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Akola Group Ab

0,00 (0,00%)
21 Feb 2025 - Chiuso
Dati in Delay di 15 minuti
Borsa: Londra
Tipo: Azione Ordinaria
Valuta: EUR

Ultime notizie

Data Ora Fonte Titolo
20/2/202515:03UKREGSummary of the Investor Conference webinar of the H1..
19/2/202515:30UKREGHalf a year of AB Akola Group: net profit grew by more than..
13/2/202507:45UKREGAB Akola Group will hold an Investor Conference Webinar to..
17/12/202408:00UKREGAB Akola Group completes successful acquisition of Latvian..
09/12/202416:29UKREGAB Akola Group investors calendar for the 2025
02/12/202407:00UKREGAB Akola Group notification on transactions in the Company's..
21/11/202414:05UKREGSummary of the Investor Conference webinar of the 3-month..
20/11/202415:01UKREGThree months of AB Akola Group: the food sector outperformed..
13/11/202416:20UKREGAB Akola Group will hold an Investor Conference Webinar to..
11/11/202414:58UKREGA new wording of AB Akola Group Articles of Association is..
31/10/202414:27UKREGDividend Payment Procedure for shareholders of AB Akola..
31/10/202414:21UKREGAB Akola Group's notification about the Annual information..
31/10/202414:03UKREGResolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of..
31/10/202407:00UKREGAB Akola Group receives permission to acquire Latvian grain..
17/10/202407:30UKREGSupplement of the Agenda of the Annual General Meeting of..
09/10/202423:10UKREGNotice on convening the Annual General Meeting of..
27/9/202407:30UKREGAB Akola Group subsidiary increases investment in breadcrumb..
10/9/202408:19UKREGThe construction of the Akola Group seed factory in Latvia..
06/9/202415:00UKREGAB Akola Group plans to acquire a prominent Latvian grain..
22/8/202415:00UKREGSummary of the Investor Conference webinar of the 12-month..
21/8/202415:48UKREGTwelve months of AB Akola Group: profits grow while revenue..
14/8/202409:20UKREGAB Akola Group will hold an Investor Conference Webinar to..
25/7/202407:55UKREGAB Akola Group plans another investment in biomethane gas..
23/5/202416:00UKREGSummary of the Investor Conference webinar of the 9-month..
22/5/202415:07UKREGNine months of AB Akola Group: impacted by low raw material..
14/5/202409:15UKREGAB Akola Group will hold an Investor Conference Webinar to..
30/4/202415:00UKREGAB Akola Group: notification on acquisition of voting rights
08/4/202407:55UKREGAB Akola Group invests in ‘Brite’, a natural functional..
27/3/202408:00UKREGAB Akola Group to build a seed factory for EUR 9.5 million
19/3/202408:00UKREGResignation of a member of the Management Board of AB Akola..
15/3/202407:30UKREGAB Akola Group invests in a promising Lithuanian beverage..
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Chiusura: 0,70

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