Abitibi Royalties Inc. (TSX VENTURE:RZZ) (the "Company" or "Abitibi Royalties")
is pleased to report on exploration and development activities completed by
project operator, Osisko Mining Corporation ("Osisko") during 2012 on the
Malartic CHL Prospect joint venture property (the "Property"). Drilling summary
and statistics exclude the single "NSR-claim" covering the Charlie Zone and part
of the Gouldie Zone both situated southeast of the Canadian Malartic deposit.
The information herein with respect to the 2012 Drill Program and the 2012 drill
holes and targets tested on the Property has been provided to Abitibi Royalties
by Osisko. 

2012 Drill Program on Malartic CHL Project: 

In 2012, joint venture partner Osisko drilled thirty-one (31) new drillholes in
addition to two (2) drillhole extensions, totalling 5,660.2 metres on the
Property. Please refer to Table 1 at the end of this news release for the
complete list of drillhole information and targets tested and Figures 1 and 2
for the drillhole locations. 

A total of six (6) separate targets were tested during the 2012 drill program.
Total metres drilled amounted to 5660.2 metres, as follows: 

--  Mammoth Ext. Area: 14 ddh's, 2,699-metres 
--  Jeffrey Zone (HAL) Area: 7 ddh's & 2 ddh extensions, 954.2-metres 
--  GEO Target Area: 4 ddh's, 663-metres  
--  North GEO Target Area: 3 ddh's, 675-metres 
--  Eastern CHL target: 1 ddh, 246-metres 
--  Cadillac Sediments area; 2 ddh's, 423-metres 

Assay results for the individual zones tested in the 2012 drill program will
follow in a series of separate news releases over the coming weeks. 

Furthermore, since the grant of the option to Osisko, Osisko has devoted
considerable efforts and project expenditures to the Property. Drilling
statistics and property assessment work credits, as extracted from Osisko's two
public domain assessment report filings, namely: (i) Technical Report on the
2007 - 2009 Diamond Drilling Program, Malartic CHL, Property Malartic, Quebec,
Kiddie, 2011; and (ii) Rapport technique - Rapport des campagnes de forages
2010-2011 et 2012 sur la propriete CHL, are summarized below:

--  From May 2007 to December 2009: 155 diamond drillholes for a total of
    36,530m completed with a value of $3,972,403 in assessment work expenses
    filed; and 
--  From January 2010 to April 2012: 203 diamond diamond drillholes for a
    total of 39,574m with a value of $3,974,864 in assessment work expense

Mineral Reserves & Resources: 

For the latest details on the mineral resource update and mineral reserve
estimate for Abitibi Royalties' two mineralized zones (Jeffrey and
Mammoth/Barnat) located on the Property, and the 2% net smelter return royalty
on the claim hosting part of the Gouldie zone, please refer to the Company's
March 6, 2013 and April 19, 2013 news releases. Please refer to Figure 3 herein
for the details on the Reserves and Resources contained in the various zones.
Additional details can also be retrieved from the technical report entitled: "A
Mineral Resource Update And Mineral Reserve Estimate For Abitibi Royalties
Inc.'s Malartic CHL Property Joint-Venture", dated April 17, 2013 by accessing
Abitibi Royalties' issuer profile at www.sedar.com. 

Brief History of the Malartic CHL Prospect and the Joint Venture Formation: 

The claims comprising the Property were originally staked by Golden Valley Mines
Ltd. ("Golden Valley", please refer to news release dated January 31, 2006),
followed by the grant of an option to Osisko (please refer to news release dated
February 3, 2006). The general terms of the option were the following: Osisko
had the right to acquire a 70% interest in the Property in consideration for
$150,000 in cash payments over a four year period and by completing a minimum
$2,000,000 in exploration expenditures over a four year period. Osisko is the
operator during both the option and joint venture phases. The agreement further
provided that upon Osisko earning a 70% interest in the Property, Golden Valley
would retain a 30% free-carried interest therein to production. 

The agreement and the option were later assigned to Abitibi Royalties in
contemplation of the completion of an arrangement between Golden Valley, the
Company, and two other of Golden Valley's subsidiaries. Osisko has exercised the
option to acquire a 70% interest in the Property and a joint venture is
currently in effect thereon. Abitibi Royalties owns a 30% free-carried interest
in the Property. 

Glenn J. Mullan, Chief Executive Officer of Abitibi Royalties, is the Qualified
Person (as such term is defined in National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of
Mineral Disclosure) who has reviewed this news release and is responsible for
the technical information reported herein.

Table 1: List of 2012 Drillholes and Targets Tested

DDH No.    Section Easting Northing Azimuth  Dip     (m)              TARGET
CHL12-2450   6450E  716450  5334741       2  -45     114   Mammoth Ext. Area
CHL12-2451   6450E  716450  5334741     182  -63     201   Mammoth Ext. Area
CHL12-2462   6500E  716500  5334542     182  -45     240   Mammoth Ext. Area
CHL12-2460   6500E  716500  5334643     182  -45     150   Mammoth Ext. Area
CHL12-2452   6500E  716500  5334729     182  -62     222   Mammoth Ext. Area
CHL12-2453   6500E  716500  5334729     182  -71     282   Mammoth Ext. Area
CHL12-2459   6525E  716525  5334625     182  -45     141   Mammoth Ext. Area
CHL12-2458   6525E  716525  5334660       2  -45     195   Mammoth Ext. Area
CHL12-2461   6550E  716550  5334563     182  -45     126   Mammoth Ext. Area
CHL12-2454   6550E  716550  5334670       2  -45     177   Mammoth Ext. Area
CHL12-2455   6550E  716550  5334670     182  -70     261   Mammoth Ext. Area
CHL12-2426   6575E  716575  5334717     182  -71     263   Mammoth Ext. Area
CHL12-2457   6625E  716625  5334598     182  -48     141   Mammoth Ext. Area
CHL12-2456   6625E  716625  5334657     182  -50     186   Mammoth Ext. Area
CHL12-2443   7250E  717250  5334487     182  -45     105  Jeffrey Zone (HAL)
CHL12-2444   7275E  717275  5334474     182  -45     102  Jeffrey Zone (HAL)
CHL12-2445   7300E  717300  5334470     182  -45   225.2  Jeffrey Zone (HAL)
CHL12-2446   7325E  717325  5334477     182  -45     102  Jeffrey Zone (HAL)
CHL12-2447   7325E  717325  5334477     182  -64     111  Jeffrey Zone (HAL)
CHL12-2448   7350E  717350  5334462     182  -57     102  Jeffrey Zone (HAL)
                                                           Jeffrey Zone (Ext
CHL12-2449   7350E  717350  5334490     182  -57     102      targeting HAL)
                                                           Jeffrey Zone (Ext
CHL10-2266   7350E  717350  5334546     182  -45      66      targeting HAL)
                                                           Jeffrey Zone (Ext
CHL10-2259   7375E  717375  5334546     182  -45      39      targeting HAL)
CHL12-2433     N/A  717350  5334449     189  -49     123          GEO Target
CHL12-2415     N/A  717760  5334704     189  -45     246    North GEO Target
CHL12-2432     N/A  717795  5334578       9  -45     195    North GEO Target
CHL12-2434     N/A  717825  5334440     189  -49     120          GEO Target
CHL12-2416     N/A  717840  5334514       9  -45     234           North GEO
CHL12-2417     N/A  717840  5334514     189  -45     204          GEO Target
CHL12-2418     N/A  717946  5334475     189  -45     216          GEO Target
                                                          Eastern CHL (never
CHL12-2414     N/A  718888  5334530     194  -46     246       drilled area)
CHL12-2431     N/A  719010  5334732      29  -45     285  Cadillac Sediments
CHL12-2402     N/A  717370  5335245     182  -45     138  Cadillac Sediments

About Abitibi Royalties Inc.: Abitibi Royalties holds 100% title to the Luc
Bourdon and Bourdon West Prospects (also known as the McFaulds Lake Property) in
Ontario and a 30% free-carried interest on the Malartic CHL Property near
Val-d'Or, Quebec which is the object of a joint venture with Osisko Mining Corp.
("Osisko"). In addition, the Company holds a 2% net smelter royalty interest in
one additional claim held by Osisko, and may acquire and generate other property
and royalty interests. 

Forward Looking Statements: 

This news release contains certain statements that may be deemed
"forward-looking statements. Forward looking statements are statements that are
not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words
"expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates",
"projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions
"will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Although the Company believes
the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on
reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance
and actual results or realities may differ materially from those in forward
looking statements. Forward looking statements are based on the beliefs,
estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements
are made. Except as required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to
update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs,
estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.

Figures 1, 2 and 3 (Project Malartic CHL prospect) are available at the
following address:

Glenn J. Mullan
819-824-2808, x 204

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Grafico Azioni Abitibi Royalties (TSXV:RZZ)
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