Sovereign Network Group's Quarterly
Performance Update covering unaudited Q4 results for the financial
year 2023/24
Sovereign Housing Association trading as Sovereign Network
Group (SNG)
Sovereign Network Group is the sixth largest
housing association in the UK in terms of unit size with over
84,000 homes, with a core geographical focus in the South of
England and London. SNG continues to be one of the largest
developers of social tenure developments with an ambition to
develop 25,000 homes over the next 10 years.
Quarter 4 Performance Update - period to 31 March
Sovereign Network Group's unaudited underlying
financial performance continued to see growth in surplus vs prior
year excluding the impact of one-off activities or accounting
adjustments. Core lettings turnover improved year on year,
however Q4 FY24 turnover declined compared to Q4 FY23 as a result
of a one-off development transaction that occurred in Q4
Q4 FY24 sales are in line with the overall run
rate for the year, but a decrease from Q3 FY24 where there was an
exceptional increase in sales. Handovers saw 62 additional
units compared to Q3 FY24.
The combined development programme has continued
at pace with 572 handovers in the quarter. Sales of 176 units
bolstered overall performance. In comparison to this quarter last
financial year SNG has sold an additional 41 units and delivered 11
additional handovers.
In total for FY24, SNG delivered 2,015 new homes
including schemes at Cleve Wood (Thornbury), Dabbs Hill (LB Ealing)
and Horlicks Quarter (Slough).

Treasury and Golden Rules
The SNG Board agreed a set of Golden Rules that
support the strategic goals of the business, protect long-term
financial strength as well as a single 'A' investment grade credit
rating. The Golden Rules focus on 6 key measures:
Interest cover and Gearing are the primary two
financial covenants in our loan agreements. The Board has set a
prudent level of headroom against these covenants, ensuring the
long-term financial resilience and viability of the
Ensuring sufficient liquidity is in place to meet
business requirements, balancing between minimising the cost of
carry and holding a prudent level of liquidity.
EBITDA MRI interest cover has been included as a
Golden Rule to manage expenditure on existing stock at a level that
is sustainable whilst delivering for our customers. SNG have no
EBITDA MRI-linked covenants.
Operating margin has been set in line with our
aspirational corporate strategy to ensure we continue delivering
value for our customers and remain financially
Sales as a percentage of turnover to limit
reliance on sales income, with a large majority of revenue being
derived from core cashflow.
The below table sets out the Golden
rules based at SNG combined level.
Golden rule
31 Mar 2024
Liquidity policy
18 months+
£902m cash and available undrawn
facilities equating to 20 months liquidity following the £400m bond
issuance in January 2024. Documentation underway to extend a number
of revolving credit facilities which would extend this
EBITDA-MRI Interest cover |
Statement of Comprehensive
Operating Margin
20.2%. The Board set a minimum
target above our current operating margin at 23% to hold the
business to account to deliver efficiency savings through
integration and transformation. This is in line with our
expectation, and we expect to meet this Golden Rule in the future
as we progress through integration and transformation.
Sales as a % of Turnover |
Interest cover
Gearing |
As at 31st March 2024, for SNG, total long-term
facilities were £4,517 million, of which £3,616 million was drawn,
providing £902m of available liquidity facilities, in addition to
cash and cash equivalents of c. £60m. There continues to be
significant headroom against Interest Cover and Gearing covenants
across all SNG facilities.
SNG has an A3 (Outlook: Stable) rating with
SNG has an A (Outlook: Negative) with S&P.
SNH has an A (Outlook: Negative) with
Customer Services
SNG launched 24/7 View My Documents
on its self-serve portal for its customer to allow them to download
rent letters and service charge statements. Before this, customers
had to email or call SNG if they wanted a copy.
SNG also partnered with Citizens
Advice Opens to run a free Energy Outreach Programme. This provided
customers with impartial advice on how to improve energy
efficiency, save money and access the very best energy
409 individual household assessments
were completed through the programme, which led to SNG
310 household focused energy packs
163 warm packs
85 referrals for ongoing support from either our
SNG's Customer Income Advice (CIA), Debt Advice or Employment
Support services
101 referrals to the Pocket Power switching
Communities and
Over the last year, SNG have generated £99.4m of
social value through activity across Community Investment and the
wider organisation. We have integrated measuring the wellbeing
impact of damp and mould repairs, accessing home insurance, our
Customer Income Advice service and tenancy sustainment activity
with Your Own Place. We have significantly exceeded our target of
£75m across the organisation.
SNG continues to make good progress existing
core stock with an overall average RdSAP score of 72.82% and EPC C
rating of 73.36%.
Corporate Affairs
SNG has continued to actively engage
with MPs, Parliamentary Candidates, local government leaders and
policy influencers from all major parties with a focus on securing
sustainable long-term rent settlements, as well as, promoting the
development of good, affordable homes through planning reform and
access to land. We are actively engaged in sector partnerships and
commissioned recently published research on behalf of a group of
housing associations in the South East that sets out the scale of
the affordable housing deficit in the region.
SNG has formally responded to the
Government's consultations on regulation of the sector including
Awaab's Law, the Consumer Standards, and the Competence and Conduct
Standard. We have also responded to consultations related to
brownfield planning, street votes, allocations and ASB, and the
Future Homes Standard.
For more information, please
Anup Dholakia,
Treasury Director, Sovereign Network Group
Charles Pitt, Corporate Affairs
Director, Sovereign Network Group
Disclaimer The information contained
herein (the "Trading Update") has been prepared by Sovereign
Housing Association Limited trading as Sovereign Network Group (the
"Parent") and its subsidiaries (the "Group"), including Sovereign
Advances Ltd, Sovereign Housing Capital PLC (the "Issuers") and is
for information purposes only.
The Trading Update should not be
construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities
issued by the Parent, the Issuers or any other member of the Group,
or any interest in any such securities, and nothing herein should
be construed as a recommendation or advice to invest in any such
Statements in the Trading Update,
including those regarding possible or assumed future or other
performance of the Group as a whole or any member of it, industry
growth or other trend projections may constitute forward-looking
statements and as such involve risks and uncertainties that may
cause actual results, performance or developments to differ
materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking
statements. Accordingly, no assurance is given that such
forward-looking statements will prove to have been correct. They
speak only as at the date of the Trading Update and neither the
Parent nor any other member of the Group undertakes any obligation
to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a
result of new information, future developments, occurrence of
unanticipated events or otherwise.
None of the Parent, any member of
the Group or anyone else is under any obligation to update or keep
current the information contained in the Trading Update. The
information in the Trading Update is subject to verification, does
not purport to be comprehensive, is provided as at the date of the
Trading Update and is subject to change without notice.
No reliance should be placed on the
information or any projections, targets, estimates or forecasts and
nothing in the Trading Update is or should be relied on as a
promise or representation as to the future. No statement in the
Trading Update is intended to be an estimate or forecast. No
representation or warranty, express or implied, is given by or on
behalf of the Parent, any other member of the Group or any of their
respective directors, officers, employees, advisers, agents or any
other persons as to the accuracy or validity of the information or
opinions contained in the Trading Update (and whether any
information has been omitted from the Trading Update). The Trading
Update does not constitute legal, tax, accounting or investment
Note: Figures quoted in the update
are based on unaudited management accounts which are subject to
review and further adjustments, for example in the areas of
pensions, investment property valuation and taxation.