    26,685    33,844    26,602    23,274    16,786    89,353    70,073  
  (i) More details about shared-based payment plan for the Statutory officers, see note 19.3.3.  
  The stock option plan, fully convertible into shares, refers to the Company's and this plan has been treated in the Company's statement of operations. The corresponding expenses are allocated to the Company and recorded in the statement of operations against capital reserve - stock options in shareholders' equity. There are no other short-term benefits granted to members of the Company's management. The new long-term benefit plans are disclosed in notes 19.3.4 and 19.3.5.  
  The details of the Company's investments at the end of the period are as follows:  
                                    Participation in investments - %   
                                    Direct participation  
  Investment type   Company   Country   6/30/2024   12/31/2023  
  Joint venture   Bellamar Empreendimento e Participações S.A.   Brazil   50.00   50.00  
  Summary of financial information of Joint Venture
                    6/30/2024   12/31/2023                  
  Current assets            1    1                  
  Non-current assets           458   581                  
  Shareholders´ equity         459   582                  
                    6/30/2024   6/30/2023                  
  Net income for the period         64     47                  
  Investments composition and breakdown
  As of December 31, 2022       833                          
  Share of profit of associates         24                          
  Dividends received           (20)                          
  As of June 30, 2023         837                          
  As of December 31, 2023       864                          
  Share of profit of associates         32                          
  Dividends received           (94)                          
  As of June 30, 2024         802                          

11 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT                  
11.1 Breakdown and composition of property, plant and equipment                  
                        As of 12/31/2023   Additions (i)   Write-off   Depreciation   Transfers and others   As of
     Historical cost    Accumulated depreciation
  Lands                       559     -     -    -   -     559   =   559    -
  Buildings                       777    37     -     (11)     98     901    1,069   (168)
  Improvements                 8,099     287     (4)   (248)    (82)     8,052    9,783   (1,731)
  Machinery and equipment         2,310     149     (2)   (133)     15     2,339    3,443   (1,104)
  Facilities                       270   7     -     (19)   -     258     437   (179)
  Furniture and appliances         903    49     (3)     (78)     12     883    1,367   (484)
  Constructions in progress         111    13     -    -    (45)    79    79    -
  Others                       119    14     -     (26)    5     112     274   (162)
                        13,148     556     (9)   (515)    3   13,183       17,011   (3,828)
                        As of 12/31/2022   Additions (i)   Write-off   Depreciation   Transfers and others   As of
     Historical cost    Accumulated depreciation
  Lands                       600    17     -    -    (41)     576   =   576    -
  Buildings                       730     -     -    (9)     23     744     893   (149)
  Improvements                 6,865     845   (21)   (205)    5     7,489    8,749   (1,260)
  Machinery and equipment       1,440     209   (12)   (136)   382     1,883    2,750   (867)
  Facilities                       585    61     (2)     (24)     (189)     431     590   (159)
  Furniture and appliances         755    70     (2)     (53)     85     855    1,185   (330)
  Constructions in progress       543    24     (1)    -     (329)     237     237    -
  Others                      64    15     -     (17)     44     106     216   (110)
                        11,582     1,241   (38)   (444)    (20)   12,321       15,196   (2,875)
  (i) Includes interest capitalization in the amount of R$24 (R$170 as of June 30, 2023), see note 11.2.    




11.2 Capitalized borrowing costs and lease
  The value of capitalized borrowing costs and lease directly attributable to the reform, construction and acquisition of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets within the scope of CPC 20 (R1)/IAS 23 - Borrowing Costs and the amount of interest on lease liabilities incorporated into the value of the property, plant and equipment and/or intangible assets, for the period in which the assets are not yet in their intended use in accordance with CPC 06 (R2)/IFRS 16 - Leases, amounted to R$24 (R$170 as of June 30, 2023). The rate used to calculate the borrowing costs eligible for capitalization was 113.76% (110.70% as of June 30, 2023) of CDI, corresponding to the effective interest rate of borrowings taken by the Company.  
11.3 Additions to property, plant and equipment for cash flow purpose 
                            6/30/2024   6/30/2023          
  Additions                     556   1,241          
  Capitalized borrowing costs               (24)    (170)          
  Financing of property, plant and equipment - Additions    (531)    (1,067)          
  Financing of property, plant and equipment - Payments   851   1,358          
                            852   1,362          
  Additions related to the purchase of operating assets, purchase of land and buildings to expansion activities, building of new stores and distribution centers, improvements of existing distribution centers and stores and investments in equipment and information technology.  
  The additions and payments of property, plant and equipment above are presented to reconcile the acquisitions during the period with the amounts presented in the statement of cash flows net of items that did not impact cash flow.  
11.4 Other information
  As of June 30, 2024, the Company recorded in the cost of sales and services the amount of R$42 (R$40 as of June 30, 2023), relating to the depreciation of machinery, buildings and facilities of distribution centers.  
11.5 Impairment test of property, plant and equipment
  The impairment test of property, plant and equipment uses the same practices described in note 12.1 to the financial statements as of December 31, 2023.  
  The Company monitored the plan used to assess impairment test as of December 31, 2023, and concluded that there is no events which could indicate losses or the need for a new evaluation for the period ended June 30, 2024.  



12 INTANGIBLE                                                          
12.1 Breakdown and composition of intangible assets                                      
            As of 12/31/2023   Additions   Write-off   Amortization   As of 6/30/2024      Historical cost    Accumulated amortization
  Goodwill         618     -     -    -     618       871   (253)
  Software        63    19     (1)     (11)    70 =   198   (128)
  Commercial rights     4,452     -     -    (4)     4,448  4,491   (43)
  Trade name    39     -     -    -    39  39     -
              5,172    19     (1)     (15)     5,175    5,599   (424)
            As of 12/31/2022   Additions   Amortization   As of 6/30/2023       Historical cost     Accumulated amortization        
  Goodwill         618     -     -    618   =   871   (253)        
  Software        76    12   (10)   78     163     (85)        
  Commercial rights     4,267    17     (4)    4,280     4,316     (36)        
  Trade name    39     -     -   39    39     -        
              5,000    29   (14)    5,015       5,389   (374)        



12.2 Impairment test of intangible assets with indefinite useful life, including goodwill
  The impairment test of intangible assets uses the same practices described in note 12.1 to the financial statements as of December 31, 2023.  
  The Company monitored the plan used to assess impairment test as of December 31, 2023, and concluded that there is no events which could indicate losses or the need for a new evaluation for the period ended June 30, 2024.  
12.3 Commercial rights
  Commercial rights with defined and indefinite useful lives are tested following the assumptions described in note 12.1.1, to the financial statements as of December 31, 2023. The Company considered the discounted cash flow of the related store for the impairment test, that is, the store is the CGU.  
  The Company monitored the plan used to assess impairment test as of December 31, 2023, and concluded that there is no events which could indicate losses or the need for a new evaluation for the period ended June 30, 2024.  



13 LEASES                              
13.1 Right-of-use                                  
13.1.1 Breakdown and composition of right-of-use assets                                  
            As of 12/31/2023   Additions   Remeasurement   Write-off   Amortization   Transfers and others   As of 6/30/2024     Historical cost     Accumulated amortization
  Buildings           8,203   8     180     (5)   (273)    (3)     8,110     10,050     (1,940)
  Equipment         3     -     -     -    (2)    -   1 = 44    (43)
  Assets and rights    16     -     -     -    (1)    -    15   28    (13)
              8,222   8     180     (5)   (276)    (3)     8,126     10,122     (1,996)
            As of 12/31/2022   Additions   Remeasurement   Write-off   Amortization   Transfers and others   As of 6/30/2023     Historical cost     Accumulated amortization
  Buildings           7,593    27     221   (109)   (232)     (21)     7,479 =  9,033     (1,554)
  Equipment         8     -     -     -    (3)    -   5 56    (51)
  Assets and rights    18     -     -     -    (1)    -    17 28    (11)
              7,619    27     221   (109)   (236)     (21)     7,501    9,117     (1,616)



13.2 Lease liabilities
13.2.1 Minimum future payments and potential right of PIS and COFINS
  Lease contracts totaled R$9,214 as of June 30, 2024 (R$9,184 as of December 31, 2023). The minimum future lease payments, according to lease agreements, with the present value of minimum lease payments, are as follows:  
                            6/30/2024   12/31/2023          
  Lease liabilities - minimum payments                                  
  Less than 1 year                   374   532          
  From 1 to 5 years                   1,770   1,702          
  More than 5 years                   7,070   6,950          
  Present value of lease liabilities             9,214   9,184          
  Current                     374   532          
  Non-current                   8,840   8,652          
  Future financing charges                12,942    13,164          
  Gross amount of financial lease agreements        22,156    22,348          
  PIS and COFINS embedded in the present value of lease agreements    560        558          
  PIS and COFINS embedded in the gross value of lease agreements    1,347        1,359          
  Lease liabilities interest expense is stated in note 23. The Company´s average incremental interest rate at the agreement signing date was 12.15% in the period ended June 30, 2024 (12.12% as of December 31, 2023).  
  Had the Company adopted the calculation methodology projecting the inflation embedded in the nominal incremental rate and discounted to present value at the nominal incremental rate, the average percentage of inflation to be projected by year would be approximately 6.69% (6.72% as of December 31, 2023). The average term of the agreements analyzed as of June 2024 is 17 years (as of December 31, 2023  is 18 years).  
13.2.2 Lease liability roll forward
  As of December 31, 2022               8,360                  
  Addition - Lease                     27                  
  Remeasurement                   221                  
  Interest provision                   477                  
  Principal amortization                (169)                  
  Interest amortization                  (476)                  
  Write-off due to early termination of agreement        (120)                  
  As of June 30, 2023                 8,320                  
  As of December 31, 2023               9,184                  
  Addition - Lease                    8                  
  Remeasurement                   180                  
  Interest provision                   525                  
  Principal amortization                (148)                  
  Interest amortization                  (529)                  
  Write-off due to early termination of agreement       (6)                  
  As of June 30, 2024                 9,214                  
13.3 Result on variable rentals and subleases
                    6/30/2024   6/30/2023                  
  (Expenses) revenues of the period:                                  
  Variables (1% to 2% of sales)       (7)   (10)                  
  Subleases (i)             52     44                  
  (i) Refers mainly to the revenue from lease agreements receivable from commercial galleries.          
13.4 Additional information                                      
  In accordance with OFÍCIO-CIRCULAR/CVM/SNC/SEP/N°02/2019 the Company adopted as an accounting policy the requirements of CPC 06 (R2)/IFRS16 - Leases, in the measurement and remeasurement of its right of use, using the discounted cash flow model, without considering inflation.  
  To safeguard the faithful representation of information to meet the requirements of CPC 06 (R2)/IFRS16 - Leases, and the guidelines of the CVM technical areas, the balances of assets and liabilities without inflation, effectively accounted for (real flow x real rate) are provided, and the estimate of inflated balances in the comparison period (nominal flow x nominal rate).  
  Other assumptions, such as the maturity schedule of liabilities and the interest rates used in the calculation, are disclosed in note 13.2.1, as well as inflation indexes are observable in the market, so that the nominal flows can be prepared by the users of the interim financial information.  



                    6/30/2024   12/31/2023                  
  Real flow                                        
  Right-of-use assets         8,127   8,222                  
  Lease liabilities          22,156    22,348                  
  Embedded interest           (12,942)     (13,164)                  
                    9,214   9,184                  
  Inflated flow                                          
  Right-of-use assets          12,776    12,776                  
  Lease liabilities          35,673    35,568                  
  Embedded interest           (19,265)     (19,354)                  
                     16,408    16,214                  
  Below we present the flow of payments according to the average term weighted with the respective nominal and inflation rates for each period presented:  
  As of June 30, 2024
  Year   Amount   Nominal tax   Projected inflation                  
  Within 1 year   1,425   12.23%   3.17%                  
  From 1 to 2 years   1,327   12.26%   3.27%                  
  From 2 to 3 years   1,339   12.29%   3.56%                  
  From 3 to 4 years   1,307   12.32%   3.56%                  
  From 4 to 5 years   2,437   12.35%   3.56%                  
  More than 5 years    14,321   12.55%   3.56%                  
  As of December 31, 2023
  Year   Amount   Nominal tax   Projected inflation                  
  Within 1 year   1,435   12.19%   4.48%                  
  From 1 to 2 years   1,300   12.22%   3.86%                  
  From 2 to 3 years   1,316   12.25%   3.45%                  
  From 3 to 4 years   1,311   12.28%   3.49%                  
  From 4 to 5 years   2,437   12.32%   3.58%                  
  More than 5 years    14,549   12.54%   3.58%                  
                        Note   6/30/2024   12/31/2023          
  Trade payables                                          
  Products                10,017    10,363          
  Acquisition of property, plant and equipment         76   158          
  Service               172   150          
  Service - related parties (FIC)        9.1      23     28          
  Bonuses from suppliers            14.1     (548)    (902)          
                            9,740   9,797          
  Trade payables - Agreements                                      
  Products            14.2    510   1,070          
  Acquisition of property, plant and equipment    14.2    149   389          
  Acquisition of hipermarkets (i)           -   892          
                  659   2,351          
               10,399    12,148          
   Current                         10,374    12,110          
   Non-current                      25     38          
  (i) Fully paid in January 2024 in the amount of R$894.  
14.1 Bonuses from suppliers
  These include commercial agreements and discounts obtained from suppliers. These amounts are defined in agreements and include discounts for purchase volume, joint marketing programs, freight reimbursements, and other similar programs. The receipt occurs by deducting trade notes payable to suppliers, according to conditions established in the supply agreements, so that the financial settlements occur for the net amount.  
14.2 Agreements among suppliers, the Company and banks
  The Company has agreements signed with financial institutions, through which suppliers of products, capital goods and services have the possibility of receiving in advance their amounts receivable,  also named “forfait” / “confirming”.  The financial institutions become creditors of the operation and the Company settles the payments under the same conditions as those originally agreed with the supplier.  



  Management, based on CPC 3 (R2)/IAS 7 and CPC 40 (R1)/IFRS 7, assessed that the economic substance of the transaction is operational, considering that receiving in advance is an exclusive decision of the supplier and, for the Company, there are no changes in the original term negotiated with the supplier, nor changes in the originally contracted amounts. These transactions aim at facilitating the cash flow of its suppliers without the Company having to advancing payments. Management evaluated the potential effects of adjusting these operations to present value and concluded that the effects are immaterial for measurement and disclosure.  
  These balances are classified as "Trade payables - Agreements" and the cash flow from these operations is presented as operating in the statement of cash flows.  
  Additionally, there is no exposure to any financial institution individually related to these operations and these liabilities are not considered net debt and do not have restrictive covenants (financial or non-financial). In these transactions, the Company earns income referring to the premium for referring suppliers to the operations of advance of receivables, recognized in the financial result, note 23 in the line "Revenue from anticipation of payables", in the amount of R$28 as of June 30, 2024 (R$17 as of June 30, 2023), representing 1.64% of the volume of transactions occurred during 2024 (1.24% in period ended June 30, 2023).  
  As of June 30, 2024, the balance payable related to these operations is R$659 (R$1,459 as of December 31, 2023).  
  The balances of trade payables and trade payables – agreement are similar and do not exceed the expiration date of 120 days as of June 30, 2024.  
  The main financial instruments and their amounts ​​recorded in the interim financial information, by category, are as follows:  
                        Note   Amortized cost   Fair value   FVTOCI (i)   As of 6/30/2024  
  Financial assets                                          
  Cash and cash equivalents           5   5,104    -    -   5,104  
  Related parties               9.1     19    -    -     19  
  Trade receivables and other accounts receivables       332    -    -   332  
  Gain on financial instruments at fair value   15.5.1   -    272    -   272  
  Trade receivables with credit card and ticket   6.1   -    -    1,772   1,772  
  Financial liabilities                                          
  Other accounts payable                (232)    -    -    (232)  
  Trade payables and trade payables - agreements   14     (10,399)    -    -     (10,399)  
  Borrowings               15.5.1    (1,840)    -    -    (1,840)  
  Debentures and promissory notes       15.5.1     (12,630)    -    -     (12,630)  
  Lease liabilities               13.2    (9,214)    -    -    (9,214)  
  Borrowings and debentures           15.5.1   -     (3,242)    -    (3,242)  
  Loss of financial instruments at fair value    15.5.1   -    (20)    -   (20)  
  Net exposure                     (28,860)     (2,990)    1,772     (30,078)  
                        Note   Amortized cost   Fair value   FVTOCI (i)   As of 12/31/2023  
  Financial assets                                          
  Cash and cash equivalents           5   5,459    -    -   5,459  
  Related parties               9.1     23    -    -     23  
  Trade receivables and other accounts receivables       396    -    -   396  
  Gain on financial instruments at fair value   15.5.1   -    274    -   274  
  Trade receivables with credit card and ticket   6.1   -    -    985   985  
  Financial liabilities                                          
  Other accounts payable                (216)    -    -    (216)  
  Trade payables and trade payables - agreements   14     (12,148)    -    -     (12,148)  
  Borrowings               15.5.1    (1,943)    -    -    (1,943)  
  Debentures and promissory notes       15.5.1     (10,051)    -    -     (10,051)  
  Lease liabilities               13.2    (9,184)    -    -    (9,184)  
  Borrowings and debentures           15.5.1   -     (3,182)    -    (3,182)  
  Loss of financial instruments at fair value    15.5.1   -    (8)    -   (8)  
  Net exposure                     (27,664)     (2,916)    985     (29,595)  
  (i) Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive Income - FVTOCI.  
  The fair value of other financial instruments detailed in the table above approximates the carrying amount based on the existing payment terms and conditions. The financial instruments measured at amortized cost, the fair values of wich differ from the carrying amounts, are disclosed in note 15.4.  



15.1 Considerations on risk factors that may affect the business of the Company
15.1.1 Credit risk
  • Cash and cash equivalents
  In order to minimize the credit risk, the investment policies adopted establish investiments in financial institutions approved by the Company’s Financial Committee, considering the monetary limits and evaluations of financial institutions, which are regularly updated.  
  The Company's financial investments, according to the rating on the national scale of financial institutions, are of represented by 93%  brAAA and 7% brAA+.  
  • Trade receivables
  The credit risk related to trade receivables is minimized by the fact that a large part of installment sales are made with credit cards and ticket. These receivables may be advanced at any time, without right of recourse, with banks or credit card companies, for the purpose of providing working capital, generating the derecognition of the accounts receivable. In addition, the main acquirers used by the Company are related to first-tier financial institutions with low credit risk. Additionally, for trade receivables collected in installments, the Company monitors the risk for the granting of credit and for the periodic analysis of the expected credit loss balances.  
  The Company also incurs counterparty risk related to derivative instruments. This risk is mitigated by carrying out transactions, according to policies approved by governance bodies.  
  Except the balances related to credit cards and ticket, there are no receivables or sale to customers that are, individually, more than 5% of accounts receivable or revenues.  
15.1.2 Interest rate risk
  The Company obtains borrowings with major financial institutions to meet cash requirements for investments. Accordingly, the Company is mainly exposed to the risk of significant fluctuations in the interest rate, especially the rate related to derivative liabilities (foreign currency exposure hedge) and debts indexed to CDI. The balance of cash and cash equivalents, indexed to CDI, partially offsets the risk of fluctuations in the interest rates.  
15.1.3 Capital risk management
  The main objective of the Company’s capital management is to ensure that the Company maintains its credit rating and a well-balanced equity ratio, in order to support businesses and maximize shareholder value. The Company manages the capital structure and makes adjustments considering the changes in the economic conditions.  
  The capital structure is as follows:  
                        6/30/2024   12/31/2023              
  Borrowings, debentures and promissory notes     (17,732)     (15,184)              
  (-) Cash and cash equivalents           5,104   5,459              
  (-) Derivative financial instruments       272   274              
  Net debt                     (12,356)    (9,451)              
  Shareholders’ equity             4,827   4,630              
  % Net debt to shareholders’ equity       256%   204%              
15.1.4 Liquidity risk management
  The Company manages liquidity risk through daily monitoring of cash flows and control of maturities of financial assets and liabilities.  
  The table below summarizes the aging profile of the Company’s financial liabilities as of June 30, 2024.  
                        Less than 1 year   From 1 to 5 years   More than 5 years   Total  
  Borrowings                    1,110   1,082   -    2,192  
  Debenture and promissory notes            6,846   9,588   4,019     20,453  
  Derivative financial instruments               (101)    (343)    (138)     (582)  
  Lease liabilities                    1,425   6,410    14,321     22,156  
  Trade payables                    9,717     28   -    9,745  
  Trade payables - Agreements                659   -   -    659  
  Other accounts payable                190   -     42    232  
                         19,846    16,765    18,244     54,855  
  The information was prepared considering the undiscounted cash flows of financial liabilities based on the earliest date the Company may be required to make the payment or be eligible to receive the payment. To the extent that interest rates are floating, the undiscounted amount is obtained based on interest rate curves for the period ended June 30, 2024. Therefore, certain balances presented do not agree with the balances presented in the balance sheets.  



15.2 Derivative financial instruments
                    Notional value   Fair value  
                    6/30/2024   12/31/2023   6/30/2024   12/31/2023  
  Swap of hedge                                          
  Hedge purpose (debt)       2,885   2,956   3,157   3,230  
  Long Position                                          
  Fixed rate               35   106     38   110  
  Hedge - CRI           2,850   2,850   3,119   3,120  
  Short Position            (2,885)    (2,956)    (2,905)    (2,964)  
  Net hedge position           -   -   252   266  
  Realized and unrealized gains and losses on these contracts during the period ended June 30, 2024 are recorded as net financial results and the balance receivable at fair value is R$252 (balance receivable of R$266 as of December 31, 2023). The assets are recorded as “derivative financial instruments” and the liabilities as “debentures”.  
  The effects of the hedge at fair value through income for the period ended June 30, 2024, resulted in a loss of R$83 (loss of R$17 as of June 30, 2023), recorded under cost of debt, see note 23.  
  The consolidated position of outstanding derivative financial instrument transactions is presented in the table below:  
  Description   Reference value   Maturity   6/30/2024   12/31/2023  
  IPCA - BRL           R$1,972   2028, 2029 and 2031   263   267  
  Interest rate swaps registered at CETIP                              
  Pre-fixed rate x CDI           R$879   2027   (14)   (5)  
  Pre-fixed rate x CDI           R$17   2027    2    2  
  Pre-fixed rate x CDI           R$17   2027    1    2  
  Derivatives - Fair value hedge - Brazil           252   266  
15.3 Sensitivity analysis of financial instruments
  According to Management's assessment, the possible reasonable changes  scenario considered was, on the maturity date of each transaction, the  market curves (interest) of B3.  
  To determine the possible relevant change in the relevant risk variable, Management considered the economic environment in which it operates. Therefore, in scenario  (I) there is no impact on the fair value of financial instruments and the weighted interest rate (CDI) was 11.19% per year. For scenarios (II) and (III), for the exclusive purpose of sensitivity analysis, Management considered a deterioration of 5% and 10%, respectively, in the risk variables, up to one year of the financial instruments, with the aim of demonstrating the sensitivity of the Company's results in an adverse scenario.  
  In the case of derivative financial instruments (aiming at hedging the financial debt), the variations of the scenarios are accompanied by the respective hedges, indicating that the effects are not significant.  
  The Company disclosed the net exposure of the derivative financial instruments, the corresponding financial instruments and certain financial instruments in the sensitivity analysis table below, for each of the mentioned scenarios:  
                                        Market projections  
  Transactions   Note   Risk
(Rate Increase)
  As of 6/30/2024   Scenario
  Borrowings       15.5.1   CDI + 1.74%  per year    (1,847)     (204)     (214)     (224)  
  Borrowings (fixed rate)   15.5.1   CDI + 0.20% per year   (35)    (4)    (4)    (4)  
  Debentures and promissory notes 15.5.1   CDI + 1.42% per year     (16,004)     (1,767)     (1,855)     (1,944)  
  Total net effect (loss)               (17,886)     (1,975)     (2,073)     (2,172)  
  Cash equivalents       5   97.72% of the CDI   4,787    536    562    589  
  Net exposure loss                         (13,099)     (1,439)     (1,511)     (1,583)  
15.4 Fair value measurement
  The Company discloses the fair value of financial instruments measured at fair value and of financial instruments measured at amortized cost, the fair value of which differ from the carrying amounts, pursuant to CPC 46/IFRS 13, which address the concepts of measurement and disclosure requirements. The fair value hierarchy levels are defined below:  
  Level 1: fair value measurement at the balance sheet date using quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities to which the entity may have access at the measurement date.  
  Level 2: fair value measurement at the balance sheet date using other significant observable assumptions for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly, except quoted prices included in Level 1.  
  Level 3: fair value measurement at the balance sheet date using non-observable data for the asset or liability.  
  The fair values of cash and cash equivalents, trade receivables and trade payables approximate their carrying amounts.  



  The table below sets forth the fair value hierarchy of financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value and of financial instruments measured at amortized cost, all classified as level 2, for which the fair value has been disclosed in the interim financial information:  
                    Carrying amount   Fair value  
                    6/30/2024   12/31/2023   6/30/2024   12/31/2023  
  Trade receivables with credit card and ticket   1,772   985   1,772   985  
  Interest rate swaps   (11)   (1)   (11)   (1)  
  Interest rate swaps - CRI   263   267   263   267  
  Borrowings and debentures (fair value)    (3,242)    (3,182)    (3,242)    (3,182)  
  Borrowings, debentures and promissory notes (amortized cost)   (14,470)     (11,994)     (14,164)     (11,716)  
                      (15,688)     (13,925)     (15,382)     (13,647)  
  There were no change between fair value measurement hierarchy levels during the period ended June 30, 2024.  
  Interest rate swaps, borrowings and debentures are classified in Level 2 since the fair value of such financial instruments was determined based on readily observable inputs, such as expected interest rate.  
15.5 Borrowings 
15.5.1 Debt breakdown
                        Average rate   6/30/2024   12/31/2023  
  Debentures and promissory notes   CDI + 1.42 % per year    16,004    13,378  
  Borrowing costs                (167)    (185)  
                                     15,837    13,193  
  Derivative financial instruments -
Debentures and promissory notes
  Swap contracts   CDI + 0.90 % per year    (269)    (270)  
  Swap contracts   CDI + 1.32 % per year     20    8  
                                     (249)    (262)  
  Borrowings in domestic currency                              
  Working capital   CDI + 0.20% per year     35     40  
  Working capital   CDI + 1.74% per year   1,847   1,952  
  Borrowing costs               (7)   (9)  
                                    1,875   1,983  
  Derivative financial instruments -
Domestic currency
  Swap contracts   CDI + 0.20% per year   (3)   (4)  
                                    (3)   (4)  
  Total of borrowings, debentures and promissory notes            17,460    14,910  
  Current asset                           (52)   (48)  
  Non-current asset                            (220)    (226)  
  Current liabilities                           6,414   2,115  
  Non-current liabilities                          11,318    13,069  
15.5.2 Roll forward of borrowings
  Balance as of December 31, 2022    12,409                          
  Funding               300                          
  Borrowing costs           (51)                          
  Interest provision           869                          
  Swap contracts             45                          
  Mark-to-market           (28)                          
  Exchange rate and monetary variation   (20)                          
  Borrowing costs amortization         18                          
  Interest amortization          (502)                          
  Principal amortization       (5)                          
  Swap amortization           (99)                          
  Balance as of June 30, 2023        12,936                          
  Balance as of December 31, 2023    14,910                          
  Funding               2,300                          
  Borrowing costs           (12)                          
  Interest provision           912                          
  Swap contracts           (8)                          
  Mark-to-market             91                          
  Exchange rate and monetary variation    1                          
  Borrowing costs amortization         32                          
  Interest amortization          (567)                          
  Principal amortizations        (131)                          
  Swap amortization           (68)                          
  Balance as of June 30, 2024        17,460                          



15.5.3 Schedule of non-current maturities
  Maturity   Amount                                  
  From 1 to 2 years   1,228                                  
  From 2 to 3 years   1,425                                  
  From 3 to 4 years   4,794                                  
  From 4 to 5 years   2,686                                  
  More than 5 years   1,087                                  
    Borrowing cost    (122)                                  
15.6 Debentures and promissory notes
                Issue amount (in thousands)   Outstanding debentures (units)   Issue   Maturity   Annual financial charges   Unit price (in Reais)   6/30/2024   12/31/2023  
  First Issue of Promissory Notes - 5th series     200   4   7/4/2019   7/4/2024   CDI + 0.72% per year   76,314,890   305   289  
  First Issue of Promissory Notes - 6th series     200   4   7/4/2019   7/4/2025   CDI + 0.72% per year   76,314,890   305   289  
  Second Issue of Debentures - 1st series     940,000     940,000   6/1/2021   5/20/2026   CDI + 1.70% per year   1,013   952   954  
  Second Issue of Debentures - 2nd series     660,000     660,000   6/1/2021   5/22/2028   CDI + 1.95% per year   1,013   669   670  
  Second Issue of Promissory Notes - 1st series     1,250,000     1,250,000   8/27/2021   8/27/2024   CDI + 1.47% per year   1,425   1,782   1,681  
  Second Issue of Promissory Notes - 2nd series     1,250,000     1,250,000   8/27/2021   2/27/2025   CDI + 1.53% per year   1,428   1,784   1,683  
  Third Issue of Debentures - 1st series - CRI     982,526     982,526   10/15/2021   10/16/2028   IPCA + 5.15% per year   1,174   1,153   1,122  
  Third Issue of Debentures - 2nd series - CRI     517,474     517,474   10/15/2021   10/15/2031   IPCA + 5.27% per year   1,174   608   591  
  Fourth Issue of Debentures - single series     2,000,000     2,000,000   1/7/2022   11/26/2027   CDI + 1.75% per year   1,011   2,021   2,024  
  First Issue of Commercial Paper Notes - single series     750,000     750,000   2/10/2022   2/9/2025   CDI + 1.70% per year   1,045   784   790  
  Fifth Issue of Debentures - single series - CRI     250,000     250,000   4/5/2022   3/28/2025   CDI + 0.75% per year   1,026   258   258  
  Sixth Issue of Debentures - 1st series - CRI    72,962    72,962   9/28/2022   9/11/2026   CDI + 0.60% per year   1,031    75    76  
  Sixth Issue of Debentures - 2nd series - CRI    55,245    55,245   9/28/2022   9/13/2027   CDI + 0.70% per year   1,031    58    58  
  Sixth Issue of Debentures - 3rd series - CRI     471,793     471,793   9/28/2022   9/13/2029   IPCA + 6.70% per year   1,107   522   508  
  Second Issue of Commercial Paper Notes - single series     400,000     400,000   12/26/2022   12/26/2025   CDI + 0.93% per year   1,209   484   458  
  Seventh Issue of Debentures - 1st series - CRI     145,721     145,721   7/25/2023   7/15/2026   CDI + 1.00% per year   1,052   152   154  
  Seventh Issue of Debentures - 2nd series - CRI     878,503     878,503   7/25/2023   7/15/2027   Pré 11.75% per year   1,052   924   921  
  Seventh Issue of Debentures - 3rd series - CRI    46,622    46,622   7/25/2023   7/17/2028   CDI + 1.15% per year   1,053    50    50  
  Eighth Issue of Debentures - 1st series     400,000     400,000   12/22/2023   12/22/2027   CDI + 1.85% per year   1,002   401   401  
  Eighth Issue of Debentures - 2nd series     400,000     400,000   12/22/2023   12/22/2028   CDI + 1.95% per year   1,002   401   401  
  Ninth Issue of Debentures - single serie     500,000     500,000   3/28/2024   3/26/2029   CDI + 1.25% per year   1,028   514     -  
  Tenth Issue of Debentures - single serie     1,800,000     1,800,000   6/25/2024   6/20/2029   CDI + 1.25% per year   1,001   1,802     -  
  Borrowing costs                                (167)    (185)  
                                             15,837    13,193  
  The Company issues debentures to strengthen its working capital, maintain its cash strategy, and lengthen its debt and investment profile. The debentures issued are non-preemptive, non-convertible into shares, do not have renegotiation clauses and do not have guarantees.  
15.7 Guarantees
  As of June 30, 2024, the Company has no guarantees related to its borrowing agreement.  
15.8 Swap contracts
  The Company uses swap operations for 100% of its borrowings denominated in fixed interest rates and IPCA, exchanging these liabilities for the CDI (floating) interest rates. The annual average rate at CDI as of June 30, 2024 was 11.74% (13.04% as of December 31, 2023).  



15.9 Financial covenants
  In connection with the debentures and promissory notes issued, the Company is required to maintain certain financial ratios. These ratios are calculated quarterly based on the Company’s interim financial information prepared in accordance with accounting practices adopted in Brazil, as follows: (i) consolidated net debt / equity less than or equal to 3.00; and (ii) consolidated net debt/EBITDA Last Twelve Months ("LTM") ratio should be lower than or equal to 3.00.  
  As of June 30, 2024, the Company had fulfilled all contractual obligations and was compliant with these ratios.  
  The provision for legal proceedings is estimated by the Company and supported by its legal counsel and was established in an amount considered sufficient to cover the considered probable losses.  
                    Tax claims   Social security and labor   Civil   Total  
  Balance as of December 31, 2022     55     86     24   165  
  Additions               13     94    7   114  
  Reversals             -   (21)   (3)   (24)  
  Payments           (4)   (26)   (4)   (34)  
  Monetary correction          1    4    2    7  
  Balance as of June 30, 2023         65   137     26   228  
  Restricted deposits for legal proceedings   (4)   (22)   (9)   (35)  
  Net provision for restricted deposits     61   115     17   193  
                    Tax claims   Social security and labor   Civil   Total  
  Balance as of December 31, 2023     62   163     38   263  
  Additions              6   102    8   116  
  Reversals             (32)   (45)   (5)   (82)  
  Payments           (9)   (46)   (5)   (60)  
  Monetary correction         (8)    9    4    5  
  Balance as of June 30, 2024         19   183     40   242  
  Restricted deposits for legal proceedings   (1)   (6)   (10)   (17)  
  Net provision for restricted deposits     18   177     30   225  
  Of the total amount of the table above, R$43 (R$50 as of December 31, 2023) is the responsibility of GPA arising from contingencies up to 2016, pursuant to contractual provisions, namely: R$4 tax claims, R$18 labor claims and R$21 civil claims (R$3 tax claims, R$27 labor claims and R$20 civil claims as of December 31, 2023).  
16.1 Tax claims
  Tax claims are subject by law to monthly monetary adjustment, which refers to an adjustment to the provision based on indexing rates adopted by each tax jurisdiction. Both interest charges and fines, where applicable, were calculated and provisioned with respect to unpaid amounts.  
  The Company has other tax claims, which according to its legal counsel’s analysis, were provisioned, namely: (i) discussions on the non-application of the Accident Prevention Factor (FAP); (ii) IPI in the resale of imported products; and (iii) other matters.  
  The amount provisioned for these matters as of June 30, 2024 is R$19 (R$62 as of December 31, 2023).  
16.2 Social security and labor
  The Company is a party to various labor proceedings, especially due to dismissals in the regular course of business. As of June 30, 2024, the Company recorded a provision of R$183 (R$163 as of December 31, 2023), referring to a potential risk of loss relating to labor claims. Management, with the assistance of its legal counsel, assesses these claims and records provisions for losses when reasonably estimated, considering previous experiences in relation to amounts claimed.  
16.3 Civil
  The Company is a party to civil proceedings (indemnifications, collections, among others) that are in different procedural phases and at various courts. Management records provisions in amounts considered sufficient to cover unfavorable court decisions when its internal and external legal counsel assess the losses to be probable.  
  Among these proceedings, we highlight the following:  
  The Company is a party to various lawsuits requesting the renewal of rental agreements and the review of the current rent paid. The Company records a provision for the difference between the monthly rental amounts originally paid by stores and the rental amounts calculated by the legal experts considering that it is the expert report amount that will be used as the basis for the decision that will change the rental amount paid by the Company. As of June 30, 2024, the amount of the provision for these lawsuits is R$33 (R$32 as of December 31, 2023), for which there are no restricted deposits for legal proceedings.  



  The Company is a party to certain lawsuits relating to the fines applied by inspection bodies of direct and indirect administration of the federal government, states, and municipalities, including consumer defense bodies (PROCONs, INMETRO, and local governments). The Company, with the assistance of its legal counsel, assesses these claims recording provisions for probable cash disbursements according to the estimate of loss. As of June 30, 2024, the amount of provision for these lawsuits is R$7 (R$6 as of December 31, 2023).  
  The Company’s total civil, regulatory and property claims as of June 30, 2024, is R$40 (R$38 as of December 31, 2023).  
16.4 Contingent liabilities not accrued
  The Company is a party to other litigations for which the risk of loss was classified by its legal counsel to be possible, therefore, not accrued,to the following subjects:  
                                    6/30/2024   12/31/2023  
  Tax on Financial Transactions (IOF) – payment differences.     14     14  
  PIS, COFINS – payment discrepancies and overpayments, fine for non-compliance with ancillary obligations, disallowance of PIS and COFINS credits, among other matters pending judgment at the administrative and judicial levels.   852   783  
  ICMS – allocation of credits from purchases from suppliers considered unqualified by the registry of the State Revenue Service, among other matters, which are pending judgment at the administrative and judicial levels.   1,160   1,216  
  ISS (services tax), IPTU (urban property tax), Fees and other – discrepancies in payments of IPTU, fines for non-compliance with ancillary obligations, ISS – refund of advertising expenses and various fees, which are pending judgment at the administrative and judicial levels.     18     18  
  INSS (national institute of social security) – divergences in the FGTS and Social Security form (GFIP), offsets not approved, among other matters, which are pending judgment at the administrative and judicial levels.     25     24  
  Other litigation – real estate lawsuits in which the Company claims the renewal and maintenance of lease agreements according to market prices. These lawsuits involve proceedings in civil court, as well as administrative proceedings filed by inspection bodies, among others.     66     98  
  Compensation linked to the external legal counsel's success fee if all the proceedings were concluded in favor of the Company.     26     20  
                                    2,161   2,173  
  Of the total amount in the table above, R$1,135 (R$1,494 as of December 31, 2023) is the responsibility of GPA arising from contingencies up to 2016, pursuant to contractual provisions, namely: R$1,071 tax claims and R$64 civil claims (R$1,398 tax claims and R$96 civil claims as of December 31, 2023).  
  Three collective proceedings were filed by institutions related to black people's movements due to an approach to a customer, in August 2021 at the store in Limeira - SP, which claim supposed racial issues. All were duly answered. One of them has already been extinguished by the judiciary without major effects. As of June 30, 2024, there are still two lawsuits in progress and, given the subjectivity of the matter, it is still not possible to reasonably estimate the amounts involved. A significant impact is not expected, upon completion the lawsuits on the Company's financial statements.  
16.4.1 Uncertainty over IRPJ and CSLL treatments
  In compliance with ICPC 22/IFRIC 23 – Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatment, the Company has proceedings, at the judicial and administrative levels, with Government's regulatory agencies, which are related to uncertain tax treatments adopted for the recording of income tax and social contribution. Based on the assessment of internal and external legal counsel, the tax treatment adopted by the Company is adequate, therefore, these proceedings were classified as possible losses. As of June 30, 2024, the amount involved was R$894 (R$917 as of December 31, 2023).  
  Of the total amount above, R$238 is the responsibility of GPA arising from contingencies up to 2016, pursuant to contractual provisions (R$337 as of December 31, 2023).  
16.5 Guarantees
  The Company provided bank guarantees and insurance guarantees for judicial proceedings of a civil, tax and labor nature, described below:  
  Lawsuits   6/30/2024   6/30/2023                      
  Tax           1,461   981                      
  Labor             84     80                      
  Civil and others       653   495                      
                2,198   1,556                      
  The cost of guarantees as of June 30, 2024 is approximately 0.19% per year of the amount of the lawsuits (0.26% as of June 30, 2023) and is recorded as a financial expense.  
16.6 Restricted deposits for legal proceedings
  The Company is challenging the payment of certain taxes, contributions, and labor liabilities and made judicial deposits in amounts equivalent to the final court decisions, as well as judicial deposits related to the provision for legal claims.  



  The Company recorded amounts referring to judicial deposits in its assets as follows.  
  Lawsuits   6/30/2024   12/31/2023                      
  Tax              19     18                      
  Labor            8     16                      
  Civil and others         10     10                      
                  37     44                      
                        6/30/2024   12/31/2023              
    Commercial agreement with suppliers (i)       201   385              
    Commercial agreement - payroll (ii)         42     48              
    Marketing                 77     22              
                             320   455              
    Current                   288   418              
    Non-current                 32     37              
  (i) Refers to rental of supplier product exhibition modules "check stand", point of sale displays and backlight panels.  
  (ii) Commercial agreement with a financial institution for exclusivity in payroll processing.  
18.1 Reconciliation of income tax and social contribution expense
                              6/30/2024   6/30/2023      
    Income before income tax and social contribution           212     98      
    Expense of income tax and social contribution, for nominal rate (34%)   (72)   (33)      
    Adjustments to reflect the effective rate                              
    Tax fines                           (3)   (1)      
    Share of profits             11    8      
    ICMS subsidy - tax incentives (i)             21   151      
    Monetary correction credits             13    6      
    Other permanent differences            1   (1)      
    Effective income tax and social contribution           (29)   130      
    Income tax and social contribution for the period                              
    Current                           (82)    2      
    Deferred                             53   128      
    (Expenses) benefits of income tax and social contribution           (29)   130      
    Effective rate                       13.7%   -132.7%      
  (i) The Company calculates tax benefits that are characterized as tax incentives that, according to legal forecast, do not comprise the basis for calculating income tax and social contribution.  
18.2 Breakdown of deferred income tax and social contribution
  The main components of deferred income tax and social contribution in the balance sheets are the following:  
                            6/30/2024   12/31/2023  
                            Assets   Liabilities   Net   Assets   Liabilities   Net  
  Deferred income tax and social contribution                               
  Tax losses                    340    -    340    385    -    385  
  Provision for legal proceedings           74    -   74   81    -   81  
  Swap                        -    (92)    (92)    -    (66)    (66)  
  Goodwill tax amortization                -     (317)     (317)    -     (317)     (317)  
  Mark-to-mark                     6    -     6    -    (25)    (25)  
  Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets   11    -   11   10    -   10  
  Unrealized losses with tax credits            -    (6)    (6)    -    (15)    (15)  
  Provision of inventory               19    -   19   30    -   30  
  Borrowing costs                    -    (59)    (59)    -    (66)    (66)  
  Lease net of right of use                3,105     (2,922)    183    3,085     (2,961)    124  
  Compensation program               37    -   37   10    -   10  
  Others                       20    -   20   20    -   20  
  Gross deferred income tax and social contribution assets (liabilities)        3,612     (3,396)    216    3,621     (3,450)    171  
  Compensation         (3,396)    3,396    -     (3,450)    3,450    -  
  Deferred income tax and social contribution assets (liabilities), net        216    -    216    171    -    171  
  Management has assessed the future realization of deferred tax assets, considering the projections of future taxable income, in the context of the main variables of its businesses. This assessment was based on information from the strategic planning report previously approved by the Company´s Board of Directors.  



  The Company estimates the recovery of these credits as follows:  
  Years   Amounts                              
  Within 1 year   271                              
  From 1 year to 2 years   213                              
  From 2 years to 3 years     18                              
  From 3 years to 4 years    1                              
  More than 5 years   3,109                              
18.3 Roll forward of deferred income tax and social contribution
                    6/30/2024   6/30/2023                  
  At the beginning of the period       171    6                  
  Benefits in the period         53   128                  
  Income tax effect            1    2                  
  Others               (9)     -                
  At the end of the period       216   136                  
19.1 Capital stock and stock rights
  According to the Company's bylaws, the Company's authorized capital may be increased up to 2 billion common shares. Below, the subscribed and fully paid-in share capital, represented by common shares, all nominative and with no par value:  
                                Number of shares   Amount          
    As of December 31, 2022                   1,349,165,394    1,263          
    Capital increase - Board of Directors' Meeting on 2/15/2023       59,870     1          
    Capital increase - Board of Directors' Meeting on 3/28/2023       1,031,232     1          
    Total changes for the period                   1,091,102     2          
    As of June 30, 2023                   1,350,256,496    1,265          
    As of December 31,2023 and June 30, 2024           1,351,833,200    1,272          
19.2 Tax incentive reserve
  Tax incentive reserves by the States were considered investment subsidies, wich are deductible for the calculation of income tax and social contribution. Thus, for the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company allocated the amount of R$939 to the tax incentive reserve, of which R$710 refers to the amount of incentives generated in 2023 and constituted in the same year and R$229 to be recognized when the Company reports income in subsequent periods.  
  As of June 30, 2024, the Company recorded net profit in the amount of R$183, this amount being fully allocated to the tax incentive reserve and R$46 to be constituted as profits are determined in subsequent periods.  
  Article 30 of Law 12,973/2014 was revoked through Law 14,789/2023, releasing taxpayers from constituting a tax incentive reserve from January 1, 2024.  
19.3 Share-based payment
19.3.1 Recognized options granted
  Information relating to the Company's Option Plan and Compensation Plan is summarized below:  
                                    Number of shares
(in thousands)
  Granted series   Grant date   1st exercise date   Exercise price on the grant date
(in reais)
  B8       5/31/2021   6/1/2024   0.01    363    (20)    (45)    298  
  C8        5/31/2021   6/1/2024   13.39    363    (20)    (45)    298  
  B9       5/31/2022   6/1/2025   0.01    2,163     (358)    -    1,805  
  C9       5/31/2022   6/1/2025   12.53    1,924     (119)    -    1,805  
  B10 (i)       5/31/2023   6/1/2026   0.01    1,390    -    -    1,390  
  C10 (i)       5/31/2023   6/1/2026   11.82    1,390    -    -    1,390  
  B11 (i)       5/31/2024   6/1/2027   0.01    1,294    -    -    1,294  
  C11 (i)       5/31/2024   6/1/2027   10.62    1,294    -    -    1,294  
                                      10,181     (517)    (90)    9,574  
  (i) Shares granted to executives excluding statutory officers.  
19.3.2 Consolidated information of Company's share-based payment plans
  According to the plans, the options granted in each of the series can represent a maximum of 2% of the total shares issued by the Company.  



  The table below shows the maximum percentage of dilution to which current shareholders could eventually be subject to in the event that all options granted are exercised until June 30, 2024:  
                        (in thousands)                      
  Number of shares                1,351,833                      
  Balance of effective series granted       9,574                      
  Maximum percentage of dilution       0.71%                      
  The fair value of each option granted is estimated on the grant date, using the options pricing model "Black-Scholes" taking into account the following assumptions:  
  Series granted   Weighted average fair value of option's granted (in reais)   Estimated dividends   Approximate estimated volatility   Risk-free weighted average interest rate   Exit rate   Average remaining life expectancy  
  B8    17.21    1.28%   37.06%   7.66%   8.00%   -  
  C8    7.69             
  B9    15.27    1.20%   37.29%   12.18%   8.00%   11 months  
  C9    7.35             
  B10    10.33    1.31%   35.32%   10.87%   8.00%   23 months  
  C10    3.28             
  B11    11.89    0.77%   37.32%   11.28%   8.00%   35 months  
  C11    5.18             
                        Shares   Weighted average exercise price   Weighted average of the remaining contractual term      
                        in thousands   R$          
  As of December 31, 2023           6,986     5.97     1.73      
  Granted during the period           2,588    5.32           
  Outstanding at the end of the period       9,574    5.52     1.81       
  Total to be exercised as of June 30, 2024     9,574    5.52     1.81       
  The amount recorded in the statement of operations for the period ended June 30, 2024 was R$13 (R$15 as of June 30, 2023).
19.3.3 Cash-settled share-based payment plan
  At the Extraordinary General Meeting held on July 14, 2023, the cash-settled share-based payment plan was approved, only for the Company's Statutory Officers, this plan does not make officers a partner of the Company, they only acquire the right to receive a cash compensation corresponding to the average price of the Company's shares traded on B3 under the ticker ASAI3.  
  1,989,465 shares were granted to the Company's officers and the premium related to 50% of the shares will be conditional on compliance with the service condition (shares conditioned on time) and the other 50% of the shares will be conditional on the cumulative compliance with the service condition and the performance condition (shares conditioned on time and performance).  
  For shares conditioned on time to become vested, Offices must remain with the Company from the grant date to the dates below (vesting period):  
  a) 20% (twenty percent) on the 3-year anniversary from the grant date;
b) 20% (twenty percent) on the 4-year anniversary from the grant date; and
c) 60% (sixty percent) on the 5-year anniversary from the grant date.
  For shares conditioned on time and performance to become vested, the Executive must comply with the vesting periods above, in addition to meeting the goals, being segregated between: a) Environmental, Social and Governance ("ESG") goal with a weight of 30%: i) hiring people with disabilities; ii) women in leadership, in managerial positions or higher; and iii) total carbon emissions – Scope 1 and 2; and b) Operating target with a weight of 70%: i) operating cash flow.  
  The targets above will be reviewed annually by the Board of Directors and non-achievement of them at December 31, 2026 and 2027 may be compensated by achievement on subsequent measurement dates.  
  As of June 30, 2024, the amount of the liability corresponding to the plan, including payroll charges, in recorded is "Other accounts payable" in the amount of R$7 (R$4 as of December 31, 2023) and the total expense recognized, including payroll charges, was R$3 (there is no amount recorded as of June 30, 2023) and the fair value of this plan in that date was R$31, including charges.  



19.3.4 “Sócio Executivo” program
  At the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting held on April 26, 2024, the shareholders approved the Company's “Sócio Executivo” Program, intended to create a unique and extraordinary long-term program, which is not to be confused with the standard Long-Term Incentive, composed of a single grant of share rights to the Chief Executive Officer, the Commercial and Logistics Vice President, and the Operations Vice President (“Participants”), in a substantial amount and contingent on the Participants staying at the company and their achievement of certain performance targets, aiming at: (i) the long-term retention of the Participants; and (ii) the strengthening of  the sense of ownership in the Participants, transforming key officers into relevant, long-term shareholders.  
  Through the “Sócio Executivo” Program, on May 1, 2024 the Company granted to Participants the right to receive up to 27,036,664 Company shares, corresponding to up to 2% of the total number of Company shares on the date of approval of the “Sócio Executivo”  Program, subject to the adjustments provided for in the Program, as follows:  
  i) 0.40% will consist of restricted shares, the right to which will only be acquired if the Participants remain as Officers of the Company, as follows: i) 30% on the first vesting date (5 years from granted date) and 70% on the second vesting date (7 years from granted date); and  
  ii) up to 1.60% will consist of shares with performance assumptions, the right to which will only be acquired if the following conditions are cumulatively met: i) the Participants remain as Officers of the Company until the second vesting date; and ii) the performance targets are achieved on the second vesting date, determined and calculated in accordance with the terms and conditions set out below.  
  Shares with performance assumptions  
    • The final number of shares with performance assumptions to which the Participants will be entitled will depend on the degree of achievement of the Earnings Per Share (“EPS”) target, according to the increase in the accumulated Compound Annual Growth Rate (“CAGR”) of the EPS during the calculation period, based on the achievement curve.  
    • The EPS target achievement curve will begin at the minimum trigger corresponding to an accumulated EPS equal to or greater than IPCA (Extended Consumer Price Index) + 20% per year Starting from the minimum trigger of IPCA + 20% per year, the percentage of the total number of Company shares to which the Participants will be entitled will increase proportionally to the increase in the accumulated CAGR of the EPS up to the limit of 1.60% of the total number of Company shares. If the minimum trigger of the EPS target curve is not reached, it will be considered that the condition of performance was not reached.  
    • The achievement curve of the EPS accumulated performance target will be calculated considering the period between December 31, 2023 and December 31, 2030, except in the following cases in which the proportional period will be considered, as provided for in the Program: Involuntary Termination between the First and the Second Vesting Date; Disposal of Control and Relevant Acquisition; and Delisting and Withdrawal from Novo Mercado. The Financial Committee, the Audit Committee and the People, Culture and Remuneration Committee will calculate and verify the compliance with the performance targets.  
    •  The shares (both the restricted shares and the shares with performance assumptions) will be transferred to the Participants through the delivery of shares held in treasury by the Company.  
  Additional shares  
    •  The Participants will be entitled to receive the value per share of dividends, interest on equity or other amounts paid by the Company to its shareholders between the grant date and the date of receipt of these shares, which will be paid in shares (“additional shares”). The calculation of the additional shares will be made by multiplying the value per share distributed as earnings by the number of shares to which the Participants will be entitled to receive, on each payment date of the earnings, divided by the share price at the end of the trading session on B3 on the day immediately preceding the date on which the Company shares started being traded ex-dividends.  
    •  The additional shares will be added to the target number granted (whether of restricted shares or shares with performance assumptions) and will be subject to the same terms and conditions applicable to restricted shares and shares with performance assumptions and will be transferred to the Participants under the same terms and conditions upon compliance with the applicable conditions.  
  All shares received by the Participants under the “Sócio Executivo” Program will be subject to a lock-up of three years from the date of receipt of the shares, unless otherwise provided for by the Board of Directors in cases of termination of the Participants.  
  The fair value of each share granted was measured based on the share price on the granted date, reduced by the estimated discount due to the transfer restriction after the vesting period. The Company has determined the estimated number of shares that will be considered the right of the Participants in relation to the variable portion of the plan based on the result projections in line with the business assumptions and that at the end of each period the estimate will be adjusted according to these projections.  
  On May 1, 2024, 17,411,612 shares were granted, with a fair value of R$11.35.   
  As of June 30, 2024, the amount recognized in income for the period was R$6 (there is no amount recorded as of June 30, 2023) and the fair value of this plan in that date was R$266, including charges.  



19.3.5 Long-term incentive plan through grant of the right to receive Company shares
  At the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting held on April 26, 2024, the shareholders approved the Long-Term Incentive Plan (“ILP”), intended to grant restricted shares and shares with performance assumptions to statutory and non-statutory directors of the Company (“Participants”), as well as to any other employees who are selected to participate in the plan.  
  By granting the right to receive Company shares to the Participants, the ILP Plan aims at: (i) aligning the interests of the Participants with the interests of the Company's shareholders; (ii) encouraging the Participants to stay at the Company or at the companies under its control; and (iii) maximizing the results and generating sustainable value for the Company and its shareholders.  
  The grants under the ILP Plan will be made in the following proportion: (i) 30% of the right granted will consist of restricted shares, and the transfer of the shares to the Participants will occur only upon compliance with a single vesting period of 3 years (except for the grant to the Chief Executive Officer, which will have a vesting period of up to 5 years, with partial vesting of 33% in the 3rd year, 33% in the 4th year and 34% in the 5th year); and (ii) 70% of the right granted will consist of shares with performance assumptions, and the transfer of the shares to the Participants will occur only upon compliance with a single vesting period of 3 years (5 years for the Chief Executive Officer) contingent on the achievement of the performance targets established by the Board of Directors, and the final number of shares with performance assumptions to which the Participants will be entitled will depend on the degree of achievement of these targets at the end of the single vesting period of 3 years (5 years for the Chief Executive Officer), and may vary from 90% to 110% of the target number of shares (and the target number of shares will assume the achievement of 100% of the targets, except for the Chief Executive Officer).  
    Shares with performance assumptions  
    Regarding the grant of shares with performance assumptions, the indicators will be defined considering the following main objectives:
    •  preserve the Company's relevance and positioning in relation to its peers in the cash & carry sector;  
    •  ensure the generation of sustainable business value;  
    •  guarantee the profitability of the Company's business in the long term; and  
    •  ensure an adequate level of profitability of operations, preserving healthy profit margin levels in relation to the Company's history.  
  The number of restricted shares and shares with performance assumptions granted will be determined based on: (i) a salary multiple, according to the grade occupied by the Participant; and (ii) the average share price in the 20 trading sessions prior to the grant.
  The shares (both restricted shares and shares with performance assumptions) will be transferred to the Participants upon compliance with the conditions described in the plan, and the transfer of shares will be made through the delivery of shares held in treasury by the Company.  
  Through the ILP Plan, the Company will grant to the Participants the right to receive a certain number of shares corresponding to up to 1.5% of the total number of Company shares on the date of approval of the respective plan, subject to the specified adjustments.  
  The fair value of each share granted is estimated on the grant date using the Black-Scholes pricing model, considering the following assumptions:  
  i)  Approximate volatility expectation: 37.32% in the 3rd year, 36.94% for the 4th year and 38.27% in the 5th year; and  
  ii)  Dividend expectation: 0.77% in the 3rd, 4th and 5th year.  
  The Company determined the estimated number of shares that will be considered the right of Participants in relation to the variable portion of the plan based on projections of results aligned with business assumptions and that at each end of the period the estimate will be adjusted according to these projections.  
  On May 31, 2024, 1,094,759 shares were granted, with a fair value of R$11.90 for the 3rd year, R$11.81 for the 4th year, and R$11.72 for the 5th year.   
  As of June 30, 2024, the amount recognized in income for the period was R$391 thousand (there is no amount recorded as of June 30, 2023) and the fair value of this plan in that date was R$17, including charges.  
19.4 Buy-back program of shares
  On June 25, 2024, the Board of Directors approved the first buy-back program of shares issued by the Company. The program aims to acquire, within 12 months as of the date here of, up to 3,800,000 common shares, representing 0.28% of the free float on this date, to be kept in treasury for subsequent delivery to the participants of the "Sócio Executivo" Program, see note 19.3.4 and of the Long-Term Incentive Plan through Grant of the Righ to Receive Company Shares, see note 19.3.5. The shares will be acquired through the stock market at market price.  


                    6/30/2024   6/30/2023                  
    Gross operating revenue                                      
    Goods                38,161    34,003                  
    Services rendered and others     134   117                  
                     38,295    34,120                  
    (-) Revenue deductions                                      
    Returns and sales cancellation   (81)   (65)                  
    Taxes                (3,121)    (2,975)                  
                     (3,202)    (3,040)                  
    Net operating revenue        35,093    31,080                  
                    6/30/2024   6/30/2023                  
  Inventory cost             (28,818)     (25,610)                  
  Personnel expenses          (2,154)    (1,971)                  
  Outsourced services          (196)    (166)                  
  Selling expenses            (553)    (487)                  
  Functional expenses          (670)    (588)                  
  Other expenses            (271)    (258)                  
                      (32,662)     (29,080)                  
  Cost of sales             (29,343)     (26,088)                  
  Selling expenses            (2,920)    (2,609)                  
  General and administrative expenses    (399)    (383)                  
                      (32,662)     (29,080)                  
                        6/30/2024   6/30/2023              
  Result with property, plant and equipment and leases (9)   (7)              
  Expense related to legal proceedings        1   (1)              
  Restructuring expenses and others       -   (6)              
                        (8)   (14)              
                        6/30/2024   6/30/2023              
    Financial revenues                                          
    Cash and cash equivalents interest         35     74              
    Monetary correction assets             29     31              
    Revenue from anticipation of payables         28     17              
    Other financial revenues            5    7              
    Total financial revenues             97   129              
    Financial expenses                                          
    Cost of debt                (921)    (798)              
    Mark-to-market (loss) gain           (91)     28              
    Cost and discount of receivables       (65)   (49)              
    Monetary correction liabilities            6    (148)              
    Interest on lease liabilities            (501)    (410)              
    Other financial expenses           (4)   (10)              
    Total financial expenses            (1,576)    (1,387)              
                         (1,479)    (1,258)              
  The Company calculates earnings per share by dividing the net income for the period, relating to each class of shares, by the total number of common shares outstanding in the period.  



  The table below presents the determination of the net income for the period available to holders of outstanding common shares to calculate the basic earnings and diluted earnings per share in each period presented:  
                                6/30/2024   6/30/2023      
  Net income allocated available to holders of common shares (a)   183   228   !  
  Weighted average of the number of shares           1,352   1,350      
  Basic denominator (million of shares) (b)           1,352   1,350      
  Weighted average of stock option                3    4    
  Diluted denominator (million of shares) (c)            1,355   1,354      
  Basic earnings per million shares (R$) (a ÷ b)         0.135067     0.168674      
  Diluted earnings per million shares (R$) (a ÷ c)             0.134722     0.168146      
  The Company had transactions that did not represent cash disbursements, and, therefore, these were not presented in the Statement of Cash Flows, as follows:  
  Transactions   Note      
  Acquisition of property, plant and equipment not yet paid   11.3  
26.1 Capital contribution
  At the meeting of the Board of Directors, held on August 8, 2023, the Company approved, observing the authorized capital limit, the capital contribution in the amount of R$3 through the issuance of 256,799 common shares.  




Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: August 8, 2024

Sendas Distribuidora S.A.


By: /s/ Vitor Fagá de Almeida

Name: Vitor Fagá de Almeida

Title: Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations



By: /s/ Gabrielle Helú

Name: Gabrielle Helú

Title: Investor Relations Officer





This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.


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Grafico Azioni Sendas Distribuidora (NYSE:ASAI)
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