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Profilo creato: 14 Set 2009



Technical Analyst , passed all CMT exams ( Chartered Market Technician ) , love Relative Strength , Trend and Momentum . I follow price first. Follow cycles , Factor ETFs , Sector ETFs and usually a single stock view is part of a basket I hold in such sector or factor . Python beginner and enjoy good banter

Luogo London, UK
Stile Trading Technical, Momentum, Quantitative
Strumenti finanziari Stocks, ETfs
Mercati finanziari LSE, NYSE, NASDAQ
Settori d’interesse Oil & Gas, Banks, Real Estate, Information Technology Hardware
Intermediario finanziario: CMC, Interactive Brokers
Occupazione Trader
Luogo di lavoro London
Scuola European Business School, Inner Circle, London, UK
Citazione preferita Anything from GoodFellas / Godfather or Rocky lol . “It ain’t about how hard you hit its about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward .. “


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