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Bioventix (BVXP)

News di Agenzia

 Ti mostriamo gli articoli più rilevanti per la tua ricerca:LSE:BVXP
24/12/202410:14RNS Regulatory NewsBioVentix PLC Director DealingLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
06/12/202408:00RNS Regulatory NewsBioVentix PLC Result of AGMLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
04/12/202416:34RNS Regulatory NewsBioVentix PLC Holding(s) in CompanyLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
22/11/202416:56RNS Regulatory NewsBioVentix PLC Director/PDMR ShareholdingLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
08/11/202408:57RNS Regulatory NewsBioVentix PLC Notice of AGMLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
28/10/202412:59Alliance NewsAlliance NewsBioventix "pleased" as annual profit rises and sales growLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
28/10/202408:00RNS Regulatory NewsBioVentix PLC Results for the year ended 30 June 2024LSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
25/03/202415:24Alliance NewsAlliance NewsBioventix ups dividend as profit rises; says headwinds temporaryLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
25/03/202408:00RNS Regulatory NewsBioVentix PLC Interim ResultsLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
29/01/202422:25Alliance NewsAlliance NewsIN BRIEF: Bioventix CEO Harrison sells GBP2.6 million in sharesLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
10/11/202317:23UK RegulatoryBioVentix PLC Posting of Annual Report and Notice of AGMLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
30/10/202315:43Alliance NewsAlliance NewsTRADING UPDATES: Bioventix hails "technical progress" as profit risesLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
30/10/202308:00UK RegulatoryBioVentix PLC Results for the year ended 30 June 2023LSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
30/05/202308:00UK RegulatoryBioVentix PLC Board AppointmentLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
19/05/202312:23Alliance NewsAlliance NewsDIRECTOR DEALINGS: New Future CEO buys GBP800,000 in sharesLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
19/05/202308:00UK RegulatoryBioVentix PLC Director/PDMR Shareholdings and Issue of EquityLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
27/03/202316:01Alliance NewsAlliance NewsEARNINGS UPDATES: Belvoir ups yearly payout; SigmaRoc swings to profitLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
27/03/202308:00UK RegulatoryBioVentix PLC Interim StatementLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
29/12/202216:03UK RegulatoryBioventix Plc Holding(s) in CompanyLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
29/12/202216:03PR Newswire (US)Bioventix Plc - Holding(s) in CompanyLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
08/12/202216:33PR Newswire (US)Bioventix Plc - Result of AGMLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
08/12/202216:33UK RegulatoryBioventix Plc Result of AGMLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
22/11/202208:00UK RegulatoryBioventix Plc Director DealingLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
22/11/202208:00PR Newswire (US)Bioventix Plc - Director DealingLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
08/11/202217:08PR Newswire (US)Bioventix Plc - Posting of Annual Report and Notice of AGMLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
08/11/202217:08UK RegulatoryBioventix Plc Posting of Annual Report and Notice of AGMLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
24/10/202212:26Alliance NewsAlliance NewsBioventix annual profit up on sales versus heart-attack linked proteinLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
24/10/202208:02UK RegulatoryBioventix Plc Results for the year ended 30 June 2022LSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
24/10/202208:00PR Newswire (US)Bioventix Plc - Results for the year ended 30 June 2022LSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
14/09/202213:11Alliance NewsAlliance NewsIN BRIEF: Bioventix expects full-year trading to surpass expectationsLSE:BVXPBioventix Plc
 Ti mostriamo gli articoli più rilevanti per la tua ricerca:LSE:BVXP

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