BULLETIN TYPE: Cease Trade Order
BULLETIN DATE: April 8, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company
A Cease Trade Order has been issued by the Alberta Securities Commission
on April 8, 2009, against the following Company for failing to file the
document indicated within the required time period:
Period Ending
Symbol Company Failure to File (Y/M/D)
("MEO") Montello Resources interim unaudited
Ltd. financial statements 09/01/31
interim management
discussion & analysis 09/01/31
certification of
interim filings 09/01/31
Upon revocation of the Cease Trade Order, the Company's shares will
remain suspended until the Company meets TSX Venture Exchange
requirements. Members are prohibited from trading in the securities of
the company during the period of the suspension or until further notice.
BULLETIN TYPE: Shares for Debt
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Further to the bulletin dated March 4, 2009 with respect to the issuance
of shares to settle accrued interest owed to Macquarie Bank Limited and
the modification of the Demand Debenture in the principal amount of
$2,000,000, TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Company's
proposal to issue 447,335 shares at a deemed price of $0.0807 per share
to settle accrued interest owed in the amount of $31,100 as at March 31,
The Company shall issue a news release when the shares are issued and
the debt extinguished.
BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the documentation relating
to a property acquisition agreement between the Company and AntOro
Resources Inc. ("AntOro") relating to the acquisition of two uranium
properties (the "Properties") dated January 18, 2009 (the "Agreement").
The first is the Andy Lake property, located directly east and
contiguous to Nova Uranium's Mont-Laurier uranium property and
consisting of 10 CDC cells (map designated claims) covering 587
hectares. The second is the Maro property that covers 461 hectares
within eight contiguous claims approximately 70 kilometers east of
Radisson, Quebec on an island along the shore of the Robert-Bourassa
hydroelectric reservoir.
The original option signed by AntOro required Antoro to pay a total of
$70,000 in cash, issue 3,000,000 shares and spend $600,000 in work
commitment before March 31, 2011. Under the Agreement, the Company shall
issue 1,500,000 shares to AntOro and contribute to 50% of AntOro's cash
progress payments and exploration expenses.
The original option provides AntOro's partner with a 2% Net Smelter
Royalty, of which 1% can be bought back for $1,000,000 and an additional
0.5% for $500,000. Under the Agreement, the Company will assume 50% of
any NSR buyback price.
Please refer to the Company's press releases dated October 31, 2006 and
April 7, 2009.
TYPE DE BULLETIN: Convention d'achat de propriete, d'actif ou d'actions
DATE DU BULLETIN: Le 9 avril 2009
Societe du groupe 2 de TSX Croissance
Bourse de croissance TSX a accepte le depot de documents en vertu d'une
convention d'achat de propriete entre la societe et Ressources AntOro
inc. ("AntOro") relativement a l'acquisition de deux proprietes
d'uranium (les "proprietes") en date du 18 janvier 2009 (la
"convention"). La premiere est la propriete Andy Lake, situee a l'est et
adjacente a la propriete Mont-Laurier de Nova Uranium et comprenant 10
cellules CDC (claims designees sur carte) couvrant 587 hectares. La
deuxieme est la propriete Maro qui couvre 461 hectares a l'interieur de
huit claims adjacents situes a environ 70 kilometres a l'est de
Radisson, Quebec sur une ile au bord du reservoir hydroelectrique
L'option originale signee par AntOro exige celle-ci a payer un total de
70 000 $ en especes, a emettre 3 000 000 d'actions et a depenser 600 000
$ de travaux avant le 31 mars 2011. En vertu de la convention, la
societe emettra 1 500 000 actions a AntOro et contribuera 50 % aux
depenses et paiements de cette derniere.
L'option originale octroi au partenaire d'AntOro une redevance NSR de 2
%, dont 1 % peut etre rachetee pour 1 000 000 $ et un 0,5 % additionnel
peut etre rachetee pour 500 000 $. En vertu de la convention, la societe
assumera 50 % du cout de tout rachat de la redevance.
Veuillez-vous referer au communiques de presse emis par la societe les
31 octobre 2006 et 7 avril 2009.
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Effective at 8:42 a.m. PST, April 9, 2009, trading in the shares of the
Company was halted at the request of the Company, pending an
announcement; this regulatory halt is imposed by Investment Industry
Regulatory Organization of Canada, the Market Regulator of the Exchange
pursuant to the provisions of Section 10.9(1) of the Universal Market
Integrity Rules.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to the first tranche of a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced March
30, 2009:
Number of Shares: 5,400,000 shares
Purchase Price: $0.05 per share
Warrants: 2,700,000 share purchase warrants to
purchase 2,700,000 shares
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.07 for a one year period
$0.10 in the second year
Number of Placees: 12 placees
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider equals Y /
Name ProGroup equals P / # of Shares
Brian Lock Y 200,000
Geoffrey d. G. Peretz ITF Megan Peretz Y 200,000
Thomas W. Seltzer P 575,000
Francesca Eckert P 60,000
Dalena Blaeser P 30,000
Catherine Seltzer P 400,000
538800 BC Ltd.
(D. Bruce McLeod, Catherine Seltzer,
Donald McLeod) P 400,000
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly. Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may
later extend the expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the
maximum permitted term.
BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation pursuant to
an Acquisition Agreement dated December 19, 2008 between Gowest
Amalgamated Resources Ltd. (the 'Company') and New Texmont Explorations
Ltd. ('New Texmont') wherein the Company agreed to acquire a 50%
interest in the Frankfield Property and a 100% interest in adjacent
properties (together, the 'Properties') from New Texmont. In
consideration, the Company agreed to issue a total of 15,000,000 common
shares to New Texmont and grant a Net Smelter Return Royalty of 1% at
gold prices less than US$950/oz and 1.5% at gold prices equal to or
greater than US$950/oz (the 'NSRR'). The Company has the option to re-
purchase the NSRR from New Texmont at any time for a price of $1,000,000
for each 0.5% increment of the NSRR. This transaction was announced in
the Company's news releases September 29 and December 19, 2008, and
February 24, March 2, and March 6, 2009.
BULLETIN TYPE: Consolidation
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Pursuant to a special resolution passed March 27, 2009, the Company has
consolidated its capital on a 3 old for 1 new basis. The name of the
Company has not been changed.
Effective at the opening, Monday April 13, 2009, shares of Hana Mining
Ltd. will commence trading on TSX Venture Exchange on a consolidated
basis. The Company is classified as a 'Mining Exploration' company.
Post - Consolidation
Capitalization: 133,333,333 shares with no par value of
which 24,460,299 shares are issued and
Escrow 0 shares are subject to escrow
Transfer Agent: Computershare Investor Services Inc.
Trading Symbol: HMG (unchanged)
CUSIP Number: 409639 20 0 (new)
BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset Disposition Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Pursuant to a special resolution approved by shareholders at Annual and
Special General Meeting on September 17, 2008, and an order of the
Supreme Court of British Columbia granted on September 29, 2008, TSX
Venture Exchange has accepted for filing a plan of arrangement agreement
(the "Agreement") among Hathor Exploration Ltd (the "Company"), the
Company shareholders ("Hathor Shareholders") and Max Minerals Ltd
("MAX") whereby the Company will spin off its base and precious metal
properties (the "Iskut Project"), located in Skeena and Laird Mining
division, BC to Max Minerals Ltd.
Pursuant to the Agreement, Hathor will transfer a 100% interest in the
Iskut Project properties along with $1,550,000 to MAX in consideration
of which each shareholder of Hathor Class A Shares will receive one
tenth of one share of the MAX and one New Hathor Common Share for each
Hathor Class A Shares held on the day before the effective date. The
Hathor Class A Shares exchanged for MAX Mineral shares will be
Further information on the transaction is available in Company
Information Circular dated August 20, 2008.
BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement, Property-
Asset or Share Disposition Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Companies
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Property Purchase
Agreement dated December 30, 2008 between International Wayside Gold
Mines Ltd. ("Wayside") and Golden Cariboo Resources Ltd. ("Golden
Cariboo"), whereby Wayside will acquire right, title and interest in
Golden Cariboo's Cariboo Gold Project (the "Property") located in the
Wells - Barkerville Area, BC.
In consideration for the acquisition Wayside will pay Golden Cariboo an
aggregate of $2,300,000 in cash and shares in installments as follows:
- on the Closing Date of the Transaction $600,000 cash and $600,000 in
shares (at a deemed price per share equal to closing on the day
preceding the issuance);
- On First anniversary $600,000 in shares (at a deemed price per share
equal to closing on the day preceding the issuance); and
- On Second anniversary $500,000 in shares (at a deemed price per share
equal to closing on the day preceding the issuance).
This is a related party transaction. In this respect both Wayside and
Golden Cariboo have received disinterested shareholder approval for the
transaction on September 26, 2008 and have received an independent
opinion of value for the Property.
Further information on the transaction is available on SEDAR, in
Wayside's news release and Information Circular dated August 29, 2008,
and Golden Cariboo's news release and Information Circular dated
September 2, 2008.
BULLETIN TYPE: Warrant Term Extension
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has consented to the extension in the expiry date
of the following warrants:
# of Warrants: 1,732,000
Original Expiry Date
of Warrants: April 22, 2009
New Expiry Date
of Warrants: April 22, 2010
Exercise Price
of Warrants: $1.25
These warrants were issued pursuant to a private placement of 2,222,000
shares with 2,222,000 share purchase warrants attached, which was
accepted for filing by the Exchange effective November 2, 2007.
BULLETIN TYPE: Suspend-Failure to Maintain Tier Maintenance
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Further to the TSX Venture Bulletin dated April 8, 2009 and pursuant to
the Company's press release dated April 7, 2009, effective at the
opening Monday, April 13, 2009, trading in the shares of the Company
will be suspended, the Company having failed to maintain Tier
Maintenance Requirements in accordance with Policy 2.5.
Members are prohibited from trading in the securities of the Company
during the period of the suspension or until further notice.
BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for expedited filing documentation
pertaining to an Option Agreement dated March 27, 2009 between Orko
Silver Corp. (the 'Company'), Silver Standard Resources Inc. and Silver
Standard Mexico S.A. de C.V., whereby the Company may acquire the
remaining 25% interest in the San Juan Property (mining concession
number 226663), located in Durango State, Mexico. In consideration, the
Company will issue 306,263 shares with a deemed price of $1.03 per
The property is subject to a 0.25% pre-existing net smelter royalty.
BULLETIN TYPE: Notice - QT Not Completed - Approaching 24 Months of
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
The shares of the Company were listed on TSX Venture Exchange on May 7,
2007. The Company, which is classified as a Capital Pool Company
('CPC'), is required to complete a Qualifying Transaction ('QT') within
24 months of its date of listing, in accordance with Exchange Policy
The records of the Exchange indicate that the Company has not yet
completed a QT. If the Company fails to complete a QT by its 24-month
anniversary date of May 7, 2009, the Company's trading status may be
changed to a suspension without further notice, in accordance with
Exchange Policy 2.4, Section 14.6.
BULLETIN TYPE: Warrant Price Amendment
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has consented to the reduction in the exercise
price of the following warrants:
Private Placement:
# of Warrants: 482,500
Expiry Date of Warrants: December 7, 2009
Forced Exercise Provision: If the closing price for the Company's
shares is $0.065 or greater for a period of
10 consecutive trading days, then the
warrant holders will have 30 days to
exercise their warrants; otherwise the
warrants will expire on the 31st day.
Original Exercise Price
of Warrants: $0.75
New Exercise Price
of Warrants: $0.05
These warrants were issued pursuant to a private placement of 1,000,000
shares with 500,000 share purchase warrants attached, which was accepted
for filing by the Exchange effective December 7, 2007.
BULLETIN TYPE: Warrant Price Amendment
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has consented to the reduction in the exercise
price of the following warrants:
Private Placement:
# of Warrants: 1,488,000
Expiry Date of Warrants: October 23, 2010
Forced Exercise Provision: If the closing price for the Company's
shares is $0.065 or greater for a period of
10 consecutive trading days, then the
warrant holders will have 30 days to
exercise their warrants; otherwise the
warrants will expire on the 31st day.
Original Exercise Price
of Warrants: $0.10
New Exercise Price
of Warrants: $0.05 for a 12 month period, then
$0.10 until expiry
These warrants were issued pursuant to a private placement of 1,800,000
shares with 1,800,000 share purchase warrants attached, which was
accepted for filing by the Exchange effective October 21, 2008.
BULLETIN TYPE: Warrant Price Amendment
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has consented to the reduction in the exercise
price of the following warrants:
Private Placement:
# of Warrants: 2,000,000
Expiry Date of Warrants: May 22, 2009
Forced Exercise Provision: If the closing price for the Company's
shares is $0.065 or greater for a period of
10 consecutive trading days, then the
warrant holders will have 30 days to
exercise their warrants; otherwise the
warrants will expire on the 31st day.
Original Exercise Price
of Warrants: $0.35 in the first year, $0.40
in the second year
New Exercise Price
of Warrants: $0.05
These warrants were issued pursuant to a private placement of 2,000,000
shares with 2,000,000 share purchase warrants attached, which was
accepted for filing by the Exchange effective May 22, 2007.
BULLETIN TYPE: Warrant Price Amendment
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has consented to the reduction in the exercise
price of the following warrants:
Private Placement:
# of Warrants: 2,000,000
Expiry Date of Warrants: December 7, 2009
Forced Exercise Provision: If the closing price for the Company's
shares is $0.065 or greater for a period of
10 consecutive trading days, then the
warrant holders will have 30 days to
exercise their warrants; otherwise the
warrants will expire on the 31st day.
Original Exercise Price
of Warrants: $0.75
New Exercise Price
of Warrants: $0.05
These warrants were issued pursuant to a private placement of 4,000,000
shares with 2,000,000 share purchase warrants attached, which was
accepted for filing by the Exchange effective December 7, 2007.
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company
Further to the news release dated March 30, 2009, the common shares of
R.P.M. Tech Inc. will be delisted from TSX Venture Exchange effective at
the close of business on April 9, 2009. The delisting of the Company's
shares results from the completion of a going-private transaction, as
described in the Company's Management Proxy Circular dated February 27,
TYPE DE BULLETIN: Retrait de la cote
DATE DU BULLETIN: Le 9 avril 2009
Societe du groupe 1 de TSX croissance
Suite au communique de presse emis le 30 mars 2009, les actions
ordinaires de R.P.M. Tech Inc. seront retirees de la cote de Bourse de
croissance TSX a la fermeture des affaires le 9 avril 2009. Le retrait
de la cote des actions de la societe survient suite a une transaction de
privatisation, telle que divulguee dans la circulaire de sollicitation
de procurations par la direction datee du 27 fevrier 2009.
BULLETIN TYPE: Declaration of Dividend
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company
The Issuer has declared the following dividends:
Dividend per Share: $0.069792
Payable Date: June 29, 2009; July 30, 2009 & August 28,
Record Date: June 15, 2009; July 15, 2009 & August 15,
Ex-distribution Date: June 11, 2009; July 13, 2009 & August 12,
2009 respectively
BULLETIN TYPE: Warrant Term Extension, Price Amendment
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has consented to the extension in the expiry date
and a reduction in the exercise price of the following warrants:
Private Placement:
# of Warrants: 13,182,766
Original Expiry Date
of Warrants: April 15, 2008
New Expiry Date
of Warrants: April 15, 2011
Original Exercise Price
of Warrants: $0.30
New Exercise Price
of Warrants: $0.20
These warrants were issued pursuant to a private placement of 13,182,766
shares with 13,182,766 share purchase warrants attached, which was
accepted for filing by the Exchange effective May 16, 2007.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced April 9, 2009:
Number of Shares: 6,105,100 shares
Purchase Price: $0.08 per share
Warrants: 3,052,550 share purchase warrants to
purchase 3,052,550 shares
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.30 for a two year period
Number of Placees: 12 placees
Finder's Fee: $41,161 in cash payable to Skyhawk Aviation
Inc., Brampton, ON.
For further details, please refer to the Company's news release dated
April 9, 2009.
BULLETIN TYPE: Shares for Services
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Company's proposal to
issue 200,000 shares to two consultants in consideration of services
provided to the Company. This transaction was announced in the
Company's news release dated April 7, 2009.
No Insider / Pro Group Participation
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Effective at the opening, April 9, 2009, trading in the shares of the
Company was halted at the request of the Company, pending an
announcement; this regulatory halt is imposed by Investment Industry
Regulatory Organization of Canada, the Market Regulator of the Exchange
pursuant to the provisions of Section 10.9(1) of the Universal Market
Integrity Rules.
BULLETIN TYPE: Resume Trading
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Effective at 11:00 a.m., PST, April 9, 2009, shares of the Company
resumed trading, an announcement having been made over Marketwire.
BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for expedited filing documentation of
an Agreement dated March 18, 2009 between Weststar Resources Corp. (the
"Company") and Hunter Exploration Group (a partnership of 524520 BC
Ltd., 344967 BC Ltd. and Adam Vary) whereby the Company may acquire a
80% interest in 9 coal license applications and 7 pending licenses
covering two areas of approximately 564,800 acres in total located on
western Ellemere Island, Nunavut Territory (the "Property").
The cost of the acquisition of an 80% in the Property includes cash
payments of $100,000 and issuance of 2,000,000 units payable over a
three year period. Each unit consists of one common share and one non-
transferable share purchase warrant, each warrant exercisable into an
additional common share for a period of one year from the date of issue
at $0.35 per share.
A finders fee is payable to MineGate Resources Capital Group Inc.
(Michael Townsend) in the amount of 176,920 common shares.
Commencing March 2, 2012, the Property is subject to a $50,000 annual
advanced royalty payment. The Vendor will retain a 2% gross royalty on
any coal produced from the Property.
For further information please refer to the Company's news release dated
April 1, 2009 and April 6, 2009.
BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for expedited filing documentation of
a Mineral Property Purchase Agreement dated April 6, 2009 between Yale
Resources Ltd. (the "Company") and Exmin Resources Inc. (the "Vendor")
whereby the Company may acquire a 100% interest in a total of 11
concessions covering approximately 28,880 hectares located in the Sierra
Madre Gold belt in southwest Chihuahua, Mexico (the concessions
collectively known as the Urique Project (the "Property")). In
addition, the Company has acquired interest of six option agreements to
acquire an additional six mining concessions covering 276 hectares (the
"Optioned Concessions") which are contiguous to the Property. The
parties have agreed to convert the original Option Agreement dated May
15, 2006 (accepted by the Exchange on May 30, 2006) to an outright
purchase agreement whereby the Vendor will transfer and assign
absolutely 100% in the Property.
The consideration for the Property and the Optioned Concessions is the
payment to the Vendor cash payments totaling US$250,000 and the issuance
of 1,000,000 common shares of the Company and the assumption by the
Company of existing liabilities over the Property relating to previous
work in the amount of US$148,000.
For further information please refer to the Company's news release dated
April 8, 2009 and the Exchange Bulletin dated May 30, 2006.
BULLETIN TYPE: Remain Halted
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
NEX Company
Further to TSX Venture Exchange Bulletin dated April 7, 2009, effective
at 11:35 a.m., PST, April 9, 2009 trading in the shares of the Company
will remain halted pending receipt and review of acceptable
documentation regarding the Change of Business and/or Reverse Takeover
pursuant to Listings Policy 5.2.
BULLETIN TYPE: Notice of Distribution
BULLETIN DATE: April 9, 2009
NEX Company
The Issuer has declared the following distribution:
Distribution per
Common share: CDN$0.20 (Estimated amount)
Payable Date: April 29, 2009
Record Date: April 17, 2009
Ex-Distribution Date: April 15, 2009
Grafico Azioni Golden Cariboo Resources (TSXV:GCC)
Da Feb 2025 a Mar 2025
Grafico Azioni Golden Cariboo Resources (TSXV:GCC)
Da Mar 2024 a Mar 2025