4 August 2009 
                       EcoSecurities Group plc 
    Posting of response circular recommending that EcoSecurities 
               Shareholders reject the Guanabara Offer 
The  Board  of  EcoSecurities  has  today  written  to  EcoSecurities 
Shareholders advising them why the Board considers that the offer  of 
77 pence per  Ordinary Share made  by Guanabara Holdings  B.V. on  22 
July 2009  undervalues  the Company  and  its prospects  and  why  it 
recommends that all EcoSecurities  Shareholders reject the  Guanabara 
The response circular posted today to EcoSecurities Shareholders sets 
out the  EcoSecurities Board's  reasons for  rejecting the  Guanabara 
Offer and in particular highlights that the Offer: 
  *  Represents  a  discount   of  14  per   cent.  to  the   current 
     EcoSecurities share price1 
  *  Values  EcoSecurities  at  only  37  pence  per  Ordinary  Share 
     excluding net cash2 
  *  Seeks to exploit the low share price 
  *  Fails to  recognise  that  EcoSecurities has  just  announced  a 
     maiden profit before tax for the first half of 20093 
  *  Fails to recognise significant revenue growth and increased  CER 
     issuance levels 
  *  Fails to  recognise  EcoSecurities'  significant  potential  for 
     future growth  as global  carbon markets  develop,  particularly 
     given recent legislative developments in the United States 
EcoSecurities Shareholders representing 19.9 per cent. of the  issued 
share capital of EcoSecurities have irrevocably undertaken to  reject 
the Guanabara Offer already. 
The Board of EcoSecurities  believes the EcoSecurities business,  its 
market position  and the  experience and  industry expertise  of  its 
people make  it well  prepared to  meet the  uncertainties and  risks 
highlighted by Guanabara in the Offer Document. 
The Board of EcoSecurities recommends that EcoSecurities Shareholders 
reject the Guanabara Offer. 
Commenting on the  Offer, Mark Nicholls,  Chairman of  EcoSecurities, 
"The Board considers this offer to  be wholly inadequate and this  is 
reinforced by the  Interim Results  that the  Company announced  this 
morning. The  Board  of  EcoSecurities  remains  fully  committed  to 
delivering shareholder value  to all its  shareholders and  therefore 
strongly urges shareholders to reject the Guanabara Offer." 
1 Based on the closing price of the Ordinary Shares of 89.5 pence  as 
at 3 August 2009,  being the last  dealing day prior  to the date  of 
this announcement 
2 Based on the Group's net cash  balance of EUR55.3 million at 30  June 
2009 and the 118,181,352 Ordinary Shares in issue as at 3 August 2009 
and which is equivalent  to EUR0.47 per  share (approximately 40  pence 
per share  based on  the Euro/Sterling  exchange rate  quoted on  the 
Financial Times website (www.ft.com) on 3 August 2009 of 1.17450) 
3 Based on the  Group's reported profit before  income tax of  EUR1.058 
million for the six months ended 30 June 2009 
This announcement should be read in conjunction with, and is  subject 
to, the appendices to the  announcement. Appendix I contains  details 
of  the  bases   and  sources  of   information  contained  in   this 
announcement. Appendix II contains definitions of certain expressions 
used in this announcement and  Appendix III contains the glossary  of 
the technical terms used in this announcement. 
For further information please contact: 
EcoSecurities                                  Group +353 1 613 9814 
Bruce Usher, CEO 
Adrian Fernando, COO 
James Thompson, CFO 
RBS                   Hoare                   Govett +44 20 7678 8000 
Justin Jones / Hugo Fisher 
Citigate                Dewe                Rogerson +44 20 7638 9571 
Ged Brumby / Tom Baldock 
EcoSecurities Shareholders should read  the response circular  posted 
today to EcoSecurities Shareholders in full as it contains  important 
information relating to the Company and the views of the Board on the 
Guanabara Offer. 
Director's Responsibility Statements 
The  directors  of   the  Company  accept   responsibility  for   the 
information contained  in  this  announcement. To  the  best  of  the 
knowledge and belief of the directors of the Company (who have  taken 
all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information 
contained in this announcement  is in accordance  with the facts  and 
does  not  omit  anything  likely  to  affect  the  import  of   such 
Material Change 
Other than as set out in this announcement, the Directors are not 
aware of any material change in the information previously published 
by the Company, or on its behalf, and in particular there has been no 
material change in the information specified in Rule 27.1 of the 
Takeover Rules. 
Financial Advisers 
RBS Hoare Govett,  which is  authorised and regulated  in the  United 
Kingdom by the  Financial Services Authority,  is acting  exclusively 
for EcoSecurities and no one else in connection with this matter  and 
will not  be  responsible  to anyone  other  than  EcoSecurities  for 
providing the protections afforded to clients of RBS Hoare Govett nor 
for providing advice in relation to this matter, the content of  this 
announcement or any matter referred to herein. 
Overseas Shareholders 
The release, publication or distribution of this announcement in 
certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law and therefore any 
persons who are subject to the laws and regulations of any 
jurisdiction other than Ireland or the UK or EcoSecurities 
Shareholders who are not resident in Ireland or the UK should inform 
themselves about, and observe, any such restrictions. Any failure to 
comply with these restrictions may constitute a violation of the 
securities laws of any such jurisdiction. This announcement does not 
constitute or form part of any offer to sell, or the solicitation of 
an offer to buy or subscribe for, shares in the Company to any person 
in any jurisdiction. 
Rule 8.3 - Dealing Disclosure Requirements 
Under the provisions of Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Rules, if any person 
(other than a "recognised  intermediary") is or becomes  "interested" 
(directly or  indirectly) in  1 per  cent. or  more of  any class  of 
"relevant securities" of the Company, all "dealings" in any "relevant 
securities" of  the  Company (including  by  means of  an  option  in 
respect of,  or  a  derivative  referenced  to,  any  such  class  of 
"relevant securities") must be publicly disclosed in accordance  with 
Rule 2.9 of the Takeover Rules, including the details set out in Rule 
8.6 of the Takeover Rules, by  no later than 3.30pm (London time)  on 
the  London  business  day  following   the  date  of  the   relevant 
transaction. This requirement will continue  until the date on  which 
the offer becomes, or is  declared, unconditional as to  acceptances, 
lapses or  is otherwise  withdrawn  or on  which the  "offer  period" 
otherwise ends. If two or more  persons "act in concert", to  acquire 
an "interest" in "relevant securities"  of the Company, they will  be 
deemed to be a single person for the purpose of Rule 8.3. 
Under  the  provisions  of  Rule  8.1  of  the  Takeover  Rules,  all 
"dealings" in "relevant securities" of the Company by the offeror  or 
the Company,  or by  any of  their respective  "associates", must  be 
disclosed by no later than 12.00 noon (London) on the London business 
day following the date of the relevant transaction. 
A  disclosure  table,  giving  details  of  the  companies  in  whose 
"relevant securities" "dealings" should be disclosed, can be found on 
the Irish Takeover Panel's website at www.irishtakeoverpanel.ie.  The 
Irish Takeover  Panel  also  provides an  appropriate  form  for  any 
disclosures under Takeover Rules 8.1 or 8.3. 
'Interests in securities' arise, in summary,  when a person has  long 
economic exposure, whether conditional or absolute, to changes in the 
price  of  securities.  In  particular,  a  person  will  be  treated 
as having an 'interest' by  virtue of  the  ownership or  control  of 
securities, or by virtue of any option  in respect of, or  derivative 
referenced to, securities. 
Terms in quotation marks are defined in the Takeover Rules, which can 
also be found on  the Irish Takeover Panel's  website. If you are  in 
any doubt as to whether or not you are required to make a  disclosure 
under Rule 8, you should consult the Irish Takeover Panel. 
Profit Forecast 
The Interim Results constitute a profit estimate for the purposes  of 
Rule 28.6 of the Takeover Rules (the "profit estimate") and have been 
reported on by  KPMG and  RBS Hoare Govett  (the Company's  financial 
adviser in relation to the Offer) in accordance with Rule 28.3(a)  of 
the Takeover Rules. The  full text of the  reports from KPMG and  RBS 
Hoare Govett is set out in  the Company's announcement in respect  of 
the Interim Results which was made earlier today and will be included 
in the response circular posted today to EcoSecurities  Shareholders. 
The directors of the Company confirm that the profit estimate remains 
valid and that  KPMG and RBS  Hoare Govett have  indicated that  they 
have no objection to their reports continuing to apply. 
The following  information  is  the  text of  the  'Letter  from  the 
Chairman' contained in Part 1  of the response circular posted  today 
to EcoSecurities Shareholders. Copies of the response circular may be 
obtained upon request from the Company Secretary, EcoSecurities Group 
Plc, 40 Dawson Street, Dublin  2, Ireland and will also be  available 
for  download   from  www.ecosecurities.com.   References  to   'this 
document' therefore refer  to the response  circular posted today  to 
EcoSecurities Shareholders. 
"Dear Company Shareholder 
This letter sets  out the reasons  why the Board,  which has been  so 
advised by  RBS  Hoare Govett,  considers  that the  Guanabara  Offer 
undervalues the Company and its prospects and why it recommends  that 
all Company Shareholders reject the Guanabara Offer. 
On 5 June 2009, Guanabara announced that it was considering making an 
offer for the  entire issued and  to be issued  share capital of  the 
Company at a price of 60 pence per Ordinary Share. 
Subsequently, on 8 June 2009, EDF Trading announced that it was  also 
considering making  a cash  offer for  the entire  issued and  to  be 
issued share capital of the Company at  a price of at least 75  pence 
per Ordinary Share with the ultimate level of any offer dependent  on 
the satisfactory completion of due diligence. 
The Board  rejected  both  unsolicited  approaches  as  being  wholly 
inadequate and noted that  it had recently  received and rejected  an 
indicative conditional proposal  of 96  pence per  Ordinary Share  in 
cash from EDF Trading. 
Following their announcement on 8  June 2009, representatives of  the 
Board held discussions with EDF  Trading regarding their interest  in 
the Company. No proposal from EDF Trading was forthcoming from  these 
discussions. On 16 July 2009, EDF  Trading announced that it did  not 
intend to progress its possible offer for the Company and had entered 
into a conditional purchase agreement with Guanabara to purchase part 
of the  Group's portfolio  in the  event that  Guanabara completed  a 
successful offer for the Company. 
Later on 16 July  2009, Guanabara announced its  intention to make  a 
cash offer of 77 pence per  Ordinary Share for the entire issued  and 
to be  issued share  capital of  the Company.  As with  the  previous 
unsolicited indicative offer  by EDF Trading  around this level,  the 
Board rejected the  Guanabara Offer  as being  wholly inadequate  and 
noted that neither the Company nor  its advisers had had any  contact 
with Guanabara or its advisers. 
On 21 July 2009, Tricorona AB  (publ) announced it was reviewing  the 
situation regarding  the  possibility  of making  an  offer  for  the 
On 22 July 2009,  Guanabara dispatched to  you a document  containing 
the Guanabara Offer. 
Recent trading and prospects 
Today, the Company announced its  interim results for the six  months 
ended 30  June  2009.  These  results  reported  continuing  improved 
financial and operating results for the Group including: 
  *  Significantly improved  financial performance  underpinned by  a 
     successful forward  sales  strategy  and  management  action  on 
  *  Increase in consolidated revenue to EUR60.0 million for the  first 
     half of 2009, an increase of 348 per cent. over the same  period 
     last year. 
  *  Net revenue, including  other income, of  EUR11.6 million for  the 
     first half of 2009 (EUR4.8 million for the first half of 2008). 
  *  Profit before income  tax for  the first  half of  2009 of  EUR1.1 
     million (EUR10.0 million loss for the first half of 2008). 
  *  Issuance from  the Group's  portfolio was  820,000 CERs  net  to 
     EcoSecurities during the  first half of  2009 (595,000 CERs  for 
     the first half of 2008). 
  *  On a net basis  to EcoSecurities at 30  June 2009, the  pre-2012 
     CER  portfolio's  158  registered   projects  were  capable   of 
     producing 40 million CERs (127  projects and 35 million CERs  at 
     31 December 2008), representing 40 per cent. (34 per cent. at 31 
     December 2008) of the Group's portfolio. 
  *  Control  of  administrative  expenses  has  remained  tight  and 
     expenditure for the first half of  2009 of EUR11.3 million was  24 
     per cent. lower than the same period last year. 
  *  The policy of  forward sales has  resulted in contracted  future 
     revenues of EUR380.6 million  at 30 June  2009 with an  associated 
     Net Trading Margin of EUR163.1 million. 
  *  The weighted average sale price of the forward sales was  EUR13.80 
     per CER  and  the  weighted average  acquisition  price  of  the 
     pre-2012 CER portfolio was EUR8.02 per CER at 30 June 2009. 
  *  EcoSecurities continues to retain a strong consolidated net cash 
     position which amounted to EUR55.3 million at 30 June 2009. 
  *  CER issuances currently anticipated for 2009 remain in line with 
     the Board's expectations. 
In the Interim Results, I commented as follows: 
"I am very pleased to  report that for the  six months ended 30  June 
2009, EcoSecurities achieved its first period of profitability.  With 
EcoSecurities' visibility of revenues  provided by the forward  sales 
contracts, its reduced cost base and strong balance sheet, the  Group 
is well  positioned  not only  to  progress successfully  during  the 
current period of low CER prices and worldwide economic downturn  but 
also to take advantage of the potential recovery of CER prices in the 
latter part of the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol. The 
Board  of  EcoSecurities  remains   fully  committed  to   delivering 
shareholder value to all its shareholders." 
The Board considers that the Interim Results for the six months ended 
30 June 2009 build on  the strong financial and operational  progress 
achieved by the Group, despite the effects of the economic  recession 
and continuing  uncertainties around  policies affecting  the  carbon 
The full text of  the Interim Results  is set out in  Part 2 of  this 
document, together with the reports issued in respect thereof by KPMG 
and RBS Hoare Govett pursuant to the Takeover Rules. Shareholders are 
urged to read the whole of Part 2 of this document. 
Why the  Guanabara  Offer  undervalues  the  Company  and  should  be 
The Board is focused on delivering shareholder value. For the reasons 
set out below, the Board considers that the Guanabara Offer not  only 
undervalues the  Company but  fails  to recognise  the value  of  the 
Company's current portfolio together with the strong recent  progress 
being made by the business and its potential. Accordingly, the  Board 
recommends that all Company Shareholders reject the Guanabara Offer. 
Inadequate offer price 
The Board considers that the  Guanabara Offer is opportunistic as  to 
its timing and seeks to exploit the low price of the Ordinary  Shares 
prior to Guanabara's unsolicited announcement on 5 June 2009. 
The Board  believes neither  the  Company's share  price  immediately 
prior to the above announcement nor  the Guanabara Offer of 77  pence 
per  Ordinary  Share  properly  reflect  the  value  of  the  current 
EcoSecurities  business,   including   its  large   and   diversified 
portfolio, established operating platform, leading reputation in  the 
global carbon  markets  and its  future  prospects as  global  carbon 
markets develop in the coming years. 
In holding this  view of  the underlying  value in  the Company,  the 
Board is pleased to note  that research coverage published since  the 
beginning of the Offer  Period supports the  view that the  Guanabara 
Offer fails to recognise the value of the Company's business and  its 
future prospects. 
The Board notes that at the close of business on 3 August 2009, being 
the last  dealing  day  prior  to the  date  of  this  document,  the 
Guanabara Offer of 77 pence represented a discount of 14 per cent. to 
the Closing Price of 89.5 pence. 
Moreover, the Guanabara Offer represents  only a 37 pence premium  to 
the Group's net  cash balance  per Ordinary  Share at  30 June  2009, 
based upon the Group's net cash balance of EUR55.3 million at that date 
as announced today in the Interim Results. 
The Guanabara Offer of 77  pence is opportunistic, wholly  inadequate 
and fails  to  recognise  the  value  of  the  current  EcoSecurities 
business and its future prospects. 
Failure to recognise the Group's strong recent progress 
In setting out its reasons for making the Guanabara Offer,  Guanabara 
notes "a time  of great market  volatility and economic  uncertainty, 
particularly in the  carbon markets",  declining CER  prices and  the 
"combined effects of  the economic  recession, a  general decline  in 
stock markets,  and  continuing  uncertainties  around  the  policies 
affecting carbon markets". 
The Board recognises  the difficult trading  conditions arising  from 
the economic  recession,  together  with the  regulatory  issues  and 
delays that have adversely affected the carbon markets, and  believes 
that these have adversely  impacted the share  price of the  Company. 
However, the Board  also believes  the Group's  business, its  market 
position and the experience and industry expertise of its people make 
it well prepared to meet  these current challenges and is  encouraged 
in this view by the recent strong progress in growing the business. 
As highlighted above, in the  paragraph entitled "Recent trading  and 
prospects", the Group has delivered in the first six months of 2009: 
  *  Its first reported period of profitability; 
  *  Significant consolidated revenue and net revenue growth; 
  *  Increased issuance levels of CERs; 
  *  Growth in registered projects; and 
  *  A strong net  cash position of  EUR55.3 million at  30 June  2009, 
     representing 40 pence per Ordinary Share. 
The Board is focused on delivering shareholder value and it  believes 
the Interim Results demonstrate progress in this regard and that  the 
business is well positioned for the future. This is not recognised by 
the Guanabara Offer and so it should be rejected. 
EcoSecurities' significant potential for future growth 
The Board believes that there are significant potential growth  areas 
for EcoSecurities arising from: 
  *  In December 2009,  the parties  to the  UNFCCC plan  to meet  to 
     advance a  new  international  agreement to  replace  the  Kyoto 
     Protocol when it expires  in 2012. EcoSecurities' CER  portfolio 
     post-2012 amounted to 125 million CERs at 30 June 2009 of  which 
     95  per  cent.  did  not   have  fixed  price  obligations.   In 
     expectation that  a new  international framework  will  generate 
     demand  for   project   based   offsets,   the   Board   expects 
     EcoSecurities' post-2012  CER  portfolio  will  deliver  further 
  *  The impact  of  the  American  Clean  Energy  and  Security  Act 
     (otherwise known as the Waxman  Markey Bill) which was  approved 
     by the US House of Representatives on 26 June 2009. Since the US 
     did not ratify the  Kyoto Protocol, this  is a significant  step 
     forward for  the establishment  of a  cap and  trade scheme  for 
     greenhouse gases in the US  and, subject to its passage  through 
     the Senate, this  would allow  up to  2 billion  tonnes of  CO2e 
     offset credits per year of which  up to 1.5 billion tonnes  CO2e 
     per annum  may  be  from  international  offset  projects.  This 
     compares with the  CDM market  size of 1.6  billion tonnes  CO2e 
     expected from registered CDM projects to the end of 2012. 
  *  The Group's network of 29 offices in 26 countries, including its 
     presence in  the US  for more  than a  decade. This  provides  a 
     platform from which, in the Board's opinion, EcoSecurities  will 
     be well placed to take advantage of growth opportunities in  the 
     carbon sector arising out of the developing policy framework. 
Delisting would damage EcoSecurities' profile 
At the time of  its admission to trading  on AIM, the Board  believed 
that the admission would raise the public profile of the Company  and 
so  increase  its  credibility  with  global  customers,   suppliers, 
partners and project developers. 
Some four years on, the Board  still retains that view and  considers 
the intention of Guanabara to  de-list the Company to be  potentially 
damaging to the profile of the Company in its markets. 
For these reasons, the Board recommends that all Company Shareholders 
reject the Guanabara Offer. 
Guanabara's future strategy for the Company 
The Offer Document highlights  the risks and uncertainties  Guanabara 
believes the  Company is  facing. However,  save for  converting  the 
Company to a private company and  ceasing to trade on AIM,  Guanabara 
provides no clear insight  as to how it  would manage these risks  or 
uncertainties.  Given  that  Guanabara  does  not  currently  have  a 
business in the carbon markets and has stated that it does not intend 
to significantly change the business  of the Company or the  location 
of the Company's business, the Board considers it difficult to  judge 
how Guanabara will develop the Company's business. However, the Board 
recognises Guanabara's statement that,  "Since its creation in  1997, 
the Company  has continuously  evolved  to adapt  to changes  in  the 
carbon market" and the Board believes  this is, and will continue  to 
be, the case where EcoSecurities remains a public company. 
The Board  welcomes  the  confirmation  by  Guanabara  that  it  will 
safeguard the existing statutory employment rights of management  and 
employees of the  Group should  it complete its  offer. However,  the 
Board also notes that Guanabara  cannot rule out rationalisation  and 
other appropriate measures,  including possible redundancies,  should 
Guanabara consider it necessary. 
Strong management team and industry expertise 
The Group has an experienced management team and a depth of  industry 
expertise that will enable it to build on the recent operational  and 
financial progress. 
On 11 February 2009, Bruce Usher, Chief Executive Officer,  announced 
his intention to step down as Chief Executive Officer when a suitable 
successor has  been appointed.  Mr  Usher, who  is stepping  down  to 
pursue personal interests, remains fully committed to the Company and 
intends to continue to sit on  the Board as a non-executive  director 
of the  Company after  he has  stepped down.  The Board  is  actively 
engaged in the search for a new Chief Executive Officer and Mr  Usher 
will continue in his current role until the appropriate candidate  is 
Irrevocable undertakings to reject the Guanabara Offer 
The Company has  received irrevocable undertakings  already from  the 
following Company Shareholders to reject the Guanabara Offer: 
  *  Mark Nicholls, Chairman  of the  Company, in  respect of  20,000 
     Ordinary Shares, representing  approximately 0.02  per cent.  of 
     the issued share capital of the Company. 
  *  Thomas Byrne,  a  Non-executive  Director  of  the  Company,  in 
     respect of  20,000 Ordinary  Shares, representing  approximately 
     0.02 per cent. of the issued share capital of the Company. 
  *  Bruce Usher, Chief Executive Officer of the Company, in  respect 
     of 3,356,000  Ordinary Shares,  representing approximately  2.84 
     per cent. of the issued share capital of the Company. 
  *  Adrian Fernando,  Chief Operating  Officer  of the  Company,  in 
     respect of 100,000  Ordinary Shares, representing  approximately 
     0.08 per cent. of the issued share capital of the Company. 
  *  Marc Stuart, director of new business development and a  founder 
     of the Company, in respect of 10,122,000 Ordinary Shares held by 
     the Stuart  Family Trust  (of  which Mr  Stuart is  a  trustee), 
     representing approximately 8.56  per cent. of  the issued  share 
     capital of the Company. 
  *  Credit Suisse International,  in respect  of 9,918,621  Ordinary 
     Shares, representing approximately 8.39 per cent. of the  issued 
     share capital of the Company. 
In  aggregate,  Company  Shareholders  holding  23,536,621   Ordinary 
Shares, representing 19.91 per cent.  of the issued share capital  of 
the Company,  have irrevocably  undertaken  to reject  the  Guanabara 
Offer already. 
Particulars  of  these  irrevocable  undertakings  are  set  out   in 
paragraph 2.8 of Appendix I to this document. 
Additional information 
Your intention is  drawn to the  additional information contained  in 
Appendices I, II, III and IV of this document. 
Action to be taken 
  *  Company Shareholders are strongly urged to reject the  Guanabara 
  *  The way to reject the Guanabara Offer is to take no action. 
  *  Do not sign any document or form which Guanabara or its advisers 
     have sent you. 
The Board,  which  has been  so  advised  by RBS  Hoare  Govett,  its 
financial advisers, unanimously recommends that Company  Shareholders 
reject the Guanabara  Offer and take  no action in  respect of  their 
shareholdings. In providing advice to the Board, RBS Hoare Govett has 
taken into account the commercial assessment of the Board. 
The Directors will not be accepting the Guanabara Offer in respect of 
their own shareholdings of  Ordinary Shares which comprise  3,496,000 
Ordinary Shares,  representing 2.96  per cent.  of the  issued  share 
capital of the Company. 
Yours faithfully, 
Mark Nicholls 
Appendix I: Presentation of Information, Bases and Sources 
This  announcement   contains  statements   that   are  or   may   be 
"forward-looking" with respect to the financial condition, results or 
operations  and  business  of  the  Company.  In  some  cases,  these 
forward-looking  statements  can   be  identified  by   the  use   of 
forward-looking  terminology,   including   the   terms   "believes", 
"estimates",   "forecasts",   "plans",   "prepares",   "anticipates", 
"expects", "intends", "may",  "will" or  "should" or,  in each  case, 
their  negative  or  variations   or  comparable  terminology.   Such 
forward-looking  statements   involve   known  and   unknown   risks, 
uncertainties and other factors, which may cause the actual  results, 
performance or achievements of the Company, or the industry in  which 
is operates,  to be  materially different  from any  future  results, 
performance  or   achievements   expressed   or   implied   by   such 
forward-looking statements. 
Unless otherwise  stated, the  financial information  concerning  the 
Company has  been extracted  from internal  financial and  management 
information, the published annual reports and accounts of the Company 
for the relevant periods, the  Interim Results and other  information 
made publicly  available by  the  Company. Financial  information  is 
reported under Irish GAAP unless otherwise stated. 
The Company  confirms  that  the  information  in  this  announcement 
obtained from  third  party sources  has  been correctly  and  fairly 
reproduced. So  far as  the Company  is aware  and has  been able  to 
ascertain from information published by such third parties, no  facts 
have been  omitted  which  would render  the  reproduced  information 
inaccurate or misleading. 
The Company  does  not  have  access to  the  facts  and  assumptions 
underlying the data extracted from  publicly available sources. As  a 
result, the Company is unable to verify such. 
Unless otherwise stated, information  regarding Guanabara's Offer  is 
sourced from  the Offer  Document and  other material  made  publicly 
available by Guanabara  or any  other person mentioned  in the  Offer 
The relevant  bases  of calculation  and  source of  information  are 
provided below in the order in which the relevant information appears 
in this  announcement. Where  financial or  operating information  is 
based on the underlying sources  and bases described in paragraph  B, 
the underlying  sources  and  bases are  not  repeated  again.  Where 
information is repeated  in this announcement,  the underlying  bases 
and sources are generally cited once and not repeated again. 
The reference to  the current  Company share  price is  based on  the 
closing price of  the Ordinary Shares  of 89.5 pence  as at 3  August 
2009,  being  the  last  dealing  day  prior  to  the  date  of  this 
The reference to the Guanbara Offer  valuing the Company at 37  pence 
per Ordinary Share  excluding net cash  is based on  the Group's  net 
cash balance  of EUR55,300,000  at  30 June  2009  as recorded  in  the 
Interim Results and 118,181,352  Ordinary Shares in  issue as at  the 
Latest Practicable  Date,  which is  equivalent  to EUR0.47  per  share 
(approximately 40 pence per share based on the Euro/Sterling exchange 
rate quoted on the Financial  Times website (www.ft.com) on 3  August 
2009 of 1.17450). The offer price of 77 pence per Ordinary Share less 
40 pence equals 37 pence per Ordinary Share. 
The reference to  the low  share price  is based  on the  discrepancy 
between the average share price of the 
Company since its admission to trading on AIM, being 160.4 pence, and 
the share  price  immediately  prior to  commencement  of  the  Offer 
Period, being 45.5 pence. 
The references to the  profit before tax in  the first half of  2009, 
significant revenue  growth and  increased  CER issuance  levels  are 
based on the Interim Results. 
The reference to  the recent legislative  developments in the  United 
States is based on the approval by the US House of Representatives of 
the American Clean Energy and Security Act on 26 June 2009. 
The reference to Company Shareholders representing 19.91 per cent. of 
the issued share capital having 
undertaken to reject the Guanabara Offer is based on the  irrevocable 
undertakings received by the Company from such Company Shareholders. 
The reference  to  the Company's  market  position is  based  on  the 
independent market research report by 
Verdantix of December 2008 and the industry awards referred to below. 
The reference  to  the  experience  and  industry  expertise  of  the 
Company's people is based on internal management information. 
The reference to Guanabara announcing that it was considering  making 
an offer for  the entire  issued share capital  of the  Company at  a 
price of 60 pence per Ordinary Share is sourced from the announcement 
made by  Guanabara on  5 June  2009 entitled  'Guanabara -  Rule  2.4 
The reference to EDF Trading announcing that it was also  considering 
making a  cash offer  for  the entire  issued  share capital  of  the 
Company at a price of at least 75 pence per Ordinary Share is sourced 
from the announcement  made by EDF  Trading on 8  June 2009  entitled 
'EDF Trading - Rule 2.4 Announcement'. 
The reference to the Board  rejecting both unsolicited approaches  as 
being wholly  inadequate  and  noting that  the  Board  had  recently 
received and rejected an indicative conditional proposal of 96  pence 
per Ordinary  Share in  cash from  EDF Trading  is sourced  from  the 
announcements  made  by  EcoSecurities   on  5  June  2009   entitled 
'EcoSecurities Response to Possible Offer made by EDF Trading' and on 
8 June 2009 entitled 'EcoSecurities  Response to Possible Offer  made 
by Guanabara'. 
The reference to  EDF Trading announcing  that it did  not intend  to 
progress its  possible  offer  and had  entered  into  a  conditional 
purchase agreement with Guanabara  is sourced from the  announcements 
made by EDF Trading on 16 July 2009 entitled 'EDF Trading - Statement 
Re Possible Offer  for EcoSecurities'  and 'EDF  Trading -  Portfolio 
Purchase Agreement with Guanabara in relation to EcoSecurities'. 
The reference to the Board  rejecting the Guanabara Offer is  sourced 
from the announcement made by 
EcoSecurities on  16 July  2009  entitled 'EcoSecurities  -  Intended 
Offer From  Guanabara,  Withdrawal of  Possible  Offer from  EDF  and 
Portfolio Purchase Agreement'. 
The reference to Tricorona AB  reviewing the situation regarding  the 
possibility of making an offer for the 
Company is sourced from the announcement  made by Tricorona AB on  21 
July 2009 entitled 'Tricorona - 
Possible Offer for EcoSecurities'. 
The financial  information  and  the  quotation  from  Mark  Nicholls 
contained in the "Recent trading and prospects" section are based  on 
and sourced from the Interim Results. 
The reference  to  the  strong  financial  and  operational  progress 
achieved by  the  Group is  based  on  the Interim  Results  and  the 
Company's Annual Report and Accounts 2008. 
The reference to the value of the Group's current portfolio is  based 
on the Company's internal portfolio 
information, the Interim Results, its forward sales position and  the 
Director's view of potential future Carbon Credit prices. 
The references to the Guanabara  Offer being opportunistic as to  its 
timing and seeking to  exploit the low share  price are based on  the 
discrepancy between the average share price of the Company since  its 
admission to trading on AIM, being  160.4 pence, and the share  price 
immediately prior to  commencement of  the Offer  Period, being  45.5 
The reference to  the Company's  large and  diversified portfolio  is 
based on the  Company's internal portfolio  information, the  Interim 
Results and the Company's Annual Report and Accounts 2008. 
The reference  to  the Company's  leading  reputation in  the  global 
carbon markets and  its market position  are based on  the number  of 
industry awards that  the Company  has obtained in  recent years  and 
market research reports, including: 
(a) 'Environmental Finances' award for 'Best CDM/JI Project Developer 
2008' for the second year in a row 
alongside the award for 'Best Voluntary Market Project Developer'; 
(b) New Carbon Finance award for  'Top Carbon Off-taker by Number  of 
Deals' in 2008; and 
(c) Verdantix, identifying the Company  in their 'Helping you  Change 
with the Climate'  research report of  December 2008 identifying  the 
Company as one of the 4 leading  firms in the carbon market in  their 
Green Quadrant 'Analysis of CDM Project Developers'. 
The reference to research coverage  published since the beginning  of 
the Offer Period is based on the following: 
(a)  a  report  from   KBC  Peel  Hunt   entitled  'Morning  Note   - 
EcoSecurities - Buy' dated 17 July 2009; and 
(b) a report from Mirabaud entitled 'EcoSecurities Clean Technology - 
Any More Bids? Mark II' dated 17 July 2009; and 
(c) a research  report from  Matrix Corporate  Capital entitled  'New 
Energy - Two Steps Forward..' dated 23 June 2009. 
The reference to  Guanabara's reasons  for making the  offer and  the 
quotations used are sourced from the Offer Document. 
The reference to the regulatory issues and delays that have adversely 
affected the carbon markets is based on the report of the UNFCCC 
entitled "Call for Inputs on Efficiency in the Operation of the CDM 
and Opportunities for Improvement" available at: 
The reference to the Group's strong progress in growing the  business 
is based on the Interim Results  and the Company's Annual Report  and 
Accounts 2008. 
The reference to the Group having delivered significant  consolidated 
revenue and net  revenue growth, increased  issuance levels of  CERs, 
growth in registered  projects and  CER production and  a strong  net 
cash position  of EUR55.3  million at  30  June 2009  is based  on  and 
sourced from the Interim Results. 
The reference to the Company's  CER portfolio post-2012 amounting  to 
125 million CERs at 30 June 2009  of which 95 per cent. did not  have 
fixed price  obligations  is  sourced from  internal  management  and 
financial data. 
The reference to a cap and  trade scheme for greenhouse gases in  the 
US that would  allow up  to 2 billion  tonnes of  offset credits  per 
year, of which up to 1.5 billion tonnes of CO2e per annum may be from 
international offset projects, is based on the American Clean  Energy 
and  Security  Act  (H.R.   2454)  approved  by   the  US  House   of 
Representatives on 26 June 2009. 
The reference  to the  CDM  market size  of  1.6 billion  tonnes  CO2 
expected from registered CDM projects to the end of 2012 is based  on 
data     from      the      UNFCCC      website,      sourced      at 
The plan for the UNFCCC parties  to meet in December 2009 is  sourced 
from  the  information  about  the  COP15  meetings  to  be  held  in 
Copenhagen contained in the following websites:  http://en.cop15.dk/; 
and http://unfccc.int/2860.php. 
The reference to the Board's belief at the time of the Company's  AIM 
admission is sourced from the Company's AIM admission document  dated 
14 December 2005. 
The reference  to  Guanabara's intention  to  delist the  Company  is 
sourced from the Offer Document. 
The references  to Guanabara  in  the paragraph  headed  'Guanabara's 
future strategy  for  the  Company'  are  all  based  on  information 
provided in the Offer Document. 
Appendix II: Definitions: 
"AIM" means the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange plc; 
"Associate" means any person  who is an associate  of the Company  by 
virtue of  any  of  paragraphs  (a)  to  (l)  of  the  definition  of 
"Associate" in Rule 2.2 of the Takeover Rules; 
"Board" means the  board of  directors of  the Company  from time  to 
"Company" or "EcoSecurities" means EcoSecurities Group Plc; 
"Company Shareholders"  or  "EcoSecurities  Shareholders"  means  the 
registered holders of Ordinary Shares; 
 "Directors" means the directors of the Company from time to time; 
 "EDF Trading" means EDF Trading  Limited, a wholly owned  subsidiary 
of Électricité de France S.A.; 
"Group" means the  Company and any  subsidiary of the  Company and  a 
"Group Company" means any one of them; 
"Guanabara" means Guanabara Holdings B.V.; 
"Guanabara Offer" or the "Offer" means the offer made by Guanabara in 
the Offer Document; 
 "Interim Results" means the unaudited interim results of the Company 
and its subsidiaries for the six  month period ended 30 June 2009  as 
set  out  in  Part  2  of  the  response  circular  posted  today  to 
EcoSecurities Shareholders; 
"Irish GAAP" means  the generally accepted  accounting principles  in 
"Latest Practicable  Date"  means  3  August  2009  (being  the  last 
practicable date  before the  publication  of the  response  circular 
posted today to EcoSecurities Shareholders); 
"Offer Document" means the offer  document issued by Guanabara on  22 
July 2009; 
"Offer Period" means the period commencing on 5 June 2009; 
"Ordinary Shares" means ordinary shares of EUR0.0025 each in the  share 
capital of the Company, each an "Ordinary Share"; 
 "RBS Hoare Govett" means RBS Hoare Govett Limited; 
"Takeover Rules" means the Irish  Takeover Panel Act, 1997,  Takeover 
Rules 2007 and 2008 available at www.irishtakeoverpanel.ie; and 
"US" or "United States" means the United States of America. 
Appendix III: Glossary of technical terms 
"Carbon Credits"  means greenhouse  gas Emission  Reduction  benefits 
arising from project-level activities; 
"CDM" means Clean Development Mechanism,  being the provision of  the 
Kyoto Protocol that governs project level carbon credit  transactions 
between developed and developing countries; 
"CER"  means  Certified  Emission  Reduction,  being  carbon  credits 
created by  CDM  projects. 1  CER  corresponds  to 1  tonne  of  CO2e 
Emission Reductions; 
"CMIA"  means   the  Carbon   Market  Investors   Association  -   an 
international trade  association representing  businesses working  to 
reduce carbon emissions through the  market mechanisms of the  UNFCCC 
and the Kyoto Protocol; 
"CO2e" means carbon dioxide equivalent and the unit used in the Kyoto 
"Emission Reductions"  means  units  ascribed  to  the  reduction  of 
greenhouse gas related emissions; 
"GHG" means  greenhouse gases,  such as  CO2 that  trap heat  in  the 
"Gross" means in respect of contracted and portfolio acquisitions  of 
Emission Reductions, the total project volumes without adjustment for 
EcoSecurities'  share   of   Emission  Reductions   from   individual 
"IETA" means  the International  Emissions Trading  Association -  an 
international trade  association involved  in the  development of  an 
active, global greenhouse gas market and the creation of systems  and 
instruments to ensure effective business participation; 
"JI" means Joint Implementation, the provision of the Kyoto  Protocol 
that  governs  project-level   carbon  credit  transactions   between 
entities located in Annex 1 countries; 
"Kyoto  Protocol"  means  the  international  agreement  under  which 
industrialised countries commit to reduce GHG emissions; 
"Net" means in  respect of contracted  and portfolio acquisitions  of 
Emission Reductions, adjusted  for EcoSecurities'  share of  Emission 
Reductions from individual contracts; 
"Net Trading Margin" means the net spread on principal  arrangements, 
net agency  fees  (after commission  to  third parties)  and  project 
development margins, and excludes other direct cost inputs and  fixed 
cost allocations; 
"Portfolio" means  rights  to  buy or  receive  Carbon  Credits  from 
Emission Reduction projects  that are  capable of producing  up to  a 
stated level of Carbon Credits; 
"tCO2e" means tonnes of carbon  dioxide equivalent, units for  carbon 
dioxide equivalent calculations; 
"UNFCCC" means  the United  Nations Framework  Convention on  Climate 
Change, signed in 1992; and 
"VER" means Verified Emission Reduction, being carbon credits created 
through voluntary emission reduction projects. One VER corresponds to 
1 tonne of CO2e Emission Reductions. 
 - ENDS - 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

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