Williams Creek Gold Limited (TSX VENTURE:WCX) ("Williams Creek", "WCX" or the
"Company") is pleased to announce additional positive results from its
geological reconnaissance and sampling program on its Big Sky joint venture,
Yellowknife, NT, Canada. The Company is earning a 50% interest in the Big Sky
Property from its Joint Venture partner, Tyhee Gold Corp. (News Releases
WCX12-04, March 31/12; WCX12-06, May 31/12; and WCX12-11, September 18, 2012).

These are the final 2012 results from a helicopter supported geologic mapping
and sampling program involving a senior geologist and a two-man prospecting team
with long experience in the Yellowknife district. The Big Sky property is
located to the north along strike from, and in similar host rocks to, the
prolific Yellowknife gold district. The samples were collected from both
previously known and newly identified mineralized shear zones. The summary
report on the 2012 geological investigation is complete, pending a corporate
review, and will be used to plan follow up programs, particularly targeting
highly anomalous gold values. 

The following table lists anomalous samples, the ICP-ES parts per billion (ppb)
gold and the combined total gold M150 G6.ME assays in grams per metric tonne.
The results reported here are for samples retuning gold values greater than

A map of the released 2012 sample returns is incorporated into the release and
will also be available on the Company website (www.WilliamsCreek.ca).

-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
Sample       Au-ICP-ES  Au-M150 G6.ME  Sample       Au-ICP-ES  Au-M150 G6.ME
Description        ppb Total Au, gm/t  Description        ppb Total Au, gm/t
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996449         greater          36.48  996561            1814               
           than 10,000                                                      
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996450            2538                 996562            1509               
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996469            3075                 996574            3575               
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996470            2584                 996576            1323               
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996471            1690                 996577         greater           0.19
                                                  than 10,000               
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996474         greater          220.2  996580             687               
           than 10,000                                                      
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996476            5421                 996581            5448               
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996477         greater          41.77  996582            6843               
           than 10,000                                                      
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996481            4885                 996590             755               
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996482            8475                 996592            3020               
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996483         greater           8.83  996602            1141               
           than 10,000                                                      
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996484            6207                 996604             783               
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996485            7564                 996608            1301               
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996492         greater          62.34  996611         greater          36.30
           than 10,000                            than 10,000               
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996494            3873                 996619            2637               
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996495         greater          23.48  996620            7777               
           than 10,000                                                      
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996496            7020                 996621         greater          11.83
                                                  than 10,000               
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996497            4403                 996622             809               
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996498         greater       I.S. (i)  996624            1326               
           than 10,000                                                      
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996499         greater       I.S. (i)  996631            1416               
           than 10,000                                                      
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996500         greater          36.03  996633             527               
           than 10,000                                                      
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996503            1916                 996634             622               
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996516            5886                 996544            1441               
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996517            1828                 996545            9706               
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996519            3597                 996642         greater          15.89
                                                  than 10,000               
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996521             524                 996643            6387               
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996526         greater          47.67  996644            8480               
           than 10,000                                                      
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996535            1270                 996645            2316               
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996552             522                 996648            5496               
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996555            2321                 996649         greater          17.18
                                                  than 10,000               
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
996560         greater           7.75  996654             812               
           than 10,000                                                      
-------------------------------------  -------------------------------------

To see the map associated with this release, please visit the following link:

Sample        Au-ICP-ES  Au-M150 G6.ME
Description         ppb Total Au, gm/t
996655     greater than          38.81
996656     greater than          49.40
996658     greater than          37.10
996664             5484               
996668             5412               
996673             4982               
996681             3885               
996682             5774               
996697              991               
996717             3557               
996719             2301               
996727             8038               
996729             1327               
996730             1128               
996739     greater than          16.05
996762             5319               
996764              557               
996781              985               
996804              670               

(i) I.S. denotes insufficient material to re-run for g/t values.

"We continue to be delighted with the final Big Sky results, from the 2012
season," stated Company Chairman and CEO Michael R. Sonnenreich. "And have
embarked on the planning process to define a follow up program for 2013."

Brian K. Briggs, President and CEO of Tyhee Gold Corp., noted, "These latest
assay results continue to support our shared belief that Big Sky is highly
prospective and we are very pleased that the management and technical team of
Williams Creek are proceeding aggressively to identify the best target areas. We
look forward to seeing the results of Williams Creek's ongoing detailed
technical review and then their plans for an initial drill program in 2013."

Mr. Sonnenreich concluded, "Williams Creek definitely sees the Big Sky property
as an excellent addition to its portfolio of properties and is very pleased with
having Tyhee Gold Corp. as a partner." 

These results are located at eight of the 13 recognized mineralized zones within
the Big Sky Property. Mineralized vertical shears are commonly north south
trending features along northern portions of the property with variable widths
and quartz vein/sulfide content. Shears and veining within southern portions of
the property are northeast - southwest or northwest - southeast, again with
variable vein and shear widths. All assays have now been received for the 2012

Thirty-eight samples occur along the Oro Lake Main Shear Zone, a 10-25m wide
2.8km long shear in mafic volcanics similar to the Giant Mine at Yellowknife, NT
(sample numbers 996449-50, 996469-71, 996419, 996521, 996526, 996535, 996544-45
996552, 996555, 996560-62, 996574, 996576-77, 996580-82, 996590, 996592, 996602,
996604, 996608, 996611, 996621-22, 996624, 996654-56, 996658, 996664, 996697 and

Seventeen samples occur along the Chan Lake Vein set, where two 0.75 to 1.25m
wide 60m long sugary-quartz vein in mafic volcanics occur (sample numbers
996474, 996476-77, 996481-85, 996492, 996494-500, and 996503). Sample 996474
returned the season's highest gold value at 220.23 gm/t. Samples 996498 and
996489 had insufficient sample results to perform subsequent G6 analysis but do
contain ICP results of 38.9 g/t and 13.1 g/t respectfully, which are not
expected to be accurate but do represent approximate values.

Eleven samples occur at random locations throughout the property associated with
narrow quartz veins (sample numbers 996516-17, 996631, 996633, 996668, 996719,
996729-30, 996764, 996781 and 996804).

Four samples occur along the Hutter Shear, a 2m to 4m wide, 800m long shear in
mafic volcanics (sample numbers 996642-44, and 996762).

Three samples occur along the newly recognized Slippery Slope Shear, a set of
narrow quartz veined shears over an undetermined length in mafic volcanics
(sample numbers 996619-20, and 996727).

Three samples occur at the Greyling Lake Gossan, a 1m wide folded semi-massive
to massive sulfide shear less than 10m long in mafic volcanics (sample numbers
996645, and 996681-82).

Two samples occur at the southern extent of the Dwyer Main Shear, a 1m to 12m
wide, 4.1 km long shear cutting both mafic volcanics and gneiss volcanics
(sample numbers 996648-49).

Two samples occur at the newly identified Kendrick Zone just north of the Chan
Lake quartz veins within a zone approximately 5m wide by at least 100m long
where quartz veins are associated with felsic dikes within mafic volcanics
(sample numbers 996673 and 996717).

One sample was associated with the Havoc Zone which hosts multiple 2-8m wide and
500m long mafic shear zones with Arsenopyrite in quartz veining all within mafic
volcanics (sample number 996634).

The additional rock sample results reported here are from reconnaissance grab
samples that were initially assayed for gold by Acme Labs in Vancouver using
fire assay method 3B01, ICP-ES and 1EX ICP-MS for other elements. Samples
returning gold values greater than 10,000 parts per billion (ppb) were
re-assayed using two M150 G6.ME assays, one for the fine fraction and one for
the coarse fraction of the samples, to offset the 'nugget effect'. The coarse
and fine values were then combined by Acme Labs to arrive at the total grams per
tonne (gm/t) reported for the samples.

The Chubby Bear property, acquired from New Gold Inc. (News Release WCX12-03,
March 7/12), is currently the subject of ongoing geochemical soil sampling
programs. A geochemical soil survey is now complete on the Ahbau Creek property,
also acquired from New Gold Inc. (News Release WCX12-03, March 7/12). Assay
results are pending on both Chubby Bear and Ahbau Creek.

The technical information contained in this news release was prepared by Michael
B. Regular, P.Geo., a "Qualified Person" as defined under National Instrument
43-101. Mr. Regular conducted the 2012 Big Sky program. Mr. Regular is an
independent consultant to Williams Creek.

About Williams Creek Gold Limited (WCX)

Visit http://www.WilliamsCreek.ca to learn more about Williams Creek Gold Limited.

Williams Creek Gold Limited is a Canadian company with the primary purpose of
participating broadly in the natural resource sector, with an emphasis on the
gold subsector, through exploration, joint ventures or other equity investments,
royalty and finance agreements. 

Williams Creek Gold Limited owns twenty-eight Crown Granted mineral claims known
as the Barkerville Project in the immediate vicinity of Barkerville, BC in the
Cariboo mining division. The Cariboo gold belt and the Barkerville Camp have a
long history of gold production dating back to the 1800s. Historically the
Barkerville Camp has reported gold production of 3.8 million ounces, including
2.6 million ounces from surface placer and 1.2 million ounces from lode mining.
When placer gold production peaked in the late 1890s, Williams Creek Gold's
Black Jack (District Lot 1B), Home Stake (District Lot 4B), Cornish (District
Lot 1F) and Wintrip (District Lot 32F) Crown Granted mineral claims were among
the first acquired in the early search for lode gold.

Williams Creek Gold Limited also owns a block of four mineral claims 17km west
of Barkerville known as the Pine Properties. The Company has three Crown Granted
mineral claims in the Kamloops Mining Division, two of which are adjacent to New
Gold's New Afton project. Williams Creek Gold Limited also owns the Ahbau Creek,
Chubby Bear and Ahbau Lake claim groups in Central British Columbia. 

Williams Creek Gold is earning a 50% interest through a joint venture with Tyhee
Gold Corp. in the Big Sky Property north of Yellowknife, NWT. 

Additionally, Williams Creek Gold Limited has a net 30% interest in the ATW
diamond property in the MacKenzie Mining District of the Northwest Territories.
Williams Creek also holds the BOPS Project consisting of 32 unpatented
lode-mining claims in Pershing County, Nevada. 

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

Michael R. Sonnenreich, Chairman and CEO 

Williams Creek Gold Limited 

This news release may contain forward-looking statements including management's
assessments of future plans and operations, and the anticipated timing of
meeting the terms of its joint venture agreement obligations. These statements
are based on current expectations that involve a number of risks and
uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those
anticipated. These risks include, but are not limited to, the risks associated
with the mining and exploration industry (e.g. operational risks in development,
exploration and production; delays or changes in plans with respect to
exploration or development projects or capital expenditures), and the
uncertainty of the availability of capital. The assumptions used in the
preparation of such statements, although considered reasonable at the time of
preparation, may prove to be imprecise and, as such, undue reliance should not
be placed on forward-looking statements.

Grafico Azioni Williams Creek Gold Limited (TSXV:WCX)
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Grafico Azioni Williams Creek Gold Limited (TSXV:WCX)
Da Set 2023 a Set 2024 Clicca qui per i Grafici di Williams Creek Gold Limited