RNS Number:1528O
Citadel Holdings PLC
20 July 2000

Part 1

         CLS Holdings plc ("CLS" or "the Company")
  Merger by way of recommended offer for Citadel Holdings
                      plc ("Citadel")
   The  CLS  Independent Directors, on behalf of CLS,  and
   the  Citadel  Independent  Directors  are  pleased   to
   announce that they have reached agreement on the  terms
   and  conditions  of a merger by way  of  a  recommended
   offer   ("the  Merger  Offer")  to  be  made  by   HSBC
   Investment Bank plc ("HSBC") on behalf of CLS  for  the
   whole  of the issued and to be issued share capital  of
   Citadel not already owned by CLS.

   The  Merger  Offer will be on the basis of  3  New  CLS
   Shares for every 5 Citadel Shares.

   CLS  also announced today its interim results  for  the
   six  months  ended  30 June 2000 and reported  NAV  per
   share  of  284.0  pence (up 16.4  per  cent.  since  31
   December  1999).   Profit  before  taxation  was  #13.1
   million  (1999:  #9.9 million) and basic  earnings  per
   share were 12.4 pence (1999: 8.3 pence).

   The  CLS Directors are intending to make a tender offer
   buy-back  in lieu of dividend for the six months  ended
   30  June  2000,  of  a  total  of  approximately  #4.35
   million  following  completion  of  the  Merger  Offer.
   This   is  equivalent  in  cash  terms  to  an  interim
   dividend  of  3.92 pence per CLS Share in the  Enlarged
   Group  (1999:  2.85 pence per share),  an  increase  of
   37.5 per cent.

   Citadel  also announced today its interim  results  for
   the  six months ended 30 June 2000 and reported NAV per
   share  of 152.5 pence after notional exercise of  share
   warrants  held by CLS over Citadel Shares (up 10.4  per
   cent. since 30 June 1999).  Profit before taxation  was
   #2.2  million  (1999: #1.9 million) and basic  earnings
   per share were 5.8 pence (1999: 5.2 pence).

   Due  to  the  Merger Offer, the Citadel Directors  have
   not  declared  an interim dividend for the  six  months
   ended  30  June  2000.   However, Citadel  Shareholders
   will  be  entitled  to participate  in  CLS's  intended
   tender  offer buy-back, on any CLS Shares they  receive
   under the Merger Offer in lieu of dividend for the  six
   months ended 30 June 2000.

   Based on CLS's Closing Price of 177.5 pence on 19  July
   2000  (the last dealing day prior to the date  of  this
   announcement), the Merger Offer:

   -  values  each  Citadel  Share at approximately  106.5
   -  values   the  whole  of  Citadel's  existing  issued
      share capital at approximately #35.7 million; and
   -  represents  a  discount  of  approximately  4.5  per
      cent.  to  the  Closing Price of  111.5  pence  per
      Citadel  Share  on 19 July 2000, the  last  dealing
      day prior to the date of this announcement.
   CLS  has received irrevocable undertakings from Citadel
   Directors  in respect of a total of 21.5 per  cent.  of
   Citadel's issued share capital and non-binding  letters
   of  intent,  in  the absence of a competing  offer,  to
   accept  the  Merger Offer in respect of a further  25.3
   per  cent.  of  Citadel's issued  share  capital.   The
   irrevocable  undertakings will cease to be  binding  if
   the Merger Offer lapses or is withdrawn.

   As  at  30  June  2000, the combination  of  these  two
   companies  would create a real estate investor  with  a
   gross  portfolio  value in excess of #640  million  and
   enhanced  geographical coverage with strategic holdings
   in  the  three European markets of the United  Kingdom,
   Sweden and France.

CLS Holdings plc                                          
Sten Mortstedt          Executive Chairman   020 7582 7766
Glyn Hirsch             Chief Executive      020 7582 7766
Citadel Holdings plc                                      
Gavin Kelly             Chairman of the      020 7578 7070
                        Citadel Independent           
HSBC   Investment  Bank plc
Jonathan Gray                                020 7336 9983
Teather & Greenwood Limited                  020 7426 9534
Russell Cook                                              

This  summary should be read in conjunction  with  and  is
subject   to   the   full  text  of  the  attached   press

HSBC Investment Bank plc, which is regulated in the United
Kingdom  by The Securities and Futures Authority  Limited,
is acting exclusively for CLS Holdings plc and no-one else
in  connection  with  the Merger Offer  and  will  not  be
responsible  to  anyone other than CLS  Holdings  plc  for
providing  the protections afforded to customers  of  HSBC
Investment Bank plc or for providing advice in relation to
the Merger Offer or any other matter referred to herein.

Teather  &  Greenwood Limited, which is regulated  in  the
United  Kingdom  by  The Securities and Futures  Authority
Limited,  is acting exclusively for Citadel Holdings  plc,
acting through the Citadel Independent Directors, and  for
no-one  else in connection with the Merger Offer and  will
not  be  responsible to anyone other than Citadel Holdings
plc, acting through the Citadel Independent Directors, for
providing the protections afforded to customers of Teather
& Greenwood Limited or for providing advice in relation to
the Merger Offer or any other matter referred to herein.

The Merger Offer will not be made, directly or indirectly,
in  or into the United States, Australia, Canada or Japan.
Accordingly,  copies of this announcement are  not  being,
and  must not be, distributed or sent in, into or from the
United  States,  Canada, Australia or  Japan  (whether  by
means  of  the mail or by any means or instrumentality  of
interstate   or  foreign  commerce),  including,   without
limitation, to any Citadel Shareholders or participants in
the  Citadel Share Option Scheme with registered addresses
in  the  United States, Canada, Australia or Japan  or  to
persons  whom  CLS  knows  to  be  trustees,  nominees  or
custodians holding Citadel Shares for such persons.


           For immediate release on 20 July 2000
         CLS Holdings plc ("CLS" or "the Company")
  Merger by way of recommended offer for Citadel Holdings
                      plc ("Citadel")
1.  Introduction

The  CLS Independent Directors, on behalf of CLS, and  the
Citadel Independent Directors are pleased to announce that
they have reached agreement on the terms and conditions of
a  merger by way of recommended offer ("the Merger Offer")
to  be made by HSBC on behalf of CLS for the issued and to
be  issued share capital of Citadel not already  owned  by

CLS  already  owns  5,827,310 Citadel Shares  representing
approximately 17.4 per cent. of Citadel's existing  issued
ordinary  share capital.  CLS also has the  ability  under
the  CLS  Warrant  to subscribe for a  further  8  million
Citadel  Shares.  However, CLS currently has no  intention
of exercising the CLS Warrant.  In addition, CLS Directors
and  their  connected  persons own a  total  of  7,175,861
Citadel Shares and options over 230,000 Citadel Shares.

The  Merger Offer values the current issued ordinary share
capital  of Citadel at approximately #35.7 million,  based
on  the Closing Price of a CLS Share of 177.5 pence on  19
July  2000 (the last dealing day prior to the date of this

In   view  of  the  involvement  of  Sten  Mortstedt,  Dan
Baverstam and Glyn Hirsch in the management and equity  of
both  Citadel and CLS, these directors have been  excluded
from  participating  in decisions  taken  by  the  Citadel
Independent Directors relating to the Merger  Offer.   The
remaining Directors, Richard Lockwood and Gavin Kelly, are
the   Citadel  Independent  Directors,  and   have   taken
responsibility for formulating and discussing  the  Merger
Offer on behalf of Citadel Shareholders.

In  view  of  the involvement of Sten Mortstedt  and  Glyn
Hirsch  in  the management and equity of both Citadel  and
CLS,  as  stated  above, these directors  have  also  been
excluded from participating in decisions taken by the  CLS
Independent Directors.  Thomas Lundqvist has been excluded
due  to  his  involvement in the equity of  both  CLS  and
Citadel.  Bengt Mortstedt has also been excluded  in  view
of  his  connection with his brother Sten Mortstedt.   The
remaining  non-executive Directors,  Keith  Harris,  James
Dean   and   Patrik  Gransater  are  the  CLS  Independent
Directors,  and have taken responsibility for  formulating
and discussing the Merger Offer on behalf of CLS.

The  Merger  Offer is conditional, inter  alia,  upon  the
approval of CLS Shareholders, which will be sought  at  an
extraordinary  general  meeting. Further  details  of  the
approvals required are set out in paragraph 10 below.

2.  The Merger Offer

On behalf of CLS, HSBC will offer to acquire, on the terms
and  subject to the conditions set out or referred  to  in
this  announcement,  all the Citadel  Shares  not  already
owned by CLS on the following basis:

for every 5 Citadel Shares    3 New CLS Shares

and  so  on in proportion for any other number of  Citadel
Shares  held  (any resulting fractional entitlement  being
aggregated and sold in the market and the net proceeds  of
sale accruing to the benefit of the Enlarged Group.)

On  the basis of the Closing Price of a CLS Share of 177.5
pence  on 19 July 2000 (the last dealing day prior to  the
date  of this announcement), the Merger Offer values  each
Citadel  Share  at  106.5  pence and  the  current  issued
ordinary share capital of Citadel, at approximately  #35.7
million.   This  represents a 4.5 per cent. discount  over
the Closing Price of a Citadel Share of 111.5 pence on  19
July  2000, the last dealing day prior to the date of this

The  Merger  Offer represents a discount to Citadel's  net
asset value of 152.5 pence (after notional exercise of the
CLS  Warrant)  at 30 June 2000, as stated  in  its  latest
interim statement, of 30.2 per cent. on the basis  of  the
Closing  Price of a CLS Share of 177.5 pence  on  19  July
2000, being the last dealing day prior to the date of this

Citadel  also announced today its interim results for  the
six  months ended 30 June 2000.  Citadel Shareholders  are
advised to read the full text of both these results in the
Merger  Offer  documentation which will be  despatched  to
them as soon as practicable.

Due  to  the Merger Offer, the Citadel Directors have  not
declared  an interim dividend for the six months ended  30
June 2000.  However, Citadel Shareholders will be entitled
to participate in CLS's intended tender offer buy-back, in
lieu of dividend for the six months ended 30 June 2000, on
the  CLS Shares they receive under the Merger Offer.   The
CLS  Directors  are  intending to distribute  a  total  of
approximately  #4.35 million following completion  of  the
Merger  Offer by way of tender offer buy-back in  November
2000, in lieu of dividend for the six months ended 30 June
2000.   This would be on the basis of 235 pence per  share
for 1 in 60 of the CLS Shares and the New CLS Shares to be
issued.   In  view of the timescale, the  details  of  the
tender  offer  will  be  circulated  later  and  the   CLS
Directors may increase the share price and alter the ratio
if  market conditions change.  This is equivalent in  cash
terms  to an interim dividend of 3.92 pence per CLS  Share
in  the  Enlarged Group (1999: 2.85 pence per  share),  an
increase of 37.5 per cent.

The   Merger   Offer   extends  to  all   Citadel   Shares
unconditionally  allotted or issued on  the  date  of  the
Merger    Offer    and   any   further   Citadel    Shares
unconditionally allotted or issued while the Merger  Offer
remains  open  for acceptance.  CLS will make  appropriate
proposals  to  holders of options under the Citadel  Share
Option Scheme.

The  Citadel  Shares are to be acquired by CLS  under  the
Merger  Offer fully paid and free from all liens, charges,
encumbrances  and other third party rights of  any  nature
whatsoever and together with all rights attaching thereto,
including  the  right to receive and retain any  dividends
and other distributions declared, made or paid hereafter.

The  Merger  Offer will be made subject to the  conditions
and further terms set out in Appendix I, and to be set out
in full in the Offer Document and the Form of Acceptance.

3.   Recommendation  by the Citadel Independent  Directors
   and change in Nominated AIM Adviser

The  Citadel  Independent  Directors,  who  have  been  so
advised  by  Teather & Greenwood, consider the  terms  and
conditions  of the Merger Offer to be fair and  reasonable
so  far  as Citadel Shareholders are concerned and in  the
best interests of Citadel and of Citadel Shareholders as a
whole.   In  providing  advice to the Citadel  Independent
Directors, Teather & Greenwood has taken into account  the
Citadel  Independent Directors' commercial assessments  of
the  transaction  in  the  circumstances  as  set  out  in
Appendix IV.

As  HSBC are acting for CLS in the Merger Offer, they have
resigned with immediate effect as Citadel's Nominated  AIM
Adviser.  Teather & Greenwood, who are Rule 3 advisers  to
the  Citadel Independent Directors for the purposes of the
Code, have assumed this role with immediate effect.

4.   Background to and reasons for recommending the Merger

Set  out  in Appendix IV to this announcement is a  letter
from  the Citadel Independent Directors, setting  out  the
background  to  and  reasons for recommending  the  Merger
Offer.    This  letter  will  be  despatched  to   Citadel
Shareholders  with copies of the Citadel  interim  results
and this announcement shortly.

5.  Irrevocable undertakings and letters of intent

CLS has received irrevocable undertakings from the Citadel
Directors  in respect of their entire beneficial  holdings
of,  in  aggregate, 7,201,130 Citadel Shares, representing
approximately 21.5 per cent. of the existing issued  share
capital  of Citadel.  This includes 10,000 Citadel  Shares
held  by  the  Citadel Independent Directors, representing
approximately 0.03 per cent of the existing  issued  share
capital of Citadel.

CLS  has  also received non-binding letters of intent,  in
the  absence  of a competing offer, to accept  the  Merger
Offer  from  other  Citadel  Shareholders  in  respect  of
8,483,751  Citadel  Shares owned or  controlled  by  them,
representing  25.3 per cent. of the existing issued  share
capital of Citadel.

These irrevocable undertakings and non-binding letters  of
intent to accept are in addition to CLS's existing holding
of 5,827,310 Citadel Shares representing 17.4 per cent.

The  irrevocable undertakings detailed in this  paragraph,
will all cease to be binding if the Merger Offer lapses or
the Merger Offer is withdrawn.

Save  for the Citadel Shares comprised in the undertakings
to  accept  the  Merger Offer and the Citadel  Shares  and
options  over  Citadel Shares held  by  CLS  Directors  as
disclosed  in  paragraph  6 below,  neither  CLS  nor  any
subsidiary of CLS, nor any CLS Director, nor,  so  far  as
CLS  is aware, any person acting in concert with CLS, owns
or  controls  any  Citadel Shares, securities  convertible
into  Citadel  Shares,  rights to  subscribe  for  Citadel
Shares,  options (including traded options) in respect  of
Citadel  Shares  and  derivatives  referenced  to  Citadel

6.  Interests of CLS Directors in Citadel Shares

The  following  CLS Directors and their connected  persons
hold  the following beneficial interests in Citadel Shares
and options over Citadel Shares.

                             Number of     Exercise price
                Number of      options     and period for
                  Citadel         over       options over
                   Shares      Citadel     Citadel Shares
Sten Mortstedt  7,149,854      115,000               100p
                                              23/7/2000 -
Glyn Hirsch        20,920      115,000               100p
                                              23/7/2000 -
Thomas Lundqvist    5,087            -                  -

7.  New CLS Shares

Full  acceptance of the Merger Offer, assuming no exercise
of  the  CLS  Warrant but the exercise in full of  options
over  Citadel  Shares while the Merger Offer remains  open
for  acceptance, would require the issue of  approximately
17.0  million  New CLS Shares, representing  approximately
17.3 per cent. of the issued share capital of the Enlarged

The  New CLS Shares to be issued will be credited as fully
paid  and  will rank pari passu in all respects  with  the
existing  CLS  Shares, which are listed  on  the  Official
List, including the right to participate in CLS's intended
tender  offer buy-back, in lieu of dividend in respect  of
the  six months ended 30 June 2000 and any other dividends
and  other distributions declared, made or paid hereafter.
The  New  CLS Shares will be issued free from  all  liens,
charges, encumbrances and other third party rights of  any
nature  whatsoever.  Application will be made  to  the  UK
Listing Authority for the New CLS Shares to be admitted to
the  Official List.  Application will also be made to  the
London  Stock  Exchange  for the  New  CLS  Shares  to  be
admitted  to  trading on the London Stock Exchange's  main
market for listed securities.

Fractions of New CLS Shares will not be allotted or issued
to Citadel Shareholders.  Entitlements to fractions of New
CLS  Shares will be aggregated and sold in the market  and
the net proceeds of sale will accrue to the benefit of the
Enlarged Group.

8.  Background to and reasons for the Merger Offer

CLS's  approach has been to seek opportunities to  enhance
shareholder   value  via  strategic  investment   in   the

   high  quality  property acquisitions  and  investments,
   including  those outside the United Kingdom.   As  part
   of   this   strategy,  the  CLS  Group  increased   its
   shareholding  in  Citadel in May  1999  from  12.3  per
   cent. to 17.4 per cent.;

   refurbishment  of  existing properties  in  the  United
   Kingdom; and

   investment    in   a   diversified   share   investment

In common with many smaller listed property companies, CLS
and   Citadel  have  suffered  from  a  lack  of  investor
interest.   This has been reflected in the closing  prices
of their shares as at 19 July 2000, being the last dealing
day  prior  to the date of this announcement, representing
discounts of 37.5 and 31.7 per cent. respectively to their
net asset values at 30 June 2000.

As at 30 June 2000, the combination of these two companies
would create a real estate investment company with a gross
portfolio  value  in excess of #640 million  and  enhanced
geographical coverage with strategic holdings in the three
European markets of the United Kingdom, Sweden and France.

The  CLS Independent Directors are of the opinion that the
Enlarged  Group may attract increasing investor  interest,
with  the  prospect of decreasing the share price discount
to  net  asset value for the Enlarged Group.  In addition,
the  scale  of  the  Enlarged  Group  may  bring  benefits
including  the  efficiency of managing the Enlarged  Group
from   one   corporate  entity  and  increased   financial
strength, which will support future investment.  The board
of  CLS believe that the Enlarged Group has good prospects
for asset growth in the foreseeable future.

9.  Financing of the Merger Offer

The consideration under the Merger Offer will be satisfied
entirely by the issue of the New CLS Shares to the Citadel

10.  CLS Shareholder approvals

CLS  Shareholder approval is required in view of the  size
of  the  Merger  Offer under the rules of the  UK  Listing
Authority.  It is also required to approve the purchase of
Citadel  Shares from certain CLS Directors and  to  create
and  authorise  the  allotment  of  New  CLS  Shares.   In
addition,  in  view  of the fact that  Sten  Mortstedt,  a
director  and  a  substantial shareholder  of  CLS,  is  a
shareholder  of Citadel, the Merger Offer is a transaction
with a related party under the Listing Rules.  Accordingly
the  Merger Offer is conditional upon the approval of  CLS
Shareholders,  excluding Sten Mortstedt who  will  abstain
from  voting and take all reasonable steps to ensure  that
his associates will abstain.

CLS is also seeking CLS Shareholders' approval to grant an
authority  for the Company to purchase up to a maximum  of
10  per  cent.  of  CLS's  issued ordinary  share  capital
following  the  issue of New CLS Shares  pursuant  to  the
Merger  Offer.   The  CLS  Directors  believe  that   such
purchases  could  enhance  the Company's  net  assets  per
share.   This should not be interpreted to mean  that  net
assets  per CLS Share will necessarily be greater than  in
any previous year.

Following completion of the Merger Offer, under the  rules
of  the  Code, any increase in the percentage shareholding
in the Enlarged Group by Sten Mortstedt individually or in
the   combined  interests  of  Sten  Mortstedt  and  Bengt
Mortstedt  or any person connected to them as a result  of
any  purchases  by CLS of its own shares pursuant  to  the
authority  given  to  CLS at the  EGM  could  oblige  Sten
Mortstedt   individually  or  Sten  Mortstedt  and   Bengt
Mortstedt collectively to make a general offer to all  CLS
Shareholders pursuant to Rule 9 of the Code.  However, the
Panel  has  agreed, subject to the approval of independent
CLS  Shareholders  on a poll, to waive  this  requirement.
The  independent CLS Shareholders are the CLS Shareholders
other  than Sten Mortstedt and Bengt Mortstedt  and  their
respective interests.

For  the  avoidance of doubt, CLS may continue to purchase
its  own shares during the Offer Period under its existing
authority  granted at the annual general  meeting  of  the
Company held on 3 May 2000 which authorised the Company to
make  market  purchases  of  a maximum  of  9,616,952  CLS
Shares.   CLS has already purchased 2,185,670  CLS  Shares
under this existing authority.

11.  Information on CLS

CLS  is a property company involved in the investment  in,
development  and management of commercial  properties  and
the  investment  in  the  shares of  high  technology  and
internet companies.

For the year ended 31 December 1999, CLS reported turnover
of  #33.7  million  (1998: #28.8 million),  profit  before
taxation of #16.9 million (1998: #11.1 million) and  basic
earnings  per share of 14.0p (1998: 8.8p).  On 31 December
1999,  CLS had net assets of #248.7 million (1998:  #207.6

CLS  also announced today its interim results for the  six
months  ended 30 June 2000 and reported NAV per  share  of
284.0  pence  (up 16.4 per cent. since 31 December  1999).
Profit  before  taxation  was #13.1  million  (1999:  #9.9
million)  and  basic earnings per share  were  12.4  pence
(1999:  8.3  pence).  Net assets as at 30 June  2000  were
#268.5 million (1999: #226.5 million).

The CLS Directors believe CLS has good prospects for asset
growth in the foreseeable future.  Further details of  the
CLS  Group's  recent financial performance and operational
developments  are set out in the separate announcement  of
the  unaudited interim statement for the six months  ended
30 June 2000.

12.  Information on Citadel

Citadel  is  a property company involved in the investment
in and management of office properties in Paris and Lyon.

For  the  year  ended 31 December 1999,  Citadel  reported
turnover  of  #9.5  million (1998: #5.8  million),  profit
before  taxation of #3.7 million (1998: #3.1 million)  and
basic  earnings per share of 11.2p (1998:  7.8p).   On  31
December  1999,  Citadel had net assets of  #50.6  million
(1998: #47.0 million).

Citadel  also announced today its interim results for  the
six  months ended 30 June 2000 and reported NAV per  share
of  152.5 pence after notional exercise of the CLS Warrant
(up  10.4  per  cent. since 30 June 1999).  Profit  before
taxation  was #2.2 million (1999: #1.9 million) and  basic
earnings per share were 5.8 pence (1999: 5.2 pence).   Net
assets as at 30 June 2000 were #54.7 million (1999:  #48.3

Further  details  of the Citadel Group's recent  financial
performance and operational developments are  set  out  in
the   separate  announcement  of  the  unaudited   interim
statement for the six months ended 30 June 2000.

13.  Continuation of the Citadel business

The  CLS  Directors  intend to  continue  to  conduct  the
business  of Citadel in the same manner as it is currently
conducted  and  there  are  no  plans  to  introduce   any
substantial change in the business or in employees'  terms
of contract.

14.  Management and employees

CLS  has  given  assurances  to  the  Citadel  Independent
Directors  that  the  existing employment  rights  of  all
management  and  employees  of  Citadel  will   be   fully

15.  Citadel Share Option Scheme

Citadel   Share   Optionholders  will   be   offered   the
opportunity  to release their options over Citadel  Shares
in  consideration for the grant of equivalent options over
CLS  Shares,  using the same valuation as for  the  Merger
Offer  itself.   Citadel Share Optionholders  who  do  not
accept  this opportunity will be entitled under the  terms
of  the  Citadel  Share Option Scheme  to  exercise  their
options  when the Merger Offer has become or been declared
unconditional in all respects, and will be able to  accept
the  Merger  Offer while it is open for  acceptance.   The
Merger Offer will remain open for acceptance for at  least
14   days   after  the  date  on  which  it  is   declared
unconditional  in all respects.  These proposals  will  be
circulated to Citadel Share Optionholders in due course.

16.  Listing and dealings

Application  will be made to the UK Listing Authority  for
the  New  CLS Shares to be admitted to the Official  List.
Application will also be made to the London Stock Exchange
for  the New CLS Shares to be admitted to trading  on  the
London Stock Exchange's main market for listed securities.
It  is  expected that Admission will become effective  and
that  dealings,  for normal settlement,  in  the  New  CLS
Shares  will commence on the London Stock Exchange on  the
first  dealing day following the date on which the  Merger
Offer becomes or is declared unconditional in all respects
(save   for  the  condition  relating  to  Admission   and
admission  to trading on the London Stock Exchange's  main
market for listed securities).

17.  Offer Document and Circular

The   Offer   Document  containing  the  full  terms   and
conditions of the Merger Offer, together with  a  Form  of
Acceptance and a copy of the Listing Particulars, will  be
despatched  to  Citadel Shareholders and, for  information
only,  to participants in the Citadel Share Option  Scheme
as soon as practicable.

A   Circular  (and  the  Listing  Particulars  with,   for
information  only, the Offer Document) will be  despatched
to CLS Shareholders describing the Merger Offer and giving
notice to convene an extraordinary general meeting of  CLS
Shareholders  at  which  ordinary  resolutions   will   be
proposed  to  approve the terms of the  Merger  Offer,  to
authorise  the CLS Directors to allot the New  CLS  Shares
pursuant  to  section 80 of the Act, to waive  pre-emption
rights in respect of the New CLS Shares and to approve the
purchase of Citadel Shares from certain CLS Directors.   A
special resolution will also be proposed to authorise  the
purchase  by  the  Company of its own  shares  (including,
specifically,  the  purchase of  its  own  shares  from  a
Director  or  person connected with him) and  an  ordinary
resolution will be proposed to approve the waiver  of  the
requirements  of the Code as a result of the  purchase  by
the Company of its own shares.

18.  Overseas Shareholders

The  making of the Merger Offer in, or to persons resident
in  or  who  are  citizens,  residents  or  nationals  of,
jurisdictions outside the UK may be affected by  the  laws
of  the  relevant jurisdiction.  Citadel Shareholders  who
are  not  resident  in  the UK  or  who  are  citizens  or
nationals  of  countries  outside  the  UK  should  inform
themselves   about   and  observe  any  applicable   legal
requirements.   It  is  the  responsibility  of  any  such
Citadel Shareholder wishing to accept the Merger Offer  to
satisfy  himself as to the full observance of the laws  of
the   relevant   jurisdiction  in  connection   therewith,
including  the  obtaining  of any  governmental,  exchange
control  or  other  consents which may  be  required,  the
compliance  with  other  necessary  formalities  and   the
payment of any issue, transfer or other taxes due in  such

In  particular, the Merger Offer will not be made directly
or  indirectly in or into, or by use of the mails of or by
any  means  or  instrumentality of interstate  or  foreign
commerce of, or of any facilities of a national securities
exchange  of,  the  United States,  Australia,  Canada  or
Japan.   This includes, but is not limited to,  the  post,
facsimile transmission, telex and telephone.  Furthermore,
copies of this announcement are not being and must not  be
mailed or otherwise distributed or sent in or into or from
the United States, Australia, Canada or Japan including to
Citadel Shareholders or participants in the Citadel  Share
Option  Scheme  with registered addresses  in  the  United
States, Australia, Canada or Japan, or to persons whom CLS
knows  to  be  nominees holding Citadel  Shares  for  such

The  New  CLS Shares to be issued pursuant to  the  Merger
Offer  will  not  be  registered under the  United  States
Securities  Act  of  1933  (as  amended)  nor  under   the
securities  laws of any jurisdiction of the United  States
nor   under  any  of  the  relevant  securities  laws   of
Australia, Canada or Japan.  No prospectus in relation  to
the  Merger  Offer  or  the New CLS Shares  to  be  issued
pursuant  thereto has been lodged with, or registered  by,
the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.  The
relevant clearances have not been and will not be obtained
from   the  Securities  Commission  of  any  province   or
territory  of  Canada.  Accordingly, unless  an  exemption
under the relevant securities law of such jurisdictions is
available, the New CLS Shares may not be offered, sold, re-
sold or delivered, directly or indirectly, in or into  the
United  States, Australia, Canada or Japan.   All  Citadel
Shareholders (including nominees, trustees or  custodians)
who   would,   or   otherwise  intend  to   forward   this
announcement,  should  read the further  details  in  this
regard which will be contained in the Offer Document which
will be issued in due course before taking any action.

19.  General

Certain  terms  used in this announcement are  defined  in
Appendix III.

This   announcement  does  not  constitute  an  offer   or
invitation to purchase any securities.

Further  details of the Merger Offer to be  made  will  be
contained  in the Offer Document, which will be despatched
to  Citadel Shareholders and, for information only, to CLS
Shareholders,  together with the Listing  Particulars,  as
soon  as  practicable.   A circular  to  CLS  Shareholders
containing  a  notice  convening  the  EGM  and  providing
information on the Merger Offer, will be despatched to CLS
Shareholders as soon as practicable.


CLS Holdings plc                                          
Sten Mortstedt          Executive Chairman   020 7582 7766
Glyn Hirsch             Chief Executive      020 7582 7766
Citadel Holdings plc                                      
Gavin Kelly             Chairman of the      020 7578 7070
                        Citadel Independent      
HSBC   Investment  Bank plc
Jonathan Gray                                020 7336 9983
Teather & Greenwood                          020 7426 9534
Russell Cook                                              

HSBC Investment Bank plc, which is regulated in the United
Kingdom  by The Securities and Futures Authority  Limited,
is acting exclusively for CLS Holdings plc and no-one else
in  connection  with  the Merger Offer  and  will  not  be
responsible  to  anyone other than CLS  Holdings  plc  for
providing  the protections afforded to customers  of  HSBC
Investment Bank plc or for providing advice in relation to
the Merger Offer or any other matter referred to herein.

Teather  &  Greenwood, which is regulated  in  the  United
Kingdom  by The Securities and Futures Authority  Limited,
is  acting  exclusively for Citadel Holdings  plc,  acting
through the Citadel Independent Directors, and for  no-one
else  in connection with the Merger Offer and will not  be
responsible  to  anyone other than Citadel  Holdings  plc,
acting  through  the  Citadel Independent  Directors,  for
providing the protections afforded to customers of Teather
&  Greenwood  or for providing advice in relation  to  the
Merger Offer or any other matter referred to herein.

The   CLS   Directors   accept  responsibility   for   the
information contained in this announcement, except for the
information  in this announcement concerning Citadel,  its
subsidiaries and their respective businesses, the  Citadel
Directors  and their connected persons and persons  acting
in  concert with, and associates of, Citadel.  Subject  to
this,  to the best of the knowledge and belief of the  CLS
Directors  (who have taken all reasonable care  to  ensure
that  such is the case), the information contained in this
announcement  for  which  they  are  responsible   is   in
accordance  with  the  facts and does  not  omit  anything
likely to affect the import of that information.

The   Citadel  Directors  accept  responsibility  for  the
information contained in this announcement, except for the
information  in  this  announcement  concerning  CLS,  its
subsidiaries and their respective businesses, the  Citadel
Directors  and their connected persons and persons  acting
in   concert  with,  and  associates  of,  CLS,  with  the
exception of expressions of opinion and the recommendation
of the Citadel Independent Directors.  Subject to this, to
the  best  of  the  knowledge and belief  of  the  Citadel
Directors  (who have taken all reasonable care  to  ensure
that  such is the case), the information contained in this
announcement  for  which  they  are  responsible   is   in
accordance  with  the  facts and does  not  omit  anything
likely to affect the import of that information.

The  Citadel  Independent Directors accept  responsibility
for  expressions  of opinion and their recommendation  set
out  in  this announcement.  To the best of the  knowledge
and  belief of the Citadel Independent Directors (who have
taken  all  reasonable care to ensure  that  such  is  the
case), the information contained in this announcement  for
which they are responsible is in accordance with the facts
and does not omit anything likely to affect the import  of
that information.

Appendix I

Conditions and certain further terms of the Merger Offer

The  Merger  Offer, which will be made by HSBC  Investment
Bank  on  behalf  of CLS, will comply with the  applicable
rules and regulations of the UK Listing Authority and  the
City  Code,  will be governed by English law and  will  be
subject  to the jurisdiction of the Courts of England  and
to  the  terms and conditions set out below and to be  set
out in the Offer Document and the Form of Acceptance.

Part A: Conditions of the Merger Offer

The Merger Offer is subject to the following conditions:

(a)valid   acceptances  being  received  (and  not,  where
   permitted,  withdrawn)  by  3.00  p.m.  on  the   first
   closing  date  of the Merger Offer (the "First  Closing
   Date")  (or  such later time(s) and/or date(s)  as  CLS
   may,  subject  to  the rules of the  Code,  decide)  in
   respect of not less than 90 per cent. in nominal  value
   (or  such  lower percentage as CLS may decide)  of  the
   Citadel  Shares  to  which the  Merger  Offer  relates,
   provided  that  this condition will  not  be  satisfied
   unless  CLS  shall have acquired or agreed to  acquire,
   whether  pursuant  to  the Merger Offer  or  otherwise,
   Citadel  Shares carrying, in aggregate,  more  than  50
   per  cent. of the voting rights then exercisable  at  a
   general  meeting of Citadel including for this purpose,
   to  the extent (if any) required by the Panel, any such
   voting rights attaching to any Citadel Shares that  may
   be   unconditionally  allotted  or  issued  before  the
   Merger  Offer  becomes or is declared unconditional  as
   to  acceptances,  whether pursuant to the  exercise  of
   any  outstanding conversion or subscription  rights  or
   otherwise and, for this purpose:
   (i)the  expression "Citadel Shares to which the  Merger
       Offer  relates"  shall be construed  in  accordance
       with sections 428 to 430F of the Act; and
   (ii)         Citadel    Shares    which    have    been
       unconditionally allotted shall be deemed  to  carry
       the  voting  rights  which  they  will  carry  upon
(b)the  UK Listing Authority and the London Stock Exchange
   announcing  their  decision to admit  to  the  Official
   List  and  to  trading on the London  Stock  Exchange's
   main  market  for listed securities (respectively)  the
   New  CLS  Shares and such admission becoming  effective
   in  accordance with paragraph 7.1 of the Listing  Rules
   or   the  admission  standards  of  the  London   Stock
   Exchange  (as  appropriate), or (if determined  by  CLS
   and  subject  to  the  consent of  the  Panel)  the  UK
   Listing  Authority agreeing to admit  to  the  Official
   List  and  the London Stock Exchange agreeing to  admit
   to  trading  on  its main market for listed  securities
   such shares subject only to
   (i)the allotment of such shares and/or
   (ii)      the  Merger Offer becoming or being  declared
       unconditional in all respects;
(c)the   passing   at  the  EGM  of  such  resolution   or
   resolutions  as  may  be  necessary  or  incidental  to
   approve,  implement and effect the terms of the  Merger

(d)it   having   been  established  in  terms   reasonably
   satisfactory   to   CLS  that  neither   the   proposed
   acquisition  of  Citadel by CLS nor any matter  arising
   from   that  acquisition  will  be  referred   to   the
   Competition Commission;

(e)no  government, government department or  governmental,
   quasi-governmental,   supranational,    statutory    or
   regulatory  body,  court,  trade  agency,  association,
   institution  or professional body or any  other  person
   or   body  whatsoever  in  any  jurisdiction  (each   a
   "Relevant  Authority") having, prior to the  date  when
   the  Merger Offer would otherwise become unconditional,
   instituted, implemented, threatened or communicated  to
   Citadel  its  decision to take any action,  proceeding,
   suit,  investigation or enquiry or  made,  proposed  or
   enacted  any statute, regulation, decision or order  or
   taken  any other steps and there not continuing  to  be
   outstanding   any  statute,  legislation,   regulation,
   decision or order thereof which would or might:
   (i)make  the  Merger Offer, or the acquisition  by  CLS
       of  any  shares  in, or control of, Citadel,  void,
       illegal  and/or  unenforceable or,  to  a  material
       extent, restrain, prohibit, restrict, or delay  the
       Merger  Offer  or  impose additional  and  material
       conditions  or  obligations or otherwise  challenge
       or interfere therewith to a material extent;
   (ii)      result  in  any material delay or  limitation
       in  the  ability of CLS, or render CLS  unable,  to
       acquire some or all of the Citadel Shares;
   (iii)      require   or  prevent  the  divestiture   by
       Citadel  or  any  of  its  subsidiaries,   or   any
       company, partnership or joint venture in which  any
       member  of  the  Citadel Group  has  a  substantial
       interest (the "wider Citadel Group") of all or  any
       material   part  of  their  respective  businesses,
       assets  or  property  or, to  an  extent  which  is
       material,  impose any limitation on the ability  of
       any  member  of the wider Citadel Group to  conduct
       all  or  any  material  part  of  their  respective
       businesses  or  own  all or any  material  part  of
       their respective assets or property;
   (iv)      require  any  member  of  the  wider  Citadel
       Group  to offer to acquire any shares in any member
       of  the  wider  Citadel Group owned  by  any  third
       party; or
   (v)otherwise  adversely  affect the  business,  profits
       or  prospects  of any member of the  wider  Citadel
       Group  to  an  extent  which  is  material  in  the
       context of the Citadel Group;
   and  all  applicable  waiting and  other  time  periods
   during  which any such Relevant Authority could  decide
   to  take,  institute, implement or  threaten  any  such
   action,  proceeding,  suit,  investigation  or  enquiry
   having expired, lapsed or been terminated;

(f)all   necessary  filings  having  been  made  and   all
   appropriate   waiting  periods  under  any   applicable
   legislation  or regulations of any jurisdiction  having
   expired,  lapsed  or been terminated in  each  case  in
   respect  of  the  Merger Offer and the  acquisition  of
   Citadel Shares or of control of Citadel by CLS and  all
   authorisations,    orders,    recognitions,     grants,
   consents,    licences,    confirmations,    clearances,
   permissions and approvals ("Authorisations")  which  in
   the  opinion  of CLS, acting reasonably, are  necessary
   or  appropriate for or in respect of the  Merger  Offer
   or  the proposed acquisition of any shares in, or under
   the control of, Citadel by CLS having been obtained  on
   terms  and  in  a form reasonably satisfactory  to  CLS
   from  all appropriate Relevant Authorities and all such
   Authorisations, together with all Authorisations  which
   in   the   opinion  of  CLS,  acting  reasonably,   are
   necessary  or appropriate to carry on the  business  of
   any  member of the Citadel Group, the absence of  which
   would  be material in the context of the Merger  Offer,
   remaining in full force and effect and there  being  no
   intimation  of an intention to revoke or not  to  renew
   the  same  and  all necessary statutory  or  regulatory
   obligations  in any relevant jurisdictions having  been
   complied with;

(g)save  as  fairly disclosed in writing  to  CLS  or  its
   professional  advisers  prior  to  the  date  of   this
   announcement,   there  being  no   provision   of   any
   arrangement,  agreement, licence or  permit,  franchise
   or  other  instrument to which any member of the  wider
   Citadel  Group  is a party or by or to which  any  such
   member or any of its assets, which are material to  its
   business  may be bound, entitled or subject and  which,
   in  consequence  of the Merger Offer  or  the  proposed
   acquisition  of  any  Citadel  Shares  or  control   of
   Citadel  by CLS or otherwise, would or might reasonably
   be   expected  to  result  (to  an  extent   which   is
   materially  adverse  in  the  context  of  the  Citadel
   Group) in:
   (i)any   such   arrangement,  agreement,   licence   or
       instrument  being  terminated or  modified  or  any
       action   being  taken  or  any  obligation  arising
   (ii)      any  assets  or interests of any such  member
       being or failing to be disposed of;
   (iii)     the  interest or business of any such  member
       in  or  with  any  firm  or body  or  person  being
       terminated or materially and adversely modified  or
   (iv)      any  such member ceasing to be able to  carry
       on   business  under  any  name  under   which   it
       presently does so;
   (v)any   monies   borrowed  by  or  other  indebtedness
       (actual or contingent) of any such member being  or
       becoming   capable  of  being  declared   repayable
       immediately or prior to its stated maturity or  the
       ability  of  such member to incur any  indebtedness
       being withdrawn or inhibited;
   (vi)      the  creation  of  any  mortgage,  charge  or
       other security interest over the whole or any  part
       of  the  business, property or assets of  any  such
       member  or  any  such  mortgage,  charge  or  other
       security becoming enforceable; or
   (vii)      the   financial  or  trading   position   or
       prospects of any such member being affected;
(h)except  as disclosed in the annual report and  accounts
   of  Citadel for the year ended 31 December, 1999, or as
   (a)   fairly  disclosed  in  writing  to  CLS  or   its
   professional  advisers  prior  to  the  date  of   this
   announcement or in the interim financial statements  of
   Citadel  for the six months ended 30 June 2000  or  (b)
   announced  via  the  London  Stock  Exchange  Companies
   Announcements  Office  prior  to  the  date   of   this
   announcement,  no  member of the  wider  Citadel  Group
   having  since 31 December, 1999 (other than by  way  of
   transactions   between   Citadel   and   wholly   owned
   subsidiaries  of Citadel or between two  or  more  such
   wholly owned subsidiaries):
   (i)issued   or   agreed  to  issue  or  authorised   or
       proposed  the  issue of additional  shares  of  any
       class,  or securities convertible into, or  rights,
       warrants  or  options to subscribe for or  acquire,
       any  such  shares  or convertible securities  (save
       for  options  granted, and for any  Citadel  Shares
       allotted  upon  exercise of options granted,  prior
       to  the  date when the Merger Offer would otherwise
       become  unconditional,  under  the  Citadel   Share
       Option  Scheme) or redeemed, purchased, reduced  or
       made  any  other change to any part  of  its  share
       capital  or  to  vary any rights  attached  to  any
       class of its share capital;
   (ii)       recommended,   declared,   paid,   made   or
       proposed  to  recommend, declare, pay or  make  any
       bonus  in  respect  of shares,  dividend  or  other
       distribution whether payable in cash or otherwise;
   (iii)     implemented  or  authorised  or  proposed  or
       announced    its    intention   to    effect    any
       reconstruction,  amalgamation, merger  or  demerger
       or  acquisition or disposal of assets or any right,
       title  or interest in any assets or shares  or  any
       change  in  its share or loan capital  (other  than
       pursuant  to the exercise of options granted  under
       the  Citadel  Share  Option Scheme)  in  each  case
       which  would  be  material in the  context  of  the
       Citadel Group taken as a whole;
   (iv)      entered  into  any transaction,  contract  or
       commitment   (whether   in   respect   of   capital
       expenditure or otherwise) which is of a  long-term,
       onerous  or  unusual nature or  which  involves  or
       could   involve  an  obligation  of  a  nature   or
       magnitude which is material in the context  of  the
       Citadel Group taken as a whole;
   (v)issued  or  proposed the issue of any  debenture  or
       incurred  any contingent liability or incurred  any
       indebtedness  which is material in the  context  of
       the Citadel Group as a whole;
   (vi)      disposed  of  or transferred,  mortgaged,  or
       encumbered  any  material assets  or  assets  which
       together  are  material  in  the  context  of   the
       Citadel Group taken as a whole or any right,  title
       or interest in any such asset;
   (vii)     waived  or  compromised any  claim  which  is
       material in the context of the Citadel Group  taken
       as a whole;
   (viii)entered  into or varied the terms of any  service
       agreement with any Citadel Director;
   (ix)      taken  any action or had any order  made  for
       its  winding-up, dissolution or reorganisation,  or
       for  the  appointment of a receiver, administrative
       receiver, trustee or similar officer of all or  any
       of  its  assets which are material to its  business
       or revenues;
   (x)entered  into  any agreement which  restricts  to  a
       material  extent the size or nature of the business
       of  any  member of the wider Citadel Group in  each
       case  which  will  or  might  be  material  to  the
       Citadel Group as a whole;
   (xi)       terminated  or  varied  the  terms  of   any
       agreement  between any member of the Citadel  Group
       and  any  other person in a manner which  would  or
       might  reasonably be expected to  have  a  material
       adverse effect on the position or prospects of  the
       Citadel Group taken as a whole; or
   (xii)     entered  into any agreement or commitment  or
       passed  any resolution with respect to or announced
       an  intention to effect any of the transactions  or
       events referred to in this paragraph;
(i)since  31 December 1999 and prior to the date when  the
   Merger  Offer  becomes otherwise unconditional,  except
   as  disclosed  in  the annual report  and  accounts  of
   Citadel  for  the year ended 31 December  1999  or  the
   interim  financial statements of Citadel  for  the  six
   months  ended  30  June 2000 or,  save  as  (a)  fairly
   disclosed   in  writing  to  CLS  or  its  professional
   advisers prior to the date of this announcement or  (b)
   announced  via  the  London  Stock  Exchange  Companies
   Announcements  Office  prior  to  the  date   of   this
   (i)there  having  been  no material adverse  change  in
       the  financial or trading position of  the  Citadel
       Group taken as a whole;
   (ii)       there   not   having  been   instituted   or
       threatened  in writing any litigation,  arbitration
       proceedings,    prosecution    or    other    legal
       proceedings  to  which any member  of  the  Citadel
       Group  or associated person is a party (whether  as
       plaintiff, defendant or otherwise) which  would  or
       might  reasonably be expected to  have  a  material
       effect  on  the Citadel Group taken as a whole  and
       no such proceedings remaining outstanding;
   (iii)      no   claim   or  liability  (contingent   or
       otherwise), having arisen in respect of any  member
       of  the  wider Citadel Group which would  or  might
       reasonably  be  expected to  have  a  material  and
       adverse  effect  on the Citadel Group  taken  as  a
   (iv)        there   having   been   no   receiver    or
       administrative receiver appointed over  a  material
       part  of  the  assets of any member  of  the  wider
       Citadel  Group  or analogous proceedings  or  steps
       having  been  taken place under  the  laws  of  any
       relevant  jurisdiction and  there  having  been  no
       petition  presented for the administration  of  any
       member   of   the  wider  Citadel  Group   or   any
       equivalent  proceedings or steps  taken  under  the
       laws of any relevant jurisdiction;
(j)CLS  not  having discovered prior to the date when  the
   Merger Offer becomes otherwise unconditional that:
   (i)       any  past  or  present member  of  the  wider
       Citadel  Group has not complied with all applicable
       laws  of  any  relevant  jurisdiction  relating  to
       environmental matters, or
   (ii)      that  there  has  been an emission,  release,
       disposal, discharge, deposit, spillage or  leak  of
       waste  or  hazardous or harmful  substances  on  or
       about  or  from  any  land or other  asset  now  or
       previously  owned, occupied or operating  which  is
       likely  to  give  rise  to any  liability  (whether
       actual or contingent) or cost (which would in  each
       case  be  material in the context  of  the  Citadel
       Group  taken  as  a whole) for any  member  of  the
       wider Citadel Group; and
(k)CLS  not  having discovered prior to the date when  the
   Merger Offer becomes otherwise unconditional that:
   (i)the  financial  or  business information  concerning
       the   wider  Citadel  Group  as  contained  in  the
       information publicly disclosed at any time  by  any
       member  of  the  wider  Citadel  Group  contains  a
       material  misrepresentation of  fact  or  omits  to
       state  a  fact  necessary to make  the  information
       contained  therein  not materially  misleading  and
       which  was  not,  if  material,  corrected   by   a
       subsequent  public announcement prior to  the  date
       of  this  announcement  which misrepresentation  or
       omission  has  or might reasonably be  expected  to
       have   a  material  adverse  effect  on  the  wider
       Citadel Group; or
   (ii)      any  member of the wider Citadel Group  which
       is  not  a subsidiary of Citadel is subject to  any
       liability (except for any liability arising in  the
       ordinary   course  of  trading  since  31  December
       1999),   contingent  or  otherwise  which  is   not
       disclosed  in  the annual report  and  accounts  of
       Citadel for the year ended 31 December 1999 or  the
       interim  financial statements of  Citadel  for  the
       six  months  ended  30  June 2000,  such  liability
       being  material in the context of the Citadel Group
       taken as a whole.
CLS  reserves the right to waive, in whole or in part, all
or  any  of the conditions other than conditions (a),  (b)
and  (c).   Condition  (b)  and  (c)  must  be  fulfilled.
Otherwise  CLS shall be under no obligation  to  waive  or
treat as satisfied any of the conditions (a) to (k)  by  a
date earlier than the latest date specified below for  the
satisfaction  thereof,  notwithstanding  that  the   other
conditions  of the Merger Offer may at such  earlier  date
have  been waived or fulfilled and that there are at  such
earlier  date  no circumstances indicating that  any  such
conditions may not be capable of fulfilment.

If  CLS  is  required by the Panel to make  an  offer  for
Citadel Shares under the provisions of Rule 9 of the Code,
CLS  may  make  such alterations to the above  conditions,
including that in condition (a) above, and the other terms
of  this Merger Offer as are necessary to comply with  the
provisions of that Rule.

The  Merger Offer will lapse unless the conditions set out
above (other than condition (a)) are fulfilled (and remain
fulfilled) or if capable of waiver are waived by  midnight
on the 21st day after the first closing date of the Merger
Offer and the date on which the Merger Offer becomes or is
declared unconditional as to acceptances, whichever is the
later, or such later date as the Panel may agree.

The   Merger  Offer  will  also  lapse  if  the   proposed
acquisition of the entire issued share capital of  Citadel
is referred to the Competition Commission before the later
of 3.00 p.m. on the first closing date of the Merger Offer
and  the  date  on which the Merger Offer  becomes  or  is
declared  unconditional as to acceptances, in which  event
not  only  will  the Merger Offer cease to be  capable  of
further  acceptance but also Citadel Shareholders and  CLS
will thereafter cease to be bound by prior acceptances.

Part B: Certain further terms of the Merger Offer

Fractions of New CLS Shares will not be allotted or issued
to Citadel Shareholders.  Entitlements to fractions of New
CLS  Shares will be aggregated and sold in the market  and
the net proceeds of sale will accrue to the benefit of the
Enlarged Group.

The  making of the Merger Offer in, or to persons resident
in  or  who  are  citizens,  residents  or  nationals  of,
jurisdictions outside the UK may be affected by  the  laws
of  the  relevant jurisdiction.  Citadel Shareholders  who
are  not  resident  in  the UK  or  who  are  citizens  or
nationals  of  countries  outside  the  UK  should  inform
themselves   about   and  observe  any  applicable   legal
requirements.   It  is  the  responsibility  of  any  such
Citadel Shareholder wishing to accept the Merger Offer  to
satisfy  himself as to the full observance of the laws  of
the   relevant   jurisdiction  in  connection   therewith,
including  the  obtaining  of any  governmental,  exchange
control  or  other  consents which may  be  required,  the
compliance  with  other  necessary  formalities  and   the
payment of any issue, transfer or other taxes due in  such


Grafico Azioni Cls (LSE:CLI)
Da Ago 2024 a Set 2024 Clicca qui per i Grafici di Cls
Grafico Azioni Cls (LSE:CLI)
Da Set 2023 a Set 2024 Clicca qui per i Grafici di Cls