258 The ESOP Schemes of the Bank are in compliance with SEBI (Share Based Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014 (the Regulations) and
the details as per the Regulations and as required to be disclosed pursuant to sub rule (9) of Rule 12 of the Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014, are as under: HDFC Schemes Date of Shareholders Total No of Grant Options/
Options, Outstanding Options / Options Options Options Total Approval Options/Units Price (Re.) Units Units options Carried Units Vested / Units / Units / Units Options Bank Approved Face FV Re. 1/- Opening Granted / from eHDFC on FV Re. 1/-
Exercised Forfeited Lapsed / Units in ANNEXURE value of Re. 1/- balance FV Options, Amalgamation & Shares Force as on each Re. 1/ Units Allotted of March 31, 1 Limited Reinstated Re. 1/- 2024 FV Re. 1/- TO Plan F-ESOS 27 27th June, 2013 20,00,00,000 716.60 74,49,626 0 43,87,578 0 43,930 30,18,118 Plan F-ESOS 28 27th June, 2013 20,00,00,000 731.08 0 0 0 0 0 0 Plan G-ESOS 29 21st July, 2016 20,00,00,000 1,030.60 81,52,780 0 54,60,320 0 92,810 25,99,650 THE Plan G-ESOS 30 21st July, 2016 20,00,00,000 1,003.03 2,72,710 0
2,05,800 0 0 66,910 Plan G-ESOS 31 21st July, 2016 20,00,00,000 1,045.23 1,25,000 0 41,600 0 0 83,400 D Plan G -ESOS 32 21st July, 2016 20,00,00,000 1,107.18 1,73,800 67,200 1,03,700 0 12,000
58,100 I Plan G -ESOS 33 21st July, 2016 20,00,00,000 1,229.00 2,82,87,400 96,77,200 1,14,88,200 77,000 67,800 1,66,54,400 Plan G -ESOS 34 21st July, 2016 20,00,00,000 882.85 6,09,600 2,25,700 1,69,200 0 0 4,40,400 RE Plan G -ESOS 35
21st July, 2016 20,00,00,000 1,235.80 5,17,06,200 1,28,15,000 1,49,88,100 4,13,500 2,22,300 3,60,82,300 C Plan G -ESOS 36 21st July, 2016 20,00,00,000 1,426.45 2,41,87,200 59,86,600 7,41,700 3,18,100 23,000 2,31,04,400 T Plan G -ESOS
37 21st July, 2016 20,00,00,000 1,516.95 2,38,000 59,600 0 0 0 2,38,000 DIRECTORS Plan G -ESOS 38 21st July, 2016 20,00,00,000 1,493.50 1,20,730 30,200 0 0 0 1,20,730 OR Plan G -ESOS 39 21st July, 2016 20,00,00,000 1,287.05
6,76,012 1,70,700 48,400 0 0 6,27,612 S Plan G -ESOS 40 21st July, 2016 20,00,00,000 1,360.75 97,877 24,500 0 0 0 97,877 Plan G -ESOS 41 21st July, 2016 20,00,00,000 1,486.10 10,035 0 0 10,035 0 0 Plan G -ESOS 42 21st
July, 2016 20,00,00,000 1,426.65 2,92,05,700 71,32,700 1,90,600 9,18,000 2,600 2,80,94,500 REPORT R Plan G -ESOS 43 21st July, 2016 20,00,00,000 1,673.10 52,700 13,100 0 0 0 5,27,00 E Plan G -ESOS 44 21st July, 2016 20,00,00,000
1,584.45 3,17,091 79,200 0 0 0 3,17,091 P Plan E -ESOS 45 30th June, 2010 20,00,00,000 1,636.9050,75,360 0 0 0 0 50,75,360 O Plan F -ESOS 46 27th June, 2013 20,00,00,000 1,636.901,25,33,590 0 0 0 0 1,25,33,590 R Plan G -ESOS 47
21st July, 2016 20,00,00,000 1,636.9022,13,560 0 0 0 0 22,13,560 T Plan G -ESOS 48 21st July, 2016 20,00,00,000 1,506.0529,32,674 0 0 0 0 29,32,674 Plan G -ESOS 49 21st July, 2016 20,00,00,000 1,506.0574,560 0 0 0 0 74,560 Plan G
-ESOS 50 21st July, 2016 20,00,00,000 1,506.0510,34,520 0 0 0 0 10,34,520 Plan G -ESOS 51 21st July, 2016 20,00,00,000 1,506.0563,026 0 0 0 0 63,026 Plan G -ESOS 52 21st July, 2016 20,00,00,000 1,478.853,36,057 0 0 0 0 3,36,057
Plan G -ESOS 53 21st July, 2016 20,00,00,000 1,478.8593,343 0 0 0 0 93,343 Plan G -ESOS 54 21st July, 2016 20,00,00,000 1,419.9024,670 0 0 0 0 24,670 Plan G -ESOS 55 21st July, 2016 20,00,00,000 1,419.903,330 0 0 0 0 3,330 ESOS-07 eHDFC 2007 25th November, 2022 44,411 255.84 44,411 0 0 0 0 44,411 ESOS-08 eHDFC 2008 25th November, 2022 40,942 160.79 40,942 0 0 0 0 40,942 ESOS-14 eHDFC 2014 25th November, 2022 12,483 603.96 12,483 0 0 0 0 12,483 ESOS-17 eHDFC 2017-1 25th November, 2022 4,95,190
934.44 4,95,190 0 2,72,264 0 0 2,22,926 ESOS-17 eHDFC 2017-2 25th November, 2022 1,20,960 1,011.34 1,20,960 0 0 0 0 1,20,960