By Cassie Werber
LONDON--The daily volume of North Sea Forties blend crude oil
available for March fell compared with February, traders said
The March loading program is scheduled at 368,000 barrels a day,
compared with 407,000 barrels a day in the previous month, the
program showed.
The program consists of 19 standard 600,000-barrel cargoes. It
is equivalent to a total volume of 11.4 million barrels, the same
as in February. However, because there are more days in March, the
daily volume is lower.
More than 50 oil fields make up the Forties blend, with the
Buzzard field the largest component field, operated by Canadian
energy company Nexen Inc. (NXY). The Forties pipeline system is
fully owned and operated by BP PLC (BP).
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