The Cookies Crumble in Dreyer's Limited Edition Girl Scout(R) Cookie Ice Cream
01 Febbraio 2006 - 3:00PM
PR Newswire (US)
Five Irresistible Flavors Return to the Freezer Aisle for a Limited
Time OAKLAND, Calif., Feb. 1 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Every year,
for a few short months, the annual rush to scoop up a carton of
Dreyer's Girl Scout Cookie Ice Cream is on! Dreyer's highly
anticipated Girl Scout Cookie Ice Cream flavors are returning to
the freezer aisle for a limited time to offer ice cream lovers a
sensational way to enjoy their favorite cookies. Whether you have a
craving for Thin Mints, Samoas(R) or Tagalongs(R), the three most
popular Girl Scout Cookies(R) in America, Dreyer's is dishing up
another cool way to enjoy these delicious treats. The badge-worthy
line-up, featuring Dreyer's ice cream paired with pieces of the
most loved cookies in America, includes five mouth-watering flavors
that are available through May: -- Girl Scouts Thin Mint Cookie Ice
Cream -- chocolate mint ice cream loaded with chunks of Girl Scouts
Thin Mint Cookies. -- Slow Churned(R) Girl Scouts Thin Mint Cookie
Ice Cream -- if you desire a lighter treat, scoop up this cool
combination of light white mint ice cream and pieces of Girl Scouts
Thin Mint Cookies. -- Girl Scouts Samoas Cookie Ice Cream -- creamy
caramel ice cream filled with pieces of Girl Scouts Samoas Cookies
(coconut, caramel covered cookies) and ribbons of fudge. -- Slow
Churned Girl Scouts Samoas Cookie Ice Cream -- a satisfying light
version of the Girl Scouts Samoas Cookies ice cream flavor. -- Girl
Scouts Tagalong Cookie Ice Cream -- rich vanilla ice cream swirled
with peanut butter and fudge and mixed with pieces of Girl Scout
Tagalongs Cookies. To salute these seasonal flavors, Dreyer's is
inviting pint-sized ice cream fans (ages 8 - 12) to create a
delicious snack or dessert recipe featuring their favorite flavor
of Dreyer's Girl Scout Cookie Ice Cream. Entries in Dreyer's
"Junior Chef Recipe Quest" will be accepted in the following
categories: 1) After School Snack OR 2) My Favorite Dessert and
must include a recipe name, a list of ingredients and simple
preparation instructions. All submissions should be sent to
Dreyer's Junior Chef Recipe Quest, 5929 College Avenue, Oakland,
CA, 94618 and be received by April 4, 2006. The recipes should be
fun to make, have interesting ingredients and taste good. Four
pint-sized chefs will be awarded a year's supply of Dreyer's ice
cream and their choice of one of three prize packages: -- COOKING
IN THE KITCHEN -- featuring all the right tools for an
up-and-coming chef -- OUTDOOR CAMPING ADVENTURE -- the necessary
essentials for your next camping expedition -- MY HOME LIBRARY -- a
dream for any young reader Of the four finalists, one grand
prizewinner will have his or her recipe featured on the carton of
one of Dreyer's Girl Scout Cookie Ice Cream flavors in 2007 and
will receive a $500 U.S. Savings Bond (in addition to one of the
prizes listed above). Complete contest details are available at To find out where Dreyer's Girl Scout
Cookie Ice Cream has recently been delivered in your neighborhood,
please visit Dreyer's unique Flavor Finder(R) at But hurry, because these popular flavors
will disappear faster than the last cookie in the cookie jar.
Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream Holdings, Inc., and its subsidiaries
manufacture and distribute a full spectrum of ice cream and frozen
dessert products. Brands of frozen dessert products currently
manufactured or distributed by Dreyer's in the United States
include Grand, Slow Churned(R), Haagen-Dazs(R), Nestle(R)
Drumstick(R), Nestle Crunch(R), Butterfinger(R), Toll House(R),
Carnation(R), Dibs(TM), Push-Up(R), Frosty Paws(R), Dole(R), Fruit
Bars, Starbucks(R) and The Skinny Cow(R). The company's premium
products are marketed under the Dreyer's brand name throughout the
Western states and Texas, and under the Edy's brand name throughout
the remainder of the United States. Internationally, the Dreyer's
brand extends to select markets in the Far East and the Edy's brand
extends to the Caribbean and South America. For more information on
the company, please visit NOTE: Edy's,
the Dreyer's and Edy's logo design, Slow Churned, Dibs and The
Skinny Cow are all trademarks or trade names of Dreyer's Grand Ice
Cream, Inc. The Starbucks trademark is owned by Starbucks U.S.
Brands, LLC and is licensed to the Starbucks Ice Cream Partnership,
a joint venture partnership between Dreyer's and Starbucks Holding
Company. All other trademarks and trade names are licensed to
Dreyer's by Nestle. Girl Scouts(R) and Girl Scout Cookies(R) are
registered trademarks of the Girl Scouts of the USA and are used
pursuant to license. Tagalongs(R) and Samoas(R) are registered
trademarks and used with permission. FCMN Contact: DATASOURCE: Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream, Inc.
CONTACT: Kim Goeller-Johnson of Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream, Inc.,
+1-510-601-4211, or Web site: Web site: