The following table lists unplanned and planned production outages at U.S. refineries as reported by Dow Jones Newswires. The information is compiled from both official and unofficial refining sources and doesn't purport to be a comprehensive list.

A power outage shut down the west plant at the Citgo Corpus Christi, Texas refinery over the weekend, according to a state environmental filing.

The power blip occurred at 10:12 p.m. Saturday CT, according to the report from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

The sulfur recovery unit was restarted after all the process units were shut down.

ConocoPhillips (COP) reported to state environmental regulators that a fire occurred at the Sweeny, Texas refinery on Thursday afternoon. The fire resulted in a partial shut-down of the coker unit.

ConocoPhillips will begin Monday restarting the crude unit at its Bayway refinery in Linden, N.J., a person familiar with operations at the plant said Thursday.

The crude unit was shut on April 5 when a small fire broke out at the unit.

The refinery, which was in the process of returning to normal operations following six-weeks of major turnaround maintenance at the gasoline-making fluid catalytic cracking unit and associated units, has been operating at reduced rates since April 5 fire, which was the second at the plant in about a month. The reformer was shut after a fire in March.

The Bayway refinery is able to process up to 238,000 barrels of crude oil a day

On April 6, a power outage shut down the ConocoPhillips Alliance refinery in Belle Chasse, La., the company said. Refinery crews are formulating a restart plan for the units, Stephens said Monday afternoon. The company did not provide a status update on Tuesday.

Valero Energy Corp. (VLO) has shut a 45,000 barrel-a-day hydrocracker at its Port Arthur, Texas refinery in order to make repairs, the company said April 6.

The unit was shut on Friday and will be down for about 7 to 10 days, company spokesman Bill Day said. A leak in the air cooler needs to be repaired, he said.

Valero completed a turnaround of the hydrocracker at its Benicia, Calif. refinery on April 2, and it is now at planned rates, Day said April 6th.

Sinclair Oil Corp.'s Wyoming refinery is operating at 50% capacity after a fire and is expected to return to normal by mid-April, the company said April 6th.

A fire broke out at the refinery in March. The Sinclair, Wy., plant can process up to 66,000 barrels of oil a day.

Flint Hill Resources Corpus Christi, Texas refinery shut down its sulfur recovery unit #2 at the east plant for maintenance, according to a report with environmental regulators. The outage is expected to last until April 7th.

Citgo Corpus Christi, Tx reported April 3 that it was restarting its SCOT unit after scheduled work according to a report filed with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The SCOT unit increases the efficiency of sulfur recovery units.

Tesoro Corp. (TSO) on March 28-29 restarted a coker unit and a reformer unit at its Wilmington, Calif., refinery following two weeks of scheduled maintenance. The units are at normal operating rates.

Total Petrochemicals U.S.A. also shut key units at its Port Arthur, Texas refinery March 24. The shutdowns were due to economic factors, according to people familiar with the refinery.

For more detailed information, search Dow Jones Newswires using the code N/REF.

Operator    Refinery    Capacity   Description                  Restart 
                        (in 000s 
Conoco      Linden        238.0  Reformer shut due to fire       Mar. 30 
            NJ                   on Mar. 21. Second fire 
                                 April 4, reduces rates. 
                                 Restart scheduled for 
                                 April 13.                      April 13 
Sunoco      Philadel-    335.0  10 workers hospitalized          n/a 
            phia, PA            Mar. 11 for evaluation after 
                                vapor release at alkylation 
Valero      Delaware     210.0  Boiler system inspection and     May 3 
            City, DE            repair extends refinery down- 
                                time by one mo. to early May. 
                                Entire refinery shut Mar. 4 
                               for 30 days maintenance 
                                at coker unit which has been 
                                shuttered since Feb. 15. 
                                FCCU at reduced rates since      n/a 
                                mid-Dec. for economic reasons. 
Citgo      Corpus        156.0  April 11  power outage 
                                shuts West plant.                 n/a 
                                SRU restarted 
Conoco     Belle Chasse  247.0  Power outage April 5            mid-April 
           La.                      shuts refinery 
Conoco      Borger, TX   152.0  Work will begin Mar. 27 to       Apr 
                                repair an air blower while       10 
                                FCCU No. 29 remains opera- 
                                tional. The unit may be shut 
                                if necessary. 
Conoco      Sweeny Tx    247.0  Fire partially shuts coker unit 
                                April 9th 
Delek US    Tyler, TX     60.0  Refinery expected to be wholly   May 
                                on-line by May 2009, following 
                                Nov. 20 fire at sat. gas unit 
                                killed two workers and injured 
Flint Hills Corpus,       288.1 Shut SRU #2 April 5 for work     April 7 
            Christi, Tx 
Valero      Port Arthur  325.0  FCCU at reduced rates since      n/a 
                                mid-Dec. for economic rea- 
                                sons. Shut hydrocracker for 
                                repairs April 3.                April 10-13 
Sinclair     Sinclair,   66.0   Refinery opps at 50%            mid-April 
             Wy                 after March fire. 
Flint       North Pole   210.0  One of three processing          n/a 
Hills                           units has been shut due 
                                to low jet fuel demand, 
                                the co. confirmed on Mar. 
PetroStar   Valdez, AK    48.0  Refinery shut due to Dec.        n/a 
                                28 fire. 
North       Newfound-    115.0  Plantwide shutdown will begin    Early 
Atlantic    land                first week of April for 21       May 
                                days of planned maintenance. 
                                Upgrade work at hydrotreater 
                                will take an additional 14 
Conoco      Linden       238.0  145,000-b/d FCCU shut Feb.       April 3 
            NJ                  18 for about 45 days of 
                                planned turnaround mainte- 
                                nance. In Restart April 3. 
Sunoco      Philadelphia 330.0  Reformer unit shut in early      n/a 
            PA               Oct. for economic reasons. 
                                Shutdown to last one to six 
Valero      Delaware     210.0  82,000-b/d FCCU operating        n/a 
            DE                  at reduced rate for eco- 
                                nomic reasons, Co. said on 
                                Dec. 16. 
Valero      Paulsboro    160.0  27,000-b/d coker unit to        n/a 
            NJ                  shut in April for 35-days 
                                of planned work, the Co. 
                                said on Mar. 11. 
BP          Texas City   437.0  Ultraformer in restart Mar.      Mar. 26 
            TX                  23 following maintenance. 
Chevron     Pascagoula   330.0  Pre-commercial heavy oil         2010 
            Miss.               conversion project delayed 
                                from 2008 to 2010 due to 
                                economic factors. 
Citgo       Corpus       156.0  Restarted Scot Unit 
            Christi, Tx 
Flint       Corpus       288.1  $250 mil. project for new        Spr 
Hills       Christi, TX         diesel desulfurization,          2010 
                                sulfur recovery unit to begin 
                                in Fall 2008. Construction 
                                to last 18 months. 
Marathon    Garyville    245.0  Project to increase crude oil    4Q 
            LA                  refining capacity by 180,000-    2009 
                                b/d expected to conclude in 
                                4th-quarter, 2009. 
Marathon    Texas City    76.0  Platformer and UDEX shut for     n/a 
            TX                  annual planned maintenance 
                                and catalyst change on Feb. 4. 
Total       Port Arthur  232.0  Key process units shut due       n/a 
                                to poor economic conditions 
                                on Mar. 24 
Valero      Corpus       340.0  20,000-b/d FCCU in East          n/a 
                                Plant shut; West Plant 
                                50,000-b/d FCCU at reduced 
                                rates since mid-Dec. for 
                                economic reasons. 
Valero      McKee, TX    170.0  Smaller of two crude units       May/ 
                                at 60,000-b/d to shut in         June 
                                May for 14 days; 55,000-b/d 
                                to shut in May for 21 days. 
Valero      Norco, LA    250.0  Upgrade project to build         2012 
                                a new diesel hydrotreater 
                                unit moved from 2010 to 
                                4th-quarter 2012, the Co. 
                                said on Jan. 27. 
Valero      Port Arthur  325.0  77,000-b/d FCCU at reduced       n/a 
            TX                  rates since mid-Dec. for 
                                economic reasons. 
Valero      Sunray, TX   170.0  55,000-b/d FCCU at reduced       n/a 
                                rates since mid-Dec. for 
                                economic reasons. 
Valero      Three Rivers  95.0  24,000-b/d FCCU at reduced       n/a 
            TX                  rates since mid-Dec. for 
                                economic reasons. 
BP          Whiting,    410.0   Planned maintenane continues     End 
            IN                  on Mar. 16 at the smaller of     Mar 
                                3 crude units. The work began 
                                in early March and is expected   Early 
                                to conclude by the end of the    Apr 
                                month or by early April. 
Conoco      Billings,    61.0   On Mar. 5 the Co. delayed for    Jan. 
            MT                  one year an expansion project    2010 
                                which will increase capacity 
                                to 71,000 bbls. Construction of 
                                a new crude is now scheduled 
                                to begin in January 2010. 
Frontier    El Dorado    130.0  Hydrotreater in restart and      Mar. 
            KS                  expected to produce product by   28-29 
                                Mar. 28-29, the Co. said. 
                                A coker turnaround and expan-    Mid- 
                                sion project was delayed until   Aug. 
                                Mid-July, and subsequently 
                                delayed until August. 
Frontier    Cheyenne      52.0  12,000-b/d FCCU at planned       Mar 
            WY                  rates on Mar. 27 following two   27 
                                weeks of planned maintenance. 
                                The refinery is operating at re- 
                                duced rates for economic reasons. 
Marathon    Robinson     204.0  Crude unit, two coker units      n/a 
                                shut Mar. 9 for planned main- 
                                tenance; no restart timing 
Marathon    Detroit      100.0  Project to upgrade refinery      n/a 
            MI                  to process Canadian crude 
                                delayed from 2009 to 2012, 
                                the co. said on Feb. 3. 
Sunoco      Toledo, OH   160.0  FCCU turnaround lasting 6 weeks  4Q08 
                                planned for 4q 2008 or 1Q 2009 
Sunoco      Tulsa, Okla.  85.0  Turnaround maintenance will      n/a 
                                take place in Feb., the Co. 
                                said on Feb. 5. 
                                Refinery could close by end 
                                of 2009 if buyer not found. 
Valero      Memphis, TN  195.0  FCCU upgrade originally slated   2012 
                                for completion in 2009 has been 
                                shifted to 2012, the Co. said 
                                on Jan. 27. 
Suncor      Commerce City 90.0  32,000-b/d crude unit,           n/a 
            CO                  10,500-b/d reformer will 
                                shut in March for planned 
                                maintenance, the Co. said 
                                on Jan. 26. 
Alon        Paramount     55.0  Hydrocracker project post- 
            CA                  poned indefinitely, the Co. 
                                said on Feb. 4 
Tesoro      Wilmington   105.0  Reformer and Coker units, 
            CA                  which underwent work in March   April 
                                are back at normal rates. 
Valero      Benicia     144.0   Hydrocracker in restart April   April 2 
            CA                  2 after two-week turnaround. 
                                Back to planned rates, co. said  April 6