BP       Cherry Pt     226.0  Hydrotreater operations upset 
         WA                   occurred on Sep 13. 
Chevron  Richmond,     245.0  Heat exchanger hydrogen leak 
         CA                   reported on Sep 15; impact on 
                              operations unclear. 
                              CDU No. 4 is shut after Aug 6 
                              fire. Most other process units 
                              continue to operate, the co. 
                              said, although gasoline production 
                              was reduced by an unspecified 
                              amount, a Sep 12 DJ report said. 
                              No restart estimate. 
Exxon    Torrance      155.0  Unplanned flaring reported to 
Mobil    CA                   regulators on Sep 13. Unit(s) 
                              involved not specified. 
Phillips Wilmington/   140.0  Some units have returned to ser- 
66       Carson, CA           vice and the entire plant will 
                              be fully operational by Sep 22, 
                              the co. said on Sep 20. 
                              Record heat and a power outage 
                              on Sep 15 forced plantwide shut- 
                              down, a report to regulators said. 
                              Restart expected by end of week. 
Husky    Saskatchewan         Major turnaround to take place     Spring 
Refinery                      in spring of 2013. Plant-wide      2013 
                              shutdown for inspection and 
                              equipment repairs. 
Valero   Aruba                Refinery still up for sale, the 
                              Co. said on July 31, 2012. 
Monroe   Trainer, PA   185.0  Some units will restart Sep 8-9; 
Energy                        full ops expected by month's end 
                              the co. said on Sep 6. 
                              Delta Airlines subsidiary buys     Late 
                              refinery in April, plans turn-     Summer 
                              around through summer. Startup     2012 
                              planned in late summer 2012. 
Sunoco   Philadelphia  335.0  Energy Partners buys Sunoco Inc.;  4Q 
         PA                   deal to close 4Q 2012.             2012 
Sunoco   Marcus Hook   190.0  Marcus Hook shut Dec. 1 ahead of 
                              schedule due to poor refining 
Valero   Houston, TX   160.0  Eight weeks of maintenance set     Oct/Nov 
                              to begin in Sept. 2012 at FCCU.    2012 

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