BUDAPEST--A U.S. court of appeals has dismissed claims filed by Holocaust survivors against OTP Bank Nyrt. (OTP.BU) that accused it of cooperating with regimes that committed genocide in World War II, the bank said in a stock exchange filing Thursday.

The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, based in Chicago, rejected the plaintiffs' claims, saying the U.S. court doesn't have jurisdiction because the named banks aren't solidly linked to the U.S. legal system.

In the class action brought by the group Holocaust Victims of Bank Theft, the plaintiffs accused OTP Bank, along with MKB Bank, owned by Germany's Bayerische Landesbank, and Erste Bank Nyrt., owned by Austria's Erste Group Bank AG (EBS.VI), of being accessories to genocide and filed an aggregate compensation claim of $75 billion.

"OTP Bank maintains that the plaintiffs' claim against it has been unfounded in its entirety," the company said.

Write to Gergo Racz at

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